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Character's Full Name: Maras Ririna

Name origin:

Date: ----Maras name of her maternal great-grandmother

Nickname, if any (if so, explain its origin e.g. who created Wrath/Lord Wrath(Imperials), Mar(Kira Carsen),
Tempest(Strike Team code name), Tis(Darth Nox)
Does s/he like the nickname?

Likes: Wrath/Lord Wrath, Tempest; Dislikes: Tis, Mar

Birth date:

5th month, 1st day(eg. May 1 in Earth), 3659 BBY

Place of birth:

Dromund Kaas

Ethnic background:



Sith Order

Degree of religious practice (e.g. orthodox, casual, lapsed):: Unorthodox

Current address:

Dromund Kaas

Does s/he rent or own?


Brief description of home (apartment, house, etc.):

Does s/he live with anyone?

At a penthouse in a luxury apartment building in

Dromund Kaas. She doesnt pay.
She lives with her crew.

Describe the area in which s/he lives (city, town, rural, other): The city she lives in is constantly being passed
through by several thunderstorms a day due to the dark side energy being strong in the planet.
Is this his/her ideal home and location? If not, what would s/he prefer? No. She prefers to live in a planet not
plagued by the dark side, and is not too crowded.
Home decor:



Carefully planned




Does s/he drive? Own a car? (Make, model, color, age, etc.): Aratech Nightscythe(color: Black; age: 2 years old;
description: Looks pristine and brand new despite its usage and age)
Pets? (If so, what kind/how many/names?) None
If so, how important are they? How well are they treated?

Current occupation (include length of time, location, job title): Sith Lord (2 years; since 3642 BBY; appointed to
Sith Lord by her master, Darth Baras, inside her ship; after Barass betrayal, she was approached by the Hands and
was appointed to the Emperors Wrath)
Job satisfaction (happy, discontent, ambivalent, ambitious...): Happy with being the Emperors Wrath and the
authority it brings, but didnt like the distinction and fame (or in-fame?) it gave her. She prefers to doing what she
does best, that is being in the battlefield and gaining victories for the Empire, which is why the task of being the
councils (and the whole Sith Order, in general) watchdog frustrates her.
Income: A lot. She gets a lot of money from the Empire.
Sexuality (e.g. straight, gay, bisexual, asexual, uncertain): Straight
Marital status: Single
If married or currently romantically involved, with whom, and for how long?
List any significant previous romantic partners: Malavai Quinn, Kain Duval(quick fling), Dash Althe(quick fling)

For current spouse/partner, what does the character call him/her (pet names, nicknames, etc.)?

How did they meet?

Any children (include names, ages, other parent if different from any current partner):

Describe his/her relationship with children (if any)?

Height: 56

Weight: 170 lbs.

Body type: Athletic

Eye color: Pale Blue

Need glasses/contacts/hearing aid?

Skin tone: Pale

Face shape (round, oval, chubby, thin, long, square, heart-shaped, etc.:


Any prominent features, freckles/moles/scars/tattoos or other distinguishing marks: Scar on her left cheek; Birth
mark on her back
Whom does s/he most look like (e.g. famous person or relative)? Mother

General health (good, excellent, poor...)?


Any current health problems or chronic conditions?

How does s/he dress?


Haute Couture












Why does she dress in the above manner (e.g. to be noticed)? Because she is a Sith Lord.

Any special jewelry? (If so, why is it special?)


Fastidious/Very neat


What about accessories?

Clean but scruffy

No jewelry, but she

wears a mask taken from
Lord Grathan in order to
mask her Light aura.


If other than average, why?

Describe hairstyle (long, short, crewcut, locs, bangs, side-part etc.): Shoulder-length, long bangs
Natural hair texture (smooth, wavy, curly, etc.): Smooth

Current hair texture (if different):

Natural hair color:

Current hair color (if different):

Chestnut Brown


Pace of speech (fast, average, slow?): Average

Voice tone: harsh (to Imperials and her enemies), soft (to
close people), authoritative, cultured

Accent/dialect, if any: Imperial dialect (Welsh)

Any favorite/habitual words/phrases? Curse words?

Ive got a bad feeling about this
Knock yourself out.
You have my gratitude.

Describe general vocabulary or speech pattern (e.g. educated, precise, pretentious, average, uneducated, vulgar)
Educated. To Imperials and her enemies: {Highly contemptuous. Condescending.} To everyone else: {Polite and






Other (describe)

Friendly to people she just met who are not in the Imperial military or in the Sith Order. Downright rude and condescending on her
perceived enemies and Sith.

Typical posture:


Stands straight but not stiffly

Average, varies with mood


Slouchy, careless

Other (describe)


When excited

Most of the time


Other (describe)

Common/habitual gestures (e.g. nail-biting, hair patting, drumming fingers, clenched fists, hands in pockets, etc.):
Hand on her lightsabers on her belt. Scratches ear and forehead when thinking. Crosses arms and stiffens when
lying. Bites lower lip when annoyed.


Finances: (prudent/cautious, some debt, lives paycheck to paycheck, deep in debt, criminal activity, etc.): No debt.
Doesnt really do much to her finances because she never has to worry about credits.

Personal Habits: Smoking, Drinking, Drugs, Gambling, etc.? Are any of these addictions?

Morning Routine: Wakes up at the same time each morning with no alarm needed. Does a one-hour meditation and
a one-hour lightsaber practice. Showers. Eats.

Afternoon/Workday: She works wherever the Emperor or Darth Marr wants her to work. She gets there using her
ship, the Fury. Shes very good at her job. She would rather collaborate with Marr than do her Wrath
responsibilities, but she does them both diligently anyway. Working with Marr takes a few months at best, while
her Wrath duties take not less than one month to a few months. Typical afternoons, she spends tracking down or
readying for battle.
Dinner: Does s/he eat at home or go out a lot? What is/are his or her favorite restaurant(s)? Who cooks at home?
Does s/he eat alone?
She eats at the Fury most of the time. Her favorite restaurant is a childhood cantina in Dromund Kaas known as
the Vine Cat, which cooks her favorite food, an intensely spicy Mandalorian casserole named Tiingilar. Vette cooks
for everyone. She eats mostly with her crew (except Broonmark, who prefers to eat alone).
Evening: She normally spends the evening doing work, if not, she meditates further and practices her lightsaber
technique. Sometimes, she gets to know her crew. Without fail, every Primeday (first day of the week) she
watches a new episode of the hit holo-drama, Sci-fantasy.
Sleep Habits: Ever since her defeat of her master, she hasnt had dreams, nightmares or visions. Being with Cett
had brought it back however.
Any special talents? Skills? Skilled in lightsaber combat. Powerful Force practitioner. Force Empathy.

What is s/he particularly unskilled at? Cant lie to save her soul. Can be very rude. Prefers the easier route.
Desires a challenge too much.

Any hobbies (sports, games, arts, collecting, etc.)? Watching Sci-fantasy.

Mother's name (include maiden name if known/applicable):
Arili Ririna (Darth Pravus) {Ririna is her mothers maiden name} {Arian and Arili are second-cousins}
Current status:



(If alive, enter age: )

Mothers occupation, if any:

Was a Sith Lord

Describe the mothers relationship with character:

Her mother was doting but manipulative. She knew how

powerful Maras was, and wanted her to become one of
the Council. Maras, in turn, hated her mother for
constantly lying to her and being contriving.

Father's name:
Arian Ardas-Ririna (Darth Regnum) {Arian and Arili are second-cousins}
Current status:



(If alive, enter age: )

Fathers occupation, if any:

Was a Sith Lord

Describe the fathers relationship with character:

Her father was blunt and straightforward, and he spent

the most time with her more than her older brothers. He
wasnt forgiving of mistakes on her part, but
unbeknownst to her, hes doing it for her sake. Maras
has a grudging respect for him, since some of his
teachings have proven to be valuable, but still hates his

Any step-parents, foster parents, or birth parents (if not same as above):
(If s/he is adopted, does s/he know? If not, why?)
Sibling(s) (include age and birth order relative to main character):
Llon Ririna (25 years old - 6 year gap 1st son)
Corran Ririna (22 years old 3 year gap 2nd son)
Kira Ririna (21 years old - 2 year gap - 1st daughter)
Galak Ririna (19 years old 3 minute gap 3rd son)
Relationship(s) with character:
Llon Never knew him//died at 5 years old because of her fathers harsh training.
Corran Never got to know him better//killed in Korriban at 15 years old.
Kira Liked her the best from her siblings. Felt betrayed when she disappeared when she was 8 years old.
Galak He was born a non-Force sensitive, much to the disappointment of his parents, and for that, he hates her
very much. He serves in the Imperial military as a young captain.

In-Laws, if any:

Essia Ririna Galaks infant daughter

Sarisa Ririna nee Kodd Galaks wife

Other than the above, who else in the story is part of his/her extended family?

Home town (if different from current home): Dromund Kaas
Was his/her childhood happy? Troubled? Dull? Does the character remember it accurately?
Her childhood was troubled. She was mentally abused by her mother and physically abused by her father. Her
siblings, save for Kira, were either jealous of their parents attention to her or did not care for her well-being. Kira,
the only person she felt she could trust, ran away when she was only 8 years-old, leaving her alone. Galak scarred
her face using a vibro-cutter when she was 6. The only person that didnt lie or betray her was the son of her
familys slave. He helped her through troubled times up until she helped him run away with the remainder of his
Earliest memory: Her mother carrying her towards her bed, telling her how powerful shes going to be when she
grows up.
Happiest memory: Talking with her slave friend about her troubles while her parents were away on Sith business.
She woke up very early that morning and they went out and played like normal children.
Saddest memory: Hearing from her parents that Kira left without saying a word.

How much school did s/he attend, if any? Did/does s/he like school? Why or why not?
She was homeschooled for the most of her youth, but she was sent to Ziost as she got older and then Korriban to
finish her training. She was trained to be impartial and not complain about it. But yes, she did hate it. Mainly
because the way her parents and instructors treated her cruelly and expected her to be just as cruel as they. Also,
at one point in her homeschooling that she wanted Galaks approval, but couldnt get it because of the fact that
shes Force-sensitive and hes not.
Most significant childhood event: Finally calling out on her mother for her lies. (Her mother was quite happy about
it because she finally acted like a real Sith and because of how cold she was to her.)
Other significant childhood events: First use of the Force (Pushed her father); Kiras departure; First animal kill
(Vine cat cub); First sentient kill (Unnamed slave); First friend (Slave boy)

Significant past jobs: Apprentice

Police record (explain any convictions, sentence served, where/when):

First crush/romantic love? Slave Boy

What was his/her first sexual experience? Is it a positive or negative memory?
No. She was only 12
Major illnesses, accidents or traumas? How is s/he still affected, if at all?
A lot. Which is why shes moved on.
Who is his/her best friend? Vette
Who are his/her other close friends? Jaesa
How in general does the character relate to friends? They fight together; They have no sociopathic tendencies.
to strangers? Shes very polite.
to spouse/Lover? n/a
to past spouses/lovers? Quinn (shes cold towards him) ; Her quick flings (indifferent)
to own children, if any?
to other family members? Ranging from indifference to outright hate.
to the same sex? n/a
to the opposite sex? n/a
to children in general? - Uncomfortable
to others who are more successful? n/a
to others who are less successful? n/a
to boss (if any)? Respect for his prowess
to underlings at work? Polite and encouraging, but can be also rudely honest
to competitors? - Indifferent
to authority (police, IRS, politicians, attorneys, doctors, etc.)? - Indifferent
What do most people consider his/her most likeable trait? Not sociopathic and blood-crazy
What do most people consider his/her biggest flaw? - Brutally honest and unabashed
Any secret attractions/crushes? Cett (In the future)
In romantic relationships, is s/he generally monogamous or uncommitted? (If the latter, is s/he honest w/
partners?) - Monogamous
Is his/her sexual behavior inhibited, average, experimental, or reckless? Has this changed (and if so, why)?
Inhibited at first, but after Quinns betrayal she has had two other flings, which is a lot coming from her.
Whom does s/he dislike most, and why? Her mother | Darth Nox

Whom does s/he like most, and why? Vette (honest with her, likes her humor, childish personality compliments
her more serious personality, knows her way around, capable of defending herself)
Cett (also honest with her, honorable, powerful, very adept in lightsaber combat, understanding)
Who's the most important person in his/her life right now, and why?
Kira Carsen despite her saying, she wants to heal their relationship with each other
Cett she will grow to like him
Whom does s/he secretly admire (nonromantic), and why? Cett (before liking him) very powerful and capable
Who was his/her biggest influence, and why? Her father (most of his values and teachings are what made Maras)
Person s/he most misunderstands or misjudges: Kira Carsen | Darth Nox
Person who most misunderstands or misjudges him or her: Alastor Moody
Has s/he lost touch with anyone significant in his/her life? If so, why? Kira and Galak. Kira ran away when she
was little and Galak hates her.
Worst end of a relationship (could be friend, romance, colleague)? Quinn (he tried to kill her)
Whom does s/he most rely on for practical advice? None, later Hermione
Whom does s/he most rely on for emotional support? Vette, later added Cett
Whom, if anyone, does s/he support (e.g. advice or emotional support)?
Her crew. Later, Cett.
Any psychological issues (e.g. phobias, depression, paranoia, narcissism, etc.)?
Can be blood lusted if in the middle of a battle. Polite, but quick to distrust and slow to trust.

Is s/he an optimist or pessimist?

Meyers Briggs Personality Type (see ISFJ
S/he is most comfortable when ... : Hanging out with Vette//Meditating Alone

S/he is most uncomfortable when ... : Being with Galak

Is s/he cautious, brave, or reckless in his/her approach to life? - Brave

What does s/he most value/prioritize? Thrill of battling a capable opponent//Her friendship with Vette

Whom does s/he really love best? Vette

Whom or what would s/he be willing to die for? Vette//Jaesa
Is s/he generally compassionate or self-involved? Compassionate towards everyone other than Sith
Personal philosophy: Di j'us mohtos. Meaning anything fate throws at her, shell persevere.
Whats his/her most embarrassing moment? Being bested in combat by Galak when they were little. Galak has
been using the memory ever since until she became a Sith Lord.
What is his/her secret wish? To become a Jedi.

What (or who) is his/her biggest fear? Being found out by the Sith that she is Light.
Any prejudices (race, culture, sexuality, religion, etc.)? n/a

Political party or beliefs, if any: The Empire.

Does s/he believe in fate or destiny? Is s/he superstitious? - Yes
Character's greatest strength: Compassion.
Other good characteristics: Honorable, Strength in the Force, Honesty
Character's greatest flaw: Can be seduced to the Dark side if she is in the presence of Kira, or if her mother and
father are brought up and used for taunting.
Other character flaws: Brutally honest, Overconfidence, Sometimes nave
What are his/her own favorite attributes (both physical and personal)? She likes the color of her eyes and her
What about least favorite? Her scar and her inability to lie effectively.
Are these feelings accurate? Yes.
How does s/he think others perceive him or her? (And is this accurate?)
She thinks that she has everyone fooled into thinking that she is an agent of the Dark side. It is accurate but
people who get to know her well enough are not fooled.
Biggest regret: Trusting Quinn
Other regrets:
Proudest accomplishment: Becoming a powerful Force practitioner
Other accomplishments: Becoming a Sith Lord, Mastering Juyo
Quirks: Likes to battle strong foes, Scar on left side of cheek, Ambidextrous, Calls people names in High Sith,
Constantly jokes (which is quirky for a Sith Lord), Likes watching Sci-Fantay, Heavy Spender, Early Riser, Fears
being found out about her Lightness, Always likes to wear expensive black, red or grey clothes, Doesnt drink
alcolhol, Named her lightsabers Rudni and Midwan, Likes to talk about Jedi-Sith differences, Uncanny ability to
remember important dates and times, Scowls a lot
Character's biggest secret(s)? Who else knows (if anyone)?
She is a Light-sided Sith. The only person who knows this is Jaesa and Vette, others who are not as close but know
her well enough have their suspiscions.
How does s/he react to a crisis? In a very calm manner.
What usually causes the problems in his/her life (romance, finances, friends, rivals, colleagues, personality flaws,
health, etc.)?
Her job, contrasting with her affiliation with the Force.
What would s/he most like to change about her-/himself? Why?
Her past. She wishes that she grew up in one of the core worlds in the Republic so that she would have grown up
to be a Jedi instead of being a Sith.
Write a paragraph (~100 words) of the character describing him/herself:
I am the Emperors Wrath. That is what you will address me, as I will not divulge my name to you. I am a Sith
Lord, and no, I will not remove my mask. I prefer that we keep this discussion business-like, so any personal
questions from this point onward will be ignored. I serve the Emperor as his executioner and I watch the Council
for him in case they try to pull what my late master tried to do. In any case, do not try to get in my way, or there
will be consequences.
Short term goals:

Gaining the Emperors trust.

Long term goals:

Changing the Sith Empire from the inside to be Light.

Does s/he plan to achieve these goals,

or does s/he think theyre unrealistic?

She plans to achieve them, but she doesnt think shell

succeed since the Emperor is strong, and the Sith are too

war-like at the moment.

Will others be affected? If so, does s/he care?

The Sith philosophy will be affected, and possibly there

will be deaths. She cares, but will do it anyway.

What if anything is stopping him/her from achieving these goals?

The Emperor and every Dark-sided Sith.
What event or occurrence does s/he most dread or fear? Her plans being found out, or her Lightness being found
What does he/she actively work to gain, keep or protect? Her Lightness, and her apprentices Lightness.

Which person in his/her life would s/he most want to emulate?

Darth Malgus and Darth Marr minus the Dark side.
Which person in his/her life would s/he least want to emulate?
Her mother.
Food: Tiingilar

Drink: Sapir Tea

Color: Black

Book: The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural

Film: Guardians of the Force

TV Show: Sci-fantasy

Music/Song: Mad About Me

Sport: n/a

Hangout(s): The Fury

Motto/Quote: Theres nothing I cant handle.

Possession: Her lightsabers

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