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Unidad 1 Pidiendo Comida Rpida

A May I help you?

B Two Big Macs, fries and a Coke, please.
A Large or small fries?
B Small, please.
A What size Coke?
B Small.
A Diet or regular?
B Diet.
A 15 this to stay or to go 7
B Stay.
A OK. That's $8.42, please. Step down and pick up your order.
B Thank you.
Variantes y Combinaciones
What size Coke would you like?
A cheeseburger, large fries and a coffee.
Cream and sugar in the coffee?
Cream, no sugar.
Just black, thanks.
To go.

Unidad 2 Llamando a Informacin

A New York Telephone. Good evening, Mary speaking.
B Hello, could you give me the number of a restaurant called
America on 19th Street? I'm sorry, I don't have the exact address.
A Thank you. One moment, please. I'm sorry, I don't have anything noted under that name. Could you repeat
me the name, please?
B Yes, it's a restaurant called America.
A Thank you. One moment, please. 1'11 try again.
B Thank you.
A The number is 986-3154.
Variantes y combinaciones
Could you repeat the name again, please?

Unidad 3 Cmo Voy al Correo?

A Excuse me, can you tell me how I get to the central post office?
B The central post office? Let me think. Yes, continue along here for three blocks, turn left at the Contrapunto
Caf and then first right. You'll see a shoe shop at the corner. The central post office is about three minutes
walk from the corner, on the right. You can't miss it. It's a large red brick building.
A Thank you. So that's three blocks along here, turn left at the Contrapunto Caf, first right at the shoe shop,
and it's on the right.
B That's it. And you'd better hurry as it closes at five.

Unidad 4 Cmo Funciona esta Mquina?

A I'm sorry to trouble you, but do you know how this machine
B You mean the washing machine?
A Yeso
B Well, I guess you just put your quarters in the slot, like this.
A Oh, now I see. They go flat.
B That's it. Then you load your machine, put the washing
powder in a cupful and close the lid. It takes about thirty minutes.
A Does the dryer work in the same way'
B Yes, it does. It's front-Ioading. You'lI need five quarters, too.
A Thanks for your help. 1 appreciate it.
B Simple, really, when you know how.
A They go in flat.

Unidad 5 Desayunando Fuera de la Lluvia

A Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?
B Pardon me?
A 15 anyone sitting here? 15 this seat taken?
B No, no, it's not. There's no one sitting here. 11'5 a pretty busy
morning, isn't it? It must be the rain.
A Yes, maybe that's it. Waiter, may I see the menu, please?
B Sure, here you are. Can 1 get you some coffee7
A Thank you. 1'11 take a blueberry muffin and orange juice as
Variantes y combinaciones
It's pretty busy this morning.
a blueberry muffin and an orange juice.

Unidad 6 Comprando Camisas

A 15 there anything lean help you with, sir?
B Yeso I'm looking for short-sleeved eotton shirts.
A If you'd ea re to come over here, sir, we have a large seleetion in eotton.
B Thank you. What have you available in neek size 15, in blue or white?
A Plain or patterned?
B Plain, I think. No poekets. And an ordinary collar, not
button-down. Something simple.
A May I suggest this, sir? The cut is simple, yet elegant.
We have it in your size and in the colors you want. Would you eare to try it on?
B Yes, thank YOU.
Variantes y combinaciones
Neek size 39 (metrie), in blue or white, plain, no poekets.
What color do you want?
Blue or white?
What neek size do you need?
neek size 1 5
What kind do you want?

Unidad 7 Conversando Mientras Espera el Autobs

A Hi, are you waiting for the bus to LA, too?
B Excuse me, are you talking to me?
A Well, yes, I guess we must be waiting for the same bus. The
11 :20 to LA. Are you going to LA, too?
B Well, yes I amo The bus sems to be late, doesn't it?
A Yes, twenty minutes, it seems. That's what the announce ment said.
We mayas well get a coffee or soda. It's a long bus ride. Would you care to join me?
B Sure, why not. Good idea. It is a long ride.
Variantes y Combinaciones
11'5 a long ride to LA.

Unidad 8 Denunciando un Robo

A Poi ice operator 506. Where is your poi ice emergency?
B Hello, is that Emergency?
A Ves, it is. Where is your emergency?
B Well, I'm at the comer of Washington Street and Lincoln
Drive, at 204 Washington Street. Aman with a knife has just attacked a lady in the lobby and snatched her
purse. I think he's still in the building.
A I see. Let me confirm the address. You're at 204 Washington Street, which is at the comer of Washington
Street and Lincoln Drive.
B Ves, it's on the south side of Washington Street next to
Vera's Flower Shop.
A What's the apartment number?
B Well, I'm in the lobby now. I was visiting some friends in 1-E.

A May I have your phone number and your name?

B Ves, the number is 857-2111 and my name is Beppe
A How do you spell that?
B B-E-P-P-E s-c -I-M-O-N-E.
A Please stay where you are. The poi ice will be there as soon
as possible,

Unidad 9 Conocidos del Club Atltico

A Jaime, have you met Julio? He's a new member, He just
B Hi, Ana, good to see you, How are you doing Julio? Nice to
meet you, This a great club, you know e How do you do, Jaime?
You're a member, too, are you7
B Yes, I've been a member here since I moved to LA from New
York three years ago. e I see,
B Yes, Ana and I usually play tennis on Sundays, but I've been
in Europe on business most of this month, I sure miss the
exercise, Do you play?
C Yes, Ana and I had a game this morning, We were just
going to lunch,
A Why don't you join us, Jaime?
B Well, thank you, Ana. I'd like that.
A Come on, then, Let's go,

Unidad 10 La Maana Despus de una Fiesta

A What's wrong with Luis?
B Luis?
A Ves, Luis. He's over there. He looks terrible. Tired, pale, black
rings around his eyes. He looks really sick.
B You're right. He doesn't look too good. Let's find out what's
the matter. A Luis, hi. How are you doing? e Oh, hello, Linda. I'm
doing OK, thanks. Just taking a quick
coffee break between jobs. Do you want to join me7
A Thanks, but I just had lunch with George. He's sitting over
there. We thought you looked tired. Are you OK?
e Tired? Well, yeso I only got a couple of hours of sleep last
night. It was my sister's twenty-first birthday.

Unidad 11 Cmo le Va?

A How are you doing? I haven't talked with you lately, What's
B I'm doing OK, I've been so busy at work I haven't had a
chance to do anything,
A I know the feeling, I've been swamped myself,
B I've heard your mother is sick, Lola, How is she doing now?
15 she out of the hospital?
A She's coming along slowly, but she's still in the hospital,
B Well, I hope she gets well real soon, I've got to go now. I've
got a ride home,
A Yes, thanks for your good wishes, See you next week,
B Yes, take care, Bye,
Variantes y Combinaciones
I haven't talked to you lately,
I've been swamped with work myself.

Unidad 12 Buscando un Apartamento

A Turtle Bay Towers sales office.

B Hello, may I speak to Helen?

A This is Helen speaking. How can I help you?
B My name is Paul Agnel and I'm calling in reply to your ad in
the Los Angeles Times regarding studio apartments for rent.
Can you tell me what you have available?
A Well, we still have two studios. One with a terrace and a beautiful
city view, and another on a lower floor without much of a view but
with extensive closet space.
B I see. Well, maybe I could come and take a look at them.
A With pleasure.
B When would that be possible?
A Friday through Wednesday. Thursdays we're closed. The
sales office is open from twelve noon until seven PM. You're welcome to come anytime between those hours.
We're on the twenty-second floor.
B Thank you, 1'11 do that. Just one question. Can you tell me
the square footage of the studios?
A They're both about six hundred square feet, I believe.
B Thank you.
A You are most welcome. Ilook forward to seeing you, Mr. Agnel.
Variantes y Combinaciones
regarding part-time work
regarding English lessons
regarding the time of my appointment
regarding my son Pedro
What is there now?
just one more question

Unidad 13 Vamos al Cine?

A What would you say to a movie this evening, Maria?
B What a good idea! Have you any particular one in mind?
A Something light and amusing. What about the Michael
Douglas movie, "Black Rain"?
B Sounds fine. Where is it on?
A It's playing at the Paris, next to the Plaza Hotel. Let me see.
It starts at 7:10.
B OK, let's meet here at 5:30, after class, and have a quick
sandwich before we go.
A Right. See you there at 5:30, then. Bye for now. Back to class.
Variantes y Combinaciones see you here

Unidad 14 Discutiendo Horarios de Trabajo

A Are you coming in tomorrow morning, Caria?
B Excuse me? 1 didn't catch what you said, Juan.
A [ wondered it you were working tomorrow morning.
B Let me check the schedule. Saturday the twenty-second. It
looks like I'm down tor the early shift tomorrow, yeso But ['m off Sunday.
A That's what 1 thought. Good. Then 1'11 see you tomorrow
morning. Have a good night.
B Thanks. You too. Good night.

Unidad 15 Cambiando una Cita para una Entrevista

A John Lewis' office. How can 1 help you?
B Good morning. I'm calling in reference to an interview I
have with Mr. Lewis at four this afternoon.
A Yeso Are you Mr. Rodriguez?
B That's correct, but I'm sorry, I'm not able to come because
I'm sick.
A Oh, that's too bad, Mr. Rodriguez.
B I have a very high fever. I wonder if it would be possible to
reschedule the interview.
A Wel!, certainly. When-perhaps you could cal! again when

you're better. B Yes, thank you very mucho 1'11 do that. Goodbye. A Goodbye.

Unidad 16 Anticipando una Visita

A I'm so excited! At this time tomorrow morning, Enrico will
be having breakfast with uso
B When does he arrive, Roberta?
A At 9:40 this evening.
B By plane? Direct from Madrid?
A Yeso Pedro and I are picking him up at the airport.
B I expect he'll be exhausted after such a long flight.
A I expect he will, but he can sleep late and then we'll have
breakfast together. I can't wait!
Variantes y Combinaciones.
We'lI all have breakfast.

Unidad 17 Abriendo una Nueva Cuenta Bancaria

A Good afternoon. I wish to open an account, please.
B Yes, sir. Would you step this way? The next available
assistant will help you.
A Thank you.
C Good afternoon, how can I assist you?
A I'd like to open an account.
C 1'11 need you to fill in this form, please. What kind of account
would you like? Checking or a savings account?
A Well, I need a checking account, and would you tell me how
lean get an ATM card?
C Well, sir, you'll automatically receive an ATM card with your
new checking account.
A I see, thank you.
C Please fill in the form with your full name, address, phone
number and social security number, plus your initial deposit
AFine, OK.
C Do you want your address and telephone number on your
A Yes, I think so.
C So that's apartment 6-U, 1143 Acacia Boulevard, spelled
A-C -A-C -I-A. 15 that correct?
A That's correct.
- Variantes y Combinaciones . Automated Teller Machine (ATM)

Unidad 18 Comprando Boletos por Telfono

A Ticketron, how can 1 help you?
B I'd like two tickets tor "Grand Hotel." Wha1's available tor
next Monday night?
A Now, tha1's two tickets tor "Grand Hotel." Well, we've got
orchestra seats, row P center available at $50, or I can offer
you balcony seats at the si de tront at $35.
B Fine, 1'11 take the orchestra seats.
A (ould I have your name and credit card number?
B Yeso 11'5 Lee Ald, spelled L-E-E A-L-D. And my card is Ameri
can Express number 732481669845001. The expiration date is 2/91.
A So that's Mr. Lee Ald and your card is American Express number 732481669845001. The expiration date is
2/91. The total comes to $124 and the tickets can be picked up at
the box office, one halt hour betore the performance.
B Thank you.
A You'lI need to show your American Express credit card when
you pick up the tickets.
B Fine.
A Is there anything else 1 can do tor you?
B Thank you, no. Bye.

Variantes y Combinaciones tor $35

with an expiration date ot 2/91 with a 2/91 expiration date
The total is $124. ~
show your American Express card

Unidad 19 Pidiendo Consejo Mdico

A International Clinic.
B May I speak with Dr. Stim?
A May I ask who's calling?
B Yes, it's Laura Andara calling about my father.
A Oh, yeso Would you hold a moment, Miss Andara? 1'11 try to
connect you.
C Dr. Stim speaking. How can 1 help you, Miss Andara?
A I'm sorry to trouble you, but I'm worried about my father's
breathing. It seems most irregular.
C When did you first notice it?
A Yesterdayevening.
C Sounds like his heart problem again.
A That's what I feared.
C Sta y with him, Miss Andara, and 1'11 get an ambulance to
you soon as I can.
A Thank you. Goodbye.
C Goodbye.
Variantes y Combinaciones
Can 1 speak with Dr. Stim?
calling about her father

Unidad 20 Llamando por un Anuncio de Empleo

A Hello, good morning. 15 this James Lincoln Associates?
B Good morning. Yes, James Lincoln Associates. Martha
Phillips speaking. How can I help you?
A I'm calling in reply to your ad for a part-time accounting
position. Could you give me further details?
B Of course, I'd be pleased to. We're looking for someone for
our accounting department between 9 and 2 daily, Monday
through Friday.
A Then it's five hours a day, twenty-five hours a week. Could I
ask you what hourly rate you're offering?
B Fifteen dollars an hour. Would you like to set up a time to
come in and talk about it?
A Thank you, yeso When would be convenient for you to see me?
B Tomorrow at ten?
A That would be fine. Can you tell me your exact location?
B Yeso 11'5 226 Sunset Boulevard, the Concord Building. We're
on the second floor. Come to suite 212. And your name?
A Mario Blanco. Thank you. Ten o' dock tomorrow, then.
B Goodbye.

Unidad 21 El Suter Verde Perdido

A I'm looking for my green sweater, Pilar. Halle yo seen it?
B Your green sweater? Mmm, let me see. Ves, you lent it to David.
A David? Never. He doesn't wear green, he hates i1. He's
always in blue or gray.
B Well, then I don't know where it is. When did you wear it last?
A Good question. Let me think. Well, I think I wore it to class
yesterday afternoon. The weather changed suddenly and I
felt cold.
B That's right. I remember now. You were wearing it when you
got to Franco's.
A Yeah! It was so hot in the restaurant that I took it off. I must

have left it there.

B Give them a call and see if they've found i1.

Unidad 22 En el Consultorio del Doctor

A Good morning. My name is Carlos Pineda. I have a 10
o'dock appointment with Dr. Puckett.
B Good morning. 15 this your first visit to Dr. Puckett,
Mr. Pineda?
A Yes, it is.
B Fine. Well, take a seat and while you're waiting to see the
doctor fill in this form, please.
A OK. Do you have a pen I can use?
B Certainly. Here you are.
A Thank you.
B The doctor will see you now. Leave your form with me.
A Here you are. Thanks.
Variantes y Combinaciones
Leave the form with me.

Unidad 23 Concertando una Cita con un Viejo Amigo

A Hi, Mario. 11'5 great to see you again. I wanted to ask you
about the exercise class given on Mondays.
B Oh, hi, Helen. I have to run to the bank. It closes at three
o'clock, so I'm in a bit of a rush.
A This will only take a minute. I just want to know if the
Monday class is filled or I could still register for it.
B As a matter of fact, I would be very happy to have you attend
this class. Eight people have signed for it, so we still have
space for two more students. Would you like to enroll now?
A Yes, I really would like that. Should I come to class this
B Absolutely. The class begins at 7 o'clock sharp. Don't forget
to wear your tennis shoes and exe'rcise clothes.
A I won't forget them. Thank you for taking the time with me.
B Not at al!. 1'11 see you on Monday at 7 o'clock.
A I'm looking forward to it.
Variantes y Combinaciones
the class is filled or if I could still register for it so we have space
don't forget to bring your tennis shoes

Unidad 24 Organizando la Fiesta de Fin de Curso

A What terrible weather. It hasn't stopped raining al! day.
B 11'5 not going to stop either, according to this morning's
weather forecast.
A Oh, that's too bad. Do you think we should rearrange
tomorrow's barbecue, then? Postpone it till Sunday?
B No, I don't think that is necessary. You see, we can have it in
the student lounge, indoors, if it's raining.
A Good! It wouldn't really be the same if we had to postpone it,
as the last class is tomorrow. The barbecue will make a
fine ending to the intensive study program.
B Le1's hope for blue ski es. Whatever the weather, enjoy the
party. 1 know the class will.
A Yes, thanks, you are right. Rain or no rain, i1's sure to be fun.
Variantes y combinaciones
We can have it indoors, in the students' lounge.
as i1's the last class
a fun ending to an intensive study program
weather report

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