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Lea el estudio y conteste las preguntas correspondientes. Los polisacaridos carecen de vitaminas, minerales o fibras y solo suministran calorias. En este grupo se encuentran los dulces, el azticar refinada, los jarabes, las bebidas carbonatadas y las harinas refinadas. Estos alimentos desarrollan un efecto adictivo entre los mamiferos como las ratas, quienes son grandes consumidoras de polisacéridos, especificamente de glucosa. Las ratas tienen diferentes receptores gustativos para los carbohidratos, los cuales funcionan de igual forma ante endulzantes caléricos y no caléricos; sin embargo, la respuesta hacia la glucosa es més fuerte que ante otros endulzantes. Algunos investigadores han planteado que la preferencia por la glucosa esté relacionada con las reacciones fisicas de placer producidas tras su consumo. Otros han sugerido que la referencia y los grandes consumos de dosis de gllucosa en agua son resultado de los procedimientos experimentales utilizados en las investigaciones, de su valor como teforzador, asi como de su disponibilidad. La gran mayorfa de las investigaciones realizadas con ratas sobre el consumo de endulzantes se efecttia con pruebas con un solo bebedero. Es decir, la dosis ullizada del endulzante se encuentra disponible por determinados rangos de tiempo que pueden ir desde minutos hasta meses. De esta manera, el consumo del endulzante es forzado, debido a que el animal no tiene otra opcién para beber. Para poder comparar el consumo de glucosa, se llevé a cabo una investigacién con dos ‘grupos de ratas: el primero tenia acceso a un solo bebedero que contenfa una dosis de enduizante disuelto en agua; el segundo contaba con dos bebederos, uno con la misma dosis de azticar y liquido, y otro que solamente tenia agua. De esta manera, se compar6 el consumo forzado del endulzante contra su consumo libre. ‘Se esperaban diferencias en el consumo del endulzante en funcién del tipo de acceso a los bebederos. De ser asi, se comprobaria que los grandes consumos de agua con glucosa reportados previamente son resultado del procedimiento uilizado; de lo contratio, podrian deberse a otras propiedades especificas del enduizante como su sabor o las reacciones fisicas que produce después de su consumo. Consumodegiucosaenratas 1400 7 1200 41000 200 & sco 400 200 ° 1210 1-20 21-30 4-40 Dias “Ht hobedero -Z-2 bebsderce Gabriela Martinez, A. et al "ingestin de glucosa en ratas: un bobodero vs. dos bebederos", Revista Mexicana de Investigacion on Psicologia EXAIP-10111301.00-01-01-013, 46 4113. 114, 115, zCual es el propésito de estudiar la conducta de consumo de glucose en ratas? A) Verificar el funcionamiento de sus receptores gustativos B) Encontrar diferencias procedimentales en experimentos C) Confirmar que cualquier mamifero prefiere este alimento 0) Conoser si se debe a una cuestion psicologica o fisioa zCual es el objetivo del estudio? A) Confirmar que la glucosa combinada con agua es causante de adiccién cronica en las ratas de laboratorio B) Identificar a las ratas como grandes consumidoras de polisacaridos, especificamente de glucosa j C) Comprobar que los resultados reportados anteriormente no fueron influidos por el procedimiento utilizado D) Encontrar las propiedades posteriores a la ingesta de glucosa a partir del ‘comportamiento de las ratas zCuall procedimiento se llevé a cabo para recabar los datos que muestra la grafic? A) Monitorear la ingesta de glucosa en un ntimero determinado de ratas durante 40 dias B) Meir el nivel de glucosa en las ratas al finalizar un plazo de 40 dias de ‘consumo, C)_ Registrar el comportamiento del grupo de ratas que no consumié el endulzante D) Monitorear la afiuencia con que las ratas acudian a los bebederos con azucar 47 EXAIP-101/1901,00-07-01-013 116. 117. Complete el texto. La gréfica indica que el consumo de glucosa en el plazo que va de dias fue menor en el grupo de ratas con con respecto al de A) 1a 10-un bebedero - dos B) 11a 20-unbebedero - dos C) 21.4 30-dos bebederos - uno D) 31a 40- dos bebederos - uno De acuerdo con los resultados, el consumo de glucosa en las ratas... A) _¢8 influenciado al principio por las condiciones ambientales B) aumenta proporcionalmente segtn la cantidad de bebederos de que dispongan C)_depende tinicamente de las consecuencias fisicas causadas por el endulzante D) es mayor en las primeras exposiciones, pero disminuye con el paso del tiempo ei EXAIP-101/1801.00-01-01-013, 48 Inglés Read the text and answer the questions. Tissue-engineered grafts may be useful in myocardial repair; however, previous scaffolds have been structurally incompatible with recapitulating cardiac anisotropy. Here, we use microfabrication techniques to create an accordion-like honeycomb microstructure in poly (glycerol sebacate), which yields porous, elastomeric three- dimensional (3D) scaffolds with controllable stiffness and anisotropy. Accordion-like honeycomb scaffolds with cultured neonatal rat heart cells demonstrated utility through: (1) closely matched mechanical properties compared to native adult rat right ventricular myocardium, with stiffnesses controlled by polymer curing time; (2) heart cell contractility inducible by electric field stimulation with directionally dependent electrical excitation thresholds (p<0.05); and (3) greater heart cell alignment (p<0.0001) than isotropic control scaffolds. Prototype bilaminar scaffolds with 3D interconnected pore networks yielded electrically excitable grafts with multi-layered neonatal rat heart cells. Accordion-like honeycombs can thus overcome principal structural-mechanical limitations of previous scaffolds, promoting the formation of grafts with aligned heart calls and mechanical properties more closely resembling native myocardium, 6.C. Engolmayr.Accoraion-ike Honeycomis for Tiseue Engineering of Carclac Anisotropy 118. | What is the cardiac grafis background? ‘A) Tissue engineered cardiac grafts have not been used before B) Cardiac grafts are incompatible with scaffolds in anisotropy C) Tissue engineering has been used, but incompatibility ocurred D)} Cardiac anisotropy is incompatible with myocardial repair 419. | Whatis the approach to construct a new graft? Creating a threé-dimensional polysorbito! microstructure Distinguishing pluripotential cells from miocardial calls, Reorganizing the current engineered graft tissue Creating an accordion-like honeycomb microstructure gaQ22e 49 EXAIP-101/1301.00-04-01-013, 120. 121. eee 122, 123, What is demonstrated about the graft's mechanical properties in the rat model? A) The graft cured the adult rat's right ventricular myocardium B) Mechanical properties resemble the adult rat's heart calls C) Graft stifiness in the polymer increases its mechanical properties D) Curing time is controlled by the heart's mechanical properties What does the article refer to? A) Cardiac engineering B) Experiments in rats C) Tissue engineering D) Cardiac surgery Order the following words to form a logical sentence, 1. The way 2. Had recently 3. We knew 4, Because we 5. Been there pone NNAN eens aaes LOBE Choose the synonym of the bold word. ‘The new Ecology Program at our university was canceled due to financial constraints. The group of researchers in this project will have to find a solution to this problem. A) Restrictions B) Proportions C) Concepts D) Behaviors ExalP-101/1901.00.-01-01-013, 50 Read the text and answer the questions. NEW YORK - You've read the book, now eat the pizza. Since 1985, that’s been the gist of Pizza Galaxy's Book It, an incentive program used by 50,000 schools nationwide to reward young readers with free pizzas. The program is now under attack by child-development experts who say it promotes bad eating habits and turns teachers into corporate promoters. Book It, which reaches about 22 million children a year, “epitomizes everything that's wrong with corporate-sponsored programs in school," said Susan Linn, a Harvard psychologist and co-founder of the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood "In the name of education, it promotes junk food consumption to a captive audience... and undermines parents by positioning family visits to Pizza Galaxy as an integral component of raising literate children," Linn said. Linn’s organization, hoping to capitalize on a surge of concern about child obesity and junk food, this week called on parents and educators to end their schools’ participation in the long-standing program. Linn noted that many schools are trying to reduce students access fo soda, and said Book It should face similar scrutiny. illo inw 124. | Complete the sentence, promotes junk food consum A) Commercial-Free Childhood B) Susan Linn C) AHarvard psychologist 1D) The program Book It 125. | According to Susan Linn, Book tt... A) is a good program that rewards young readers B) should add soda to the pizza reward C) is wrong D) is reducing students’ access to soda i 51 EXAIP-101/1304., 126. 127. Complete the sentence, Last summer the archeology class made a trip to Uxmal. It was an unforgettable experience and | can tell you that. | saw the "Dwarf Temple" | was speechless. A) when B) since C) while D) until Choose the correct meaning of the bold word. Every time we come to this restaurant | pig out, A) Try notto eata lot B) Eat too much C) Look what others eat D) Eat only pork EXAIP-101/1901,00-01-01-013 52 Read the text and answer the related questions. Alternative Energy Resources [1] As the reserves of fossil fuels decrease and environmental damage related to their se inevitably increases, governments and industries are seeking alternatives to anticipate growing energy needs. Most existing alternative energy sources are renewable and can be used virtually without depletion or can be replenished over @ relatively short period of time. Examples of this kind of sources are geothermal, hydroelectric, solar and wind energy, among others. [2] Solar-powered pocket calculators and wristwatches take advantage of an energy source that is a paradigm of a totally renewable and easily accessible energy source that requires no expensive drilling or destructive strip mining, cannot be monopolized by unfriendly political regimes and produces no hazardous wastes or air pollution. {3] Solar heating can be either passive or active. Passive solar heating distributes the heat naturally, in northern regions; the simplest way to heat spaces passively is to construct buildings with windows facing south. This can be done with an architectural design that coupied with efficient insulation, complements traditional heating systems by sharply reducing both air pollution and the cost of heating with fossil fuels. [4] Active solar heating works via water-filled, roof mounted panels with black lining that absorb maximum sunlight. The solar-heated water is circulated throughout the building for space heating or directly to the building's hot water system. Solar panels are most productive mild, sunny climates such as Flotida, Texas, California, and the Southwest, ‘where they can provide as much as 90 percent of a building's heat needs. [5] Wind power is another olean renewable, nonpolluting energy source. Like solar power harnessing the wind is highly dependent upon weather and location. However wind power is rarely cost-effective because winds need to blow constantiy, forcefully, and from a uniform direction for large-scale production [6] Although there is considerable controversy over the best way to utilize altemative ‘energy sources, plus the minimized subsides, itis crucial to implement comprehensive and coherent initiatives to offset energy shortages in the future. Stanley Chemicot, etal, Earth Gaologival Prncies end History & Hunley 128. | Complete the sentence, The. refers’to different kinds of sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels and that can be of no harm to the environment; moreover, they can be renewed solar he; hydroelectric energy geothermal energy alternative energy COME 53 EXAIP-101/1801.00-04-01-013 129. | in paragraph 6, the word comprehensive is similar to: ambiguous ideological extensive exclusive Son \ 130. | What does the author conclude? A) In order to avoid future energy shortages and harm in nature, itis important to develop new technologies based on natural renewable sources 8) Alternative energy sources can provide energy needs without polluting the environment or damaging nature and can be led to a large-scale production ©) Since there will be an energy shortage in the future, the economic support for alternative energy is sufficient to improve the use of this source D) There is an argument between government and industry to utilize alternative sources a 131. | Choose the mistake, All of the employees in that company is required to be proficient in a second language. t : i i | | | | A) Allof 8) Is C) Tobe iD) A 132. | Complete the dialogue. ~Your phone is ringing. Can you... A) pick it up? B) pick it out? C) bring it up? D) hang up? BXAIP-101/1901.00.01-01-013, 54 a Y | Read the text and answer the questions. Mumps is back! According to with the national goal of elimination of mumps in the United States by 2010, high rates of mumps vaccination were achieved by 2006, when 89% of preschoolers had received a single dose of mumps vaccine and 87% of adolescents had 2-dose coverage, Despite this level of coverage, the largest outbreak of this viral infection in the past 2 decades, with a total of 6584 reported cases, occurred in that same year, with three-fourths of cases occurring between March-May. The epicenter of the outbreak was lowa, and 85% of cases occurred in 8 contiguous states in the Midwest. The highest incidence occurred among individuals aged 18-24 years, 83% of whom were attending college. A history of vaccination did not preclude the development of mumps; 63% of all cases and 84% of those among 18-24 year-old persons had received 2 vaccine doses. i The resurgence of mumps has not been limited to the United States. For instance, almost 60,000 cases, mostly among young adults, had been reported in the United Kingdom in the previous year. It is clear that either a new approach, with administration of additional booster doses, or the development of a more effective vaccine is of urgent public health concern. Quinisk DG 133. | According to the text, what is needed from a public health point of view? A) Ahigher vaccination coverage B) Development of more effective vaccines and boosters C) Surveillance of new cases D) Development of more effective health policies 134, | What is reported about the epicenter? A) 83% of it was in-lowa and eight contiguous states B) 83% between 18 to 24 years old affected individuals were in lowa C) Iowa was the epicenter, and 85% in the eight contiguous states D) 83% of the affected people were in eight contiguous states ee 55 EXAIP-101/1301.00-01-01-018 135, 136. Complete the sentence, professor Lamark walked into the classroom, we knew that something was wrong. ‘A) Just as soon as we saw B) Every time we seo C) Until we see D) The next tine we see Put the sentences in the correct order, 1. Today you can still find people that do not believe in the use of aromatherapy but they are diminishing in numbers 2. Normally we find that aromatherapy is used by treating adults but as with most other treatments it can be used for children and babies as well 3, Ithas been a known fact for many years that aromatherapy can be used for the treatment of illnesses such as emotional as well as physical 4. The great thing about aromatherapy is that itis a healthy way of treatment compared to the chemical treatments offered by the medicine industry 5. People today are well educated and know that the usage of aromatherapy products can have even an extreme effect when used for treatment purposes -ntosvnrm buzale.oom EXAIP-101/1801.00-01-01-013 56 Read the text and answer the questions. ‘TOKYO - Japan is pretty serious about robotics. ifthe droids are going to fit in, they probably need to learn the Japanese custom of serving tea. Fortunately, researchers at the University of Tokyo are exploring just that. In a demonstration this week, a humanoid with camera eyes made by Kawada Industries Inc. poured tea from a bottle into a cup. Then another robot on wheels delivered the cup of tea in an experimental room that has sensors embedded in the floor and sofa as well as cameras on the ceiling, to simulate life with robot technology. A human being may be faster, but you'd have to say 'Thank you said University of Tokyo professor Tomomasa Sato. That's the best part about a robot. You don't have to fee! bad about asking it to do things. Sato believes Japan, a rapidly aging society where more than a fifth of the population is 65 or older, will lead the world in designing robots to care for the elderly, sick an bedridden. ‘ pw 4137. | Japanese researchers are programming robots to serve tea because, A) itis a difficult task B) they want to incorporate them to daily life C) they want to lead the world in designing robots D) old people drink too much tea 138. | Why the author mention the percentage of old people in Japan? A) To justify why robots would be very useful B) Because old people can afford robots C) To justify why robots have to serve tea D) To demonstrate why Japan is a leader in robotics 139. | According to the article, having a robot at home could make us be: ‘A)_ more polite B) insensible C) less polite D)_ more tolerant 57 EXAIP-10111301,00-04.01-013, 140. 141. 142. Complete the sentence. The surgery ‘out when the electricity went out A) was being carried B) is being carried €) carried D) was carried Select the error in the sentence. : ‘The efficiency of a solar system, among other’ popular energy sources, is” stil being’ debate’ in scientific circles. 2. RON Choose the synonym of the bold word. Although he did his best, he didn’t succeed in his proyect. A) Despite B) Because C) However D) Whereas EXAP-101/1801.00-01-01-013 58 Read the text and answer the related questions. Acid Rain's Dirty Business: Stealing Minerals from Soil As ecological crises go, the damage done by acid rain had seemed preity easy to fix. Just cut emissions of sulfur from power plants, and trees would again flourish and acidic waters return to their natural pH. But even though the United States, Canada, and European countries have cut sulfur pollution forests, lakes, and streams haven't bounced back as quickly as expected. The reason, scientists have suspected, is that | acid rain has brought profound changes in the soil, to which all these ecosystems are linked. Now, after looking over 30 years of data from a New Hampshire forest, | researchers may have confimed this hunch | On page 244 of this issue, ecologists Gene Likens and Donald Buso of the Institute of | Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York, and environmental engineer Charles Driscotl | of Syracuse University report that over the past 30 years, acid rain has been leaching | the soil in their study area of vast quantities of the base mineral ions that buffer, or | neutralize acids and are essential to plant growth. Given the rate at which these fons are stil being depleted, they find it could be decades before the acid-ravaged ecosystems become healthy again. *Soils take hundreds to thousands of years to develop. if their | chemistry is changed dramatically, it’s a major impact. It will take a very long time for | them to recover’, Likens, says. 4 Kaiser 143. | What does Gene Likens refer in the text? A) The long recovery depends on a dramatic impact in the soil B) Soil chemistry has a dramatic impact in its own recovery C) The development of soil takes a long time if its chemistry is changed, it takes the soil a long time to recover D) There is @ great impact in a dramatic change that drives to a complete recovery in the soil 144. | What do ecologists Gene Likens, Donald Buso and Charles Driscoll report? A) Acid rain produces neutralizing acids that help the soil and in consequence plant growth B) There are big quantities of basic mineral ions in the soil that increase during acid rain C)_ The basic mineral ions are the product of a chemical reaction during acid rain D) The acid rain depletes the soil from the basic mineral ions necessary for plant growth 59 EXAIP-101/1801.00.01-01-013, 145. 146. 147. Order the words to form a logic sentence. very’, Titanic”, movie®, a‘, successful®, was? A) 4,3,2,6,1,5 B) 2,6,4,1,5,3 C) 2.3.64,1.5 D) 4,2,3,6,1,5 Choose the mistake in the verb forms. My friend usually work’ late, but today he left? early because he didn't’ feel’ well 2. Rone Choose the right expression to complete the sentence. Hfyou me, | would have lost my job. I'm really thankful. A) hadn't helped B) haven't helped C) didn’t help D) don't help EXAP-101/1801.00-01-01-013, 60 INSTRUCCIONES Del cumplimiento de las instrucciones siguientes depende que su examen sea calificado correctamente. 1. No rompa el sello ni abra el cuadernillo. El aplicador le indicaré cuando hacerlo. 2. Lea todas las instrucciones de la hoja de respuestas, pues le orientan sobre su correcto llenado. 3. Ena hoja de respuestas escriba: a) el numero de folio tal como aparece en su pase de ingreso al examen y Ilene los 6valos correspondientes a los digitos de ese ntimero; b) el namero del cuademillo que responder4, tal como aparece en la portada del examen y Ilene los évalos correspondientes a los digitos de ese nimero; ©) el apellido patemo, materno y nombre (en ese orden). 4. Una computadora lee y califica las hojas de respuestas, por lo que es nedesario que tome en cuenta lo siguiente: : a) si marca mas de una opcién de respuesta, se consideraré que no contest6 la pregunta; b)_ si quiere cambiar alguna respuesta, borre completamente la marca original y llene ‘su nueva seleccién. 5. Enla portada de este cuadernillo, escriba también su nombre y numero de folio. 6. Dispone de 4 horas para responder las preguntas del examen. Administre bien su tiempo. 7. Cuando el aplicador se Io indique abra su cuadernillo, verifique que esté bien impreso y compaginado y proceda a responder. 8. No puede usar hojas distintas a las de este examen. Si necesita hacer operaciones, hagalas en los espacios en blanco del cuadernilio. 9, En caso de requeriria, solo puede usar calculadora simple (el uso de teléfonos celulares u otro dispositive est prohibido). 10. Si tiene alguna duda, plantéela tnicamente al aplicador; levante la mano y aguarde a que él se acerque. 11. Una vez que concluya su examen, entregue la hoja de respuestas junto con el cuademnillo y salga del lugar de aplicacién.

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