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CDIGO. 13459383
CDIGO. 77143414.


Textos escritos en ingls identificando el texto escrito por cada integrante.

Vctor Antonio Felizzola Cano.
Presentacin personal.
My name is vctor Felizzola Cano, I have 45 years old, I am in the fifth event of
social communication, live in Chimichagua Cesar, I to write a history for radio,
family walks, listening to music, watch tv Idislike falsehood.

Descripcin Actividades en el Trabajo.

I am director of the station Higueron stereo Chimichagua Cesar township, fron
aboud eight years, daily work happily, bringing the listener whitin the news celebrity
notes highlighting events in the region.
Im working on something that is my passion since young information and
communication is in every aspect of our lives, this station has been characterized
by responsability giving priority to local talent the satistaction of having our
community informed will be main radial objective of this company.

Ventajas de aprender un nuevo idioma.

Among the advantages are the following:
1. Facilitate the development in handling many instructional radio programs usually
come in Englis.
2. Facilitates handling international news is broascast in other languages, so that
the person can think in networks in convey to the listener of tje station.
3. Gives you the opportunity to interview the journalist foreign characters.
4. It gives the person the opportunity to be recognized in the management of
another language, which can be recommended for other opportunities in
multinational companies or as a bilingual secretary.

Fernando Manrique Paredes.

Presentacin personal.
My name is Fernando Manrique Paredes. I'm fifty- three years old. I study
environmental engineering. I'm working as a construction technologist for
Ecopetrol. It is located in Cucuta near San Antonio.

Descripcin Actividades en El Trabajo

Working at Ecopetrol is the best thing that ever happened to me. We are a
business group focused on oil, gas, petrochemical, alternative fuels, and is one of
the 30 leading companies in the oil industry, known for its international positioning,
innovation and commitment to sustainable development. Working hours are
Monday through Friday from 7 am to 4 pm with an hour for lunch. My work is very
well paid, even dangerous for the attacks on the pipeline constantly. The working
environment is very nice. The weekend I spend time with my daughter

Ventajas de Aprender el idioma ingls en el Trabajo.

English is a tool that gives us more job opportunities. English is the official
language of the globalized world we are living. That is the main reason why it is
important in our job.
My Suggestion is that everybody needs to learn English for getting more work

Abelardo Morales.
Personal Presentacin:
My name is Abelardo Morales Bayona, Im twenty-six years old. I am not married,
but I have my partner. I'm working as GPS operator. I work for a company in
charge of lighting the town streets. In the town of Tibu, Norte de Santander. My
operation area is behind the terminal, on the 10th avenue with street thirteen.

Descripcin actividades en el trabajo: I work eight hours a day. From Monday

to Friday. On Saturdays. I work just four hours.This job is better than any other
because I am earning a good salary and I can study at the UNAD Ccuta. I can
spend time with my family on weekends. We are not working in the office if not in
the streets, always the children ask me in the street Are you taking a geographical
coordinates with GPS? I try to explain, Yes, I am taking a geographical
coordinates. Some colleagues say it is not hard to learn GPS. I disagree. I think we
need more capacitation of GPS.

Ventajas de manejar un nuevo idioma en su lugar de trabajo.

I'm learning a very important language at this moment. Anyone can learn it. English
can help us get a better job abroad and get a higher salary.

Alfredo Emilio Rios.

Presentacin personal.
My name is Alfredo Rios Rivera, I am thirty years old. I live in the city of
Barranquilla, neighborhood Modelo address is Calle 56 No.62-28.i am
studying engineering systems. I work as storekeeper in Jumbo Stores.

Descripcin Actividades en el Trabajo.

I work as assistant floor at Jumbo stores. I work eight hours a day six days a week.
My job is to supply and organize the store daily. Be aware of the offers and
stocking shelves .Help the customer in need.
I worked for one year and six months. Every day I walk to work. Right now I'm
studying to be a better worker and use my knowledge in it.
Ventajas de aprender un nuevo idioma.

The importance of knowing English can be understood from different points

of view:
At work: companies have a growing need to expand their markets, have
foreign parents and serve customers of different nationalities.
Personally: knowing English opens a sea of social opportunities.
Know and understand new cultures and new thoughts
Being able to build relationships with people of other nationalities
In short, learn English today is no longer a luxury, it is a necessity that
difference leads and opens doors.

Ventajas de manejar un nuevo idioma en su lugar de trabajo.

Have knowledge of another language will always be important, in the area where I
work, I is useful as the city is always crowded with tourists and visitors long the
store where I work.
For these reasons I am very pleased to learn more about this language and refine
best to give always 100 %

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