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Music Ministry Report for June 2015

On June 12, 2015, fifteen of our worship team leaders, led by Mr. Raymond Malana, our worship
pastor, had the privilege to attend the Lets Talk About Worship conference at Cuneta Astrodome.
The program started with praise and worship. Then, 5 key speakers shared on the significance of
worship. Pastor Rommel Guevara talked about the true meaning of worship. Sir Andrew Yeo, whos
from Singapore, spoke about the Heart of Worship. Mrs. Maloi Salumbides shared some tips about
having right relationships within the music ministry. Pastor Bob and Cathy Fitts led a very powerful
praise and worship session and also shared about having the right attitude towards worship. Mrs.
Haydee Sampang, whos an anchor with radio station 702 DZAS, shared her very inspiring testimony of
how God moved and changed her life from being a victim of a broken family to becoming a part of
Gods family. Lastly, Pastor Roman Guevara talked about the reasons we worship the Lord.

Music Ministry Report June 2015

The conference reminded us that worship is not about us, but is all about God. It is not about how good or
skilled musicians and singers we are but it is a matter of our heart towards God that counts.

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