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Department of Food Science and Technology, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar - Pakistan
Canada Research Chair (Tier 1) Bioenergy and Biorefining Processes and Professor Chemical Engineering, Lakehead
University, 955 Olivier Road, Thunder Bay, Ontario P7J 1H3 - Canada.
CIRAD, UMR Qualisud, Bangkok, Thailand.. Cassava and Starch Technology Research Unit (CSTRU), Kasetsart
University, Bangkok - Thailand.
Dept. Agriculture Extention Education and Communication, The University of Agriculture Peshawar - Pakistan
*Corresponding author:

Pure rice flour (RF), canna (CaS), cassava (CS), mung bean (MS), sago (SS) and sweet potato (SPS) starches were
compared for color, swelling power and solubility. Blends of RF with CaS, CS, MS, SS and SPS in different
proportions (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 % pure starches) were studied separately for pasting properties. Mung bean
starch had high lightness (whiteness) value than RF and the remaining starches. Mean solubility values of RF, CaS,
CS, MS, SS and SPS were in the range of 6.2 % (RF) to 22.85 % (CaS), while swelling power of RF and selected
starches was in the range of 11.12 g/g (SS) to 26.23 g/g (CaS). Maximum PV, TV and RBD were observed for CaS
as compared to RF and rest of the starches. Highest FV and RSB was observed for MS than that of RF and rest of
tropical starches. On the other hand RF had higher peak time, pasting temperature and pasting time 6.47 minutes,
80.22 C and 3.48 minutes, respectively. Blending CaS, CS, MS, SS and SPS in various ratio had significantly (p <
0.05) modified pasting properties of RF. Type of the starch source, concentration of starch and starch granule size
in the blends of RF and selected starches had influenced on the pasting properties. This study indicates that using
RF, selected starches and various blends of RF with these starches would produce noodles with wide range of
texture to satisfy consumer demands.
Keywords: Rice flour, pasting properties, tropical starches, color
Citation: Qazi. I. M., S. K. Rakshit., T. Tran and J. Ullah. 2014. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on
pasting properties of rice flour. Sarhad J. Agric. 30(3): 357-368
Rice flour is one of the important and basic ingredients of many products all over the world. It has been used in
variety of products such as noodles, puddings, infant foods, rice cakes and rice pasta (Vongsawasdi, et al., 2009;
Zhu, et al., 2010; Zhou, et al., 2003; Yoenyongbuddhagal and Noomhorm, 2002; Wu, et al., 2010; Wang, et al.,
2000; Hormdok and Noomhorm, 2007). Wu, et al. (2010) reviewed that higher than 50 % of world population fulfill
their caloric requirements from rice. They further stated that rice flour had been used in novel foods due to its unique
properties, namely gluten free bread, salad dressing, processed meat and puddings.
Pasting properties is one of the important functional properties of starches. Rice flour from fresh grains cant be used
for noodle preparation due to limitation in physicochemical properties (Hormdok, et al., 2007). Various starches
especially rice flour are modified through different ways such as ageing of rice grain prior to milling, hydrothermal
treatment, annealing, replacement of modified starch, hydrocolloids, alkali, acids and other chemicals to improve
physicochemical properties including gelling, thermal, swelling, solubility and pasting (Zhou, et al., 2003, Wang, et
al., 2000; Hormdok, et al., 2007; Hirashima, et al., 2005;Jayakody and Hoover, 2008; Jyothi, et al., 2010; Karim, et
al., 2008; Kaur, et al., 2005; Lai, 2001; Li et al., 2008; Mandala, et al., 2004; Noranizan, et al., 2010; Saartrat, et al.,
2005; Watchaeatewinkul, et al., 2009; Zhou, et al. 2002). All these methods of modifications are time consuming
and increased the cost of production like ageing of grain, using of modified starches and other chemicals. Zaidul et
al. (2007) modified pasting properties of wheat flour by blending yam, potato, sweet potato and cassava starches in
different proportions. Similarly, Punchaarnon et al. (2008) mixed potato, mung bean and rice starches to canna
starch in different proportions to improve pasting properties.

Ihsan Mabood Qazi, et al. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on pasting properties of rice


The aim of this study was to characterize the pasting properties of blends of rice flour with different starches
including cassava, sago, canna, sweet potato and mung bean. Initially the colour, swelling and solubility of the pure
starches were measured, and then the pasting property of rice flour blends with the starches in various proportions
was examined. The practical objective of this study is to achieve a better understanding of the effect of blending
various tropical starches on the pasting properties of rice flour.
Rice flour (RF) was purchased from the Thai Better Foods Co. Ltd. (111/1 Kungpayom Banpong, Thailand). Mung
bean starch (MS) produced by the Sitthinan Co. Ltd. (Pathumthani, Thailand) was purchased from a local
supermarket (Rungsit, Thailand). Canna starch (CaS) was purchased from a producer in the region of Hanoi
(Vietnam). Sweet potato starch (SPS) was purchased from local market in Hong-Kong. Cassava starch (CS) was a
commercial sample provided by CSTRU (Kasetsart University, Thailand). Sago starch (SS) was provided by
Dr. Somsak Boromthanarat, Director of the Coastal Resources Institute (CORIN) at the Prince of Songkla
University (Thailand).
Blends Formulation
Blends of RF with selected tropical starches (cassava, canna, mung bean, sago and sweet potato starch) in different
ratio on weight basis as shown (Figure 1) and packed in airtight polythene bags. The blends of RF and starches were
studied for pasting properties.

Fig. 1

Formulation of blending rice flour with CS, CaS, MS, SS and SPS at various proportions

The color L* (index of lightness/darkness), a* (index of hue, red/green) and b* (index of hue, yellow/blue) of pure
RF, CS, CaS, MS, SS and SPS were measured (in three replications) using a Hunter color flex, model No. 45/0, at
FEBT, SERD, AIT, Pathumthani, Thailand.
Swelling power and solubility
Swelling power and solubility of pure rice flour and starches were measured with the method described by Schoch
(1964). Sample of 0.2 g was weighed in 3 replicate then transferred to 15 ml pre cleaned and weighed test tube and
10 ml of distilled water was added. Test tubes were heated in water bath for 30 minutes and stirred with 10 minutes
of interval to avoid lump formation. After heating test tubes were removed from water bath and cooled to room
temperature and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 15 minutes. The supernatant was gently poured in to pre cleaned and
weighed petri dishes and the sediment were weighed. The supernatant in the petri dishes were evaporated at 105 C
for 24 hours and weighed. Swelling power (SP) is expressed in g of swollen granules per g of dry starch in the
sediment and solubility (%) was expressed as the weight of soluble starch in percent of initial dry starch weight. SP
and S were calculated according to following equations.
Eq. 1

Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.30, No.3, 2014


Eq. 2
Pasting Properties by Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA)
Pasting properties of RF, CaS, CS, MS, SS and SPS and blends of RF with these selected starches (at different
ratios) as shown in (Figure 1) were determined according to AACC (2003), using a Rapid Visco Analyzer (RVA,
model 4D Newport Scientific, Australia) and controlled by Thermo cline software for windows. Moisture content of
samples was measured before RVA for adjustment of moisture content up to 14 %. Flour (3.0 g, 14 g/100 g moisture
basis, in triplicate) was weighed directly in the RVA canister and distilled water was added to obtain a total weight
of 28 g. A plastic paddle was inserted into the canister and the blade was vigorously jogged to disperse the material.
The canister, along with the paddle, was placed into the RVA instrument. The samples were stirred by the paddle in
the RVA canister at 960 rpm for first 10 seconds then at 160 rpm for rest of the test. There are five stages of the
standard temperature profile; 1) holding for one minute at initial temperature (50C), 2) heating to 95C over 3.42
minutes, 3) holding at 95C for 2.3 minutes, 4) cooling to 50C over 3.48 minutes, and 5) hol ding at 50C for two
minutes. The samples were hold for 13 minutes and the interval between viscosity and temperature readings is four
seconds. Values measured from the pasting profile were peak viscosity (maximum paste viscosity achieved in stage
2, the heating stage of the profile), trough (minimum paste viscosity achieved after holding at the maximum
temperature, stage 3), final viscosity (viscosity at the end of run), pasting temperature (temperature at which starch
granules begin to swell and gelatinize due to water uptake), peak time (time at which peak viscosity is recorded),
breakdown (difference between peak and trough viscosity), and setback (difference between final and trough
viscosity), as shown in Figure 2. While relative break down, relative set back and pasting time were calculated from
the data obtained by RVA using following equations.

Eq. 3
Eq. 4

Fig. 2

Typical RVA curve of pure RF paste illustrating measurement of various pasting parameters.

Ihsan Mabood Qazi, et al. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on pasting properties of rice


Statistical Analysis
One way analysis of variance was performed for statistical analysis at 95 % significance level and to compare the
means Duncans multiple range tests were run using SPSS software version 17. Graphs were prepared by using MS
Excel 2010 software.
Color of pure RF and selected tropical starches
The color of pure RF, CS, CaS, MS, SS and SPS measured using a Hunter color flex, model No. 45/0, USA, are
presented in terms of L* (index of lightness/darkness), a* (index of hue, red/green) and b* (index of hue, yellow/blue)
values in (Table 1). The results revealed that RF and the selected starches had a white (lightness) color. Maximum
lightness value (whiteness) was recorded for pure MS (97.30) and minimum lightness value was noted for CaS
(90.07). The selected tropical starches including RF had green shade except SS which had a slightly red shade. Pure
RF and selected starches had high values of yellowness. The b* value for RF was 4.86 while a low yellowness value
was observed for MS (3.36). Statistical analysis indicated that all the samples were significantly different (p < 0.05)
from each other in terms of L* value. Statistically a* values of RF and CaS were similar to that of MS and SPS,
respectively. On the other hand b* value of RF was non-significantly different from CS and CaS, while statistically
SS and SPS had similar b* values. Similar results were reported by Collado and Corke (1998) Starch color has
important influence on the quality of noodle. Low chroma value and high values of lightness were desired for the
starches (Liu, 2007).
Table 1. Color of pure rice flour, cassava, mung bean, canna, sweet potato and sago starch
94.58 0.4 c
-1.41 0.1 a
96.22 0.4 e
-0.57 0.02 c
90.07 0.2 a
-0.96 0.01 b
97.30 0.3 f
-1.39 0.02 a
92.9 0.3 b
0.19 0.1 d
95.39 0.4 d
-0.93 0.01 b
Values having different letter are significantly different (p < 0.05) from each other.

4.86 0.01 c
4.82 0.2 c
4.75 0.2 c
3.36 0.1 a
4.1 0.3 b
4.23 0.1 b

Solubility (%) and Swelling power (g/g) of pure RF and some tropical starches
The percent solubility and swelling power (g/g) of RF and selected tropical starches are also important characteristic
and shown in (Table 2). Statistical analysis indicated that all samples were significantly different (p < 0.05), except
swelling power of RF and MS which are similar to that of SS and SPS. The results revealed that the mean solubility
values of the samples are in the range from 6.2 (RF) to 22.85 % (CaS). On the other hand, the mean swelling power
values of the samples ranges from 11.12 (SS) to 33.51 % (CS). Pure RF and SS are less soluble, while SS and RF
have low swelling power as compared to MS, CaS, SPS and CS. The swelling power and solubility of RF are within
the range as reported previously in literature. Homrdok and Noomhorm (2007) reported that rice had swelling power
of 10.54 g/g and solubility of 3.2 %, whereas, Sandhu and Kaur (2010) observed that rice starch had swelling power
of 18.3 g/g and 10.8 % solubility. The data presented in this study still have some variations with the data reported
previously (Homrdok and Noomhorm, 2007; Hirashima, et al., 2005; Jayakody and Hoover, 2008; Jyothi, et al.,
2010; Liu, et al., 2007; Li, et al., 2010; Piyachomkwan, et al., 2002; Tan, et al., 2009; Uthumporn, et al., 2010).
These variations might be due to difference in varieties/cultivars, environmental conditions and time of harvesting
(Liu, et al., 2007; Li, et al., 2010; Piyachomkwan, et al., 2002; Fu, 2008). The data shows that moisture content has
no effect on swelling and solubility properties of RF and starches. Swelling power of starches is important for eating
quality of noodle (Li, et al., 2010). Different starches show different solubility and swelling properties when
exposed to continuous heating. These differences in swelling power and solubility are due to variations in bonding
forces with in the starch granules or intra molecular/granular association (Tan, et al., 2009; Nwokocha, et al., 2009).
Both RF and SS have low swelling power due to strong intra granular arrangement and required more energy in
terms of temperature to initiate relaxation as compared to MS, CaS, SPS and CS. Fu (2008) reported that noodles
made from high swelling starches had soft texture as compared to those made using low swelling starches. Hence
solubility and swelling power of RF and these starches may play important role in improving the quality of noodles.

Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.30, No.3, 2014


Table 2. Percent moisture content, solubility and swelling power

Swelling power
6.2 0.8 a
12.13 0.5 a
22.85 0.6 e
26.23 0.9 c
19.99 0.6 d
33.51 0.6 d
11.15 0.7 b
20.2 0.8 b
7.06 0.2 a
11.12 0.3 a
13.73 0.3 c
19.98 0.8 b
Values having different letters are significantly different (p < 0.05) from each other.
Pasting Properties
Pasting Properties of Pure RF and Selected Starches
Peak viscosity, trough viscosity, relative break down, final viscosity, relative set back, peak time, pasting
temperature and pasting time of pure RF, MS, CaS, SS, CS and SPS are significantly (p < 0.05) different form each
other (Table 3). Rice flour had low peak viscosity than CaS, CS and MS, but higher than that of SS and SPS.
Granule swelling along with amylose leaching increases the viscosity, while during further shearing of granule may
decrease the viscosity (Sharma et al., 2009). Karim et al. (2008) suggested that during heating viscosity increased
due to starch granule swelling, while the higher granule rigidity and amylose presence resulted in higher PV.
Techawipharat et al. (2008) also confirmed the role of amylose on PV values of rice starch. Trough viscosity of RF
was much higher than CS, SPS and SS, while lower than CaS and MS. The highest relative break down resulted in
lower TV of SS (Table 3). Rice flour showed lower final viscosity and relative break down than the other starches
except CaS and SPS, respectively. On the other hand RF had higher set back except MS (Figure 4). Karim et al.
(2008) suggested that the low tendency of starch to resist shear forces during heating or starch granule disruption
caused high break down. They further studied the significant effect of amylose on starch retrogradation. In our study
rice flour was found to have higher Peak time, pasting temperature and pasting time (Table 3). This might help in
modification of rice flour pasting properties and subsequently modified the texture of rice flour based noodles.
These results are in agreement with previous data reported earlier (Lee et al., 2002; Kasemsuwan et al., 1998; Inglett
et al., 2005). Punchaarnon et al. (2008) observed that rice starch had lower peak, trough, final viscosity and lower
break down and set back viscosity than canna and mung bean starch. On the other hand cassava starch had higher
peak viscosity and set back than sago and mung bean starch, while, higher break down than sago starch but lower
than that of mung bean starch (Uthumporn et al., 2010). However, some variation was also reported previously
(Zhou, 2003; Hormdok, R., Noomhorm, 2007; Karim et al., 2008; Zaidul et al., 2007; Noda et al., 2002; Collado, et
al., 1999). These variations are dependent on pasting properties of different sources of starches, varieties within the
same sources, soil temperature, method of extraction, environmental conditions, amylose content, starch granule size
and composition and swelling power of the starches. Type of tubers, particle size of starch, amylose content and
variety has significant influence on pasting properties (Noda et al., 2002; Collado, et al., 1999; Iwuoha and
Nwakanma, 1998). Similarly, Zaidul et al., 2007) reported that amylose played important role in pasting properties
of potato, sweet potato, yam, cassava and wheat starch. However, beyond threshold value of amylose final viscosity
of wheat starch not increased with increase in amylose content (Blazek et al., 2008). They further reported that long
chain amylopectin had also increasing effect on peak, minimum and final viscosities of starch paste.
Based on the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that CaS, CS, MS, SS and SPS had different pasting
properties. This variation in the pasting properties of these selected starches may significantly influence the pasting
properties of RF when blended in various concentrations and subsequently may affect the final product qualities
such as, texture, cooking quality, etc. of products like noodles.
Effect of Starches Blend on PV Values
Pasting properties including peak viscosity (PV), trough viscosity (TV), relative breakdown (RBD), final viscosity
(FV), relative set back (RSB), peak time (PT), pasting temperature (Ps. Temp.) and pasting time (Ps. T) of blends of
RF with various selected starches mixed in different proportions are shown in (Table 3). The PV of the blends of
selected starches with RF at various proportions was significantly different (p < 0.05) compared to that of pure RF,
except PV of RFMS (80:20) and RFSPS (20:80) that was similar to pure RF and SPS, respectively. The PV of the
blends of RF with CS, MS and SS at different levels was intermediate and between that of RF:CaS (higher) and

Ihsan Mabood Qazi, et al. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on pasting properties of rice


RF:SPS (lower). Blending CaS, CS and MS to RF increased the PV, while PV was decreased by mixing SS and SPS
to RF at various proportions, and were intermediate between that of pure RF and these selected starches. Data
revealed that blends of RF with CaS expectedly gave higher PV and had properties closer to that of RF. Similar
results were reported by Pucnhaarnon et al. (2008) who mixed rice starch, potato and mung bean starch with canna
starch at various concentrations and observed that peak viscosity of the blends were in between that of pure canna
starch and were closer to rice starch rather than canna starch. Mixing MS and SPS to RF at different proportions
increased the PV and were in between that of pure RF and MS and SPS. Lower PV was recorded for the blends of
RFSPS at all proportions, except RFSPS (80:20). Some interesting results related to PV were obtained when SS was
added to RF. It was observed that at the low levels of SS (40 % and below) PV was decreased, while PV was
increased when SS was mixed with RF at levels of 60 % and above (Table 3). This indicated that SS (40 % and
below) has no influence on the PV in the blends. While, blending SS to RF at 60 % and above has effect on the PV.
Addition of CS to RF at various proportions increased the PV but tended to be closer to that of CS. Novel-Cen and
Betanur-Ancona (2005) also reported similar results for the blends of lima bean and cassava starch. They reported
that peak viscosity values shifted towards cassava starch as its proportion increased. Zaidul et al. (2007) found the
peak viscosity was proportionate to the amount of added starch and the values were between that of the pure wheat
flour and added starches like potato, sweet potato, yam and cassava starch. In conclusion the PV of the RF of blends
of various starches is not only affected by the swelling power and amylose content of the starches but also
influenced by their specific interactions with RF.

Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.30, No.3, 2014


Table 3. RVA pasting profile of pure rice flour, mung bean, canna, cassava, sago and sweet potato starches and blends of rice flour withthese starches at various
RF SPS(60:40)

Peak viscosity
289.97 4.7 h
348.53 2.2 m
598.36 5.6 q
272.61 1.9 g
359.16 1.7 n
194.3 3.8 a
251.7 3 e
229.17 7.4 c
208.31 2.9 b
201.22 4.4 a
323.89 4.9 j
347.5 11.5 m
411.55 4.6 o
490.75 4.4 p
244.36 1.8 d
234.25 1.3 c
259.19 2.2 f
259.31 1.4 f
291 4.4 hi
297.81 4.1 ij
320.39 2.9 k
336.36 4.7 k
303.17 3J
322.14 1.5 k
333.75 3 l
345.7 2.3 m

viscosity (RVU)
230.92 2.3 kl
237.31 4.2 lm
293.22 3.6 o
110 2
156.31 3.2 e
158.5 3.3 ef
208.64 1.6 j
193.36 5.3 hi
169.45 1.6 g
164.44 1.6 fg
267.78 6.5 n
270.03 6.9 n
306.91 3.4 p
326 0.8 q
186.58 4.4 h
147.97 2.6 d
96.2 2.6 a
129.36 1.6 c
238.08 3.9 lm
239.67 3 m
244.89 7.1 m
241.55 1.6 m
162.25 1 fg
151.9 1 de
147.4 2.4 d
149.8 3.1 d

Relative break
down (%)
20.36 0.53 de
31.91 0.78 k
51.0 0.11 n
59.65 0.52 p
56.48 0.7 o
18.43 1 bc
17.1 0.44 ab
15.61 0.84 a
18.76 1.67 bcd
18.26 1.16 bc
17.33 1.31 b
22.29 0.59 fg
25.42 1.11 h
33.56 0.46 l
23.65 1.36 g
36.84 0.8 m
62.89 0.76 n
50.11 0.34 n
18.18 1.27 bc
19.52 0.12 cd
23.57 1.86 g
28.18 0.59 i
46.48 0.3 l
52.86 0.5 n
55.84 0.3 o
56.66 0.6 o

Values having different letter are different from each other

Final viscosity
422.08 4.8 l
506.47 1.9 q
389.3 4.4 j
188.25 1.3 b
210.8 2.6 c
197.53 2.5 b
345.67 5.1 i
285.94 5.6 g
234.33 2.8 d
214.5 7.2 c
451.06 8.1 n
458.11 9.9 no
476.06 4.4 p
459.9 8.5 no
308.28 3.6 h
245.22 1 e
169.97 3 a
214.25 2 c
408.25 2.5 k
401.33 3.2 k
434.86 4.3 m
462.81 6.1 o
234.8 1.6 g
217.3 2.3 f
206.6 3.2 de
199.7 1.6 d

Relative set
back (%)
45.29 0.48 k
53.15 0.69 m
24.69 0.61 bc
41.57 0.68 i
25.85 2.35 c
19.76 0.98 a
39.64 0.58 h
32.42 0.99 e
27.68 1.48 d
23.29 1.9 b
40.64 0.5 hi
41.05 1.06 hi
35.53 0.23 g
29.09 1.41 d
39.47 1 h
39.66 0.82 h
43.40 1.35 j
39.62 0.95 h
41.68 0.78 i
40.28 0.34 hi
43.69 1.33 jk
47.80 0.38 l
30.91 0.7 fg
30.11 0.4 ef
28.66 0.1 de
24.98 1.6 bc

Peak time
6.47 0.07 q
4.47 0.02 fg
3.95 0.04 ab
3.95 0.04 ab
4.02 0.04 abc
5.8 0.07 l
6.24 0.08 p
6.13 0.02 op
6.02 0.04 no
5.96 0.08 mn
6.07 0.07 no
5.47 0.29 k
4.73 0.07 h
4.38 0.04 ef
5.85 0.04 lm
4.93 0.07 i
3.89 0.03 a
4.15 0.04 cd
6.15 0.04 op
5.85 0.04 lm
5.24 0.14 j
4.71 0.08 h
4.57 0.04 g
4.42 0.1 f
4.24 0.04 de
4.07 0.08 bc

temperature (C)
80.22 0.16 n
77.32 0.44 fgh
73.59 0.11 b
78.03 0.35 hijk
72.29 0.2 a
74.78 0.2 de
79.27 0.8 lm
78.03 0.7 hijk
76.51 0.5 f
75.55 0.6 de
77.13 0.3 fgh
75.59 0.7 e
74.61 0.1 cd
73.82 0.5 bc
79.33 0.23 lmn
77.69 1.8 ghij
77.62 0.28 ghi
78.58 0.17 ijk
79.85 0.1 mn
79.32 0.2 lmn
78.74 0.3 Kl
78.45 0.2 ijkl
73.3 0.26 bcd
72.77 0.4 abc
72.78 0.2 abc
72.52 0.2 ab

Pasting time
3.48 0.01 m
3.24 0.03 gh
2.93 0.01 c
3.3 0.03 hij
2.83 0.01 a
3.03 0.02 d
3.4 0.07 kl
3.28 0.08 ghij
3.18 0.04 f
3.1 0.05 e
3.23 0.03 fg
3.1 0.06 e
3.01 0.001 d
2.94 0.04 c
3.41 0.02 l
3.34 0.03 jk
3.27 0.02 ghi
3.33 0.05 ij
3.45 0.01 lm
3.4 0.02 kl
3.33 0.05 j
3.33 0.02 ij
2.91 0.02 bc
2.86 0.03 ab
2.87 0.02 ab
2.85 0.02 a

Ihsan Mabood Qazi, et al. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on pasting properties of rice


Effect of Starches Blend on PT Values

High PT was observed for the blends of RF and SPS at all proportions. While, addition of CS resulted in lower PT at
all proportions, except RFCS (40:60) (Table 3). Statistically PT of the blends of RF with selected starches was
significantly different (p < 0.05) from that of pure RF. The data showed that PT of the pure RF was decreased with
the blending of SPS, MS, CaS, SS and CS and were intermediate between that of pure RF and the selected starches.
The PT of the blends of RF and SPS are much higher than rest of the starches blends with RF at various levels,
except RFSPS (80:20) that is not significantly different from the PT of RFMS (80:20) and the PT of RFSPS (60:40)
from that of RFCaS (80:20) and RFMS (80:20). Lower PT was observed for the blend of RFSS (40:60). Blending of
CS with RF at a level of 20 % resulted in a sudden drop in PT and the decreasing trend continued at higher levels of
addition. Results revealed that CS dominantly influenced the PT when mixed with RF at various levels as compared
to other starches. On the other hand mixing SS also decreased the PT when blended with RF at 60 % and below, but
blending SS with RF at 80 % and above showed increase in PT. Similarly Addition of potato, sweet potato, yam and
cassava starch to wheat flour decreased the peak time (Zaidul et al., 2007). This indicated that blending the selected
tropical starches not only decreased the PT but can also play an important role in the finished product in terms of
texture, especially noodle.
Effect of Starches Blend on TV and RBD Values
Similarly to PV, blends of RF and CaS had higher TV at all proportions when compared to the TV of blends of RF
with MS, SPS, MS and SS (Table 3). Statistical analysis showed that the TV viscosity of the blends of RF with
selected starches was significantly different (p < 0.05) from that of pure RF, except RFMS (80:20). However,
blending CaS and MS with RF at different levels significantly increased the TV, while, addition of SPS, CS and SS
at various proportions significantly decreased the TV. Highest TV was recorded for RFCaS (20:80) and lower TV
was observed for RFSS (40:60). The TV of the blends of RFCS at various levels was influenced by CS rather than
RF. Minimum RBD was observed for RFSPS (60:40) and maximum RBD was recorded for RFSS (40:60). In the
blends with RF the higher RBD of CS and SS evidence the lower TV of these starches. On the other hand the lowest
RBD did not insure maximum TV, as the highest TV was recorded for CaS in the blends with RF. The results
indicated that TV not only depends on the breakdown of starch granule but also depend on the source of starch,
concentration of starch and specific starch interaction with RF. The RBD was increased with mixing of CS, SS, CaS
and MS to RF, while, addition of SPS to RF decreased the RBD. These trends of TV and RBD were in accordance
to those blends of wheat flour with various starches such as, potato, sweet potato, yam and cassava (Zaidul et al.,
Effect of Starches Blend on FV Values
This is observed that FV of the blends of RF with MS, CaS, CS, SS and SPS at various levels was significantly (p <
0.05) different than that of pure RF (Table 3). The FV of the RF increased with blending of CaS and MS at different
levels, on the other hand, SPS, SS and CS decreased the FV when mixed with RF at various proportions. The blends
of CaS with RF significantly increased and had higher FV followed by MS, except the RFCaS (20:80) and RFMS
(20:80) that have same FV (Table 3). A sudden significant decrease was observed in the RF and CS blends (20 %
CS) and the decreasing trend continued as the CS increased. Lower FV was recorded for CS added to RF at different
proportions as compared to other starches blends with RF, except at RFCS (60:40), which had even lower FV.
Addition of SS to RF had significantly decreased the FV up to RFSS (40:60), but above 60 % of SS the FV
increased but were still lower than that of pure RF. While mixing SPS to RF also significantly decreased the FV.
This indicated that not only type of starches but also the proportion of the starches added to RF had influenced the
FV. Zaidul et al. (2007) found a significant influence on FV by blending various selected starches to wheat flour.
Effect of Starches Blend on RSB Values
Statistical analysis of our results showed that blending CaS, MS, SS, CS and SPS with RF had significantly (p <
0.05) effect the RSB of RF, except RFMS (40:60) (Table 3). Blending CS, CaS, SS and SPS to RF significantly
decreased the RSB of the RF and was intermediate in between that of pure RF and these selected starches. Blending
MS at 40 % and below to RF significantly decreased the RSB, but mixing MS at 60 % and above increased the RSB.
This indicated that MS at 40 % and below has no effect on the RSB, but MS at 60 % and above had effect on the
RSB in the blends. Relative set back significantly decreased with the increasing ratio of SS to RF. Addition of CaS
to RF significantly decreased the RSB, except RFCaS (80:20) and RFCaS (60:40). While, at RFCaS (40:60) and
above the RSB was decreased significantly (Table 3). On the other hand mixing of CS to RF and significantly

Sarhad J. Agric. Vol.30, No.3, 2014


decreased the RSB. But it was almost similar for RFCS (40:60) and RFCS (20:80). Blending cassava, sweet potato,
yam and potato starch to wheat flour significantly affected the RSB (Zaidul et al., 2003; Zaidul et al., 2007). This
study revealed that initialy amylose retrogradation and then followed by amylopectin retrogradation during storage
at low temperature (for 9 days) had influenced the overall retrogradation and subsequently RSB. Zaidul et al. (2003)
suggested that highest set back occurred due to highest amylose retrogradation and rearrangement due to amylose
that leached out from the starch granule after swelling during heating. Granule size of the starches in the blend plays
important role in the setback (Punchaarnon et al., 2008). They further stated that rice granules embedded the CaS in
the blend and regulated the retrogradation. This is also observed in our study that the set back of the blends of RF
with MS and CaS are closer to that of the added starches rather than pure RF.
Effect of Starches Blend on Pasting Temperature and Time
Pasting temperature and pasting time are important pasting properties and plays an important role during processing
of starch based products especially noodles. The pasting temperature of the blends of RF and selected tropical
starches at various proportions is significantly (p < 0.05) different than that of pure RF, except RFSS (80:20), RFMS
(80:20) and RFMS (60:20), respectively (Table 3). Blending MS to RF at various concentrations has higher pasting
temperature when compared to pasting temperature of blends of SS, SPS, CaS and CS, except RFMS (20:80) and
RFSS (20:80). While, mixing CS to RF at various proportions has lower pasting temperature and more towards pure
CS. This is observed that CS when added to RF at 20 % resulted in a sudden drop in pasting temperature and this
trend continued with increase in CS concentration. This indicated that in the blends of RFCS the pasting temperature
is controlled by CS and may also affect the noodle prepared form the blends of RF and CS. The pasting temperature
of various blends of RF with SPS and CaS were intermediate in between that of pure RF and these starches.
Blending SS to RF showed some interesting results in terms of pasting temperature. Mixing of SS to RF at 40 % and
below has no effect on pasting temperature, while blending SS to RF at 60 % and above has significant effect on
pasting temperature. In conclusion, addition of these selected tropical starches reduces the pasting temperature of the
RF in the various blends. This in turn is expected to ultimately reduce the energy requirement during process of
various products.
Pasting time of the blends of RF with MS, SS, SPS, CaS and CS at various proportions was significantly different (p
< 0.05) to that of pure RF, except RFMS (80:20) and RFSS (20:80) (Table 3). Blending MS to RF at different
concentrations has highest pasting time except RFMS (80:20) that is similar to RFSS (80:20), while blending CS to
RF at various proportions has lower pasting time (Table 3). Addition of CS (20 %) to RF had drastically decreased
the pasting time and followed by slight decreased in the pasting time when CS was added in higher concentration to
RF. This indicated that pasting time of the blends of RFCS mainly influenced by CS. While, blending SS to RF had
also decreased the pasting time but mixing SS above 60 % to RF increased the pasting time. Revealed that SS (60 %
and below) had no influence on pasting time of the blends of RFSS. When the concentration of both CaS and SPS
was increased in the blends with RF the pasting time decreased and were in between that of RF and CaS and SPS,
respectively. In conclusion addition of selected tropical starch at various proportions to RF significantly decreased
pasting time as well as pasting temperature. This may lead to low energy consumption during product processing
especially noodle.
Overall conclusion that can be drawn from this part of the study is that the pasting properties of the rice flour were
significantly influenced by blending CS, CaS, MS, SS and SPS at various concentrations. Type of the starch source,
concentration of starch and starch granule size in the blends of RF and Selected starches had influenced on the
pasting properties (PV, PT, TV, RBD, FV, RSB, Ps. Temp. and Ps). This is very well supported by many
researchers (Zaidul et al., 2007; Punchaarnon et al., 2008; Iwuoha and Nwakanm, 1998; Zaidul et al., 2003).
Blending SS below 20 % to RF had no effect on PV and the PV was decreased as the ratio of the RF was decreased
in the blend of RF and SS, but adding SS above 40 % to RF had increased the PV significantly
Colour, swelling power and solubility of CS, CaS, MS, SS and SPS is significantly different from that of RF.
Pasting properties including peak, trough, final viscosity, relative break down and set back, peak and pasting time,
pasting temperature of the RF are significantly different from selected tropical starches. Blending CaS, CS, MS, SS
and SPS in various concentrations had significantly modified RF pasting properties. Type of the starch source,
concentration of starches in the blend and RF to specific starch interaction had significant influence on the pasting
properties. Further study is recommended to understand this influence. Blending SS below 20 % to RF had no effect

Ihsan Mabood Qazi, et al. Effect of blending selected tropical starches on pasting properties of rice


on PV, but the PV was decreased as the ratio of the RF was decreased in the blend of RF and SS, but adding SS
above 40 % to RF had significantly increased the pasting properties. Despite being of similar polysaccharide nature,
different starches proved to have different properties, especially pasting properties. Hence, further investigations of
the mechanisms underlying these differences would be difficult but useful. For instance such studies should include
the fine structure of amylose and amylopectin and the interaction between these two molecules of starch granule on
its effect on starch pasting properties. More importantly modeling of the compatibility and degree of blending of the
various starches with RF an assessment of the water absorption ability will give a better understanding of pasting
The author is thankfully acknowledging the cooperation of Dr. Somsak Boromthanarat, director of the Coastal
Resources Institute (CORIN) at Prince of Songkla University (PSU) for providing sago starch for this study.
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