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MakerBot Replicator 2X

3D Printer
Standard Operating Procedure

By: Ryan Aiken

Table of Contents
Section 1

2. General
2. Required Items
2-3. Safety Information

Section 2

4-5. General Diagrams

Section 3

6-8. Printer Preparation

Section 4

9-11. Transferring Files

12. Printing

Section 5

13. Extracting Printed Object

14-15. Cleanup



This standard operating procedure is intended for any member of the Solid and
Structural Dynamics Laboratory (SSDL) to be able to successfully use the

Replicator 2X 3D printer. Noting that these instructions are specifically tailored

for the SSDL 3D printer, it is important to follow all steps carefully to ensure
that all prints are as consistent with each other as possible and to reduce the

chances of inflicting damage to the printer and/or causing harm to the user. It
is suggested that the user familiarize themselves with the Replicator 2X User
Manual prior to referencing these instructions. If the instructions are followed
correctly it should take the user roughly 30 to 45 minutes to begin printing.

Required Items
1. A laptop with an SD Card port
2. MakerBot Desktop installed on laptop (can be found at
3. Latex gloves

4. A blank sheet of printer paper

5. A small metallic or plastic wedge/scraper

Safety Information

Using the 3D printer can be an enjoyable and educational

experience as long as the potential dangers are identified and

respected. During the printing process be very mindful as to where

body parts are located in relation to moving parts on the printer.

Also be aware that the build platform and extruders become very

hot during printing process and will instantly burn flesh on contact

Danger: Death or serious injury is likely

Warning: Injury is likely if step is performed incorrectly

Caution: Damage to equipment or user is likely

General Diagrams


Front View
1. Enclosure Door
2. Build Space
3. LCD Panel
4. Warning Label

Back View
5. Filament guide tube
6. Filament Spool
7. Spool Holder

Section 3 explains how to properly prepare the 3D printer for

printing. This section is the most important part of the whole

process because these few steps will determine the final quality of

the print. During this next section be very mindful of moving parts
as they can seriously injure the user and/or the printer itself. This
section will require the use of the sheet of printer paper.

Printer Preparation
1. Connect power source to power outlet
2. Flip power switch located on the back side of the printer to on.
When power has been properly connected and turned on, the printer
will make a chime sound and the build plate lights and LCD panel
will turn on.
3. Open enclosure door
4. Clean build platform using a clean microfiber rag (Build
platform is boxed in orange)

It is important that a latex glove is used when wiping the build

platform to prevent skin oils from contaminating build platform.
5. Select the Utilities option shown on the LCD screen (LCD
screen is boxed in orange)

To navigate the LCD screen use the middle button surrounded by

four arrows located directly to the right of the LCD screen in the
LCD panel.
6. Then select Level Build Plate option (this option is boxed in

7. Follow Instructions given on LCD screen

CAUTION: Moving parts may

cause injury while leveling the build
plate. Incorrect leveling can damage

8. Remove white sheet of paper used to level the build plate

Section 4 will explain how to begin printing an actual part. This

section is going to require the use of the SD card as well as a laptop

capable of reading and supporting a standard, 1GB, SD card. This

section will also require that the user have MakerBot Desktop 3D
modeling software installed on their laptop.

Transferring Files
1. Begin running MakerBot Desktop on your laptop
2. Locate the Add button next to the Settings button at the
top of the digital build volume screen

3. Using the Add button, add desired .STL file type to

MakerBot Desktop

It is important that before you add a file that it is in the .STL form
or the MakerBot Desktop software will not recognize the file type.
4. After desired object has been added to the build volume

area, orient the object to the desired locations on the digital

build platform using the manipulation tools located

vertically on the left side of the digital build volume area

5. When the object is in the desired location and all other

specifications have been made by the user, click the Export

to Print button located to the right of the Add button

6. While MakerBot Desktop is slicing the file, locate the SD card

in the LCD panel (SD card boxed in orange)

7. Push down on the SD card to eject it from its slot

8. Insert SD card into SD card reader on laptop
9. Click Export Now option on the grey window that has
This grey widow will display an estimation of the time it will take to
complete the print as well as the amount of material that will be


extruded during the print. This may take a few minutes depending
on how complicated the part is.

10. Eject the SD car after the grey box disappears

The successful transfer of the file is indicated when the grey box
has disappeared.
11. Insert SD card back into the SD card slot on the 3D printer
12. Using the navigation pad located on the LCD panel, select
Build From SD option (boxed in orange)



1. Select the desired file to be printed

2. Close the enclosure door

CAUTION: Take care not to insert hands or hair into the

printer while it is printing as moving parts will crush fingers or
pull hair.
WARNING: Build platform and extruders are very hot
and will cause serious injury if skin comes into contact with
either of them
DANGER: If flammable gas is introduced to
environment, such as acetone vapor, extruders can cause
flash-ignition. The resulting explosion can cause serious
injury or death.


Pay close attention during the beginning of the build to

ensure that the printer is working properly


Section 5 will explain how to properly allow the printed part to cool
evenly and how to extract it from the build platform. This section

requires the use of the metal or plastic scrapers. It is important to

keep in mind that the extruders and build plate are still extremely

hot and to refer to the Monitor Mode data located in the Utilities
tab to check the various temperatures of the build platform and

Extracting Printed Object

When the printer is done printing it will make a chiming sound
similar to the sound it made when it was turned on. The object

should look exactly similar to the digital model of it. Do not open
the enclosure door at this point even though the machine is done

printing. The part must be allowed time to finish hardening evenly

in the enclosed environment in the 3D printer.
WARNING: Build plate and
extruders may still be hot. Skin will
burn immediately on contact.
1. When the build plate temperature has descended below 60
degrees Celsius, open the enclosure door


2. Using the metal or plastic scraper, begin to gently wedge

the scraper between the object and the build platform

Be careful using a metal scraper as the Kapton tape, which is

attached to the build platform, will easily tare. If using a plastic

scraper, be mindful that the plastic does not begin to melt to the
build platform.

Cleaning Up
1. Remove any plastic still remaining on build platform and
dispose of properly

2. Close enclosure door

3. Allow the build platform to cool to below 30 degrees Celsius
4. While waiting for the printer to cool, return any tools used to
their proper places.
5. Turn the switch on the back of the printer to the Off
6. Unplug the printer from the wall


If all of the steps have been completed properly then a quality,
testable 3D part should be in your possession. These
instructions should give you the confidence to be able to print
consistently and effectively.

All troubleshooting questions and concerns should be directed
towards the official Replicator 2X User Manual or to the official
Replicator 2X troubleshooting guide, bother of which are
located in the manuals box in the lab.



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