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Frederick Herzberg explored the question

“What do people want from their jobs?”
He did this through asking various people about situations and events at work, w
hen they felt exceptionally good or bad about their jobs.
Herzberg’s collection of information revealed that intrinsic factors are related
to job satisfaction, whilst extrinsic factors created job dissatisfaction.

McGregor’s Theory X Y
Douglas McGregor’s theory of motivation or XY theory proposes that organisations
follow one of two approaches in their management of people. Below is a summary
of each theory.
Theory X
This theory is also referred to as “the authoritarian management style”, as it s
tates that the average person needs to be coerced (even threatened with punishme
nt), into working towards organisational objectives.
• The average employee does not like work and will attempt to avoid it.
• As employees are lazy they do not want responsibility and have no ambiti
• Individuals prefer to be directed and want security above everything els
• Individuals need to be closely supervised and controlled.
Theory Y
Also known as “the participative management style”, a theory Y organisation’s vi
ew of people is the opposite of an organisation applying theory X.
• The average employee likes work, and is self-motivated.
• Employees can learn to not only accept but seek greater responsibility.
• Individuals are ambitious not lazy, and work is as natural as rest and p
• Individuals exercise self control and self-direction to achieve objectiv
es that they are committed to. Threats of punishment are unnecessary.
• The rewards of achievement generate commitment from employees.
• If individuals are given freedom there is opportunity to increase produc
Managers applying theory Y believe that if employees are given the opportunity,
they will develop a desire to be imaginative and creative at work. They will the
refore try and remove obstacles that prevent employees from realising their pote
ntial. They believe that negative attitudes such as avoidance of responsibility
are caused by experience and are not “inherent characteristics”. Therefore by cr
eating the positive experiences and conditions such negatives can be banished.
McGregor’s theory of X and Y represents two extremes, which probably aren’t appl
ied in full by today’s organisations. However the theory has provided the founda
tions for today’s management strategy and elements of it can be seen in other ma
nagement evaluations

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