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A medical condition in which there is an interruption in the length of the bone

Occurs when a bone or bone system is forcefully split into half or more pieces

1. Open fracture a type of fracture wherein the broken bone pierces through
the skin and is exposed. Compound fracture is the most common example.
2. Closed fracture a type of fracture where the bone, despite being broken,
remains intact within the skin system. Most common type of fracture divided
further into classifications.

1. Simple fractures, also called closed fractures, are broken bones that remain
within the body and do not penetrate the skin.
2. Compound fractures, also called open fractures, are broken bones that
penetrate through the skin and expose the bone and deep tissues to the
exterior environment
3. Comminuted fractures are severe fractures that involve the breaking of a
bone into several smaller pieces.
4. Greenstick fractures are breaks in bones along only one side of the bone
caused by a force perpendicular to the bones long axis. It is only seen in
children whose developing bones are more flexible than adult bones and
therefore tend to bend and only partially break instead of breaking completely.
5. Avulsion fractures involve a small piece of bone being torn off from the
main bone due to an extreme force applied to a ligament or tendon. Avulsion
fractures may be caused by overexertion of muscles or sudden traumatic
pulling of part of the body during an accident.
6. Transverse fractures form perpendicular to the long axis of a bone and are
the result of a force applied at a right angle to the bone.
7. Oblique fractures are slanted fractures that occur when a force is applied at
any angle other than a right angle to the bone.
8. Spiral fractures are the result of an extreme twisting force being exerted on
a bone.
9. Vertebral Compression occurs mainly when the spinal bones get fractured
due to a trauma, or due to disturbance of a gel in between spinal segments.
Vertebroplasty is the best option to treat this.


Vehicular accidents
Traumatic injuries and accidents
Falling to the ground from a certain height, or landing on unsafe surfaces

21 Gill | 22 Gironella | 23 Javier | 24 Lee | 25 Lubo

1A - PH


Overuse or repetitive force (particularly in sports)

Osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to weaken in older adults
Infection (Osteomyelitis) bacteria to travel through the bloodstream
(bacteremia) and spread to the bone, causing an infection; An open wound
over a bone; A recent surgery or injection around a bone)
Tumor (*These tumors are formed of a combination of bone and cartilage;
Often the tumors occur when parts of the body are growing rapidly; genetics,
radiation treatment, and injuries to the bones)


intense pain at the site of the injury that worsens with movement
swelling, numbness, or bluish color of the injured area
deformity of the limb or joint if the injury occurred in the arm or leg
bone protruding through the skin
heavy bleeding at the injury site


Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure to the wound with a sterile bandage, a
clean cloth, or a clean piece of clothing.
While waiting for medical care, give first aid treatment for shock if the victim
has symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, pale and clammy skin, shortness
of breath, and increased heart rate. The person should lie quietly with the
feet elevated about 12 inches. Cover him or her with a blanket to maintain
body warmth.
Immobilize the injured area if you will be moving the victim. Do not move
them if there is a back or neck injury. Make a splint by folding a piece of
cardboard or newspaper or a magazine, then placing it gently under the limb.
Carefully tie the splint to the injured area with pieces of cloth.
Apply a cold compress or ice in a plastic bag to the injured area. Make sure to
place a cloth between the skin and the ice so you dont damage the skin.

*Do not, under any circumstances, move the patient or the body part with the
fracture on your own, especially if you are untrained to handle such cases.

21 Gill | 22 Gironella | 23 Javier | 24 Lee | 25 Lubo

1A - PH

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