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Its ironic because he is being a hypocrite.

He is doing exactly what he said he didnt


Note the reactions of Tom and Daisy at different ti

mes during Gatsbys party. Did they enjoy
themselves? Explain.
Tom didnt like the party at all. Daisy didnt enjoy the guests, she had her moments
but overall didnt
enjoy herself.6.

What suspicions does Tom have about Gatsby? What does he vow to do?That
Gatsby is a bootlegger and will figure out the truth.7.

What do Nick and Gatsby talk about after the party?

They discuss that daisy didnt like the party.

What is Gatsby expecting of Daisy that prompts Nick to warn him, I wouldnt ask
too much of her . . .
ou cant repeat the past?
Gatsby is expecting the daisy he knew five years ago.
Chapter 7

Note the use Fitzgerald makes of the weather as a background for significant
events. Point out examplesin this chapter and in previous chapters.When the group
goes into town and everyone complains about the broiling heat. Just like the
arguments between tom and Gatsby. When daisy comes to tea and the rain is
pouring it lets up every time he moodlifts.2.

Gatsby has made some changes in his lifestyle that so concerned Nick that he went
to check on him.What changes do you note? Why did he make them?He has fired
his whole staff for daisy and to not have any rumors.3.

Analyze daisys attitude toward her child as evidenced in this chapter and
in Chapter 1. Is she a good
her? Explain why Gatsby looked at the child with surprise.

Daisy talks about her child like shes a possession. She speaks to her like
people talk to puppies. Daisyis half the mother she should be. She isnt active in
pamis life. However giving her a h
ome and not beating her is enough from a mother but a child can be scared without
proper love. Pami looks like amine daisy.4.

With whom does Tom talk on the telephone early in the chapter? About what? Tom is
either talking to George about the car or with myrtle pretending to talk with Tom.5.

What startling discovery does Tom make shortly after lunch?Tom discovers that
something is going on between Daisy and Gatsby.6.

What does Gatsby mean when he says that Daisys voice is full of money? Why
does Fitzgerald
those words in Gatsbys mouth and not Nicks?
Daisy has changed through the years and now Gatsby has come to realization,
which is why Gatsby saysDaisy voice is full of money.7.

What arrangements are made regarding the passengers of each car on the trip to
the city? Why?
Tom, Jordan, and Nick go in Gatsbys car. Gatsby and Daisy go in Toms car. The
reason could be
because tom planned to hurt or frame Gatsby.8.

Eyes play a significant role in this chapter. Explain.The eyes show their importance
with myrtle and the stare between Daisy and Gatsby that Tom sees.Also we see the
eyes with Dr. T. J. Ecklburg.9.

Explain Nicks statement paralleling Tom and Wilson. .

. . it occurred to me that there was nodifference between men, in intelligence or
race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the
well. Refer to the text and explain what prompted Nick to say this.

They are both men who have come to realize that their wives arent who they
thought they were.

What does Gatsby do that makes Nick want to get up and slap him on the back?
Why does Nick feel
this way?
When he explains to Tom about Oxford he doesnt get slapped or punched for
standing up to him.

Does Daisy know what love is? Whom does she really love?
Daisy doesnt kn
ow what true romantic love is. She loves P
ami but doesnt know how to be a mother.
Daisy is most likely in love with herself.12.

In what way is each of the main characters involved in the tragedy that occurs at
the end of this chapter?Tom makes Myrtle crazy, Daisy runs over Myrtle, Gatsby
being in the car makes him an accessory to
murder, and Nick knows everything but doesnt day anything.

Is there any significance

in the fact that the day is Nicks birthday?
As soon as nick turns 30 he is faced with a tragedy and 30 is a turning point when
you face mature
things. Not only is it Nicks turning point but everyone elses as well. It also shows
that nick isnt self
-absorbed and cares about everyone else.14.

Why is it necessary for the author to introduce a new character, Michaelis, at this
point in the novel?It gives George something to hold onto. It shows that he actually
has friends unlike Tom.15.

Explain what Nick means when he says,

. . suddenly
I guessed at the truth?
Nick has come to realize that daisy was the one who had been driving. He now
realizes who killed who.16.

At the end of Chapter 7 Nick observes Gatsby, Tom, and Daisy after the accident.
What conclusionsdoes he reach? Nick has come to the conclusion that Gatsby will
not give up even though Daisy has chosen Tom.17.

Explain the last paragraph of Chapter 7.

Gatsby remain under Daisys window even though there is nothing left for him there
at that house. Daisywill never be Gatsbys.

Chapter 8

At the beginning of the chapter, the story is interrupted at its most dramatic
point. What is the authors

purpose in breaking the story here?For the readers to see why he loved and still
loves her so much.2.

What had prompted Gatsby to talk freely to Nick now, when he was unwilling to do
so in the past?
Gatsbys protective barrier ha
s broken since the scene of the car.3.

What further information do we learn about Gatsby?

Gatsby took what he could of daisy because he couldnt have her hand in marriage.

As Nick leaves Gatsby the morning after the accident, he remarks, Theyre a rotten
crowd. Enumeratethe people they refers to. Why are they rotten?
They are Jordan, daisy, and Tom. The entire group is snobby, careless, messy, and
selfish people.5.

What is the compliment that Nick pays to Gatsby? Why does Nick feel compelled
to commend Gatsby?
Youre worth the whole damn bunch put together. Nick feels compelled because
he has never given
him a complement before. Gatsby is the only bearable one so far.6.

Explain Nicks meaning when he balances Gatsbys supposed corruption against

He let people guess about his corrupted ways and continued toward his dream of

How does Wilson view the eyes of Dr. T. J. Eckleburg? Does Wilsons statement
have a symbolic
level for the novel as a whole? Explain.

The eyes o
f God are Dr. T. J. Eckleburg. Its not just Eckleburg but God who has taken a physical
of symbolism and he can see everything.8.

Trace the movements of Gatsby and Wilson at the end of Chapter 8. What Nicks
meaning when hesays, . .
. the holocaust wa
s complete?
His movements are slow through town in the three hours and figures out who
Gatsby is a where he lives.The holocaust is referring to the death of the main
characters relationships, Gatsby and Daisy and Tomand Myrtle, and George and
Chapter 9

What makes Nick assume responsibility for the funeral arrangements? Specify the
things he did. Nick was the only person who actually cared. Makes efforts to
announce everything, call
father, the priest, and burial plots.2.

What version of the tragedy appeared in the newspapers? How would you account
for the fact that thisversion went unchallenged and uncorrected?
All the flashy opinions and no facts, Calling George a mad man Its all yellow
journalism and nobody
cares about the story.3.

had Gatsbys father learned of the tragedy? To what extent does the father know
his son?His father heard through the Chicago Newspaper. He knows he is financially
successful and his youngJay but not the darker side to Jay Gatsby.4.

Discuss the signific

ance of Gatsbys boyhood program for self
-improvement?He always wanted to be something better then who he was.5.

What is the irony of Gatsbys funeral?

No one showed up. They will show up to Gatsbys parties but not to his funeral. For
a popular guy he
t very popular.

What is the significance of including the scene with Jordan Baker?They agree that
whatever was between them is over. It shows that Nick can clean up after himself.7.

What moral judgment does Nick make about Tom and Daisy? Discuss.They are all
selfish, careless, messy people who retreated into the world.8.

Explain the significance of the last page of the novel in relation to Gatsbys dream
and the the American
Dream.The relationship between the two is that each of us dream in the past and
most dream of wealth butsomewhere along the line our dreams are morphed and
there is no longer self-discovery in it but acorruption of our original dream

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