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Ughh My head He was slowly opening his eyes. He was feeling the worst hangover.

A white
room was unfolded in front of his eyes.
Where the hell I am, I died? Did I? The headache was slowly fading away, as his conscience
occupies again his body.
He bites his own finger, only to prove that this is not a dream. I still feels pain, and there is no
maids with bunny ears waiting for my orders, so I can conclude that I am not in a comatose state or
sleeping. Or this is a dream and my imagination sucks
He starts to examine his own body. He notices an intravenous tube goes inside to his right arm. This
tube is connected to drip with a mysterious glowing blue liquid.
In the same arm, attached to his wrist, was a small electronic device. It looks like a bracelet with
three small buttons, the one of the center was red and the others silver like the rest of the bracelet.
He pressed the red one, and a holographic screen appeared in front of his eyes.

--------------------Student Name: Edwin.

Age: Unknown.
Course: Unknown.
Current subjects attending: None.
Current Grade: Unknown.
Current Situation: Bedridden and in a comatose state from his accident since 25/03/2530.
Current Hour and Date: 16:33 p.m. of the 15/05/2530.
----------------------------------Accident impossible, what was the last I was doing Ughh AggHHH my head!!!! The
memories of the aftermath of the battle invaded his mind all at the same time.
Edwin Edwin? ... Are you still alive Edwin? Please respond Edwin
I am alive VI, What the hell is happening, what is our status? I cant see shit Edwin was in
darkness inside the cabin.
The frontal windows is sealed shut because of the extremely exterior heat. My sensor indicates,
that we are in close collision with a huge planet, probably the earth. The sensor also indicates no
presence of Ragnii. The reactor is working to his minimal condition. We got no more fuel or energy.
And our speed is too high to stop
So we are screwed. I already know that the plan will kill us. Is okay, we do our best, its okay, its a
suitable ending, with

a huge bang. How much time remains VI, for our end? The warrior rest in his chair. He finally
resigned to the inevitable end.
T-minus 135 seconds. But is not for both of us, is for me. Dont you forget Edwin?
My primary directive is accomplished. It only last the third one.
You were the best pilot I could choose.
But as you say, is time for my solo.
Burning every tiny piece of power I have left I could create a force field that will protect the cabin.But
it also will fry my logic and memory circuits The robot was being transformed in a huge meteorite of
Dont you dare. You still got the second directive! Dont you dare to leave me alone! He was like a
madman pushing any button he sees. But is useless, the cabin was lifeless and his efforts were
pointless. .
I dont know is this is going to work, but I hope you survive. Our last goodbye Edwin. I really
enjoyed our time together And those were the last words that will spoke again.
NOOOO!!!! He crashed his fist against the controls, in blind anger. But VI will no hear him
The heat was increasing inside the cabin, several tremors accompany the fall. Probably was the
reactor giving their last breath of life. Or the legs were exploding.
AAAAAhGGGGGRR!!! that was the last scream of Edwin, before an internal explosion of the cabin
leaves him out of combat. The robot descended with a speed of hell, and leaves a hell of a crater.
I dont play solos, I play Riffs. VI you fool His mouth shows a smile, but the tears start to fall
from his eyes.
*cough, cough* someone coughing attract his attention. A tall woman in his forties who wears a lab
coat, tries to call his attention handing him a handkerchief.
I see that the patient awakes from his long slumber. My name Rae Heat, I am the nurse of this
institution. Its nice to meet you. Are you feeling fine?
I see, my name is Edwin. Its a pleasure to meet you. I was only remembering the crash and my
tears start to fall out. Where I am?
I am really sorry, but I could not answer any of your question. The director will respond to any
problem do you have. It was a direct order from him. I hope you could understand

Edwin only nods to the words of the doctor. The doctor check Edwin from head to toe.
After thirty minutes of medical examination. The doctor gives her evaluation.
You are fine, you got no sequels from the accident, and you are ready to go to the directors office.
Now I proceed to disconnect the catheter, it will hurt a little, please deal with it She explain to Edwin
with a smile on his face.
A scream of pain was heard outside of the nurse room.

Rae leaves the room, giving space to Edwin as his dressed himself. Five minutes later, he was still
rubbing the affected area. Frigging sadistic, she had says only a little.I doesnt want to know what
would mean to her something really painfull
A School uniform rested inside the closet. He chuckled in front of the mirror when he tries the
clothes. He does not recognized the person that the mirror reflected. "The nightmare still goes on.
A knock was heard in the door, and a girl in her teens excused herself.
My name is Seline Ellan, president of the student council and currently assisting second year. I was
ordered by the director, my father, to escort you to his office. If you are ready, we will proceed Her
voice was like a clerk dependent.
Edwin looked at her from head to toes. She was wearing the same red blazer as Edwin, but instead
of white pants she was wearing a black skirt, a golden badge with the symbol of black great-sword
was displayed in her blazer. A beautiful straight black hair descended from his head. This was
accompanied by her cute face that swore a smile . From her bust, two mountains were hiding
behind her clothes.
"My name is Edwin, or that is what the bracelet says. It is a pleasure to meet you He remembers
his training for this kind of situation. Just go with the flow and feign ignorance.
Amnesia huh? Thats convenient, but it is expected after that kind of accident She showed a
puzzled face, but she quickly goes back to her usual bussiness like smile.
Yes, I think that is right I only remember a little about the accident and everything else is fuzzy
He hurried to answer her. He choose to go with the amnesia idea, this could be a very bad place to
show his real identity.

No training in his life could prepare him to the scene that this world showed to him the moment he
stepped outside the door.

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