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Character Study: Grantaire

Grantaire, commonly identified as The Skeptic and The Alcoholic, is a member of the Friends
of the ABC. He is described by Hugo as exceptionally ugly. So ugly in fact that a woman
(Irma Boissy) states that he is impossible. However he doesnt seem to care all too much,
and still pursues relationship (the nature of which is not made clear). I think, because at
another point in the book Hugo writes that a smile chases winter from the face, that this is
actually a reflection of Grantaires inner state.
Grantaire is clearly depressed and because mental health was not really understood during this
time (and is still misunderstood now) its not like he was given much help or support. He
even states at one point that his father does not like him because he is bad at math, which
tells me he does not have supportive parents. Also he is an alcoholic.
My implication isnt that all mentally ill people are alcoholics, however they are more prone
to self-medicating and can develop a dependency on alcohol (or whatever it is they use) which
can then lead to addiction. I also believe Grantaire is queer, and people of the queer
community are also more likely to drink or use drugs as well - especially without support
systems in place to help them and not only does Grantaire not have the support of his family,
but during the 19th century there was virtually no support for queer people at all.
Hugo writes that Grantaire stared tenderly and fixedly at all women, with the air of saying to
them all: If only I wanted to! I think thats important to note because to me this sets off a
flag that Grantaire is not straight. Why? Because he is bisexual or pansexual. How do I draw
this conclusion?
Because Grantaire is canonically in love with Enjolras.
However this love is complicated. Ive seen so many people interpret their dynamic in such a
way that Grantaire is cured or saved by Enjolras, which is not actually healthy or realistic.
Enjolras does not like Grantaire. He doesnt understand him, doesnt understand why he
drinks, and finds his skepticism toxic.
Nonetheless Enjolras benefits from Grantaires presence, even if he doesnt know it.
Grantaires skepticism strengthens all of Enjolrass arguments. Grantaire is also well
connected, something Hugo points out. Grantaire knows all the best places in Paris, he knows
people, and he is a funny person so it is unlikely that people outright dislike him. If Enjolras
wasnt as self-righteous he could have seriously benefited from having Grantaire network.
And Grantaire would have done it too because he believes in Enjolras. He even asks to do it
multiple times, and eventually Enjolras relents and allows him to. Grantaire is obviously
excited. He even leaves to put on his nicest clothes. However he doesnt actually accomplish
the task given to him. Why is that?
To me it almost seemed like self-destructive behavior because he so badly wanted to prove
himself to Enjolras but at the same time loathes himself. It is likely that he felt that he
wouldnt do a good enough job, so why bother at all.
The dynamic between Enjolras and Grantaire is compared to several queer relationships such
as: Orestes and Pylades, Achilles and Patrocles, and Alexander and Hephaestion. The key
difference being that Enjolras does not view Grantaire as worthy of being his Patrocles, his
Hephaestion. Also they die holding hands - which to me is significant for multiple reasons.

One being that this is a sign that Enjolras has come to accept Grantaire as his Pylades. This
means that Enjolras, whose major flaw is that he fails to focus on The People as individuals,
has come to understand that Grantaire is worth the same belief he put into the Republic. On a
larger scale this means that people like Grantaire are worth this as well.
Two is that Grantaire finally believes in something again. Something that isnt this fiery,
focused human being but an actual cause. This is such a huge step for Grantaire, who took
such care to not believe in anything for so long (to the point where he became an alcoholic).
He dies a believer, its almost redemptive, cleansing.
Also Ive seen many people interpret Grantaire as someone who thinks he is hated by his
friends or as someone who doesnt have any friends. I always found it odd because Hugo
directly states: Grantaire, Enjolras true satellite, inhabited this circle of young men; he lived
there, he took no pleasure anywhere but there; he followed them everywhere. His joy was to
see these forms go and come through the fumes of wine. It is also canon that Joly and
Bossuet are two of Grantaires best friends, so much so that they are with him drinking when
rebellion first breaks out on the streets.
Grantaire is given life by these people. Their love of their country and wanting to change
things gives him hope. Hugo thought love was the most important thing a person could feel,
and Grantaire is changed for the better because of this love. However there is a price, and its
almost ironic in a way.
Grantaire, who put so much effort into not believing, into not loving, finally does admit to
being changed by his friends and Enjolras. And it kills him.
Grantaire could have lived. He could have been the one who walked away (even Marius
didnt walk away, he was carried). But he doesnt because he opens himself up to loving and
believing openly. I find that incredibly tragic.
Note: I am both queer and mentally ill, so I am not using self-medication and addiction
simply as points to further my argument. I speak from experience.

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