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Herniated Disc Surgery

The excruciating pain that accompanies the dislodging of a disc of the spinal canal is not something
that can be put into words. Most patients with the irregularity opt for herniated disc surgery. The
urgency arises out of the fragment of dislodged disc pressing against the spinal cord. Many a time, it
even stresses nerves that surround the spinal cord. The pressure exerted leads to the manifestation
of symptoms like back and leg pain and weakness of muscles.
Causes of Herniated Disc
A herniated disc is the result of a shift in the 'cushion' that occupies the space between the spinal
vertebrae. When this gets pushed out of its normal position, it is diagnosed as a herniated disc.
Spinal discs have nerves located very close to the edges. When, with age, the spinal disc becomes
less elastic, it ruptures. The herniated disc bulge pinches the spinal nerves and spinal cord. Any kind
of pressure or stress to these nerves or shift in position of the sensitively located disc develops the
need to consider herniated disc surgery. The condition could be the outcome of a nasty fall or an
accident. It is also observed in the case of repetitive and neglected straining on the spine. A previous
condition of stenosis of spine also results in a herniated disc.

Preliminary Tests
The herniated disc surgery involves a number of preliminary tests to determine the extent to which
the spinal disc is dislodged. Clinical research helps to find out more about the rigidity of the region
that sets in with age. The MRI scan is conducted to display evidence of disc deterioration. Though it
is a condition that is normally seen in aged people, patients as young as 30 have also been diagnosed
with herniated disc.
The symptoms of a herniated spinal disc manifest mainly due to the compression of the spinal

nerves. This results in occasional passing through of abnormal signals or no signals at all. The
symptoms commonly associated with a herniated disc include:
Electric shock pains: These are especially experienced when the stress on the nerves occurs in the
cervical region and the lumbar. The excruciating pain can be felt in the arms and down the
legs. Abnormal sensations and muscle weakness: Patients report tingling and sometimes numbness
in the limbs. On account of the nerve irritation and subsequent interruption of brain signals, muscle
weakness is observed. If left neglected, the condition could worsen into the Cauda Equina
Syndrome. This medical emergency results in problems with urination and bowel movements.
The diagnosis of a herniated disc involves physical examination. Tests are conducted for measuring
sensations, muscle strength and reflexes. An MRI is conducted to highlight the abnormality. The
diagnosis and treatment plan largely depend on the results of the physical examination and MRI.
Herniated Disc Surgery Options
The surgical treatment of herniated discs provide the following options.
Open Back Surgery: The traditional option for treating herniated discs is with open back surgery.
This procedure involves gain access to the damaged disc by the way of tearing and cutting of the
muscles, tissues, and surrounding structure. Endoscopic Surgery: Endoscopic spine surgery is the
second option for operating on herniated discs. This procedure uses endoscopes and special surgical
tools that require small incision which results in lesser operating time and shorter recovery
period. Endoscopic Discectomy: A modern technique used to remove damaged disc material that is
causing pain but does not involve bone removal, large skin incisions or muscle damage. Instead,
endoscopic discectomy utilizes magnified video and x-ray imaging to guide an endoscopic probe into
the damaged disc space. Endoscopic Foraminotomy: Another option of minimally invasive surgery is
endoscopic foraminotomy. This procedure relieves the pressure caused by compression from disc
bulges, disc herniation, bone spurs, scar tissue, or excessive ligament development. Due to its
minimal invasiveness, recovery time of endoscopic foraminotomy in short and patients resume are
able to resume normal activities in no time. The previous symptoms like leg pain dissipate after a
number of weeks, post surgery. Pain around the incision made is natural and controlled with oral
medication. Patients are not encouraged to stay in hospital beyond a day. Doctors do recommend the
use of a lumbar corset brace sometimes. Recovery from surgery is best when the patient exercises
caution in movements after the surgery.

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