Scene G

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-Scene G(The second night)

The night of the second day is quiet and peaceful. It is
around 9pm.
Explore the plains just outside the town and you'll find
Andra sitting by herself on a log.
Talk to her.
Amala: Hey blondie.
Andra: Hey.
Amala: It's pretty rare to see you sneaking
out of your house at this hour...
: Is everything ok?
Andra: ...
: I just needed some fresh air.
(Motions Amala to sit next to her)
: You mind if we talk for a while?
(Smiling cheerfully)
Amala: Sure.
We see the two girls sitting side by side under the full Moon
and a dark blue sky covered in stars. We can hear the sound of
crickets through the otherwise undisturbed silence.
Andra: How is everything back at home?
(Bored expression)
Amala: Oh, the usual.
: My mom thinks I'm a delinquent with
deep emotional issues.
: And she even convinced my dad to

get me to start taking pills this time.

Andra: ...
Amala: Like that's ever gonna happen anyway.
: Pills...I'm way too young for that!
Andra: You do have temperament issues though.
Amala: Oh really?
: Does that mean I should get lobotomized?
Andra: It means you should get interned asap.
(Sarcastic face)
Amala: Aha...
: Ahahaha...
: I bet that's it, I'm a danger to society.
(Turns towards Andra)
: Well, how's it going for you?
: That was a pretty rough day we had.
(Slightly worried)
Andra: ...
: My mom got a little too worked up after
what happened this morning.
: She keeps telling me again and again
about how the whole deal with the elaborate
prank is much bigger than we think.
: She's way more excited about it than
she should be...
Amala: Well, I bet she is.
: There's really nothing interesting to
write stories about around here.
: It got everybody excited.
Andra: But I don't want her to be!

: This is bound to get her into trouble,

I know it too much!
: The way she works, she'll just comb
the whole island for that one story if
she has to,
: even if it means disappearing for a couple
of days.
: And I don't want her to do that!
: Because...
: Because...I'm too scared of losing her...
(Starts sobbing)
(Pats her friend's back)
Amala: There, there.
Andra: Amala, she's my only family left...
: If something happens to her, I'll
never forgive myself...
: If only my dad was still here...
(Looks at the sky)
Amala: You know what, Andra?
: At least you get along with the family
you have.
The sobbing stops.
(Sarcastic face)
Amala : Isn't that ironic?
: I have dozens and dozens of first,
second, third degree cousins, aunts,
uncles, and whatnot and I barely get
along with any of them.
: My parents don't like me and my sister
thinks I'm weird.
(Turns towards Andra)
: But your mom, she really likes you.
: And she likes me too!
: Because you two get along so well, it
kinda helps me keep my sanity.
: Besides, I'm sure she'll listen
if you open up to her.

(Sad expression)
(Side glances at Amala)
Andra: I'm so sorry for you, Amala...
(Arms crossed behind her head)
(Bored face)
Amala: Bah...
: I don't think it's anybody's fault.
: I'm still not gonna take those pills
Silence for a few instants.
Andra: How about you?
: What are you doing outside this late?
Amala: ...
: I don't want to sleep at home.
: I think I'm gonna spend the night
at the secret base.
Andra: You'll be all alone, you know?
Amala: I don't mind...
: As long as I can have some peace.
Andra: Still...Be careful.
: I heard the boys talk about
how some weird shadows were spotted
roaming around in the forest.

I ain't scared of that.
There's nothing dangerous there,

Amala gets up and stretches herself.

(Looking at Andra)
Amala: It's kinda late now.
: Maybe we should both be on our way,
don't you think?
: We still have that mystery to solve
Andra: ...
: I want to stay here a little
while longer.
(Starts walking away)
Amala: Whatever you want, boss.
Andra: Amala.
The black haired girl turns around to look at her blonde
Andra: ...
: Thanks.
(Giggle sound)
Amala: You're my friend, Andra.
: Don't mention it.
And she resumes her walk towards the distant forest.
-----------------------------Amala is slowly tap-tapping into a cosy clearing a little way
inside the forest. Here, a serene silence permeates the place
which only a few singing insects disturb.
A big tree stands in its center to which a sturdy, uneven,
two-level wooden construction is attached.
The camera shows different angles of the dimly lit place. The

Moon is not visible from here and everything is covered in a

thin veil of black.
Amala: Sigh, what a nice place.
She then proceeds to stretch with all her might.
(Tired face)
Amala: Alright, time to get some sleep.
She slowly walks to
front door. Inside,
puts her shield and
a camp bed with her

the edifice and enters it through the

in the only room on the ground floor, she
sword on a table and lets herself fall on
clothes on.

The secret base is a simple two-level cottage with one single

room on each floor joined by a wooden ladder. Both rooms are
filled with the various contributions of the different members
(posters, dolls, plushes, books, comic books, board games,
flowery ornaments, steelworks, figures, fishing rods, a fish
trophy, a treasure map of the island, drawings, embroideries,
a TV with video games and a VCR, etc; the base has basic
electricity thanks to a portable petrol generator located
Amala just lies there for a while, sprawled on her back and
using her arms as a cushion.
A faint light is coming from the window on the wall next to
her camp bed and keeps the room from being completely dark.
Eyes wide open, the little girl savors those long stretching
minutes of solitude in the gentle atmosphere.
After some time, she turns on her side, towards the window,
and closes her eyes after catching one last glimpse of the
Moon, which just appeared above the trees.
We see the exterior once again. The full Moon is shining above
the forest and the crickets are singing.
A rustle in the foliage disturbs the nocturnal animals and
insects in the vicinity, who stop their noise. The rustling
intensifies until a black form enters the clearing.

It first hovers above the wooden structure, making a near

complete circle around it, before gliding towards the shadow
of the cabin.
While doing so, it briefly casts a shadow on Amala who opens
her eyes.
The crickets are still singing and the Moon is shining bright.
Nothing seems out of place. She slowly rises to her feet and
starts walking to the window next to her. She doesn't see nor
hear anything suspicious.
A dry metallic sound pierces the air as something lands on the
She raises her head towards the noise and slowly reaches for
her sword on the table. She then rushes outside without her
As she gets to the clearing, the thing had slid on the ground
behind the base and is hidden from view.
(Holding her sword in her left hand)
(Whispering to herself)
Amala: Show yourself.
mass of
red eye

on the ground towards the moonlight, a big, formless

black reveals itself. The growling mass menacingly
its dark body a couple meters in the air and a single
opens in its center.

It starts attacking Amala.

-Gameplay phaseThe enemy is not too strong.
Hit the eye with the sword when it opens. A couple of slices
should suffice.
When the enemy is defeated, the black mass dissolves into the
ground with a hiss.

A wide-eyed Amala is catching her breath while trying to make

sense of what just happened to her.
The place has become still again, as if nothing had happened,
and the crickets have resumed their singing.
Amala: I...
(Turns her head towards the town)
: I have to warn the others.
She starts to run away from the base but stops short on her
tracks and rushes back to the cabin.
Amala: My shield.
On her way to the town gates, she sees Andra staring off at
the skyline, a little distance from the log, her back to her.
Amala: Andra?
(Runs to her)
(Sees her wide-eyed expression)
: What? What's wrong?
Andra: The lights...
(Points at the town)
: I was on my way back when...
the lights just went off.
Amala turns towards the town. It was indeed strange to find it
so dark at this hour.
They stare at it for a few seconds and before they have time
to react, a soft cry turns their attention to the sky.
High above the city, a dozen of shadows, huge and barely
visible against the night sky, appear from nowhere before
descending among the houses in near complete silence.
Seeing this, Amala runs to the town's entrance without
hesitation, leaving behind her an aghast Andra. When she
reaches one of the streets, she stops to have a look around.
The town is abnormally quiet. Even with the lights off, the

absence of human activity is unsettling considering the hour

(around 9:30pm).
Amala is about to proceed towards the main square when she is
caught by a breathless Andra.
Andra: WAIT!
She puts her hand on her friend's shoulder. A half distracted
Amala turns around.
Amala: ...
Andra: You look like you know something I don't.
Amala is lost in thought for a moment, but she suddenly snaps
out of it.
Amala: I was attacked by one of those things
back in the forest!
: If we don't do something, the town
will be in serious danger!
(Looks around her, worried)
Andra: But something's not right.
: It's way too quiet...
: There should be people up and about at
this hour...but where are they?
(Turning around)
Amala: ...
: That's a good question...
(Runs to the nearest window)
: ...
: It's too dark...I can't see
(Tries to open the door next to it)

: Closed.
Andra is now intently looking towards the end of the street
where the town's public square lies, probing the night with
her blue eyes. A gentle breeze blows from behind her, as if to
confirm her suspicions.
Andra: We'll have a better grasp at things
if we check the public square.
: ...
: But I have a bad feeling about it...
They both run the length of the street towards the square
until something on the ground near the edge of it catches
their eye and makes them stop on their track.
Amala: That's...
She rushes to check the body.
(Kneeling next to it)
Amala: ...
: It's ok, he's alive.
But Andra doesn't answer, she's looking at the square.
The high moon is so bright that the whole place is visible
even without the lights on. The silent square, which is
supposed to be the center of the town's nightlife, is not
empty. A dozen bodies or so litter the ground, unmoving.
For a couple of long seconds, a heavy, sinister stillness
hangs on the scene, while the low chilling wind brushes across
the two girls.
Both are now staring in silent awe.
???: Look alive, you two.

This startles the two girls who then look around for the
source of the voice. A slick-looking boy is watching them from
high on the roof of one of the houses they are standing next
He is carrying a bow and a set of arrows.
(Looking away)
(Slightly blushing)
Andra: Hi, Jason.
(Tsundere mode)
Amala: Well, well, well, if it isn't our
: Way to disappear days at a time,
: And just what are YOU doing out so late?
(Crossing her arms)
: Not that we care.
Jason: I was...busy.
(Looking away)
Amala: You're always busy, mmph.
Jason: ...
: Anyway.
(Looks at the houses beyond
the main square)
: They sensed us.
: And they're coming...a whole
bunch of them.
The boy throws his bow and arrows to Andra who barely manages
to catch them.
Jason: Fend them off.
: I'll try to get the power back on.
Amala: Do you know what happened to the

the lights?
Jason: I'm not too sure...
: But I know where we can find
a backup generator,
: so I'll try that.
(Looking surprised)
Andra: A backup generator?
: For the city?
Jason: ...
: Yes, that's right.
Andra: ...
(Looking at the body near the girls)
Jason: Oh, and don't worry about them.
: They're just sleeping.
(Turning away)
: Good luck, kids.
The boy then disappears out of sight.
Amala: Mmph, I'm older than you.
(Looks at Andra)
(Both girls are blushing)
: And why are you blushing like that?
(Looking away)
Andra: N-no reason.
A distant growl turns their attention to the square again.
Amala: It's showtime.
Andra: Right.

Both girls are armed and ready.

-Gameplay phaseHold off the shadow monsters for about 5 minutes, there's an
infinite number of them, 4-5 at any given time, the others
appear gradually as you kill them.
Andra assists you with her bow.
When the streetlights shine again, all the remaining monsters
dissolve in the air with a hiss.
(Looking around)
Amala: Good, we did it.
She rushes to the check the nearest body and gently shakes it.
Amala: Wake up!
: Come on, wake up!
No response.
Amala: Uh, what's going on here?
Without saying a word, the blonde girl starts to run away from
the square, into one of the streets.
(Seeing that)
Amala: Hey!
: Where are you going?
She runs after and follows her all the way to one of the
houses, which Andra enters. Amala enters after her.
The blonde girl can be seen checking on a woman sleeping on a
table in the kitchen.

Andra: ...
Amala: How is she?
Andra: ...
: She'll be fine.
Andra then takes the time to fetch a blanket from one of the
cupboards and puts it on the woman, who is none other than her
Andra: It's safe to assume that anyone
that was inside the town when
the power went out and those things
attacked is in this state now.
: Lets just hope it doesn't last for
too long.
The blonde girl tenderly rests her hands on her mom for a few
instants and then sits at the table with her hands joined in
front of her in a serious thinking pose.
(Looking in front of her at Amala)
Andra: Don't you think it's strange?
(A little annoyed)
Amala: Are you kidding?
: The whole freaking thing is strange.
Andra: ...
: The lights.
: I'm talking about the lights going out.
: Something there is not right.
Amala: What do you mean?
: It went out at the same time
the shadows appeared.

Andra: ...
: Think about it for a second.
: They attacked right after the
blackout started,
: but as soon as the lights came back,
they disappeared.
: This means that they most likely
had nothing to do with the blackout
in itself.
Amala: I guess that makes sense.
Andra: Also, the power station is quite
a distance away from here.
: If these things are attracted by the
living, they'd really have no business
being there at this hour.
Amala: ...
: Meaning?
Andra: Something's up at the power station.
(Pauses to think for a moment)
Amala: ...
: It's not urgent, is it?
: Can't it wait until tomorrow?
Andra: What if the backup generator stops
working too, for whatever reason?
: Then we'd be in real trouble.
: Besides, we're the only ones who
can do it for now.
(Looks at her mom)
: ...
: Which reminds me.
(Looks at Amala again)
: We'll have to check that backup
generator too sometime.
Amala: Why?

Andra: Cities usually don't have one.

: And I didn't know we had one
until tonight.
: Seems fishy to me.
Amala: We can always ask Jason about that.
(Looking away)
(Slightly blushing)
Andra: That's if he ever shows up again...
(Looks at Amala)
: By the way.
: Don't you want to check on your family?
(Averting her eyes)
Amala: ...
: Not really.
Andra: That's kinda cold.
Amala: Bah, I'm sure they're alright.
(Getting up)
Andra: Lets go see that power station then.
(Trying to figure out something)
Amala: Do you even know where it is?
: I don't think I've ever been there.
Andra: The main building is located East, in the
restricted area by the bay.
: It's where the dam is.
(Crying a little bit)
Amala: That's so far...
Andra: We'll be there in less than an hour.
: There are some cottages near the area

we could check too.

Amala: Seriously, how do you know all
those things?
In an elegant gesture, Andra gently brushes her long blonde
hair with her hand, making it flow in the air for a brief
instant while her eyes are closed.
(Looks straight at Amala)
(Teasing expression)
Andra: I don't waste my time playing monkey.
(Averts her eyes)
(Her funny face shows she got
the critique)
Amala: ...
Andra: Shall we go?
Amala: Right behind you.

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