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Batman - Arkham City BOSS FAQ

Batman Arkham City
WARNING: Massive spoilers! Read at your own risk!
Also, please note this guide was written with Normal difficulty in mind. Hard,
and New Game Plus, are probably a lot different.
Version 1.0
Finished guide-- most bosses in. Even those things that don't really count
as one.
Here is what you've come for, the bosses. You need basic knowledge
of combat in this game but knowing you just reached a boss, you
probably know the important stuff.
Penguin'll be standing in the center, firing at you with his freeze
gun occasionally. Tap SPACE in quick succession to dodge
the bullets/ice. Once you've come to face to face with him, get
your distruptor, and use it on his gun. Afterwards, if successful,
give him a nice uppercut so that he'll learn not to mess with
*cutscenes ensue*
...but wait, it's not over yet! Penguin'll let free the monster of the
month, Solomon Grundy. The solution is kind of obvious; you'll need to

destroy the three generators, surrounding Grundy. He'll flail his

chains at you, but all you need is to evade them. When you have the
chance use the quickfire explosive gel to spray on and blow up the
generators. They'll also heal Grundy, occasionally. Touching them while
they're healing, is not advertised. At all. After all the generators
are down, Grundy'll be stunned. Go, stand up to Grundy, and punch him
a few times. Another cutscene and... oh god. He'll now swing his chains
as well. Still pretty easy to evade, though! Also, he'll also spawn...
living maggots? Undead rats? I dunno, but avoid them; the
generators'll be closed every few seconds, so you'll have to time the
detonating right. Blow up the generators, blah blah... he'll be
stunned again, so strike him again. He'll fall over. Go near him, and
press the button shown to finish him off as prompted to! Well I guess
that's i- wait a minute! He'll grab you... and crawl over to
electricity. Use the button shown to struggle. He'll let you free
but, another round begins. He'll send shockwaves now instead of his
chains! The generators won't close this time, but they'll keep
healing Grundy, mostly. When they stop, quickly spray some explosives
over one. Blow em up, and go in for the kill! For real this time.
Penguin'll show up for one last time, attacking you with an army of
rockets. Easy to dodge. When he stops to reload, go in and end this
Ra's will start off by summoning a sand army, most of them with
blades. Take them out, and you'll eventually find Ra's. Give
him some good harm.
"Witness the true power of my Lazarus Pit!"
Ra's'll summon a huge duplicate of himself, with him as the
"core" of the giant. Ra's will throw shruikens, and be surrounded
by a huge barrier of impossible to hurt soliders! ...if it weren't
for that one little gap in his shield. When you are facing the gap,
use the quickfire remote electrical charge. He'll now summon
sliding blades, as well. Hurt him a few more times, and he'll go
down. Not. He'll teleport to you and slash (attempt to) you with
his sword. This part requires button mashing, of the counter button.
Once the sequence is over, there'll be a cutscene. Then, you'll be
back to the sand dimension. There'll be a heck lot of sand
soliders jumping at you; more counter button mashing, to avoid an
instant KO. Again, you'll eventually find Ra's. He'll go back into
giant mode, with a sword attack added to the mix. It isn't any
harder to dodge than the rest. Now, there'll be barely a gap, but
the process is otherwise the same- Dodge, shoot, repeat. The
sword sequence'll appear again, but bare with your
keyboard/mouse. Cutscenes. You'll get the reverse batarang. Use it
on Ra's, and the boss battle is over.
This is my personal favorite boss fight. You can't hurt Freeze
directly; you need to take him down in the stealthy ways. My
personal tactic is the following: run over to the nearest weak wall,
and fast; he'll track your heat signatures/footprints. Spray gel on the

wall before he gets there. Ready the gadget, and when the hud shows
"Hostiles: 1", detonate it. Get over to him before he recovers and do a
series of punches on him. After that, hide under one of the many grates.
He can't see you there; when he passes above you, use the grate takedown.
Punch him again. Now, when he can't see you, use the disruptor on his
gun to shock him. Strike him, again. Run away, and while he is tracking
your footsteps, sneak up behind him and perform a silent takedown. Punch
again. One hit left. Find the electric machine (?magnet?) in the room.
Use a remote electrical charge on it to stun Freeze, and do the punching
yet again. After his health bar is down, you'll be prompted to strike a
few more times. Do so, and this battle is over.
I bet you were expecting this fight, sooner or later. Anyway!
Joker'll try to take on you by himself first... stun him, and beat
him down. Yes, that's as long as he lasted alone. Now, he'll bring
in a lot of thugs and it'll become a helluva fight! Don't focus on the
Joker, focus on the thugs instead. I really recommend you bought
Special Multi Combo Takedown from WayneTech, or this'll be a tough fight.
Of course I am not the freeflow expert, but you might be! Either way,
remember the Abramovci twins? The one armed thugs, you fought in Joker,
and Penguin's lair earlier on? One of them is back. Once a section
of the moron army is down, a Titan thug'll hop in the fight. In case
you don't remember how you defeated one in Penguin's lair, you need
to ultra stun them. That is, press the stun button thrice in quick
succession. After that punch him a few times and you can take him
for a ride. You can charge and create shockwaves while on his back.
Once the thugs are down. Stun Joker, and beat him down (again). That
was quite a starightforward fight, wasn't it? Anyway, the fight is
over. Next boss is the final, so SPOILER ALERT AHOY!
CLAYFACE? As a final boss? Seriously, Rocksteady? But let's get over
with it. Before we begin, I have to say, this is even easier than
Joker. Anyway! Clayface has more attacks than any else boss in this
game, I think. So I'll begin with listing them. In this phase, he'll
use: Alternating between left, and right punching; swiping the area
with a scythe like arm; jumping at you while swinging his arms, and
them turning into hammers; morphing into a ball and rolling at you.
While rolling, some weak walls'll explode when he bumps into them,
and deal a great amount of damage to him. But his main weakness, is
the freeze blast. That is all to the first phase; when his health bar
is empty, he'll turn into ice. Grab the sword from his back, and slash
him all you want.
Ding ding ding! Time for round twoooo! Now his attacks are; all the
above; spinning and releasing drops of harmful clay; rolling (With a
twist! He sometimes tries to fool you that he finished the attack,
but then rolls at you again.); forming his hands into hammers and
smashing them together high and low (if memory serves me right)
; and stabbing the ground with his scythe like arm. His weakness is
still the same, so is the slashing. But this time, you'll slash him
into pieces! But as expected, it's not over.

"Would a change of scenery help ease the pain?"

And with that, boom! Promised scenery change happens.
Round threeeeee! Ready... Go... Fight! Now, the whole fight'll change.
He'll summon Clay people (lame name I know). Cut some up with your
sword, and Clayface will rise out of the puddle. He'll... eww...
spew clay. When you have the chance, throw a freeze blast
into him, repeat the process a few times, and he'll be frozen again.
"Punch" him, and he'll go down. Congratulations! You've beaten a
great game. Now, watch the ending. No, I won't spoil it. It's
pretty much expected by now, though...
Only two villians are "bosses" in side missions. The others, you
don't face them. Reaching Zsasz is just pretty much an obstacle
course. Those are listed here.
Mission: Shot in the Dark
You start off hiding in a corner. So the solution is right under
your nose. When he turns around, go to the next wall (the one you
should be facing). Sneak to that, and use the corner cover.
Repeat the process a few times, until you see a hole. Crawl into
it, and use the grate takedown on Deadshot. Easy, no?
Mission: The Cure/The Tea Party
You'll start off, given a prompt to struggle. Once finished, you'll
begin the fight. Hatter'll summon thugs with rabbit masks. Keep
striking them, and eventually Mad Hatter'll appear out of nowhere.
Hit him, and he will vanish. Repeat the process two more times.
Mad Hatter'll be stunned after three direct hits. Do a ground
takedown on him and he's finished.
Rocksteady - For the best licensed games out there.
- For creating the Batman series (duh).
- For reading

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