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1) imp features of the 1920’s

A)Bcoz of klu klux klan (anti foreign act movement) to limit the population of
america. Americans misused against foreigners . less people were coming to

They limited the consumption of alcohol so people started saving money.

Rich people did not have any probation of buying alcohol. By seeing this poor
people started protesting and making illegal alcohol came into act.

Gangterism started which brought many probs in the society. Crimes

increased like selling of alcohol, drugs, illegal material where on the other
side kidnapping and murders started as a major problems. These gangs were
giving illegal protection to the illegal alcohol sellers.

One of the most imp changes in american history was education for life.
Concept of neccesity to attend the schools and college and many students
were encouraged to work as they studied, so they can earn atleast a part of
their studies. They gave the students experience of a hard life, from which
they can become more succesful.

Mass consumption of economy was another concept that started. It helped

the economy to become more succesfull. More money was invested in sports
and credit system.

2) notes on Eleanor Roosvelt.

A)Eleanor roosvelt was born in New york city on oct 11,1884. Her father was
Elliolt Roosvelt, who was the younger brother of president Theodore Roosvelt.
On march 17, 1905 she got married to her fifth cousin, Franklin Roosvelt, and
they became parents of six children. During president roosvelts presidency
she was an active first lady. She had gr8 ideas & she seeked new pssibillities
of improvments & she encourged freedom & independence in others.

3)what is meant by bthe term 3 R’s

A)Relief, recovery & reform, brought by Franklin Roosvelt into America. He

spoke about his concept while addressing the nation from ballet proof stand.
This concept of his included short term or immediate sollution to problems
and long term plans to overcome large obstacles in the country. He spoke of
immediate relief and also long term reovery and reform plans. He was mainly
focused on the banking system of the country, unemployment problems and
also about the industrial areas of the country. This recovery concept included
several acts such as emergency banking releif act, national industrial
recovery, PWA,etc. in the recovery concept there was unemployment releif
act, civilian conservations crops, federal emergency releif act,etc. and the
reform concept included beer and wine revenue act, Tenesse valley authority
act, etc. all these acts brought gr8 changes to the country and helped both
people and business equally and fairly.

4)short note on franklin roosvelt

A)franklin roosvelt became president in 1933. He brought gr8 changes to the

country.he took america towards success and prosperity. He went through
many problems in his childhood which he overcame and became a gr8 ruler.
He suffered from paralyses in a small age, by which he gathered sympathy
and liking of people. He was smart, tall, handsome and classy looking person,
impressed others. He was good in athletics and an active person. He used to
take decisions which sometimes seen harsh, but which was needed for the
proper ruling of the country. Other obstacles were not harder for him to face.
Because of his elegant voice people loved him and he became popular. All in
all he was a gr8 ruler who loved his country and did everything in interest of

5) causes and effects of japan attacks on pearl harbour

A)on 7th dec, 1941 japanese raided on pearl harbour, was one of the most
defining moment in history. It was a single carefully planned and well
executed stroke which removed the u.s navy battleship force. That battleship
was a possible threat to the japanese empire. The attack had several aims.
Major aims were, firstly it was supposed to destroy american fleet units.
Thereby preventing specific fleet from interfering with japanese conquest of
the dutch east indies.

It was to buy time for japan to consolidate her position and increase her naval
strenght. Before the ship building of the Vinson-walsh act erased any chance
of victory.finally it was intended as a blow against american morale. Which
might discourage further fighting and enable japan to conquer the south east
asia without interference.

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