Proposal of A Bio-Speckle Descriptor For Computing Machine Take Decisions

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Proposal of a Bio-speckle descriptor for computing

machine take decisions

Fabio Vega*a,b, Cesar Torresa

Laboratorio de ptica e Informtica, Universidad Popular del Cesar, Valledupar, Colombia
Grupo de Investigacin del SENA COMM, INVCOMM,Valledupar, Colombia

The coefficient autocorrelation is a descriptor used in many applications with biospeckle technique. However the
analysis of results is through of interpretation of graphs curves. In this paper us proposal a fast algorithm for the
linearizing of autocorrelation coefficient; through of the average of slope b etween autocorrelation coefficients and thus
the computing machine can take decisions for many application; for example: fruit classification, maturity detection,
storage detection, seeds classification etc.
Keywords: Bio-speckle descriptor, computing machine, autocorrelation coefficients

Quality control in products is a serious concern for food industry. It is an important issue for every producer and buyer,
whether dealing with manufactured commodities to farmed fruits and products. Even local farmers must organize their
activities on high quality reputation to sustain development, fruitfulness, profitability and competitiveness. Experimental
inspection regulations lay down stringent requirements which would guarantee the quality of products based on declared
standards. In addition, there are some quality schemes which help in identification of specifications of products and
foodstuffs farmed and produced. Quality control in this field consists of different subtitles. Considering the probable
contamination of fruit products with chemical pollutants e.g. pesticides, there are several analytical approaches for
evaluation of the quality of fruits prior to be consumed in the market. On the other hand there are several important
nutritional parameters, affecting the quality of fruits. Mineral profile of the fruits together with other food components
e.g. vitamins are the main quality parameters influencing the product.
The bio-speckle technique is no invasive, no destructive for fruits ; see examples [1,2,8,9]. This technique used a LASER,
an optics Diffuser, a computer machine and a sensor, generally a camera. In this works shows two proposal technique for
machine can take decisions for many application. The first proposal is a rapid capture biospeckle image, 30 frames one
each two second for a time acquisition of 60 seconds. The second proposal is a fast algorithm for the linearizing of
autocorrelation coefficient; through of the average of slope b etween autocorrelation coefficients.

In this section, we are going to make a short description of the methods proposal employed to characterize dynamic
speckle patterns. The analysis of the activity in a speckle pattern produced by the laser illumination of the fruit is
conveniently evaluated by using the display known as THSP [3]. The THSP represents the evolution of one column in
the speckle pattern during the time observation. The collected lines are used to construct the THSP pattern, which
permits to evaluate the changes of speckle grains. So, when a phenomen on is characterized by low activity, time
variations of the speckle pattern are slow and the THSP shows elongated shapes. When the phenomenon is very active,
the THSP resembles an ordinary spatial speckle pattern.
The method analyzed in this word is the autocorrelation coefficient between the images captured the equation for
computing this coefficient is:
( (

) ) ( (

( )
) )

*; phone +57 05 5801004; skype vega.fabio;

Where and are theaverage or mean of matrix elements of (A) and (B), and (m,n) are the pixel position. The images
previously are segmented for computing in interest area. Thins coefficient show that both seems one image to another
where the maximu m value is 1 and the minimum zero.

3.1 Method of Capturing Image
The objective in this seccion is proposal one fast methods of capture biospeckle image, so that the machine can
processing information in short time and the response action is short, also.
The method proposal is a rapid capture biospeckle image, 30 frames one each two second for a time acquisition of 60
seconds Using, LASCA experimental setup for capturing objective biospeckle of studies object. In the figure 1 shown
the basic component for the experimental (an laser as coherent source light, an diffuser, a USB camera with optical lens
for focus the image and computer machine for capturing and processing digital images ). Depending of object of study
an aluminum surface is required. The experimental setup is shown in figure 1.

Figure. 1. Experimental setup for the Biospeckle activity analysis.

In [4], this method is used for the determination of bruising in apples and pears by using the dynamic speckle
phenomenon. In this work [4] the autocorrelation coefficient can see in figure 2. Graphically the curves of bruised and
not bruised in the fruit are separates. Although the autocorrelation coefficients show few variations between 0.99 to
0.984. This measurement is because by one image is take only two seconds the next image capture. For example [5] was
on study of three types of different climacteric (with starch reserves) Indian fruits namely apple, pear and
tomato. The fruits were fresh and conditioned at room temperature for one day before a shelf life program
consisting of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 days of storage; the recording time was equal to 15 s with the frame rate
of 20 fps. In this case the autocorrelation coefficients are between 0.98 t0 0.88 for apple, 0.97 to 0.91 for tomato and 0.8
to 0.4 for pear. View figure 3.



Figure 2. (a) Apple autocorrelation coefficient before and immediately after impact, (b) Pear autocorrelation coefficient before and
immediately after impact. Source [4].

Figure 3.Temporal changes of crosscorrelation coefficient during shelf-life storage for apple, tomato and pear. Source [5]
Presuppose; in industrial company require classifying fruit by bruised or fruit for time storage, In this case the automatic
machine should calculate from autocorrelation coefficient which fruit meets the condition required. One solution is
calculate the coefficient in (2) where is the imaginary unit, the coefficients
the so-called cumulants or semiinvariants of the function ( ): In our case ( ) is the normalized mean autocorrelation of the THSP.

( ) )

( )

3.2 Method proposal for the computing machine can take decisions
The method proposed in linearization the curve of coefficient using the equation of the line, and the slope is calculated in
(3), where m is the tangent line between two points. Then the slope is added to other slopes and averages. In other words
as we have no equation of graphic (correlation coefficient) for calculating the tangent line that is the speed with which
the sample is decorrelates. For this resorted to use of equation (3), in which we calculated the slope between two points;
for our case
values are the autocorrelation coefficients and the values of
are the time lag between samples, which
are spaced every two seconds in the design of the experiment.
Then these data proceeds to average them to obtain the average velocity decorrelation. This is summarized in equation


Where N is the total number of samples (30), n is the umpteenth sample this s tarts at position n=3, because the first point
the autocorrelation coefficient is 1 and could affect the average overall slope and the value A is a gain value of the slope.
Now with average of slope calculated
, the machine has a numerical coefficient for take decision. For example in
the word [6], where is over
then the germination of seed is over 90%. The image the correlation
coefficient and in linearization the curve is shown in figure 4.

Figure. 4. Autocorrelation paddy rice seeds and in linearization the curve with A=1000 and N=30 samples each two second.
Source [6]

The Flowchart for the implementation is shown in figure 5.

Figure. 5. Flowchart for proposal method


In the work [6], shown one implementing the proposed method. In this case the machine can take decision over the lot
of rice seeds. For example in Colombian the rice seeds only can commercialized when the germination is above 90%
(Article 12 of Resolution 3034 of 1999, the Colombian agricultural institute ICA) [7]. In this works the short time
biospeckle analysis is in discussion by scientific community due at few variations among correlation coefficient. Our
proposal is a short for the massification of the implementation in the industry. Since this requires short time, fast

computing, fast take decision, repeatability and scalability among others. We invite the community to realization
extensive probes at proposal method. The application of this method is fast and easy implementations.

It developed a proposed method for capturing and processing biospeckle analysis for fast and easy implementation in the
industry. The method proposal is dividing in two stages; in the first stage is the acquisitions the biospeckle signal in short
time for viability industry implementation using LASCA method shown in figure 1. The second stage is calculate and
linearize the correlations coefficient using the equation (1,4), then average slope is used for t hat the computational
machine can take decisions.

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