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Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) or it's scientific Note: In large dozes, pure Ampalaya juice

name, Momordica charantia has been a can be a purgative and abortifacient.

folkloric cure for generations but has now
been proven to be an effective herbal Folkloric
medicine for many aliments. Astringent powdered leaves or root
decoction can be applied to hemorrhoids.
The Philippine Department of Health has Leaf juice for cough and as a purgative and
endorsed Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) anthelminthic to expel intestinal parasites,
as an alternative herbal medicine for liver and for healing wounds.
problems. Research about Ampalaya has Seeds also used to expel worms.
shown that Amplaya increases the Juice from fruit used for dysentery and
production of beta cells by the pancreas, chronic colitis.
thereby improving the body’s ability to The vine or the juice of leaves used as mild
produce insulin, that controls the blood sugar purgative for children.
for diabetics. In large doses, the fresh juice is a drastic
Ampalaya leaves and fruits are excellent Decoction of roots and seeds used for
sources of Vitamin B, iron, calcium, and urethral discharges.
phosphorus. It is also rich in beta carotene. Pounded leaves used for scalds.
Infusion of leaves or leaf juice used for
Ampalaya is used as herbal treatment for fevers.
diabetes, HIV, coughs, skin diseases, sterility In Jamaica, leaf decoction or infusion is taken
in women, parasiticide, antipyretic and as for colds, as laxative and blood cleanser.
purgative among others. Warm tea infusions also used for toothaches
and mouth infections. Also used as a
Diabetes. Ampalaya fruits and leaves can bath/wash for skin eruptions and acne.
be eaten as vegetable. Ampalaya tablets and Used for eczema, malarial, gout, jaundice,
capsules are also now available in the abdominal pain, kidney (stone), leprosy,
Philippines. leucorrhea, piles, pneumonia, psoriasis, ,
rheumatism, fever and scabies.
Hemorrhoids. Powdered In China, used as hypoglycemic and
leaves and root decoction of antidiabetic.
Ampalaya are applied to
hemorrhoids as astringent. Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya:

Stomach Problems. Ampalaya leaf juice is • Good for rheumatism and gout
used to expel intestinal parasites, treat • And diseases of the spleen and liver
dysentery, diarrhea, and chronic colitis. • Aids in lowering blood sugar levels
Grounded seeds may also be used. Taken in • Helps in lowering blood pressure
a spoonfull 3x a day until ailment subsides. • Relives headaches
• Disinfects and heals wounds & burns
Cough. Ampalaya leaf juice is used for mild • Can be used as a cough & fever remedy
coughs for children. Administered in a • Treatment of intestinal worms, diarrhea
teaspoon 3x a day. • Helps prevent some types of cancer
• Enhances immune system to fight infection
• For treatment of hemorrhoids
Burns, Scalds and Wounds. Pounded
• Is an antioxidant and parasiticide
Ampalaya seeds or leaf are used to treat
• Is antibacterial and antipyretic
burns, scalds and wounds.
Preparation & Use of Ampalaya:
Other acclaimed uses are for the treatment
of HIV, hypertension, treatment of fever and
headaches, treatment of rheumatism and • For coughs, fever, worms, diarrhea,
gout, disease of the spleen and liver. diabetes, juice Ampalaya leaves and drink a
spoonful daily.
• For other ailments, the fruit and leaves can
both be juiced and taken orally.
• For headaches wounds, burns and skin
diseases, apply warmed leaves to afflicted
• Powdered leaves, and the root decoction,
may be used as stringent and applied to
treat hemorrhoids.
• Internal parasites are proven to be
expelled when the ampalaya juice, made
from its leaves, is extracted. The ampalaya
juice, and grounded seeds is to be taken one
spoonful thrice a day, which also treats
diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic colitis.

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