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"I admire people who

choose to smile after
all the things theyve
been through."

309 notes

"Always try and find

the good in life,
because when it
comes down to it,
youre alive, and
thats pretty damn
John Cena

"Life is always full of

surprises. You never
know who you are
going to meet that
will change your life

1,095 notes

"Dont stress yourself

out with things you
cant control or


1,353 notes


6,334 notes


"Sometimes you need

bad things to happen
to inspire you to
change and grow."

2,409 notes

4,188 notes

Unknown (viadeeplifequote

4,644 notes

"You might be
respected for your
best day and judged
on your worst but its
all the other days that
matter as you have
to live with yourself."

"Someone who wants

the best for you is
whats best for you."

276,129 notes

"Strangers can
become best friends
just as quickly as best
friends can become

"Its okay to lose

people but never lose

"We are born in one

day. We die in one
day. We can change
in one day. And we
can fall in love in one
day. Anything can
happen in just one
Gayle Foreman

3,569 notes

"Be careful who you

open up to. Only a
few people actually
care. The rest just
want to have
something to gossip

3,177 notes

"You may not always

get the answer you
want from me, but
youll always get the

"When a million things

can bring you down,
find one reason to
keep you up."

Unknown (viadeeplifequotes

1,116 notes

99,346 notes

"Working on myself,
by myself, for myself."

1,961 notes

Stan Behrman


7,289 notes


"In case nobody told

you today, you are
good enough."

"Do not allow your

loneliness to lower
your standards."

1,944 notes

"The only thing Im

committed to right
now is bettering


"I am slowly learning

that some people are
not good for me, no
matter how much I
love them."


2,255 notes

"Get out from your

house, from your
cave, from your car.
Get out from the
place you feel safe,
from the place that
you are. Get out and
go running, go
funning, go wild. Get
out from your head,
get growing, dear

"My mother worked

too hard for me not
to be great."

2,799 notes

"You are responsible

for your own
happiness. If you
expect others to

2,189 notes

"You always deserve

to be the most
important person in
somebodys life."

1,043 notes

"Doors are opening.

Theres no reason to
turn back."

2,834 notes
1,082 notes

"I Dont hold grudges,

you just become
1,530 notes

"I dont chase after

people anymore. If
they like spending
time with me they will
do so. If not, Im
content in my own
Barry M. Sherbal

16,460 notes

"If they arent treating

you right, its time to
stop blaming them.
You decide your
worth, so if you dont
want to be a
doormat, get off the

Charles Orland

2,387 notes

"Please: Do
everything you
possibly can in one

"One day youll laugh





make you happy,

you will always be

1,883 notes

"Dont listen to the

crowd. Listen to your
own soul."

1,703 notes

"No decision will pay

off more than
prioritizing your life
and giving extreme
focus and energy to
the things with the
highest return."

at the things you

thought mattered."


2,423 notes
6,528 notes

"How someone reacts

to your sadness says
a lot about how long
theyre going to be in
your life."

1,990 notes

S.Z. (viadeeplifequotes

8,311 notes

"Dont give up. Not

yet. Theres a whole
life ahead of you."

"Instead of getting
angry, just let go.
Youre only hurting
yourself if you dont."


Robert Tew

1,114 notes

A big, tough samurai
once went to see a
little monk. Monk,
he said, in a voice
accustomed to
instant obedience,
teach me about
heaven and hell!
The monk looked up
at this mighty warrior
and replied with utter
disdain, Teach you
about heaven and
hell? I couldnt teach
you anything. Youre
dirty. You smell. Your
blade is rusty. Youre
a disgrace, an
embarrassment to
the samurai class.
Get out of my site, I
cant stand you.
The samurai was
furious. He shook, got
all red in the face,
was speechless with
rage. He pulled out
his sword and raised it
above him, preparing
to slay the monk.
Thats hell, said the
monk softly.
The samurai was
overwhelmed. The

1,987 notes

5,581 notes

"Stop stressing over it,

just let it be,
everything will be

"Theres nothing sexier

than a man who is in
love with his woman
and is not afraid to
show it."

1,873 notes

"Life is tough, my
darling, but so are
Stephanie BennettHenry

2,085 notes

"People are more

important than
Randy Pausch

960 notes

"Sometimes you just

have to step forward,
and move on. No
questions, no doubts,
no looking back. Just
move on."
1,839 notes

"Some people arent

even worth your
1,776 notes

"There are certain

"Sometimes we dont
appreciate what we
already have
because were too
focused on what we

2,084 notes

"Why wake up
stressing? When
waking up is a
1,684 notes

"You tend to keep a

lot to yourself
because its difficult
to find people who
3,410 notes

"Youll have moments

when you feel like a
lion, and moments
when you feel like a
mouse. Just know
that no matter how
you feel, you still have
a heartbeat and a
soul worthy of love, so
learn to roar even
when you feel small,
because you are

"Take out time for

YOU. You help
everyone else, but
you forget to help
yourself. You need
YOU too!"

1,145 notes

"Remember that time

when you felt
hopeless, got lost,
and didnt know
where to go? But
here you are today.
You survived."

Unknown (viadeeplifequote

3,617 notes

"This is your Sunday

evening reminder
that you can handle
whatever this week
throws at you."
3,601 notes

"It is okay to want

your own happiness.
Its okay to care
about yourself the
most. You are not
obligated to sit there
and smile and
swallow every bit of
shit everyone heaps
on you. You are more
than furniture, youre
more than window
dressing, youre not
their shiny toy. Youre
human, and you
have the right to say
That was shitty of
you. You have a
right to protest your
own mistreatment
and set boundaries
for respectful





compassion and
surrender of this little
man who had
offered his life to give
this teaching to show
him hell! He slowly put
down his sword, filled
with gratitude, and
suddenly peaceful.

things that have to

be learned the hard
way. Painful
experiences will turn
into wisdom."

more than the

feelings you may
T.B. LaBerge

"You never look good

trying to make
someone else look

4,989 notes
1,365 notes

And thats heaven,

said the monk softly.

"When life gives you a

hundred reasons to
break down and cry,
show life that you
have a million
reasons to smile and
1,522 notes

610 notes

"Patience is the key,

because when the
right time comes, it
will be very beautiful
and totally worth the

"I only have time for

things that will affect
my life in a positive
Dylan Smith

3,140 notes

"Whos to say
tomorrow wont be
the best day of your
Matty Healy

"Next time people

complain about
American students
being lazy or dumb,
remember when we
arrested a kid for
building a clock on
his own."

3,101 notes

Mike Drucker

"Invest in people who

invest in you."

"You dont have to

accept things you
are not okay with."

3,521 notes

2,475 notes

"Dont be afraid of
change. You may
end up losing
something good, but
youll probably end
up gaining something
so much better."

Unknown (viadeeplifequote

11,448 notes

"No one can stop you

but you."

Daman Waya


1,373 notes
3,078 notes

3,234 notes


interactions. The rest

of the world doesnt
realize you have this
right, and they will
act offended and
appalled when you
exercise it, but it is

"Someday you will

look back and know
exactly why it had to

1,981 notes

"Looks dont mean

everything. Id rather
have a beautiful
conversation than a
pretty face to look
1,527 notes

"The way you make

people feel is your

"Smile and be kind,

for we are here in this
world just for a while."

Eugene Gess Man

931 notes
3,379 notes

1,465 notes


18,775 notes

"Im perfect in my
imperfections, happy
in my pain, strong in
my weaknesses and
beautiful in my own
way because Im

"If you are willing to

look at another
persons behavior
toward you as a
reflection of the state
of their relationship
with themselves
rather than a
statement about your
value as a person,
then you will, over a
period of time cease
to react at all."

1,429 notes

Yogi Bhajan

"Efforts should be
appreciated, not

2,318 notes


2,612 notes

"You should tell

people how
important they are to
you. Always."

"Positive people also

have negative
thoughts. They just
dont let those
thoughts control

"What you say about

other people says
way more about you
than the people you
talk about."
1,456 notes

4,920 notes

"People can be
mean. Dont take it
personally. It says
nothing about you,
but a lot about

"Sometimes its better

to look at where
youre going, instead
of where youve

Ritu Ghatoure


1,335 notes
3,693 notes

"The fact is that five

years ago I was, as
near as possible, a

"Some days it takes a

lot of courage to be





"If hearing I love

you was enough,
wed all buy parrots
and live happily ever

1,375 notes

"If someone wont lift

a finger to call you,
see you or spend
time with youthen
its time for you to lift
five fingers and wave
good bye."

different person to
what I am tonight. I,
as I am now, didnt
exist at all. Will the
same thing happen
in the next five years?
I hope so."

1,675 notes

Siegfried Sassoon

2,238 notes



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