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Bad effects of Smoking a Cigarette in Circulatory

There are MANY different harmful consequences from smoking a cigarette. They can
-Raised blood pressure and heart rate
-Constriction (tightening) of blood vessels in the skin, resulting in a drop in skin temperature
-Less oxygen carried by the blood
-Stickier blood, which is more prone to clotting
-Damage to the lining of the arteries, which is thought to be a contributing factor to
atherosclerosis (the build-up of fatty deposits on the artery walls)
-Reduced blood flow to extremities like fingers and toes
-Increased risk of stroke and heart attack due to blockages of the blood supply.
Diseases in the Circulatory System
-Coronary Heart disease
-peripheral vascular disease.
-abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S, and is mainly caused by
smoking. Cigarettes form plaques that form in the arteries, which can lead to
atherosclerosia, which is also known as hardening of the arteries.

Stroke is the 3rd most common cause of death in the U.S.Toxins in the blood from smoking
cigarettes contribute to the development of atherosclerosia. Atherosclerosis is a progressive
hardening of the arteries caused by the deposit of fatty plaques and the scarring and
thickening of the artery wall. Inflammation of the artery wall and the development of blood
clots can obstruct blood flow and cause heart attacks or strokes.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

This is similar to almost any other disease from the circulatory system. In PAD, fatty
deposits build up in the inner linings of the artery walls. These blockages restrict blood

circulation, mainly in arteries leading to the kidneys, stomach, arms, legs and feet. In its
early stages a common symptom is cramping or fatigue in the legs and buttocks during
activity. Such cramping subsides when the person stands still. This is called "intermittent
claudication." People with PAD often have fatty buildup in the arteries of the heart and brain.
Because of this association, most people with PAD have a higher risk of death from heart
attack and stroke.
-Patients rarely show symptoms
-Leg Pain
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
This disease happens when large blood vessel that supplies blood to the abdomen, pelvis, and legs
becomes abnormally large or balloons outward. It happens slowly over a period of years.

How to cure?

Relieving symptoms.

Reducing risk factors in an effort to slow, stop, or reverse the buildup of plaque.

Lowering the risk of blood clots forming. (Blood clots can cause a heart attack.)

Widening or bypassing clogged arteries.

Preventing complications of CHD.

How to Prevent?

Follow a Healthy Diet

Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)
Be Physically Active
Maintain a Healthy Weight
Quit Smoking
Manage Stres

Smoking A Cigarette Effect on Respiratory System

Beginning with the basics, we all know that when you smoke a cigarette, you inhale
smoke into your lungs. While doing that, your lungs are exposed to a whopping
4,000 harmful substances and toxins just from the cigarette smoke. They can impair
your lungs ability to function, and can increase your risks of being diagnosed with a

respiratory disease.
Respiratory Diseases
There are many diseases caused by smoking. On a total, more than 438,000 people
each year die from smoking related causes. Respiratory diseases caused by
smoking include emphysema, lung cancer, and chronic bronchitis. Stated below is
more information on each respiratory disease or illness individually.
This is a chronic lung disease. The affects are in the air sacs in the lungs (alveoli).
There is no cure for this disease, but treatments include inhalers, or inhaled steroids.
Sometimes, surgery is a necessity. It is proven that smoking and second hand
smoke is the main cause.

Lung Cancer:
This disease is an abnormal, continual multiplying of cells that has possible results
of lumps, masses, or tumors beginning in the lining of the bronchi (large airways),
and possibly other areas of the respiratory system. As the tumor grows, it may or
may not cause a cough. Smoking, including secondhand smoke, is the leading
cause of lung cancer.
-swelling of the neck and face
-pain and weakness in the shoulder arm, or hand
-unexplained fever.
Chronic Bonchitis:
This is a long-term inflamation of the bronchi (large airways), while symptoms
include coughing for long periods of time. Just like emphysema, there is no cure for
this disease, but treatments include inhalers, or inhaled steroids. Sometimes,
surgery is a necessity. It is proven that smoking and second hand smoke is the main
Prevention and Cure
Don't smoke
Stay active in physical activities
Eat plenty of foods and vegetables
Breathe deeply
Make sure your surrounding is safe

B) Have a daily consultation on your doctor

As much as possible do not go to some places which the smoke or smog is present, if you get criticl
Check the medicines prescribed by doctors and use it according to what your doctor had said.
Use the guidelines to reduce the effect of the disease and help our lungs to survive from it.

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