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Matt Brodowski


corpses (175)
a dead body, usually of a human being.
Five thousand corpses murmured Josef , still not believing.


OS: the war ground was filled with corpses after the extensive battle.
invariably (176)
not changing or capable of being changed;
Shooting projectiles into their thighs to prove that it would invariably bring
death within two hours


dwindling (179)
to become smaller and smaller; shrink; waste away:
a welcome addition to Dr. Mrugowskys dwindling supply of experimental


OS: the stranded people worried as their already dwindling supply of food ran out.
forays (183)
A quick raid, usually for the purpose of taking plunder:
For much-needed supplies, and three late night forays onto the train tracks to
destroy sections of it that were built back again


OS: the nomads prepared for their 5 forays on neighboring tribes for food and riches.
detachment (183)
aloofness, as from worldly affairs or from the concerns of others.

he said it in his growl of a voice but Josef noted with some detachment that he did not
give up his own gun.
OS: the protestors were proud that they finally detached from the harsh government.
prolonged (188)
to lengthen out in time; extend the duration of; cause to continue longer:

for everyone said it would not be a prolonged siege.

OS: the boy sat angrily in front of the TV due to the prolonged commercial break.
elongated (189)
to draw out to greater length; lengthen; extend.
at first all he could see were the shadows of men bending over him, elongated,
black ,backlit, menacing.

OS: the boy was once happy again because the Spongebob marathon was elongated
another hour.
cynicism (190)
bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.

there seemed to be no cynicism in it.


stealthy (195)
done, characterized, or acting by stealth;
he concentrated instead on their stealthy incursions, on the feel for a spy under the tracks.
OS: the sniping squad used their stealth on order to evade the guards and take down the


infectious (197)
communicable by infection, as from one person to anotheror from one part of the b
ody to another:
his smile was so infectious, a small laugh ran around the circle of plotters.

OS: the disease was so infectious, that all the students in the school had the flu in just
two days.
meandering (202)
to proceed by or take a winding or indirect course:
to the right was the Narew River, meandering slowly.
OS: over the years, the everlasting highway meandered due to erosion.


inadvertently (214)
he put his arm around her and, inadvertently his hand touched the boys.
OS: The truck driver inadvertently drove off the bridge.


unscathed (220)
unharmed; uninjured:
chilled to the bone, but otherwise unscathed.

OS: Chad took a dive to avoid the car, luckily he was relatively unscathed from the
incognito (221)
having one's identity concealed,
she would be a Polish princess traveling incognito

OS: the man used Google Chromes incognito function so it wont store browsing
offensive (229)
causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying:
I do not wish to be offensive, sir, you have been so very kind.
OS: the bully wished to cause great offence to his victim every day.

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