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Practice test (1)

Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1) Someone says they think magazines are a waste of money. Disagree, giving a reason.

2) A friend from England calls and asks about the weather. You see dark clouds in the sky.

3) One of your friends watched a football match on TV and found it boring. You have a different

4) You hear someone use a word you do not understand. The word is energy.

2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

a) A- So, John, could you tell our listeners how you started?
B- Certainly. It was when I was seven. I won first prize in a poetry competition. When I was a
student, some of my stories were published in a university magazine.
A- And now it's your full-time job?
B- That's right. My second novel was published last year.
b) A- Could you help me carry the shopping into the house, please, Aisha?
B- OK, Mum. Where shall I put it?
A- Just put the bags on the kitchen floor for the moment

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1 This medicine is safe. There are no .............. ..
a) top effects
b) side effects
c) leaks
d) waste
2 I'm going to have lunch with friends tomorrow. We are the restaurant. at 12.30.
a) going to meet
b) would meet
c) will meet
d) meet
3 The ................ between Cairo and my town is 650 kilometres.
a) district
b) area
c) distance
d) space
4 It is hard to walk in space because there is no
a) gravity
b) waiting
c) spin
d) air
5 In Britain children secondary school from the age of 11 .
a) go
b) Intend
c) share
d) attend
6 Most furniture ........... from wood.
a) made
b) is made
c) make
d) makes
7 Many people ............... vegetables in their gardens.
a) growing
b) are grown
c) grow
d) is grown
8 In very hot weather, ice cream turns to .....
a) water
b) soft
c) liquid
d) solid
9 We call oil and coal .............. fuels.
a) fossil
c) renewable
d )waste
10 She ........ . .. an archaeologist when she leaves university. That is her plan.
a) will become
b) am becoming
c) is going to become .
d )become
11 He is flying to London at the weekend. His flight... . at 5.30 in the morning.
a) leaving
b) leaves
d) leave
12 We don't have ................. time. We'll have to hurry.
a) many
b) Some
c) lot
d) much
13 My friend and I look very different, but our personalities are ............... .
a) alike
b) same
c) common
d) like
14 Six months ......................... half a year.
a) are
b) is
c) be
d) am
15 The walls of the........ were built to protect the town.
a) pyramid
b) mission
c) castle
d) house
16 I am writing .. that my teacher asked for.
a) essay
b) a essay
c) the essay
d )that essay

4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:

1) She's going meet her sister in town..
2) I fixed the lake in the petrol tank
3) How many time do I need to drive to the city centre?.............................................................
4) Oil and gas are find under the ground..
5) Water is the solid form of ice .
6) The married team went to Italy on their honeymoon..

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

In the winter, many animals and birds travel hundreds of kilometres to places with a wormer
Climate and more food. This incredible journey takes place every year at about the' same time.
It is common to see birds sitting on walls or telephone wires waiting to travel the long distance
between the places where they spend their summers and their winters.
Scientists do not know exactly how they find their way to and from their winter homes .It is
thought that there are different ways, for example, using the sun and stars for navigation.
Some people believe that birds depend on their senses, including their sense of smell, to
help them find the way. Some animals and birds travel thousands of kilometres. Blue whales
have been known to travel up to 20,000 kilometres .
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1) Why do some birds and animals spend their winters and summers in different places?

2) How do birds and animals use the sun and stars?

3) What is surprising about the blue whale?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4) Why are the journeys birds and animals make incredible?
a) They take place at exactly the same time every year.
b) They are very long.
c) The birds and animals do not know where they are going. d) They take place in winter.
5) Who does the word they refer to in the phrase they find their way?
a) scientists
b) winter homes
c) birds and animals
d) the 'sun and stars
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The Girl Against the Jungle is the story of a girl who is flying to Brazil with her mother.
Suddenly, there is a stor m and the plane crashes. The girl wakes up to find herself in the
middle of a thick jungle. She is not badly injured, but there are parts of the plane around her
and she discovers that she is the only survivor. She realises that it will be difficult for anyone to
find her in the jungle, and she knows that if she stays where she is, she will die. Then she
remembers some advice her father had given her many years before. He had said, If you are
lost in a jungle, you should find a river and follow it. The next day, she sets off to find a river.
After walking for seven days, she comes to a small town, where people look after her.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Where are the girl and her mother travelling to?

2 Where does the plane crash?

3 Where does the girl find herself after walking out of the jungle?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4 What is a survivor?
a Someone who rescues people.
b Someone who does not die in an accident.
c Someone who dies in a plane crash.
d Someone who gets lost in a forest.
5 How long does she walk for?
a seven weeks
b a year
c a week
d seven hours

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1 Where had the girl been before she woke up in Cairo?

2 What did she take with her on her trip?

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1 The girl was away from her home in Egypt for ........................................................................
2 The Incas did not have ............................................................. ...
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"You're going so far away," she sobbed.
1 Who said this, and who did they, say it to?

2 When and where did she say this?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
(what families can do to save energy)

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Everyone who has travelled in space has described the magical feeling of looking down
on the Earth as it spins. It is impossible to go for a walk. However, you can do exercises.

B- Translate into English:

"!    # $%' &#% '!

Test practice(2)
Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1) A foreign friend wants to know how to make tea the Egyptian way. Tell him/her what to do first.

2) Someone asks what you were doing at eight o'clock this morning .

3) A friend asks you what you think about 1V news programmes.

4) A friend wants a job to help poor people. Advise him or her.

2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

A) At last we're here. What time does our flight leave, Dad?
B) At midday. We've still got lots of time.
A) Are you sure we have everything we need?
B) Yes, I'm sure. Please stop worrying, Ali!
A) So, for your homework, I want you all to make a list of all the plants growing in your

B) Shall we just write the names of the plants?

A) No, write the names and a short description.
B) When is the homework for?
A) Next Thursday, please.

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1) I expect I.............. you at the weekend.
a- am going to see
b- am seeing
c- I'll see
d- see
2) After the accident, the doctor ................ her to check she was not injured.
a- examined
b- looked at
c- tested
d- studied
3) Do you have ................ free time this afternoon?
a- a
b- the
c- many
d- any
4) We went to the opening of a new school last week. It was a very interesting .............
a- occasion
b- time
c- view
d- situation
5) Petrol from oil.
a- made
b- is made
c- makes
d- are made
6) Wind and wave power are typos of.. energy.
a- new
b- waste
c- renewable
d- cheap
7) When I was younger, I ................ go swimming every day.
a- usually
c- use
d- used to
8) My sister ................ at university for three years. She comes home every weekend .
a- is
b- has been
c- is being
d- had been
9) The police think he did it. He is the main ................ .
a- suspect
b- pioneer
c- publisher
d- agent
10) I really enjoy reading Agatha Christie novels. I particularly like her ............... .
a- way
b- style
c- system
d- design
11) It .............. that air travel will become more popular in the future.
a- is thought
b- was thought
c- thought
d- thinks
12) He did nothing wrong. He's ................ .
a- suspect
b- guilty
c- innocent
d- sensible
13) If he doesn't get eight hours sleep every night, he ................ really tired the next day.
a- will feel
b- feels
c- would feel
d- is feeling
14) If I have any free time tomorrow, ................ for a walk in the park.
a- I went
b- I go
c- I'd go
d- I'll go
15) The piano is our favourite musical .................... .
a- tool
b- instrument
c- equipment
d- device
16) Her uncle can't remember his accident. The doctor thinks he may have .............
a- a headache
b- phobia
c- amnesia
d- injury
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:
1) I need to get fit, so I've made a decision. I do more exercise.
2) The Prisoner of Zenda was wrote by Anthony Hope
3) We moved 'to this house two years ago today, so we lived here for exactly two years.
4) Before I entered the university, I had to show my credit card.
5) If you heat water, it melts.
6) Ra'fat EI-Haggan and Goma'a EI-Shawwan were very famous Egyptian kings.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The Taj Mahal, which is outside the city of Agra in India, was built by the Emperor Shah
Jahan. It is a tomb for his favourite wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Her body is buried under the building.
The Taj Mahal was started in 1633 and took 22 years to build. Today, it is one of the most
popular buildings in the world for tourists.
The Taj Mahal is built of white stone which is covered with beautiful designs. The highest
part of the roof of the Taj Mahal is shaped like an onion. In front of the building is a lake. At
night! in the light of the moon, you can see the Taj Mahal in this lake - it is a beautiful sight.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1) Who was Mumtaz Mahal?

2) In what year did they finish building the Taj Mahal?

3) Describe the Taj Mahal.

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4) Why was the Taj Mahal built?
a) in memory of Shah Jahan.
b) to attract tourists
c) in memory of Shah Jahan's wife
d) as a castle.
5) Why can visitors sometimes see the Taj Mahal in the lake?
a) The water is like a mirror
b) The building is in the middle of a lake.
c) The Taj Mahal is on an island.
d )The city is often flooded
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
People suddenly started seeing the strange plants in their gardens last spring. No one
had ever seen anything like them before, and no one knew where they had some from: At first
Some r people pulled them out and burned them because they thought they looked horrible
But most people left them where they were, without touching them. The next summer,
people. enjoyed the big purple-coloured flowers that the plants produced.
It Was not until August that people read in their newspapers the first reports that the
plants Could walk and run and even catch people and kill them. There is never much
interesting news in august so people thought that journalists had made up these stories about
waling plants to sell a few more newspapers and make money. Then in September, there was
terrible news.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why did some people destroy the plants?

2 How were the plants dangerous to people?

3 What did people think when they read the newspaper stories for the first time?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4) Where is this text from?
a- a newspaper b- a science fiction story c- a detective story
d- a book on gardening
5) What does them refer to in the plants could walk and run and even catch people and kill them?
a- the plants
b- the journalists
c- the newspapers
d- the people

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1) What job did the man sitting next to Leila on the plane say he did?

2) What did Dr Hafez think when Leila introduced him to Martin Lander?

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1) Although Martin Lander has an American passport, he..........................................................
2) When Dr Hafez met Leila at the airport, he asked her if .......................................................
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"I decided I didn't want to tell this man too much more. He spoke easily and
1) Why do you think Leila did not want to answer any more questions?

2) Later on the journey, Leila fell asleep. What did the man do while she was sleeping?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
(a novel or a short story you have enjoyed reading)

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Yahia Haqqi was born in 1905 in the Sayyida Zeinab district of Cairo. He graduated in
law and worked for a short time as a lawyer. In 1929, he began his career as a diplomat.

B- Translate into English:

"$* +, / +$0 01 !
4% , ' 5 '% & 6" 7# 8 $ 

Test practice(3)
Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1) You do not understand why it goes dark at night. Ask someone to explain it.

2) A friend suggests that swimming is a good way to keep fit. State another way.

3) A friend suggests that you join a squash club together. Suggest something else.

4) Someone asks where your friend Ali is. You have not seen him for a long time. You are
almost certain he is on holiday.

2)Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

a) A : Excuse me, sir. The captain has asked everyone to return to their seats.
B: Does that mean we are going to land soon?
A :Yes, in about 15 minutes.
b) A : Have you seen Tarek?
B: No, sir. He was at his desk on the phone a few minutes ago.
A: Isn't he there now?
B: No, maybe he's gone home already...
A : He can't have gone home. He's preparing a report me.

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1) Don't worry. I'm sure ................ them again soon.
a) you see
b) you're seeing
c) you'll see
d) you're going to see
2) Wanting friends is part of human ................ .
a) nature
b) conflict
c) will
d) life
3) They have just received this photo as an e-mail ................ .
a) post
b) attachment
c) letter
d) part
4) lightning is a dangerous but natural ................ .
a) Sight
b) response
c) eclipse
d) phenomenon
5) She didn't see her brother this morning. He ................ the flat very early.
a) must have left
b) must leave
c) can't have left
d) can't leave
6) He left his glasses at school yesterday. I'm hoping someone ................ found them.
a) must have
b) might have
c) can't have
d) can have
7) The quickest way for Sawsan to get to school is to ................ a train.
a) go
b) bring
c) come
d) take

8) That plant has been ................ so that it gets lots of light.

a) explored
b) raised
c )positioned
d) put
9) Taha's mother asked him where ............... .
a) he had been
b) had he been
c) has he been
d) he has been
10) She promised she ................ me as soon as the plane landed.
a) will phone
b) phoned
c) would phone
d) phones
11) Is that someone ................ on our door? I'll see who it is.
a) hitting
b) knocking
c) smashing
d) beating
12) Their uncle is a scientist. He's ................ research into new forms of energy.
a) making
b) taking
c) getting
d) doing
13) If you ................ earlier, you wouldn't have missed your train.
a) had left
b) leave
c) would have left
d) left
14) ................ you work harder, you'll fail your exam.
a) If
b) Unless
c) When
d) As
15) I'm hot today. How about ............. to the beach?
a) gone
b) going
c) went
d) go
16) Accidents ................ more frequently when the roads are busy.
a) take part
b) come in
c) cause
d) occur
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:
1) Let's try to find them. They can't have went very far.
2) Teachers and supervisors belong to the teaching confession . ..
3) He asked me if saw his newspaper.
4) The statue of Ramses II is a very important Ancient Egyptian magnet.
5) People can waste lots of money by using the underground. ..
6)The accident wouldn't happen i,f he hadn't been using his mobile phone.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

The Metro is the name of the underground railway system in Paris, the capital of France.
The system has 16 lines and over 300 stations. Together, the lines are about 200 kilometres
long. The Paris Metro is the second busiest underground system in Europe after Moscow, and
carries about five million passengers every day. It is said that in the centre of Paris, you are
never more than 500 metres from a Metro station.
The first line on the Metro was opened on July 19, 1900. The system grew quickly, but
stopped in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War. By the early 1920s, the central part of
the system was finished, although in the 1930s some of the lines were made longer to carry
commuters to and from the outskirts of Paris.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Which city has the busiest underground railway system in Europe?

2 Why did work on the Metro stop in 1914?

3 Why were some of the lines made longer in the 1930s?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4 In what year were the first journeys made on the Paris Metro?
a 1930
b 1920
c 1914
d 1900
5 Who or what are commuters?
a electrical goods
b school children
c people who regularly travel to work
d university students
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
An old sailor visits the young Jim Hawkins and pays him to look out for his enemies. Jim
escapes death when sailors come looking for the old mans secret papers. Jim finds the
papers; among them is a map showing an island with buried treasure. Jim decides to look for
the treasure and gets ready to sail. Unfortunately, his crew includes Long John Silver, an evil
man who also wants the treasure. Jim hears Long John Silvers plan to attack his men and
take over the ship. An exciting battle takes place. Jim escapes to the island, where he
discovers Ben Gunn, an old man who has already found and hidden the treasure. At the end,
Long John Silvers men are beaten and Jim returns safely to the ship with the treasure.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1 Why does the old sailor give Jim Hawkins money?

2 Why does everyone want the map that Jim finds?

3 What did Ben Gunn do with the treasure after he found it?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4 What kind of text do you think this is?
a a newspaper story b part of a novel
c a police report
d a letter
5 What does the word them refer to in the phrase among them is a map?
a Long John Silvers men
b the old mans enemies
c the secret papers
d the crew of the ship

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:

1 Why did Dr Hafez keep looking round as he was talking to Leila on the plane?

2 What did the Peruvian archaeologist Ramon find?

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1) Dr Hafez told Leila that thieves sometimes ...........................................................................
2) One of the most exciting days of Leila's life was when the archaeologists broke through......
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"It's really quite deep. I can see some bones and some bits of pottery".
1 Where is the person who says this?

2 What does he go on to say about the bones?

E) Writing

8-Write an e-mail to a friend describing a book you have recently read.

F) Translation

9-A- Translate into Arabic:

Egypt has many amazing works of ancient and modern engineering. At the south of
Aswan, for example, Abu Simbel is the site of two temples. These were carved into a cliff in
about 1250 BE.

B- Translate into English:

. "& 7> 0 ?,@ A/B 7 7C A&,  -1

. C 4 '$ F G +$0 H ,1 I&8 -2

Controlling Floods
In many countries, rivers that cause floods
have to be controlled. There are many ways of
doing this, including buildings walls along the sides
of rivers so that they do no flood even when the
water level rises. In some places lakes are created
next to rivers so that, when the level rises, the water
runs into the lakes instead of into the streets of town
or cities. In other places, dams have been built to
stop rivers flooding. The Aswan dams are a good
example of this.
In London, that British capital, many
areas are below the level of the river Thames, which means that
the city has to be protected from possible floods. To do this, a huge metal wall called the
Thames Barrier was built across the river. Usually this stays open so boats can pass up the
Thames to London or down the river to the sea. If the water in the river rises to a dangerous
level, however, the wall can be raised. Between 1982, when it was finished, and 2009, the
Thames Barrier was raised over 100 times. Venice in Italy has the same control system.
We usually think of floods as bad and there are many examples of floods which have
destroyed towns, cities and farm land. But floods can also benefit people. In the past, for
example, river Nile floods made agricultural land more fertile for farmers.

Adel : So, Hamid, can you go right to the top?

Hamid: Yes, its open to the public from nine oclock in the morning until one oclock at
night. My parents went last week and they said the view was fantastic. They
said they could see right across the city, and the river looked beautiful at night,
especially when it was beginning to go dark and the city lights came on.
: Do you know why it was built?
Hamid: Yes, its a television tower. It was designed by one of our best architects, Naum
: And theres a restaurant at the top, isnt there?
Hamid: Yes, it goes round very slowly, so that you can see the whole city while you are
: How much does it cost to go to the top?
Hamid: I think its about twenty-five pounds.
: Thats not bad, is it?
Hamid: No, but you have to pay a bit more if you take a video camera.
: Do you know how tall it is?
Hamid: Yes, its 187 metres tall. Its not the tallest building in the world, but when it was
built in 1961, it was the tallest concrete structure in the world.
: That must have been quite difficult. I thought all modern buildings had metal
inside to strengthen the concrete. And it was damaged by an earthquake, wasnt
Hamid: Thats right when the city was hit by an earthquake in 1992. The damage
wasnt serious and its all been repaired now.
: Have you ever been to the top?
Hamid: No but Id love to go, especially after what my parents said.
Adel : Why dont we go together? Id love to see what the Pyramids look like from the top.
Hamid: Theyre fifteen kilometres away, but you can see them really clearly. If we went
in the evening, wed see the Nile at night.
: OK, lets arrange a date and time.



farm land

=agricultural land
%& '
a bit more
- / /*
a date
- :!
stays open
 > 4 / 4
the public

come on

/ ) *
23 / 0%1

the river Thames


 4 56

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
a. Your friend thinks your teacher is absent today but you disagree because you saw her
during the morning lines.
b. You are at a restaurant. Your friend thinks you should both order fish, but you have other
c. You do not understand what happens during an eclipse of the moon. Ask your teacher.
d. Someone asks you about your opinion concerning storm chasers.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
a. A:The thief probably jumped off.
B: He cant have jumped off. Look at the tracks. Were going too fast.
A: Maybe hes hiding in the baggage car.
B: OK. Lets go check it out.
Place: . A: ........ B: ... Function: .....

b. A:I recommend the fried chicken, sir.

A: How about the shish kebab, then?

B:No, Id rather have something healthier.

B:Yes, one shish kebab for me, please.

Place: . A: ........ B: ... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. She gone far. I just saw her car leave a minute ago.
a) must have
b) should have
c) cant have
d) can have
2. Be careful when youre driving up the mountains. Some cars have fallen off the
a) rays
b) rocks
c) cliffs
d) stairs
3. I cant find my mobile phone. I left it in the car because it rang while I was driving.
a) must have
b) should have
c) cant have
d) would have
4. It is human to make mistakes.
a) culture
b) nature
c) will
d) evil
5. Jack tried to Paul by threatening to tell Paul's father what Paul had stolen at the weekend.
a) commit
b) blackmail
c) admit
d) recuperate
6. If you use this skin cream, it you from harmful ultraviolet light.
a) protect
b) protected
c) would protect
d) protects
7. The lightning the entire sky. The night almost seemed like day for a second.
a) illuminated
b) illustrated
c) occurred
d) absorbed
8. If you hadnt taken your umbrella, you been soaking wet by now.
a) wont have
b) would have
c) will have
d) have
9. The rainbow is a beautiful that occurs after it has just rained.
a) cause
b) drought
c) phenomenon
d) eclipse


10. Mum that she would take us to the zoo next Friday.
a) promised
b) promise
c) promises
d) will promise
11. In some places in Africa where there is little or no rain, have caused people to die.
a) floods
b) droughts
c) cliffs
d) barriers
12. In the last ten years, Egypt large areas of desert into farm land.
a) had turned
b) will turn
c) has turned
d) turns
13. The Eiffel Tower is the most important in France.
a) base
b) monument
c) tourist
d) biography
14. The thief admitted that he the necklace from Mrs Morrisons bag the night before.
a) would steal
b) steals
c) had stolen
d) was stolen
15. I asked Nora if she was enjoying the book she
a) is reading
b) was reading
c) will read
d) would read
16. Mum said it was that I even consider going into that dangerous cave.
a) unthinkable
b) old-fashioned
c) massive
d) respectable
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
a. Mr Maher has just had a serious illness and he needs time to regenerate
b. Maryam asked him the teacher was in school. ..
c. He cant have left his keys because he cant get into the car
d. I have decided to leave Cairo permanent and I am not coming back.
e. It is impolite to walk into an office before you nock on the door..
f. Leila wrote a long geography about her life ...

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

A geyser is a special type of hot spring in which steam and hot water erupt and are thrown
into the air. Some geysers throw water up more than 45 metres. Some geysers erupt at regular
intervals and are predictable. One of the most famous, Old Faithful, erupts about every 90 minutes.
But most geysers are unpredictable and irregular.
Worldwide there are only about 1,000 geysers and half of them are in Yellowstone National
Park, USA. Geysers are a rare phenomenon because they form only under certain hydrogeological
conditions. If conditions change, geysers can become dormant or extinct. Natural phenomena such
as prolonged droughts, earthquakes, or landslides can make this happen. So can human activities
such as mining, building dams, throwing trash into the geyser vent, and dewatering by geothermal
power plants. Even without human activities, the lifespan of geysers is at most a few thousand
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Are all hot springs geysers? Give a reason for your answer.
2. Can people prevent all geysers from becoming dormant or extinct? Give a reason for your answer.

3. Where is the best place to see geysers?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What does hydrogeological mean?
a) related to water and the earth
b) related to electricity
c) made by water
d) related to the earth and the sky
5. What does so refer to here?
a) geysers form
b) natural phenomena
c) make geysers become dormant or extinct
d) mining, building dams, etc.
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
I think that we should start a book club for secondary and university students in our town. We
could read both Arabic and English books. We could have meetings every week or two in the
summer, and once a month during the school year. Here is why I think we should do it. First, if we
have a book club, it will encourage us to read more. It is known that if people read a lot, they write
better. So this will help us in two ways. Secondly, we will develop some responsibility if we take
turns leading the discussion at meetings. The leader will have to read the book carefully. Thirdly,
discussing books will help us to overcome any shyness. Everyone will have to say something.


Reading good books will be a better way to use our time than playing games or reading comic
books. Don't you agree with me?
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. What kinds of students does the author want to have in the book club?
2. Do you think it is a good idea to have these kinds of students together? Give your reason.
3. How will the book club members develop responsibility?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What happens if people read a lot?
a) They join a book club.
b) They learn to write better.
c) They lead a discussion.
d) They are less shy.
5. What does overcome mean here?
a) to not behave normally
b) to fight and win against someone
c) to control a feeling that prevents you from achieving something
d) to be made extremely sick or unconscious

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. Why did Dr Hafez need to go to Quenco?
2. Why did Leila intend to talk to Amalia when she saw her at the Caf de la Plaza?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Leila knew Martin Lander was lying because she discovered that United Mining in Peru
2. Dr Hafez and his team could be sure that the tomb was a king's tomb only if they found
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
Weve only got a short time before the UNESCO inspection, so we really
need to find something soon.
1. Who said this, and who did they say it to?
2. What will the UNESCO people be inspecting?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
a crime you heard about, read about or saw yourself. You can make up your own crime story if you
do not know one.

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Dr Jekyll has now proved that human nature is both good and evil, but soon he
starts to enjoy being Mr Hyde. He changes into Mr Hyde more often. Eventually, it becomes
more difficult to change back into Dr Jekyll.
B- Translate into English:
.M O P & Q# (4&%   * )4& $J A 1
. R I&8  C QF  T#&, 2


Science and scientists

Food from the air
Everyone has seen plants growing, but have you ever
thought where they get their food? In 1652, a European
scientist called Van Helmot asked this question. Like most
people, he thought that plant must get their food from soil.
However, Van Helmot decided to test the theory with
experiments. First, he dried some soil, put it into a pot and
weighed it. Next he weighed a small tree, planted it in the pot
and added rain water. Then, he watered the soil regularly
with rain water.
After five years, he removed the tree from the Pot and
weighed it again. He found that the tree had gained a huge
amount of weight. When he weighed the soil,
however, it was almost exactly the same as it had been five years earlier.
Van Helmot thought this was strange, but decided that the extra weight of the tree must
have come from the water. He did not realise that there was another invisible food which was
feeding his tree.
We now know that plants and trees make their own food. Their leaves are like
factories producing everything they need, so that plants can change the energy from the sun
into chemical energy. During this process, oxygen and sugar are produced. The oxygen is
released back into the air, and the sugar is used by the plant as food.

Sara: I wish I knew what I was going to do when I leave school. Do you know what you're going
to do, Leila?
Leila:Yes, I want to go to university and study medicine. Then, after that, I want to work as
doctor. Don't you have any ideas, Sara?

Sara: No, I don't. And I don't think I 've don very well in this year's science tests at school.
Leila: I 'm sure you 'II be OK.
Sara: I don't know. I wish I'd done more revision this year.
Leila: I expect you 'II do better in next year's tests.
Sara: I hope so.I just wish I'd worked harder this year. I wish I hadn't wasted my time in the
holidays, so you want to be a doctor?
Leila: Yes, I'd like to work as a hospital doctor for a few years, then I'd like to be a scientist.
Sara: That sounds interesting.
Leila: Yes.You can't know about everything, so research scientists have to specialise. It's
all about doing experiments and comparing your results with other scientists, then
gradually developing theories.
Sara: What will you specialise in?
Leila: I'd like to specialise in studying the causes of serious illnesses like cancer or diabetes.
Sara: Really? Perhaps I should specialise. I wish there were something I was really
interested in, like you.
Leila: You'II probably become interested in something soon.
Sara: I hope so. I do want to be successful.
Leila: I Know! Let s agree now to get together in five years' time, to see if we've achieved
our ambitions
Sara: Good idea! Let's make sure we do.


serious illness
environmental scientist
nuclear scientist
a series of events
record details
theory of general relativity
the earth's crust
Alzheimer's disease
the solar system
nutritional value
combat pollution
feed the population
food scientist
gain weight
scientific discovery
extra weight

W , / 5
( & A) [04 / $&
5@ / ?0,
/O Q0 , Q 
$B Q 
$H Q 
$" Q0 7 Q 
c Q 
7f$ Q 
7\ * / T*Z#
\  / H  
/ *
B 0/0%
$> # /,
  $4/ ,F
$B R
&,  ^
7/&8 F
$\kJ &$1
0# i ,
 / Q,
,kJ Q 
7 ^,
7&0 8#
 $R Q,

@ /
7\ $J
^, / 6/#,
process (n)
research scientist
" Q 
cd Q 
7$> / $&$ Q 
$H$H Q 
I Q 
,$B $&$ Q 
space scientist
R Q 
,^$ Q 
medical laboratory
74@ &
 $"& % 7 Q 
,F / ,F $B  A
happen naturally
7$4@ 8 "
^1 1
continental drift ( 0 f$4  )"
terminal diseases
genetic information
$c 0
blood circulation
P0Z, / &^,
disease-free crops
A $ $> "
existing diseases
safe energy
d 1 @
70 60#,
chemical energy
$\ $&$ 1 @

4 ^ +$#%54 Z A 

achieve ^, / ?", to succeed in doing something good or getting the result you want
Cancer @ /  a serious disease in which cells in someone's body grow in a way that
is not normal
5 medicine or treatment that can make an injury or illness better
Diabetes /  a disease in which there is too much sugar in your blood
gradually W,# something that happens slowly, over a long time
$# something that happens or exists because of something else


specialise T*Z#,

to limit most of your study, business, etc., to a particular subject or

,F an explanation for something that has not yet been proved to be true
Amount / $& how much of something there is
invisible 7\ $J impossible to see
", let go; stop holding something
6/#, to increase in something
$0& a series of events or changes that happen naturally
regularly F#
often, at regular times, for example, every day, week or month

research the causes of...

4% 7 n"4,
find a cure for
H5 ,
life on other planets  6 70 $"
keep up with

6, /  , / , /,

make their own food

'/ ' @ q*
7 r,
result in
an explanation for
compare results with
q W\ # ,
become interested in
& #' i4*,
..7..A $#,

invisible to
at regular times
be passed down through

7\ $J
&F# 1 7
5 A #

test the theory with experiments  # ,F 4#Z,

an article about
result from
be careful about
specialize in
remove something from
be released into the air

A W#,
s8 T,B
7 T*Z#,
A 7C ,^,
'7 ?0

catch a disease
@lb spread diseases
develop a theory
intensive care
serious complications
potential threat n@m
technological progress
periodic check
growing opposition
scientific breakthrough
b@@ba crucial factor
negligible amount of
@@ do revision
at regular intervals
n@paL@@ get together
raise awareness about
Mi@a@ medical care
environmental awareness
ja@a health care
carry out / do / perform experiments

They decided to remove= eliminate their son from the school.

He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.
It's in pencil so you can just erase anything that's wrong.
Here is a list of possible answers. Please delete the wrong ones.

j /

At the end of this century, America began to gain control of the Middle East. 
She gained confidence over the last couple of years.
( ?A )
(4 :9 )
It's difficult to gain access to his data.
After you've gained some experience you can get a job.
(9 )
What mark did he get in his exam?
If you get to the restaurant before us, just wait at the bar.
b g
They won the war, although it cost them millions of lives.
If this government win the next election, I'm leaving the country.
( Xbm@i@IMi
You can't expect to earn a living from your painting.
b k
They didn't deliver the right amount = quantity of sand.


( , / , )  a c@

The new tax caused a huge amount of public anger.

You wouldn't believe the amount of trouble I've had with this car.
The price includes travel and accommodation but meals are extra . (n i )ba
They pay her extra to work nights. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b
There will be an extra charge for any additional passengers.
a \a
ba uc
You can earn some overtime by working after 6.00 p.m.
The aircraft is designed to be invisible to radar.
Hbbc@u@bi@I $J
We looked for her but she had disappeared into the crowd. ba b bbc n
If I don't wear my glasses, everything is just a blur.
I usually feed the neighbour's cat while she's away.
Let's feed the kids first and have our dinner after.
Children need plenty of good fresh food to nourish them.
She will bottle-feed her baby when he is hungry.
She will spoon-feed her baby when he is hungry.
Lions feed on meat.
They fed the wet fibers into the paper- making machine.
I'm fed up with such songs.


He was released from prison after two years.

Police have released a picture of the man they want to question. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@


He has a theory that the hole was caused by rats.

Our problem is always the conspiracy theory. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@aa@@
economic theory
scientific theory
In theory, women can still have children at the age of 50.
Fill a large pot ( container) with salted water and bring it to the boil.
He doesn't drive very fast - he tends to potter along .
I worked as a potter two years ago.
They sell pottery and other handmade goods.

i vn
b b
b ac

This cake's a bit dry - I think I overcooked it.

Yesterday, I attended a dry party.

On the whole, I prefer dry coffees to sweet ones.

something / everything / anything / nothing / somebody etc.
Have you read anything interesting lately?
- Let's go somewhere quiet.
He works as a doctor.
Things such as glass, paper, and plastic can all be recycled.
bra j
He didn't come to school as he was ill.

I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus.

Hard as he studied, he failed the test.
I am good at English. As for my brother, he is good at geography.
As from today, you are in charge of the office.
( @o@I@@@ai@
Taste this and see if it's too salty.
That cake has a nice taste.
They serve very tasty dishes here.
( la@a@@I@aua@@
fl y
They bought tasteful furniture.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
He is a testy person.
ka @@O x
The clothes are beautiful but very pricey= valuable.
A priceless collection of paintings was stolen from the museum.



Choose the correct answer

1. A virus is .. to the eye and can only be seen with a powerful microscope.
a) invisible
b) obscure
c) regular
d) gradual
2. There is a .. tumor on her lung that needs to be removed immediately.
a) cancer
b) theoretical
c) constant
d) cancerous
3. The .. is believable, but can it be proven?
a) theory
b) cancer
c) speciality
d) diabetes
4. Chemistry is very difficult for me, but I am .. understanding it better.
a) regularly
b) specially
c) gradually
d) invisibly
5. It is a complex .. to generate electricity from nuclear energy.
a) process
b) cure
c) amount
d) theory
6. Dr Eman .. in childrens medicine.
a) releases
b) considers
c) specializes
d) results
7. You need a certain .. of sunshine to get enough vitamin D.
a) theory
b) process
c) invisible
d) amount
8. Watch this film to understand the .. of photosynthesis, how a plant makes food.
a) release
b) achievement
c) process
d) gain
9. The .. Man is a famous novel and film about a man who could not be seen by anyone.
a) Incredible
b) Diabetic
c) Invisible
d) Invincible
10. If you have .., you must not eat too much sugar.
a) cancer
b) diabetes
c) result
d) experiments
11. We have several .. about how this desease spreads, but we need to do more studies.
a) theoretician
b) theorize
c) theoretical
d) theories
12. Her .. have gone beyond our expectations.
a) achieving
b) achieve
c) achievements
d) achieves
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:
1. He planted a small tree in a put.
2. John has earned a lot of weight recently.
3. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were indivisible to the naked eye.
4. Ageing is the natural recess of getting old
5. Carbon stored in trees is pleased as carbon dioxide..

I wish./ If only..@yn
R& 7 $ A $4#0 P$/4 7t & & 7s,
I wish / If only
I don't have a camera. I wish I had a camera.
The teacher doesn't do anything to solve the problem.
I wish the teacher did something to solve the
I have to work hard. I wish I didn't have to work hard.
There are a lot of people in this place. If only there weren't many people in this place.

7t & 7 $ A $4#0 # 7t & & 7s,

I wish / If only
I failed the exam. I wish I hadn't failed the exam. I wish I had passed the exam.
I feel sick. I ate so much cake yesterday. I feel sick. If only I hadn't eaten so much cake
I didn't apply for that job. I wish I had applied for that job.
The weather was cold while we were away. I wish it had been warmer.


\ &R 71 q ( would ) ( I / we ) q ( could ) 7s, 4#/& 7 7&# A $4#0

I wish I could see my friends tomorrow.
I wish I could ride a horse.

I wish he would visit me next week.

wish to + inf. = want to v&#,  ,,

I wish to see the manager, please.
If you wish to reserve a table, please telephone after 5 oclock.
wish + n.
(wish someone something)
I wish you a speedy recovery.
I wish you good luck.

I wish you a happy life.

Hope yn
4#/ P$/ R   7s,

I hope he passes / will pass the test.

( to +  ) &*7s,

I hope to win the first prize.

Choose the correct answer

1. Selma wants to come but she is ill and has to stay at home. She wishes she .. with us.
a) could have
b) could be
c) could been
d) could have been
2. Selma regrets that she was ill yesterday and had to stay at home. She wishes she . with us.
a) could have
b) could be
c) could been
d) could have been
3. Sami didnt work hard in school and now he .. he had studied more.
a) wishes
b) wished
c) wishing
d) wish
4. Jenna wishes she .. play the guitar like him.
a) must
b) could
c) might
d) can
5. Amina wishes she had .. another course.
a) choose
b) chose
c) chosen
d) chooses
6. Ramy wishes he .. where he put the fifty pounds he misplaced.
a) knowing
b) known
c) knows
d) knew
7. If the children .. all day, they would have been asleep by now.
a) were playing
b) had played
c) played
d) play
8. If Bassem .. the office, it would be a disaster.
a) ran
b) run
c) had run
d) runs
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Nevine wish she could finance her daughters new business
2. If she called, I would have picked her up...
3. If it rains tonight, we would go to the mall instead of the park
4. Leila wishes she had went with us to the lecture.
5. We never could have imagined Umars fine achievings.
6. We wish we havent missed the eight oclock train..
7. If wishes was horses, then beggars would ride
8. I wish I can paint better.


A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1- A friend is looking worried. You want to know why. What do you ask?
2- A friend asks what subject you would like to be better at.
3- You did not study last year. Express regret.
4- You hope to be a doctor. Express wish.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
B: They are on the top shelf over there.
1- A: Where can I find the dictionaries?
A: Can I borrow this one?
B: No, you can use it here only.
Place: A: ........ B: ..... Function: .....

2- A: How much is this vacuum cleaner?

A: OK. I'll buy it.

B: It's 2000 pounds.

Place: . A: ........ B: ..... Function: ......

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1- She spent a considerable .. of money on clothes.
a- mount
b- count
c- discount
d- amount
2- I have been working all day , but I feel as if I have .. nothing.
a- chained
b- achieved
c- charged
d- challenged
3- .. patients sometimes go into a coma.
a- Diabetic
b- Parasitic
c- Aquatic
d- Gigantic
4- ., she realized that he wasn't telling her the truth.
a- Annually
b- Manually
c- Gradually
d- Punctually
5- The of the opinion poll showed that most women supported this action.
a- ends
b- results
c- faults
d- salts
6- She's hired a lawyer who .. in divorce cases.
a- vaporizes
b- sympathizes
c- summarizes
d- specializes
7- I've asked my neighbour to .. the plants while I'm away.
a- water
b- alter
c- barter
d- enter
8- You should check the plant for any . signs of disease.
a- impossible
b- incredible
c- visible
d- admirable
9- He is short. He wishes he .. taller.
a- has been
b- had been
c- were
d- is
10- I wish I . where my keys were.
a- know
b- knew
c- have known
d- was knowing
11- I wish I . the exam questions more carefully yesterday.
a- read
b- have read
c- was reading
d- had read
12- I wish you so much time last year.
a- didn't waste
b- haven't wasted
c- wouldn't waste
d- hadn't wasted
13- I wish I .. play the piano.
a- could
b- may
c- should
d- can
14- They hope .. us next week.
a- visiting
b- to visit
c- had visited
d- will visit
15- Loin is meat . animals.
a- eat
b- ate
c- eating
d- eaten
16- Cutting trees means removing unwanted trees from trees.
a- off
b- back
c- down
d- out



Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:

My dad wished he has a bigger car. His car is too small for us
I wish the school holidays are longer.
I wish the weather were fine yesterday.
She stayed in the job for give years, earning valuable experience..
It is important to exercise regionally..
According to the therapy of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light...

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Some people say they have no memory at all. But of course we all have a memory. Our
memory tells us who we are and helps us to make use in the present of what we have learnt in
the past. In fact we have different types of memory. For example, our visual memory helps us
recall faces and places. Some people have a strong visual memory, they can remember exactly
what they have seen, for example, pages of a book, as a complete picture.
Our verbal memory helps us remember words and figures we may have heard but not
seen written: items of a shopping list, a chemical formula, dates or recipe.
With our emotional memory, we recall situations or places where we had strong feelings,
perhaps of happiness or unhappiness. We also have special memories for smell, taste, touch
and sound, and for performing physical movements.
We have two ways of storing any of these memories. Our short-term memory stores items
for up to thirty seconds. Our long-term memory, on the other hand, may store items for a lifetime.
Older people in fact have a much better long-term memory than short-term. They may forget
what they have done only a few hours ago, but have the clearest remembrance of when they
were very young.
You might assume that the more we remember the better. In fact, forgetting is as important as
remembering. If we remember all our unhappy times, we would become mentally ill.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Expain in your own words why we could not survive without a memory?
2. Why is forgetting as essential as remembering?
3. What kinds of memory are used when we do the following?
a) play the guitar.
b) feel alarmed when we smell burning.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. is a word in the last paragraph that means accept as true.
a) Remember b) Record
c) Assume
d) Forget
5. Our short-term memory stores items for up to .
a) 80 seconds b) 50 seconds
c) 40 seconds
d) 30 seconds
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Sir Magdi Yacoub has performed more transplants than any other surgeon in the world
and, as a scientist; his interest in the basic mechanisms of heart structure and function in
health and disease has improved transplant surgery and patient care. He was born and raised
in Cairo where he qualified as a doctor in 1957. He came to Britain in 1962 and since then has
made great achievements in heart surgery. He specialized in working with children with heart
problems and performed complex operations on the tiny hearts of babies in their first days of
He has always combined surgical work with scientific research, which he sees as the
key to improving patient care and eliminating heart disease. He has conducted a lot of
research. Sir Magdi Yacoub's work is all about helping people live. His strong sense of social
responsibility led him to establish the Chain of Hope charity, which sends medical teams to the
developing world to treat children suffering from heart disease free of charge.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Why did transplant surgery and patient care improve?


2- In which field did Sir Magdi Yacoub specialize?

3- What does the Chain of Hope charity do?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Sir Magdi Yacoub sees as the key to improving patient care.
a) surgical work
b) heart problems c) scientific research
d) heart disease
5- The underlined word "which" refers to . .
a) medical teams b) developing world c) social responsibility d) the Chain of Hope charity

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1- What did they see inside the tomb ?
2- Why wasnt Dr Hafez quite sure that the tomb was of a king ?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
The work in the tomb was tiring because
Inside the tomb, Leila didnt see the mans face, yet
1- C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
Does it mean that this is a tomb of a king.
1- What did they find in the tomb?
2- What did they need to make sure that it was a tomb of a kind?

E) Writing
8-Write an e-mail to
your friend Ahmed telling him about the job you'd like to do in the future. Your name is Adam:

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Most of the energy we use today comes from coal, oil and gas. But these will not last forever,
and burning them slowly harms the environment. So, we need to look for other ways of supplying
B- Translate into English:
.7d 6% B ' H  #1 6 @  B # i4> 

.5\  64/ 7# $$4  A A$4 $>  G^



Choose the correct answer

1. A virus is .. to the eye and can only be seen with a powerful microscope.
a) invisible
b) obscure
c) regular
d) gradual
2. There is a .. tumor on her lung that needs to be removed immediately.
a) cancer
b) theoretical
c) constant
d) cancerous
3. The .. is believable, but can it be proven?
a) theory
b) cancer
c) speciality
d) diabetes
4. Chemistry is very difficult for me, but I am .. understanding it better.
a) regularly
b) specially
c) gradually
d) invisibly
5. It is a complex .. to generate electricity from nuclear energy.
a) process
b) cure
c) amount
d) theory
6. Dr Eman .. in childrens medicine.
a) releases
b) considers
c) specializes
d) results
7. You need a certain .. of sunshine to get enough vitamin D.
a) theory
b) process
c) invisible
d) amount
8. Watch this film to understand the .. of photosynthesis, how a plant makes food.
a) release
b) achievement
c) process
d) gain
9. The .. Man is a famous novel and film about a man who could not be seen by anyone.
a) Incredible
b) Diabetic
c) Invisible
d) Invincible
10. If you have .., you must not eat too much sugar.
a) cancer
b) diabetes
c) result
d) experiments
11. We have several .. about how this desease spreads, but we need to do more studies.
a) theoretician
b) theorize
c) theoretical
d) theories
12. Her .. have gone beyond our expectations.
a) achieving
b) achieve
c) achievements
d) achieves
13. Selma wants to come but she is ill and has to stay at home. She wishes she .. with us.
a) could have
b) could be
c) could been
d) could have been
14. Selma regrets that she was ill yesterday and had to stay at home. She wishes she . with us.
a) could have
b) could be
c) could been
d) could have been
15. Sami didnt work hard in school and now he .. he had studied more.
a) wishes
b) wished
c) wishing
d) wish
16. Jenna wishes she .. play the guitar like him.
a) must
b) could
c) might
d) can
17. Amina wishes she had .. another course.
a) choose
b) chose
c) chosen
d) chooses
18. Ramy wishes he .. where he put the fifty pounds he misplaced.
a) knowing
b) known
c) knows
d) knew
19. If the children .. all day, they would have been asleep by now.
a) were playing
b) had played
c) played
d) play
20. If Bassem .. the office, it would be a disaster.
a) ran
b) run
c) had run
d) runs
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences,:
1. He planted a small tree in a put.
2. John has earned a lot of weight recently.
3. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were indivisible to the naked eye.
4. Ageing is the natural recess of getting old
5. Carbon stored in trees is pleased as carbon dioxide..
6. Nevine wish she could finance her daughters new business
7. If she called, I would have picked her up...
8. If it rains tonight, we would go to the mall instead of the park
9. Leila wishes she had went with us to the lecture.
10. We never could have imagined Umars fine achievings.


At the beginning of the story, Edmond

Dantes, the 19-year-old hero of The Count of
Monte Cristo, is a happy, successful young
man. He is a ship's captain and he is soon
going to be married to his fiance, Mercedes.
However, some of Edmond's friends are
envious of him and they write a letter accusing
him of treason. Edmond is arrested on his
wedding day and is sent to prison for life.
After Edmond has been in prison for a
number of years, Mercedes marries another
man. In prison, Edmond meets an old religious
man called Faria, who teaches him about
History and Science. He also tells Edmond that
he can have the valuable treasure he has
hidden on the island of Monte Cristo.
When Faria dies, Edmond escapes
from prison, goes to Monte Cristo and finds the
treasure. Now a wealthy man, he decides to
use his new money to reward the people who
have helped him and to punish his enemies.
He finds one of these enemies, Caderousse, who gives him the names of the
others. Caderousse now regrets what he did and because of this, Edmond gives him a
diamond. He when finds Morrel, the ship-owner he had worked for, and helps him with his
financial problems. ten years later, Edmond, who now calls himself the "Count of Monte
Cristo", arrives in Paris. His old friends do not recognise him, but Edmond knows the
people who were envious of him and begins his revenge. In different ways, Edmond
punishes all the men who accused him of treason. Finally, Edmond helps Maximillian .
Morrel, the son of the ship-owner, by rescuing his fiance, Valentine from her cruel
family. Edmound, too, finally finds happiness when he marries Haydee, the daughter of
another Victim of his old enemies.

Presenter: Welcome to The Book Programme.Today we're going to find out something
about-Alexandre Dumas. Dumas was one of France's most famous writers of
adventure stories, including The Three Musk and The Count of Monte Cristo.
To tell us more, today's studio guest is John a lecturer in French literature at
the city University. John, could you start by telling us something about Dumas's
early life?
Holder: Hello. Well, let's start at the beginning Dumas was born near Paris in 1802.His
father was an important man in the French army, but as a young soldier he had
suffered from imprisonment and he died when Alexandre was only four years
Presenter: So, was he brought up by his mother?
Holder: That's right. After his father had died. She didn't send Alexandre to school so she
kept him at home. This meant that the young Alexandre had a lonely childhood.
Presenter: How did he start to write?
Holder: Well, by the time Alexandre was twenty, his mother had spent all her money
and he went to live in Pans. He found work as a secretary to someone who had
been a friend of his father's in the army. But he found this work boring and stared
writing plays. Plays, not novels?
Holder: That's right. Today we know Dumas for his novels, hut long before he wrote The
Three Musketeers or the Count of Monte Cristo, he had become famous as a
playwright In one year, 1831, five of his plays were performed in Paris.
Presenter: That's amazing! So when did he write his adventure novels?
Holder : The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo were published in 1844
and 1845. They were immediate successes and made Dumas a rich man.
Presenter: These were historical novels, weren't they?


Holder : Yes, they were, but they weren't all Historically accurate. Dumas was mainly
interested in writing exciting adventure stories, so he often changed what really
happened in history.
Presenter: And his readers didn't object to this?
Holder: No, although some people were not happy when they discovered that Dumas had
employing other people to write for him
Presenter: Do you mean he didn't write the books himself?
Holder: That's right. Sometimes, he paid assistants to write the stories in his style. Then
he corrected and improved what they had written and the books were published
with his name on the cover.
Presenter: But he was a successful writer, wasn't he?
Holder : Yes, very successful. He had a very good life, and became very rich.
Unfortunately, although he made a lot of money, he also lost it very quickly. Towards
the end of his life, his son took care of his father's finances, until he died in 1870.
That's very interesting. Thank you very much for telling us about the life and work of
Alexandre Dumas.

finance (n / v)
historical novel
adventure stories
financial problems
take revenge
technical problem
step father
marine life

&, / (q&H) $  / ,&

t "
7B/ 6
Q#, /  #G / sx
$Z,  ,
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|" / / m%{
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,"4 $"
#& P\ %

w, # P4  $Z,&  $1
object to (v)
70 #,
A/ / I4"
accuse of
70 #,
historical story
$Z,*  1
\ *1
newspaper article
financial crisis
immediate success
$t , Q 
!   A
H ^ ^
step mother

f$4 % Q0
preventive measures
$\ 1 H


imminent danger

imprisonment Xja


near to
work for someone
be jealous of
at the beginning of
be sent to prison for life
escape from prison
in revenge for
guilty of
rescue from
look up
inform of/about
objection to/against

*"# hazards
+$C  soil pollution

 / @ Z
 # 0
/ A,,

the money that a person, company, etc., has

events, people, etc. that happened or existed in the past
someone who teaches a group of people, especially at a university
to say that you do not like or approve of something
someone who helps someone else by doing the less important jobs
the fact of being put or kept in prison
someone who writes plays
to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal
wishing that you had( did) something that someone else has( does).
the woman you have said officially that you are going to marry
to know someone or something because you have seen them before
something you do in order to punish someone who has harmed you
the crime of doing great harm to your country or government
someone who has been hurt or killed by someone or something

A 6,1
TZC & ,
A $J
.. , 7
 r& A/ z$0 Q",

A/ A ',
A k,
(0) A n"4,
[ 04, /  4Z,
70 #

friendly countries
international finance
7 ,&
on the ground that
% 70
high treason
7&F  $Z
innocent victims
, , "t
disaster victims
c  , "t
intimate friendship
&$&B 1>
accuse unjustly
&0y Q'#,
a reliable witness
z$ c  C
financial assistance
$  /
value friends
1> ,
disturb the balance of nature
be widely recognized
historical turning point

on the cover of the book

a secretary to someone
be envious of
at the end of
on his wedding day
in recognition of
in different ways
innocent of
get married to
share ideas with
catch up with
get engaged to

get the credit

give a lecture
a desire for revenge
a lonely childhood
civilian victims
financial reward
the spirit of friendship
comparatively cheap
severe punishment
be easy prey for
$4  7 0 ",
q%  70 z #
$Z, " 


# 5J 70

, ' 7
z  , 7
 , /  #

A ^#,
q  7 8#,

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 #G 7 4J
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$4/ T$
 0'% /, ,

He captained the England cricket team for 5 years.

It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as the captain of a football team.

I'm very envious of your new coat - it's lovely.

I envy her ability to talk to people she's never met before.

I watched with envy as she set off for the airport.
He had always been very jealous of his brother's good looks.

She is very jealous of her independence, and doesn't want to get married. y
He was accused of treason after trying to blow up the British Parliament building. b.
I felt a sense of betrayal when my friends refused to support me.
When the newspapers published the full story, all his deceits were revealed.
ba v

As he traded in drugs, he went to prison for life.

Execution is still the penalty in some states for murder.

A number of members are against the new law. a number of +     
The number of blood donors is not enough.
the number of +    

( )  xn@
( ) xn
)  xn xn
@ z xn

I married in 2000.
She married her cousin.
She is married to her cousin.
She got married with two children.

He wanted to avenge his brother's death.

He wanted to revenge his brother's death.
On finding him unfaithful she was determined to get her revenge.


We regret to tell you that the trip will be cancelled.

7C & R z d
I regret spending all my money on clothes last week.
41 A z0& 7C v0
His behaviour at the party was very regrettable.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 
He was regretful when he had to leave his old house.
(   C )
(  C ) ( B 8, ) ay

He carried the stone alone.

Despite his friends, he feels lonely.

For the first time in our countries history, we have woman judge.
( w, # A ^Mk   B ) : MbMm7t & A $$B B ) Mbna
historic meeting /building/place/event/ moment/day/date/site/occasion /monuments/speech
( z$Z,  T*1  0 x w, # %? 0# ) : MbMm
historical research / papers / studies / plays / films / novels / records / character / painting
El-Gabarty was a great historian.
( w, # A 6#,  , k TZ8 ) M
This event will be a good story for the paper. ( "Q ! cB A &0*# B ) MM

He threw all those who opposed him in prison.

b  b
I would oppose changing the law.
They fully intend to protest against the decision.
(  ) L wn
He objected to his friends' accusations.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ L
He objected to having to rewrite the article.
I mentioned the idea to John and he seemed to like it.
  !  ( '!&% )
We regret to inform you that your application has been rejected.( *) + ) j /

Are you friendly with Ahmed? = Are you his friend?

Our neighbours have always been very friendly to( towards) us.
b a
Ahmed is a friend of mine.

 -./ 01
3! 456


Choose the correct answer

1. The students to the plan to extend school hours until 4 pm.
a) reject
b) inject
c) object
d) subject
2. Do we put people in prison because we want or because we hope to reform them?
a) revenge
b) envy
c) victim
d) fiance
3. The newspaper has a photo of a man with amnesia after a car accident. The police are asking if
anyone him.
a) accuses
b) objects
c) revenges
d) recognises
4. I ! This plan cannot go forward as it is.
a) accuse
b) release
c) avoid
d) object
5. When Hatem was visiting Barcelona, he became the of a robbery.
a) result
b) victim
c) fiance
d) treason
6. Ehab was wrongly of cheating during an exam.
a) accused
b) released
c) recognized
d) changed
7. When there is a legal system, has no place in society.
a) concern
b) review
c) revenge
d) a victim
8. The two people were accused of and were imprisoned for life.
a) greed
b) treason
c) revenge
d) fiance
9. Farid gave his new a big diamond ring.
a) fiance
b) colleague
c) victim
d) genius
10. Hanan was so of Faridas new dress that she went out and bought herself one.
a) concerned
b) envious
c) victimized
d) cold
11. Fouad Hassan is the . director of our local bank.
a) finances
b) finance
c) financial
d) financier
12. The mans . sat in the third row of the courtroom.
a) accusation
b) accuser
c) accusatory
d) accused

The Past Tenses


Choose the correct answer

1. While we were waiting, Dawud . on the results of his exam.
a) checks
b) checked
c) is checking
d) had checked
2. The girls were going to a restaurant after they . some shopping.
a) had done
b) were doing
c) did
d) have done
3. After Selma . to the market, she made a delicious meal for us all.
a) has gone
b) goes
c) go
d) had gone
4. A group of us . the film already, so we didnt want to see it again.
a) sees
b) had seen
c) have seen
d) were seeing
5. How many times . to the north coast before you bought a chalet there?
a) are you been
b) have you been
c) had you been
d) were you
6. We recently learned that Samia . as a secret agent for years.
a) has acted
b) is acting
c) acted
d) had been acting
7. Hany . to Turkey last year.
a) had gone
b) went
c) has been
d) has gone
8. Before the fireworks went off, we . sitting in the square.
a) had
b) have been
c) had been
d) are


Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. Mona admitted that she has finished the chocolate before Mother came home
2. If I was you, Id avoid that altogether.
3. Before having dinner with my family, I picks up a gift for my mother..
4. After the meeting, we returning to our offices to finish our work..
5. After we had had dinner, we have eaten Hanys chocolate cake.
6. Sherif never heard of her before he met her
7. This is not the point to which Seif objective.
8. I havent thought of that before Ahmed mentioned it..

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Your friend doesn't want to go to the station alone. You offer to go with him.
2. Your friend offers to phone your parents to tell them you are going to be late. You appreciate that.
3. Your friend needs to carry some things to the car. You offer to help him.
4. An old lady can't cross the road alone. You are willing to help her. What do you say?
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
1. A: Next time I'll send you off.
B: Why?
A: For your deliberate fouls.
Place: . A: ...... B: .... Function: ......

2. A: What's wrong with your dog?

A: Well, let me examine it.

B: It doesn't eat well and it rarely moves.

Place: . A: ...... B: ... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer

1- The scientist said she needed a/an . to help her with her experiment.
a- assistant
b- contestant
c- descendant
d- ancestor
2- His was on an island in the middle of a river.
a- amazement
b- arrangement
c- imprisonment
d- disappointment
3- When his grandfather was a boy, he worked as a . for a rich man.
b- brilliant
c- giant
d- servant
4- After the earthquake, the village was not .
a- recognizable
b- advisable
c- achievable
d- countable
5- Some of his .. were his best friends. That's why he was so disappointed.
a- adventurers
b- admirers
c- accusers
d- astronomers
6- My little brother looked with .. at my new computer game.
a- scurvy
b- envy
c- nervy
d- levy
7- She is so clever that she is in the situation of being able to choose her university.
a- bearable
b- believable
c- curable
d- enviable
8- He looked at the old man with no sign of . .
a- addition
b- adoption
c- recognition
d- ambition
9- By the time they arrived, all the preparations .. .
a- had made
b- had been made
c- have been made d-have made
10- After doing the shopping, they .. to prepare the meal.
a- had started
b- start
c- started
d-have started
11- I to work than the phone rang.
a- had no sooner got b- no sooner got
c- have no sooner got
d-have got no sooner
12- His hands were dirty because he in the garden all day.
a- have been working b- works
c- was working
d- had been working
13- Last winter, they skiing every weekend.
a- were going
b- went
c- have gone
d- have been


14- He there for 2 years when he moved offices.

a- works
b- has worked
c- had been working
d- was working
15- The old house for years.
a- hasn't been painted b- was painting
c- hadn't painted
d- hasn't been painting
16- He .. to his friend for several minutes when his brother arrived.
a- was talking
b- has been talking
c- is talking
d- had been talking
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- The family had finished eating before we had arrived.
2- We were working for 3 hours when the storm began
3- He was sad because his grandfather leaves him nothing in his will.
4- He is a playmate. He writes plays.
5- He faces life investment for his role in the murder
6- They are launching a massive aid program to help the famine fictions

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Psychologists have been coming up with lots of theories about motivation. They have been
busy answering questions on what it is, where it comes from and why some people suffer from
a lack of it while others have far too much of it. The most obvious place one needs to be
motivated is the workplace. Most of us are motivated to succeed at work. Professor Cooper
found that a large percentage of successful people had lost a parent, been left by a parent or
suffered other tragic loss before the age of eighteen. Cooper claimed that their reason for
seeking success is not to achieve power over others, but to gain control over what is
happening in their lives.
Here are some tips to help boost your motivation. Firstly, eat well and exercise. A fat
stomach is not going to make you very energetic. Secondly, it is useful to define your goals by
writing them down. Thirdly, hang around positive people. If the people you spend your free
time with are constantly complaining about life, maybe its better you looked for new
companions. Sleep well and take breaks and holidays. By putting these ideas into practice, you
will enjoy higher levels of motivation and a better quality of life.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Do people, according to psychologists, have similar levels of motivation for success? Explain.
2- According to the text, where do people most likely want to achieve success?
3- Why do people who suffered in their childhood seek success?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- According to research by Professor Cooper, a huge number of successful people .

a) had good parents.

b) had suffered the loss of a loved one in childhood.
c) were orphans.
d) wanted to have power over other people.
5- What helps people determine what they would like to achieve?
a) eating well and exercising.
b) spending time with positive people.
c) sleeping well.
d) making a note of it.
6) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated 8 to New York city
when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That
was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many
letters seeking admission to medical schools, she was finally accepted by a doctor in
Philadelphia. So determined was she that she taught at school and gave music lessons to earn
money for her tuition.
In 1849, after graduation from medical school, she decided to further her education in
Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea.
Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because
she was a woman. By 1857, Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another female
doctor, managed to open a new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides being the
first female physician and founding her own hospital, she also established the first medical
school for women.


A) Give short answers to the following questions:

1- How did Elizabeth Blackwell earn money for her tuition?
2- Why couldnt Elizabeth Blackwell realize her dream of becoming a surgeon?
3- What are the firsts in the life of Elizabeth Blackwell?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- Elizabeth Blackwell emigrated to New York City in . .
a) 1821
b) 1831
5- The main obstacle that almost destroyed Elizabeths chances for becoming a doctor
was that
a) she was a woman
b) she wrote too many letter
c) she couldnt graduate from medical school
d) she couldnt establish her hospital.

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:

1- What did Dr Hafez use to date the pieces of cloth?
2- What did Leila do in the tomb ?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- Leila thought that the skull was broken .....
2- Seeing Leilas discovery, Dr Hafez ...
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
I think I recognized the man you were talking to.
1- Who was the man the speaker was talking about ?
2- Where had the speaker seen him before ?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
"The continuous rise in prices "

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Only the individual himself can develop his given potentials. But, like any other living being,
he needs an atmosphere of warmth to give him a feeling of inner security to express himself.
B- Translate into English:
. #O > $" G  q$&H 7 x," $H# Z#/ 6,
.7f$4 0# A T0Z#0 'k4 7#  ' 70 m1#, 70 $" 4#/


Choose the correct answer

1. The students to the plan to extend school hours until 4 pm.
a) reject
b) inject
c) object
d) subject
2. Do we put people in prison because we want or because we hope to reform them?
a) revenge
b) envy
c) victim
d) fiance
3. The newspaper has a photo of a man with amnesia after a car accident. The police are asking if
anyone him.
a) accuses
b) objects
c) revenges
d) recognises
4. I ! This plan cannot go forward as it is.
a) accuse
b) release
c) avoid
d) object
5. When Hatem was visiting Barcelona, he became the of a robbery.
a) result
b) victim
c) fiance
d) treason
6. Ehab was wrongly of cheating during an exam.
a) accused
b) released
c) recognized
d) changed
7. When there is a legal system, has no place in society.
a) concern
b) review
c) revenge
d) a victim
8. The two people were accused of and were imprisoned for life.
a) greed
b) treason
c) revenge
d) fiance
9. Farid gave his new a big diamond ring.
a) fiance
b) colleague
c) victim
d) genius
10. Hanan was so of Faridas new dress that she went out and bought herself one.
a) concerned
b) envious
c) victimized
d) cold
11. Fouad Hassan is the . director of our local bank.
a) finances
b) finance
c) financial
d) financier
12. The mans . sat in the third row of the courtroom.
a) accusation
b) accuser
c) accusatory
d) accused
13. While we were waiting, Dawud . on the results of his exam.
a) checks
b) checked
c) is checking
d) had checked
14. The girls were going to a restaurant after they . some shopping.
a) had done
b) were doing
c) did
d) have done
15. After Selma . to the market, she made a delicious meal for us all.
a) has gone
b) goes
c) go
d) had gone
16. A group of us . the film already, so we didnt want to see it again.
a) sees
b) had seen
c) have seen
d) were seeing
17. How many times . to the north coast before you bought a chalet there?
a) are you been
b) have you been
c) had you been
d) were you
18. We recently learned that Samia . as a secret agent for years.
a) has acted
b) is acting
c) acted
d) had been acting
19. Hany . to Turkey last year.
a) had gone
b) went
c) has been
d) has gone
20. Before the fireworks went off, we . sitting in the square.
a) had
b) have been
c) had been
d) are
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Mona admitted that she has finished the chocolate before Mother came home
2. If I was you, Id avoid that altogether.
3. Before having dinner with my family, I picks up a gift for my mother..
4. After the meeting, we returning to our offices to finish our work..
5. After we had had dinner, we have eaten Hanys chocolate cake.
6. Sherif never heard of her before he met her
7. This is not the point to which Seif objective.
8. I havent thought of that before Ahmed mentioned it..


Festivals and folk

In the same way that cultures have their
own festivals, they also have their own traditional
folk music: a particular style of music that uses
different instruments.
Unlike other kinds of music, folk music
usually develops in local communities. Even in
one country, different areas, cities and villages
often have their own distinctive styles. For
example, the traditional music of Cairo is
different from the music of other parts of
Egypt. Distinctive styles developed because, in the past, most people were born and lived
their lives In one village or one small area. Music was individual, not influenced by music
from other areas.
Today, most modern music is written as entertainment. Most folk music, however,
has a special purpose. Folk songs, for example, were made up to describe important
historical events, to help people get through their day's work, or to sing babies to sleep.
Until recent times, folk music was not written down. Children learnt it from their families,
friends or neighbours.
The musical instruments used in folk also vary from place to place. The people of
Upper Egypt, for example, often play the rababah, an instrument like a violin; the
simsimiyya is the instrument of the Suez area. The oud is common in the folk music of
Cairo. Once, it was taken to Europe, where it evolved into a number of modern Instruments.
Today, travel and modern technology have made it possible for anyone to listen to
music not just from other areas, but from other cultures around the world. Because of this,
distinctive folk music could disappear in future. With this in mind, it is our responsibility do
everything we can to protect the traditional music of our countries, our regions and our

Nabil: Different cultures have different festivals, don' they?

Nahla: Yes, but nearly all cultures celebrate good harvest because it means they 'II
have food for the next year.
Nabil: They're probably the oldest type-festivals, aren't they?
Tom : Yes, they are. In England, most towns and Villages have harvest festivals.
People take fruit and vegetables to their local church. After the festival, these are
given out to the poor.
Nabil: I know that some cultures have special winter festivals, don't they?
Nahla: Yes, like the Sapporo Snow Festival in Japan.
Tom: What happens there?
Nabil: Well, it isn't an old festival. It began in 1950 when some students made snow
sculptures in a park in Sapporo - that's the capital of Hokkaido, Japan's second
largest island. Now it's one of Japan's largest winter festivals. Every year, for
seven days in February, thousands of people enjoy looking at the beautiful snow
and ice sculptures which may be famous landmarks, like the Sphinx, or
enormous models of well-known buildings.
Tom : Really? That's very unusual.
Nahla: In China, they have a big festival in winter, too. Chinese New Year's the most
important day of the year.
Nabil: When do they celebrate that?


Nahla: It isn't the same day every year.

Tom : Why s that?
Nahla: It depends on the position of the moon, but it's always between the 21" of
January and the of February. I remember watching a TV programme about it.
Nabil : How do people celebrate?
Nahla: Well, before the holiday, they clean their homes and buy new clothes. Then,
people visit their relatives and give presents on the day after New Year's Day.
There's a big procession, there's loud drum music and there are fireworks.
Nabil: That sounds really interesting. Chinese people all over the world celebrate this,
don't they?
Tom : Yes, they do. Do you have any festivals like this in Egypt?
Nahla: We have Sham El-Nessim, It's a festival to mark the beginning of spring.
Tom : What happens?
Nabil: It s mainly a day when families spend the day together, usually in the open air. We
have a meal of fish with eggs and green onions.
Tom : I really want to see one of these festivals. Many of them have interesting music, too
Nabil: You should ask your parents to take you.
Tom : Yes, I'II suggest going to the Sham El-Nessim festival in Egypt next year !

celebrate #",
to do something special because it is a special event or occasion
04@ a round musical instrument which you play by hitting it with your hand or a stick
fireworks ,   small objects that explode or bum with a coloured light, used for celebrating
Landmark^$& 5 something that helps you recognise where you are.
mark ^$&,
to show that something is happening, especially an important event or change
6* the place where someone or something is in relation to other things
procession 6 a line of people or vehicles moving slowly as part of a ceremony
distinctive ^$&# showing a person or thing to be different from others
event  B something that happens, especially something important, interesting or unusual
evolve #, to develop or make something develop gradually
74C traditional and typical of the ordinary people who live in a particular area
responsibility$r/ it is your duty to make sure that it is done
#, if things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other

last for
& &#/,
influenced by
get through their work
Q'0& ^,
write down music
7$%& ,
evolve into
7 #,
with this in mind
4#G 7 + t
use music for a purpose 7$%& Z#/,
look with envy at
7 /" F,
distinct from
A ^$&#
carved out of
A " ,
throughout the world
Q  " 7
cheer up
train for the race
4/ H A #,
come up to the surface
i/ 7* ,
made up of
A #,

in the same way

, I
make up songs
7 J mr,
sing babies to sleep
 , 7 {@ 7,
vary from place to place   A m0#Z,
listen to music
7$%&0 q&#/,
it is our responsibility to
 #$f/ '
the main benefits of
in relation to
7 4/
give out
access to
7C Z#%  7 ?"
pass from to
..7..A #,
walk past
..  A &,
at lunchtime
! 1 7
take responsibility for
A $f/&"& #,
occupy a volume of
M1 &B 8,


score a goal
 /, achieve a goal
( $" 7) "? ,
make a loud noise
$  tt ", get together
q&#, /  #,
irresponsible behaviourf/ $J 0% a distinctive style
^$&# 0%
a historical play
$Z,  $B/ mark the beginning of
.. , x&,
music therapy
7$%& 5 play an instrument
($$%) d 70 ^,
fall asleep
z40, develop new techniques ,H 6$ % ,
a regular supply
QF# make time
(7C &) !1 ,
information technology  0& $H high yield crops
$  $H # $> "
decreasing amount
*1 # $& usable land
Z#%5 " >
air transport
 marine transport
river bed
' 1 mental age
birth rate
$  &death rate
family planning
% Q$F population explosion
7 / G
at the appointed time
! &"1 7 at the present time
7 "! 1 7

We try to treat our students as individuals.

children with individual needs .
Each individual table is finished by hand.
You haven't been listening to a single word I've been saying.
He's been single for so long now, I don't think he'll ever marry.
Chris is the one (= the person) with curly brown hair.
aa / a
Tom teaches sculpture at the local art school.
The museum has several sculptures of people and animals. qb / pbmz
Outside the snow began to fall .
Would you like ice in your juice?

ba bn u
(&# )  wq

We had a good harvest this year.

($> $& , A&, )ba
The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.
($4 $& ) a
What time do the fireworks start?
I have to go home now - there'll be fireworks if I'm late!

b lbc
a wv

He was born in the south; in Upper Egypt.

( $0 ) *
The upper classes usually send their children to expensive private schools.
ba ja

He was born in the north; in Lower Egypt.

( $0 ) *
up the river
'$t 7 70 ' q  "  $&/# %
down the river
z$t 7 Z& ' 6* " & 8
There's a large black African community living in this area.
These changes will affect the Egyptian society.

bu / be

Abd Elwahab was a great musician. 7$% &m$s# , M@e@M@M@M

He is able to write music as well as poetry.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
Mohamed Elmogy was a famous composer.
M MMa dni M M
He awarded a prize for composing soft music.
Abd Alhalim is the best singer.
  , k TZ8  7 /lM
People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.


The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.

di n
It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.
Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.n.a@j@O a
There was a queue of people waiting for the bus.( 7C 70 )  "*ba zn ibe

The kids were standing in line waiting for their teacher.

ba@c@ba @
There was a line of trees on side of the road.
The children were asked to stand in a row.
Folk music usually develops in local communities.
Our national team won the match.
Egypt has many international relations.

(invitation/apology/condolences /bribes)
( C - #k# ) MMj
He expects to find a good job soon.
R& v Mn
I expect it will rain.
I expected it would rain.
7t & v Mn
All friends attended the party except ( for ) Ahmed.
=Ahmed was the only one who didn't attend the party
We enjoyed the film
The film amused us.

(1  $J ' 1  '0  ) Mnn

(1  ' 1  $J  1  '0 ) Mn / M

He amused us with his funny jokes.

He always entertains his guests at a famous restaurant.(8  Q,# ) Mn
Fathers are responsible for their children.
My children are responsible of me.
The minister is responsible to the prime minister.
Doctors and nurses wear special clothes.
We have a private car .

@@@@@@@@@@@@@je@c@i b.

Choose the correct answer

1. Do you want to .. Hanys birthday on a felluca?
a) vary
b) revive
c) celebrate
2. Put the ball in the right .. to make it easy to hit.
a) fireworks
b) mark
c) drum
3. There were marching bands and politicians in the ..
a) position
b) procession
c) landmark
4. It is your .. to clean your room and be home on time.
a) distinction
b) event
c) folk
5. Music has .. quite a bit since the 1950s, from Elvis to Eminem.
a) evolved
b) enjoyed
c) eclipsed
6. The tickets to the .. were sold out three days after going on sale.
a) plan
b) suggestion
c) offer
7. The quality of these crops .. from year to year depending on the rain.
a) varies
b) evolves
c) prefers
8. Amrs voice has a .. sound. You can recognise it anywhere.
a) eventful
b) involved
c) distinctive
9. The .. were beautiful, but the loud noise scared some of the children.
a) celebrations
b) landmarks
c) fireworks
10. The Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria is a famous ..
a) landmark
b) position
c) mark


d) join
d) position
d) stop
d) responsibility
d) solved
d) event
d) stops
d) evolving
d) drums
d) event

Prepositions after verbs

5  + : ; :-! *=.>?@ A./ B .>/
.C  D C * ;* =B/ E) F?; . .>/ B BH* ; -*
Maro watches TV because she is free.
v. ing & to + inf. M.> B?N/ B. J / KL* ; ; /!! ;. BH*
Maro wants to watch TV.
Samah finished watching TV.

Maro watches TV.

verbs+ to+ inf.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a arrange@@@@@km@@ attempt@@@@@@@@b@
@@@@@@@@b@ dare@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@ decide@@@@@@@@@@
afford@@@@@@@@a@n@ allow@@@@@@@@|@
@@@@@@@@|@ @@@demand@@@@@@k
@@@@@@k deserve@@@zn
@@@zn expect@@@@@@@@n @@
@hope@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@yn learn@@@@@@@@@n plan@@@@@@@@@@@@ enable@@
@@@@n mean@@@@@@@@ pretend@@@@@bn teach@@@@@@@@
'd like@@@@@@@@@@
offer@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ wish@@@@@@@@@@@@yn want@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ threaten@@@
promise@@@@@@@@@@@ fail@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ cause@@@@@@@@@@@kj prove @@@@@@@@@ hurry

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ expect@@@@@@@@@n
@@@@@@@@@n volunteer n prepare @n

bn@ seek
g@ wait@@@@@@@@@@@@@@n deserve
@@@ request k guarantee determine@
hesitate L
The team threatened to stop their research.
Will you volunteer to lead the group?
We could not wait to hear the outcome.
She did not want to go first.
He promised to come to my party.
She agreed to help me.

verbs+ v.+ ing

miss @@@@@@@@@@@@ risk@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@eb admit
@L give up@@@n mind@@@@@@@@@@@@b
avoid@@@@@@@@@kvn fancy=imagine@@@@@@@n practice
@b resist@@@@@@@@@@b suggest @@@@@@L@
@u mention@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@fl consider@@@@@@@@@@@@n spend @@@@@@ f inish@@@@@@@@@@
@tolerate@@@|bn its no use @@@@b@@ recommend@M
@Mi@ worth
zn prevent@@@@@@@@
@enjoy@@@@@@@nn delay=postpone@@@@u carry out
fl resume @@dn @ complete
finish @@@@@@ practice
b miss
m@On@ deny
n include
involve n consider @ @
celebrate n endure
zn understand cant help
keep (on)=go on@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@n necessitate
I cant stand listening to pop music.
He suggested going to the cinema.
He is busy doing his homework.
I enjoyed watching the film.

verbs+ v.+ ing / to + inf.  

intend cj
He started plying in the morning. =

continue n
He started to play at in the morning.

verbs+ v.+ ing / to + inf.   

can't bear@@@zn@ prefer@@@@ love=like@@@@@@k hate=dislike@
Na@t@@@@@v. + v. + ing.bc@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o@@@ v. + to + inf.@
I like to drink coffee. &\ I$
I like drinking coffee. &\
I prefer to drink tea than to drink coffee.(70 7& than Z#%| BG) &\ I$ P
I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee
( 70 7& to Z#%| BG)
to + inf. bjn @would b@bu@ag@@y@@@@@@@
I would like to drink coffee.
I would prefer to drink tea than to drink coffee.


verbs+ v.+ ing / to + inf.  

remembern@@@@@@@@@@@@ forget 


7'# 1 "70 , v. +( v. +ing.) H  Mk

. Q#, Q "70 # v. +( to + inf.) k 
I forgot to take my camera with me.
z k s, Q z 7, k
I forgot taking my camera with me. + 7/ 1 z k  1 z 7, k
+ to + inf.@H@i@u@@I@b / + v. + ing.H@i@i@I@b@
I tried to stop him but it's no good.
 \5 A z1 ! B
I will try to stop him before leaving the place. .+ q$#% & z1 ! B


stop + to + inf. @@@n

I stopped to smoke.

let |

/ + v. + ing. @@@n
A $ 78& A m1
I stopped smoking.

had better@@@@@@ would rather

A$ # A q#


The teacher let me leave early.

He makes me laugh.
Sami helped me carry the bag.
Yesterday, I saw Ali walk along the street.
I had better (would rather) play football.
Sami helped me carry the bag.
&'0 74&  B 7 to qt FB5 q
I was helped to carry the bag.

verbs+ to+

contribute to@@b
assign to
resign to
is used to

admit to
look forward to @@g@n
devote to

prefer..... to.... @c@

object to
take to @@@bn@O@@

expressions + to+

is used to = is accustomed to @bn@
in addition to
due to = owing to = thanks to@@@@@@@kji@
opposed to
close to


1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Tamer and I agreed . seven pounds each.
a) paying
b) pay
c) to pay
d) was paying
2. Selim is so funny. He stopped . television because he said it was rotting his brain.
a) to watch
b) is watching
c) watch
d) watching
3. Hesham likes . a nap in the afternoon.
a) to take
b) is taking
c) took
d) taken
4. The school arranged . a new charity this year.
a) supported
b) supporter
c) to support
d) supporting
5. Kareem finished . his dinner at 6.30.
a) to have eaten
b) to eat
c) eating
d) eaten
6. Amina admitted not . how to open the door.
a) to be known
b) knowing
c) to know
d) known
7. Ali prefers . to Dahab.
a) to have flown
b) to fly
c) is flying
d) flew
8. Hany and his sister practise . tennis every day after school.
a) playing
b) to play
c) played
d) play


9. I regret . you that Nabil will not be joining the team. I know you wanted him with us.
a) telling
b) to tell
c) have told
d) am telling
10. Nehad regrets . her mother on her birthday. She should have done it.
a) not phone
b) not phoned
c) not phoning
d) not to phone
2) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Does Samia want come to the mall with us?

2. Khadijah recommended to read the book Three Cups of Tea.

3. Rehan enjoys to visit foreign countries because she gets to see so many new things.

4. I dont need a ride because I prefer I walk home.

5. Leila is planning visiting her sister in Aswan this summer.

6. The company offered paying the travel expenses for each of the employees.

7. Sam expected his sister coming home early from school since there was a half day.

8. Since her mother liked going to the opera, Leila hoped buying tickets for next weeks show.

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1- You would like to find out what music your friend likes. What do you say?

2- A friend asks you what sort of music you enjoy.

3- You want to find out if your friend plays a musical instrument.

4- A friend asks you whether there is any sort of music you don't like.

2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

1- A: Look there, that is an African elephant. B: It's the largest land animal today.
A: I see, and what does it feed on?
B: Leaves, branches and other vegetation.
Place: .A: .........B: ...Function: .....


A: Can you tell our viewers how you have achieved all this success?
B: Through hard work and sleepless nights.
Place: .A: ........B: .....Function: ......

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer

1- If I were you, I'd avoid into the city during the festival.
a- travels
b- to travel
c- travelling
d- of traveling
2- My parents suggested to the theatre.
a- go
b- going
c- to go
d- gone
3- I really want .. to Hong Kong for the Chinese New Year.
a- going
b- gone
c- goes
d- to go
4- Before you go to London, you should practise English.
a- speak
b- speaking
c- to speaking
d- speaks
5- He hopes .. a prize for his schoolwork.
a- to win
b- winning
c- wins
d- won
6- I regret . to the cinema. It was not a very good film.
a- to go
b- goes
c- going
d- gone
7- She offered me to the station in her car.
a- taking
b- to taking
c- to take
d- taken
8- We've just finished a TV programme about Egyptian history.
a- watching
b- to watch
c- watches
d- watched
9- She was so weak after the illness that she couldn't .. walk without help.


a- even
b- until
c- too
d- either
10- for one old lady, the bus was empty.
a- Accept
b- Expect
c- Except
d- However
11- Some were interviewed on TV last night.
a- celebrations
b- celebrated
c- celebrities
d- celebrates
12- The discovery of penicillin was a . in the history of medicine.
a- landmark
b- landowner
c- landlord
d- landlady
13- The castle occupies a strategic ., overlooking the valley.
a- post
b- portion
c- position
d- petition
14- They a new system for running the factory.
a- dried
b- believed
c- served
d- evolved
15- He still felt . for her death.
a- responsible
b- restored
c- stored
d- satisfied
16- Hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets to the occasion.
a- bark
b- dark
c- shark
d- mark
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- When did you decide studied biology at university?
2- We've arranged picking my brother up from the airport. ..
3- Ali is planning spent all weekend revising for next week's math test.
4- As medical knowledge revolves, beliefs change. ..
5- The prices here ferry according to the season. .
6- He has a very instinctive way of walking.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Sleep is a powerful influence on our lives. The traditional theory about sleep is that our
brain needs to rest for several hours to refresh itself and to file in our memory everything
that happened to us during the day. If we are not allowed to sleep, we eventually
die.However, Ray Meddis, a scientist at University, has a fascinating new theory. He
suggests that we dont really have to sleep at all. We sleep only because our brain is
programmed to make us do so. According to Dr Meddis, the tiredness we feel at the end of
the day is produced by a chemical mechanism in the brain which makes us sleep.
We are programmed to feel sleepy at midnight, even if we have spent the day relaxing
or doing nothing. He believes that the unpleasant symptoms we suffer when we dont sleep
enough are not because we have not rested, but because we have disobeyed our brains
programming. But he believes that if scientists could turn off the sleep mechanism in our
brain, we could live completely normal lives without sleeping. So is sleeping a waste of time?
Even Dr Meddis does not deny the great psychological value of sleep, and he asks us, if
scientists invented a pill which keeps you awake for ever, would you take it?
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- What happens if people dont sleep?

2- According to Dr Meddis, could we live without sleeping? Why?

3- What is Dr Meddis theory about the reason for tiredness?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- The traditional view is that we sleep because -------------.
a) we are programmed to do so
b) the brain needs to rest
c) the body needs to rest
d) the memory needs to rest
5- According to the passage, we suffer from unpleasant symptoms when we dont
sleep enough because ------------- .
a) we have not rested.
b) we feel sick.
c) our brain is turned off
d) we did not follow our normal routine fixed by our mind.
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Everyone's personality is as different and unique as everyone's fingerprints. We can
usually see people's personality in the clothes they wear, or how they look after their things,
or how they behave with other people. When we say that we know someone well, what we
really mean is that we can make accurate guesses about what that person will do or think.
We know the different features of their personality. These features are called "personality


Psychologists think that we have "central personality traits". These affect how we
behave, and how we react to people and situations. Examples of central personality traits are
friendliness, neatness, competitiveness, shyness and optimism. Some psychologists think
that we inherit these central traits from our family and that they usually stay with us all our
life. Psychologists say that we also have "secondary traits", connected with the things we
prefer, such as our favourite food, music, films or colours. These can change as we get older,
but very often many of them stay the same all our lives.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- How are people different from each other?

2- Mention three adjectives from the passage that describe positive aspects of people's personalities.

3- What are the different types of traits mentioned in the passage.

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- Many psychologists think that we get our central traits from .
a) school
b) books
c) our family
d) our friends
5- According to the passage, if we know people well, we get to know .
a) their families b) ourselves
c) their neighbours
d) their personality traits

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:

1. Why did Martin Lander point his flashlight in different directions in the tomb ?

How did he try to defend himself ?

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1. Leila hid behind a big rock inside the tomb so that ..
2. While she was in the tomb Leila dreamt ....
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
I think Ive found something interesting.
1. What was the interesting thing the speaker found ?

Why was it very important ?

E) Writing

8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

"the job that you would like to do after you graduate".
Write about:
your reasons, advantage of working in this career, and the skills and training required for it."

F) Translation

9-A- Translate into Arabic:

Our behavior has changed in the past few years. We have lost our respect for parents, for the
aged and for all those around us. We dont find the peaceful co-existence among people.

B- Translate into English:

. Q$0#  Q  7 W# q&# ?0  4#/&' H 70 1 , *A@  

. '/$%s 4% & $$% 5B 8 ! 1


Choose the correct answer

1. Do you want to .. Hanys birthday on a felluca?
a) vary
b) revive
c) celebrate
d) join
2. Put the ball in the right .. to make it easy to hit.
a) fireworks
b) mark
c) drum
d) position
3. There were marching bands and politicians in the ..
a) position
b) procession
c) landmark
d) stop
4. It is your .. to clean your room and be home on time.
a) distinction
b) event
c) folk
d) responsibility
5. Music has .. quite a bit since the 1950s, from Elvis to Eminem.
a) evolved
b) enjoyed
c) eclipsed
d) solved
6. The tickets to the .. were sold out three days after going on sale.
a) plan
b) suggestion
c) offer
d) event
7. The quality of these crops .. from year to year depending on the rain.
a) varies
b) evolves
c) prefers
d) stops
8. Amrs voice has a .. sound. You can recognise it anywhere.
a) eventful
b) involved
c) distinctive
d) evolving
9. The .. were beautiful, but the loud noise scared some of the children.
a) celebrations
b) landmarks
c) fireworks
d) drums
10. The Roman amphitheatre in Alexandria is a famous ..
a) landmark
b) position
c) mark
d) event
11. Tamer and I agreed . seven pounds each.
a) paying
b) pay
c) to pay
d) was paying
12. Selim is so funny. He stopped . television because he said it was rotting his brain.
a) to watch
b) is watching
c) watch
d) watching
13. Hesham likes . a nap in the afternoon.
a) to take
b) is taking
c) took
d) taken
14. The school arranged . a new charity this year.
a) supported
b) supporter
c) to support
d) supporting
15. Kareem finished . his dinner at 6.30.
a) to have eaten
b) to eat
c) eating
d) eaten
16. Amina admitted not . how to open the door.
a) to be known
b) knowing
c) to know
d) known
17. Ali prefers . to Dahab.
a) to have flown
b) to fly
c) is flying
d) flew
18. Hany and his sister practise . tennis every day after school.
a) playing
b) to play
c) played
d) play
19. I regret . you that Nabil will not be joining the team. I know you wanted him with us.
a) telling
b) to tell
c) have told
d) am telling
20. Nehad regrets . her mother on her birthday. She should have done it.
a) not phone
b) not phoned
c) not phoning
d) not to phone
2) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Does Samia want come to the mall with us?................................................................................
2. Khadijah recommended to read the book Three Cups of Tea.

3. Rehan enjoys to visit foreign countries because she gets to see so many new things.

4. I dont need a ride because I prefer I walk home

5. Leila is planning visiting her sister in Aswan this summer
6. The company offered paying the travel expenses for each of the employees.

7. Sam expected his sister coming home early from school since there was a half day.

8. Since her mother liked going to the opera, Leila hoped buying tickets for next weeks show.


An end to food problems?

As the worlds population continues to grow and
climate change makes it more difficult to produce food
in the traditional way, scientists are developing new
ways of growing plants efficiently. One of these ways is
growing plants without soil. Although this may sound
like a modern process, it is not new technology. Ancient
Egyptian writings describe how plants were grown in
water, and early examples include the famous gardens
of Babylon and floating gardens built by the Aztecs in
Mexico. In traditional farming, soil protects the roots of
plants, but scientists have shown that plants do not
need soil to grow. As long as they can get nutrients
from somewhere, they will grow successfully. To grow plants without soil, special fertilizer
is added to water and the plants take this in through their roots. Recently, this technology
has developed very quickly. It is common in northern Europe where it is used to grow
Vegetables have even been grown in submarines and astronauts have produced food in
space using this technology. Many people think that growing plants in water could help to
solve the worlds food problems. As cities become larger, there is less land for agriculture.
Countries with little land for growing crops could produce more of their food without soil.
This way can also be used in areas with poor soil, such as deserts, and in areas near the
sea where salt water is damaging the soil. Perhaps soon there will be no areas of the
world where food cannot be produced.

: You play the violin, don't you, Hamid?
Hamid: Yes, I do.
: How long have you been playing?
Hamid: I started when I was only six years old.
: Do you enjoy playing it?
Hamid: Yes, I do now, but when I first started I wish I keen on it. My hands were very small
and difficult (o put them in the right position,
: I'm really envious. I wish I'd learnt to something when I was young.
Hamid: It's never too late to start, Adel. My father didn't 't start playing the oud until he was in
his twenties.
: I 've always liked listening to oud music,
Hamid: Well, why don 't you have a few lessons to see if you like it?
: Does your father still play, Hamid?
Hamid: Yes, he does. Why don 't you come round and ask him to show you?
: Do you think he would teach me to play?
Hamid: Probably not. He's always very busy, but I'm sure he could give you some advice.
: Thanks, that would be great! Is there anything you wish you 'd done when you were
young, Hamid?
Hamid: Yes, but it's nothing to do with music. I wish I could play squash.
: Why squash?
Hamid: I first became interested in squash during the last Olympic Games. I watched it on TV,
and it looked like a really exciting sport.
: It's very fast, so it can be exhausting. My brother plays regularly. He says you have to
be very fit to play well.
Hamid: I don't think I have the time to start now. I spend most of my time studying.


: But you need to do something to keep fit. Why don't you join a squash club?
Hamid: I might try that. Thanks for the advice.
: That's OK. Now we both have something new that we want to achieve!

come round
keen on
the oud
the violin

%4 *U
% K
-4 4V
F4 4V

it's nothing to do with & $ W4 X 4



 / J 7
take in
common / 2MN

submarines -R

J . / S F
> / 0?

H *I 7


A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
a. Your friend has just lost his or her purse and has no money to go home. Offer help.

b. Your friend is worried about tomorrows English exam. Reassure him or her.

c. You are at a bookshop and cant find a certain book, so the shop assistant offers to help.
Accept her offer.

d. Your father has just promised to buy you a new bike. He wants to know what kind you like.

2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

a. A Excuse me, can I borrow this book? B Certainly. Good choice. May I have your card?
A When is this book due?
B Please return it by next Monday.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

b. AMay I have 3 kilos of tomatoes, please?

AHow much?

BHere you are.

BThatll be 15 pounds, please.

Place: . A: ........ B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. I wish I . where I parked my car!
a) known
b) knew
c) know
d) knows
2. I really wish I . breakfast before I left for school. Im starving now!
a) had eaten
b) ate
c) eat
d) will eat
3. The patient has to control how much sugar he eats because he has .
a) influenza
b) amnesia
c) cancer
d) diabetes
4. Scientists hope they will find a . for cancer soon.
a) cure
b) theory
c) result
d) chemistry
5. Salma intends to . in criminal law when she goes to law school.
a) specialize
b) achieve
c) gain
d) release
6. After Mum . dinner, she fell asleep on the couch.
a) cooks
b) had cooked
c) will cook
d) cooking
7. By the time Judy was 20 years old, she . three national championships.
a) won
b) wins
c) had won
d) will win
8. Before Basem left for Canada, he . away all his toys to charity.
a) would give
b) will give
c) gives
d) gave


9. When we arrived at the park, we were soaking wet. It had . all the while we were
a) raining
b) been raining
c) has rained
d) rains
10. Alfred Farrag and William Shakespeare are famous .
a) lawyers
b) players
c) playwrights
d) plays
11. My friend had lost so much weight that I hardly . him.
a) envied
b) accused
c) realized
d) recognised
12. The spy was accused of . and taken to court.
a) cancer
b) treason
c) revenge
d) responsibility
13. Dad just got an increase in his salary and we are all going out to .
a) celebrate
b) object
c) finance
d) achieve
14. If you have a weight problem, you should avoid . fatty foods.
a) to eat
b) eating
c) eat
d) ate
15. Ginger has a very . taste. It is hotter than most spices.
a) invisible
b) regular
c) similar
d) distinctive
16. I remember . your glasses on the table next to the door. Look for them there.
a) see
b) to see
c) seeing
d) saw
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
a. If you work hard, you will achieving great results.
b. I wish I had been kissing my mothers hand every day before she died
c. My brother agreed lending me his MP4..
d. The victime was found dead on the floor of the bank. .
e. The Sphinx is a modern Egyptian monument. .
f. Please water the plants regular while Im gone. .

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

One hundred years ago, diabetes always killed. A victim of diabetes would often
have a damaged body organ called the pancreas, but doctors didnt understand why. In
1921, a young doctor called Frederick Banting had a theory that the pancreas released a
substance that controlled the sugar in the blood. Professor John Macleod at the University
of Toronto, Canada, gave him a laboratory, ten dogs, and medical student Charles Best as a
research assistant. Banting and Best showed that an extract from the pancreas, which they
named insulin, could control blood sugar in dogs. Biochemist Bertram Collip joined them.
He made the insulin pure so it could be tested on humans. The discovery of insulin was a
landmark. Diabetic patients no longer died from the disease. Banting and Macleod received
the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1923, but they shared their prize money with
Best and Collip.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Before Bantings discovery, what didnt doctors understand?
2. What happened to diabetic patients before insulin was discovered?
3. Why do you think Banting and Macleod shared their prize money with Best and Collip?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What does landmark mean in The discovery of insulin was a landmark?
a) something that is easy to recognize
b) one of the most important discoveries
c) a celebration
d) a Nobel Prize
5. Who was the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine given to in 1923?
a) Best and Collip
b) Banting and Best
c) Banting, Macleod, Best and Collip
d) Banting and Macleod
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
We spend billions of dollars to study the sun and distant stars. We should stop this
and study the oceans instead. They cover nearly 70% of the earth. Oceanography is more
important than space science. It researches processes that directly affect our lives. For
example, we release tonnes of waste into the oceans every year. Oceanographers, who


specialise in various fields, can tell us the results of pollution on marine life, on the chemistry
of the seas and on the currents (movement of water) that affect climate. We know that in
different parts of the seas, distinctive forms of life have evolved. There are even living things
that do not depend on the sun for energy! Maybe we can learn something useful by studying
them. There are vast areas of the oceans, especially in the deepest water, that are
unexplored. This is where we should be researching, not the stars.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. What is the writers opinion of space science?
2. Why do you think oceanographers specialise?
3. Give one reason why the writer thinks we should study the oceans more.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What does it mean in It researches processes that directly affect our lives?
a) space science
b) the earth
c) oceanography
d) the sun
5. What does oceanographers mean?
a) the study of the oceans
b) people who specialise
c) the results of pollution
d) people who study the oceans

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:

1.Where was the gold mask when it was stolen?

2. What was found among Leilas work clothes?

B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1. Lander had helped Amalia.
2. Leila was imprisoned because Amalia had.
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
1. Who said this to whom?

2. Does this person feel hes done something wrong? How do you know?

E) Writing

8. Write a letter to your friend describing a famous Egyptian festival.

F) Translation

9-A- Translate into Arabic:

Van Helmot used to believe that plants get their food from soil. He tested his theory
with an experiment, but he found that he was wrong. He did not realise that there was
another invisible food which was feeding his tree.

B- Translate into English:

.x," $$%& G A v " n$B v  k Q 1.

.,$0# ,0/$48 v$%&0  tO ^$&# G #B/  H' '$ (0#Z&  )x 2.


Women in History
Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale was born in 1820 into a
wealthy family in Italy, but grew up and went to school
in England. When she was 17, she decided that she
wanted to be a nurse, although her family did not think
that this was a suitable job for their young daughter.
However, Florence's work in a London hospital was so
effective that the British government asked her to be in
charge of the nursing of wounded soldiers abroad.
After working in Europe, she returned to England and
opened the Nightingale School of Nursing in London,
the first school
of this kind.

The Queen of the Air

Amy Johnson was from the north of England and
first became interested in flying while she was working
as a secretary in London. In 1929, she was awarded
her pilot's licence and a year later tried to break the
record for a solo flight from Britain to Australia. She
flew alone from London to Darwin in a small plane.
This took 19 days and she stopped many times in
Europe, Asia and on Islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Although Amy missed the record by just three days,
she became very popular with the British people, who
called her the Queen of the Air. Amy Johnson made
many other long-distance flights, and in 1936 broke the
record for a solo flight from London to South Africa.
She also flew planes for the British army during the
Second World War, and was killed in a plane crash in

Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman

Narrator: Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman, who is better known to some people as
Bint El-Shatei, it one of the most famous people in Egyptian and Arab culture. As well as
writing both on society and culture, she also wrote poems and for fifty years wrote for the
newspaper. Al Ahram. During her life, she helped to improve women's position in
Egyptian society.
Dr Aisha was born in 1913. Her father was an
important man and Dr Aisha used to go with him to
meetings, at which she learned to read and write. At a
time when many girls didn't go to school, Aisha's mother
encouraged her daughter to get a good education and, as
a result, Aisha started school at the age of five.
Dr Aisha was successful at school and went to Cairo
University, where she studied Arabic language and
literature. She was awarded her degree in 1939 and then
joined the university staff as a research assistant. In 1942.
she was employed as a government inspector for the
teaching of Arabic literature.


Using the name Bint El-Shatei. D Aisha wrote many books and articles in which she argued for a
more positive role for women in the modern world.
Dr Aisha was a respected teacher and taught at many universities across the Arab world.
With her husband. Professor Amin El-Kholy, Dr Aisha spent holidays visiting European
museums, universities and libraries
Dr Aisha died in 1998 at the age of eighty-five .Her work, which had taken up
much of her personal life, is still appreciated today.

argue for
A q, / i *  , additional information$ t 0minister
0 $x religious matters
$, \ / wounded soldiers
q8, persuade
q, flying
7*ZC degree
$&0 ' C / H the Pacific Ocean
' P$"&
a research assistant  / nB the British army
7 ,4 $
cr / 
, a plane crash
@ \Q" B
7 cr, compassion
C / B hygiene
$*Z8  F
* dentist
 % 6$4@ sanitation
& / overcrowded
|# / QB ^admiration

4 imitate
0, occupation
0 vaccine
 / * standard
vaccination ( t) i$0# document
$c /#/
7&$0 check
  A s#, / T", the Crimean War
  $1  political matters
$% $% \ /
course of treatment50 5  effective drugs
prime minister
I$\ positive
7 , confident
' be in charge of
A f/ confidence
open a school
% i##, flight
$@ 0B a government inspector7B #
a solo flight
 $@ 0B impressive
'4 / cr zone

 @ \, nursing
,&# social worker
7 &#H 7\ *
fly a plane
t& suitable
poor lighting
$t t
nursing school
,&#0 % literary
7 inspector
nursery school
 RB prince
6, princess
5#% ruler
Q B women's rights
> president
physical fitness
$4 1 $0 brave
arrogance = conceit
endanger = jeopardize Z0 ,
 8 flying = aviation

argue for  , to clearly explain why you think something is true or should be done
' Cthe qualification given to someone who has successfully finished university
encourage q8, to try to persuade someone to do something by making them more confident
inspector # someone whose job is to check that rules are being obeyed
Personal 7*ZC involving someone's private life, their feelings, health and relationships
Positive 7 , having a good or useful effect
the position that someone has in a situation or activity
in charge of A r/ to be the person who controls or is responsible for someone or something
cr producing the result that was wanted
flight $@ 0B a journey in a plane
impressive cr making you admire something
* an official document that gives you permission to do something
nursing ,& the job of looking after people who are ill, injured or very poor
done alone, without anyone else helping you
suitable 6%  right or acceptable for a particular purpose or situation


take up much of
popular with
grow up
the first of its kind
determined to
write under a pen name
fly over long distances

admission charge
a convincing argument
introduce new ideas
strength of character
in varying degrees
personal commitment
a pivotal role
impressive achievement
hold a driving licence
a constructive dialogue
anti-social behaviour
be awarded a degree

A $4^ H 8
A 4" / ' 8
4, / s8,
' A 7
70 Q&*
 #/ Q% 6#,
$  /& $,

play a positive role in

7 7 , 60,
,c % 7 

was born into a wealthy family

work in a hospital
to sum up
have a degree in
associated with
to start with

,H   ,
$*Z8 1
 # H
7*ZC ^#
7% % $B

$1 * "& ,
q&#&0   0%
$&0 H i&,

78#/ 7 &,
* #
7 $&0 H z,
... ,4

personal cleanliness
$*Z8  F
assess the situation
m1& Q$,
obey the rules
to an unprecedented degree 14/ $J H
master's degree
$#/H & H
a positive attitude
7 , m1
downplay the role of
..  $& A 0,
a suitable opportunity ($ )4%  >
spectacular success
a campaign against
t 0&B
miss the record
7% $ Q1 Q$" 7 8,
lose her life
' $B 

Two officers were badly wounded.

( QN 5 S Q
3! )@@O@|u@
One passenger was killed and four were injured. ( 5 S )@@O@lb
He argued strongly for the proposal.
*L* / V/&/ >5 *)

They argued against the new tax. */

1 >W/*)

next week / next summer N ;=/ B.  
 next . YZ the
3!E 6
She's travelling to London next Monday.
Read the next two chapters before Friday.   
 next . YZthe
: N . .  
BH* Q-/ D
Y* ; -*  
Interestingly !Q/ N/ ; / undoubtedly / unfortunately / luckily / personally &3% &
Interestingly, none of their three children ever married.
Undoubtedly, public interest in folk music has declined.
She learns to cook.
She knows how to cook.

She learns how to cook.

V1:* *

She died at the age of 85.

In the age of Mohamad Ali culture was greatly refreshed.
She decided to go out.
You have to decide on your goal in life.
He decided that you should attend.
He sat between Ahmed and Ali.
She sits among her friends.

;K ; N;



W* *)

. *.*!


My parents encouraged me to be independent.

My parents discouraged me from being dependent.;* 
Children should be trained in good manners.
She trained as a pilot.
He spends two hours training for the race.

B. *

( ]*!
( Y ) / *!

He wrote the story by himself. =( alone = on his own )`

5 ME
I'd like to have a place of my own.(-./ B. ) 
He is known for his generosity.
She is known as 'The people's Princess".
Naguib Mahfouz is known to everyone.
He is a well known doctor.



Many people contributed greatly to their nation.D *)

Many people made great contributions to their nation.

Choose the correct answer

1. Father put Bilal in .. of fixing the car.
a) role
b) licence
c) responsibility
d) charge
2. Salma thought this was a .. gift for her teacher.
a) suitable
b) effective
c) charge
d) solo
3. Hesham has just got his driving ., and already he wants to buy a car.
a) flight
b) role
c) licence
d) degree
4. Rania is optimistic. She always has a attitude and thinks everything will turn out well.
a) impressive
b) personal
c) encouraging
d) positive
5. Mr Selim is an .. manager because he is a good listener.
a) observing
b) effective
c) admissions
d) enjoyable
6. Mr Maged all his students to do the best that they can do.
a) argues for
b) effects
c) encourages
d) impresses
7. Farouk is flying .. for the first time tomorrow. Hell have no co-pilot.
a) role
b) suits
c) licence
d) solo
8. For my own .. satisfaction, I paint or read in my spare time.
a) positive
b) personal
c) degree
d) role
9. Omar has received a master's .. in conservation management.
a) effect
b) flight
c) degree
d) licence
10. Yusufs ability to speak French and German is very Many companies will want to hire him.
a) impressive
b) personal
c) suitable
d) solo

Relative Clauses
who, whom, which, that, whose, when, where : /!/ a:/ 01
5 B. :!W a:/ .



z* k    qt   7s,( q&H  ) 1    " who=that Z#/

-That is the policeman. He arrested the robber.
That's the polioceman who arrested the robber.
k  & qt    7s,( q&H  ) 1  " & who=that Z#% A&,That is the old man. I met him in the station.


-That is the old man who I met in the station.



. '0" that Z#% A&,    7s, P 1  " & whom=that Z#/
. whom 41 qt,  0& , ' 7   & B v4, -That driver had an accident. We were talking about him.
That driver about whom we were talking had an accident.



z* k Q%G  qt 1  $J " "   &# which=that Z#/

- The tree has lovely flowers. It stands near the gate.
The tree which stands near the gate, has lovely flowers.
. which 41 7s,  0& , ' 7   & B v4,
I found the camera .You were looking for it.
I found the camera for which you were looking.
:D.YZ . . B/!^ / which
3! 456
- He got very bad marks in the test, which made his parents very sad.
- One of the boys kept laughing, which annoyed the teacher very much.

whose NNNN@a@O@@a@
.0&&' &  041 7s, ( 1  $J  1 ) $0&0 whose
- That's my grandfather. We live in his house.
That's my grandfather whose house we live in.
. &   v4, whose 41  B Z#% A&,
That's my grandfather in whose house, we live.
.whose " who ( has/have/had) Z#% A&, A .whose " that Z#% A&, G
- That's my grandfather. We live in his house.
That's my grandfather who has the house we live in.



where " in / at + which Z#% A&, - . & q where= in which

- This is the hotel. We stayed in it.
This is the hotel where = in which we stayed.
& 70 # which q z# A where q  B kB |BG

when @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b@
- They visit me on Friday. I am home on that day.
They visit me on Friday when I'm home.

. ^ 70 # when


what @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a@
. Z
5 B% B. !
/ what
3!; -*
I know what you did in the last summer.
I can't hear what he says.
what = the thing(s) that / everything that | BG
- Everything that happened was my fault.
What happened was my fault.
- Did you hear the things that they said?
Did you hear what they said?

why @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ab@
B%  dY B. !
/ why

I know why he didn't come to the meeting.

a:/ Y ; :? 456
who / :/  B
3!E? M
W!? / -/ j3^/ B^/  ; :. B+* J :/ -1
a:/ 01 ; 6
3!; -* .a:/ Y
  YZ comma
3!E? 6 which / whom
The company which / that he works for sells computer.
The company for which he works sells computer
The woman who / that killed her husband was sentenced to death. O '$0 QB


88 6 M88
88W!? 88/ 88-/ j3^88/ B^88/; 88 88 88:. 88a:/ 88Y
88) 6 B?88N/ :88/ -2
::/  B that
3!E 6  a:/ Y
  YZ comma
Mr. Ahmed, who is 45 years old, is a famous politician.
The company, which is in Cairo, employed 200 people.

. 70 ! which whom who kB A&, -1
-That is the old man who I met in the station.= That's the old man I met in the station
I found the camera for which you were looking. = I found the camera you were looking for.
: 7   70 ! which who kB A&, -2

.to be  which who k" :v. to be  which who  H : G
- The thief who was arrested yesterday, stole a lot of money from the bank.
- The thief, arrested yesterday, stole a lot of money from the bank.
.ing +  Z#/ which who k" 0&0 v4  which who  H : $ c
- The boy who won the race, is my son.
- The boy ,winning the race, is my son.
-The flat which overlooks the garden, is mine.
-The flat ,overlooking the garden, is mine.
- Which boy is your son?

.1  Q%  7s,' , 7& r/ 7 which Z#% A&, : x c

- The tall one.

-It was Zewail who /that discovered the Femto second.

:$s#0 zZ#/ 7 # $4#| BG : 

. who has+E>/  = ; with who wear + (l Q )  in Z#% A&, : /

-Did you see the lady who was wearing = in the red dress? = wearing the red dress.
- Will you marry this girl who has = with blond hair?
= having blond hair.
: v. to be Z#% 0&H 7 > " * 70 #" B 0&H 7 > $&t Z#%  : % %
- I saw an interesting film.
The film which I saw, was interesting.
^ +k 1  $J & % 70 & ^ C5 Which Z#/  $B|  BG :  %
- This is the hotel. We stayed in it.
:  -/
This is the hotel where = in which we stayed.
- This is the hotel. It's the best one in the city.
This is the hotel which is the best one in the city.
- They visit me on Friday. I am home on that day.
: =; /
- They visit me on Friday when= on which I am home.
- Today is Friday. It's the end of the week.
  =; /
- Today is Friday which is the end of the week.

Choose the correct answer

1. Jailan, lives on my street, said there was a problem with the water.
a) whom
b) who
c) which
2. Selim asked . my mobile phone for the evening.
a) to borrow
b) borrowing
c) for borrowing
3. These are the fields .. we grow corn.
a) in which
b) for which
c) that
4. Hans, car I borrowed last night, is from Holland.
a) whom
b) whose
c) who
5. Five of the girls, .. names I dont remember, won awards in maths.
a) those
b) which
c) whom
6. The brother . lives in Moscow is coming home on Friday.
a) whom
b) where
c) that


d) whose
d) borrowed
d) at which
d) that
d) whose
d) whose

7. Moscow, the smog from wildfires was thick, was having air quality problems.
a) where
b) who
c) that
d) which
8. The meetings I attended today were long and boring.
a) to which
b) where
c) in where
d) which
9. I have no idea who . was at the door.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) that
10. The restaurant .. Fady is having dinner has a great salad bar.
a) for which
b) which
c) where
d) that
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Yasser argues at better salaries for teachers. ..
2. Miss Mona inspires all her students to working hard. ..
3. Her work, that was not appreciated when she was young, made her famous when she was older.

4. Dr Aisha, who work took up much of her time, was a professor of Arabic. ..
5. These are the stories with whose we were brought up. ..
6. Cairo University is the university in where Eman studies medicine. ..
7. Rehan wanted us coming to her birthday party on Saturday. .
8. Florence Nightingale, which changed the way hospital care was given, opened a school of nursing.

9. I saw a big house that It was on fire. ..

10. The person by the red hair is my friend. .
11. John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years. .
12. The university which my uncle works is in Cairo
13. The university where I want to go to is near my uncle.
14. My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman , lives in Cairo.
15. Tanta, whose is Egypt's fifth largest city, has many mosques. ..
16. Ahmed, when has many customers in India, often goes there for holidays.
17. Ahmed's clothes company, where he started in 1950, exports all over the world.
18. The clothes, what are made of Egyptian cotton, are very good quality.

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Your friend would like to know why you have decided to study engineering.

2. You want to ask your friend about the reason why he came to school late.

3. Your mother asks you why you didn't tidy up your room.

4. You ask your father the reason why he has decided to move house.

2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .

1- A: Today we are going to play the film "The Mask of Gold". If you have any questions,
keep them till the end.
B: Are we going to discuss our questions later?
A: Yes, but you have to follow up the incidents carefully.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

2- A: The train which goes to Aswan will leave from platform 7 in about 5 minutes.
B: Thank you. I'll have to hurry to catch it.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1- Some students need more . than others at school.


a- disturbance
b- discouragement
c- encouragement d- disagreement
2- ., I believe that everyone should study science at school.
a- Artificially
b- Abnormally
c- Personally
d- Cheerfully
3- A 14-year old Japanese boy has become the youngest person to complete a
voyage across the Pacific Ocean.
a- lonely
b- solo
c- stereo
d- studio
4- Before you can fly alone, you need to have a pilot's .. .
a- qualification
b- permission
c- agreement
d- licence
5- The . from London to Cairo takes about 4 hours.
a- flying
b- flight
c- aviation
d- destination
6- Some films are not .. for young children.
a- right
b- kind
c- cruel
d- suitable
7- Doctors are always trying to find . new treatments for diseases.
a- effective
b- helpful
c- defective
d- infectious
8- My uncle is .. of the Science Department in a secondary school.
a- of charge
b- in charge
c- with control
d- by charge
9- Alison Jones and her husband David, .live in London, are celebrating
their golden wedding anniversary.
a- when
b- where
c- who
d- whose
10- The people . live next door are very nice.
a- which
b- that
c- where
d- whom
11- Solar energy is an idea time has come.
a- which
b- whose
c- that
d- where
12- One of my neighbours throws rubbish in the street, .annoys me intensely.
a- that
b- which
c- where
d- when
13- He was educated at the local school, he went on to Cambridge.
a- after which
b- in which
c- with which
d- with where)
14- In 1963 we moved to Boston, . my grandparents lived.
a- when
b- which
c- where
d- whom
15- Bradford, is my hometown, has a lot of splendid restaurants.
a- where
b- when
c- that
d- which
16- The woman .. murdered her husband was sentenced to death.
a- when
b- who
c- where
d- which
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- The house, where was completed in 1856, was famous for its huge marble staircase.
2- The treatment will continue until the patient reaches the point what he can walk safely.

3- I discussed it with my brother, that is a lawyer

4- The view from the window is very depressive. I like it so much
5- You need a university debris for most of these jobs
6- Diet has a very important pole in the prevention of disease

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the

Walking along the colourful street market, I realized it would be impossible to leave
this place empty-handed. Dozens of brightly-dressed traders were selling various goods.
There were imported fruits and vegetables, handmade clothes, beautifully crafted jewellery
and much more. Cafs offered freshly ground coffee and were playing loud music. After I
had finished my shopping for the day, I had to drag myself away carrying lots of heavy
bags but feeling quite pleased with myself. Should you ever find yourself in Amsterdam,
make sure you visit this fantastic European market. The combination of a lively
atmosphere, delicious food and traditional goods makes this an experience not to be
When I arrived in the early morning, the market had just opened, but the hustle and
bustle of shoppers, tourists and street musicians had already started. The place was


jumping with life. The fragrance of freshly cut flowers made the place look bright and
festive. As I wandered along, looking at the freshly baked cakes and smelling the mouthwatering aromas of the different pies, I suddenly realized how hungry I was. When I tried
one, it tasted delicious. One hour later, I discovered an amazing traditional market, the
Albert Cuyp market. With its huge variety of goods and its lively atmosphere, it stands out
from the other entire street markets.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Why is shopping in the street market a unique experience, according to the writer?

2- How many days did the writer spend in the street market?

3- What advice did the writer give his readers?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- The writer of the passage was in ------------.
a) Canada
b) Holland
c) Somalia
d) Syria
5- The market looked very bright because of ------------.
a) freshly baked cakes
b) fresh food
c) freshly cut flowers d) freshly g round coffee
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
A few months ago, the pilot of a small plane had an unusual flight. A strong wind
blew the plane sideways, and it touched the top of a tree. Both wheels of the plane were
knocked off but the plane did not crash. The pilot sent a radio message to the airport. He
did not know how to land without wheels. The airport controller promised to help the pilot.
He telephoned the airport firemen and told them what to do.
The firemen brought a long open lorry and drove to one end of the airport runway.
The airport controller sent a radio message to the pilot. He told the pilot to land on top of
the lorry. One of the fireman drove quickly along the runway and the pilot managed to land
on the lorry. Part of the lorry was damaged and the tail of the plane was broken but
nobody was injured. The fireman slowed the lorry down and then stopped. The pilot was
very grateful. He gladly agreed to pay for the damage of the lorry.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- Why did the pilot send a radio message to the airport?

2- How was the fireman able to save the pilot?

3- What did the airport controller do to help the pilot?

B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

4- The underlined word "He" in the last paragraph refers to .
a) the pilot
b) the fireman
c) the airport controller
d) the lorry driver
5- After the adventure, the plane was in need of -----------------a) a new tail only
b) two wheels only
c) a tail and two wheels
d) a tail and four wheels

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1- Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?
2- How did Leila discover the gold mask?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1- It wasnt easy to find a gold mask because.
2- It was careless of Leila to ...


C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:

"So you're not a mining engineer."
1- What was Martin accused of?
2- How did he defend himself against this accusation?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
"Examples of Famous women in history"

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
A lot of Egyptian writers have written books and articles advocating the rights of
women. They have called for woman's equality with man. Now women have the same
rights as men and they have even held important positions in the society.
B- Translate into English:
 &$ A "/H 7d " !
. '0" 'A ,^& k4  G $ $ &#H 08 $


Choose the correct answer

1. Father put Bilal in .. of fixing the car.
a) role
b) licence
c) responsibility
d) charge
2. Salma thought this was a .. gift for her teacher.
a) suitable
b) effective
c) charge
d) solo
3. Hesham has just got his driving ., and already he wants to buy a car.
a) flight
b) role
c) licence
d) degree
4. Rania is optimistic. She always has a attitude and thinks everything will turn out well.
a) impressive
b) personal
c) encouraging
d) positive
5. Mr Selim is an .. manager because he is a good listener.
a) observing
b) effective
c) admissions
d) enjoyable
6. Mr Maged all his students to do the best that they can do.
a) argues for
b) effects
c) encourages
d) impresses
7. Farouk is flying .. for the first time tomorrow. Hell have no co-pilot.
a) role
b) suits
c) licence
d) solo
8. For my own .. satisfaction, I paint or read in my spare time.
a) positive
b) personal
c) degree
d) role
9. Omar has received a master's .. in conservation management.
a) effect
b) flight
c) degree
d) licence
10. Yusufs ability to speak French and German is very Many companies will want to hire him.
a) impressive
b) personal
c) suitable
d) solo
11. Jailan, lives on my street, said there was a problem with the water.
a) whom
b) who
c) which
d) whose
12. Selim asked . my mobile phone for the evening.
a) to borrow
b) borrowing
c) for borrowing
d) borrowed
13. These are the fields .. we grow corn.
a) in which
b) for which
c) that
d) at which
14. Hans, car I borrowed last night, is from Holland.
a) whom
b) whose
c) who
d) that
15. Five of the girls, .. names I dont remember, won awards in maths.
a) those
b) which
c) whom
d) whose
16. The brother . lives in Moscow is coming home on Friday.
a) whom
b) where
c) that
d) whose
17. Moscow, the smog from wildfires was thick, was having air quality problems.
a) where
b) who
c) that
d) which
18. The meetings I attended today were long and boring.
a) to which
b) where
c) in where
d) which
19. I have no idea who . was at the door.
a) who
b) which
c) where
d) that
20. The restaurant .. Fady is having dinner has a great salad bar.
a) for which
b) which
c) where
d) that
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Yasser argues at better salaries for teachers. ..
2. Miss Mona inspires all her students to working hard. ..
3. Her work, that was not appreciated when she was young, made her famous when she was older.

4. Dr Aisha, who work took up much of her time, was a professor of Arabic. ..
5. These are the stories with whose we were brought up. ..
6. Cairo University is the university in where Eman studies medicine. ..
7. Rehan wanted us coming to her birthday party on Saturday. .
8. Florence Nightingale, which changed the way hospital care was given, opened a school of nursing.

9. I saw a big house that It was on fire. ..

10. The person by the red hair is my friend. .
11. John, which grew up in London, has lived in Egypt for 1 5 years. .
12. The university which my uncle works is in Cairo
13. The university where I want to go to is near my uncle.
14. My uncle Ahmed, where is a businessman , lives in Cairo.
15. Tanta, whose is Egypt's fifth largest city, has many mosques. ..


Travels with My Aunt

Henry Pulling is a retired bank manager and
lives in a very conventional life. His mother dies just
after he retires. At the funeral, he meets his Aunt.
Augusta, a woman in her seventies who he has no
seen for 50 years. Aunt Augusta has travelled all over
the world. From everything she says, it is obvious that
Augusta has lived an adventurous unconventional life.
After the funeral, Henry and Augusta meet
again and, despite having very different personalities,
they get on well. Augusta tells Henry things about his
family that he never knew. Augusta. then persuades
Henry to go travelling with her, at first to places in
England, but gradually to more. exciting destinations.
Until now, Henry has ive, a quiet life; most of the
people he knows are bank customers or colleagues.
One day, Augusta tells Henry that she is taking him to Istanbul, He is surprised
by this sudden announcement. He is used to planning everything he does, but Augusta
is always spontaneous and, seems to make decisions without thinking. the journey to
Istanbul, Henry finds out more about his aunt's unusual lifestyle and her past. As they
travel, Henry sees new cultures for the first time and Augusta introduces him to her old
friends who all have exciting and unusual stories to tell. Henry is often surprised by what
he hears, but begins to enjoy himself more and more.
When he returns to England, Henry enjoys his retirement looking after the flowers
in his garden, but he is a changed man. he misses his aunt and her interesting friends,
and Augusta has shown him a new way of looking at the world.

Presenter: Good afternoon. In today's programme, our subject is the twentieth-century

British novelist Graham Greene. We're going to hear from John McGregor.
Welcome to the programme, John. Could you start by telling us a few facts
about Graham Greene's life?
McGregor: Hello. I only met Graham Greene once, but I've long been interested in his
life. He was born in 1904, and was the fourth of six children. Although his
father was a school teacher, his wider family was wealthy and Influential in
the world of banking and business. Graham was very unhappy at school
because he was regularly bullied. On leaving school, he went to Oxford
University, where he studied history.
Presenter: When did he start writing?
McGregor: Well, while he was at Oxford, he wrote a few poems, but they were not very
successful. After graduating, he became a journalist, working on local
newspapers and then for a national paper.
Presenter: And when did he write his first novel?
McGregor: His first successful novel, Stainboul Train was published in 1932. It was later
made into a film
Presenter: Quite a lot of his stories were made into films, weren't they?
McGregor: Yes, probably the most famous was "The Third Man".
Presenter: Did he earn enough money from novels to live on?
McGregor: No, he didn't earn enough at firs! so he wrote book and film reviews for
magazines and newspapers. Then, during the Second World War, he worked
for the British government in Africa.
Presenter: Did he enjoy travelling?
McGregor: Yes, he did, and many of his books were based on his travels. He
particularly liked wild, remote places. In 1935, he went to Liberia, and wrote a


travel book about his experience. In 1938, he travelled to Mexico which is

where I met him.
Presenter: And in his later years, he went to live abroad, didn't he?
McGregor: That's right, he moved lo Switzerland, lie died there in 1991.
Presenter: How do you think Graham Greene will be remembered?
McGregor: As a fantastic storyteller. The unusual thing about Graham Greene was that
his books were popular with ordinary people, but were also regarded as
great literature. I believe people will read his books for many years.
Presenter: And what sort of a man was he?
McGregor: Well, he was married and had two children, but he always wanted the
excitement of foreign travel and he was quickly bored by daily routines.
Despite his being known as a difficult man, I got on very well with him.
Presenter: John McGregor, thanks very much.

regard as
find out
a children's charity
lead to
travel destination
remote places
daily routines
world of banking
foreign travel
the Nile basin
modern life
bank customer
unusual lifestyle
a waste of time
a specific situation
the press
a global society

4 & / *

>#, / m8#,
$\ 0
+/&# / $0
 {@ ,$ /%r
7 r,
/' H
 / q1
$\  A
 *4 Q 
H  5
7y 4 A / + ,
$ 8#% 0B
Z0 /
$ B
x," $"
+4 $&
# $J $B 0%
!10 $R
7\ 0 / 
A$ " m1
7&  q&#

private sector
book = reserve
travel agency
a film review
public sector
a single ticket
a return ticket
critical thinking



0B $ H
TZC ) #,
& , / 70
/ cr
7\ 0 8
/ / $0
/  H
$B 0%
7\8 8
,, 1 
W, / Z#,
P  k
$" ,C
\ #
Q\ 8#
70 | ",

the business of a bank
# /70
to frighten someone or threaten to hurt them.
x /$%
happy, interested or hopeful as something good has happened or is expected
Excitement  % / c
the feeling of being excited

having a lot of influence
to have an effect on someone or something .
to think about someone or something in a particular way

someone who tells stories

  exciting and involving danger
conventional $0/ | " thinking and behaving in the normal and traditional way
find out
m8#, to get information about something or someone
 H a ceremony for someone who has just died
lead to
7 r, to cause something to happen
$B 0% the way that someone lives, including their work and activities.
Spontaneous 7\ 0 something done because you want to do it, not because you planned to do it

regardless of
live on
(A$ )  @ 70 $,
get on well with
q 4$@ 15 70 ,
without thinking
life in a different way
0#Z , $"
go through customs
$ &HO 7',
enjoy the company of
.. 4"* q#&#/,
make them more tolerant of
q " / x Q'0,
work for a national paper
$1 $"> & ,
be wary of
A kB ,
be of the opinion that
s \   q ?#,

live a conventional life

live a quiet life
a political party
travel arrangements
travel literature
travel abroad/overseas
influential leader
adventure movies
conventional weapons
political leadership
convention centre
first class accommodation
outside influences
spontaneous translation
peace talks
think the same way as
by convention

,$0 $B $,
\ $B $,
7% $% ^B
/ 4$
Z0  /,
\ 1 Q$
& 5
,$0#" 0%
$% $/ $
&r&0 ^
7 H  1
$H Z cr&
,& H
5% c"
x , I ,

with regard to
make a story into a film
cruel to
on the journey to
a new way of looking at
open people's eyes to
work on a local newspaper

earn money from

without regard to
appeal to
apply for a visa

live an adventurous life

overcome obstacles
banking system
travel expenses
travel companion
freedom to travel
be filled with excitement
conventional treatment
funeral ceremony
social conventions
first class ticket
random selection
conclusive evidence
international pressure
travel all over the world
extend (his) stay
behave the same way as


? 0#, &$
Q0$ *1 ",
70 1
7 0B c
7 F0 ,H ,@
70   $ i#,
$0" $"> 7 &,
A G  6/,
6, /  ,
$Cs 70 ,

 & f$0 $B $,

4 70 60#,

/? $
/ ,B
cO 70
$0 5
$ &#HG
7 H k
7\8 $#
q@ 1 $
7 Pt
Q  " 7  /,
 1O& ,
x , I *#,

conventional behaviour /clothes/ medicine/farming / wedding bna b

This school uses traditional methods for teaching reading.
What customs do you have for New Year in your country?


The funeral will be held next Friday.

Over 300 mourners attended the funeral.
A lot of people don't like the uundertaker's job.

We went for a long hike in the country.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@aMa@@aM@Me@My@

He went on a Nile cruise with his friends.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@na@uc@@@@y@
He is in a business trip in London.
We had a picnic by the sea.
How long is the journey to the coast ?
We went on a voyage by ship.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M@My@
The flight to Saudi Arabia took two hours.
Mu My
We went on a tour to the city.
When the employee is 60, he retires and can live on his pension.(  #, ) bM bM
Mr Ahmed resigned his position last week.
Ma Mn
bb / b y g
M / Mn

Are you quite sure you want to go?

They found a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant.
She quit her job to spend more time with her family.

I have tried to persuade her to see an oculist.(  4% z\  C & $ *ZC )
I'm convinced myself ( that ) I was right.
( i$">  f$C s *ZC )
Her offer of help was spontaneous.
i / bm /
The speeches will be given, with simultaneous translation. oa X t
Ahmed used to bully the younger kids in the neighborhood.
Don't let anyone bully you into doing anything.
Bullying is a problem in many schools.
Could you give me the recipe for that chocolate cake?
I got the prescription filled on the way home.

vja b
... @

($ 4H & ,@)

(#C )je

Choose the correct answer

1. Because they are .., Selim and Ahmed went to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
a) solo
b) effective
c) adventurous
d) spontaneous
2. Khadijah wanted to know what was in the box, but Mother told her she would have to wait until
her birthday to .
a) bully
b) lead
c) find out
d) look out
3. Walid likes to do his . at the ATM or online.
a) books
b) banking
c) research
d) finance
4. Saleh tried to his way into the house, but the police were called.
a) fasten
b) mix
c) stop
d) bully
5. Before there was TV, traditional entertained people.
a) funerals
b) storytellers
c) bankers
d) bullies
6. This writer is so . that her words are quoted everywhere.
a) missed
b) influential
c) stuck
d) personal


7. When little children get too much .., they can't sleep or even sit quietly.
a) excitement
b) influence
c) lifestyle
d) regard
8. The wedding was very The bride wore a long white dress, and the groom wore a suit.
a) spontaneous
b) influential
c) adventurous
d) conventional
9. Leila has a quiet . She almost never goes out after work.
a) funeral
b) lifestyle
c) adventure
d) flight
10. Everyone at Uncle Sami's wore black, and most of them were crying.
a) funeral
b) convention
c) party
d) banking

Conjunctions( linking words)


K#$%!&"'( )*+",&-.+,/01234!5.: 
7!5! so=therefore=hence=consequently=that's why=thus+  
-He got high marks therefore he studied hard .( find the mistake and correct it)
7!5?".4 8391":;< = >/0! and so CDE9FW@+A 
     + and so +   +      :  
-Amr studied hard . Ahmed studied hard.
( find the mistake and correct it)
GH because = as = since +  
-Amr studied hard as he got high marks.
(find the mistake and correct it)
GH because of = owing to = due to = on account of = for
= thanks to = through
+ noun / v. + ing.
-Amr got high marks owing to he studied hard.
(find the mistake and correct it)

NH!234!"234!5./LM"W#$"&+ IJ!K .+,/01234!5. 
234!5."OCDE4P5Q" :want to / wish to / need to / hope to 3R" 
SR  so as to = in order to = in the hope to = to + inf.
-Ahmed trains hard so as to he wants to win the match. (find the mistake and correct it)
SR, so that = in order that = in the hope that = that
+ + (can = may) / (could = might) + inf.
-Ahmed trains hard so that he wants to win the match. (find the mistake and correct it)
-Adel studied hard so that he can get high marks. (find the mistake and correct it)
.  3$ lest = for fear that +  + should / shouldn't +inf. 
+ +should have / shouldnt have + p.p. 
-Alaa gets up early lest he wants to reach school early. (find the mistake and correct it)
 3$ for fear of + noun / v. +ing.

-Fuad practices a lot for fear of he should get the medal. (find the mistake and correct it)


K/TU4 /01234!5.
9!" but7!VW "
7!VW " yet=VXY+
VXY+ even so=7!VW "
7!VW " nevertheless+ ( #$% ) !
-Sara doesn't reach the high shelf yet she is a tall girl. (find the mistake and correct it)
ZU4 GE.  [1 !!!"W 0
 P! although = though = even though + !
-He is a very bad singer although lot of people care for him.(find the mistake and correct it)
 P! despite = in spite of = regardless of+ noun / v. + ing.
-Adel Emam gets old despite he still makes action movies.(find the mistake and correct it)
 P! However + adj./ adv. + +  ........
 ! , however  ! /  ! . However , !
-However he is very kind,sometimes he punishes me for nothing. (find the mistake and correct it)
-Sometimes he punishes me for nothing however, kind he is.(find the mistake and correct it)
 P! adj. / adv. + as + + +  ........
-He is a good actor as he performes bad films. (find the mistake and correct it)
8?\1, Whatever + noun .
WhateverW CDE9F]
-Whatever He leads a happy life,he insists on traveling abroad.(find the mistake and correct it)

8?\1, Whatever + n. + + v. to have
-Whatever big family he is, he lives alone.
(find the mistake and correct it)
  K:;< ^>/01234!5.:  
* + + and +  * +
(,  -  . .% 123) 
-Amr didnt go to the cinema and he didnt play.
(find the mistake and correct it)
-I like English and he likes English.
(find the mistake and correct it)
KKKKKKKK KKKKKK\A? Both +  + and +  + ,  -  .
( 45 123) 
-Both Munir and Amr isn't the best singers in the Arab world. (find the mistake and correct it)

KKKKKKKK KKKKKK\A?SHboth +  .............+ and +  ............
-Both Omnia makes noise and she neglects her study. (find the mistake and correct it)
Neither+ (1 )  + nor + (2 )  +(2) ( not ,7 9   .% )
-Neither he doesnt prefer easy win nor I dont prefer easy win. (find the mistake and correct it)

  :9 nor9
  .%  3   + neither + (  > );   1    +     .
-He doesnt prefer easy win neither doesnt I.
(find the mistake and correct it)
 0 / Either of them / Neither of them 
-Neither of them are clever.
(find the mistake and correct it)


Either++ or + +   . ,  =*.
;*C ;9 AB
-Either Sara or other girls play music.
(find the mistake and correct it)
  :9 ( .% )  or9
  .%  3 
, +      .%   + either.
-He doesnt prefer easy win, I dont prefer easy win either. (find the mistake and correct it)

!]`as well as= in addition to= besides= along with
noun,# ing + D<= 9 . >  +9  . , .  =* ,  >+9 59 49*

-He hates boxing along with he hates football. (find the mistake and correct it)
-Amr, as well as I, am a social reformer.
(find the mistake and correct it)
! ]`in addition=furthermore = moreover + !
-He is a very famous interviewer moreover being a very good journalist. (find the mistake and correct it)

Not onlybut alsoas well
Not only+
+  +  + ::  + D.+but ++
+also  + D. + as well
-Not only he is a very talented journalist but He is a good writer. (find the mistake and correct it)

 not only+
+ + D. +but
+also  + D. +as well
-Nansi not only is very attractive but she also is a good singer. (find the mistake and correct it)

Not only Amr but also I is a social reformer.
(find the mistake and correct it)
5 . B ;K6
3! -* as well but also
3!E? ; -* ? 456



   G H H Very %  49*

 + (be) + so + adj. / adv. ........+ that + !
-The sound was so loud that I can hear anything. (find the mistake and correct it)
 + (be) + such + (a/an)+adj.+(one) D-D + that + !
-He is such talented that he scores a lot of goals. (find the mistake and correct it)
 + (have) + such + noun + that + !
-He has such clever that he gets high marks.
(find the mistake and correct it)
Such + (a/an)+adj.+(one) D-D +(be) +  + that+ !
-Such talented one he is that he scores a lot of goals. (find the mistake and correct it)
 + (be) + adj./adv + enough that + !
/ + enough to
-The sound was enough loud that I couldnt hear anything. (find the mistake and correct it)

GJH cant / couldnt D! % 3 L 3  49*
 + (be) + too + adj.. ........+ to +KKKKKKK],RO!KKKKKKK\R
-The shirt was too cheap to buy it.
(find the mistake and correct it)


:   :9 *O Q G%9 ; ! 49* *.9(#= %9) too : =<; : RST
+and +      +   + too..
- Sami plays well and Ihab do too.
(find the mistake and correct it)

Choose the correct answer

1. his poor behaviour, Bassem is a really sweet boy.
a) While
b) Despite
c) Although
d) But
2. visiting Rome, Aisha broke her camera.
a) Because
b) Despite
c) While
d) Although
3. Mona had many challenges to overcome, she worked very hard to achieve her
a) Although
b) Despite
c) So
d) Before
4. I always brush my teeth .. going to bed.
a) before
b) after
c) while
d) when
5. Rolex watches are costly they are made with expensive materials.
a) but
b) when
c) because d) although
6. Yara is short, her perfect posture makes her appear tall.
a) before
b) while
c) despite
d) but
7. Enas couldnt find her crystal earrings, .. she asked her sister to look in the car.
a) because
b) but
c) so
d) after
8. . leaving his home town, he founded a company and became well known.
a) Although
b) Because
c) While
d) After
9. . losing her arm in a car accident, Heba was always positive.
a) Despite
b) Because
c) Although
d) While
10. . on vacation, I met my future fiance.
a) After
b) While
c) Although
d) Despite
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Although her low grades, Ghada did well on her project and passed.
2. The traffic jam was ten kilometres long, while we decided to take another road
3. Dr. Ghali, who clinic is down the street, is a cancer specialist
4. Can you tell me which the bookshop is?...................................................................................
5. Hanys shop has a good meat selection, although Farids has fabulous baked goods
6. Tarek was having a great time despite we were waiting for him
7. He was often punished although he bullied the other children
8. Although he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club
9.They were arrested as breaking the law. ..................................................................................
10.He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake....................................................
11.As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.........................................................
12.If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them..............................................................
13.There were no accidents though the dangerous roads............................................................
14.I like most school subjects because I don't like physics..........................................................
15.As soon as seeing the accident, I called the police..................................................................
16.However the box was heavy, he could carry it.........................................................................
17.In addition to he wrote the letter, he saw the film.....................................................................
18.Because they played very well, they lost the match.................................................................


A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. You are warning your friend who is going to cross a busy road. What do you say?
2. Your brother is using a ladder to get something from the top shelf. You warn him.
3. Your mother tells you to work a bit harder or you'll fail the test. What do you say to assure her?

4. Your little brother wants to go out alone at night. What do you say?
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
a. A: What do you think of university life, so far?
B: To tell you the truth, everything here is so big in comparison With school.
A: You are good at rowing. Why don't you join our rowing team?
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

b. A: Many of the robot toys we have can respond to your voice.

B: What age area are they?
A: From 5 to 14 years.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. My cousin is very . He went on an expedition to the mountains last year.
a- dangerous
b- adventurous
c- religious
d- anonymous
2. I am not as as my friend. She does things as soon as she thinks of them.
a- adventurous
b- conscious
c- spontaneous
d- continuous
3. That man is not doing enough exercise. This can sometimes to health problems.
a- lead
b- make
c- do
d- result
4. I want to . out some information. I'll look on the internet.
a- find
b- make
c- do
d- receive
5. They live in the country. They have a different from people in cities.
a- lifestyle
b- life expectancy
c- life insurance
d- life sentence
6. The politician died last week. Thousands of people attended the .. .
a- ballet
b- grave
c- funeral
d- cemetery
7. She likes unusual, modern houses. Her sister prefers traditional, architecture.
a- conventional b- educational
c- exceptional
d- intentional
8. I've always been . in animals. That's why Id like to work in a zoo.
a- interested
b- interesting
c- interests
d- interest
9. Pascal went ahead with the experiment . he knew it was dangerous.
a- because
b- as well as
c- since
d- despite
10. Many people are now homeless . the civil war.
a- because
b- therefore
c- but
d- as a result of
11. The organization gives help to people in need, raising money for local charities.
a- as well as
b- because
c- so
d- despite
12. . the Internet, you can do all your shopping from home.
a- As
b- Despite
c- Thanks to
d- While
13. It was clear Lucy was unhappy. ,it comes as no surprise she has decided to resign.
a- As well as
b- Therefore
c- Although
d- But
14. They had to stop the project . financial difficulties.
a- owing to
b- In spite of
c- While
d- therefore
15. we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.
a- Due to
b- Despite
c- Since
d- So
16. all our efforts to save the school, the authorities decided to close it
a- Although
b- So
c- But
d- Despite .


4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. . There were no accidents though the dangerous roads..........................................................
2. The war was lost as bad organization of the troops.
3. Internet connections through congressional phone lines are fairly slow
4. His jokes seemed simultaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand...
5. The program has gained the support of several preferential businessmen.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the

It must be said that the majority of those who are against Genetically Modified (GM)
foods are neither living in countries which suffer from food shortages, nor facing starvation.
Many scientists believe that without GM foods, the Third World will never overcome its
food problems. At present, over one billion people live on less than one dollar a day. The
United Nations hopes this number will be cut in half, within fifteen years. This will not
happen if food continues to be produced in the conventional manner.
Foods produced by traditional farming methods do not last very long and often spoil
during transport. Very often, food sent by the West to countries suffering from famine, rots
before it reaches its destination. Now, scientists have found ways to preserve foods for
much longer time. For example, they have developed a preservative made from vitamins
and minerals which keeps even cut fruit fresh for up to ten days if refrigerated. Despite
this, there are still people who believe that agricultural research should be moving in a
different direction. They accept that there is no real proof that GM foods are dangerous.
However, they believe that the solutions that GM foods provide are short-term and that it is
necessary to find longer-lasting and natural means to solve the worlds food problems.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. How do scientists preserve foods for a long time?
2. Mention one disadvantage of food grown by conventional methods.
3. Give a title to the passage.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
4. The expression cut in half means .
a) cut into pieces
b) add one half
c) decrease by half
d) become one and a half
5. Most of the food sent to starving countries ..
a) never decays
b) decays after it reaches them
c) decays on the way
d) does not decay until it is eaten by them
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Can you imagine anything worse than returning home to find that burglars have
broken into your house? Unfortunately, this happens to about one million people in Britain
annually. However, if you want better protection against burglars, there are several things
you can do. To improve security, check all the locks on your doors and windows. The
installation of lighting all around the house will make sure a burglar is unable to hide in the
shadows. An alarm system is another good preventative measure you can take.
Starting a neighbourhood watch group is also a very effective way to prevent crime in
your area. Since most burglaries take place when people are away on holiday, this is when
your neighbours' help is most valuable. Ask them to collect your mail, open and close your
curtains every day, switch your lights on and off and even mow your lawn to make your
house look occupied.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- According to the text, when are burglars able to hide in homes?
2- When do most burglaries usually occur?


3- Find in the passage words which mean:

a) protection against threats
b) very useful or important
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- The pronoun "them" in the second paragraph refers to
a- homes
b- neighbours
c- policemen
d- house owners
5- A neighbourhood watch group can help to .. crime in your area.
a- avoid
b- add
c- develop
d- repeat

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Amalia expect Lander to have been after the theft of the gold mask ?
2. What did Amalia apologize to Leila for ?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Amalia was so jealous of Leila that
2. When the police searched Leilas clothes
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
But Im afraid youll have to go with the police now.
1. Why did the police arrest Leila?
2. How did she feel when she was put in the police call?

E) Writing
8-Write a letter to Your friend Ali telling him about your visit to Luxor last month.
Describe the visit and say why you liked it. Your name is Ahmed, you live at 10 Aswan
street, Cairo.

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
In our life we may have moments of happiness and other moments are sad. Funerals are
time of sadness when people suffer from a person's death. While marriage is regarded as a
time of joy and happiness.
B- Translate into English:
. / ' 7C PZ, G /
. ,H  ZC v0 #, 7 / $ /


Choose the correct answer

1. Because they are .., Selim and Ahmed went to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.
a) solo
b) effective
c) adventurous
d) spontaneous
2. Khadijah wanted to know what was in the box, but Mother told her she would have to wait until
her birthday to .
a) bully
b) lead
c) find out
d) look out
3. Walid likes to do his . at the ATM or online.
a) books
b) banking
c) research
d) finance
4. Saleh tried to his way into the house, but the police were called.
a) fasten
b) mix
c) stop
d) bully
5. Before there was TV, traditional entertained people.
a) funerals
b) storytellers
c) bankers
d) bullies
6. This writer is so . that her words are quoted everywhere.
a) missed
b) influential
c) stuck
d) personal
7. When little children get too much .., they can't sleep or even sit quietly.
a) excitement
b) influence
c) lifestyle
d) regard
8. The wedding was very The bride wore a long white dress, and the groom wore a suit.
a) spontaneous
b) influential
c) adventurous
d) conventional
9. Leila has a quiet . She almost never goes out after work.
a) funeral
b) lifestyle
c) adventure
d) flight
10. Everyone at Uncle Sami's wore black, and most of them were crying.
a) funeral
b) convention
c) party
d) banking
11. his poor behaviour, Bassem is a really sweet boy.
a) While
b) Despite
c) Although
d) But
12. visiting Rome, Aisha broke her camera.
a) Because
b) Despite
c) While
d) Although
13. Mona had many challenges to overcome, she worked very hard to achieve her goals.
a) Although
b) Despite
c) So
d) Before
14. I always brush my teeth .. going to bed.
a) before
b) after
c) while
d) when
15. Rolex watches are costly they are made with expensive materials.
a) but
b) when
c) because d) although
16. Yara is short, her perfect posture makes her appear tall.
a) before
b) while
c) despite
d) but
17. Enas couldnt find her crystal earrings, .. she asked her sister to look in the car.
a) because
b) but
c) so
d) after
18. . leaving his home town, he founded a company and became well known.
a) Although
b) Because
c) While
d) After
19. . losing her arm in a car accident, Heba was always positive.
a) Despite
b) Because
c) Although
d) While
20. . on vacation, I met my future fiance.
a) After
b) While
c) Although
d) Despite
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Although her low grades, Ghada did well on her project and passed.
2. The traffic jam was ten kilometres long, while we decided to take another road
3.However the box was heavy, he could carry it.........................................................................
4. Can you tell me which the bookshop is?...................................................................................
5. Hanys shop has a good meat selection, although Farids has fabulous baked goods
6. Tarek was having a great time despite we were waiting for him
7. He was often punished although he bullied the other children
8. Although he was a student at Oxford, he joined the debating club
9.They were arrested as breaking the law. ..................................................................................
10.He had to apologize owing to he made a shameful mistake....................................................
11.As well as she studied hard, she played tennis regularly.........................................................
12.If he reads the questions carefully, he answers them..............................................................
13.There were no accidents though the dangerous roads............................................................


The History of paper

In Ancient Egypt, a type of tall grass called papyrus,
which grew in the Nile valley, was used for writing and
drawing on. Before it could be used, the leaves of the
grass were soaked in water; pressed together and
then dried in the sun. The first real paper was made
by the Chinese two thousand years ago. In the eighth
century, Arab travellers who traded with China learned
how to make it, too. At first, paper was very expensive
because it was made from cotton, but later it was
produced from wood and so became much cheaper.
To make paper from wood, logs are broken into small
pieces which are then mixed with chemicals and bleached. Water is removed from the
mixture, which then passes through hot rollers to produce continuous pieces of dry paper.
Every year, millions of trees are cut down to make new paper .Fortunately, the type of tree
that gives us the best wood for making paper grows very quickly, but old paper can also be
recycled. Most of today's newspapers and magazines are made from recycled paper.
For hundreds of years, an enormous quantity of paper has been used to produce
books. Especially very large books like encyclopaedias.
Now,Encyclopaedias and other books can be put on to CD-ROMs;special
disks which can hold huge amounts of information. Sound and pictures can also be put on
CD-ROMs. Many people think that soon everybody will have a computer and we will get all
our information from
The internet or from CD-ROMs. They believe that public libraries will no longer be
needed and that printing will become part of history.

The Future Of Books

Mahdi: Hi. Kasim.
Kasim: Hi. Mahdi.
Mahdi: What's that book you're reading?
Kasim: It's a Graham Greene novel.
Mahdi: I wonder if you can get it as an e-book.
Kasim:What are e-books?
Mahdi:They 're electronic books-I saw a TV programme about
them a few days ago now I'm really enthusiastic about the idea.
Kasim:How do you read them?
Mahdi :Well, you download them from the internet onto an e-book reader, which is a
small computer about the same size as the paperback book you're reading. It
has a screen like the page of a book. So you read the book on the screen and
turn the pages by pressing buttons or by touching the screen.
Kasim:But surely you can't download everything you might want to read?
Mahdi :Not yet, no. But in the future, every new book will probably be published as an
ordinary book and as an e-book
Kasim:That sounds amazing, but if you have to pay for the reader and the download.
That must be expensive.
Mahdi: At the moment it is,but you cun be sure they'll reduce the price when more
buy them. New gadgets are always expensive when only a few people are buying
.Kasim:Do you think they'll ever replace traditional books completely?


Mahdi :No. I shouldn't think so .But when more books are available online. I think most
bestsellers will be read as e-books .On the other hand, I'm sure some kinds of
books won't be replaced: school books for example
Kasim:Or any books that are large or where pictures are important.
Mahdi :E-books will be good for the environment. too.
Kasim:Will they?
Mahdi :Yes, think of all the paper that we'II save. By the year 2100, millions of trees
hundreds of forests will have been saved.
Kasim: It's a great idea.
Mahdi: Well, if yon want an e-book reader, you'd better start saving now!
Kasim: I will.

enthusiastic about (adj.)
paperback (book)
bleach (v)
recycle (v)
soak (v)
an electronic book
theatre tickets
enormous quantity
still pictures
turning point
grow quickly
agricultural production
about the same size as
reduce the price
compact disk
moving pictures
public libraries
tourist places
a stumbling block
a common type
industrial production
pressing buttons
available online

# / #
s8 I&"#
71 5J ( #)
$ z , / $4,
W,^ / P$0
Z#% $,
\ % 7 &, q,
B  / 
I&" / & B
  Z#%5  1
7# #
 % / 7# ,
/& k
,  5
68Z A q1
0\  $&
# c >
7C q qt ,
B /  Zt
* #1 /
/ &
7 ^#O
QB I 7 4,
/ 0,
$\ $&$
R 1
"# >
$B $% A
?\  / 4
x B / ?\ 
q\ C 
7 * #O
70 PR
!#G 70 #

$ R 6#
Q01s#, / ,
*/ I0 / Q 
\&  1
4 8 / 8
go online
!#G Z#/,
,r, / Q,
A (  0 W"& ) ,
$> ' H
\  / %
( I 5& ), / PR,
Pt 7 Z#/) %
I&"# ( TZC )
/, / m0, / ,
traditional books
,$0# 6#
e-book reader
6#'  H
 & 7#Z,
!#G 70 q1
a range of books
6# A # &
road accidents
go wrong
$ #
m$0 / m
 0 > z 6$#
latest technology
$H# nB
^ B
log / logged
( C )q,


if something is available , you can get it , buy it or use it. #
to move information from one part of a computer system to another. &",
enthusiastic showing a lot of interest and excitement about something.
a small tool or machine that helps you do something
a book with a soft paper cover.
the flat, glass part of a TV or a computer.
to make something white or lighter in colour by using chemicals or sunlight.
encyclopedia a book that contains facts about many subjects.
something that is made by mixing two or more different substances together.
to push something firmly and steadily .
to put used objects or materials through a process so that they can be used again.
a cylinder shaped piece of wood , metal etc that can be rolled over and over
to cover something with liquid for a period of time.
find information on the internet
!#G 70  0 , good for the environment f$40 $
get information from the internet!#G A  0 70 *", be replaced by
z4#% Q#,
break into small pieces
$> q1 7^ ,  /,
be produced from
A zH # Q#,
cut down trees
 C q,
cut down prices
 % 0,
hold huge amounts of
0\ $& q/# "&
make way for? , & 70Z,
become part of history
Z#/, , Q / w, # A ^H i4*,
make new friends
H 1> kZ#,
go on a business trip
& 0B 7 6k,
instead of
work for a charity
,$ /%r & ,
receive an award for A \^H 70#,
the price goes down
/ ,
trade with
q H #,
be mixed with chemicals
$\ $&$' & 0 Q#,
on the other hand  $B  A
range from to
.. 7 .. A #,
for environmental reasons $f$ 4%
take up a lot of space
$4^ $B 8
keep up with
, /, / 6,
work for the common good
 i *0 &,
draw on paper
70 Q%,
roll in
$4 $& ?#,
roll up
replace with ... 4#/,

press conference
BWa L press release
reliable sources
D :K: &available information
5!/ :./
household gadgets
/= =D home appliances
/= =D
local press
.W/ W&/ recycled materials
3! * :
design a website
Z: &* enormous challenge
enormous obstacle
.0 Y) alleviate pressure
CAo/ p3*
atmospheric pressure
:>/ CAo/ withstand pressures
:Ao/ W!*
economic pressures
*!&Z6 :Ao/ heavy burdens
.)K Y
a controversial book
./ N !economic dimension
an inspired leader
0Z go dead
+!* / / ; pZ:!*
encyclopedic knowledge
 ::  turn the pages
W&/ d.)*
casual observation
  s5Q a five-day programme
/ t?
bring someone round
M B/ j3%
the seven wonders of the world
? / d0>
economic disaster / catastrophe
*!&Z K
exceptional circumstances



She gave me a beautiful drawing of a horse.

All these pictures were painted by local artists.

My computer makes a continuous low buzzing noise.

She is looking for a permanent place to stay.


Gary's had his hair bleached.

Her hair had whitened over the years. ($  0 ", ) j@
The metal passed between the rollers to be pressed into thin sheets. @@@q@aa

Deep-sea divers carry cylinders of oxygen on their backs.


The disk disappeared after using CDs.

Cd = compact disk
Cd -ROM = compact disc read-only memory


Cd RW= compact disc re-writable



Stationery shop @ibna@paa@j@



I'm trying to cut down on caffeine.

This tree is very old so I will cut it down.

You don't seem very enthusiastic about the party - don't you want to go tonight? Xzn

Here's some news you might be interested in. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@n

An excited crowd waited for the singer to arrive.
/ b

an enormous car/house
astronomical rent/bill/price/fee = very large

immense wealth/value

a jumbo bag of sweets a jumbo-sized packet

a king-size bed/hamburger
bna c
Cleaning up the city-wide mess is going to be a mammoth task.
My daughter loves to wear oversize clothes.
She felt overwhelming happiness after her success. J
titanic mountains a titanic battle/performance/struggle
vast amounts/sums of money.

The vast majority of pupils attend state-funded schools.

To get these stains out of you shirt, you have to soak it in hot water. MMMM
Mother put a cloth on the floor to soak up water.
Ahmed trades with me.
Egypt traded with China last year.
He trades in rice.
He has a large trade in America.

TZC M Mubn
 M Mubn
C Mubn

She learns to cook./ how to cook.

She teaches to cook. / how to cook.
She knows( shows) how to cook.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|M M

This car is made in Japan .


The bag is made of leather . ( y ! ) & &* '  M M

The cake is made from flour. ( y  Q ' ) & &*M M

We use wood to make furniture .

We use wood for making furniture .

He held the chair.  He will held a party.

She holds the opinion that the world will end soon.F' H /  # / M
The police couldn't hold back the crowds.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M / M
Sorry, I didn't mean to hold everybody up.

That jacket fits you perfectly.

That blue shirt suits you. You look nice in it.
Does this shirt match these trousers?

( & n$B A ) kb

( 8 n$B A) kb
(7C q 7C ) bn

You mix all the dry ingredients together before you add the milk.
b / b
I think Graham will agree, but convincing Mary will be altogether more difficult. bb
@@Z@ma@pajna@pba@@@on @ana@y
on an island
,^H 70 on a farm
 ^7 on foot
1 70 $%
on purpose
&# on the whole
  * on his way to
7 z,@ 7
on the internet
!#G 7 on the telephone
$0# 7 on the radio
G 7
on business
& 7 on Monday / Friday........... , 7 a tax on
70 4,t
an effect on
70 $cs an influence on
70$cs a conference on
A &r
a book on
A # on the advice of
"$* 70  on the plane
Z 7
on the menu
\&  1 7 on the staff
f$ A&t A on admission
on display
on duty
Z 7 information on
A  0
on holiday / vacation
H 7 restrictions on
70 $1 on the train
contact him on
Q1 70 z *#,

Choose the correct answer

1. With Mariams new e-book reader, she can now . books.
a) download
b) write
c) promise
2. If you like to shop online, this website has many new and used books .
a) found
b) authored
c) available
3. . contain a lot of information about many things.
a) newspapers
b) encyclopedias
c) dictionaries
4. We try to . paper, plastic and batteries to help our environment.
a) include
b) mix
c) reserve
5. To paint a large area of the wall quickly, try using a paint .
a) brush
b) roller
c) instrument
6. Yasmine was so fluent that the words just . off her tongue.
a) missed
b) mixed
c) stuck
7. Use . on your white clothes to get tough stains out.
a) soap
b) bleach
c) a scraper
8. We usually . beans overnight to soften before we cook them.
a) mix
b) soak
c) recycle
9. Kareem is an . reader. He reads all the time.
a) enthusiastic
b) soaking
c) faulty
10. Rehan has a lot of . as well as hardbacks in her library at home.
a) recyclables
b) mixtures
c) paperbacks


d) admit
d) written
d) thesauruses
d) recycle
d) utensil
d) rolled
d) a roller
d) roll
d) criminal
d) screens

Future Passive
will + inf.
-I will answer the phone.
shall + inf. C) I / We;*o/
- I shall help you with your homework.
(am/is/are) + going to + inf.
- I'm going to do more work next year.
(The Future Continuous &#/& 4#/&)
will be + v. + ing.
- I'll be studying English.
(The Future perfect # 4#/&)
will have + p.p.

will be + p.p.
-The phone will be answered.
shall be + p.p. C) I / We;*o/
- You shall be helped with your homework.
(am/is/are) + going to be + p.p.
- More work is going to be done next year.
(The Future Continuous &#/& 4#/&)
will be + being+ p.p.
- English will be being studied.
(The Future perfect # 4#/&)
will have +been + p.p.

&0 14/ 4#/& 70 & 0 q  A^ k Z#/,

the year) 2100 / By tomorrow morning / by next

- I will have finished the project by next week.

- The project will have been finished by next week.

Choose the correct answer

1. Scientists say that by 2020, the glaciers in Montana .
a) are melting
b) will have melted
c) melt
d) have melted
2. Environmentalists hope that in the next ten years more electricity by alternative energies.

a) will be produced
b) has been produced
c) produced d) is being produced
3. By the time your children are in university, will physical books .. by e-books?
a) have replacing
b) have replaced
c) replaced d) have been replaced
4. By 2100, many of our jobs over by robots.
a) will be taken
b) will have taken c) will have been taken
d) have been taken
5. What changes . by 2060?
a) will be making
b) will have been made
c) will make d) will have been making
6. What changes .. over the next 50 years?
a) will be made
b) made
c) have been made
d) will make
7. Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, she .. her studies.
a) has completed b) will have completed
c) did complete
d) completed
8. Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, her studies ..
a) will have completed b) will complete c) will be completing d) will have been completed
9. Many people hope that petrol . so much in the future.
a) will not have been used b) has not been used c) will not be used
d) is not used
10. Its nine oclock now. By two oclock three meetings .. in our company.
a) will be holding
b) will have held
c) will have been held
d) held
11. By 2020 the International Space Station . in orbit for 22 years.
a) will keep b) will be kept
c) will have been kept
d) will have been keeping
12. Scientists are concerned whether enough food in the future for so many people.
a) will be produced b) is produced
c) will have produced
d) was produced
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. By the time Dad gets home, the children will have being fed..
2. All the police cars will have been wash by noon today.
3. By 2016, the bridge will has been completed.
4. By tomorrow morning, the book will has been bought by 30,000 people...


5. The game will delayed if it rains this evening..

6. Over the next twenty years, 4 million Go-Go Pops will have been sold.
7. By next year, the old museum will has been replaced by a new one.

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1- A friend asks you if you think people will read books in a hundred years time.
2- In a conversation, a friend uses the word " gadget" , you don't understand the word.
3- A friend asks you if you think people will have their own spaceships in 50 years.
4- A friend uses the words you don't understand the meanings of them.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
1- A : I want some information about paper-making.
B : Go to the computer and find out where the relevant references are kept.
B : Thanks.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

2- A : Are the pharaohs the first to make paper, sir?

A : What did the pharaohs use for writing?

B : No, the Chinese.

B : Papyrus.

Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. We have decided that your contact ........................... next month.
a- will not be renewed b- will not be renewing
c- was not renewed d- has not been renewed
2. Sitting too long at the computer ............................ your back and arms ache.
a- will be made
b- will be making
c- will make
d- is made
3. Running too many programs at the same time ..................... the computer crash.
a- will probably make

b- will probably be made

c- is probably made

d- has probably been made

4. The project ....................... out by 2028.

a- was carried
b- will have been carried c- will be carrying d- will have been carrying
5. By the time he ......................... back home, I will have finished all the exercises.
a- had come
b- comes
c- is coming
d- will come
6. He blamed ....................... for what had happened.
a- himself
b- myself
c- yourself
d- itself
7. By the end of the month, I ......................... all my exams.
a- shall have taken
b- take
c- am taking
d- takes
8. We want to have our car ................................. .
a- repainting
b- to repaint
c- repainted
d- be repainted
9. My father is a golf .......................... . He plays and watches it on TV whenever he can.
a- enthusiasm
b- enthusiast
c- enthusiastic
d- enthuse
10. That play is very popular. You'd better check the ......................... of tickets.
a- ability
b- availability
c- advisability
d- ambiguity
11. A ............................. is a small tool or machine that helps you do something.
a- gadget
b- budget
c- garment
d- glove
12. To ......................... is to move information from one part of a computer system to
a- download
b- overload
c- boatload
d- workload
13. An ........................... person shows a lot of interest and excitement about something.
a- enthusiasm
b- enthusiast
c- enthusiastic
d- enthuse
14. A .......................... is a book with a soft paper cover.
a- drawback
b- backpack
c- feedback
d- paperback


15. A .................... is the flat, glass part of a television or computer.

a- screen
b- scream
c- cream
d- siren
16. Is this shirt ......................... in a larger size?
a- achievable
b- available
c- avoidable
d- applicable
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- By the time we get there, Jim leaves..
2- Increasing numbers of people will be suffered from high blood pressure.
3- A meeting will hold next Tuesday at 3 p.m
4- He sought a piece of cotton in water and used it to clean the wound..
5- Reciting is important to help protect our environment
6- He looked at her with a literature of admiration and curiosity

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the questions:

Many people believe the legend that there is a curse on the tomb of Tutankhamen.
The tomb of Tutankhamen was discovered by lord Carnarvon in 1920. He died from blood
poisoning three months after opening the tomb. No one would have thought his death had
anything to do with the tomb if it had not been for a letter from the writer Marie Corelli to the
New York World newspaper. In this letter she said. that, she owned a book which told the
story of the curse. Not long after the death of Lord Carnarvon, an American who said he had
caught a cold while visiting the tomb, also died.
As time passed, the list of people who had been 'punished' by the curse grew and for
many people there was too much evidence for the story to be ignored. However, a number
of facts have been forgotten. In 1982 an American policeman who had a heart attack
claimed it was because he had spent time looking after the Tutankhamen Exhibition in San
Francisco. He was not believed when it was discovered that another man who had actually
slept in the tomb while guarding it for seven years was not only alive but in good health.
Thus the idea of the curse was proved to be a fallacy.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. What made the people think that Lord Carnarvon's death was caused by the curse of Tutankhamen?

2. Why did the man sleep in the tomb of Tutankhamen for seven years?
3. Do you really think there is a curse in the tomb of Tutankhamen? Why?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Lord Carnarvon died of...........
a) the curse of the tomb.
b) blood pressure .c) an accident.
d) blood
5. Many people could not ignore the story of the curse because ...........
a) they had no evidence, at that time.
b) They had too much evidence, at that time.
c) they failed to find any evidence.
d) they managed to prove that it was evident.
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Dr. Christina is one of a team of doctors who work in the Amazon Forest. They work to
find out about the methods which local people use to treat diseases. Local people use
medicines which come from plants, and the team want to know about these plants and study
them to find the active component. Then they plan to experiment with them. Plant medicines
were used for treating illnesses very long ago, and they are still common in many parts of
the world. These plant medicines are safer and cheaper than scientific medicines and they
work just as well for many diseases.
However, many people still use scientific medicines. Dr. Christina says that we are too
dependent on scientific medicines which can be very dangerous and make people ill. Some
diseases have become resistant to them. If the medicines stop killing bacteria and viruses,
then they are more dangerous than useful. Many doctors do not recommend plant
medicines, but this is because they do not understand them. Dr. Christina says, We are
learning about forest plants so that we can teach city people to use them. She thinks we


should use plant medicines for most of our illnesses, and keep scientific medicines for
treating dangerous diseases.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. What does Dr. Christina do at the Amazon Forest?
2. When can scientific medicines be dangerous?
3. What does the underlined word them refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Plant medicines are ------------------ scientific ones for treating many diseases.
a)more effective than
b)less effective than
c)as effective as
d)more dangerous than
5. ----------------- use plant medicines more than other people.
a) Doctors and pharmacists b) city people
c) Forest people
d) The medical school students

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. How was the gold mask stolen?
2. Why did the police take Leila to the police station?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. The police put a special kind of powder on the safe in order to ..
2. Amalia was a woman of conscience as she ....
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
"I am very shocked and upset. .. they found this among your work clothes."
1. Who said these words and to whom?
2. Why was the speaker shocked and upset?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
" Books and its importance in our life "

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
CD ROMS are computer disks which can store a mass of information . CD-ROMS can
contain word , music and still and moving pictures. Many people say that we will have our own
libraries of CD-ROMS , containing all the reference books and other things.
B- Translate into English:
. Q%  #0 4 Z#/, ,  &*
. $ /O  & A  q  # 7# 6# A  &7 %&


Choose the correct answer

1. With Mariams new e-book reader, she can now . books.
a) download
b) write
c) promise
d) admit
2. If you like to shop online, this website has many new and used books .
a) found
b) authored
c) available
d) written
3. . contain a lot of information about many things.
a) newspapers
b) encyclopedias
c) dictionaries
d) thesauruses
4. We try to . paper, plastic and batteries to help our environment.
a) include
b) mix
c) reserve
d) recycle
5. To paint a large area of the wall quickly, try using a paint .
a) brush
b) roller
c) instrument
d) utensil
6. Yasmine was so fluent that the words just . off her tongue.
a) missed
b) mixed
c) stuck
d) rolled
7. Use . on your white clothes to get tough stains out.
a) soap
b) bleach
c) a scraper
d) a roller
8. We usually . beans overnight to soften before we cook them.
a) mix
b) soak
c) recycle
d) roll
9. Kareem is an . reader. He reads all the time.
a) enthusiastic
b) soaking
c) faulty
d) criminal
10. Rehan has a lot of . as well as hardbacks in her library at home.
a) recyclables
b) mixtures
c) paperbacks
d) screens
11. Scientists say that by 2020, the glaciers in Montana .
a) are melting
b) will have melted
c) melt
d) have melted
12. Environmentalists hope that in the next ten years more electricity by alternative energies.

a) will be produced
b) has been produced
c) produced d) is being produced
13. By the time your children are in university, will physical books .. by e-books?
a) have replacing
b) have replaced
c) replaced d) have been replaced
14. By 2100, many of our jobs over by robots.
a) will be taken
b) will have taken c) will have been taken
d) have been taken
15. What changes . by 2060?
a) will be making
b) will have been made
c) will make d) will have been making
16. What changes .. over the next 50 years?
a) will be made
b) made
c) have been made
d) will make
17. Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, she .. her studies.
a) has completed b) will have completed
c) did complete
d) completed
18. Marwa entered university in 2010. By 2014, her studies ..
a) will have completed b) will complete c) will be completing d) will have been completed
19. Many people hope that petrol . so much in the future.
a) will not have been used b) has not been used c) will not be used
d) is not used
20. Its nine oclock now. By two oclock three meetings .. in our company.
a) will be holding
b) will have held
c) will have been held
d) held
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. By the time Dad gets home, the children will have being fed..
2. All the police cars will have been wash by noon today.
3. By 2016, the bridge will has been completed.
4. By tomorrow morning, the book will has been bought by 30,000 people...
5. The game will delayed if it rains this evening..
6. Over the next twenty years, 4 million Go-Go Pops will have been sold.
7. By next year, the old museum will has been replaced by a new one.


Marie Curie was my hero

You may not have heard of Dr Karimat El- Sayed, but
in 2003, she won an award as one of the best women scientists
in the world. At the time, she was a science professor at Ain
Shams University in Cairo and won the award for her work on the
structure of metal.
Dr El-Sayed is special in the world of science because
she was the first Egyptian woman to receive one of these
awards. As an enthusiastic scientist, she has spent much of her
career encouraging other women to become scientists. She said
in an interview that, despite being grandmother, she was still
working because she loved it.
As a girl at secondary school, Dr El-Sayed heard about
the discoveries of the energetic French woman scientist, Marie
Curie, and decided that she wanted to be a scientist herself. ElSayed worked very hard at school and was good at Science and
Maths .However, it was not common for women to go to
university at this time, so it took her a long time to get her family to agree to the idea.
In her early twenties, after graduating, El-Sayed travelled to Britain to continue her
studies. There, she was inspired by one of her teachers who was also a scientist. Later,
El-Sayed married a man who was also a research scientist.
Now, as well as her other work, Dr El-Sayed travels round Egypt meeting groups of girls
and encouraging them to think
about careers in science.
Osama: Have you ever been abroad, Ali?
: Yes, I went to England for a month last summer, which was really good fun. I went with a
student group. We stayed near London and visited all the famous tourist places.
Osama: So you went to study?
Ali : Yes, and to have a holiday! It was what they called a Language and Culture visit. We stayed with
English families, we had English lessons every morning, then went on visits in the afternoons and
at the weekends.
Osama: Was it very tiring?
Ali : I wouldnt say it was very tiring. We were very busy, but we learnt a lot about British culture.
Osama: What about the language lessons?
: They were good. There were students from all over the world in my class it was really
interesting. I made some new friends.
Osama: Were you the only student from Egypt?
Ali : No, there were two others one from my school and one from a school in Aswan.
Osama: What did you learn about English culture?
Ali : Hundreds of things. The English drink lots of tea, but they put milk in it. Its not very warm there
even in the summer, which means that the British spend a lot of their time in their houses and
have clothes for all kinds of weather.
Osama: Were the people friendly?
Ali : Yes, very. They were interested to hear about life in Egypt.
Osama: Thats a bit like the people I met in China.
: Have you been to China?
Osama: Yes, I went there for a week last summer with my parents. My dad had to go on a business
trip to Shanghai, so he took us all with him.
Ali : That must have been really interesting.
Osama: Yes, it was. I didnt know much about China before we went, but my mother and I had quite a
lot of free time when my father was at business meetings.
Ali : So, did you travel around?
Osama: Yes, we did. It was so different from anywhere Ive ever been before. A lot of Shanghai is


very modern, but there are also ancient places to visit, like the 900-year-old water village of Zhou
Zhuang. There are canals instead of streets, so people have to travel around by boat.
Ali : Did you learn any Chinese?
Osama: Just one or two words. Some of the people we met knew a little English, but we didnt meet
anyone who could speak Arabic.
: Would you like to go back to China?
Osama: Yes, definitely, theres so much to see. What Id really like is to spend a year there, maybe
working for a charity.
: Sounds like a great idea!

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
a. Your friend says it was wrong for Dr Aisha Abd El-Rahman to spend most of her life on her
work. Disagree, giving a reason.
b. Someone asks you who you think the most important man in Egypt is. Give a reason.
c. Your friend is just about to cross the road, and he doesnt see a fast car coming.
d. Someone asks your opinion about how you think newspapers will be in the future.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function: .
a. A Shady just pushed me in the playground.
BThats awful. Why did he do that?
AHe wanted my sandwich but I wouldnt give to him.
BBullying is terrible. Dont worry, Ill make sure he gets the proper punishment.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

b. AWatch out! That knifes sharp.

BDont worry. I need to cut these tomatoes quickly.
BThe customers outside have complained that their salad is late.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. Ramy earned a .. in medicine from Cairo University.
a) licence
b) degree
c) roller
d) role
2. Most famous people dont like to talk a lot about their .. lives.
a) personal
b) positive
c) suitable
d) impressive
3. Mohamed Nagy, .. is known as Gedo, is a famous footballer.
a) which
b) that
c) whom
d) who
4. Samirs house, .. had consumed all his savings, left him with very little money.
a) which
b) who
c) in which
d) where
5. Umm Kulthum always sang .. She never joined another singer in a song.
a) spontaneously
b) folk
c) gradually
d) solo
6. .. Robinson Crusoe is a long book, I finished it very quickly.
a) So
b) Because
c) Although
d) Despite
7. I didnt have much money, .. I bought a cheap shirt.
a) so
b) because
c) although
d) despite
8. My cousin is very .. and likes to travel to unknown places.
a) conventional
b) adventurous
c) suitable
d) personal
9. Thousands of people attended the .. of Sheikh Shaarawi after he died.
a) funeral
b) lifestyle
c) flight
d) event
10. Can you please repeat the name of the medicine .. you just took.
a) in which
b) where
c) that
d) who
11. I met Hamdy only yesterday, .. I feel like Ive known him for years.
a) so
b) but
c) and
d) because
12. The internet is very slow and its taking a long time to .. that file.
a) download
b) regard
c) bully
d) recycle
13. If you want to get that dirt out of your shirt, you need to it in hot water before you wash it.
a) press
b) soak
c) recycle
d) bleach


14. Do you think Dad will ever .. me drive his car.

a) letting
b) have let
c) let
d) had let
15. By 3 oclock tomorrow, all the tickets will .. out.
a) have been sold
b) sell
c) sold
d) be selling
16. Some people .. their teeth so they look very white and shiny.
a) soak
b) bleach
c) press
d) pull
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
a. Although not knowing much Chinese, Eman managed to communicate with the Chinese people.

b. In Egypt, Naguib Sawaris is a very influence businessman.
c. My new computer has a much bigger screene.
d. I think most of Mums cake will be ate because its so delicious!
e. This is the place which I dropped my purse.
f. Bigger boys sometimes bull the smaller boys at school.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the

The American Civil War began in 1861. Things were not well organised when the first
soldiers returned to Washington, DC, where Clara Barton was working. Many soldiers were
wounded and hungry, and many had lost their belongings. Barton collected supplies and
took them to the young men. Throughout the Civil War, she took clothing, food and supplies
to soldiers. She also read to them, wrote letters for them, and did other things to encourage
them. President Lincoln made her in charge of searching for missing prisoners of war.
After the war ended in 1865, Barton travelled in Europe, where she learned about the
Red Cross Movement. She was influential in getting the United States to sign a treaty (in
1882) to protect people in wartime. In 1881, at the age of 60, she established the American
Red Cross, which she directed for 23 years.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. How old was Clara Barton when the Civil War began?
2. Name three things that Clara Barton did during the war.
3. Name two things that she did after the Civil War.
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What was the treaty which the United States signed in 1882?
a) to end the Civil War
b) to establish the American Red Cross
c) to protect people in wartime
d) to be influential
5. What do the underlined words young men refer to?
a) the soldiers returning to Washington, DC
b) missing prisoners
c) school children
d) army officers
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Yussuf returned to his brother Adam's house after his funeral. The two brothers had
lived in distant cities for over forty years. Now that Adam was gone, Yussuf had the unhappy
task of going through Adam's personal things and cleaning out the house. Yussuf and Adam
had such different personalities. Yussuf wanted everything organised and clean. He had
never liked his brother's lifestyle. Adam's house looked like a mixture of workshop, museum
and rubbish bin.
Yussuf looked at the piles of notebooks in the living room. He wanted to just throw
them away. But he opened one notebook and started to read. Then he read another and
another. His excitement grew. Some notebooks were filled with drawings and descriptions of


clever gadgets. Others contained stories and novels that Adam had written. Yussuf cried.
He had never realised that his brother was a storyteller and inventor.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Where was Yussuf before he went to Adam's house?
2. How were the brothers different?
3. Who was older, Adam or Yussuf?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. What happened first?
a) Yussuf went to Adam's house.
b) Adam wrote and invented things.
c) Adam died.
d) Yussuf read Adam's notebooks.
5. Why did Yussuf cry after he read the notebooks?
a) The stories that Adam wrote were sad.
c) He was sad that he had not understood his brother.

b) It was too much work to clean the house.

d) The notebooks were not organised.

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Pablo in Quenco the day the police investigated the theft?
2. Why was Martin Lander keen to go to Acomayo?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. When Leila discovered the gold mask, Amalia thought
2. Amalia put the gold rabbit among Leilas clothes so that
"This will be really bad news for him.
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
1. Who said this to whom?
2. Who is going to be unhappy? Why?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
Write a brief story of the life of someone you think is important to you or to the world.

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
Amy Johnson was from the north of England. She first became interested in flying
while she was working as a secretary in London. In 1929, she was awarded her pilots
licence and a year later she made a solo flight from Britain to Australia.
B- Translate into English:
.`*  ;  
:&  :* B Q>/
0>/ s 1
- F5v/F
Z 1 ;WY&/ E? (>!*? l?:.) F 2


Finding Work
Home address
El Tonsy St, Bahary,
Alexandria, Egypt
Contact Information
Phone: 102 03 48004
DOB: 17/05/1985
Nationality: Egyptian
20042008 University of BA Business Good
Special project: Future of the Nile Delta
20012004 English Secondary School, Alexandria
GSEC 96%
July 2009present Trainee accountant, City Bank, Cairo
2008 Prize for highest grade in finance module
2004 Special award for English language
Sports: University Football Club Captain of first team
Other activities: Charity work in home
neighbourhood in daycare centre for older people (two afternoons)
IT: Computing Grade 5
Experience in using Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)
Languages: Fluent in English
A little spoken Spanish and French
Sports: Football, squash, athletics
Travel: I enjoy meeting people from other countries.
I have travelled to Europe and Australia.
My ambition is to visit the Far East (China and Japan).

Interviewer: Good morning, Mr.Farag. Please sit down .

Mr.Farag : Thank you.
Interviewer: First of all, thank you for sending us your CV. I see you have a degree in biology
and chemistry from Alexandria University?
Mr.Farag : That's right.
Interviewer: And you're twenty-five years old, Do you have a driving licence?
Mr.Farag : Yes, I do. I passed my test last year.
Interviewer:What have you been doing since you left university?
Mr.Farag : I've been working as a sales assistant in my uncle's pharmacy.
Interviewer: I see, so you have some sales experience, I wonder if you could tell me why
you're leaving your uncle's company.
Mr.Farag: Yes, of course. I should start by saying that I have gained a lot of useful experience
working for my uncle, but I'm quite ambitious and I'd like to travel round in my job
and visit other places.


Interviewer: Good. Does your uncle know you're trying to find another job?
Mr.Farag : Yes, he does. He encourages me to look for jobs.
Interviewer: Good. And why do you want to work for us?
Mr.Farag: My uncle's told me that yours is an established company with a very good reputation
in the medical profession.
Interviewer: That's right.
Mr. Farag: My uncle has sold your products for many years and has never had any problems
with them.
Interviewer: And why do you think you'd be good at the job?
Mr. Farag: Well, I've always been a conscientious worker and I'm a sociable person, so I'll
enjoy meeting and talking to customers. I'm also well organised, so I'd always make
sure I arrived on time for appointments.
Interviewer: Now at the moment, you're living with your parents in Nasr City. How would you
feel if we asked you to work in another part of the country?
Mr. Farag: That'd be no problem. If I were given the job, it wouldn't matter to me where I was
living and working.
Interviewer: Fine. Thank you very much for your time, Mr. Farag. We have your telephone
number and e-mail address at the pharmacy. I'll contact you on Saturday
morning to let you know the result of this interview.
Mr Farag:
Thank you very much. Goodbye.
Interviewer: Goodbye.

(5x $y) #
" # 60@
$&R 7B / z0& 7 '#  CV = curriculum vitae $k $/
(well) established
0,@ # H / 1   pharmacy
7 &#H

( 7) i$* / ?0@
7%  A ^H / $% Bneighbourhood
& % / $% 
A$ /
modular degree 7%  A ^H 7 ' C  H

a job interview
$y 70 "*0 0 
obvious errors
7&% 8
sales experience
 $4& 7 4
&/ A/B
$   4
the medical profession 6'
financial donations
A$$ / 
day-care centr A/ 4 @ ,  ^
7% m> / 4 / H
trainee accountant
# 6% "
hard skills
(% 6,# ) 4/# ' personal skills
$*ZC '
hire = employ
a bonus
(A$y&0) 5
a paid holiday
H  H
sick leave
$t H
part-time job
#1r $y
full-time job
&\ $y
go bankrupt
make profits
B "? ,
customer service
personnel manager
A$0  fC ,
natural talent
$$4@ 4
health professionals
"*  7 A$0 
the general public
experience with computers$4& q  # 7 4 representative
x& / 
personal details
$*ZC $> 
technical skills
$ '
language skills
$ / &  #


the Nile Delta

$ ' #
place of residence
' C
$ J / $ $y
mental abilities
basic / essential skills $% %'
undermine the economy* #1G mR, / ,
R 8
pharmaceutical company, C
7, / $4,

academic qualifications $&0 5r
temporize(   1 Z 7) @ &,
practical skills
$0& '
ambition (n)
7\ '&
* #, / *


determined to be successful or powerful

someone who has formally asked for a job , a place at a college etc, especially
by writing a letter.
conscientious showing a lot of care and attention
a document that describes your education and the jobs that you have done, used
when you are trying to get a new job.

describing a company , organisation , etc, that has been in existence for a long time.

a store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared and sold .
friendly , liking to be with other people.
well-organised good at organising the things you have to do.
achievement something important that you achieve (do)
able to speak or write a language very well without stopping or making mistakes.
one of the parts that a course of study is divided into.
neighbourhood a small area of a town or the people who live there.
an ability to do something well, especially because you have practiced it.
someone who is being trained for a job.

apply for (a job / a visa)

70 "*0 60 #,
a long way from
A $  / 70
focus on
70 ^,
deal with
(t)  #, / q  #,
compete against
t I #,
care about
reply to
70 ,
an interview for (something)
.. H A 0 
make for = head for
7 z#,
at the present time
7 "! 1 7
apply modern technology N*
W/ :/:-!/ wY+*
a fluent speaker
critical thinking skills
/ -!/ D
prick of conscience
o/ d?H
obvious contradiction
V1 xZ
current job
/W/] :/
a permanent job

work in a job
$y 7 &,
relevant to
Q\5 / * #
be in existence
H ,
have access to 7 > v0 "*z&,
have a good command of
 $H & z,
get into university
an interview with someone TZC q 0 
make up for
make out
 * 7C Q', q&/,  ,
get on with $H 15 70 , q Q/,

economic sanctions against

1 *!&Z  :)
communication skills
&6 D
the voice of conscience
o/ :a
public amenities
/ w/
menial work
previous job
) E/] :/
a temporary job


career opportunities
a rise in salary
below average
multinational company
fall vacant
social disease
constructive role
creative ideas
paper shop

d/ B *
C:!/ ; Z
E>/ !
(]:./) z% VY&
B !

pW&/  W

a contract of employment

above average
C:!/ :
business hours
reduced prices
social interaction
B ! 
constructive criticism

destructive impact

revolutionary ideas
*:K -
score excellent
* !B. &W*

He has an interview next Thursday for a job. ($">/ $,^$0 / $ )0  /($y0) $*ZC 0 

I have an appointment to see the doctor.

 $ / 
Representatives attended the International Peace Conference in Geneva.
World leaders will meet next week for their annual economic summit.
&1 &r
I'm giving a seminar on the latest developments in genetic engineering next week. $&0 

a forum for debate/discussion

I've got a meeting with Mr. Ahmed this afternoon.

   t 81 & 

& #H

He was one of 30 applicants for the manager's job. .$Cs / $/H / $y 70 "*0 #
There are only three candidates for the job.  " #G # ( Z#G 7 / $y) iC
Candidates mustn't use a calculator in exam.
He was the only nominee for the presidency.
\^H   $y ( $&% )iC
Some of the children seem unable to apply what they have learned.


She applied for a job as a secretary.(....... w   7  /$/H/ $Cs / $y )v0 "*0 60 #,

She is going to apply for citizenship next month.

He applied to three universities and was accepted by all of them. v TZ8  8 60 @,

The offer only applies to flights from London and Manchester.

You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.

70 ?4,
$*ZC 60 #,

Despite the bad weather, our plane left on time.

 &  $& v
He was in time for the 7 o'clock train.
( $0  $& 41 ) 6% &! 1 v
His salary is 300 pounds a month.
( , Q% ) % ' C 6
The carpenter's wages are high.
( q&H ) , G Q% ( 4% $  / ) H
Doctor's fees are very high nowadays.
( # v ) " H
After I had arrived, I gave the driver the fare.
7/ # H
It's a nice job but the pay is appalling.
$y 7C &   H
a clever doctor :Q%G  H  * 41  a / an  Z#/
:70,  |BG A
These days, women have as good an education as men.
It was so hot a day that I could hardly work.
date of birth
as soon as possible
bachelor of arts
full time
bachelor of science
mile per hour
General Secondary Education
kilometer per hour
doctor of philosophy
week / work
Master of science
part time
information technology
a good education


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Kareems room is always so neat with a place for everything, because hes ..
a) fluent
b) conscientious
c) sociable
d) well organised
2. Its an employment crisis when you have 6,000 . for only 300 jobs.
a) establishments b) applicants
c) concerns
d) skills
3. The 21 century challenge for any country is to have a . labour force.
a) happy
b) skilled
c) trainee
d) fluent
4. The general manager asked me to oversee the companys new .
a) skills
b) fluency
c) trainees
d) achievements
5. Every . has a stand or a shop that sells beans and falafel.
a) CV
b) trainer
c) module
d) neighbourhood
6. Each applicant must provide an up-to-date .., showing their work history and education.
a) CV
b) module
c) pharmacy
d) ambition
7. The company hired Basma because she was knowledgable, organised and .
a) conscientious
b) soaking
c) fancy
d) applied
8. Nowadays teamwork is important to a company, so it helps to be .
a) skillful
b) fluent
c) ambitious
d) sociable
9. Our local sells sweets and makeup as well as medicines.
a) pharmacy
b) CV
c) applicant
d) establishment
10. Fathy couldnt find work so he became an . repairman in our neighbourhood. Theres
nothing he cant fix.
a) evolved
b) established
c) environmental
d) applied

Reported Questions
% # B 7 zBC Q

Choose the correct answer

1. Hany was in Mansour for one week. Siham asked him what he .. there.
a) does
b) doing
c) has been doing d) had been doing
2. Mrs Osama asked me if my parents .. where I was.
a) knows
b) knew
c) had known
d) know
3. By tomorrow afternoon, I .. all my exams.
a) will have finished
b) have finished
c) will be finishing d) finishes
4. Hassan wondered where the keys ..
a) put
b) are putting
c) were put
d) are put
5. I didnt complete my homework yesterday. Today, Miss Eman asked why I .. it.
a) have completed
b) completed
c) wasnt completing
d) hadnt completed
6. Are you planning to see Hamlet at the Shakespeare Festival next week?
Rana asked if we .. to see Hamlet at the Shakespeare Festival next week.
a) have been planning
b) have planned
c) were planning
d) plans
7. Why do you want to study abroad?
Yasser asked me why I .. to study abroad.
a) wants
b) have wanted
c) wanting
d) wanted
8. By tomorrow afternoon, I .. 1500 kilometers.


a) will have traveled

b) travel
c) am traveling
d) travelled
10. Who did you see over the summer holiday?
Mai asked me who I .. over the summer holiday.
a) sees
b) had seen
c) seen
d) have seen
9. Hany, do you prefer ice cream or cake?
Grandpa asked Hany if he .. ice cream or cake.
a) is preferring
b) had preferred
c) preferred
d) has preferred
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Hany and his brother wanted to know if we play squash yesterday
2. Reda asked if I travelled all over Europe on my bicycle..
3. By 2100, petrol-run cars will be drive only by the very wealthy
4. By 2100, petrol-run cars have become old-fashioned
5. Gamal asked if we was going to the cinema today.
6. Othman asked if his brother has gone to work today.
7. Farid asked me which countries I visited..
8. The cakes will had been delivered to all the customers by the end of the day..

A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Someone asks you about your marital status.
2. You ask someone about his birth date.
3. The interviewer asks why you want to apply for a job.
4. You explain why you were absent yesterday.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function:
Can I change these pounds with dollars?
How do you want it?
Pounds notes, please.
B : Here you are.
Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

1. A :

How can I help you, sir?

Id like to report the theft o f my car.

Place: . A: ....... B: .... Function: .....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. A/An is someone who is being taught to do a particular job.
a- invitee
b- appointee
c- trainee
d- referee
2. I have very poor technical . Could you help me fix my computer?
a- bills
b- skills
c- hills
d- wills
3. To get my degree, I have to complete and pass five of the six .
a- modules
b- ridicules
c- riddles
d- puzzles
4. Getting into university would be my greatest . .
a- abandonment
b- achievement
c- adjustment
d- amazement
5. is the ability to do something well.
a- Spill
b- Spell
c- Skill
d- shell
6. A is a small area of town or the people who live there.
a- neighbourhood
b- fatherhood
c- brotherhood
d- manhood
7. .. means friendly or liking to be with other people.
a- Identifiable
b- Justifiable
c- Enviable
d- Sociable
8. A is a store or a part of a store where medicines are prepared and sold.
a- Accuracy
b- Adequacy
c- pharmacy
d- Efficiency
9. She asked me where .. at that time.
a- was I living
b- I were living
c- I was living
d- was I living


10. She asked me why .. for that job.

a- applied
b- had I applied
c- I had applied
d- did I apply
11. The interviewer asked Peter where . .
a- he had studied
b- did he study
c- how did he study
d- had he studied
12. The asked me how long . in Cairo.
a- I had been working b- did I work
c- was I working
d- had I been working
13. Everything happened so .. that I hadn't time to think.
a- quickly
b- quick
c- quickness
d- quicken
14. I've never met . well-behaved children like yours.
a- enough
b- too
c- such
d- as
15. John is too young take driving lessons. He's only 13.
a- that
b- to
c- as
d- so
16. He wanted to know she was married.
a- what
b- whether
c- unless
d- weather
4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. She wanted to know what do I do in my spare time.
2. I asked her where did she go for her holiday the previous summer..
3. No one would be enough foolish to lend him the money..
4. They read about his attachments in the press, and were filled with pride..
5. Many jobs today require computer stills.
6. Farid asked me which countries I visited

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, and then answer the

It is most necessary for everyone to cut down on his food expenses. Since the early
1970s the cost of the food has gone up faster than the cost of all commodities and services.
The increase has mounted to more than 300%.
For all Egyptian families, food is the biggest item in their monthly household. In fact, it
swallows more than half the budget of millions of low-income families. People suffer from
the high prices of food a lot. How will such a state of affairs end? Is it the fate of low-income
families to face starvation? Isnt there any solution?
To be sure, there is. You can reduce your food expenses at least 20% by observing the
following pieces of advice. Note the food items you need when your supplies run low. Group
the same kind of food together and write a list of your needs. Use you list as you shop and
dont buy any items which are not included on the list. Food is sold nowadays in different
forms: fresh, canned and frozen. Choose the cheapest and healthiest ones. You can buy
fresh vegetables instead of frozen ones because they are cheaper and healthier. Chickens
are cheaper than red meat. You can have cheese, beans and eggs instead of meat.
One last bit of advice, Dont go shopping on an empty stomach. Shopping when you
are hungry tempt you to buy things you dont really need.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. How have prices increased since the 1970s?
2. How can you avoid buying unnecessary food?
3. Suggest a suitable title for this passage?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. As food is the biggest item in the Egyptian family budget, people should -------a) buy all the food they like
b) not buy any frozen food
c) buy only healthy and cheap food
d) eat only when they are hungry
5. According to the passage, fresh vegetables are ------------ than frozen ones.
A) as cheap as b) healthier than
c) worse than
d) more expensive than
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
Many experts believe there are too many people in the world. Unless there are big
changes in the way people think about the number of children they should have, the world's


population will double in 25 years. There will be more than 20 cities with populations greater
than 20 million. Now there is only one.
Some people- who do not understand what overpopulation means - point to countries
such as Australia-and say, "There is plenty of room there." Although most of Australia is
unpopulated, and much of it is thinly populated, there are reasons for this. Firstly, much of
the land is desert and waterless, and secondly, even the land that is not desert is not
suitable or anything, not even growing grass.
Another major problem we shall have to face as the world's population grows, is
shortage of energy. We are using up coal and oil and when they have been used up, we
shall have to find something to take their place. It is true that we can make electricity from
the heat of the sun and moving water, but we do not yet have the technology to do this in a
big way. Perhaps, the biggest problem we shall have when the world's population doubles
will be pollution. The air we breathe is already badly polluted.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1- How many present cities have a population of over 20 million?
2- Mention two problems we will face as a result of overpopulation.
3- What does the underlined word refer to?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4- In order to prevent the world's population from being doubled, there must be a change in ..

a) the methods of agriculture.

b) sources of energy.
c) the way people think about the number of children they should have.
d) the education of the great numbers of children.
5- When coal and oil have been used up, we shall
a) search for other sources of energy.
b) wait for scientists to solve the problem.
c) use computers instead.
d) try to do without them or any other kind.

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. How did the village people help Leila to save Amalia?
2. Why did Pablo work with Lander?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Amalia was as brave and tough as.
2. If the gold mask was lost or stolen, the project.
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
Let's set a trap.
1. Who said these words and to whom?
2. For whom are they going to set a trap?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

The most important qualities to get a good job nowadays



F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
The applicants should have a BSC in Biology , be under 30 , hold a driving licence.
They should have past experience in selling. They also should possess a good command
of English.
B- Translate into English:
. 5&  my 60 $4& W  7  \C
.J $k $/ %s #

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. Kareems room is always so neat with a place for everything, because hes ..
a) fluent
b) conscientious
c) sociable
d) well organised
2. Its an employment crisis when you have 6,000 . for only 300 jobs.
a) establishments b) applicants
c) concerns
d) skills
3. The 21st century challenge for any country is to have a . labour force.
a) happy
b) skilled
c) trainee
d) fluent
4. The general manager asked me to oversee the companys new .
a) skills
b) fluency
c) trainees
d) achievements
5. Every . has a stand or a shop that sells beans and falafel.
a) CV
b) trainer
c) module
d) neighbourhood
6. Each applicant must provide an up-to-date .., showing their work history and education.
a) CV
b) module
c) pharmacy
d) ambition
7. The company hired Basma because she was knowledgable, organised and .
a) conscientious
b) soaking
c) fancy
d) applied
8. Nowadays teamwork is important to a company, so it helps to be .
a) skillful
b) fluent
c) ambitious
d) sociable
9. Our local sells sweets and makeup as well as medicines.
a) pharmacy
b) CV
c) applicant
d) establishment
10. Fathy couldnt find work so he became an . repairman in our neighbourhood. Theres
nothing he cant fix.
a) evolved
b) established
c) environmental
d) applied
11. Hany was in Mansour for one week. Siham asked him what he .. there.
a) does
b) doing
c) has been doing d) had been doing
12. Mrs Osama asked me if my parents .. where I was.
a) knows
b) knew
c) had known
d) know
13. By tomorrow afternoon, I .. all my exams.
a) will have finished
b) have finished
c) will be finishing d) finishes
14. Hassan wondered where the keys ..
a) put
b) are putting
c) were put
d) are put
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. Hany and his brother wanted to know if we play squash yesterday
2. Reda asked if I travelled all over Europe on my bicycle..
3. By 2100, petrol-run cars will be drive only by the very wealthy
4. By 2100, petrol-run cars have become old-fashioned
5. Gamal asked if we was going to the cinema today.
6. Othman asked if his brother has gone to work today.
7. Farid asked me which countries I visited..


A story of greed
Kino, a Mexican pearl diver, and his wife Juana
live a happy life until, one morning; their son Coyotito is
stung by a scorpion. They take him to the local doctor,
but he will not treat the boy because the family is too
poor to pay. Juana treats the boy herself. That same
day, Kino goes diving and finds an enormous pearl,
which means he is now a wealthy man. However, when
other people hear about the pearl, they plan to steal it.
When the doctor hears about Kino's pearl, he offer to
treat Coyotito, even though Juana's treatment has
already cured him. That night, someone tries to steal the
pearl, so the next day Kino goes into town to sell it. The
merchants say the pearl is no very valuable because it is
too big. Kino knows this is a trick and so he decides to go to another town to sell the
Juana tries to persuade Kino to throw it away because she believes it is evil
and fears that it will destroy the family, but Kino refuses. He wants it pay for his son's
In their way to the other town the family are followed by thieves who want the
pearl. Juana and Coyotito hide in a mountain cave, but Coyotito cries out. When the
thieves hear this noise, they fire their guns at what they think is a wild animal, Kino
attacks the thieves, but by now it is too late Coyotito is dead. Deciding that the pearl is
evil. Kino and Juana return to their home town and throw it into the sea.

Presenter: Good afternoon. The subject of today's programme is the American writer,
John Steinbeck, whose book "The Grapes of Wrath" was one of the most
famous novels of the twentieth century. To tell us more about John
Steinbeck, we have in the studio an expert on literature, Dr Helen Curler. Dr
Carter, welcome.
Dr Carter: Hello.
Presenter: I wonder if you could start by telling us something about John Steinbeck's
childhood and early life
Dr Carter: Certainly. John was born in California in 1902. His ancestors were from
Europe: from Germany on his father's side and Ireland on his mother's. The
name Steinbeck is German.
Presenter: What did his parents do? Were they a poor family?
Dr Carter: No, they weren't. His father was a civil servant and his mother was a
teacher. It was his mother who taught John to read and encouraged him to
become a writer.
Presenter: What about his education? Did he go to university?
Dr Carter: Yes, he did. After High School, he went to Stanford University to study English, but
he left in 1925 without a degree and went to live in New York to become a writer.

Presenter: Did he succeed?

Dr Carter: Unfortunately not. His first three novels were not a success. He had to
continue working in badly paid jobs. It was not until 1939 that he became
famous, when The Grapes of Wrath won an influential prize.
Presenter: Can you explain why this novel was so successful?
Dr Carter: Well, it's a great story. But it was also a novel in which Steinbeck wrote about the
lives of poor working Americans during the Great Depression of the 1930s. I think


Steinbeck was respected for telling the truth about his country and for forcing people
to think about the problems of the country's poor.

Presenter: So did Steinbeck then become a celebrity?

Dr Carter: No, not at all. He was a very private person who hated publicity.
Presenter: Did he write any other important novels?
Dr Carter: Well, during the Second World War, he worked as a war correspondent for
a New York newspaper, but he continued to write. In 1942, he wrote The
Moon is Down, about the war in Europe, and in 1947, he wrote The Pearl, a
short novel about a Mexican diver. Then in 1952, he wrote East of Eden,
which Steinbeck himself thought was his best novel.
Presenter: And did he continue to write?
Dr Carter: Yes, he did, and then in 1962 he won the Nobel prize for literature. He died in 1968.

Presenter: Thank you so much, Dr Carter. That s all we have time for today.
Dr Carter: Thank you

be stung by
stinging (adj.)
a wedding present
a rival firm
the great depression
early childhood
an influential prize
a poisonous sting
subject = topic
scorpion sting
be worth a lot of
martial arts
flight attendant
burglar alarm
emergency services
lay off workers

'8 TZC

A 0,
0  / 5
% / (A/) 1%
/  C
M 4# / & #
Q$F /
 \^ H
 % J
# / #
& A $x /
$ x&
$ #
$@ $R
1/ t k
i$"C / $Z
& A 7#/,

civil servant
7B my
* #1 /
force (v)
QJ, / 4,
, / $4C / 'C / , 
throw away = throw
z$ 7C A T0Z#,
 , / W ,
( A/ ) 70 /,
( A / ) T
a missing car
breathing equipment
I#'^ H
The Grapes of Wrath
( , Q% ) 6R $1 
badly paid jobs
$# H m\ y
a private person
|"#  # TZC
the twentieth century
scorpion venom
consumer society
75'#% q&#
( 5x z#,#C 7C H & )  $,
make a reservation
$B/& Q0$ T
( ) 
pedestrian crossing
8& 4
Z / iC



a famous person , especially an actor or entertainer

civil servant

someone who works in the civil service(for a government department)

someone whose job is to report news from a distant place or write about a
particular subject.
economic depression a long period when there is not a lot of business activity.


someone who swims under water with breathing equipment

to make someone do something they do not want to do.


a valuable small white round object that forms inside an oyster and is


attention that someone or something gets from newspapers , TV , etc.

used in jewellery

a large natural hole in the side of a cliff or under the ground.


when you want to have more money , food , power etc than you need.
a creature like a large insect with a curved tail that has a poisonous sting.

throw away

to get rid of something that you do not want or need.

someone who buys and sells large quantities of food.


the past participle of the verb "sting". If an insect, animal or plant stings


you, it hurts you by putting poison into your skin

to give someone medical treatment for an illness or injury

do business with
q  &  ,
cry out
hide in a cave
m' 7 74#Z,
be on someone's side
TZC 6 H 7 m,
the Nobel prize for literature \^   H
think about the problem
08& 7 ,
give up
A q0, / Q0/#/,
by force

at a rate of
have the right to
7 ?" z
pay for
.. A&c q,

go into town
throw (it) into the sea
take over
an expert on literature
tell the truth about
get rid of
turn down
cave in
disgusted by
compensate for
sentence someone to

sack employees
;./ *& civil war
civil defence
 / acute depression
resort to force
:)/ B/ H>.* gravitational force
greed for money
/ ^ ;  blind to reality
a cave in the mountain
Y>/ B pD dive under water
treat an illness
be stung by a scorpion
change his mind
M* A*
greedy people
:^ ?
annual rate

inflation rate

success rate

wholesale prices
unexpected failure
Z:! z ^
warn someone of the risks of.. v3 ; j3% W*
a period of economic depression!&Z E!
retail prices
contrary to expectations
Z:!/ l- B.
satisfaction of human needs?E?6 W/ Y%


,& 7 6k,
"4 7 '$,
70 7#/,
7 $4
$" ,
A T0Z#,
' , / P/,
A ^f&8,
A ,
TZC 70 Q",

. 5
5 !{
 >/ :Z
))W/ ; z
/ FW :A*
| ; ).*



This disease doesn't generally respond to treatment.

Peter gets special treatment because he knows the boss.
She knows quite a lot about herbal medicines.
She is a doctor, but is unable to practise medicine .
There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.
This wooden instrument is the ancestor of the modern metal flute.
They claim to be descendants of a French duke.


These people are just evil.

Those little/young devils broke my window.
The publicity surrounding the case will make it very difficult to hold a fair trial. $0
The success of her book has given her unexpected celebrity status.
A large crowd of reporters collected outside the Prime Minister's house.
7"> 4Z
She spoke emotionally about her experiences as a war correspondent. 7"> %
There is no life on the moon .

Life is fun . ' 4/, G , G Q%  zH $"

He leads a happy life .

z' >4/, 4 J ( , Q% ) $B A A$ 
1  $J Q% +
He leads a life of fun .
What do you know about the life of Naguib Mahfouz ?
1 Q% +
I inquired about the flights to Saudi Arabia.
As long as we live, we acquire new knowledge and skills.
This job requires skill.


Make sure you are given a receipt for everything you buy.
8* ,
They asked the waitress for the bill.
( Q / $0 / M $ /   ) '
I have tried to persuade her to see an oculist.(  4% z\  C & $ *ZC ) q,
I'm convinced myself ( that ) I was right.
( i$">  f$C s *ZC ) q,


 q $ $4# Z#%| BG


&0 q $ $4# Z#%| BG

tell a story@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@ tell the difference@@@@@@@@ tell the truth@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a@
tell the time @@@oa@@@tell
a joke@@@@@@@@@@@@@n@@ tell a secret
tell a lie @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@l tell someone off
tell fortunes @tz@b@djn

departure time@@@@@@ya@o
free time = spare time = leisure time@@@@@@a@o@@
time's up@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@o
at times = sometimes=from time to time @bbyc
time after time = time and time again @@@aaam@aaa
at the time
at all times = always@@@@ba a@ take your time nm@@O@
in no timeo@di
opening time @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@a@a@ai
closing time
arrival time@
@a@b@ once upon a time @pa@ty@@@@@@@@@a matter of timeo@

:FZ:/ ; LE/ ~ 

3!; -*
What time is it?
Do you have the time?
What time do you have?

What's the time?

Have you got the time?
What time do you make it?


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. There are many singers who arent well known but who have more talent than ..
a) force
b) publicity
c) celebrities
d) drums
2. There has been a lot of ..about the new film: newspaper and magazine stories, TV
and radio advertisements, and even toys at fast food restaurants.
a) depression
b) greed
c) celebrity
d) publicity
3. When Salwa turned 16, her grandmother gave her a string of ..
a) pearls
b) correspondent
c) concerns
d) publicity
4. Hany doesnt like loud noises since he became a war ..for the news.
a) correspondent b) publicity
c) celebrity
d) force
5. Jealousy and ..make us want more money or power than we need.
a) pearls
b) greed
c) publicity
d) caves
6. Grandma saves everything because she lived through the Great ..She knows what
it is like to be poor.
a) Cause
b) Celebrity
c) Civil Servant
d) Depression
7. People who work in government offices are ..because they work for us.
a) divers
b) civil servants
c) scorpions
d) celebrities
8. Kino, a character in Steinbecks The Pearl, worked as a ..
a) surgeon
b) diver
c) pharmacist
d) civil servant
9. Dont ..things when they can be recycled.
a) force
b) achieve
c) organize
d) throw away
10. A ..poison may not kill you, but it could make you sick.
a) correspondents b) scorpions
c) divers
d) caves
11. A strong storm ..the fishermen to sail home.
a) threw away
b) stung
c) treated
d) forced
12. The thieves found a small the forest where they could hide their stolen goods.
a) pearl
b) correspondent
c) cave
d) merchant

Verb & Object

Verb + object +to+ inf
would like
Ali's father advised his son to work harder.
He allowed me to use his computer.
I hired someone to fix the roof.
She begged him to give her the money.
We should motivate people to learn new skills. They chose him to do the job.
Verb + object + preposition+ v. ing
accuse (someone) of
protect (someone) from
@@@M M
charge (someone) with
MMi Mn
congratulate (someone ) on
blame (someone) for
do (something) for
Muc M M
blame (something) on
lead (something) against
criticize (someone) for
M Mn
hold (something) against
thank (someone) for
set up (something) for
Muc M M
remind (someone) of
provide (someone) with
remind (someone) to
prefer (something) to


They accused him of cheating.

We thanked them for their help.
I congratulated Ahmed on his success. The police blamed the explosion on terrorists.
: /> 
/ 5 S)Y* :D>./ SY/ /5 B : 456 ;-/
He was accused of cheating. They were thanked for their help.
Noun + Preposition
addiction to @@@@bg
belief in
@Mi@bg dedication to
anxiety about @@@
credit for
MM@ / delay in
disadvantage of M k
fondness for
Mi interest in
Mi bna
fear of
; .
habit of
b knowledge of
preference for
reaction to
M regret for

process of

reason for
@M@kj report on
story about

talent for
@@@j experience in
decrease in

decline in
@@@@@ba cause of
/ kj @
devotion to Xm@O@.g
love of
M ky
reputation for
advantage of
memory of
responsibility for 
increase in@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@b
Adjective ++Preposition
accustomed to
bn content with
b@@@@@@frightened of
addicted to

dedicated to
bn guilty of
afraid of
b. devoted to @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@M@bn happy about
anxious about
disappointed with bn interested in
Mi n
bored of
bi Xby
discouraged by v  involved in
capable of
excited about@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Mi@br known for
committed to @@@@@@@@@@@n
famous for
Mi@ opposed to
concerned about

fond of
Mi@ @@@remembered
for M n
responsible for 
terrified of
l worried about
scared of
tired of
kn proud of
Verb + Preposition
find out about

warn about
recover from

wonder about di bn
search for
szj prevent from

differ from
think about / of hope for
complain to
dream about/of
Mi blame .. for

belong to

hear about / of@@@@@  complain about

work for

object to
L know about

hear from
abj.c n
result from
wn talk about
congratulate on Mi yi
read about
c suffer from
accuse of
Mi n
do without
yn succeed in
consist of
charge with
Mi n believe in
die of
kji p
help in/with
b result in
concentrate on
deal with@@ bn / bn
protect ..from / against

apply to @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ c ki n
tell someone about
apologise to someone for@@@@@@@@@@@@@ n @
@apply for (a job) @@@@@ ki n@ rely on = depend on

should + inf. inf.
3!E? ~ J Y!/ 
that : /5 B .1
It is necessary (that) It is important
It is essential
I suggested (that) he come with me.
I suggested that he should come with me.
It is necessary that she should talk to me when she gets here.
It is essential that every child should have the same educational opportunities.
how to + inf.
3!E? know / show
 : /5 B .2
I don't know how to use the computer.
to + inf.
3!E? what / how / where
 : /5 B .3
I don't know where to put these books.
I have no idea where to look for my lost bag.


It + be + Adj. + to + inf.
: B.*  456 .4
It was easy for me to do the job.
to + inf.
3!E? /!/& /  
: /5 B .5
willing #/
He was not happy to see me.
M/ o / 
 BH* -/
?  % ? B. 
/ &

 3!E* ~ J .6
? = ; % ?  B. 
/ (ing)
hear q&/,
notice |B5, see
watch  8,
I heard Peter singing a song. = I heard part of the song.
I heard Peter sing a song. = I heard the whole song.
the first / the second .. / the last / the next .-/ 
to + inf
3! 456 .7
Gagarin was the first to fly in a spaceship.
Mona was the last to watch the film.
:&Z/ J 
to &

3!E* .8
can / could / may / might / must / mustn't / needn't / shall / Should / will /
They needn't do the job today.
She can speak 3 languages.
. to
to  &
` BH* help / .9
He helped me do the job.
He helped me to do the job.
:: : /5 B to + inf.  
BH* : :
/5 B ing  
BH* ~ J .10
recommend encourage advise
They do not allow anyone to park here.
They do not permit parking here.

It is difficult (for him) to study Physics.

Choose the correct answer

1. I expect .............. to come to dinner.
a) she
b) they
c) him
d) we
2. Before they travelled, the headmaster .........the students to watch their bags in the airport.
a) telling
b) have told
c) told
d) tells
3. Mother .............. the children to brush their teeth before bed.
a) telling
b) said to
c) said
d) told
4. Rehan asked .............. to have dessert at her house.
a) me
b) myself
c) I
d) mine
5. When does Tarek .............. us to do this?
a) is wanting
b) wanted
c) wants
d) want
6. How much are we .............. to dig out of the garden for the new trees?
a) expects
b) expected
c) expect
d) have expected
7. Soha admitted .............. a lie when she was first asked.
a) telling
b) to tell
c) had told
d) was telling
8. Our parents encouraged us .............. hard at everything we do.
a) worked
b) works
c) working
d) to work
9. The lifeguard instructed people not .............. near the rocks.
a) having swum
b) to swim
c) swam
d) swimming
10. He suggested .............. closer to the beach.
a) to swim
b) swimming
c) had swum
d) swam
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. The flooding forced us remain inside the house.
2. While chasing the thieves, the policeman managed to avoid to hit the bicyclist...
3. Every year my husband and I invite my students having dinner with us
4. The neighbour sternly warned the children not to waking up her baby
5. The woman asked us give her dog a bone.
6. She asked us to not climb over her fence
7. The baby enjoyed to play in the water.
8. Mr. Hazem asked my why I wants to work for his company


A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. You want to persuade your friend to visit Hurghada.
2. Your friend suggests reading a story and you accepted.
3. An interviewer has asked you why you have applied for a job in a particular company. Give a

4. Your friend looks tired, he hasn't been sleeping for days .Advise him.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function:
a. A: I'd like to deposit LE 50 to my savings account, please.
B: Of course. Just complete one of these forms and return to this counter
Place: A: ...... B: ... Function: ....

b. A: May I take your order, sir?

B: I'll have grilled fish, please.
Place: A: ...... B: ... Function: ....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer

1. A . is someone who swims under water with breathing equipment.
a- driver
b- fiver
c- liver
d- diver
2. . is a long period when there is not a lot of business activity.
a- Distinction
b- Drought
c- Depression
d- Intention
3. She .. me like one of the family.
a- treated
b- blamed
c- tricked
d- planned
4. That old chair should be thrown . .
a- on
b- away
c- of
d- with
5. He wanted the money .. for his son's education.
a- for paying
b- to pay
c- pay
d- paying
6. their way to the town, the family were followed by thieves.
a- In
b- At
c- With
d- On
7. They hid from the thieves in a mountain .
a- curve
b- fence
c- cave
d- base
8. .. that the pearl was evil, they threw it into the sea.
a- Deciding
b- Decided
c- Decide
d- Decides
9. His parents warned him university without a getting a degree.
a- not leaving
b- not left
c- not to be left
d- not to leave
10. In "The Grapes of Wrath", Steinbeck .. people to think about the
country's poor.
a- avoided
b- forced
c- faced
d- frightened
11. His mother him to be a civil engineer.
a- discouraged
b- disobeyed
c- dissatisfied
d- encouraged
12. The programme presenter asked Dr. Carter .about Steinbeck's early life.
a- talk
b- talking
c- to talk
d- talked
13. She's training hard .. the race.
a- won
b- winning
c- to win
d- of winning
14. Leila asked Mona whether she could help her the shopping.
a- do
b- to doing
c- done
d- to be done
15. I recommend
d . your feelings down on paper.
a- to write
b- writing
c- written
d- write
16. She was really pleased .. her old friend.
a- seen
b- seeing
c- see
d- to see


4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. They wanted to send their son to school and give him a better alive..
2. The torment has already cured him...
3. Some diamond marchers live in our neighbourhood..
4. They persuaded him signed the papers
5. We expected them not came back
6. He was charged of murdering his neighbour

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

People are trying many ways to solve the problem of finding "green" energy - energy
that is clean and does not cause pollution. In some places plants are being grown which
can be used as food and fuel. For example sunflowers are grown for the oil in their seeds.
However, once the seeds have been taken out, the rest of the plant can be dried and
burnt. An old solution in India is to dry animal waste and form it into bricks for burning. The
Chinese improve on this and keep the waste until it produces methane gas which they use
for cooking and heating.
Solar power could be one of the best future sources of energy. All over the world it is
already being used for such jobs as heating water and houses and powering machines to
water plants. But there is a way to make even better use of the sun. In space, because the
sun never stops shining, it can supply solar energy for twenty four hours a day. Space
scientists have suggested building a solar power station in space. It would produce huge
amounts of power which could be sent down to the Earth. To build a station in space like
this would be very expensive, but once the station was working, the energy from it would
be almost free.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Why do scientists think of having solar stations in space?
2. How can a station in space be economical in the long run ?
3. What does green energy mean ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Solar power means energy from -----------------.
a) plants
b) atoms
c) fossil
d) the sun
5. The underlined word "this" refers to -------------.
a) drying animal waste
b) getting oil from seeds
c) getting bricks from animal waste
d) getting green energy
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
People work together to make difficult jobs easier. If you had to move a heavy piece
of furniture, from one room to another, would you do it by yourself or find someone to help
you? As you would probably agree with a friend you can get the job done more quickly and
neither of you will be as tired as afterwards. For similar reasons, animals also use
teamwork. In animal groups, each individual works to help the group as a whole. Each
individual in the group contribute something that helps the other. It could be as difficult and
dangerous as risking one's life to protect another member of the group. It takes a lot of
energy to chase and kill prey. A pack of wolves can kill a large animal such as a deer,
while one wolf can only kill a small animal such as a rat. Wolf packs, which consist of two
to twenty wolves, may surprise their prey or pursue it for hours before attacking. If there
are several animals, the pack will choose the weakest one because it will take less effort to
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Which do you prefer, and why, to work in a group or to work alone?
2. How do we know that animals use teamwork?
3. What is meat by wolf pack?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. One wolf can kill a ------------animal.


a) big
b) small
c) wild
5. The underlines word "their" refers to the ------------------.
a) wolves
b) deer
c) hours

D) The Mask of Gold

d) large

7-A- Answer the following questions:

1. How was the thief able to open the safe ?
2. How could Leila phone Dr Hafez after the car accident ?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Pablo needs money in order to ..
2. In order to catch Lander, Liela suggested ...
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
She needs a hospital quickly.
1. Who said this to whom ? Who was the speaker talking about ?
2. Why did she need a hospital ?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on
Greed is not always bad but sometimes may be good

F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
While diving, the diver found a precious pearl. He was over the moon because he
thought he would be happy . But finally , he lost all things including his son.

B- Translate into English:

. $"  8 #$ Q  8, " ,

.$f$4 $ &#HG ,* #1G 0 8 70 60#0 $f/& "& 7 8, & # 7  70


Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d.

1. There are many singers who arent well known but who have more talent than ..
a) force
b) publicity
c) celebrities
d) drums
2. There has been a lot of ..about the new film: newspaper and magazine stories, TV
and radio advertisements, and even toys at fast food restaurants.
a) depression
b) greed
c) celebrity
d) publicity
3. When Salwa turned 16, her grandmother gave her a string of ..
a) pearls
b) correspondent
c) concerns
d) publicity
4. Hany doesnt like loud noises since he became a war ..for the news.
a) correspondent b) publicity
c) celebrity
d) force
5. Jealousy and ..make us want more money or power than we need.
a) pearls
b) greed
c) publicity
d) caves
6. Grandma saves everything because she lived through the Great ..She knows what
it is like to be poor.
a) Cause
b) Celebrity
c) Civil Servant
d) Depression
7. People who work in government offices are ..because they work for us.
a) divers
b) civil servants
c) scorpions
d) celebrities
8. Kino, a character in Steinbecks The Pearl, worked as a ..
a) surgeon
b) diver
c) pharmacist
d) civil servant
9. Dont ..things when they can be recycled.
a) force
b) achieve
c) organize
d) throw away
10. A ..poison may not kill you, but it could make you sick.
a) correspondents b) scorpions
c) divers
d) caves
11. A strong storm ..the fishermen to sail home.
a) threw away
b) stung
c) treated
d) forced
12. The thieves found a small the forest where they could hide their stolen goods.
a) pearl
b) correspondent
c) cave
d) merchant
13. I expect .............. to come to dinner.
a) she
b) they
c) him
d) we
14. Before they travelled, the headmaster .........the students to watch their bags in the airport.
a) telling
b) have told
c) told
d) tells
15. Mother .............. the children to brush their teeth before bed.
a) telling
b) said to
c) said
d) told
16. Rehan asked .............. to have dessert at her house.
a) me
b) myself
c) I
d) mine
17. When does Tarek .............. us to do this?
a) is wanting
b) wanted
c) wants
d) want
18. How much are we .............. to dig out of the garden for the new trees?
a) expects
b) expected
c) expect
d) have expected
19. Soha admitted .............. a lie when she was first asked.
a) telling
b) to tell
c) had told
d) was telling
20. Our parents encouraged us .............. hard at everything we do.
a) worked
b) works
c) working
d) to work
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. The flooding forced us remain inside the house.
2. While chasing the thieves, the policeman managed to avoid to hit the bicyclist...
3. Every year my husband and I invite my students having dinner with us
4. The neighbour sternly warned the children not to waking up her baby
5. The woman asked us give her dog a bone.
6. She asked us to not climb over her fence
7. The baby enjoyed to play in the water.
8. Mr. Hazem asked my why I wants to work for his company


Lifelong learning
Thirty years ago, most university students
believed that when they graduated, their education
had finished. They expected to get a job and work
for one employer until they retired. Now students
know they will probably have to change jobs during
their working lives. This means they will probably
need new skills, and in todays world, lifelong
learning helps them to get these.
To remain employable, individuals must be
good at the jobs they are doing and predict what
skills they may need in the future. Tarek, who
works in the finance department of a large
company in Assiut, knows that to get a promotion
he must improve his computer skills. His company needs highly qualified staff, so it
provides courses for its employees, but Tarek is also doing an evening course. Doing his
job and studying is hard work, but he knows it is worthwhile. Nahla Zoheri lives in
Damietta and has young children. She has a BSc in Information Technology and would
like to return to work when her children are older.
She hopes to get a Masters degree, but the nearest university with a suitable
course is in Cairo. Nahla cannot leave her family, soshe wants to study by distance
learning. This is when students and teachers are in different places. Nahla has now
enrolled on an MSc course
and is very happy. All the information she needs is on the internet and her teachers
communicate with her by e-mail. In two years time, Nahla hopes to get her Masters
degree after studying in her own home and without leaving her family.

Man 1: Two years ago, I lost my job when the company Id worked for since I left school
closed. I looked for a similar job and sent my CV to a lot of companies, but I
didnt get any interviews. Someone said I might be too old Im fifty-one and
said I should try a different kind of job. They advised me to retrain. This seemed
like a sensible idea, so I looked around and found a course at my local college
where I could train as a teacher. Ive just started my second year and Im really
enjoying it. About half of the other studentson the course are mature students
like me. Teaching is so different from the job I was doing before. I probably
wont earn as much money as I did, but Im sure the work will be very rewarding.
Woman: I didnt go to university when I left school. I got a job as a doctors
receptionist. After a year, I married and had a family. Now Im forty-two; my
children are grown up and Id like to go back to education. I think I will
appreciate it more now than I would have done when I was eighteen. I
always enjoyed English at school, so I might study languages I havent
decided yet. Id really like to study medicine, but its a very long course and I
cant spend all my life studying. If I want to start this year, I have to apply by
the end of next week. So I must make up my mind very quickly.
Man 2: My names Paul Roberts. I retired from my job as a bank manager five years
ago and thought Id enjoy all the extra free time Id have. For the first two years, I
had a great time. My wife
and I travelled all over the world. But by then Id had enough I needed a new
challenge of some kind, I needed to be busy again. Someone suggested doing
a degree course. I thought they were joking, but I started looking round for


suitable courses. In the end, I enrolled on a science course with the Open
University. Its a university for people who want to study, but cant leave home
for some reason. You can do it at any age and many Open University students
have full-time jobs.
Its ideal for me. I can study at home when I want to, using my own computer. By
the time I finish next year, Ill be nearly seventytwo years old, but its a really
worthwhile experience.

enrol on
7 z&% , / /,
mature (student)
(% 25 A z% ,^,) Wt  6 @
q \  / ^
& #G ,H
W, / $1
my /  
$ x&
/ $/
7 x
z 8
 &1 / ,
change jobs
$y $,
remain employable
&0 " > F,
finance department
$ & Q/1
highly qualified
 A $  H 70
7&% 8
learn new activities
,H 8 Q0#,
current work
7 "&
exert efforts
'H k4,
garbage = rubbish
salute the flag
Q0 7$",
existing skills
$ 6$4@
get promoted
 " W\ #
research findings
7  ,
do a course in
develop skills
&' 7&,
by video
,$? ,@ A
write a report on
A , 6#,
local time
70"&! $1#
take formal exams
$&%"  #G #,
a desire for education Q$0# 7 4J
1 @ / $ 
Q0#^ ,
enhance learning
study online
!G? ,@ A ,
/, / %

R / 7 x
retrain (0#Z $y $  TZC) 6, $,
c & / z 8
i$#, / ,
8 & 6B >
&0 i >
( $0 x& Ar,) 7 x& TZ8
s  / s ,
&/ '# / ^
the open university

working lives (& '$ , 7# TZ8 $B A # )$0& $"

computer skills 7 6% "'
master (v)
joke (v/n)
&^, / #
a challenging job ( ," 60#,) 6> &
grown up
 */ "^
national anthem
7@ $8
advances in technology $H# 7 #
improve their position
Q'#  /",
an evening course
7\ / 7%
organise into groups
& 7 QF,
study from home
thanks to
make investments
& x#% ,
download onto the computer $4& 70 &",
home country
the only option
$B $Z
I x
gain experience
4 6/#,
time difference


enrol/enroll to become or make someone officially a member of a course, school , etc.

the best that something could possibly be.
mature(student) a student at a university or college who is over 25.
train to do a different job, learn new skills.
making you feel happy and satisfied
almost the same but not exactly the same.
worthwhile useful or enjoyable , even though you have to spend a lot of time ,
effort or money doing it.
Department one of the parts of a large organization , such as a college government
or company.
promotion a move to a better , more responsible position at work
to give or supply something to someone especially something that they need.
having passed an exam that shows you have the training ,
knowledge or skills to do a job.
a person or company that pays people to work for them
someone who is paid to work for someone else
employable having the skills and qualifications to make someone want to employ you

present (him) with an award

study by distance learning
in two years' time
out of interest
look around (for)
take up opportunities
progress through life
agree with suggestions
leave out
be tested on
have the chance to
become out of date

\^H z ,
enrol on
,/ /,
 A Q0#? ,@ A , communicate with * #,
A$  5 7
go back to education Q$0#0 ,
(78 ) & #G A
satisfied with
A n"4,
at any age
A% 7
A $#/,
be on a course 7%"? & #0
$" 5 #,
at intervals
# 70
B#& q ?#,
approve of
70 ?,
get to = reach
7* ,
7 4#Z,
for this reason
64/ k'
..7 > z,
study for ..
H A ,
z &#% 4,  t&0 , / $J i4*,

sufficiently qualified
b@i@ qualified workforce@b@
skilled labour
unskilled labour
promotion opportunities La@provide job opportunities@@
ideal solution
br@y rewarding experience
ideal choice
br@bn.aideal conditions
put forward an idea
@a worthwhile experience
do a degree course
b@@z@@ a sensible idea @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
summer school
full-time work
receive a degree
@u@c@b@@ formal test
educational qualifications
m@p be open to everyone@@a@bc@bn
dairy produce
bjc@pbvn an object of ridicule@@@
do a distance learning course i@@na@e@@@
educational opportunities
provide degrees through distance learning i@@na@.@@@pbu@
first degree courses
highly skilled jobs


Learning must be lifelong.

He has a long life, he is over 100.

0,@ $B

I'm grateful to all who helped me.

I'm so grateful for helping me.

(TZC ) A#&
(7C ) A#&

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine. A Z#,

He is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine.
A W,
He graduated with a degree in history.
v' 8 Z#,
I was browsing through a magazine when a photograph caught my eyes.
(   >" , ) 4# v 0 # i*#,
I went through this story yesterday.
( , 'v ,4 A ) , i*#,
( $y  7s, )  s#,
(A$ T*Z) 7 r 70 *",
7 r ,

He qualified as a doctor two years ago.

He qualified in medicine last year.
She is qualified to teach English.

4#/ P$/ R 
to + &*

I hope he passes / will pass the test

I hope to win the first prize.
He helped me to do the job.
He helped me do the job.
He helped me with the job.

to 14/  &*vs,  /,
to  &* 7s,  /,
with in 14/ Q%G  7s,  /,

The course is open to everyone. #

The government will post new graduates to villages. ( TZC +to+ )  TZC my,
I went shopping yesterday. = I did the shopping yesterday.

make a discovery
make a trouble
make a choice
make a question
make a journey
make a decision
make the bed
make a trip
make a plan
make a phone call
make a mistake
make friends
make a suggestion
make a promise
make sure
make contributions
make sense
make a difference to
make parts of cars
make a fire
make achievements

6 # 64/,
0B ,
&  &,
1& >,
'  % ,
7 z
z , 7 5# " ,
$/^ H q*,
"?  ,

do research
do homework
do PhD
do work
do a job
do damage
do a favour
do shopping
do better
do good
do exercise
do the housework
do repairs
do business
do best
do a quiz
do an operation
do wrong
do a hobby
do the washing up
do harm


7&0 n"4 ,

6H& ,
M#& ,
& ,
$y r,
6,# ,
$^& & ,
B5> ,
 &  ,
'H * 1 k4,
 / & ,
$BH $0& ,
, ',
7 / ,

make peace
make war
make lunch - dinner
make up (his) mind
make a noise
make an offer
make fun of

5/"? ,
B A8,
8  ,
tt $x,
A Z/,

do a report on
A , ,
do the cleaning
m$F# ,
do the sweeping
I ,
do a project
 H  % 7 ) % n" & ,
do without
A 7#/,
do hair
C m*,
do the cooking
7' ,

He gave the children some chocolate to reward them for behaving well. s  / s ,
Let me reword(rephrase) my question.
(5x r%  0&H) J $> $,
I absolutely refuse to take part in anything that's illegal.
Refuse collection  & q&H has been seriously affected by the strike t.

,  /  &1

This factory produces high-quality steel.

Governments build roads which help farmers to market their produce.  # / 5J  $> "

The committee strongly objected to the report's recommendations.

Look, there's a strange object in the sky!

70 #,
/ 7C


This area of the country is mostly desert.

Helen was deserted by her husband.
We had some sweets after lunch as a dessert.
I need to get some rest.
If you're tired, we'll stop and rest for a while.
Two of the attackers were killed, and the rest escaped.



He's busy with a customer right now.

She's busy studying for her exams.

The government should provide job opportunities for young men.

7C ,
The government should provide young men with job opportunities. TZC ^, & ,

Choose the correct answer

1.Lamia is only 16, but she is . She behaves like an adult.
a) ambitious
b) mature
c) retrained
d) similar
2. Dalia said that this book is difficult to read but it is Ill learn a lot about life from it.
a) qualified
b) similar
c) unkind
d) worthwhile
3. You can tell they are identical twins. Even their likes and dislikes are .
a) ambitious
b) similar
c) worthwhile
d) mature
4. The newly unemployed will need some .to go back into the job market.
a) retraining
b) maturing
c) thinking
d) rewarding
5. Hanys family is celebrating his moms .to director.
a) department
b) quality
c) employee
d) promotion
6. The shop assistant said wed find the bicycle parts in the athletics .
a) reward
b) department
c) promotion
d) provision
7. Rehans father has .her for oud classes.
a) enrolled
b) qualified
c) promoted
d) retrained
8. By winning the race, Hannah .for the Olympics.
a) rewarded
b) retrained
c) qualified
d) matured
9. We all want to find .careers that pay well and provide satisfaction.
a) employable
b) rewarding
c) quality
d) mature
10. Fady is the .person. He understands the field, has experience, and would
be an inspiring team leader.
a) retrained
b) similar
c) ideal
d) believable


Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1- She was offered empowerment in the sales office.
2- What makes you think that you are liquefied for this job?....................................................
3- He is the head of the English apartment at Cairo University.
4- I dialled on the modern art course.
5- In the hot weather the fruit mattered quickly
6- Do you have anything solar to this material but cheaper?...................................................
7- He used a small metal objective to open the door.

Modal Verbs
Choose the correct answer
1. We go to Al-Azhar Park tomorrow. We havent decided yet.
a) might
b) have to
c) should
d) must
2. we have eggs or beans for breakfast tomorrow? You choose.
a) Should
b) Might
c) Need
d) Could
3. We be sensitive to and respectful of peoples differences.
a) might
b) need
c) could
d) should
4. you make that noise? It really is annoying.
a) Can
b) Could
c) Must
d) Might
5. Mum said we go out for ice cream after dinner.
a) have
b) need
c) could
d) must
6. Penguins and emus are birds that fly.
a) could not
b) cannot
c) may not
d) should not
7. Kareema and Hany go shopping yesterday because the shops were all closed.
a) shouldnt
b) cant
c) couldnt
d) mightnt
8. Do you wear those shoes to work? Are they part of the dress code?
a) have to
b) must
c) should
d) could
9. Yasmin be careful with what she eats because she has diabetes.
a) would
b) needs to
c) should
d) could
10. Yusuf and Hani be home by eight. Thats a family rule.
a) has to
b) could
c) can
d) have to
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1. If you need help with your mathematics, you should to ask your uncle Hany for help.
2. Aisha, must you watch Tamer for a few hours while I go shopping?
3. Im your father and Im telling you. You mightnt study with the television and the radio on.
4. Farid might to work harder to perform better on his exams.
5. At the weekend, Omar found a great shop where he might buy inexpensive shoes.
6. Heba is going to Mais house although she has to help Mai with her homework.
7. Musa was warned not entering the old building because it is dangerous.
8. We stayed later than we planned because Dalia said we might try her cake.


A) Language Functions
1) Respond to each of the following situations:
1. Someone thinks that we should ban cars 3 days a week.
2. You want your sister to open the door.
3. You give your brother a permission to use you mobile.
4. You suggest reducing the amount of carbon dioxide.
2) Mention the place, the speakers and the language function:
A: How can I help you, sir?
B: I'd like to have this prescription filled, please.
A: O.K. Just a minute.
Place: A: ...... B: ... Function: ....

1. A: What time will you be checking out tomorrow?

B: I have to leave early to catch my flight. I'd like a 6 a.m. wake-up call.
A: Well, you can check out tonight and 1 will arrange it.
Place: A: ...... B: ... Function: ....

B) Vocabulary and Structure

3) Choose the correct answer
1. You come and stay with us in Arizona sometime.
b- ought
c- should have
2. I hate .. get up early in the morning.
b- might
c- having to
3. You .. repaint the room. It looks so ugly.
b- could have
c- had better

d- could have
d- must
d- may not

4. The Prime his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs

a-will be
b- is to
c- was being
d- must have
5. The children were so excited that they .. hardly speak.
b- can
c- have to
d- might
6. I . go to work yesterday. It was a national holiday.
a-didn't have to
b- had to
c- might
d- needn't
7. You .. purchased a new camera. You already have a good one.
a-should have
b- could
c- needn't have
d- must have
8. You .. bite your nails. It's a bad habit.
a-may not
b- mustn't
c- can
d- ought
9. This beach is for children. It's really safe.
b- idealist
c- ideal
d- idealism
10. They intend to allocate j&3* more places to .. students this year.
b- furniture
c- gesture
d- mature
11. This restaurant offers food .. to that cooked at home.
b- usual
c- the same
d- like
12. Her .. to general manager took everyone by surprise.
b- emotion
c- promotion
d- demotion
13. The hospital has a commitment
D to the best possible medical care.
b- provide
c- save
d- deprive
14. Graduates are finding it more and more difficult to find . .
b- disappointment
c- employees
d- unemployment
15. Shes extremely well for the job.
b- replied
c- qualified
d- purified
16. To remain .., individuals must be good at the jobs they are doing.
a- avoidable
b- predictable
c- employable
d- deniable


4) Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:

1. It's getting late. I really shall go...
2. If you earn more than 5000, you will may to pay tax.
3. I must go on the school trip. I haven't decided yet..
4. She controlled on an MSc course and is very happy.
5. He works in the finance compartment of a large company.
6. To get a production, you must improve your computer skills.

C) Reading Comprehension and Set Books

5) Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Do you remember when the telephone used to be a simple receiver connected by a
wire to the wall ? And all you used it for was to make a phone call ? Today, new
technology has changed the telephone and what people use it for. Using computers now
in technology has given us fast connections and clearer conversations over the telephone.
Nowadays, people use telephones to do their banking, to rent videos, and to buy things.
People now can send letters and documents through phone lines by fax. And new systems
may be available soon for sending video pictures over the telephone.
The most recent invention about telephones is that you don't need to be at home or
at the office to use the telephone any more. There are now mobile phones which have no
wires. You can carry one in your pocket or keep it in your car. A call from a mobile phone
travels along radio waves to stations in different places. From there, the radio signal is
connected to the regular phone system. With a mobile phone, anyone who can drive and
talk can also drive and phone. This means less wasted time. So remember next time you
are at the beach or riding your bicycle, there might be a call for you.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. How have computers improved telephone services?
2. How many uses of the telephone can you find in the passage?
3. What does the underlined word" one " refer to ?
B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. Mobile phones have no -----------------.
a) wires
b) radios
c) computers
d) calculators
5. People can send and receive letters and documents by ------------------.
a) radios
b) printers
c) fax
d) stations
6-Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
An earthquake is not particularly dangerous in our days. In cities and towns, buildings
are constructed according to the most recent technological methods, and thus earthquakes
are not so threatening as they were in the past. However, in some out-of the- way districts
where people make their own houses and no precautions are taken against earthquakes,
these natural phenomena sometimes prove fatal. Some time ago there was a destructive
earthquake in Egypt. It lasted only one minute, and its effects were great. In a matter of
seconds hundreds of houses collapsed. People were buried alive under the ruins. Those
who were fortunate enough to survive knew that their relatives might still be living under the
heaps of stone and wood.
The army had been ordered to remove the ruins and the soldiers had to work fast to
save as many people as they could. The survivors helped the soldiers in the struggle
against death hoping to find a missing member of their family. They had to remove the ruins
with their bare hands for fear of killing someone if they used the spades. Nevertheless, most
of those who were dug out were dead, and those who were still alive had been so badly
injured that few of them escaped death in the end. Earthquakes are rare, and their terrible
effects have been considerably limited. However, in the parts of the world where primitive
living conditions are still existing, earthquakes are still as terrible as they were in the past.
A) Give short answers to the following questions:
1. Why were earthquakes more dangerous in the past?
2. What does the underlined phrase mean?
3. What was the army ordered to do?


B) Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4. In cities, buildings are ---------------.
a) badly constructed
b) built of stone and mud
c) not protected against earthquakes
d) built according to modern methods
5. The soldiers --------------.
a) used their hands to carry the dead
b) used spades to find the dead
c) couldn't use spades for fear of killing someone d) used lorries and tractors

D) The Mask of Gold

7-A- Answer the following questions:
1. What did Leila do to catch Lander ?
2. How did Lander try to escape ?
B- Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:
1. Dr Hafez and Leila went back to the village to ...
2. Lander couldnt escape because .
C- Read the quotation and answer the questions:
He must have hit his head against the roof of the plane.
1. Who was the speaker ?about whom was he talking ?
2. Why did he hit his head against the roof of the plane ?

E) Writing
8-Write a paragraph of about 100 words on

How to encourage people to read

You may use these guiding points:
setting up libraries.
providing different books.

competition and prizes.


F) Translation
9-A- Translate into Arabic:
The importance of education has increased greatly in recent years. People have to
continue learning new skills throughout their lives . One person may do several different jobs.
B- Translate into English:
 Z#  B#   " #G 7   
.  8&0 G
0B R  G  & x


Choose the correct answer

1.Lamia is only 16, but she is . She behaves like an adult.
a) ambitious
b) mature
c) retrained
d) similar
2. Dalia said that this book is difficult to read but it is Ill learn a lot about life from it.
a) qualified
b) similar
c) unkind
d) worthwhile
3. You can tell they are identical twins. Even their likes and dislikes are .
a) ambitious
b) similar
c) worthwhile
d) mature
4. The newly unemployed will need some .to go back into the job market.
a) retraining
b) maturing
c) thinking
d) rewarding
5. Hanys family is celebrating his moms .to director.
a) department
b) quality
c) employee
d) promotion
6. The shop assistant said wed find the bicycle parts in the athletics .
a) reward
b) department
c) promotion
d) provision
7. Rehans father has .her for oud classes.
a) enrolled
b) qualified
c) promoted
d) retrained
8. By winning the race, Hannah .for the Olympics.
a) rewarded
b) retrained
c) qualified
d) matured
9. We all want to find .careers that pay well and provide satisfaction.
a) employable
b) rewarding
c) quality
d) mature
10. Fady is the .person. He understands the field, has experience, and would
be an inspiring team leader.
a) retrained
b) similar
c) ideal
d) believable
11. We go to Al-Azhar Park tomorrow. We havent decided yet.
a) might
b) have to
c) should
d) must
12. we have eggs or beans for breakfast tomorrow? You choose.
a) Should
b) Might
c) Need
d) Could
13. We be sensitive to and respectful of peoples differences.
a) might
b) need
c) could
d) should
14. you make that noise? It really is annoying.
a) Can
b) Could
c) Must
d) Might
15. Mum said we go out for ice cream after dinner.
a) have
b) need
c) could
d) must
16. Penguins and emus are birds that fly.
a) could not
b) cannot
c) may not
d) should not
17. Kareema and Hany go shopping yesterday because the shops were all closed.
a) shouldnt
b) cant
c) couldnt
d) mightnt
18. Do you wear those shoes to work? Are they part of the dress code?
a) have to
b) must
c) should
d) could
19. Yasmin be careful with what she eats because she has diabetes.
a) would
b) needs to
c) should
d) could
20. Yusuf and Hani be home by eight. Thats a family rule.
a) has to
b) could
c) can
d) have to
Find the mistake in each of the following sentences:
1- She was offered empowerment in the sales office.
2- What makes you think that you are liquefied for this job?.................................................
3- He is the head of the English apartment at Cairo University.
4- I dialled on the modern art course.
5. Aisha, must you watch Tamer for a few hours while I go shopping?............................................
6. Farid might to work harder to perform better on his exams.
7. At the weekend, Omar found a great shop where he might buy inexpensive shoes
8. Heba is going to Mais house although she has to help Mai with her homework.
9. Musa was warned not entering the old building because it is dangerous.
10 We stayed later than we planned because Dalia said we might try her cake..



Laser beam
In a whisper
Get used to
To brush away
Thick tail
Gold mask
After all
Yawn {v}
Flashlight {n}
Floor {n}
Sitting position

^$ C
} { $ 0%
I& 7

#/ v0 #
$ / 5
?, > v qR,/ "^,
C ,^,
?$1/ H $>
+$&% ,
5 $B
74 1
&&v / 0&H
5#%G 6B
5#%5 6"
6$0 4*

/ H qt

Gold mask
Press a switch
be at ease
Go on
shrug her shoulders
In the news
A square head
Whisper {n}
Stretch arms
Beat quicker
Falling rocks
Keep in mind

^ / P%
it A
Q\ 1 / Q#
$  / G &#B

74 1
# v0 PR,
H / $
$G 8,
, / v0 #,
m"* v / 4  v
  0 / A,/
&#"& A
 & / $0
}  Z q{ ?,
$t  m*
% ,
?01 $4*
?'8, / n'0,
/ / ?C
1 % Z>
z 7 |#",

The Text
The next day I went into the tomb with Dr Hafez and the others. We were all curious.
Ramon and the other workers had made the hole in the wall wider. They had put a ladder inside
the cave. It isn't easy climbing down a ladder in the dark. I was wearing a helmet with a flashlight
on it. When I turned my head the lamp lit up the rock in front of me. But the flashlight didn't help me
find where to put my feet! Little by little I reached the floor of the cave. It was cool and dry inside.
The only air came from the hole we had made in the wall.
"# q$%# A,  & 1 . 5#%5 A$4" $&H  . A, | B # q 4&! 0 v # $ v
! . 5F v Q0% v0 % v' ^ / A I$ . m'  Q0% qt 1 . z$0 !  & x P\ "
Q  8 , 4 G . v 'H &Z* v0 , 4 4* t q% v%! #  .  8 ,  ' 


%   '  , Q .   H  . m' 1 v! 0> f$8 f$C . v1 z$ qt   H v /
. 4 A P\ " v " # v#" # 5 A
When all four of us were down on the floor of the cave, we started to look around. Ramon
had said he had seen bones, human bones. We soon found these near the centre of the cave.
Some bones were missing, and some were covered with earth, but they were clearly the bones of
a man. He was on the ground in a sitting position. There were some small pieces of cloth. They
looked dull now, hut perhaps the colours were bright when the body was buried, perhaps five or six
hundred years before. We looked closer at the body. Then I gasped. So did the others. The skull
was broken and there was a big crack across it.
  % . ,8  F  1 z 1 1 . B &$ F  m' 1  % v   A" 0>
. H F ' it A z G . # z$, 4  F Mk !  . m' P% A  H
& A 0 #"! 4> v# & A $* q !   . 0 qt v v0
/ && ! .  k . &/ $'C !'C s . 1 A x Mk  ! $ ! '
.  6 v' $4 H B A $4? C '
"He might have been killed," Dr Hafez said slowly. He spoke in a whisper, as if he didn't want to
disturb the dead man's sleep.
"That's right," said Dr Hafez.
"But the skull could have been broken by falling rocks, couldn't it?" I said. Dr Hafez smiled.
"Yes, Leila. That's also possible," he said. "We must keep both possibilities in mind until we
have proof that one is correct." "So is it the body of a Chimu king?" asked Amalia.
"Probably. Or it could be a nobleman or an important official. But we need to find more
proof. If we can find a gold mask, then we would be sure it was a king. But the first thing to do is to
date this cloth."
. !$&& H qR ?0, s8, Q zs I | * B # Q0 . " z0#1 Q & " : P4 | B # 1
Q/# . " +k I$ && / 1 1 / Z*  A&& A A " : !01 . " i$"> k " : | B # 1
! 4x, $ v0 *" v A$ &#BG A,k'  v |#" 6, . A& R, k . v0$ , H " : 1 | B #
. my& 54 B , & . & #B k& " " $8 0 A +0 & xH k' " : $ &,! s% " i$"> &B
 z0 6,  G . 0 z A s# / $4  1   #% .  A ,^&  #" 
. " & k w, " 
Dr Hafez opened his rucksack and took out the black box I had brought from Cairo. I hadn't seen
inside the box before. It had a dial and a small screen on one side. Dr Hafez bent down and placed
it over the cloth. When he pressed a switch there was a low humming sound and a ray of red light
came from the box,
"What have you got there?" asked Pablo.
 !, 1 A Q .  A  zRB 1 ! k %  ' * M'y 4$B | B # i#
B v0 Pt  .  & zt | B # v" . $> C C W 1 z4H Bs . 41 A z0 
. " + k k "  : 0 s%. &B t  C *A  Z A$@ > >i$ &
"This is what Leila brought from Cairo. It's the latest way of dating cloth. This machine
gives out a laser beam and the date of the cloth is shown here on this dial. It takes a few moments.
Ah yes, here we are. Around 1400." "Right in the middle of the Inca period," said Pablo. "Well,
that's a good start." We spent the rest of the morning taking a close look at the area around the
body. It was slow work. I knew what we were looking for. In the time of the Incas people put bowls
of food and water in tombs. Already I could see some bits of pottery that might have been a bowl.
We would have to put the pieces together and see if they fitted. But when they buried an important
person like a king, they buried precious things with them. If we could find some precious things, we
might be able to say that this was a king.
w,'  F,^ $  C  *Mk . & w,  ,"  @B ' .  A v0$ zRB  k"
m*# v " : 0 1. " 1400 vB . A"  H Md . F" qR #/, z . W&  k v0 &
. & x $"& & +0 1 A T"# 4* + A v4  $R1 . " 4$@ ,4 Mk A/B .  & O'
  & ' @   $ R,   O *  v . z n"4 &!  0  . f$ 5
q ?# ! ^   H Mk q$&#  ^ , % . "> ! & v# Z A q 
$&x $C   #% . z $&c $C ,  0& Bs  $*ZC A  Q' . 4' R
. 0  q$#/ 1
We worked for a few days before we found anything that was really exciting. It was hard work.
There was not much air in the cave and during the day it soon became quite hot. The work was
tiring. We used little trowels to clear away the earth from around the bones,


Then we used little brushes to clean the stones and bricks. All day we were bent over the earth.
We had a break in the middle of the morning and another at mid-day. After a few days of this I
was really tired and my back hurt. One morning I was sitting outside the tomb having a drink of
water. The sun was very bright and I had shut my eyes. Someone came and sat beside me.
"Are you all right? You look really tired."
$"& & +0 1 A T"# 4* + A v4  $R1. 5
 $x C   41 , R4 & 00y
. & ' @   $ R,   O *  v . z n"4 &!  0  . f$ 5
& . & x
?# ! ^   H Mk q$&#  ^ , % . "> ! & v# Z A q  
$C   #% . z $&c $C ,  0& Bs  $*ZC A  Q' . 4' R q
A $x H, Q . 1 C & . 5
 $x C   41 , R4 & 00y . 0 z  q$#/ 1 $&x
BO $* A,/& Z#% .  & . $ B v B  $*, $ c v . m'' 
. $  @ v0 " qt v  .  B m$F# $*  Z#% Qc . F B A #
. v&r, 'y 5
 "! 4> 0c & , R  . 'F  # 4* m*# v B # v0 0*B
v I0H TZC H . v$ & J !&1 H @ % I&8 ! .   & C 4& / H ! 4>
  A,4 ! $Z !"  . H
I opened my eyes. It was Amalia. She looked quite worried.
"Yes, I'm a bit tired, but I'm okay."
"It's hard work in the tomb, isn't it? Still, I'm sure we'll find something definite soon. Something
that will tell us if it's the tomb of a king or not." "Do you think it might not be a royal tomb?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "I know Dr Hafez is hoping it's a royal tomb, but until we find
something definite we won't know for sure. We've only got a short time before the UNESCO
inspection, so we really need to find something soon." I looked at her. I wondered what she was
thinking. I wanted to make conversation. She was not at ease with me.
. " $Z v 5
$01 4# v . Q ".  & 01 4 ! . $0$&, ! . v$ !"#
" G +0 4 !    r, f$C 4,1 "f$C %  s# s + q +k I$ 4&  C Q0 z"
$s# A A $0 41 ,  s, | B # "  : '$# "^ $0 41 , G 1 z A,# " .
  I$ z . "f$C   #" +k . /$ $# 41 $*1 !1 %   I$ z . "f$C  v
.  ! Q$ ! /' $ F " / f$C   #" +k . /$ $# 41 $*1 !1 %
. v  f&@G 8 A Q . ' "
'You remember when we were in Quenco the other day?" I said. "Y-Yes," she said. Her expression
didn't change.
'You were having a drink in a cafe in the main square," I went on. "I thought I recognised the
man you were talking to. I think I met him on the plane." "Martin Lander?" she said. "What a
coincidence. The world is a small place. Yes, I've known him for years, He works for United
Mining." "Is he interested in archaeology?"
"Oh yes." she said. Then she was silent, She clearly didn't want to talk any more, I didn't know
what to think. I must have said the wrong thing. I was finding it very difficult. work went on. I got
more used to it and to the altitude. I suppose I got stronger, fitter. I certainly didn't feel so tired. And
then my big day came. T e-mailed Samira with the news.
" : 0\ 1 !0>. ''H $4 $#, Q . " Q .. " : ! 1 " , R k , v   A,k  " : !01
A# v0 z#0 1 v # . z A$c"# ! k H  v! y . v/$\ $& v' v 8 A$ # !
A,#&  , z . % k z s Q . $>  Q  .  * A ' , G A "  : ! 1 . "  \
m$ Q +  Q0# s8 Q it A . # > !0y k\ " Q . M " : ! 1. " c Q#' "  . " "#&
. H 6>  + qC ! . 6% & $J 8! 01 v r& A . vy 601
C Q $s# . 1 $ x 1"! 4> v Ay . 41 A x" 4 i% A  v0 z$0  . && #%
4Z '0  $&% v $# , !0% . Q% " v, H +  . ,C 6#
Hi there, Samira!
Guess what? Your big sister is in the news! She's found something important. It might prove
that the tomb we are excavating is the tomb of a king from Inca times. Of course, Dr. Hafez wants
more proof, but it's a pretty good sign. It was nearly the end of the day. We'd been working really
hard. It's hot and stuffy in the tomb and by the end of the afternoon, everyone is really hot and
tired. Well, we had finished working and I was just starting to pack away my tools. I've got a trowel
and a brush and a few other things. I keep them in a bag. I picked up the bag to put the tools in it.
The bag brushed away some of the earth below it. I saw something shiny on the ground. I got my
brush out again and brushed more of the earth away. It looked like a small round stone, but it was
a dull yellow colour. brushed more of the earth away. The head of an animal appeared. It was


very small, but it had a face and ears and eyes. I was really excited. I looked around me. The
others were all starting to leave the tomb.
Come on, Leila," Dr Hafez said. "It's time to stop working. You've done enough for the day,"
! $&% , 4B
A +0 4 '8#/ v# 4&! 4x, 1  f$C H \ !  v ' 6#, 4 +#   v&
 n$B ' #G v0 +C 1 $ .  B v $H C '  A ,^& | B # ,, q4 . *
. A,,8 6# " 8 ' F   # , ' 0" . 4& v %  'B  . B  &>
$C R C A,/ v . 4$" v 't v q&H v #  1 ! & A $'# A/B
v0 G f$C !, . '#" H& #  4$"! B . ' qt 4$"! # . 4$B v ' |#B
!B . # > z G . $> ,#/ B z48 ! . # A ,^&! B   v C !H .
B &$ F . ,C c C .  $  zH ' A H $> !  $B ' y . # A ,^&
v,  !0  . & A m1#! 1 B . v0$ , $ " : | B # 1 . 4&  v  1 $&H .
. " $
"Dr Hafez, I think I've found something".
He rushed over. So did the others. I showed them the head of the animal. We all started brushing
away the earth from the figure. Very slowly and carefully, we dug around the figure. At last we had
brushed away all the earth. Dr Hafez took it up in both hands and looked at it. It was tiny - only
about five centimetres long but it was an animal of some kind. It had a square head and a thick tail.
Dr Hafez held it up to the light.
"It's beautiful," he said in a whisper. "What is it?" I asked. '
"It's a llama," he said. "The Incas used Llamas like we used camels. They hadn't invented the
wheel, so everything was carried on the backs of llamas." "It looks as if it's gold," Amalia said. "
"Yes, I think you're right," Dr Hafez replied. He turned the figure around in his hands. He couldn't
stop looking at it.
"Does it mean that this is the tomb of a king?"
Dr Hafez paused. "It means that it's the tomb of somebody important. They only left gold figures in
the tombs of kings and nobles. This gold llama makes it more likely that it's a royal tomb," he
said, "but it doesn't prove that it is."
"We need to find a gold mask to be absolutely sure," said Amalia.
"Yes, you're right," Dr Hafez said. "Of course we need to find a gold mask to be sure it's the
tomb of a king.
i,^ $&H  . $" v0 Q'#0@ .  k . "q . " f$C H v # | B # , "
F z,, #0 | B # z . $ #  B $ . A,,C B P4 x&# B B . x&# A #
. +$&% , q  z  $J A $B z P #&$#% /& vB z@ Q" $ft . z$\
Z#% . 5 $B z " : 1. "  $" k "  : !s%. "$&H z " : I * 1. R | " B # z
. " 5 $B 'y v0 C  0&",  kf#1 0 #  1 , Q .   Z#%  5 $B 
. " 6k A *zs 4, " : $ &, ! 1
+ v, " . z$ F A m1#, q#/, Q. z,, v x&# . " >v0 + # H " : | B# H
$c & #,  . TZC 4 ' v, + " : 1 5
$01 | B # m1
. " +0 4 4& Mk
! 1 . " +! 4x G ' G $0 4 Mk&  #B A ,^ $4k 5 Mk . P 54 0&   v 6k A
 #" q4 . >v0 ! H " : | B # 1 . " f& f s# v#B $4  1  #" " : $ &,
."! v0$ , !/B . &$F  8# 4#, z B v k G . +0 4 ' s# v $4  1
But this is still a great discovery. Well done, Leila!"
The others all congratulated me too. I took the little llama in my hands. It was beautiful. To think it
had been lying there for more than five hundred years! Dr Hafez insisted on taking a photo of me
holding the golden llama. He's got one of those digital cameras, so I'm attaching it to this e-mail for
you to show to all the family. It's late now. Time for bed. Bye for now,
Your loving sister, . Leila
x k   H ! * ' . 0$&H ! . , v $* 5 k . v#f'# $&H 1 +k
? *s% k' . $&1 $ z, . $4k 5& B  v >P#0, | B # > . ! % \ &/& A
v0$ 4"& +# . #1r  . ! 1 B .  s# !1 . 0\   v0 '$t v#B v#O ,4 k q
I wrote the e-mail in the office and attached the digital image. Dr Hafez and the others had gone on
into Quenco. Pablo Alvarez was very excited about the golden llama and he wanted to tell his
office about it. I decided to stay at the site. I said 1 might go into town later. I wanted to tell Samira
about my discovery. When I'd finished the e-mail I didn't feel tired any more. 1 was sorry I hadn't
gone with the others into Quenco. Dr Hafez had said he was going to take them all out for dinner


at the best restaurant in town. 1 wondered if I should call him on my mobile phone and tell him I
would come after all. I picked up the phone then put it down again. I stretched my arms and
yawned. I needed some fresh air.
0 . , v 4 1 | B # . $&1 ! ' * 6#& v v#O ,4  % 6#
& #"& A : v/ !01 . q1& v   1 . ' z4# [04, $4k 5 s8 ,C c 8, ^,
!^B . 6# C  Q v#O ,4  # A !$'#  . v 8# $&% [0 .  &$ 04 v 6
& ! / . 04 Q  A% v 0 $&H Q, % z | B # 1  . , v A, q 6 Q v
z#t Qc $0#! # . C  QJ Q' 6s% v z0 v Z &" $0# z * 6H A
. v  ' v #B ! . ! x v  . z  v  
I closed down my lap-top. I opened the office door and stepped outside. The air was cool and
fresh. I looked up at the sky. It was filled with stars. In the clear mountain air, they were really
bright. But it was the southern hemisphere and I didn't recognise the familiar stars that I knew in
Egypt. I looked in the direction of the cave where I'd found the llama. I felt pleased. Dr Hafez had
been worried that he was wrong about the tomb. But now he had dated the cloth and we'd found
the gold llama. He was being careful, but I think he was pretty certain that we had found a royal
I stretched my arms again. I decided to walk over to the tomb. I just wanted to be there again. The
entrance had been closed up. It was always closed at the end of a day's digging. The workmen
had put a simple wooden door over the hole in the wall. But when I looked again, I saw that the
door wasn't completely closed. It had been left slightly open. That was careless, I thought. I
wondered who had done that. I walked up to the door and was just about to close it when I noticed
something else. There was a light coming from inside the tomb. It wasn't a very bright light, but it
was definitely a light. Had someone left a torch inside the tomb?
F . $ ' . Z v  6#&"! # . v Z  $4&' H !0J
m*  k G . B @ % 4 ! v * 4  v .  f$0 ! . & / M  v0 v
C 5 z$ H k m' M  v F . * v '# v# s&  v0 Q0  $t
 . $4k 5 H & w,  B 1 z . 4& s8 P  1 , s ?0 8, | B # . /
. $0 4 8#   B v s# z # v " v,
?0, \& . ?0J 1  & .   P . 4& v v8 1 . $ c v
 F  A . P\ " v H&" # v0 $/ $48 t 1 & . $$ & " , ' v
. $@ H B# z Q  .   0 A, Q 4! , 
f$C !FBG v#B z0J   4 v! 0> v! $8 . +  1 , A ! / . & k! y
z#,  B   . 4* z z$ 6, G & A H @ % t A, Q . 4&  A vs, t  .  d
 4&   8
My heart started to beat quicker. I felt afraid. But I had to find out what was going on. My curiosity
was greater than my nervousness. Was there someone inside the tomb? If there was, who were
they and what were they doing there? I crept up to the entrance and opened it a bit further. I
looked down into the cave. The ladder was still in place. Below, on the floor of the cave, a man
was kneeling. There was a small lamp beside him on the ground. That was the light I had seen.
The man's back was turned to me. But I guessed who it was before I could see his face.
5#%G 6B . ,  m8# v0  ^A . Z C . x / ?Z, v401 
z#"# &  v! 00/   ,   , A& B  4&  B   . v Z A 4
. H H  m' $t v0 % v . zt v ^, G Q0/ . m' % v F . 5
$01 x
 , A !& v .  "H' y . 41 A z#, k R  k . v0 $> 4* M
. z'H , A A& 41

1} Why did Dr Hafez and the team have to use a ladder to go into the tomb?
*.... As the tomb was a deep cave into the ground.

2} What did the team see when they got into the tomb?
* They saw some human bones, a broken skull and small pieces of cloth

3} What were the two possibilities for breaking the man's skull?
* 1} Leila thought it happened because of the falling of rocks.
2} Dr Hafez thought that the man was killed.

4} How could archaeologists make sure the man was a king?

* .......... By finding a gold mask.


5} How could Dr Hafez date the pieces of cloth found in the tomb?
* ........By using the laser machine, He put the machine over them and switched it on, then it
showed him 1400 on the dial.

6} Why was the work inside the tomb tiring?

* ......... as it was hot and there wasn't much air in the cave . The cave was very small and a lot of
people were working inside.

7} Why was time short for Dr Hafez and his team?

* they had to find something interesting before the UNESCO inspection .

8} What important thing did Leila find in the tomb?

* She found a gold figure of a llama. It had a square head and a thick tail.

9} How important were llamas for the Incas?

* They used them like the Egyptians used camels. They hadn't invented the wheel, so everything
was carried on the backs of Llamas.

10} What was the significance of finding a llama in the tomb?

* The gold llama made it more likely it was a royal tomb.

11} What important news did the second e-mail Leila sent Samira contain?
*It contained news about the golden 'llama she had discovered in the tomb.

12} Why did Dr Hafez take the team to Quenco?

* ................. To celebrate finding the llama.

13} Why couldn't Leila go with the team to Quenco?

* ..... As she was afraid to get tired so she preferred to take rest.

14} What did the workmen do to close the tomb entrance?

* They put a simple wooden door over the hole in the wall.

15} Why wasn't the tomb entrance completely closed?

* ......... as someone moved the wooden door and entered into the tomb .

16} What did Leila see inside the tomb?

* She saw someone kneeling and had a small lamp with him.

Read the quotation and answer the questions:

1 - " We must keep both possibilities in mind until we have proof that one is correct. "

a} Who said these words, to whom?


b} What was the occasion?


c} What was meant by "both possibilities " ?

2 - " The Incas used llamas like we used camels. "

a} Who was the speaker, to whom?


b} What did the Incas use llamas for?


c} What was the importance of finding a llama figure?

3 -" We need to find a gold mask to be absolutely sure. "

a} Who said these words, to whom?


b} Why was finding a gold mask important?


c} What other things did they find?


4 - " Well, that's a good start.

a} Who said this, to whom?


a} What was the occasion?


b} Why was it a good start?

5 - " I thought I recognised the man you were talking to. "

a} Who said these words, to whom?


b} Which man were they talking about?


c} What did Dr Hafez say about that man?


Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- Dr Hafez thought the man was killed but...........................................................................................................
2- Work inside the tomb was hard because ................ ......... ...............................................................................
3- Dr Hafez used the laser machine to ................................... ..................................................................................
4- After work, workmen closed the tomb entrance by using ........... .. .........................................................
5- Leila not only found the wooden door had been moved but also....
6- Leila sent Samira an e-mail to................... ............................................................................................................
7- Leila was too tired to .............................................. ........................ ............................................................................
8- Finding a gold mask meant that............................................................................ ................................................
9- Dr Hafez and the whole team went to Quenco to ...........................................................................................
10- Leila was surprised when she reached the tomb as ..................................................................................
11- Inside the tomb, Dr Hafez spoke in whisper as if.........................................................................................
12- It was difficult for the archaeologists to get into the tomb without a ladder as
13- To celebrate finding the gold llama, Dr Hafez .............................................................................................
14- The team had finished working when Leila ........................ ........................................................................
15- Leila's curiosity made her........................................................................................................................................

1- How did Dr. Hafez and his group date the cloth they found inside the tomb ? 2002

2- Complete:
In order to be sure it was a royal tomb...
3-Yes, you are right. Of course we need to find a gold mask to be sure its the tomb of a
king. But this is still a great discovery.
a- Who said these words ?

b- What was the great discovery he referred to?

c- Who discovered it ?

4- To what extent was Leila lucky in the story ?



any way
pleasant night
get used to
in any case
bend {v}
race {v}
sense {v}

B v0
% 0$
" /  
v0 #,
& s

B 70
A$& C 7 1
/ ?0,
I", / ,

in a hurry
hiding place
appreciate {v}
valuable {adj}
waste time {v}
no matter
in the company of
wake up {v}
glad {adj}
thought {n}
be shocked {v}
immigration department
safe {n}
contacts {n}
delighted {adj}
disturb {v}
beat fast
scrape {n}
hard voice
collector {n}
collection {n}
extremely rare

|" A/B A
0 7
6#/, / ,
,, *
&$1 / I$
!1 q$R,
Q', G
4"> 7
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" '0*
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m" q&H
m"# A &
, 0 

The Text
At first, I couldn't see what he was doing. But my eyes got used to the light. I saw that he was
bending over the floor of the cave near where we had found the skeleton of the king. He was using
a trowel to scrape the earth away from something on the ground.
m' $t  $" z! , R v0 # v$ A . z0,  q#% Q ,4 v
. v0  C A # P8$ $* A,/&& #/, . +0&0 v&F $' z$ H k & A
I was angry that someone was in the tomb at night. My anger made me forget my fear. I began to
climb down the ladder into the cave very carefully and very quietly. I reached the bottom of the
ladder. My heart was racing. I wasn't sure what to do next. I suddenly realised that I probably
couldn't climb up the ladder as quietly as I had climbed down. I was now terribly afraid. Why had I
come into the cave instead of calling for help? I had to hide. The man was a little distance away.
He was still busy and he hadn't heard or seen me. I hid behind a big rock. Then the man stopped
what he was doing. He stood up. Perhaps he suddenly sensed that he was not alone. He pointed
his flashlight in different directions. Fortunately I was well hidden. He turned and came in my
direction. My heart was beating fast. I thought he would find me. He stopped. There was silence
for a moment. But the man seemed to be in a hurry. He turned again and went back to work. I
heard the scrape of a trowel. I waited for a minute or so, then looked round the rock. The man had
his back turned to me.
I couldn't see what he was doing from my hiding-place. I wanted to move a little closer. I was just
starting to move out from behind the rock when he turned round again and this time he saw me.


"m'  Q0/ v0  ^. v v/ 6R v0H . 5

$ 4& v  TZC H 4t J !
A ! s . +  z0 6, & s# A Q . \  / , v401 . Q0/ %! 0> . A,,C 
60@ A G
 m' v! 0 & . 8 \ k\ ! . z !^ k ' I Q0/ > A A& G& #"&
Z> m0 s4# . v, v&/, Q G8 ^, G . v 4,1  / v0 H . 4# v0  /&
v  8 z#,  z$H# 1 . M &I$ z s C 1 , & . 1 ' ,  & H m1 +  . $4
. m1 . v$% z! y . / , v401 . v  v H m# . $H 8 s4#Z ! "| A/" . 0#Z 
" P8&! % . z0& v!    # . 4,  v0 M A 0 v  H G . F"0 !&* %
A z0,  , A A& Q . v  #% 1 H' y . Z* B F Qc 4, $1 & F# . $*
. vd & Mk v  zB !# v#B Z* m0 A "# v  Q . 5
$01 #1 . s4Z
It was Martin Lander. "What are you doing here?" he asked in a hard voice. At first I couldn't
speak. I was shaking with fear,
1 didn't say, "And what are you doing here?" Instead I said, "I saw a light. I thought there was
someone in the cave. I came to see what was happening." "So we meet again, Miss ElAssaby."
I didn't know what to say at first. At last I was able to speak.
"So you're not a mining engineer," I said. "You're just here to steal things that other people
have found. You're a thief."
Lander smiled. "You're partly right. I was a mining engineer. But I became more interested in other
things. You can call me a thief if you like. But I'm more of a collector, in fact. I appreciate fine
things. I will be happy to add them to my collection.""You can't. It's wrong," I said. "You're
stealing. This is an important excavation, important for Peru and for the world. Everything we find
here should go to a museum so that people can see it."
"You may be right," he replied. "But I'm sure you will find plenty more things. You're not going to
miss a few little artefacts, however valuable.
I am very sorry not to find a gold mask. They are extremely rare and very valuable. I'm sure
there is one here.
A  ! . 5 A A& Q ,4 v . "  A$0 "  : m$ *s% . G A  
!f . m' v *ZC   # . t !, "   : !01 + G ."    !  1 Q . Z
" : !01 . Q0! #% $ . ,4 v 1 s Q . " v4* /d ,    # A" " . " ",  
B v > v0 ! " : G Q/# . " T ! .  H v# $C /# P  ! . A, ! '/ !s
q& q1 v v . k 6 v0 v0 +&, . $Cs x& #' !"4> v . A, ! '. 
s k . +&, G " : !01 ."v#& v' # t $%  % . \ $C 1 v . * v A x $#&
A&#, v#B m"# v qt, 6,  M   . Q 0 4/  $4 4/  ," Mk . +k / ! .
Q$0 cr, A . $C A ,^& A, % + s# v . >v0 A$ 1 " : H. " z 8 A 
 H $&c , 0   $4k 1  . $4  1 H Q v H A,^B  . $&c ! &* A 5
$01 Q
.  v4 1 H, z s#
Anyway, Miss El-Assaby, I cannot waste time talking to you. You have disturbed my work,
but no matter. I must go now. You, of course, will stay here. Do not try to follow me. I hope you will
spend a pleasant night in the company of a great king. And now, goodbye."
He turned and quickly climbed the ladder. In a minute he had pulled the ladder up behind
him, closed the wooden door and was gone. I knew that there was nothing I could do. I didn't try to
follow him. I didn't try to cry out. No one would hear me. I was so shaken that I fell to the ground
and lay there for some time. I heard the distant sound of a car engine starting and a car drive
I was in complete darkness. It was not a nice feeling. There was no light and no sound. And
it was cold. Time passed. I was very tired And then I saw a skeleton dressed in a king's clothes
coming towards me. The skeleton was being carried on a. litter by four men. They looked like
soldiers. Behind this skeleton was another and behind that another. The skeletons came closer
and closer. I was surrounded on all sides by skeletons of dead kings. They pointed at me and the
soldiers raised their swords and were about to attack me. Suddenly I woke up screaming "No! No!"
6 6, . Q', G A v0& !@ 1  . + "# v1 !1 q$t q$#% G v4* /d , B v0
!#. "  . Q$F +0 4"> v $% 0$ vR v& . v$4# v " G .  A$4 % q4 .
  A, Q z ! . B v48Z 4? 0J z0 v0 v Q0/ 6"% 1  B $1 v . / Q0/>
v0 !% v H H \ ! . B v&/, A0 >B & . z4 B Q . z0 q$#%
A, Q .  5y v ! . $ ?0 v $/ > , $%  &"$ > !&% . !1 4 !$0#% n$B
&$F 5$! , k\ ... H 4# ! . !1  .  .  >t  H, Q . 4$@ C k
m0  d $ H, . ' 48, . H  % " v0 G&" $' . v   1 +0 I 5 ,


C . v 0& $&F  $' 6 q$&H A @ " ! . xs x  $' ! #1 . v x m0 n c $' k
. " ! G ! G " : !  >F$#% s . v&H ', +C v0 Q'$% q "
After that I couldn't get back to sleep. I felt the cold more and more. The night seemed
endless. How long would it be before someone came to the cave and found me? I heard a noise. It
came from high above me. Someone was opening the wooden door to the cave. "I'm down here," I
"Leila, are you all right? What happened?" It was Dr Hafez's voice.
The ladder came down and Dr Hafez and Ramon climbed down into the cave. "Oh, Dr Hafez," I
said. "I'm so glad you are here." And I told him what had happened. "So it was Lander, was it?" Dr
Hafez said. "But how did he find this place so easily?"
#/$% Q . , ' 5 's 0$0  . xs x 4 C .   0 0 q#% Q +
0 x, m' v B vs, v#B !1 A
. v48Z m' i#, QB $  v0 v1 A vs t !&%
Q0/ ^ . | B # > k " B   $Z !  v0$ "
. " % v  "  : !,
. "  H H /  . | B # M " : !01 . m'  v |  B # % v z$0 P4
. " ' / Mk' & k H m$ A +k I$ G "  : | B # 1
. B 1 & z4
"He must have asked in Cuzco or in Quenco," Ramon said. "People know about our work."
Quenco! That was it. It was Lander who was talking to Amalia. Could she have told him? Dr Hafez
looked at me and I looked at him. We both had the same thought.
"It couldn't be Amalia," Dr Hafez said slowly. "She wouldn't do anything like that."
"But I saw her in Quenco talking to him. She told me it was Lander."
"It may have been Lander," Dr Hafez said. "But that doesn't mean she told him about our
excavations. But she may have said something carelessly. It is so easy to speak carelessly."
I remembered what I had said to Lander on the plane. I had been careless. Perhaps I was
responsible for him finding the cave. " "I'll speak to Amalia now," said Dr Hafez. "We must find
the truth. And we must find Lander and the artefacts he took from the cave. I will have to go to the
police. Oh, these things are so difficult when you are not in your own country."
 . B   k ! ,
" 0& A 0&,   . , v  v s% z r& A " : 1
G v' . $ &,  A&& A I$ " : P4 | B # 1 . $# I  . z$ F v" #, k  G
z& #", " : | B # 1 . G  zs v4 . z$" # , v '#, v "
" + x f$C  A&,
" B $ "# H '/ A . B $ f$C ! 1 1 & .  ,B A z4 ' v, G + A . G
": | B # 1 . m'0 z 8# A f/& & !  .*,B $J !  .  \v 5 z#01  k
% . m' A k v# ,c &* G v0 x 6, $" m8 6, . $ &, v n" %
. " 0 v A$ G  H 4> i4* Mk + x M . @8 v 6 v
0 A$#,
Dr Hafez helped me climb the ladder. I felt better when I reached the top. Outside the day
was bright and sunny. It seemed like a normal day.
"Come and get a hot drink," Dr Hafez said. "You must be very tired."
We went to a hut and I sat down. Someone brought me a cup of hot coffee. I rested for a
while. I was still shocked by everything that had happened.
Then the police arrived. There was a lot of noise and discussion. I didn't understand what
they were saying. Then they wanted to ask me questions. They only spoke in Spanish. Ramon
translated their questions.
After some time the police went away. "They think that Lander may already be out of the
country," Ramon said. "They will call the Immigration Department at the airport but they think it
may already be too late. And in any case, they think Lander will have a false name and a false
passport. It won't be easy to catch him,"
I rested that day. I couldn't face going down into the cave again. Later in the day, Dr Hafez
came to see me. He told me about his meeting with Amalia.
/&8 18 Z v ' . v0 v! 0>  A/"# C . Q0/ > v | B # v %
. z$ !/0H  v 4 ." H 4# +  G .  % 8 v ## v  " : | B # 1. v$4@ , zs 4,
H > +  . B   A k G ! . !1 4 !B#% .  / ' A   v QB RB
c"#, G . 0f% v 'H, k\ . ,  Q' Q . 81 & 6Z* A $x  @8
1 G  #, Q' " : 1 . @8 H! * 1 A #  . Q'#0f%& H v# $ 4% %
Q' B v0 . +  , 1 z #, Q' . & v  0*#, % . 54 ,
1 A Q . $ + v !B#% . " z$0 4' / A , A . A$,^ % H& %"& #, % G  #,
A v4 . q1#& $J v0 $ A  s# !1 v v#, | B # H .  m'' ^  H v0
. $ &, q z#0 
"She says that she has known Lander for a long time. He has many contacts in Peru. He
helped her find her first job in archaeology. She said Lander knew her father. It was strange.


She seemed unhappy about something. There was something she didn't want to talk about. But
she says that she didn't talk to him about her work here. I think I believe her. I don't believe she
told Lander anything."
The next day work started again. Nobody knew what Martin Lander had stolen from the
cave. He had probably been working there several hours before I found him. We wondered if
we would find any more artefacts.
And then towards the end of the day, my trowel suddenly hit something hard, something
metal. "Ramon, come here. Can you help me?" I called.
"I think I've found something interesting." Ramon helped me carefully dig around the
object and take it out of the ground. It was a mask. It was made of gold. We stood up and
called the others.
Dr Hafez shone his flashlight on the mask. It shone with a lovely golden colour. "It's a
king's mask. It's like the face of the sun," he exclaimed. "Look at the sun's rays. How
Everyone was very happy after all that had happened the day before. Now we knew for
certain that it was a royal tomb. We had made a great discovery. We stopped work. We
carefully took the gold mask to show to Pablo. He was delighted. "I will put it in the safe," he
said. "We don't want another visit from Mr. Lander."
The next morning when I got to the site there were police cars again. I wondered why they
had come back.
I soon found out. The gold mask was no longer in the safe.
v %  $ v  0& * A , z, . 0,@ # k G  ' v"
.  vC s8 ,^B 's  . 4,J k .  ,  G ! 1 . c  v ' & v0 "*
> G v . '1> v # . ' 0& A z "# Q ' '  . z "# v 6J G vC 
z& #", . m' A G A  z1%  B , Q . v # $ v  &  ." vC s G 4  1 
$41 k\ . ,c &* A ,^& v0 x %   & / . MH 41  % m' v &,
+&,  . ,  v "  : !,  . v vC 60> v8 s zZ#% k A,/& > $ , '
 1 . A zH v8 + B T" " v v % " 18 f$C H v # . v /
. $& v4k z q&0  v0  8 z#, |  B # t
. A, v0 ,  1 . 6k A *
. " z  . I&8 C v F . I&8 zH z48, z . +0  1 z " : 5\ 1 A0
. &$F  8# B  . $s# $0 41 z  . ? / $ v B    H % q$&
, , G A" . ^Z v zt % " : 1 / . 0 4 z, "v4k  k & A 1
. " G A 
. $ c ! &  / . @  8 $% H q1& v! 0>  v # 4* v
. ^Z v H v4k  , Q . 64/! 8#  %

1} What was the man inside the tomb doing?
* He was bending over the floor using a trowel to scrape the earth away from something on the

2} How was Leila a brave woman?

* When she made sure that someone was inside the tomb, she went into it to see what he was

3} Who was the man who broke into the tomb?

* It was Martin Lander.

4} What did Martin confess to Leila in the tomb?

* He confessed that he was a collector rather than a thief looking for fine things to add to his

5} How did Martin trap Leila in the tomb?

* He quickly climbed the ladder and pulled it up. Then he closed the wooden door and went away.

6} Why did Martin trap Leila in the tomb?

*............ as he didn't like her to follow him and then call for help.

7} What was the effect of fear on Leila inside the tomb?

* She imagined many skeletons of dead kings were carried on litters each one by four men.
They pointed at her and the soldiers raised their swords to attack her.

8} Why did Dr Hafez tell the police about Martin?


* .......... As he broke into the tomb and took some artifacts and Dr Hafez wanted to restore them.

9} Why did the police think it would be difficult to find Martin?

*............ as they thought:
1} He had a false name and a false passport.
2} He might have left the country.

10} What did Amalia tell Dr Hafez about Martin?

* She said: 1} Martin was a friend to her father.
2} He helped her to find her first job in archaeology.
3} She had known him for a long time.
4} He had many contacts in Peru.

11} What was the mask like?

* It was like the sun face with its wonderful rays.

12} Where was the mask kept?

* It was kept by Pablo in a metal safe in his room. Only Pablo had its key.

13} Why did the police go to the site for the second time?
*............ as the mask was stolen from the metal safe .

14} Why did Leila consider herself responsible for the robbery?
* ....................... As she gave Martin some information about her excavation work {When she met
him on the plane}.

Read the quotation and answer the questions:

1 - " I hope you will spend a pleasant night in the company of a great king. "
a} On what occasion were these words said?

b} How did the speaker revenge him / her?

c} Why couldn't the addressee go out of the tomb?

2 - " They think that Lander may already be out of the country
a} Who said these words?

b} Why wasn't it easy to catch Martin?

c} Why did the police want to catch Martin?

3 - " I'm sure you will find plenty more things. "
a} Who said this, to whom?

b} Why did he / she says so?

c} What dirty trick did the speaker play on the addressee?

4- " But she may have said something carelessly. "

a} Why did Leila suspect Amalia?

b} Why couldn't Dr Hafez suspect Amalia?

c} Who gave Martin information carelessly?

5 - " But how did he find this place so easily? "

a} Who asked this question?


b} Whom did Leila suspect of telling Martin about this place?

c} Whom did Ramon suppose to tell Martin about the place?

Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- It was brave of Leila to ..

2- Martin trapped Leila in the cave so as not to
3- Martin was not a mining engineer but
4- Before leaving the tomb, Martin ..
5- When Leila was sleeping in the tomb, ..
6- Leila considered herself to be responsible for bringing Martin to the tomb as

7- It would not be easy for the police to catch Martin because

8- As soon as they found the gold mask,

9- The lock on the metal safe was not broken but
10- To make sure that Leila wouldn't follow him, Martin
11- Leila was a lucky archaeologist as
12- Martin played a dirty trick on Leila when .
13- Dr Hafez decided to speak to Amalia about Martin after
14- Ramon thought Martin might have found the site so easily by.

15- The police only spoke in Spanish, so Ramon ..

1- Why did Martin Lander go to the tomb in the middle of the night?


2- Its like the face of the sun. Look at the suns rays.
How wonderful ! 2002
a- Who said these words ?

b- What was the speaker describing ?


c- Who found that precious object ?


3- What was Dr Hafezs opinion about Amelia ?


4- What happened to Leila when she went down the cave ?


5- Martin Lander is a liar and a deceitful man. Explain why ?


6- So you are not a mining engineer

a- Who said these words. To whom and where ?


b- What was the second person accused of ?


c- How did the man defend himself against this accusation?


7- To what extent was Leila lucky in the story ?



A police cell
Burst into tears
Stand {v}
I get you into trouble
Be connected
Take place
Land slides
Steep cliff
Powder {n}
Search {v}
Suspicion {n}
Quietly {adv}

@C ^
i /
?$, / &"#,
6 # + 64%
^ 7t
"G ,C Z>

At ease
Direction {n}
Be upset
By chance
Be blamed {v}
Respect {n}
Lock {v}
Get the credit
Dial {v}
Mist {n}
Be shocked
Gold rabbit
Theft {n}
Pleasant experience

q >*&

$G 8
1 / ?0,
 x v0 *"
74J / ?&B
* G \ %
$0 Q1 60,
0B 4,
74 6
A&& A
'4 4

The Text
The police were examining the safe. The thick metal door was open but the lock had not been
broken. A policeman was putting a special kind of powder on the sale.
"Someone opened the door of the safe with a key," Dr Hafez explained. "And the thief probably
got into the hut through that window. I'm afraid it was open." "But how could anyone get the
key?" I asked. "Have you spoken to Pablo?"
@8 H B . / A, Q  A B# +$&/ v& 4 . ^Z"& #, @8 H
Z#/ ^Z i#  TZC " : 5\ 1 | B # + it
. ^Z v0 ?$B /& A >  qR,
. " B# z v8 . 48 + 5 A v  1 T0 , & . B #
 0 q !c"  #& v0 *",  B q$#/, m$ A " : !s%
"Not yet," Dr Hafez replied. "He's in Quenco today. He has a meeting with the UNESCO
people. This will be really bad news for him. The UNESCO people will not be happy when they
hear about this."
The chief policeman came towards Dr Hafez. They went outside. They were talking in low
voices. After a few minutes, they came back. Dr Hafez spoke to everyone. "I'm afraid that the
police wish to take everyone's fingerprints," he said. "They want to see whose fingerprints are on
the safe. And they want to search everyone's things."
Everyone had a place where they kept their work clothes at night and their normal clothes
during the day. We waited. Nobody spoke. There was a feeling of suspicion in the air. Nobody was
at ease. After some time I saw the chief policeman go to Dr Hafez and talk quietly to him. Dr Hafez
looked up suddenly in my direction. His face was white and his eyes looked strange. He came
towards me. "Leila," he said in a low voice. "The police chief wants to talk to you. Come to my


" +k &/,  % /$ vy q q&#, n$B , v $ ' .  I$ ": | B # H
". H \? 1 qR  . RZ >s c"#,  . Z v 4 | B #@ " 8 I$\
Q' . $&H  > *& v0 0*",  ,, @8 H  m%d  " : 1
. q$& v | B #
." q > $H B 8#,  ,, Q . ^Z v0 H& q > *& 6B > ,  ,,
8 8  . B" #, Q . F# .  ' c ,  z/ 5 5$ & I 5 z$ qR,   
F . 'z "#, | B # v 6k, @8 I$\! ,! 1    .  f&@G B 8, Q . +8
,, " : Z *1
.  ". A$#4,J M $ 4B C z'H . v  v s v0 v | B #
. " v4# v v  . +$" #, @ 8 I$\
I was surprised. I thought they had asked me enough questions the day before.
We went into Dr Hafez's hut and he shut the door. "Leila," he said. "I am very shocked and
upset. The police have not found the gold mask but they found this among your work
clothes." The policeman opened his hand. There was a little gold rabbit. "I didn't steal that," I said.
"I've never seen it before!" "But it was among your things."
"I didn't steal it. I didn't steal it," I cried. I was shaking. How could this possibly be happening to
me? "I believe you, Leila," Dr Hafez said. "But I'm afraid you'll have to go with the police now. I will
have to; find out who did this. It can't be Lander. Someone else must have done it. Someone who
doesn't like you. Someone who wants you to be blamed for the theft of the gold mask.
. 4? 0J | B #  v 0 . ? / $ v $  0f% v
' H 1 Q'! y . 8! 
> Z & I 5 A$ k H z v4k@  8 H , Q . H ?, R#  v . v0$ , " : 1
z "
. " 41 A M Q v . k % Q  " : !01
. $> v4 6 ' . M, @8 H i# . " +
: | B # 1
v k" , A&, m$ .  ! . " z1% Q  . z1% Q  " : ! > " +tJ A$
A . k  A m8# v
0 A$#, % . @ 8 q k0 A,R % m%{ A . v0$ , +1> v"
"6k  1% A f/ 4# ,, TZC . +4, G TZC . '0  d *ZC  r& A . G I$ z r&
" I was taken in a police car to the local police station. I bad never been inside a police station
before in my life. It was not a pleasant experience. I was in a country far from home and I didn't
speak the language. At least they treated me with respect but they put me into a police cell, locked
the door and left me. At this point I burst into tears. Why had I come to this country? Why had this
happened to me? Why? Why? Why? So many questions and so few answers. Later that day, I
heard a noise. I stood up and looked through the bars of my prison cell. A policeman was coming.
And there was someone with him. It was Amalia.The policeman opened the cell door and then he
left us. Amalia spoke first."Oh, Leila, I'm sorry for what has happened. You must forgive me."
"Forgive you for what?"-I asked in surprise. "Forgive me because it is my fault that you are
here," Amalia said.
"I was so angry when Dr Hafez put you in charge of the excavating team. I wanted to be in
charge. And when you discovered the gold mask, I couldn't stand it any more. You would got all
the credit. Your name would be in all the newspapers and on TV. By chance, after you found the
gold mask, I found the little gold rabbit. I didn't tell anybody. I kept it a secret. I put it among your
work clothes to get you into troubles . I didn't think that they would put you in prison. It was a stupid
thing to do but when you are angry and jealous, you don't think. Oh, please forgive me."
! . %   Mk A Q . v $B v 41 A @C Q/1 !0  1 A Q . v0"&@ 8 Q/1 v@ 8 $% v vk
4@ > 8 ^ v vt Q' G #B v0 ,  1 v0 . Q'# Q0 G v@ A $ 0 v
H $x 0f% & & & + v B  & 04 k v! $ & .  4 v  F"0 Mk v . v
v@C  . A/ v# ^4R1 4 F! R' . $t !&% $ + A  s# !1 v .H 0$01 H
. B & %d  . v0$ M " . G
$ &,! c" .  Qc  ^^v@8 i# . $ &,  ! . TZC z 1
! .  H 64%  s v$" % " : $ &, ! 1"  v0 +" % " : 8 v !s%. " v$" / 6,
Q v4k! !  8#  . f/&   . 6$#? , A f/ | B # +0H  H 4t J
x  * . ,^$0# v m"* q$&H v +&%' F, % . ,# A$  / . + A x "& q#%
v + > Z   I 5 A$ z#t . % z !F#B B[ 0 Q . $* v4k 6  H v4k  v0
A,8 4t J A$  + . 4 A Q, *  . A/ +, % Q  A Q . 6 #& + 64%
. " v$" % H M . A, G + $
"I understand, Amalia," I said quietly. "I have explained everything to the police," Amalia said.
"You're free to go. I've got a car outside."
We left the police station. We got into the car and Amalia drove off. "Amalia," I said. "Have you
any idea who stole the gold mask?"
"No," she replied. "But I have an idea where Martin Lander may be. And the two may be
connected. I feel sure they are. When I met him in Quenco, he told me he was very keen to go to
Acomayo. There is another excavation taking place there. You probably didn't know that." "No, I
didn't," I said. "The problem in this country is communication," Amalia said. "The roads are
bad and it can take days to get to some places if the weather is bad.""How long does it take to get


to Acomayo?" 1 asked. "Five hours if there are no land slides," Amalia replied. "Shall we call Dr
Hafez?" "Yes," Amalia said. "I'll call him on my mobile." She dialled the number. "Oh, hello, Dr
Hafez,1' she said. "It's Amalia. I'm with Leila ... yes ... they've let her go ... I'll explain everything
later. We think we know where Lander has gone. We think he will be at the excavation site near
Acomayo. There may just be time to catch him ..." We set off in the direction of Acomayo. The road
was narrow, and as we climbed higher into the mountains the weather turned bad. Soon it seemed
we were in mist, but I suddenly realised that it was cloud. We were so high that we were travelling
through clouds. It was difficult and dangerous to drive. On one side there was a steep cliff dropping
hundreds and hundreds of metres. On the other side there was the mountain side. When it rained,
rocks fell down the mountain side onto the road. Amalia was a good driver. She drove as fast as
she could, but that was not very fast in these conditions. From time to time we suddenly saw a
sheep or a goat appear out of the cloud like a ghost. At last we came out of the clouds. We were
above them. All that we could see was the tops of the mountains rising like islands from a sea of
clouds. It was like being in a plane
" Z $% v . B ! . @80 C ! BC  " : $ &, ! 1 . " $ &, , + Q' " : ! '01
G " : ! H " v4k  % A +,  . $ &, " : !01 . $ &,! ' 0 $/ 4 . @8 Q/1  J
A$0*# Q' $, C v . A$cG A$ 0>    1 . G A  z$ H, & #", k & A  A .
v&0 Q +& #", .    ,B  . ,  v k v0 H T,B M v 1 , v z#0 1  .
 >#/, A&& A . f$%  .  4C v  Mk 08 " : $ &, ! 1. " Q Q G " : ! 1 " k'
. " f$%   , A   v
 " ."$t $' " Q  % I& " : $ &, ! H . "  ,  v > #/, Q " : !s%
# , 4B M " : ! 1 . Q1! 40@ . " &"&v$0# z * % . Q : , &, ! 1." | B #* #%
# . G 6 A, Q0  # .  &$ C  + C % ... 'B% 0@  Q ... v0$ q v $ &,  . | B
. " ... z " 0 !  1 , , 1 . ,  A ," q1 v , % M
  % . f$%  > 4 v v0 v& > 0 $t ?, . ,  M  v 0B
$1 ! . " / 4 A, /   H H ,C  v0  . " % M s ! v 4t v s
 6  v0 . # A f f& % v " Z> H  A$4  B v0 .  4> $/
$/ 1 . \  % $ &, ! . ?, v0 4 @ A Z*! % &  ^ . 4 @ H,
 ' F ^C s !   1 A . , F Mk x v H ,% A, Q + G . A&,  %s
 ^x 4 v 4 Q&1  z#, #%   . z1 "4> . " / A H $ . i48 x " / A$ A
.   @ \s C . 6"/ A " v

1} How did the mask robbery take place?
* Someone might get into the hut through the window. Then, he opened the safe door with a key,
as the safe lock wasn't broken.

2} Why wasn't Pablo told about the robbery?

*......... as he went to Quenco to have a meeting with the UNESCO people.

3} Why did the police want to take everyone's fingerprints?

* ........... To decide the safe robber {the real thief}.

4} What did the police do to decide the robber?

*1} They took everyone's fingers prints.
2} They searched every one's things.

5} Why did the police suspect Leila to be the robber?

* ........ As they found a gold rabbit among her working clothes.

6} Why was it strange for Leila to go into the police station?

* she had never been into a police station before . She was in a foreign country and she
didn't speak their language.

7} How did Amalia put Leila into trouble?

* She confessed she was angry when Dr Hafez put Leila in the charge of the team. Leila would
also be famous after discovering the mask . So, she found the gold rabbit and put it among
Leila's working clothes to get her in trouble.

8} Why did the police set Leila free?

* ............ as Amalia told the police she had put the gold rabbit in Leila's working clothes.

9} Why could Amalia decide the place of Martin Lander?


* ......... as when she had met him in Quenco, he told her he was keen to go to Acomayo .

10} Why did Martin go to Acomayo?

* ......... as there was another excavation work there .

11} Why was there a problem of communication in Peru?

*...........As roads were bad and would take days to get to some places in case of bad weather.

12} Why couldn't Amalia drive very fast on the way to Acomayo?
* ...... as they were traveling through clouds {It was very high}.It began to rain and rocks fell down
on the road during the rain.

Read the quotation and answer the questions:

1 - " Someone opened the door of the safe with a key. "
a} Who said these words, to whom?

b} How did the robbery take place?


c} Why did the police suspect one of the team to be the robber?

2 - " The police haven't found the gold mask but they found this among your
work clothes."
a} Who said this, to whom?

b} What does the word " this " refers to?


c} Why was " this " put among the addressee's clothes?

3 - " When you are angry and jealous, you don't think. "
a} Who said these words / to whom?
b} Why was the speaker jealous?
c} What stupid action did the speaker do?

4 - " Why had I come to this country? What had happened to me? Why?
a} Who said this, to whom?

b} What did these words show?


c} How did the speaker get into trouble?


5 - " How long does it take to get to Acomayo? "

a} Who asked this question, to whom?

b} What made them go there?


c} What's the significance of this question?



Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1-The safe robber used a key to open the safe because ....................................................
2-Amalia was very angry with Leila because ......................................................................
3-Amalia was so angry with Leila that...................................................................................
4-The police suspected Leila when .............................................................................................
5- The police took the finger prints on the safe so that...................................................
......................................... .........................................................................................................................
6- It was an unpleasant experience for Leila to be taken to the police station
as.................................................... ............................................................................................................
7- Unless Amalia told the police what she had done.........................................................
8- Martin went to Acomayo as .......................................................................................................
9- Amalia couldn't drive fast to Acomayo because of........................................................
10- It was jealousy that made Amalia .....................................................................................
11- Amalia and Leila couldn't tell Dr Hafez about their going to Acomayo
.................... ......................................................................................................................................................
12- Driving to Acomayo was dangerous as the mountain was on one side of
the road and ............................................................................................................................................
13- Amalia corrected her mistake when .................................................................................
14- Leila would be famous especially after .........................................................................

2003 1- The police put a special kind of powder on the safe in order to.............................

2- Amalia was jealous of Leila because......................................................................................................

3- Amalia placed the gold rabbit among Leilas clothes to..............................................

2004 4- Forgive me because it is my fault that you are here

a- Who said these words, to whom and where ?

b- Why is the speaker asking for forgiveness ?


c- What made the speaker make this mistake ?

5- It was out of jealousy, that Amalia.


6- How did Amalia feel towards Leila ? Why?


Bitter tea
A cut
First aid
Be injured
Put up money
Think badly
Car crash
Set off
Upside down
A splint

Woman assistant
Car crash
Go wrong
By mistake
Come to an end
Public telephone
Cut off
&"#, Injured
 C Pick up
@/ 60 Pattern
B#, Ambulance
>  Take off
H Trap
f   B In time
$  %O Support
 A sick child
* Offer
 $J / A$@  For her sake
& , Hens
A f$% k s, Soles
$/ > Luckily
0B 4, Connect
Rough bed
 B Persuade
G Silver mine
 0 Ache
Qr Nod
68Z A $4H Pale
/ Leaves to chew

4$4  /
$%  >c B

m\ / ?01
sZ? ,@ A
7& $0
7$0#* G q,
 % $%
w / $*
6% &! 1 7
, @
'  / '0H
|" A/B A
n", / q,
z% ,
4B C
[R&0 C

The Text
Suddenly we were back in thick cloud. It all happened so quickly. Perhaps Amalia had lost her
concentration a little. Or perhaps it was because the road was broken. The car started to turn on
its side and roll over the edge. There was a great crashing noise and down, down we went ... and
suddenly everything went black. I woke up. The cloud had gone and you could see the road and
the mountain valleys. I had pains in my legs and arms and there was blood on my face from a cut.
But I didn't think I had broken anything. We were still in the car. It was upside down on a ledge. I
looked round. It felt strange and my head ached. Amalia did not" move. I wasn't sure if she was
dead or not. "Amalia," I said. There was no answer.


& . ^$ A f$C $ &, &  . $4 / +  B .  m$x" %  " 4> s
 >.  "  B#' 4H B v0 60 $/  . "0 8 z  $ ?, 64/
,? , , A&, !8 1 6"/! ! F$#%. &0F C  i4> s .... % v 4 \ Q"
^G  . / v B z # Q v H c A v'H v0 v v1 % v Qs C ! . 4
Q . *v% > 6,J C v #. vB F . 4 A   ^H 6 v0 % ! . $/ 
. " $ &, " : !01 . G  #$ !  s# A Q . $ &," #
"Amalia I said again. This time I saw that she was breathing. I put my jacket over her and I held her
hand. After a few moments she opened her eyes. "What happened?" she said in a weak voice.
"We've had an accident," I said. "We must get help."
"I can't move," she said. 'T must have broken something. My leg. It
really hurts." I had trained in first aid. I knew how to make a splint. It was important to make her
comfortable first before trying to get help. I had to do something and fast. At this altitude, you can
die quickly from the cold if you are badly injured.
. $ !/' 1 v#% !t . I# '#, & Mk v . " $ &, " : $ c ! 01. v4 Q
: ! 1 . " / 60 6, . B  q1 "  : !01. "  B "  : m$t ! *1 . '$$ !"# 0$01 F" 
 v&r ' . v1 % . / v  r& A . "# q$#% G "
 " 41 G
 B  '0H R A . $4 & $$ !  . $  %G v0 !  1 !
v0  * !  4 64/ / &A&,  G k x v0 . / f$C  v0 . /& RB
. $ "
It was extremely difficult to get her out of the car. She was in great pain, almost too much to bear. I
finally got her out and lay her down. We had two blankets in the car. I put one underneath her and
one , on top of her. Then I made her a splint. She was very brave. She had the toughness of an
ancient Inca. Then I looked for the mobile phone. At first I couldn't find it, but then I saw it on the
ground outside the car. I turned it on. It didn't work. It was broken. "Oh, no!" I said.
"Leila, you must save yourself," Amalia said. "Leave me here. Try to get help, but it may be
too late. There are so few people in the mountains. It may take days before someone finds us. But
you must try
I could see that she was weak, "Amalia," I said, "I will go to get help. Don't worry." "Leila, before
you go I must tell you about Martin. In case you get back too late to help me. I want you to
know about him. When you saw me in Quenco talking to him, you probably thought I was working
with him."
$/ A '#H  $ . 4, '0&" A&, G H ,C Qs 8 ! . $/ A 'H  , 0 4>
! . ' $4H & !&1 Qc . '1 B' #" &' B! t . $/ v #$   . v0 '1
z$0 x A A& Q ,4 v .  &"&$0# A !x" +  .     5* v0"# ! . H  C
" : $ &, ! 1. " ! G . M " : !01. / z &, Q0 z0$8# "! ' # . $/  v0 z#,  A
A H $01  .   1 , & A / R" v B .  v$ . +/ k 6, v0$
. $t ! v it A . " v " 6, + . B $0 x,  41  ,  #/, 1 . 4 v 
  B v A  A 4 6, . v4k  41 v0$ " . " v0 G . / RB 6 % . $ &, " : !01
. " z & ! v # & z$ " , v v$#,  . z v  , .     
"That's right," I said. "I did think that."
"Well, that's not true," she said. "As you know, he used to work as a mining engineer. He worked
with my father. He persuaded my father to put up some money for a new silver mine that Martin
said he had found. But it wasn't true. There was no mine. My father lost all his money. We were
really poor then. It was very hard. And all because of him. Then that day in Quenco, I saw him in
the square. I think he was waiting for someone. I went to talk to him because I was still angry
about what he did to my father."
"Oh, Amalia," I said. "How terrible."
A, & ', M A$ & . i$"> I$ k . /B " : ! 1 . "  + #  . i$"> k " : !01
Q . "$"> A, Q k A . z$0 x z A  1 R Q H A&  & q,  q1 . q &, .
, v $ + Qc . z44/ +  . H 4> qt . B  kf$B . z    / . Q  A,
" : !01 . "   s8 4t J ! !  v z ! "4 . B F#, z # . $& v z#, n$B
. " + qF  . $ &, M
"That is why I wanted to come with you to try to catch him. When I learned that the police had
arrested you, I realised I had done wrong. I realised what my duty was."
"Amalia," I said. "I understand. I'm so sorry I thought badly of you. I promise I'll do everything
I can to catch that man. And I'll go to get help now." "Leila, if you find someone, you must say,
'Ayuda-me pronto, por-favor' - 'Please help me - quickly'. Go in the direction of Acomayo. You may
come to a village along the way."


1 v ! +$0 !R41 1 @8&! 0  . z /O " + RB v v#4J 64%  k"
    . / + !y v , 0 % v . !&'  . $ &, " : !01 . " v4H !   . s
 # v , ) v 6, B H v0$ " . "  /& RBO 6s% . H k' / q$#%
. " ?, v0 ,1 v A$0* 1 . ,  M  v v4 . ( / v % +0R A ) v& (  
I climbed up the side of the ledge and reached the road. I walked in the direction of Acomayo as
Amalia had said. I seemed to walk for a long time, but later, I realised it was not far. All my body
ached from the car crash and I couldn't walk fast. At last I came to a few poor houses. I saw a
woman working outside one of the houses. "Ayuda-me pronto, por favor," I said. She looked at me
strangely. She didn't seem to understand. I learned afterwards that many people in the mountains
only speak Quechua, the language of the Incas, and not Spanish. The woman went into the house
and a man came out. "Ayuda-me pronto, por favor," I repeated. The man nodded. I pointed in the
direction of the car. I made signs with my hands to show a car rolling over the side of the
mountain. Then I made more signs to show someone injured. He nodded again. He went back
inside the house. When he came out again, he was carrying two long pieces of wood with thick
cloth between them. Another woman appeared and the four of us set off in the direction of the car.
. ?, v! 0> 4 A 4 ^ 6 H !0/
 . $ A Q  /&&  ! $ A 0,@ # !$8 v v . $ &, v ! 1 &0x ,  M  v !$8
& ! , . $ & A $01 v! 0> $ . / v8& q#% Q $/  c A v&r, v&/H
A , +  !&0 . v&' ' 4, Q . #% v F (    # v ,! ) 01 .  & B
. H &^  v! & 0 . $ 4% c"#, G    v P 8#, c"#, 4 v 
$% *C & , !Z#% . $/ M  v C . z% H s . (    # v , ) v1
 v  .   H s . TZC  > A$4 ! CO A ,^&&! & 1 +  . 4 6 H v0 60
A" 0'   y . +$&% & 1 &'$ 68Z A A$#0,@ 7#1 &",     . &^
. $/ M  v  
When we got back to the car, it was raining. Amalia looked very pal and she didn't answer at first.
In the end she opened her eyes a little.
I've found some help," I said. "These people will help us." We put Amalia on the bed. It was like the
litter I had seen in my terrible dream in the cave. Slowly and with great difficulty we carried her up
to the road. I was amazed how strong the man and the two women were.
Finally we got to the houses. They took Amalia inside and gave her a hot drink and some leaves to
chew. "Bueno," the man said. I wasn't sure. I was very worried about Amalia.
'$$ !"# $ . ,4 v $0 Q H 4B C 4 $ &, ! . & & / ! $/ v H
v# &" z48, k ,/ v0 $ &, t . "  /, %  Gr . /&  H "  : !01 . 5
, ' v . A$ &H + 1 ! &8 . ?, v ,C  * P4  0&B . m' W^& v&0B v '#,
! . " , " : H 1 . 'R&# 4   % 8   v $ &, k . & v 0>
. $ &, v0 H 01 ! . s# $J
That night I slept in a rough bed next to Amalia. She cried in pain a lot and it was nearly impossible
for me to sleep. In the morning the women brought me a sort of bitter tea and some bread. They
continued to give Amalia hot drinks and leaves to chew.
4* v .   $"#/& z4C A  $x Q A ! *. $ &,  A8 ,% v !& 0$0 +0
. 'R&# 4  %  8 $ &,  v &#% . ^4Z &  8 A  v / RB
I needed to get a doctor as quickly as possible. The man understood. He said, "Boose, boose". At
last I understood that he meant bus! There must be a bus coming this way. And indeed before long
a bus came along the road. The man put out his hand and the bus stopped. He spoke to the driver.
Then he turned to me and said, "Acomayo, okay." I got on and someone gave me a seat. The bus
was full of people going to market. They had hens and chickens and boxes and parcels.
I$   r& A ! I$ * , z '&! $ " " : 1 . H v&' . A&,  %s 4$4@ RB
Qc . ?\ / v " . I$  m1# M, H  . ?, v0 I$   v#B ,@ !1& , Q  . ?, k A vs,
. / v A$4k  f$0 I$  . QB A/0H n$B I$  > . " 4R ,  v " : 1 v
! #
m? ,  > H Q',
After an hour we reached Acomayo. I had some Peruvian soles, luckily, and I found a public
"Dr Hafez, Dr Hafez," I cried, as the telephone was connected. It was a very bad line. "I'm in
Acomayo. Amalia - " Suddenly the phone was cut off. I tried again. Again the phone cut off. I tried
one more time. The same thing happened. I decided I had to find a doctor. I saw some signs. One
of them read Medico. That must be like medicine, I thought. I went in. A young woman assistant
was there. She spoke a little English.


. $&   H $$4 $& 5& "|   A/" . ,  v 0> A^ A  % 

$ &, . ,  v v " . H f$% PZ . " | B # | B # " : 0\ 1 ! > v$0#* G P i# 
z 1 . v8 I B . !  B . * G q, $ x& 0 . $ c ! B . * G q s " ...
. #& 4/B 6@ &0 z48,   r& A $ 4%& 0 B v0 # #5!  , . 4$4@ H v
0 6,
^$0G 0 A 5$01 "# ! .  C /  . !0
"I need a doctor urgently," I said. "My friend was in a car crash. .She's injured badly." The young
woman knocked on a door and we went into another room. She began to talk to a woman sitting at
a desk. This woman was a doctor and could speak English. She quickly realised that it, was
urgent. She picked up her coat and in a few minutes we were in . her car on the road to the village.
. "  &  ^
D? .
+a W/ S!)*
a F1 .  J dYv S/ 5 S S? " : F.Z .
F . *=.>?6
W! YYv F? / ` . d!- S/ l.> S/
.  'z S/ .'^    / FZv
. *)/ S/ w*+/ S. D  ' w0Z o Q' S D+ F+)!/ .  J*
When we got to the village, we all went inside the house. Amalia was quieter but she was looking
terrible. The doctor told me to go out. I went outside and sat on a rock. I had so many thoughts in
my head. Everything had started so well and now everything had gone wrong. As I thought about
these things my eyes looked up the hillside. I noticed something - a pattern of rocks that seemed
familiar. At that moment the doctor came out.
"Hospital now!" she said.
v !40@ . f$%  B v 4 ! ' G  x $ &, ! . &^v $&H 0 , v 0>
 ? 1  H $H  1 vC  .  A , v% . Z> v0 !/0H! H .  4$4
 Z*& $&* A P& z f$C !FBG . # 6 H v0 v $ F $C Mk v & ! $ . vC
" ! v8#/& " : ! 1 . 4$4! H F"0 +0 v . v s zs
We got into the car and drove back to Acomayo. The doctor went into her office. She picked up the
phone and spoke urgently. Then she said something to her assistant.
"A helicopter is coming to get your friend," the doctor said. "She needs a hospital quickly. An
ambulance would take too much time. It's a matter of life and death."
We drove back to the village. Soon we heard the judd, judd, judd of a helicopter. It came down on
the road near the house. Quickly two men put Amalia in the helicopter and I got in beside her. I
waved goodbye to the man and the women in the village. There was just enough space in the
helicopter for the four of us. We took off and before long we were at the hospital in Cuzco. I had
never been in a helicopter before. It was such a small machine flying so near to the mountain tops.
But this time I wasn't nervous. I could only think of Amalia and how much I would like to catch
Martin Lander.
f$C ! 1 +  .  v0 !c" $0#! # . '4# v 4$4! 0 . ,  v  $/ 0
%  %G   . / v8#/ v H B v ' . +#,> k s#  1 # $0 " @ \ : 4$4 ! 1 . ' /&
!4 . #4$0'& >  \ %   % . , v $/  . " $B s/ ' . , 0 5,@ #1 #/
H  $ !B . !  0  # $0'  $ &, 5H qt / . &^A 6,? , v0
v  v#B ,@ !1& , Q 01 . P4R  A" / # $0'   \ B /& ! . , v /
4 Q&1 A ,C  $ H $> d A 4 !  . 41 A # $0! @ \ 4 1 A Q . v v8#/&
. G A & /G v ,8 v#4J v $ &$J v %  Q . \ A Q &Mk v v G .
The next day Amalia was a little better. Dr Hafez arrived with Ramon. He told me what had
happened. "I was suspicious of Pablo," Dr Hafez said. (You know he went to Quenco to see the
UNESCO people. I decided to go and find him there. I arrived just in time. He was about to leave.
"He told me he was tired and excited the day we found the gold mask and he left the keys in the
hut by mistake. Someone must have climbed through the open window and opened the safe with
the keys. I didn't know whether to believe him or not. I told him that I trusted him. I told him that all
our work together depended on the support of UNESCO. If the gold mask was lost or stolen the
project might come to an end.
. B 1 & v4 . q | B # > . 5$01 R  B v $ &, ! v # $ v
MH 6 1 . /$ vy  $ , v 6 z A$ . 0 v +C " ! : | B # 1
z$ H k $ + v cG 8, 4# z v 1 . & +C v0 . 6% &! 1 v !0> . 
Q . i$ & ^Z i# #& 48 5 A ?0/ B r& A . sZ? , v #&  z v4k
 % v4k   . /$  / v0 Q#   & q$&H z4 . z ?c v z !01 . G z1> 
. 8& m1#,
"He said nothing. He stood there in front of me in silence. I didn't know what to do or what to say.
And then I had an idea.


"I told him that the police had caught Martin Lander. I knew it was not true. But I wanted to see if
Pablo would say anything. And he did! Suddenly he began to talk. He told me how hard his life
was, how little money he was paid. He told me that he had a sick child and that he needed to pay
for expensive medicines.
"I didn't know what he was going to say next. But then he told me that he had worked with Lander
before. And he had met Lander in Quenco. It was the day when you saw Amalia talking to Lander
in the square. Lander had offered him a lot of money for the gold mask.
"In the end, Pablo told me he has to meet Lander tonight at 8 o'clock here in Cuzco."
"But that's in two hours," said Ramon.
"Let's set a trap," I said. "Let Pablo meet Lander. We will follow him and catch Lander."
"That sounds too dangerous, Leila," Dr Hafez replied. "Let's call the
police." "
"There isn't time to call the police," I said. "We've got to catch Lander. I promised Amalia. I've got
to do it for her sake."
. v +  . 1    Q . !&> v v   m1 . f$C , Q
$% 0 v . "$"> I$ + Q0 ! . G A  v0 41 1 I$4 z4
Q . | 4 , A&c q, #", z , @ z, v4 . & A $0 v0 *", z m$ 1 C
, + . , v G  1 1 z . 41 A G q & z v4 k\ A . +  ,  ,  
0 v4 , ' v . v4k  4 & A $x G z$0  . $& v G v" # $ &,! ,
. "  v   x  / v 0$0 G  , 6, z
z4# % . G  , 0 # s Z 6*0 " : !01 . " A A$# % RJ v k A " : 1
. " @8 *#0 . H $ 4, k " : | B # H . " G v0 4
. " '0H A +  6, . $ &,  v . 5 +/&  $0 . @8 * 5 !1  I$ " : !01

1} What were the causes of the accident?
* Perhaps: A} Amalia had lost her concentration.
B} The road was broken.
C} The bad weather.

2} How did the accident happen?

* Amalia and Leila went through a thick cloud, the car turned on its side and rolled over the edge.

3} What happened to Leila and Amalia in the accident?

* When Leila came to herself, she found the car upside down on a ledge.
She had pains in her legs and arms and there was blood on her face.
Amalia's leg was badly broken.

4} How were Leila and Amalia helpless in the mountains?

* A} Their car crashed in the mountains.
B} Leila's mobile was broken.
c} It would be difficult to find anyone there to help them.

5} How did Leila's knowledge of first aid help to save Amalia?

* Amalia was badly injured. Leila had trained in first aid. She got her out of the car, made her a
splint and put a blanket Under her and another one over her. Then, she began to look for help.

6} Why was it important to keep Amalia warm after the accident?

* ........... As at high altitude, a person could quickly die from cold if he was badly injured .

7} What was the truth about Amalia's relationship with Martin?

*Martin, who was a mining engineer, deceived Amalia's father. He convinced him to put up all his
money for new silver mine, but he was a liar. So, Amalia's father lost all his money. She was
talking with him about it in Quenco.

8} Why was Amalia eager to catch Martin?

* 1} he deceived her father and took all his money .
2} He also stole the gold mask.

9} " Leila had the sense of duty " Explain.

* Leila and Amalia were on their way to Acornayo when their car crashed, Amalia was badly
injured. Leila went here and there till she found some people to help Amalia.


10} What role did Leila play to save Amalia?

OR: How was Amalia saved?
* When Amalia was injured because of a car crash / Leila.....
A} Went here and there till she found some people to help her.
B} Went to Acomayo to find the doctor.
C} Amalia was taken to Cuzco hospital by the helicopter.

11} How did the villagers save Amalia?

* They carried her to their village. They gave her hot drinks, Some bread and leaves to chew.

12} Why was Pablo suspected?

* ........ As he said:
1} He left the safe key in the hut by mistake.
2} When Dr Hafez told him that Martin was arrested, he began to talk about poverty and
that he had a sick child who was in need of expensive medicines.

13} What trick did Dr Hafez play on martin?

* Dr Hafez suspected Pablo. He told him that Martin was arrested.
At that time, Martin began to talk about his reasons for helping Martin.

14} How did Pablo justify leaving the safe keys in the hut?
* He said he was tired and excited the day they found the gold mask. He left the keys in the hut
by mistake.

15} Why did Pablo help Martin to steal the mask?

* ........ As Martin offered him a lot of money.

16} What was Leila's plan to catch Martin?

* Martin would meet Pablo in Cuzco, so they would follow him to catch Martin.

17} Why was the mask robbery a great problem for ^r Hafez and the team?
* ........As the project might come to an end.

1 - " He persuaded my father to put up some money for a new silver mine. "
a} About whom was Amalia speaking?

b} How was Amalia's father deceived?


c} What did Leila understand on hearing these words?


a} Who said these words?

2 - Let's set a trap.

b} To whom would they set a trap?


c} Why would they set a trap for him / her?


3 - " Leila, you must save yourself. "

a} Who was the speaker?

b} What happened to Leila and the speaker?


c} What did Leila do?


4 - " If you find someone, you must say, Avuda-me pronto, Por favor "
a} Who said these words, to whom?

b} What was the occasion?


c} What's the meaning of the underlined part?


5 - " I was suspicious of Pablo. "

a} Who said these words?

b} What made the speaker suspect Pablo?


c} How did the speaker's suspicion come true?


Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- Amalia had to drive the car carefully to Acomayo as....................................................
2-Although Amalia was driving carefully................. ..................................................................
3-Amalia wanted Leila to catch Martin who................ .............................................................
4-When Amalia was sitting with. Martin in Quenco, ............. ............................................
5- Leila was so faithful to Amalia that.............................. .....................................................
6- Leila tried to phone Dr Hafez from Acomayo to ............. ................................................
7- Pablo confessed to Dr Hafez that ..................................... .....................................................
8- An ambulance would not save Amalia, so .................................. ......................................
9- In order to trap Martin, Leila suggested ...................... .....................................................
10- For Amalia's sake, Leila ................................... .......................................................................
11- Amalia was as brave and tough as .......................... .....................................................
12- If Dr Hafez hadn't told Pablo that Martin was arrested, ..... ....................................
13- Leila made signs with her hands to the mountain villagers to......................
14- As there were few people in the mountains, ...............................................................
15- If Leila hadn't trained in first aid ..........................................................................................

2003 1- Why did Pablo work with Lander?


2- Lets set a trap
a- Who said these words and to whom?

b- For whom are they going to set a trap?


c- Describe the plan for this trap ?


200 4 3- Amalia was as brave and tough as...................................................................

200 5 4- Pablo had such a hard life that.........................................................................
200 5 5- It was out of jealousy.......................................................................................
2006 6- How did Amalia feel towards Leila? Why ?


A second
Turn off
reach inside his pocket

$ c
sH &
4,1  / v0
z4$H 7 #,

Knock out
Thank goodness
Goodness me!
Look forward to
Sky line
Arrivals hall
In a flash
Main entrance
Steering wheel
Get in
Set off

A,^4 %

,1  t $# ,
8" $>
v q0#
z ' F k ? P
/ #
>  >
7/$\ m"* A,
\  % 7
$/ A,
$ 0
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The Text
An hour later Dr Hafez, Ramon and I were in a car following a taxi through the streets of Cuzco.
The taxi went to a little street in the old part of the city. The taxi stopped. Pablo got out and went
into a house. A few minutes later he came out, called another taxi and went.
We waited. After about half an hour, the door of the house opened and Martin Lander came out.
He got into a small truck parked nearby and drove off. We followed. "I wonder where he's going?"
Dr Hafez said after a few minutes. "I think he's going to the airport," Ramon replied. "But not to the
main entrance."
$% !4 .  C 4 H $% 6# $% v | B # !  A^ A  %  
?\ 1 R  .  & B  0 . H $% !1 . ,& A Q, ^ v $> C v H
 B C 6 . G A &^   i# 4,  %  . F# . 6  H $% v#% 
H " 6  A, / v " : ?\ 1 qR  | B # 1 . M 4 . ?0 z  1 ! $>
. " v/$\ &  v I$ A . & v 6 z # " :
We followed Lander's truck to the far side of the airport. Everything was dark. Ramon turned off the
car headlights. It would be too easy for Lander to see he was being followed. Lander stopped his
truck, got out and opened two metal gates with a key.
"We have to stop him now," Ramon shouted, "before he gets back into his truck and shuts
the gates again."
A  . $/0 $    s@ . &0F vC  . & A $4 6  v G B C 4
: > . # Z#% A$#$ A$# i# Qc z#B C G m1 . z4#, B ,  G v0 H '/
. "   4? 0, z#B C v ,  41 . z1 6, "
Ramon stopped our car fifty metres away. We opened the doors and ran in the darkness towards
Lander. Lander was a big strong man and he would fight. I didn't know if we could stop him. But we
had the advantage of surprise. I only hoped he didn't have a gun. Then T had an idea. The engine
of Lander's truck was running and the door was open. I jumped into the truck, closed the door and
pressed the automatic lock. I put the truck into first gear and drove hard at Lander. He reached
inside his pocket to find something - a gun perhaps, but the truck was getting closer. Lander turned
and ran. Ramon followed. Lander turned a corner. I followed in the truck, the headlights showing
where Lander was. There in front of us was a small single-engine plane. In a flash Lander had


opened the door of the plane and was turning the key to start the engine. Ramon tried to jump onto
the wing of the plane and open the door but the engine suddenly started and the plane began to
move. I didn't know what to do . I had only a second to decide. I put my foot on the accelerator and
drove as hard as I could at the plane. There was a huge crash. The truck hit the side of the plane
and knocked it onto its side. I put the brakes on. I put my arms and head on the steering wheel. I
was shaking.
"He must have hit his head against the roof of the plane." It was Ramon's voice. "He's
knocked out."
,1 &Zt 5H G . G M  v 5F v ,H"   # . # A$/&  v0  $% m1
/ z, , G P !$& . sH &^ $ " > v A . z1  # #% v  Q .  , z  A
v0 !t Qc G! 0J B 8^  1 . B# 4 . , G B C ". v +  .
z4$H  vC v > B . G M  v ! 0 v / qt v B 8! 0H . v$   
n$B B 8 z#4 m B G . z4 . H G !# . x # ! AB 8 G / &
i# 1 G  B F" v . B " $>    @ \. MH'  F $  ! 
!  \C , &" A 4 i#,  \ H v0 ^,  B .  &"$8 4$ #& \
A&,  v*1s !0 A,^4 % v0 v1 !t . 1 B $ c % A, Q .   Q . "# v
! t .  $8# !&1 . '4H v0 '#1  \ 6 H B 8 >! . QZt  >B . "  \
> k " v   .  \m% v z% > z r& A " .  ! . $ 0 v0 v%
Ramon was on the side of the plane which was now up in the air. I'll try to get in," he said. But he
couldn't open the door.I got out of the truck. I could hardly walk.
"Leila, you were wonderful - amazing!" Dr Hafez said. "Don't worry now. I've called the police."And
then I heard the sound of police sirens and saw their blue flashing lights.
"I think that is the end of Mr. Lander's archaeological career," Dr Hafez said. We went back
to the police station. This time I didn't mind going. We told the police exactly what had
happened."We will question Mr. Lander first," the police chief said. "We will let you know what we
find out."
Dr Hafez decided we should go to Quenco to rest for a few days before starting work again. But
first I wanted to see Amalia. We went to the hospital in Cuzco. She was still in bed but she looked
better. We told her the news. She tried to smile. It was not easy for her.
q$#/, Q z . "  Bs% " 1 . 'v v0 v' # kf$B k  \ 6 H v0 
 . d v0 G ! 8 \ + v0$ " : | B # 1 . v8 q$#%  Q . B 8 A !H . 4 i#,
 # " : | B # 1. #& 1 ^Q! ,@ 8 $% k&! > % k\. " @8 !0*
& @8 4 . k v %s H Q &Mk . @8 Q/1 v H " c  v G $/ & , ' v Mk
6,  | B # 1 " m8  Q % . G G $/ #/ % " : @8 I$\ 1 . P4R B
v v8#/& v 4 . G 7 &, v . &  v 4 41 , R4 i,#/ , v 6k
. '$0 '/ A + A, Q . Q/#4 ! B . 4   0 . G B A/B 4 ! A  v ^G ! . 
Two days later Ramon took us by car to Quenco. The next day Dr Hafez received a telephone call
from the police chief. "We have found the gold mask and the other things Mr. Lander had stolen,"
he said."Thank goodness!" said Dr Hafez. "Now the project can continue."One morning I was
having breakfast in Quenco with Dr Hafez. I suddenly had a thought. "Dr Hafez," I began. "I'd like
to go back to the village on the road to Acomayo. I'd like to thank the village people who saved
"That's a good idea, Leila," Dr Hafez replied. "Ill ask Ramon to take us. I hope the weather is better
than when you went with Amalia."
@8 I$\ A $$0 &  v # $ v | B # v0 . , v $/ v  01 A$,  
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We set off. this time the weather 'was perfect. The sun shone and I was able to see the .
mountains and steep valleys. We reached the village. We shook hands with the man and the
women who had helped us. Ramon translated for us. Then I remembered something I had
seen when I walked along the road."Dr Hafez," I said. "I want to show you something. Let's
walk along the road a little.""You're not going to show me two strangers sitting at a
cafe, are you?" he said.I laughed. We walked on a little further. I looked up at the mountain
side. "Look up there, Doctor," I said.He looked up. "Goodness me," he said. "It looks like the
pattern of stone blocks at the Chimu king's tomb. That's amazing."


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We returned to Quenco. The next day we started work again. I now only had one more week
before my return to Cairo.
Dr Hafez was very busy. I didn't talk to him for a few days. At last he came to see me.
"Leila," he said. "I sent a team to the village near Acomayo and they think it really is an Inca site.
Our people can't work on that site. We have too much to do here. But when Amalia comes out of
hospital, I want her to lead the team excavating the new site."
That's great news!" I said. "She'll be so pleased."
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On the flight to New York, there was no one sitting beside me. And I did not choose a window seat.
But I had so many memories and so much to think about, the time passed quickly. Soon I was on a
plane to Cairo. I was looking forward to seeing Samira and my family.
I saw the familiar skyline of Cairo - the pyramids and the Nile as we came in to land. The plane
landed and the doors were opened. immediately felt the heat. I realised that I had got used to the
coo temperatures of the Andes mountains. But I was so excited to be home
After picking up my luggage I went into the arrivals hall. There were Samira and my parents, And
all around them were photographers! There was a flash of lights and people calling, "Miss ElAssaby!" "Please! Miss El-Assaby." I couldn't believe it.
The next day the newspaper headlines were full of the story of the Egyptian archaeologist who bad
made important discoveries in the land of the Incas. And this archaeologist bad caught a thief who
had stolen valuable artefacts! And she bad discovered a new Inca site. I read all the newspapers
as if in a dream.
They were talking about me!
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1} What did Dr Hafez and Leila do to catch Martin?
* They took a car with Ramon and followed Pablo who was on his way to meet Martin.

2} What did Pablo do in Cuzco?

* He went into a house, for a short time, then he came out and took a taxi.

3} What did Ramon do to make Martin feel he was not followed?

* It was completely dark but Ramon switched off the car headlights.

4} What did Martin try to do when he felt he was followed?

* He tried to escape by using a truck and a small single-engine plane.

5} How was Martin about to escape?

* When he felt he was followed, he stopped the truck and opened one of the airport gates, then
he jumped into the plane which began to move.

6} How did Martin's attempt to escape fail ?

* Martin jumped into the plane and started the engine but Leila hit the plane with the truck very
hard. So, Martin was knocked out.


7} What did Leila do just after catching Martin?

* She went to Amalia in the hospital to tell her the news of arresting Martin.

8} What good news did the police tell Dr Hafez after arresting Martin?
* They told him that they had found the gold mask and the other artifacts stolen by Martin.

9} Why did Leila go to the village in the mountains?

* .......... to thank the village people who had saved Amalia's life .

10} What did Leila show Dr Hafez in the mountains?

* She showed him some blocks of stone like those at the Chimu king's tomb which was thought
to be a new Inca site.

11} Dr Hafez had the sense of humor. Give an example.

* When Leila took Dr Hafez to show him the blocks of stone in the mountain.
He asked her if she would show him two strangers sitting together at a caf.

12} How did Dr Hafez organise the excavation work in the site near Acomayo ?
* Leila showed him the site, a few days later, he sent a team of archaeologists under Amalia's

13} Why did Leila feel the heat on arriving at Cairo airport?
* .............. as she had got used to the cool temperatures of the Andes mountains.

14} Why were there a lot of photographers at the airport waiting for Leila?
OR: Why did the newspaper praise Leila greatly ?
*......... as A} she was an Egyptian archaeologist who had made important discoveries in Peru .
B} she caught the thief who had stolen some artifacts.
C} She discovered a new Inca site.

1 - " I think he's going to the airport. "

a} About whom was Ramon speaking?

b} Why was that person going to the airport?


c} Why were they following him?


2 - " You are not going to show me two strangers sitting at a cafe.
a} Who said these words?

b} What did Leila show the speaker?


c} How was that an important discovery?


3 - " That's great news! Shell be so pleased. "

a} Who said this to whom?

b} About whom were they speaking?


c} Why was that great news?


4 - " He's knocked out. "

a- Who was the speaker, to whom ?

b- About whom was he / she speaking ?


c- Why was he / she knocked out ?


5 - " Don't worry now. I've called the police. "

a} who said this , to whom ?

b} why were the police called ?


c} why did the speaker ask the addressee not to worry ?


Complete the following to make meaningful sentences:

1- Unless Leila had hit the plane by the truck ....................................................................................................
2- When Martin felt he was followed, ........................................................................................................................
3- Martin went to the airport so that.........................................................................................................................
4- Leila went with Ramon and Dr Hafez to the village near Acomayo to.
5- If the gold mask hadn't been found ......................................................................................................................
6- When Amalia left hospital............................................................................................................................................
7-The newspapers praised Leila because ..............................................................................................................
8- When Leila arrived at Cairo airport...................................................................................................................
9- Leila was so observant that........................................................................................................................................
10- Dr Hafez was pleased when ...................................................................................................................................
11- After Leila had showed Dr Hafez the blocks of stone in the mountains
12- On the flight from Peru to New York, Leila didn't choose a window seat because.
13- As the plan was landing down at Cairo airport, Leila could see............................................
14- Ramon was the only one who could decide that Martin .............................................................
15- Martin was big and strong but Ramon caught him without fighting as .

2003 1- Why were there many photographers at Cairo airport when Leila arrived ?

2004 2- Why did the police chief make a telephone cal to Dr Hafez ?

2004 3- On the next day of Leilas return to Cairo, the newspaper headlines were...........







.-/ 45







Unit 10






Unit 11






Unit 12






Test 3






Unit 13






Unit 14






Unit 15






Test 4






Unit 16






Unit 17






Unit 18




































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