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Large scale physical effects of T violation in mesons

J. A. Vaccaro
Centre for Quantum Dynamics, Griffith University, 170 Kessels Road, Brisbane 4111, Australia.
(Dated: March 3, 2010)
An increasing number of experiments at the Belle, BNL, CERN and SLAC accelerators are con-
firming the violation of time reversal invariance (T). The violation signifies a fundamental asymmetry
between the past and future and calls for a major shift in the way we think about time. Here we
show that processes which violate T symmetry induce destructive interference between different
paths that the universe can take through time. The interference eliminates all paths except for two
that represent continuously forwards and continuously backwards time evolution. Evidence from
the accelerator experiments indicates which path the universe is effectively following. This work
resolves the long-standing problem of modeling the dynamics of T violation processes. It shows that
T violation has previously unknown, large-scale physical effects and that these effects underlie the
origin of the unidirectionality of time. It also provides a view of the quantum nature of time itself.

PACS numbers: 03.65.-w, 11.30.Er, 14.40.-n

Keywords: CP violation, T violation, kaons, arrow of time

I. INTRODUCTION towards our past, in one quantum equation of motion?

At issue is the fact that Schrödinger’s equation describes
consistent unitary evolution in both directions of time:
The physical nature of time has been an enigma for
the unitary evolution by negative time intervals merely
centuries. The main tools for discussing its unidirection-
“back tracks” exactly the same time evolution described
ality are the phenomenological arrows of time. A great
by positive time intervals. Yet, paradoxically, the T vio-
deal of progress has been made in recent decades in link-
lation appears to suggests that Nature does not work in
ing various arrows together [1]. A notable exception is
this way in general.
the matter-antimatter arrow which arises from the vi-
olation of charge-parity conjugation invariance (CP) in More specifically, we must choose the direction of time
meson decay. CP violation, which was first discovered evolution and a specific version, say H, of the Hamilto-
by Cronin, Fitch and coworkers [2] in 1964 in the de- nian in order to write down the Schrödinger equation.
cay of neutral kaons (K mesons), provides a clue to the By applying the time reversal operation we then obtain
origin of the large-scale matter-antimatter imbalance of the Schrödinger equation involving the T HT −1 version of
the universe [3]. The combined CPT invariance has been the Hamiltonian for evolution in the opposite direction
confirmed in kaon decay to a high degree of precision of time. But at any point we are restricted to having
[4] suggesting that neutral kaon decay also violates T a dynamical equation of motion for a specific direction
invariance. To date no violation of CPT has been ob- of time evolution and a corresponding specific version of
served in B meson decay [5] and so the CP violation in B the Hamiltonian. We do not have a dynamical equation
meson decay also appears to be consistent with T viola- of motion for the situation where the direction of time
tion. But more importantly, experimental evidence has evolution cannot be specified and for which there is no ar-
confirmed the direct T violation in K meson decay [6] gument for favoring one version of the Hamiltonian over
independently of CPT invariance. Nonetheless, T violat- the other: if one version of the Hamiltonian is to appear
ing processes are relatively rare and the magnitudes of in the equation of motion then so must the other. This
the violations are relatively small, and so despite their problem becomes critical when we attempt to describe
important asymmetric temporal nature, they are often the universe as a closed system as needed in cosmology.
regarded as having little impact on the nature of time. In this case the direction of time evolution cannot be
As a result, the physical significance of T violation has specified because a closed system precludes any external
remained obscure. clock-like device for use as a reference for the direction
The CP violation due to the weak interaction is de- of time. There is, therefore, no satisfactory quantum for-
scribed in the Standard Model of particle physics by the malism for describing a universe that exhibits T violation
Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix [7, 8]. Nev- processes. This failure of standard quantum theory is all
ertheless, a fundamental and intriguing question remains the more serious given that CP and, by implication, T
open. In principle, the CKM model provides the basis for violation play a critical role in baryogenesis in the early
the time evolution of mesons in terms of Schrödinger’s history of the universe [3, 10]. It is clearly an important
equation and an associated Hamiltonian H. The evi- problem that lies at the very foundations of quantum the-
dence of T violation implies that T HT −1 6= H where ory. Its resolution calls for a major shift in the way we
T represents the time reversal operation [9]. But how think about time and dynamical equations of motion.
should one incorporate the two Hamiltonians, H for time We address this issue by deriving a single quantum
evolution towards our future and T HT −1 for evolution dynamical equation which incorporates the two versions

of a T-violating Hamiltonian. We begin with Feynman’s time. A harmonic oscillator is a device of this kind [12].
path integral [11] method to construct the set of all pos- In order to avoid ambiguities in the definition of time in-
sible paths that a large physical system can take through tervals for different time directions, we assume that the
time. The set represents every possible evolution zigzag- Hamiltonian H (clk) describing our clock model is T in-
ging forwards and backwards through time. We then variant and so T H (clk) T −1 = H (clk) during its normal
show how T violation induces destructive interference operation. This gives an unambiguous operational mean-
that eliminates most of the possible paths that the sys- ing of the parameter τ as a time interval.
tem can follow. The unidirectionality of time is shown The matrix elements hφ|UF (τ )|ψ0 i and hφ|UB (τ )|ψ0 i
to emerge from physical evidence left in the state of the represent the probability amplitudes for the system in
system. We end with a discussion. state |ψ0 i to evolve over the time interval τ to |φi via
two paths in time corresponding to the forwards and
backwards directions, respectively. Given that we have
II. POSSIBLE PATHS THROUGH TIME no basis for favoring one path over the other, we follow
Feynman [11] and attribute an equal statistical weight-
Consider a physical system which is composed of mat- ing to each. Thus, the total probability amplitude for the
ter and fields in a manner which is consistent with the system to evolve from one given state to another is pro-
visible portion of the universe. For clarity we assume portional to the sum of the probability amplitudes for all
that the system is closed in the sense that it does not possible paths through time between the two states. In the
interact with any other physical system, although this current situation we have only two possible paths and so
assumption could be removed without affecting the main the total amplitude is proportional to
conclusions drawn here. We also assume that there is no
clock external to our system and so our analysis needs to hφ|UF (τ )|ψ0 i + hφ|UB (τ )|ψ0 i = hφ|UF (τ ) + UB (τ )|ψ0 i .
be unbiased with respect to the direction of time evolu- (3)
tion. Nevertheless it is convenient to differentiate two di- This result holds for all states |φi of the system and so
rections of time as “forward” and “backward”, although the unbiased time evolution of |ψ0 i over the time interval
we stress that neither direction necessarily has any con- τ can be written as
nection to our actual everyday experience. Also, we be-
gin our analysis with the system in a state |ψ0 i which |Ψ(τ )i = [UF (τ ) + UB (τ )] |ψ0 i (4)
we shall call the “seed state” without reference to time.
which we call the time symmetric evolution of the sys-
With this in mind we express the evolution of the sys-
tem. To reduce unnecessary detail we use un-normalized
tem in the forwards direction over the time interval τ as
vectors to represent states of the system. We could have
|ψF (τ )i = UF (τ )|ψ0 i where
included in Eq. (3) an additional phase factor eiθ to repre-
UF (τ ) = exp(−iτ HF ) (1) sent an arbitrary relative phase between the two paths,
such as hφ|UF (τ )|ψ0 i + eiθ hφ|UB (τ )|ψ0 i, but the factor
is the forwards time evolution operator, and HF is the has no net physical effect for our analysis and so we omit
Hamiltonian for forwards time evolution. Throughout it.
this article we use units in which h̄ = 1. If time rever- It follows that the time symmetric evolution of the
sal symmetry were obeyed, the evolution in the opposite system in state |Ψ(τ )i over an additional time interval
direction of time would be given by exp(iτ HF ). To ac- of τ is given by
commodate the time asymmetry of T violation processes,
we need to replace HF in this expression with its time |Ψ(2τ )i = [UF (τ ) + UB (τ )] |Ψ(τ )i
reversed form. Thus we define the state of the system af-
ter backwards evolution over a time interval of the same 2
= [UF (τ ) + UB (τ )] |ψ0 i .
magnitude by |ψB (τ )i = UB (τ )|ψ0 i where
Repeating this for N such time intervals yields
UB (τ ) = exp(iτ HB ) , (2)
and HB = T HF T −1 is the Hamiltonian for backwards |Ψ(N τ )i = [UF (τ ) + UB (τ )] |ψ0 i . (5)
time evolution. This gives UB (τ ) = T UF (τ )T −1 , in ac-
Figure 1 gives a graphical interpretation of this result
cord with Wigner’s definition of time reversal [9].
in terms of a binary tree. It is useful to write the expan-
The parameter τ in these expressions represents a time
sion of the product on the right side as
interval that could be observed using clock devices which
are internal to the system. A simple model of a clock for N
our purposes is a device which evolves unitarily through |Ψ(N τ )i = SN −n,n |ψ0 i (6)
a sequence of orthogonal states at sufficient regularity to n=0
give a measure of a duration of time to any desired ac-
curacy. The orthogonal states would represent the eigen- where Sm,n represents a sum containing (n+m n ) different
states of a pointer observable which acts a reference for terms each comprising n factors of UF (τ ) and m factors

|y0 We now derive a more manageable expression for Sm,n .

The first step is to reorder the expression so that all the
UB UF UB factors are to the left of the UF factors using the
Zassenhaus formula [17]. This yields
X s X̀
X £
Sm,n = UB (mτ )UF (nτ ) ··· exp (v + · · · + ` + k)τ 2 [
UB UF UB UF UB UF v=0 `=0 k=0

UB UF UB UF UB UF UB where there are n summations on the right side and [A, B]

is the commutator of A and B. Appendix A gives the
A B C details of the calculation. Next, the analysis is made
simpler by expressing the summand in the eigenbasis
FIG. 1: Binary tree representation of the generation of the fi- of the Hermitian operator i[HF , HB ]. For this R we use
nal state |Ψ(N τ )i from the seed state |ψ0 i according to Eq. (5) the resolution of the identity given by 1 = Π(λ)dλ
with N = 4. States are represented as nodes (solid discs) and where the measure dλ accommodates both continuous
unitary evolution by links (arrows) between them. The root and discrete spectra and Π(λ) is the projection opera-
node (at the top) represents the seed state |ψ0 i and the leaf tor that projects onto the state space spanned by the
nodes (on the bottom row) represent components of the final eigenstates of i[HF , HB ] with eigenvalue λ. The degen-
state |Ψ(4τ )i, where for example, the node labeled A rep- eracy of the eigenvalue λ is given by the density function
resents the state S4,0 |ψ0 i = UB |ψ0 i, B represents the state
3 2 2 3 ρ(λ) = Tr[Π(λ)] where Tr is the trace. To emphasize the
S3,1 |ψ0 i = [UB UF + UB UF UB + UB UF UB + UF UB ]|ψ0 i and
C represents S0,4 |ψ0 i = UF |ψ0 i.
degeneracy of λ we write the identity operator as
1 = ρ(λ)Π(λ)dλ (9)
of UB (τ ), and where (kj ) = k!/[(k − j)!j!] is the binomial
coefficient. Sm,n is defined by the recursive relation where Π(λ) = Π(λ)/ρ(λ) is an operator with unit trace.
Thus, for example, i[HF , HB ] = λρ(λ)Π(λ)dλ. Multi-
X plying Eq. (8) on the right by Eq. (9) and ignoring the
Sm,n = Sm−k,n−1 UF (τ )UB (kτ ) (7)
term of order τ 3 gives
with Sm,n = UB (mτ )UF (nτ ) Im,n (λ)ρ(λ)Π(λ)dλ (10)
Pm Sm,0 = UB (mτ ) and gives, for example, Sm,1 =
k=0 UB [(m − k)τ ]UF (τ )UB (kτ ).
The expression hφ|SN −n,n |ψ0 i represents the evolution where
of the system from |ψ0 i to |φi over a set of (N n ) paths m
X s X̀
through time, where each path comprises a total of n £ ¤
steps in the forwards direction and N − n steps in the Im,n (λ) = ··· exp −i (v + · · · + ` + k)τ 2 λ .
v=0 `=0 k=0
backwards direction. The set of paths includes all possi-
ble orderings of the forwards and backwards steps. This
In the following analysis terms of order τ 3 are negligible
set of paths is the focus of the remaining analysis.
and are ignored. Performing the algebraic manipulations
First consider the size of the time steps τ . To explore described in Appendix B eventually yields
the consequences of the limit τ → 0 of infinitely-small
time steps for a fixed total time ttot , we set τ = ttot /N Qn−1 © ª
q=0 1 − exp[−i(n + m − q)τ 2 λ]
and consider Eq. (5) for increasing values of N . We can Im,n (λ) = Qn 2
. (12)
write 2−N [UF (τ ) + UB (τ )]N = {exp[−i 21 (HF − HB )τ ] + q=1 [1 − exp(−iqτ λ)]

O(τ 2 )}N which becomes exp[−i 12 (HF − HB )ttot ] as N → There are three important points to be made about the
∞. In this limit, the system evolves according to the results in Eqs. (10) and (12). The first is that if the sys-
Hamiltonian 12 (HF − HB ). This means that isolated sub- tem seed state |ψ0 i is a λ = 0 eigenstate of the operator
systems that obey T invariance, such as our model of a i [HF , HB ] then the integral in Eq. (10) can effectively
clock, would not exhibit any evolution. As clocks are be replaced with Im,n (0)ρ(0)Π(0) and the resulting evo-
taken to measure time intervals, the system as a whole lution is equivalent to the T invariant case. In order to
would not exhibit dynamics in the conventional sense in focus on the implications of T violation we assume that
this τ → 0 limit. The lack of dynamics is an unphysi- the system seed state |ψ0 i has a zero overlap with all
cal result if our system is to model the visible universe. λ = 0 eigenstates, i.e.
This suggests that the time interval τ should be a small
non-zero number for a universe-like system. Accordingly, Π(0)|ψ0 i = 0 . (13)
in the following we set the value of τ to be the smallest
physically-reasonable time interval, the Planck time, i.e. We call this the nonzero eigenvalue condition for con-
τ ≈ 5 × 10−44 s. venience. We look at the implications of relaxing this

condition in Section V. The second point is a useful
symmetry property of Im,n (λ). Multiplying both the nu-
merator and denominator of the right side of Eq. (12) by 0.8
Qn+m 2
k=1 [1 − exp(−ikτ λ)], canceling like terms and judi- N = 2000, n =100

|IN-n,n (l)|
ciously relabeling indices yields the symmetry 0.6
N = 4000, n =400
Im,n (λ) = In,m (λ) . (14) 0.4 N = 8000, n =400
For the third point, it is straightforward to show for
n ≤ m that the zeroes of the denominator of Im,n (λ) 0.2
in Eq. (12) do not result in singularities, because if any
factor [1 − exp(−iqτ 2 λ)] in the denominator is zero for 0.0
0.0000 0.0006 2p-0.0006 2p
λ = λ0 , there is a corresponding factor {1 − exp[−i(n + t2 l
m − `)τ 2 λ]} in the numerator, where ` = n + m − jq and
j is a positive integer, for which FIG. 2: Comparison of the function |IN −n,n (λ)| (solid curves)
with the quadratic approximation (dashed curves) for various
1 − exp[−i(n + m − `)τ λ] values of N and n. All curves have been scaled to give a peak
1 − exp(−iqτ 2 λ) value of 1.

as λ → λ0 . The symmetry of Im,n (λ) in Eq. (14) means

that the same result holds for the complementary case which we label the eigenvalues and Hamiltonians with
n > m. (1)
a superscript (1). The eigenvalues λ(1) of i[HF , HB ]

in the 2 dimensional subspace spanned by the kaon and

anti-kaon states can be found using the phenomenolog-
ical model of Lee and Wolfenstein [13]. In Appendix C
we show that this gives λ(1) ≈ ±1017 s−2 (in units where
We now analyze the behaviour of SN −n,n in Eq. (6) in h̄ = 1) using empirical values of Yao et al. [18].
some detail. Let tF = nτ and tB = (N − n)τ be the ag- Next, we estimate the eigenvalues of the operator
gregate times that the system evolves forwards and back- i[HF , HB ] for the system containing M kaons. For this
wards, respectively, where N is the total number of steps we use the fact that the Hamiltonian of a non-interacting
in time and ttot = tF + tB = N τ is the corresponding set of subsystems is simply the sum of the Hamiltoni-
total time. ans of the subsystems. Assuming that the collection of
Certain features of IN −n,n (λ) are more apparent when kaons in our system do not interact we can approximate
its modulus |IN −n,n (λ)| is written as the product of each eigenvalue λ of the operator i [HF , HB ] as a sum
diffraction grating interference functions, i.e. P (1) (1) (1) (1)
λ = j λj where λj is an eigenvalue of i[HF , HB ]
¯ ¯
¯Yn sin(αq βq τ 2 λ) ¯ for the jth kaon. The values of λ range from −M |λ(1) |
|IN −n,n (λ)| = ¯ ¯ ,
q=1 sin(βq τ 2 λ) ¯ to M |λ(1) |. The degeneracy of the eigenvalue λ = k|λ(1) |
for integer k is given by the density function ρ(λ) =
where αq = 1q (N + 1 − q) and βq = 2q . |IN −n,n (λ)| is a M !/( 12 M − k)!( 12 M + k)!. Note that 2−M ρ(λ) is approx-
periodic function with a period of 2π/τ 2 and has maxima imately a Gaussian distribution over λ with √ a mean of
at λ = k2π/τ 2 of Πnq=1 αq = (N n ) for integer k. For the
zero and standard deviation of λSD = 21 M |λ(1) | and
times tF = nτ and tB = (N − n)τ to be physically mea- so we shall take the typical values of λ to range over
surable intervals, both n and (N − n) need be very much −λSD , . . . , λSD . Setting M to be a fraction, f < 1, of the
larger than unity. In these cases we can treat |IN −n,n (λ)| average total number of particles√in the system, say 1080 ,
as comprising narrow peaks at λ = k2π/τ 2 , for integer gives M ≈ f 1080 and so λSD ≈ f 1057 s−2 .
k, and negligible elsewhere. Expanding |IN −n,n (λ)| as There are two important limiting cases to consider
a power series in λ gives the quadratic approximation that depend on the relative sizes of the width param-
1 eters WN −n,n and λSD of IN −n,n (λ) and ρ(λ), respec-
|Im,n (λ)| ≈ (N 4 2
n )[1 − 24 n(N − n)(N + 1)τ λ ]. Fig. 2 il-
lustrates the accuracy of the approximation near λ = 0. tively, as illustrated in Fig. 3. The first is the regime
The zeroes of the quadratic approximation can be used as given by WN −n,n À λSD , i.e. relatively broad peaks
a reasonable estimate of the width WN −n,n of the peaks. of IN −n,n (λ). In this limit IN −n,n (λ) can be treated
This estimate is given by as approximately constant over the range |λ| < λSD
s and so the integral in Eq. (10) is well approximated
24 by (Nn )1 where 1 is the identity operator. This im-
WN −n,n = . plies that there is negligible destructive interference be-
τ 4 n(N − n)(N + 1)]
tween the paths represented by hφ|SN −n,n |ψ0 i. The sec-
To estimate typical values for the eigenvalues λ we take ond case is the regime WN −n,n ¿ λSD , i.e. relatively
neutral kaon evolution as a prototypical T-violating pro- narrow peaks of IN −n,n (λ). In the extreme version of
cess. We first consider the problem for a single kaon for this, IN −n,n (λ) is zero except in the neighborhood of

1.0 side of Eq. (6); these paths are effectively “pruned” from
|IN-n,n (l)| the set possible paths that the system can take.
|IN-n,n (l)| N = 500, n =100
0.8 N = 8000, n =400 It is the condition tF ∼ tB À τ that is responsible
for this destructive interference. So to find paths that
|IN-n,n (l)|, r(l)

0.6 survive the interference we need to consider times tF ¿

r(l) tB or tB ¿ tF for total times ttot = N τ which are at least
t2 lSD=0.0002 measurable. For example, consider total times at the
0.4 current resolution limit in time metrology [14] in which
case ttot ≈ 10−17 s and so N ≈ 1027 . Clearly there is no
0.2 destructive interference for the cases n = 0 or n = N
(because there is only one path in each case). Also for
t2 WN-n,n t2 lSD n ≈ 1 and n ≈ N − 1 the estimated width of the peaks
0.0 of IN −n,n (λ) are given by
0 0.0002 0.0004 0.0006
t2 l

FIG. 3: Comparison of the density function ρ(λ) (dotted 24 1
WN −n,n = [1 + O( )] . (15)
curve) with the integrand function |IN −n,n (λ)| (solid curve) τ 2N N
and its approximation (dashed curve). The curves represent-
ing |IN −n,n (λ)| and its approximation have been scaled to give
a peak value of 1, whereas for clarity, the curve representing In these cases WN −n,n ≈ 1061 s−2 À λSD which implies
ρ(λ) has been scaled to give a peak value of 0.5. The standard negligible destructive interference. This means that the
deviation of the density function is given by λSD = 0.0002/τ 2 . sum in Eq. (6) includes a number of paths, however, the
The curve |IN −n,n (λ)| for N = 500 and n = 100 has a rel- paths are characterized by one of either tF or tB being
atively broad peak whereas for N = 8000 and n = 400 the negligible compared to the total time of 10−17 s.
peak is relatively narrow compared to the peak in the density
function curve. Finally consider the value of ttot for which there is
complete destructive interference for the sets of paths
represented by hφ|SN −n,n |ψ0 i for all values of n except
λ = 0. The integral in Eq. (10) therefore becomes for n = 0 and n = N . In other words there is com-
n )Π(0) ∝ Π(0), where Π(0) is the projection opera- plete destructive interference for n = 1, 2, . . . (N − 1) and
tor which projects onto the zero eigenvalue subspace. so Eq. (6) is simply |Ψ(N τ )i = SN,0 |ψ0 i + S0,N |ψ0 i. We
This means SN −n,n = UB [(N − n)τ ]UF (nτ )(N n )Π(0). only need to find the value of ttot for the case n = 1 as this
But according to the nonzero eigenvalue condition in also ensures the destructive interference in the remaining
Eq. (13), the seed state of the system has no overlap cases. Thus we want to know the value of ttot that satis-
with any zero-eigenstate state of the commutator and so fies WN −1,1 ¿ λSD . The width
√ WN −1,1 is approximated
SN −n,n |ψ0 i = 0. In other words, the corresponding paths by Eq. (15) and so we have 24/(τ 2 N ) ¿ λSD which im-
tend to undergo complete destructive interference in this plies ttot À f −1/2 10−13 s. In this regime, the two paths
regime, and make negligible contribution to the sum on that survive the destructive interference represent exclu-
the right side of Eq. (6). sively forwards and exclusively backwards evolution. Fig-
The physical implications of these two limiting cases ure 4 shows the effect of the destructive interference on
become apparent on considering both forwards and back- the binary tree representation of the evolution.
wards aggregated intervals tF = nτ and tB = (N − n)τ
In summary, for total times t = P N τ > 10−17 s
to be very much larger than the Planck time τ , i.e.
P (6) can be replaced with |Ψ(t)i = [ n≈0 SN −n,n +
n, (N − n) À 1. In this regime the width of the peaks of
IN −n,n (λ) can be approximated as n≈N SN −n,n ]|ψ0 i and the integral in Eq. (10) is effec-
tively the identity operator. We note that for n ≈ 0,
√ √ Eq. (10) then implies that SN −n,n = UB (N τ ) + O(τ ).
24 1 24
WN −n,n =p [1+O( )] ≈ 1/2 √ Similarly, it can be shown using the symmetry property
τ 4 n(N − n)N N τ tF tB ttot Eq. (14) that SN −n,n = UF (N τ ) + O(τ ) for n ≈ N . On
ignoring the terms of order τ we arrive at a key result of
where ttot = tF + tB = N τ is the total time. Complete this paper, the bievolution equation of motion
destructive interference occurs for WN −n,n ¿ λSD which
implies that (tF tB ttot )1/3 À τ −1/3 (λSD )−2/3 . For tF ∼
tB this implies |Ψ(t)i = [UB (t) + UF (t)] |ψ0 i . (16)

ttot À ≈ f −1/3 10−23 s . The term “bievolution” here refers to the dual evolu-
τ 1/3 (λ SD )
tion generated by the two different Hamiltonians. The
The destructive interference means that the correspond- approximations made in deriving this equation become
ing set of paths do not contribute to the sum on the right exact in the limit t À f −1/2 10−13 s.

(b) |y0 in the exponents of the definitions of UF and UB in

Eqs. (1) and (2) imply that they represent time evolu-
tion in opposing directions of time. We conclude that
the expressions UF (t)|ψi and UB (t)|ψi represent the sys-
tem evolving in opposite directions of time and in each
case the evolution leaves corroborating evidence of the
UBN (a) |y0 UF associated Hamiltonian in the state of the system.
UB UF We can compare this with our own experience of the
time evolution of the universe. All experiments to de-
termine the nature of the Hamiltonian associated with
UB UF UB UF UB UF meson decay yield corroborating evidence of just one of
the Hamiltonians HF or HB . Our experience, therefore,
UB UF UB UF UB UF UB UF is consistent with just one of the terms on the right side
of the bievolution equation Eq. (16), and this underpins
the observed phenomenological unidirectional evolution
FIG. 4: The “pruning” of the binary tree in Fig. 1 by de- in the corresponding direction of time.
structive interference for the case HF 6= HB and N À 1. The To expand on this point a little, the bievolution equa-
relative contribution to the final state of each time evolution
tion Eq. (16) describes our observation of quantum sys-
step is depicted by the greyness of the corresponding arrow
with black and white representing maximal and minimal con-
tems as evolving according to either
tributions, respectively: (a) shows an expanded view of the
detail near the root node and (b) shows the whole tree on a
|Ψ(t)i = UF (t) |ψ0 i (17)
much coarser scale.


depending on whether we observe the version HF or HB ,
respectively, of the corresponding Hamiltonian in meson
Consider a situation where the Hamiltonians HF and decay experiments. Each of these equations is the solu-
HB leave distinguishable evidence in the state of the sys- tion of the conventional Schrödinger equation for the cor-
tem. For example, imagine that the system state at (to- responding version of the Hamiltonian and its associated
tal) time t1 is direction of time. This demonstrates how the unidirec-
|Ψ(t1 )i = |φi + |θi tional nature of time emerges phenomenologically from
our physical observations. It also demonstrates the con-
where |φi = UB (t1 )|ψ0 i and |θi = UF (t1 )|ψ0 i. Let sistency between the bievolution equation and the conven-
Uµ (t1 + a) = Uµ (a)Uµ (t1 ) and Uµ (a)|xi = |xµ i where tional quantum theory inasmuch as those observations al-
µ is either F or B, x is either φ or θ, and a is a suitable low.
fixed time interval. Then, according to Eq. (16)
|Ψ(t1 + a)i = UB (t1 + a)|ψ0 i + UF (t1 + a)|ψ0 i V. EIGENSTATES OF i[HF , HB ] WITH ZERO
= UB (a)UB (t1 )|ψ0 i + UF (a)UF (t1 )|ψ0 i EIGENVALUES
= UB (a)|φi + UF (a)|θi
= |φB i + |θF i. We now temporarily relax the nonzero eigenvalue con-
dition in Eq. (13) and set the seed state to be an eigen-
The Hamiltonians leave distinguishable evidence in the state of the commutator i[HF , HB ] with eigenvalue zero,
state of the system if they generate orthogonal states i.e. we set
in the sense that hθB |θF i = hφB |φF i = 0. We assume
this to be the case. Next, let this process occur twice Π(0)|ψ0 i = |ψ0 i .
such that Uν (a)Uµ (a)|xi = |xµ,ν i and Uµ (t1 + 2a) =
Uµ (a)Uµ (t1 + a) where µ and ν are each either F or B. As previously mentioned, the integral in Eq. (10) in this
We find, again by Eq. (16), that case can effectively be replaced with Im,n (0)ρ(0)Π(0) =
n )Π(0) and so Eq. (6) becomes
|Ψ(t1 + 2a)i = UB (t1 + 2a)|ψ0 i + UF (t1 + 2a)|ψ0 i
= UB (a)UB (t1 + a)|ψ0 i + UF (a)UF (t1 + a)|ψ0 i ¡ ¢
|Ψ(N τ )i = UB [(N − n)τ ]UF (nτ ) N
n |ψ0 i
= UB (a)|φB i + UF (a)|θF i n=0
= |φB,B i + |θF,F i
which represents all 2N possible paths through time. We
which shows that corroborating evidence is left in each now reapply the analysis of the previous section for the
term of the superposition. Recall that the opposite signs processes UF (a) and UB (a) with t1 = N τ and a = kτ .

There is no destructive interference in this case, and so VII. DISCUSSION

the state of the system at the total time t1 + 2a is, ac-
cording to Eq. (5), To gauge the full impact of T violation processes, it is
instructive to compare the above analysis with a system
|Ψ(t1 + 2a)i = [UB (τ ) + UF (τ )]2k which obeys T invariance. In this case HF = HB = H
"N #
X ¡N ¢ and it can be shown that
× UB [(N − n)τ ]UF (nτ ) n |ψ0 i ¡ ¢
n=0 SN −n,n = exp[i(N − 2n)τ H] Nn

which represents 2N +2k paths through time. These which is never zero and so all possible paths are included
paths include the operator combinations UF (a)UF (a), in Eq. (6). This means that the evolution of the system
UF (a)UB (a), UB (a)UF (a), UB (a)UB (a) (among many follows a random walk in time. The most likely paths are
others) and so any distinguishable evidence of the Hamil- for n ≈ 21 N and so the most likely evolved state is the
tonians left in the state of the system is not necessarily original seed state |ψ0 i. Moreover, the direction of time
corroborated over repetitions of the process. This is not is ambiguous as there is no physical evidence of any kind
in accord with present experimental evidence. Moreover, to single out one direction over the other. The fact that
consider the seed state of the most general form this ambiguity is removed for a system with T violation
processes leads directly to the proposition that T vio-
k lation processes are responsible for the phenomenological
|ψ0 i = |ψ0⊥ i + |ψ0 i
unidirectionality of time that we observe in the universe.
k k Just as important is the implicit assertion here that in
where Π(0)|ψ0⊥ i = 0 and Π(0)|ψ0 i = |ψ0 i. For this case the absence of a unidirectional nature, time is randomly
the bievolution equation (16) is replaced with directed at any given instant. We allowed for the possi-
bility of a random direction when we added amplitudes
|Ψ(t)i = [UB (t) + UF (t)] |ψ0⊥ i
in Eq. (4). In hindsight, the analysis of the preceding sec-
X ¡N ¢ k tions can be seen to be a study of the dichotomy between
+ UB [(N − n)τ ]UF (nτ ) n |ψ0 i randomly directed and unidirectional time evolution. In
n=0 this context the important question about the unidirec-
where t = N τ . However, as we have already seen, ex- tional nature of time is not how one direction of time
perimental evidence suggests that the universe is not fol- is chosen over the other, but rather how each direction
lowing the corresponding set of paths represented by the is maintained consistently from one instant to the next.
last term on the right side. In order for our system to This is essentially the question that is being addressed in
provide a physical model of the observable universe, it this article, with T violation providing a possible mech-
is therefore sufficient to only consider seed states that anism as the answer.
satisfy the nonzero eigenvalue condition in Eq. (13). We We can also elaborate on what the time reversal opera-
assume this to be the case in the remainder of this work. tion means in the presence of T violating processes. The
bievolution equation Eq. (16) shows that as the value of
t increases, the states UF (t)|ψ0 i and UB (t)|ψ0 i in each
branch of the superposition trace out respective trajecto-
BIEVOLUTION ries in the state space. Decreasing values of t then simply
“back tracks” the states along their respective trajec-
tories in a consistent manner, essentially tracking back
We can construct the differential form of the bievo- over what might be called their “histories”. In contrast,
lution equation of motion as follows. Increasing t in the time reversal operation essentially interchanges UF (t)
Eq. (16) by a relatively small time interval δt yields and UB (t) in Eq. (16). This implies that the time rever-
|Ψ(t + δt)i = [UB (δt)UB (t) + UF (δt)UF (t)] |ψ0 i and so sal operation refers to switching between the branches of
the rate of change of the state is given by the bievolution equation as opposed to tracking back over
= [iHB UB (t) − iHF UF (t)] |ψ0 i + O(δt) The physical implications of T violation described here
δt depend the magnitudes of the eigenvalues λ. Our esti-
where δ|Ψ(t)i = |Ψ(t + δt)i − |ΨBi (t)i. Taking the limit mate of these eigenvalues depends on the number of par-
δt → τ and ignoring a term of order τ gives another key ticles involved in T violations processes and this has been
result, the Schrödinger equation for bievolution fixed only at f 1080 where f < 1 is a parameter of unde-
termined value. However, our analysis does not depend
d|Ψ(t)i d|ψF (t)i d|ψB (t)i critically on the value of f and, indeed, a large range of
= − its values support the key results. Also, our analysis has
dt dt dt
focused on relatively large time scales in order to draw
where (d/dt)|ψµ (t)i = −iHµ |ψµ (t)i and |ψµ (t)i = out the main consequences of T violation for the unidi-
Uµ (t)|ψ0 i for µ = F or B. rectionality of time. In doing so we have ignored terms

of order τ , the Planck time. These terms imply that violating process, one for forwards and the other for back-
the directionality of time has finer details for relatively wards evolution, in a single dynamical equation of motion
small time intervals. The elaboration of these details is, as given by Eq. (16). Moreover the physical significance
however, beyond the scope of this article. of the relatively weak and rare T violation processes ex-
There are also potentially important experimental im- hibited by mesons was previously a puzzle, but we have
plications of the analysis presented here. A sufficiently shown that these processes can affect the time evolution
small value of f would produce incomplete destructive in- of the universe on a grand scale. Indeed, we have shown
terference and a deviation from the dynamics described that T violation provides, at least in principle, a physical
by the bievolution equation Eq. (16). This would be man- mechanism for the phenomenological unidirectionality of
ifest in a lower bound to the accuracy of time metrol- time. Finally, we have shown that with no T violating
ogy. A more extreme case occurs in the very early uni- processes the evolution of a universe-like system would
verse during the inflation and radiation-dominated peri- effectively be a random walk through time, and to this
ods [15, 16]. Baryogenesis would not have yet occurred extent we have glimpsed the quantum nature of time it-
and CP and T violation would have been relatively rare self.
events. This implies that the value of f would have been
negligible during these periods and so the direction of
time evolution would have been uncertain. This has po-
tentially important ramifications for cosmological models
and their testing against observational data of the cosmic
microwave background radiation [15].
In conclusion, our general understanding of T violat- The author thanks Prof. D. T. Pegg for sharing his
ing processes has previously been hindered by the lack wealth of knowledge on the nature of time and for the
of a formalism for accommodating their time asymmetry generous advice he offered in the development of this ar-
in a single dynamical law. We have removed this ob- ticle, Prof. S. M. Barnett for his encouragement and help
stacle by deriving, from a first principles analysis based with kaon dynamics and Prof. H. M. Wiseman for helpful
on Feynman’s path integrals [11], a general method for discussions. This work was supported by the Australian
incorporating both versions of the Hamiltonian for a T Research Council and the Queensland State Government.


The operator Sm,n is defined recursively in Eq. (7) as

Sm,n = Sm−k,n−1 UF (τ )UB (kτ ) (A1)

with Sm,0 = UB (mτ ) and so

X m
Sm,1 = Sm−k,0 UF (τ )UB (kτ ) = UB [(m − k)τ ]UF (τ )UB (kτ ) . (A2)
k=0 k=0

The Zassenhaus formula [17]

1 2
[A,B] O(²3 ) 1 2
[B,A] O(²3 )
eA² eB² e− 2 ² e = eB² eA² e− 2 ² e

(which is related to the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula) where A and B are arbitrary operators and ² is a small
parameter, can be written as
[A,B] O(²3 )
eA² eB² = eB² eA² e² e

which shows that

[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
e−ijτ HF eikτ HB = eikτ HB e−ijτ HF ejkτ e . (A3)

In terms of the operators UF (τ ) = e−iτ HF and UB (τ ) = eiτ HB this result reads

[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
UF (jτ )UB (kτ ) = UB (kτ )UF (jτ )ejkτ e (A4)

or equivalently
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
UB (kτ )UF (jτ ) = UF (jτ )UB (kτ )e−jkτ e . (A5)

Sm,n = Sm−k,n−1 UF (τ )UB (kτ )
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−k,n−1 UB (kτ )UF (τ )ekτ e
m m−k
X X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−k−j,n−2 UF (τ )UB (jτ )UB (kτ )UF (τ )ekτ e
k=0 j=0
m m−k
X X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−k−j,n−2 UF (τ )UB [(j + k)τ ]UF (τ )ekτ e
k=0 j=0
m m−k
X X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−k−j,n−2 UF (2τ )UB [(j + k)τ ]e−jτ e
k=0 j=0
m m−k
X X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−k−j,n−2 UB [(j + k)τ ]UF (2τ )e(j+2k)τ e . (A6)
k=0 j=0

Setting ` = j + k and rearranging the order the terms are summed to eliminate j then yields
m X̀
X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = Sm−`,n−2 UB (`τ )UF (2τ )e(`+k)τ e
`=0 k=0
X X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−`,n−2 UB (`τ )UF (2τ )e`τ [HF ,HB ]
ekτ e
`=0 k=0
m m−`
X X X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−`−r,n−3 UF (τ )UB [(` + r)τ ]UF (2τ )e`τ [HF ,HB ]
ekτ e
`=0 r=0 k=0

m m−`
X X X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = Sm−`−r,n−3 UB [(` + r)τ ]UF (3τ )e(r+2`)τ [HF ,HB ]
ekτ e . (A7)
`=0 r=0 k=0

Rearranging as before but with j = ` + r and eliminating r yields

X j
m X X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = Sm−j,n−3 UB (jτ )UF (3τ )e(j+`)τ [HF ,HB ]
ekτ e
j=0 `=0 k=0
X j X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= Sm−j,n−3 UB (jτ )UF (3τ )ejτ [HF ,HB ]
e(`+k)τ e . (A8)
j=0 `=0 k=0

Continuing in this way gives, after w uses of the recursive relation Eq. (A1),
X v
X s X̀
vτ 2 [HF ,HB ] 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = Sm−v,n−w UB (vτ )UF (wτ )e ··· e(r+···+`+k)τ e (A9)
v=0 r=0 `=0 k=0

in which there are w summations. Letting w = n then yields

X v
X s X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = Sm−v,0 UB (vτ )UF (nτ )evτ [HF ,HB ]
··· e(r+···+`+k)τ e
v=0 r=0 `=0 k=0

X v
X s X̀
2 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= UB (mτ )UF (nτ )evτ [HF ,HB ]
··· e(r+···+`+k)τ e
v=0 r=0 `=0 k=0
m X
X v s X̀
X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
= UB (mτ )UF (nτ ) ··· e(v+r+···+`+k)τ e . (A10)
v=0 r=0 `=0 k=0

Hence we arrive at Eq. (8)

X s X̀
X 2
[HF ,HB ] O(τ 3 )
Sm,n = UB (mτ )UF (nτ ) ··· e(v+···+`+k)τ e (A11)
v=0 `=0 k=0
in which there are n summations.


Consider the following manipulations of nested summations of the kind

X j X̀
w X s X
X n
··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ . (B1)
j=0 `=0 m=0 n=0 k=0

We call the summations “nested” because the upper limit n of the last summation over k is the index of the second-last
summation and so on. The nested property means that summations cannot be evaluated independently of each other.
However it is possible to reduce the number of nested summations by performing certain operations which we now
First, by changing the order in which the indices j and ` are summed, we find
X j X̀
w X s X
X n w X
X w X̀ s X
X n
··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ = ··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ , (B2)
j=0 `=0 m=0 n=0 k=0 `=0 j=` m=0 n=0 k=0

next, by cyclically interchanging the indices in the order j → k → n → s → · · · → m → ` → j on the right-hand side,
we get
X j X̀
w X s X
X n w X
X j X̀
w X s
··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ = ··· ei(k+j+`+m+···+n)θ , (B3)
j=0 `=0 m=0 n=0 k=0 j=0 k=j `=0 m=0 n=0

and finally, bringing the sum over k to the extreme right on the right-hand side gives
X j X̀
w X s X
X n X j X̀
w X s X
X w
··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ = ··· ei(j+`+m+···+n+k)θ . (B4)
j=0 `=0 m=0 n=0 k=0 j=0 `=0 m=0 n=0 k=j

We can abbreviate this general summation property as

X t X
X s X
n w
X t X
X s X
··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = ··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ . (B5)
j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 j=0 s=0 n=0 k=j

Consider the product

³ ´X
s X
n s X
X n s X
X n
iθ i(n+k)θ iθ i(n+k)θ
e +1 e =e e + ei(n+k)θ . (B6)
n=0 k=0 n=0 k=0 n=0 k=0

Using Eq. (B5) for the two summations in the first term on the right-hand side gives
³ ´Xs Xn X s X s Xs Xn
eiθ + 1 ei(n+k)θ = eiθ ei(n+k)θ + ei(n+k)θ
n=0 k=0 n=0 k=n n=0 k=0
s X
X s s X
X n
= ei(n+k+1)θ + ei(n+k)θ
n=0 k=n n=0 k=0
X s+1
X s X
X n s X
X s+1
= ei(n+k)θ + ei(n+k)θ = ei(n+k)θ . (B7)
n=0 k=n+1 n=0 k=0 n=0 k=0

The two nested summations on the left-hand side have been reduced to two un-nested summations on the right-hand
side. Similarly, using Eq. (B5) again as well as Eq. (B7) we find
³ ´X
t X
s X
n t X
X s X
n ³ ´X
t X
s X
i2θ iθ i(s+n+k)θ i2θ i(s+n+k)θ iθ
e +e +1 e = e e + e +1 ei(s+n+k)θ
s=0 n=0 k=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 s=0 n=0 k=0
t X
X s X
t t X
X s X
= ei(s+n+k+2)θ + ei(s+n+k)θ
s=0 n=0 k=s s=0 n=0 k=0
t X
X s t+2
X t X
X s X
= ei(s+n+k)θ + ei(s+n+k)θ
s=0 n=0 k=s+2 s=0 n=0 k=0
t X
X s X
= ei(s+n+k)θ . (B8)
s=0 n=0 k=0

Here the three nested summations on the left-hand side have been reduced to two nested summations and one un-
nested summation on the right-hand side. This implies that, for example, p + 1 nested summations can be reduced
to p nested and one un-nested summations as follows:
p ´X
w t X
X s X
n ³X
w t X
X s ´ w+p
eirθ ··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = ··· ei(j+···+s+n)θ eikθ . (B9)
r=0 j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0
| {z } | {z }
p+1 nested sums p nested sums
Moreover, by repeating this process once more, the p nested summations of the right-hand side can be further reduced
to p − 1 nested and one un-nested summations. Continuing in this way eventually leads to the following result
p ³X
Y q ´X
w t X
X s X
n Y³ X
p−1 q ´³ X
w t X
X s ´w+p
eirθ ··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = eirθ ··· ei(j+···+s+n)θ eikθ
q=0 r=0 j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 q=0 r=0 j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0
| {z } | {z }
p+1 nested sums p nested sums
w ´ ³ w+p−1
X ´³ w+p
X ´
= eijθ · · · einθ eikθ
j=0 n=0 k=0
| {z }
p+1 un-nested sums
p ³ w+q
Y X ´
= eijθ . (B10)
q=0 j=0

Qp ´
X t X
X s X
q=0 eijθ j=0
··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = Q ³P ´ . (B11)
p q irθ
j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 q=0 r=0 e
| {z }
p+1 nested sums
Evaluating the two geometric series on the right-hand side then gives
Qp ³ i(w+q+1)θ
´ Qp+1 ³ i(w+q)θ
Xw Xt X s X n
q=0 1 − e q=1 1 − e
··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = Q ³ ´ = Q ³ ´ . (B12)
p i(q+1)θ p+1 iqθ
j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 q=0 1 − e q=1 1 − e
| {z }
p+1 nested sums
Adjusting the number of nested summations of the left-hand side then gives the useful result that
Qp ³ ´
Xw Xt X s X n
q=1 1 − ei(w+q)θ
··· ei(j+···+s+n+k)θ = Qp ³ ´ . (B13)
j=0 s=0 n=0 k=0 q=1 1 − e
| {z }
p nested sums

We can now use this result to simplify the n nested summations in Eq. (11) as follows. First we note that
Qn ³ −i(m+q)τ 2 λ
Xm Xs X̀
2 q=1 1 − e
Im,n (λ) = ··· e−i(v+···+`+k)τ λ = Qn ³ ´ (B14)
1 − e −iqτ 2 λ
v=0 `=0 k=0 q=1

and then by redefining the index q in the numerator we arrive at

Qn−1 ³ −i(n+m−q)τ 2 λ
q=0 1 − e
Im,n (λ) = Qn ³ −iqτ 2 λ
´ (B15)
q=1 1 − e

which is Eq. (12) of the paper.


(1) (1)
We estimate the eigenvalues of the commutator [HF , HB ] on the state space of a kaon field mode that represents
a single particle. However, to avoid unnecessary clutter, we will omit the superscript “(1)” on the single particle
Hamiltonians in the remainder of this section.
It is convenient to invoke the CPT theorem and use the CP operator instead of the T operator as follows

HB = T HF T −1 = (CP )−1 HF (CP ) . (C1)

Consider the matrix representation in the kaon state space where the vectors (1, 0) and (0, 1) represent the kaon and
anti-kaon states |K 0 i and |K 0 i, respectively. In this basis the general form of the CP operator is
· ¸
0 eiη
CP = (C2)
eiξ 0

where η and ξ are possible phase angles. By redefining the complex phase of the kaon state where |K 0 i is multiplied
by ei(η−ξ)/2 , the CP operator becomes
· ¸ · ¸
0 eiθ iθ 0 1
CP = =e (C3)
eiθ 0 1 0

where θ = 12 (η + ξ). (This is a more useful transformation for us here compared to the usual one, which multiplies
|K 0 i by e−iξ .) Let Mij be the matrix elements of HF in the kaon state basis where M11 = hK 0 |HF |K 0 i etc. To find
the corresponding matrix elements of HF we use Eq. (C1), that is

HB = (CP )−1 HF (CP )

· ¸· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
0 1 M11 M12 0 1 M22 M21
= e−iθ eiθ = .
1 0 M21 M22 1 0 M12 M11

Hence we immediately find

· ¸
M11 M22 + (M12 )2 M11 (M21 + M12 )
M22 (M21 + M12 ) M11 M22 + (M21 )2
· ¸
M11 M22 + (M21 )2 M22 (M21 + M12 )
HB HF = ,
M11 (M21 + M12 ) M11 M22 + (M12 )2

and so the commutator is

· ¸
(M12 )2 − (M21 )2 (M11 − M22 )(M21 + M12 )
[HF , HB ] = HF HB − HB HF = (C4)
−(M11 − M22 )(M21 + M12 ) −[(M12 )2 − (M21 )2 ]

which is in the form

· ¸
[HF , HB ] = . (C5)
−B −A

The eigenvalues of the last matrix are ± A2 − B 2 . Note that A is imaginary and B is real, and so the eigenvalues
are imaginary. We now determine empirical values for the variables Mi,j in Eq. (C4).
The phenomenological model given in Lee and Wolfenstein [13] describes the evolution of the amplitudes a(t) and
b(t) for the single-particle kaon field to be in the states |K 0 i and |K 0 i, respectively, by the differential equation

dψ(t) 1
= − (Γ + iM )ψ(t) (C6)
dt h̄
where ψ = (ab ). The matrix on the right-hand side is defined by

Γ + iM = D + i(E1 σ1 + E2 σ2 + E3 σ3 ) (C7)

where the matrices Γ and M are Hermitian and

· ¸ · ¸ · ¸
0 1 0 −i 1 0
σ1 = , σ2 = , σ3 = . (C8)
1 0 i 0 0 −1

The analysis below shows that the matrix M in Eq. (C6) represents a CP violating Hamiltonian. For our purposes,
it provides a sufficient estimate of the T violating Hamiltonian for a neutral kaon. Accordingly, we use the empirical
values of the elements of M as estimates of the corresponding matrix elements Mi,j of the Hamiltonian HF that
appear in Eq. (C4). We should also mention that we could use M as an estimate of the matrix elements of HB
instead, however the only difference this would make is that the matrix elements of the commutator [HF , HB ] would
be multiplied by −1, and this has no physical consequences because the two eigenvalues are the negatives of each
If the CPT theorem holds, which we assume to be the case, then E1 = E cos φ, E2 = E sin φ and E3 = 0. Here φ is
a complex parameter [13] which is related to the CP violation parameter ² by ² = (1 − eiφ )/(1 + eiφ ), or equivalently,
eiφ = . (C9)
The values of D and E comprise the decay rates γi and masses mi of the short and long-lived components, |K10 i and
|K20 i respectively, of |K 0 i as follows
D = 4 (γ1 + γ2 ) + 12 i(m1 + m2 ) (C10)
1 1
iE = 4 (γ1 − γ2 ) + 2 i(m1 − m2 ) . (C11)

Here γi and mi are the energies γi = h̄γi0 and mi = m0i c2 , respectively, where γi0 and m0i are the actual decay rates
and masses, respectively. Also note [18] that |²| ≈ 2.3 × 10−3 and arg(²) ≈ 45◦ and so from Eq. (C9) we find
eiφ = 1 − 2² + O(²2 ). We can therefore make the following approximations

eiφ = 1 − 2|²|(1 + i) + O(²2 ) ,
∗ √
eiφ = 1/(eiφ )∗ = 1 + 2|²|(1 − i) + O(²2 ) ,

e−iφ = 1/(eiφ ) = 1 + 2|²|(1 + i) + O(²2 ) ,
∗ √
e−iφ = (eiφ )∗ = 1 − 2|²|(1 − i) + O(²2 ) .

This allows us to write down the following useful results

1 iφ ∗ √
2 (e + eiφ ) = 1 − i 2|²| + O(²2 ) ,
−iφ ∗ √
2 (e + e−iφ ) = 1 + i 2|²| + O(²2 ) ,
1 iφ iφ∗

2 (e − e ) = − 2|²| + O(²2 ) ,
1 −iφ ∗ √
2 (e − e−iφ ) = 2|²| + O(²2 ) .

From Eqs. (C7), (C8), (C10) and (C11) we find

Γ + iM = D + i(E cos φ σ1 + E sin φ σ2 )

 h i 
1 1 1 1 −iφ
4 (γ1 + γ 2 ) + 2 i(m 1 + m 2 ) 4 (γ 1 − γ2 ) + 2 i(m 1 − m2 ) e
= h i  . (C12)
1 1 iφ 1 1

4 1 − γ 2 ) + 2 i(m 1 − m 2 ) e (γ
4 1 + γ 2 ) + 2 i(m1 + m2 )

The Hermitian transpose of this equation is

 h i 
1 1 1 1 −iφ∗

4 1 + γ 2 ) − 2 i(m1 + m 2 ) (γ 1 − γ2 ) − i(m 1 − m2 ) e
Γ − iM =  h i ∗ 4 2  . (C13)
1 1 iφ 1 1
4 (γ1 − γ2 ) − 2 i(m1 − m2 ) e 4 (γ1 + γ2 ) − 2 i(m1 + m2 )

By subtracting Eq. (C13) from Eq. (C12) and dividing the result by 2i we get
· √ √ ¸

(m1 + m2 ) √ −i 41 (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| + 21 (m1 − m2 )(1 + i 2|²|)
M = 2
i 14 (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| + 12 (m1 − m2 )(1 − i 2|²|) 1
2 (m1 + m2 )
+O(²2 ) . (C14)

This shows that M11 = M22 and so B = 0 in Eqs. (C4) and (C5). The eigenvalues of the commutator [HF , HB ] are
therefore simply ±A where
2 2
A = M12 − M21
h √ √ i2
= − i 14 (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| + 12 (m1 − m2 )(1 + i 2|²|)
h √ √ i2
− i 14 (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| + 21 (m1 − m2 )(1 − i 2|²|) + O(²2 )
√ h √ √ i
= −i 14 (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| 21 (m1 − m2 ) 2(1 + i 2|²|) + 2(1 − i 2|²|)
h √ √ i
+ 14 (m1 − m2 )2 (1 + i 2|²|)2 − (1 − i 2|²|)2 + O(²2 )
h √ √ i
= i − (γ1 − γ2 ) 2|²| 12 (m1 − m2 ) + (m1 − m2 )2 2|²| + O(²2 )
√ h i
= i 2|²| (γ1 − γ2 ) 12 (m2 − m1 ) + (m1 − m2 )2 + O(²2 )
√ h i
= i 2|²| 12 ∆γ∆m + (∆m)2 + O(²2 ) (C15)

where ∆m = (m2 − m1 ) and ∆γ = (γ1 − γ2 ).

Finally, the empirical values [18]

∆m ≈ 0.56 × 1010 h̄s−1 ,

∆γ ≈ 1.1 × 1010 h̄s−1 ,

show that the eigenvalue A in Eq. (C15) can be approximated as

A ≈ i1017 h̄2 s−2 . (C16)

This is the value used in the paper for λ(1) where λ(1) = ±iA. Note that in the main text, we use units in which h̄ = 1.
This is equivalent to replacing the Hamiltonians HF and HB in this section with HF /h̄ and HB /h̄, respectively. In that
case the commutator in Eq. (C5) has the form [HF , HB ]/h̄2 which has a dimension of (time)2 . Hence λ(1) ≈ ±1017 s−2 .

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