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Volume 1

Issue 1
Bird by Adi Haruni………………………………………………………………………………………………….….17

Tamary Hayardeny
Eliana Krim
With Help from Ms. Marmor

I am proud to introduce Moriah Ink, our first middle school

student publication to showcase the creative and artistic talents of our
middle school students. Moriah Ink provides an opportunity for our
authors and artist to share their mastery of the arts.

Coordinated by Ms. Sarah Marmor, our 7th grade English

teacher, students in all three grades were invited to join and contribute
to this elite publication. Students were encouraged to submit original
stories, essays, poems, and artwork to be a part of Moriah’s first
literary magazine. Led by Tamary Hayardeny (8th) and Eliana Krim
(7th), a team of student editors with superior writing skills oversaw both
the writing process and the layout of this publication. With a
commitment to excellence, devoted middle school students worked
tirelessly to meet deadlines, to edit submissions, and to create an eye-
catching design.

I would also like to thank the administration for all of their support
and guidance throughout this endeavor. I invite you to read and enjoy
this unique publication of The Moriah School.

Ms. Rachel Schwartz

Middle School English Department Head

Doll by Jami Lebovics………………………………………………………………………………………………….2

Carlos the Explorer by Bobby Miller........................................................................4

Sensing Winter by Katie Parker……….........................................................................6

Sunny Days by Nediva Susman……………………………………………………………………………..….7

School Poems by Danielle Rackman…………………………………………………………………………8

Natural by Jami Lebovics………………………………………………………………………………………….9

For Fun by Jami Lebovics…………………………………………………………………………………….….10

The Teddy Bear by Malka Schnaidman………………………………………………..……….…..…11

Untitled by Ari Krischer……………………………..……………………………………………………..…….13

Party by Jami Lebovics……………………………………………………………………………………..…..…14

Beach by Jami Lebovics…………………………………………………………………………………….……..15

Umbrella by Jami Lebovics………………………………………………………………………………………16

Nawlins by Jami Lebovics…………………………………………………………………………………..…….17

Bird by Adi Haruni…………………………………………………………………………………………………….18

Jami Lebovics

Charlotte was Laurie’s favorite doll. She had stringy brown hair and shiny,
blue beads for eyes.
Laurie loved this doll more than anyone or anything she had ever known.
That isn’t really saying much, though, because Laurie had lived her whole life in a
rural area in Illinois, as an orphan living on the streets or at one point in a ratty,
old orphanage.
Charlotte felt the exact same love towards Laurie, for the exact same

Born and Deserted

Long before they met, Charlotte had been hand sewn by a spoiled girl’s
old-fashioned grandmother. The girl immediately rejected her, expecting much
more extravagant toys, and tossed her straight out the back door beyond the
porch. For weeks, Charlotte lay untouched and rained on, for the grandmother
seemed to have learned her lesson and gave her ungrateful granddaughter a
brand new set of Barbie dolls complete with handbags and accessories galore.
Though the little girl was nearly satisfied, Charlotte was not. She was
furious, and felt the need to seek revenge for not only the evil person who came
so close to destroying her, but also for the frail woman who created her and
bestowed Charlotte’s existence into such untrustworthy hands such as those of
her granddaughter. She knew, too, that she could not do anything desired in the
state she was in. She could not move, nor do any action aside from thinking.

One day, something happened that no one, especially Charlotte, could
have imagined. She hallucinated.
Her mind created the idea that she could move, and talk, and live the life
no doll could, or rather, the life no doll has ever tried to live. She knew she was
about to live it.
Charlotte inched her left hand forward and then blinked for the very first
time in her existence. It was very difficult, but finally, after hours of struggling, she

Eighteen days later, she found herself in a dark, strange, place. Charlotte
had been wandering for more than two weeks now and decided to stay there in
its eerie protection, until she knew what to do next.
The first thing she noticed in her new location was a huge metallic
container with many parcels of food overflowing out of it. Most of it was rotten.
From within the monster erupted a putrid stench. At that moment she felt as if
she would vomit, although she knew she would not. Despite her desire to leave
this horrid place, she remained a simple, lifeless doll.

The stench was unbearable, as was the desolate feeling within her, and
anywhere she looked. She could continue imagining no longer. Her mind could
not take such intense reality within a dream. A wave of black emptiness hit her
like an unexpected gust of wind on a beach. Charlotte fell down and down,
farther and farther into total oblivion. She lay flay on the ground, unconscious.

No one, not even Charlotte, knew exactly how long she had been there,
but when she finally awoke and regained awareness of her surroundings, she
realized that she was cradled in a pair of unfamiliar arms, at an unfamiliar
A moment later, they met eyes for the first time. Of course, Laurie had
already looked at Charlotte’s eyes before, but Charlotte had never really looked
back. Laurie was looking at the same blue beads, but Charlotte was gazing into
Laurie’s loving, selfless soul, which gave her reassurance although she was
frightened. And, as if this was not enough, Laurie then began saying to her in
such a quiet, gentle, and very kind voice “It’s ok, I’ll take care of you, Charlotte.”
That was how she got her name. Charlotte wanted so badly to cry out “Thank
you! I shall stay with you forever, you kind, wonderful person. I love you, I love
you! Thank you” but she was only a doll with stringy brown hair and shiny, blue
beads for eyes. She had no control over anything but her thoughts. This had
been confirmed after the unpleasant trip through her imagination.

Charlotte made the decision firm in her heart that she would love Laurie
eternally, and Laurie that Charlotte was hers. Not once between that time and
now, have those words been broken, nor did Charlotte ever think about trying to
return to the lady who made her. She was grateful she was here with Laurie.

Bobby Miller

Once upon a time there was a boy named Carlos who lived in
Spain in the year of the new world, 1492. Carlos was the son of a Duke
and explorer named Roberto de Amigo. He was mistreated by his parents
daily. Carlos aspired to be an explorer. He wanted to cross the Atlantic
Ocean and travel to the Americas! Sadly, his parents told him that his
dreams would never come true. Carlos never lost hope.
One day, when Carlos came home from school, he overheard his
mother and father talking about him. “What are we going to do with that
boy, Roberto?” said his mother. “He is a horrible child”.
“I have a great idea,” said his father. “We shall send him to his room
for two days”.
“That is a wonderful idea, Roberto,” said his mother. “Yes, that will
teach him a lesson of respect.”
Carlos felt betrayed by his parents. He was going to be put him in
his room for two days for doing nothing wrong! “That is it!” said Carlos. “I
can not believe my own family is punishing me for nothing! I am going to
buy a boat and become an explorer.” So Carlos packed up all his most
prized possessions, sold them, and ended up with a sum of money, good
enough to buy a boat and cross the Atlantic. Oh, but Carlos was not
done yet. He gathered the toughest crew in all of Spain and set off for the
Americas! Carlos’s adventures were just beginning.
The first month of sailing the mighty Atlantic was smooth, but on the
34th day of the exploration, Carlos and his crew encountered a horrible
storm. It rocked the boat for three days, but the boat was a fighter and it
stayed afloat. Unfortunately, Carlos had to throw all their food and
supplies over board. Carlos did not know what to do.
Suddenly, Carlos came up with a brilliant idea! “We shall not die
and perish; we shall use the wood from our spare bed posts to make
supplies and some fishing spears to catch food.” The crew cheered
because of Carlos‘s wonderful idea.
Sailing was fine from that point on until they docked their boat.
Carlos’s dream was coming true. Carlos ended up laying anchor in

theharbor in Florida, in present dy Jacksonville. Carlos’s dream came true,
he made it to the

the Americas! He no longer cared about what his parents said, he was an
In the end Carlos and his crew discovered a new land route to the
Mississippi River. He also made many allies with the Native Americans on
the way. When Carlos and his crew got back to Spain he was rewarded
by the king and became known far and wide throughout the land and he
became very rich. By the end of Carlos’s life, he earned a new name;
Carlos the explorer. Carlos was a great help to society and will always be
remembered. The moral of the story is that you should never give up
hope, just like Carlos never did when his parents put him down.

Katie Parker

I smell the smell of winter, that crisp crystal smell.

I see the snow that is falling and the blanket that already fell.

I hear the children playing and the squirrels fidgeting in the trees.

I feel the winter is here and was finally freed.

I taste the minty snowflake, and its refreshing design.

I think my day is turning out to be mighty fine.

I go back inside to get Hot Cocoa and a blanket; I wrapped it around me, took
my Hot Cocoa, and drank it.

The blanket reminds me of how the winter shows.

It’s comforting, and soft as the fluff of the snow.

Let the winter stay and let its winds blow.

The winter is the season I shall never let go.

Nediva Susman

The sunny days are gone I fear,

They were too good to last.
The clouds have started crying tears,
The sun is setting fast.

On sunny days I could always walk outside my door,

I remember feeling warmth and wanting even more.

On sunny days the birds would sing,

The insects buzzed and chirped.
And then the birds would move their wings,
And fly off of their perch.

On sunny days the sun had shone, through a canopy of trees.

In the blue skies no clouds were known, all there was were lush, green leaves.

And now what’s left of sunny days?

Leaves yellow, orange, red.
The air has cooled, the sun has dimmed,
So later I sleep in bed.

As I breathe, a gust of air is seen emerging free.

The cold has caused the leaves to fall, and behind them, a bare tree.

The sunny days are gone I fear,

And according to this text,
The clouds have started crying tears,
As an echo of what’s next.

Danielle Rackman


Girls do this during school just to make time pass,

Just don't get caught by the teacher when your doodling in class.
Markers and pens, colors galore,
By the time class is over you won't have any more.
The one thing about coloring that I absolutely hate,
Is that to
The next class I will be late.


I walk down the line,

As the lunch lady smacks food on my plate,
Once I take a look at it,
My stomachache slowly starts to abate.
Then I thought I saw it move!
I think to myself, “Something here needs to improve.”
I talked to the principal to make lunch actually good,
He said, "Do you think this will help?"
And I said, "It should!"
This time when I got lunch, I didn't see it move.
And now everybody eats it.....And we all approve.

Jami Lebovics


Plop. as the first raindrop falls.

Whoosh. as the breeze enters the tree.
Bang. as the rock hits the pavement.
Mmm. as I close my eyes to rest.

It’s Nighttime

It is dark outside,
But that’s because it’s nighttime…
I should go to sleep.

Sunny Days

The light shines in my eye.

I see it and turn away.
But now, in the sky
There is no more gray.

It is such a sunny day

So joyful, cheery, bright!
As opposed to yesterday:
Not a chance to fly a kite

Appreciate the now

Through good times and through bad.
‘Cause even if you don’t know how
You will soon stop being sad.

But make the good times last

You don’t know when they’ll return.
Sunny days like this go fast.

Enjoy them.

Jami Lebovics

I Am

No matter where or when I am,

I am always me.

Worth a Laugh

One of the strangest sights

I have ever seen
Was a man
With a wet beard.
I shall keep this
Memory forever
Because of
Its hilarity.

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Malka Schnaidman

Wait! Wait! Wait! Cries out a girl who no one seems to see,
Yet the bus still drives away for the second time that very week.
So still clutching to her bear, she begins the long way home,
Whispering silent secrets to the only friend she’s ever known.

He wasn’t very pretty with just one eye and a torn knee,
But despite his bad appearance he was the best friend that could be.
He was always by her side if she was happy or even sad,
He stuck with her through good times and through very, very bad.

Thoughts are whizzing through her head as she turns ‘round the bend,
Pouring out her heart to her one and only fluffy friend.
Who needs real friends when you’ve got one who will never tell
your silent secrets to a world she calls a living hell.

She whispers how she wishes that one person knew her name,
She wishes that she had a friend who never called her lame.
She wishes for many things, but after her wishing is through,
She knows that they’re just wishes, that they’ll never become true.

The girl stops by a bench, sits, and thinks about her day,
How she was shoved into the garbage pail, she was in somebody’s way.
When she was trampled by a hoard of students stepping on her hair,
If anyone saw that she was hurt, they didn’t seem to care.

She gets up from the bench and sees a lot of time has passed,
The girl looks at the sky and sees that night is coming fast.
It’s starting to get colder and she shivers as she walks,
The streets are now deserted, but it’s just a few more blocks.

A faint rumble in the distance shows the weathermen were right,

A dreadful storm is approaching, it will rage on through the night.
So she quickens her pace, gives her teddy a squeeze,
And prays to the lord, make the storm wait please!

- 11 -
Boom! Boom! Boom! Rumbles thunder in clouds overhead,
And as rain starts to fall a many tears that girl does shed.
So while grasping to her teddy bear she runs on home to beat the rain,
But then disaster strikes like a bolt of lightning inflicting pain.

As the girl turns ‘round the corner and finally spots her bright red door,
The bear slips from her fingers and crashes to the floor.
Then while tumbling down the street a bolt of lightning lights the sky,
It strikes upon the teddy bear, the girl watches her friend die.

She rushes to the pile of ash that used to be her life,

The girl lets out a mournful wail that’s filled with grief and strife.
So trudging home with a tear stained face, the rain has slowly ceased.
She hears the whispers of her bear, but she knows he’s still deceased.

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Ari Krischer

Jack the Poor Man

There was once a poor man named Jack.

There was nothing that he did not lack.
He stole a goat,
And a nice fur coat,
This guy better watch his back.

Solar System

There was once a solar system.

Not very big; Nor very tall.
As a matter of fact, it’s sun rather small.
But it has Earth,
Which makes it perfect.

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Jami Lebovics

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Jami Lebovics

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Jami Lebovics

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Jami Lebovics

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Adi Haruni

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