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Functional Programming for Computing Clouds

1. 1. Functional Programming for computing cloudsJoerg Fritsch, NATO CI AgencySchool of

Computer Science & InformaticsCardiff University, 24 October 2012
2. 2. Agenda Essentials of Functional Programming Languages Vision and requirements of
computing clouds Haskell: a Pure Functional Programming Language Some innocent code:
working with immutable data Gaps between the cloud computing vision and FPLs 2
3. 3. Functional Programming Languages Based on the -calculus Declarative Functions are
declared, describe relation between input and output Functions always evaluate to the same
value for a given argument (free of side effects). Variables are assigned once. Functional
PLs that by default exclude destructive modifications (to data structures) are called pure. 3
4. 4. - calculus Alonzo Church 1930s Small Grammar Grammar can partially be found
back in LISP and Haskell syntax Can express everything that is computable No state ! 4
5. 5. Pure FPLs Functions can be composed, curried, etc.. All pure functions can be executed
in parallel Compiler can make it fit for multicore: e.g. re-arrange order of function execution
or inline. Runtime can cache function evaluation. IO is a beast that disturbs this concepts &
needs to be tamed (for example with a monad). Every Haskell program is a function in the
IO monad. 5
6. 6. Pure FPLs (continued) Haskell Scala Clean Clojure Go XSLT F# Erlang ML /
OCaml SQL Lisp / Scheme Mathematica 6
7. 7. Vision & requirements of cloud computing Clouds will need to support scalable
programs. Any application scaled through distribution over parallel (multicore) hardware.
Applications with high concurrency are good candidates for parallelization. 7
8. 8. Elasticity in Computing Clouds (now) Duplication! IaaS Duplicate VMs including OS.
PaaS Duplicate language App Servers (e.g. JVM, Rails) or RTS and guest code.
Duplicate app execution engine (a component of the PaaS platform that is). (Virtualized)
Load Balancers are the glue. Clustering" Concurrency is enabler for parallelization. Map
reduce sold as separate capability. Multi-tenancy always supported. 8
9. 9. Elasticity in Computing Clouds (continued) Virtualization Hardware Operating Operating
Deployed Example (either 1: Platforms Systems Systems applica- many or Adminis- tion
many:1) Instantiated tered Instances Hardware 1 3 3 3 IBM Virtualization z/VM Hypervisor 1
4 (including 3 3 KVM, hypervisor VMWare IaaS OS) OS 1 1 (0 - )3 3 BSD Virtualization Jails
PaaS 1 4 0 3 App- (current) scale PaaS 1 1 0 3 cwmwl (ideal) Clustering 3 3 3 3 9
10. 10. Elasticity in Computing Clouds (in the future?)Legacy/IaaS Future/PaaS Borders of
building blocks are Currently prevailing dissolved Unit of scale = OS, VM, Unit of scale =
(Green)thread? Runtime Requires new software, new Duplication of units programming
languages, new designs. 10
11. 11. Haskell Named after Haskell Brooks Curry (1900 - 1982). Combinatory logic (1930s).
Born as Haskell 1.0 standard in 1990 (approximately at the same time than Erlang) Haskell
98 is most prominent definition yet 11
12. 12. Haskell (continued) Is a pure functional PL Has a static type system Is Lazy Function
composition and currying mimicking mathematical functions Has monads (related to
category theory) Is sometimes mind boggling blowing 12

13. 13. What does Haskell bring to the table? Inherently Immutable by Parallel default Strong
Types Lazy evaluation Functional Haskell Code Maintainability 13
14. 14. Functions Functions are Data as well Functions consist of way less code than objects
Higher order functions return is a function name Function signatures declare constraints
(types) and computational strategies. adder :: [Int] -> Int --type signature fun_name ::
input_type -> output_type adder [] = 0 --define output for the empty list adder (x:xs) = x +
sum xs --use some fancy reursion 14
15. 15. Immutability of Data The consequences are huge. There is more data than you think.
For example a counter: c = c + 1; Haskell implementation of counters depends on what
you need to achieve. Common to use Map and Fold (aka reduce) Eventually counters
represent some sort of state. Use the state monad: Control.Monad.State Haskell is by
default pure. Mutable data structures can be used: Data.IORef, Data.Judy but are seen as
not idiomatic. 15
16. 16. Immutability of Data (continued) Data.IORef part of the base package. The function
unsafePerformIO can subvert the type system and allows any kind of mutable state. A
large number of Haskell modules make use of it! Randomness & Encryption, GUIs, Is
immutability over-emphasized? 16
17. 17. Immutability of Data: There is no listLists are build on top of cons cells.Cons cells contain
pairs of values.Example. cons (:) and append (++) to a list.[1,2,3,4] = 1:2:3:4:[] = 1 : (2 : (3 :
(4 : [] ) ) )cons :0:1:2:3:4:[] = 0 : (1 : (2 : (3 : (4 : [] ) ) ) )Result is new list [0] plus a pointer to
the previous list. Runs in O(1) time.This is also called sharing.append ++1:2:3:4:5:[] = 1 : (2
: (3 : (4 : (5 : []) ) ) )Destructive operation, whole data structure taken apart recursively. Result
is an all new datastructure. Runs in O(n) time. 17
18. 18. Data.Map.Fold (Map Reduce) Fold adder :: [Int] -> Int adder xs = foldr (+) 0 xs -- reduce
a map using the + Data Structures can have a left and a right: foldl, foldr, foldM 18
19. 19. Strong Type System All monomorphic types are part of the category of Haskell types,
Hask. Maps between types are the functions in Haskell. Data types can be tainted. E.g. IO
Int, Maybe Int Type system supports safety and correctness. Haskell code is reasonably
easy to test. At the beginning the type system frequently gets into your way. Maintainability:
I am often positively surprised how many changes to my existing code work at the first
compilation (once I get the types right). Definition of own types and type classes etc. bears
the foundation for great flexibility. 19
20. 20. (Parametric) Polymorphism: Type Variables adder :: Num a => [a] -> a adder xs = foldr
(+) 0 xs -- reduce a map using the + More powerful types of polymorphism: type classes,
kinds, . The type system is Turing complete & allows manipulations far exceeding any
other PL Type classes & type level programming 20
21. 21. Lazy Evaluation Lazy evaluation, call-by-need. Partially the paradigm that makes
immutable data structures workable (see also sharing). Risk of space leaks Opens up a
door to infinity: infinite lists *1, +, Fibonacci numbers, primes, e, & to new strategies in
AI (Hughes, 1990). 21
22. 22. Do Cloud Computing and FPLs match? Immutable Data. Shared nothing. Message
passing (e.g. actors) available to re-synchronize processes STM better manageable than
locks. FPLs are inerently parallel. Functions, Closures, Currying Declarative Compiler
has freedom to re-arrange everything Elasticity is left to the developer or to the app





engine Code easily testable & maintainable No Safe Haskell may be a good start.
23. Multi Tenancy: Safe Haskell Released to public in early 2012. Vision: tenants upload
code (e.g. a worker) that gets compiled and executed as plugin by a Haskell app- engine.
Plugin-concept based on library System.Eval.Haskell New language extensions to allow
secure code only: -XSafe, -XTrustworthy, -Xunsafe Eventually based on type safety. 23
24. Safe Haskell (continued) Two routes decide what to be trusted: -XSafe = trust inferred
by the compiler, limiting Haskell to a (small) subset. In PaaS subsets and restrictions are
normal. Think Java on the Google App Engine. -XTrustworthy = trust decided by a person.
Not a powerful security concept? 24
25. Issues There is no obvious way how to match functions to threads. Threads are more
related to sequential programming (with shared memory) than to FP. Think CSP. Many
programs have to parallelize relative small computations with high inter-dependency.
Message passing & actors also no fit to distribute small computations. Function composition
is sequential execution! 25
26. Issues (continued) When a computation is moved to a remote node, little is known about
cost of transport and state (e.g. load of the remote node). Multi-tenancy! Cost model
required. (Network)Protocols are the most prominent cost center. It is extremely unlikely
that commercial clouds will use niche hardware or proprietary protocols. Protocol design
will need to be simple and light weight. Protocols in distributed environments will orchestrate
and coordinate. Basis for a DS coordination language? 26

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