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1. The story that I am talking about is famous (la historia de la que estoy hablando es famosa).

2. Do you know anyone from this part of the state whose book has been published? (conoces a
alguien de esta parte del estado cuyo libro haya sido publicado?).
3. The book, which I read, was very good (este libro que le estuvo muy bueno).
4. I met the writer who wrote that book (conoc al escritor que escribi ese libro).
5. Josh is the boy whose friend built my house (Josh es el chico cuyos amigos construyeron mi
6. For whom was this gift? (para quin era este regalo?).
7. The man who help me with my scholarship is very nice (el hombre que me ayud con mi beca es
muy amable).
8. Whose book is this? (de quin es este libro?).
9. Whose car is parked over there? (de quin es el coche estacionado ah?).
10. The house which I bought is very small (la casa que compr es muy pequea).
11. The story that I told you is very realistic (la historia que te cont es muy realista).
12. The things that you told me were all a lie (las cosas que me dijiste fueron mentira).
13. The woman whom we met is an artista (la mujer a la que conocimos es una artista).
14. Which actor are you talking about? (De qu actor ests hablando?).
15. Whose bags are this? (de quin son estas bolsas?).
16. The man who talked to me at the movies is my girlfriends father (el hombre que me habl en el
cine es el pap de mi novia).
17. To whom did she give this permission? (a quin le dio ella este permiso?).
18. The dog that bit me is my friends (el perro que me mordi es de mi amiga).

19. This is the person whose car is parked over there (esta es la persona cuyo coche est
estacionado all).
20. People who read a lot, are very smart (las gente que lee mucho es muy inteligente).

The longest river in Europe is the Volga

The longest river in North America is the Missisippi-Misouri
The longest river in South America is the Amazon
The longest river in Asia is the Yellow River or Yangtse
The longest river in Antarctica is Onyx
The longest river in Australasia is Murray Darling
The longest river in Africa is Murray Darling
The largest lake in Europe is the Ladoga
The largest lake in North America is Superior
The largest lake in South America is Titicaca
The largest lake in Asia is the Caspian Sea
The largest lake in Antarctica is Vostok
The largest lake in Australasia is Murray Darling
The largest lake in Africa is Victoria
The man who lives next door is Italian.
Shes got a cat which she found in the street.

The girl who was dancing at the party is my sister.

La chica que estaba bailando en la fiesta es mi hermana.
Do you know the person who sold me the car?
Conoces a la persona que me vendi el coche?
The soldiers who fought in that battle were very young.
Los soldados que pelearon en esa batalla eran muy jvenes.
He was a scientist who made great discoveries.
El fue un cientfico que hizo grandes descubrimientos.
that (dat) - que -se usa para cosas y personas-

It was an earthquake that caused great destruction.

Fue un terremoto que caus gran destruccin.

The animals that live here are adapted to extreme conditions.

Los animales que viven aqu estn adaptados a condiciones extremas.
I want to buy a house that belonged to my ancestors.
Quiero comprar una casa que perteneci a mis ancestros.
Who took the money that was in my wallet?
Quin tom el dinero que estaba en mi billetera?
which (juch) - que, el/la cual, los/las cuales, lo que -se usa para cosas-

The jewels which she bought are from India.

Las joyas que ella compr son de India.
The waiter brought the knives, none of which were clean.
El camarero trajo los cuchillos, ninguno de los cuales estaba limpio.
The company in which she works will open a new branch here.
La compaa en la cual ella trabaja abrir una nueva sucursal aqu.
She moved to another city, which made me sad.
Ella se mud a otra ciudad, lo que me puso triste.
whom (jum) - a quien, a quienes, al que

That is the girl whom I sent the flowers.

sa es la chica a quien le envi las flores.
She was a woman whom I loved very much.
Ella era una mujer a quien yo amaba mucho.
The man with whom she was living was my uncle.
El hombre con quien ella estaba viviendo era mi to.
Those children, many of whom were abandoned by their families.
Esos nios, muchos de los cuales fueron abandonados por sus familias.
whose (jus) - cuyo-a, cuyos-as, de quien, de quienes

He is a man whose honesty is above all suspicion.

El es un hombre cuya honestidad est por encima de toda sospecha.
A country whose citizens know their rights and duties.
Un pas cuyos ciudadanos conocen sus derechos y obligaciones.
He married a woman whose father is a millionaire.
El se cas con una mujer cuyo padre es un millonario.
They took a house whose owner had abandoned years before.
Ellos tomaron una casa cuyo dueo haba abandonado aos atrs.
what (ut) - lo que

I couldn't understand what she tried to say.

No pude entender lo que ella trataba de decir.

I know what I want, but I don't know how to get it.

S lo que quiero, pero no s cmo conseguirlo.
They didn't know what I was looking for.
Ellos no saban lo que yo estaba buscando.
What you need now is to take a good rest.
Lo que necesitas ahora es tomar un buen descanso.

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