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Lekcja 8

1. Susan wants to pass the test but she never studies. Its a wrong A_____________
2. He is very B___________ . He is never scared!
3. Hurricane is a terrible natural D_____________________.
4. Its your birthday tomorrow! We have to C________________________!
5. I saw the snow yesterday and I R_____________ that it will be Christmas soon.
6. Mary always jokes and her jokes are always very F_____________!
7. If you want to see a touching movie I R__________________ Titanic.
8. I never have time for anything Im always B__________.
9. Could you please go to the G_______________ S________ and buy some milk?
10. If we go to Rome we absolutely have to go S___________ing there are some
amazing buildings and churches!
11. I dont like any foreign C___________________ - I think Polish food is the best.
12. You have a really beautiful G_________! So many flowers and amazing P_______!
13. Jake loves winter, its his favourite S____________.
14. Dont leave your door open it is not S_______.
15. We were in the forest, S___________________ by trees.
16. This C____________ makes really good cars.
17. I will give you a lift to the railway S____________.
18. Tony wants to be a L____________ when he grows up and help people with the law.
19. Could I please speak to your M_____________? I think I have a problem with this
20. It must be really difficult to M_______________ such a big and old house!
21. He doesnt like cooking so he usually uses the M______________ O___________.
22. Love is B____________. (a phrase)
23. My father will soon R___________ and I will have to be responsible for the company.
24. It doesnt M____________ if youre rich or poor, always try to be a good person.
25. Lucy talks to everyone and makes friends easily, she is very F____________.
26. Wow, your dance was amazing! You really have a T_________!
27. You are brother and sister and you have to get A___________!
28. I am very happy, because I feel that I I_______________ my English every day.

29. They look exactly the same are they T____________?

30. If you C________ these two products you will see that our product is much better!

1. Chciaabym poprawi mj angielski, ale boj si mwi.
2. Nie rozumiem mojego brata my po prostu nie moemy si dogada.
3. On zawsze by bardzo dojrzay i inteligentny, wic nie bdziemy mie z nim problemw.
4. Kto pobi okno i bdziemy musieli je zakry, ale nie wiem jak.
5. Na kadym zjedzie rodzinnym, moi krewni porwnuj mnie i moj siostr.
6. Czy moesz zakry roliny w ogrodzie? Troch si o nie martwi.
7. Ona jest taka oywiona i przyjazna, bardzo atwo j polubi.
8. Kady moe stworzy co wspaniaego.
9. Oni s blinitami ale s bardzo rni.
10. To jest kluczowy argument w tym temacie.
11. Nastrj w tym pokoju jest peen radoci.
12. Mio jest lepa, ale to nie ma znaczenia.
13. Czy moesz mi da t szar teczk?
14. Wyobraam sobie, e pewnego dnia bd miaa wielki dom.
15. Mj prawnik powiedzia mi, e wszystko bdzie dobrze.
16. Kto jest twoim kierownikiem?
17. Jestem zadowolona, e zdaa egzamin!
18. Nigdy nie korzystam z metra, poniewa boj si ludzi.
19. Mam nadziej, e on wkrtce przejdzie na emerytur.
20. Nasza druyna bdzie graa na mistrzostwach tego roku.
21. Musisz zda sobie spraw, e pielenie jest trudne.
22. Lubi by otoczona przez pikne roliny.
23. Kiedy rozmawiam z moj przyjacik, wiem, e mog na ni liczy.

When she was younger, Alice worked at the office. She spend there about 15 years and she
was really good at it. She worked from 9 to 5 every day, carried documents and files around
the office and helped the managers. At one family reunion she realized that she doesnt
really like her job. When her relatives asked about it, she always said its fine but she was
never full of passion. Her twin sister asked her what Alice liked to do. Alice replied that she
likes gardening and taking care of plants and flowers. That was the moment when she
decided to quit her job. After that, she was hired for a florist for a couple months and after
that she decided to start her own business. Now she is a garden designer. She helps people
to choose the right plants and their gardens look amazing. She relaxes when she is weeding
in her own garden or when she can watch a movie with her husband, Ben. Alice doesnt
think about the retirement yet. When we ask her What do you like the most about your
occupation? she answers I love being my own boss. I love what I do and I do what I love
and that is great! Sometimes it is difficult, but I dream about having a company who
organizes public gardens, but my biggest dream is designing a royal garden for the Queen!

I have no idea what environment is. If you want to be successful in life, you have to work hard. They
prefer to live a peaceful life. I like both my neighbors. The third tree is an apple tree. He arrived only
three months ago. Lucy is the grandmother of the office. They work in many types of jobs. The
factory makes sports cars and microwave ovens. Jason gave his school some money to build the

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