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WITHOUT YOU a nee wane ‘aud TOM EVANS Slowly te Well, can't for =get this eve-ning——And your guess that's just the way the sto- ry face whenyou were leav ~ing, amide, bit th" youreyes ybur dor -row shows, yes, it shows. — can'tfor -get to- mor-row_ When I think a -bout my sorrow. 1 had you there, then I So = Copyright ©1970 by Apple Publishing Lid. 3 Savile Row, London, W.l, All rights for the U.S.A. ite tetories and possessions, Canada, Mexico and the Philppines ze controlled by Apple Music Publishing Co.,.nc., 1700 Beoadway, New York, N.Y. 10019 is arrangerient Copyright© 1372 by Apple Publishing Ltd. International Copyright Secured “kil Rights Reserved B Dee And now it's ~ | mf TH] only fair that I shouldlet you know I can't live live an-y -more.— i cr a i) Tean't Lean't live « live an - y - more.— iy -ing is with-out you, ‘what you should Tean't ae ' live, lly-ing+ Is with-out you, g “oo co Bo. as live an = y= more.—

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