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the compass of

i n t e r n at i o n a l f i l m f e s t i va l

bristol, uk
21 oct–9 nov 2007
resistance. the power to oppose. the ability
to withstand. an act of survival, struggle,
subversion, transgression.

the compass of resistance international

film festival takes us on a cinematic journey across the
globe, presenting five cultural reference points from which we
can explore the parameters of ‘resistance’ in international film.

In venues across the city of Bristol this series of encounters,

dialogues, events and screenings will allow us a rare, fresh and
innovative look at the notion of ‘resistance’, its meanings and
its implications.
sunday 21 october − cube microplex
19.00 Radical Reels: Five Minutes of Mayhem! Experimental Short Film Competition and Exhibition

wednesday 31 october − kuumba

18.00 Rhymes of Resistance: Urban Spoken Word Freestyle Event
21.00 Hip Hop Halloween Afterparty @ Mackies Bar

saturday 3 november − watershed

screenings workshops
10.45 Days of Glory 2h 10m 12.00 The Learning Communities Team and Priority Youth Housing
11.00 Double Bill: Culloden and The War Game with Film Screening 45m
Introduction 2h 15m 13.15 Living and Working in the Creative Industries 45m
13.25 Life and Debt 1h 35m 14.30 Cultural Exploration: UWE Film Screenings 45m
15.15 The Lighthouse with Discussion 2h 05m 15.45 Wandsworth Prison Film Project 1h
20.00 The Harder They Come with Discussion 2h 45m 18.00 Shedloads/Cuisine Youth VJ Masterclass
A event 1h
20.00 Cuisine Eyefeeding Adult VJ Masterclass 1h 30m

22.00 the official compass afterparty @ the river

sunday 4 november − watershed

screenings workshops
11.30 Double Bill: Dust and Girls with Introduction 2h 50m 12.00 Approaches to Resistance: Film Studies and Political Film 45m
11.15 The Battle of Algiers with Discussion 2h 50m 13.15 Feminism, Film and Resistance 45m
15.00 Continuous Journey with Discussion 2h 15m 14.30 A Poetics of Porn Resistance 45m
20.00 Rang De Basanti with Introduction 2h 55m 15.45 The Psychology of Resistance 45m

friday 9 november – kuumba

19.00 Friday Night Flicks
north the lighthouse with discussion

double bill: dust and girls with introduction


the lighthouse / mayak (15) dust / pyl (15)

saakyan, 2006, 80min loban, 2005, 107min

The outbreak of war in the town of her birth Loban’s protagonist accepts an offer to take part in
forces Lena to leave Moscow, the city of her a scientific experiment that he hopes may transform
escape, and return to this place of her past: him into to the male form of his dreams. Disturbing
a small, unidentified village in a corner of the dust that settles on our powers of perception,
the Caucasus. Here her grandparents still Loban’s film falls somewhere between fantastic
remain, amongst memories of her childhood, realism and existential drama, acting as a point of
and ghosts of a time she thought she had resistance to what we think we understand.
left forever. The war is not a war of mighty
girls / devochki (15)
armies but a morbid, backstabbing war. gai germanika, 2005, 46min
Amidst stifling silence it wages, eating away The camera follows three girls, caught on the
at the fabric of the town. Despite the night brink of departure from childhood, in and out of
time bombs and shootings, Lena discovers their daily lives. Though the girls’ hysteria may
that her family cannot be persuaded to leave suggest a Russian womanhood of a different
and, finding herself also trapped, realises century, Gai Germanika’s voyeuristic mini-dv
she must become reconciled to this, her fate. medium, and the insight it offers into their world,
is a truly contemporary experience.
in focus in discussion
Acting as a site of resistance to the main- birgit beumers is Reader in Russian at the
stream commercial cinema currently dominat- University of Bristol, where she specialises in con-
ing the Russian market, the films that comprise temporary Russian culture. Her publications include
Compass North refuse to conform. Giving Nikita Mikhalkov (2005), PopCulture: Russia!
voice, unveiling truth, and undermining tradi- (2005) and, as editor, Russia on Reels (1999) and
tional views of reality, we see here a unique 24 Frames: Russia and the Soviet Union (2006).
snapshot of contemporary Russia. She is currently working on post-Soviet cinema and
Presenting a mould of the experiences borne on the history of Russian animation.
by its creators, The Lighthouse refuses to cast maria saakyan was born 1980 in Yerevan,
judgment, but states what was. A slow and Armenia. In 1993 she moved to Moscow. In
atmospheric film, it uncovers a piece of recent 1996 Maria entered the Film Institute, VGIK, fac-
history, recreating the experience of times that ulty of directing, and graduated in 2002. Farewell
may otherwise have slipped from memory. was her diploma film. Maria has also produced
Dust and Girls are both produced by Mikhail two short films The Game (2000), and Lullaby
Sinev, director of Kinoteatr.doc, the biggest (2002). The Lighthouse is her first feature film.
independent documentary film festival in Rus- peter hames is Honorary Research Associate
sia. Sinev seeks to unite a new generation of in Film & Media Studies at Staffordshire University
Russian filmmakers that strive to portray a real- and a programme advisor to the London Film
ity reinvested with sincerity and objectivity, Festival. Work in progress includes The Cinema of
coined by some critics as ‘new naturalism’. Jan Švankmajer and Cinemas in Transition.
west the harder they come with discussion

life and debt


the harder they come (15) life and debt (pg)

henzell, 1972, 120min black, 2001, 80min

Set in the ghettos of seventies downtown Based on Jamaica Kincaid’s A Small Place,
Kingston to the classic soundtrack of a now Life and Debt is a probing documentary into
all-star reggae line-up, The Harder They Come the social, economic and political legacy of
is based on the true story of a ‘40s criminal, the island of Jamaica, and the effects of US
Rhygin, elevated to the canon of Jamaican policy and external pressures on the lives of
folk-law by his bad-man deeds and evasion ordinary Jamaicans. An unflinching investi-
of bent cops. Here the story is retold, of a gation into the crippling effects of interna-
country boy ‘gone a yard’ and determined tional debt, Black succeeds in presenting the
to make it big in the city. Learning fast from magnitude and reach of global economic
dreams crushed by music industry sharks, forces whilst telling a story rich in personal
Ivan (Jimmy Cliff) deals and steals, taking on incident and anecdote. Interspersing tradi-
the local gangsters and plying their trade. tional documentary techniques with more
Clashing with the police, Ivan cruises the experimental styles, she binds her footage
underbelly of Trenchtown in the wake of his in the compelling narrative voice-over of
own notoriety: the classic anti-hero, loved both Kincaid’s award-winning text.
on and off the screen.
in focus in discussion
Released in 1973 in New York to very yvonne brewster oBE was born in
little initial acclaim, The Harder They Come Jamaica and came to England to study Drama
portrayed for the first time the gritty reality at Rose Bruford College in the Sixties. She has
of the Kingston streets, bringing to the worked extensively in theatre, film, television,
attention of the rest of the world this tiny radio, drama schools and universities nation-
island bursting with cultural wealth despite ally and internationally as producer, director,
immense social poverty. The film began the lecturer, editor and actor. A founder member of
export, not only of the island’s home-grown three theatre companies, The Barn (Jamaica),
reggae music, but of an image and identity Carib (UK), and Talawa (UK), she was Produc-
that would become entrenched in popular tion Manager for Jamaica’s seminal film The
culture. Beginning the reggae revolution Harder They Come.
that would sweep the world, Ivan’s now- Justine henzell is a freelance producer,
famous taglines voiced the plight of the and production director for The Calabash
people, making him a champion of the International Literary Festival. With a career
underdog, and lending a universalism to background in events entertainment she has
the music that is reflected in its endurance worked with Chris Blackwell of Island Jamaica,
and continued popularity today. Quickly and is a founding member of Women in Film
recognised as a tour-de-force in action film- and Television, Jamaica Chapter. Living and
making, the film laid the foundations, not working in Kingston, Jamaica, Justine officially
only for the development of Blaxploitation oversees the international legacy of The Harder
cinema, but for contemporary classics such They Come, co-written and directed by her
as Do the Right Thing and Reservoir Dogs. father, Perry Henzell.

committed to a better environment


of quality

east continuous Journey with discussion

rang de basanti

continuous Journey (15) rang de basanti (15)

kazimi, 2005, 87min mehra, 2006, 158min

Continuous Journey investigates the events Rang De Basanti is cast in the flamboyant
surrounding Komagata Maru, a ship carrying strokes of popular Indian cinema into which it
Indian immigrants which was turned away inserts bold experiments with time and place.
from Vancouver, Canada by immigration The film opens on a young British woman’s
authorities in September 1914, only to clash quest to make a film about her grandfather, a
with the British police on its return to colonial British colonial officer who had presided over
India. Kazimi uses this event as the starting the execution of the anti-colonialist socialist revo-
point for a deeply personal reflection on the lutionary Bhagat Singh. She is able to recruit
criss-crossing influence of imperialism on the to her lead roles five young men and women
lives of ordinary people, and of the global of a very modern India, that at first seems far
nature of both its reach and opposition. This removed from the history-book country evoked
piercing documentary is as much about the in her script. However, during the course of the
search for history as about its animation for a film, the five are transformed into their historical
contemporary audience. counterparts, as the struggles and sacrifices of
the anti-colonial movement are discovered to be
just as urgent and relevant in the India of today.
in focus anti-colonialist narratives under the disguise of
While the predominant discernable image of historical or mythical fiction, this contemporary
India today, both at home and abroad, is that trend can be sampled by two very different
of a ‘new’ India – one that is breaking away films, that are at once fascinating, moving and
from its history as a ‘Third World’ country and highly entertaining.
swiftly metamorphosing into a brand new,
in discussion
shining nation that shares with much of the
Jyotsna kapur is the author of Coining for
world a modern global vision – its filmmakers
Capital: Movies, Marketing, and the Transforma-
seem strangely preoccupied with the past, in
tion of Childhood (2005), about the changing
particular the days of the British Empire. Unlike
representation of children as savvy ‘little adults’
the conventional genre of ‘historical recon-
in contemporary American cinema and capitalist
struction’, or the ‘period films’ most striking
expansion. Kapur is an Associate Professor in
within these, neither Continuous Journey nor
the Department of Cinema and Photography at
Rang de Basanti are concerned with showing
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale.
the past through elaborate costume or set
ali kazimi is an award-winning documentary
design. Rather, they openly and boldly present
filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. Raised
their historical interpretations as a means of
in India, Ali Kazimi began his career as a self-
understanding the present and of dwelling
taught photographer. His filmography includes
within it. In these films, the present phase
Runaway Grooms (2005), Documenting Dissent
of India’s globalization is presented, not as
(2001), Some Kind of Arrangement (1998)
something new, but rather as a return of his-
and, as cinematographer, A Song for Tibet
tory. For a cinematic tradition that grew under
(1992), My Niagara (1993), and Bollywood
the shadow of colonialism, and couched its
Bound (2001).
south the battle of algiers with discussion

days of glory

the battle of algiers / la days of glory / indigènes (12a)

battaglia di algeri (15) bouchareb, 2006, 128min
pontecorvo, 1966, 121min Days of Glory presents the forgotten history of
Retelling one of the most violent and bloody the 130,000 ‘Indigènes’ who were enlisted
battles of modern history, The Battle of by the French Army to liberate France from
Algiers depicts a significant episode in the Nazi occupation in World War II. Narrated
Algerian War of Independence. With an via the lives of four North African soldiers,
even-handedness that belies the political the film depicts their recruitment in the African
persuasion of its convenors, the film presents the French colonies, their subsequent dispatch
perspectives of both the French Colonialists and to the front line in France and the varying
the National Liberation Front, relaying in gritty personal aspirations of the soldiers. This film
detail the atrocities committed on both sides. faithfully chronicles the prejudice and cruel
The impression of realism is enhanced by the discrimination that these men suffered at the
episodic newsreel narrative that secures the film’s hands of their French counterparts, and their
position amongst the realist film movements of its continuing courage and determination to
time; against this backdrop the film’s impressive establish equality for ‘colonial’ soldiers fight-
musical score adds a dimension and nuance ing upon French soil.
that serves to further enhance its immense power.
in focus Though the film ends with the fall of Algiers to the
The varying receptions of The Battle of Algiers French, a coda to the film suggests that although
over the years is testimony to the power of the Colony won the capital, the Liberation Army
the film, a power that goes beyond armchair were to win the war.
appreciation and forges its way into political Rewinding a decade, Days of Glory paints
reality. Banned by the French government until some of the political background to the War of
1971, The Battle of Algiers was taken up by Independence, depicting a very different battle,
guerrilla movements such as the Viet Minh in in which North Africans from many of the colo-
Vietnam and the IRA in Ireland. The film still holds nies threw their heart and soul into protection of
immense influence today: the film was felt to be France against Nazi Invasion. With France itself
so relevant to the current political climate that the occupied, the majority of the French army was
Pentagon famously arranged an in-house screen- composed of these men, though after France had
ing for functionaries in an effort to draw ideologi- won its freedom they were never recognised,
cal lessons in connection with the handling of robbed of their pensions and written out of
insurgency in Iraq. The film’s legacy of didacti- the history books. After seeing the film, French
cism can be in part attributed to Saadi Yacef, President Jacques Chirac agreed to restore
who both wrote and starred in this legendary veterans’ pensions to the North Africans who
film. Yacef was an Algerian revolutionary actively fought alongside French troops during the war.
involved in the uprising, who helped establish
the first post-colonial government. Yacef acted in discussion
as a guide in researching the film, bestowing his roland-françois lack is a Senior Lecturer
first-hand knowledge of the contexts and nuances at University College London, where he teaches
that we see conveyed so beautifully in the film. French and Film.
centre double bill: culloden and the war game
with introduction

culloden (12) the war game (12)

watkins, 1964, 69min watkins, 1965, 48min

Hailed as a landmark piece of documentary In the microcosmic setting of a small Kentish

cinema, not only for the powerful innovation town, The War Game unflinchingly depicts
of its cinematography, but also for its incred- the potential impact of nuclear attack on
ible cast of amateurs, Culloden portrays the Britain. The film is set over several months
Jacobite uprising and 1746 Battle of Culloden in the run-up to a Soviet nuclear offensive,
that changed beyond recognition the social sparked after war breaks out between USSR
and political landscape of the Scottish and NATo. Enlisting, once again, an amateur
Highlands, wiping out forever the traditional cast comprised of local people, Watkins
clan system, and the way of life that belonged re-employed the ‘man-on-street’ reportage
to it. originally broadcast by the BBC on 15 integral to his docu-drama technique, with all
December 1964, Watkins’ first feature-length its power of gritty realism. The film won the
is described in its opening credit as ‘an Academy Award for Documentary Feature in
account of one of the most mishandled and 1966, despite the fact that the BBC’s censor-
brutal battles ever fought in Britain’. ship of the film meant it was not transmitted
until 1985.
in focus went on to direct the notorious The War
Watkins’ use of pseudo-documentary tech- Game. Scheduled for transmission on 6
niques and non-professional actors carries a August 1966 (the anniversary of Hiroshima)
real-time/real-life atmosphere to the screen The War Game came at a volatile time,
that credited him as one of the most innovative placed as it was against the backdrop of
filmmakers of his time. In Culloden and The political debate and public fear surrounding
War Game, Watkins’ process encouraged the nuclear arms race. In fact it was not trans-
an experiential investigation into the history of mitted until 1985, a public statement issuing
the people. Watkins’ techniques challenged that ‘the effect of the film has been judged by
documentary convention and raised questions the BBC to be too horrifying for the medium of
about the ‘reality’ to which supposedly unbi- broadcasting’. Having received pressure from
ased media reportage pertained. The brutal the government, the BBC took the measure
depiction of battles and bloodshed that infuse of banning the film from broadcast, eventu-
Culloden’s landscape struck a blow particu- ally leading to Watkins’ resignation from the
larly close to home and the contemporary corporation. The War Game has only recently
political troubles in Vietnam. Watkins intended been available for theatrical screenings.
to ‘draw a parallel between these events and
in discussion
what had happened in our own UK Highlands
Introduction to the double bill provided by
two centuries earlier’. In fact both Watkins’
mike wayne, who teaches and researches
films allegorise war and comment on the
Film & Television Studies at Brunel University.
machinery with which establishments seek
to preserve the status quo. As head of the
documentary department at the BBC, Watkins
School of Creative Arts
Media-related courses:
Film Studies
Media and Cultural Studies
Media Practice

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12.00–12.45 14.30–15.15
the learning communities team and priority cultural exploration
youth housing film screening uwe film screenings

The Learning Communities Team works with adults in Bristol to Cultural Studies grew in a climate of resistance: Richard
encourage and facilitate them in gaining a level 2 qualification. Hoggart, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall and Angela McRob-
Priority Youth Housing provides supported accommodation and ten- bie are among the people who developed the discipline in
ancy help to young homeless people in the city. Come along and Britain. Students in the Department of Culture, Media & Drama
have your assumptions challenged and your horizons broadened. at UWE are encouraged to reflect on their practice critically
and politically. Here recent graduates present a selection of
13.15–14.00 short films that seek to explore our experience of culture and
living and working in the creative the everyday.
sam smith – transition tradition

Do you wish you could make a living from something you actu-
ally enjoy? Are you interested in a career in film, TV, music or
design? If so, this is the workshop for you! Sam Smith founded
Transition Tradition ( in order to help
people build careers in the creative industries. She will help you
think about your talents and give you information about specific
jobs and opportunities.
15.45–16.45 cuisine presents vJ school
wandsworth prison film proJect
deirdre o’neill – inside film and filmmak- 18.00–19.00
ers anthony dickson, ezeikiel may and shedloads youth vJ masterclass (ages 14–21)
leslie trail a event

These films are the result of a project that took place in HMP 20.00–21.30
Wandsworth in 2006, and developed out of a belief in the eyefeeding adult vJ masterclass (ages 21+)
potential of film as a radical pedagogic tool. Prisoners – the
majority of whom are black and/or working class and who Cuisine, the Bristol/Paris-based audio-visual media outfit will showcase
include the homeless, the mentally ill, the permanently unem- some of their non-conventional projections on 3D structures, give away
ployed and the ghettoized – represent an ever expanding but some of their Wiimote and Gameboy hacking tricks, and share their
rarely heard symptom of the logic of a global capitalist system love for multi-projections, ‘lighting sculptures’ and ‘mapping’ techniques.
where those who suffer from the crime of material inequality With special guests from the European visual media circuit, they will
are warehoused. introduce participants to state-of the-art software and equipment and
engage with attendees about their relationship to new technology and
Produced by the inmates themselves and crucially, represent- creative media in a practical and educative environment.
ing their own viewpoint, the films deal with issues of right
and wrong, justice, and represent a real intervention in the 22.00–02.00 @ the river
cultural processes that dominate their lives. All of the films the official compass afterparty
are grounded in their own experiences, providing a space in
which to explore their knowledge of the world in a language The official Compass Afterparty will see Cuisine and their guests
that is their own. present an audiovisual buffet, bringing this cutting-edge, youth-
( driven and highly progressive creative medium out from the
underground and into the film festival arena.

12.00–12.45 13.15–14.00
approaches to resistance: film studies and feminism, film and resistance
political film dr kathrina giltre – uwe
dr greg tuck – uwe
The idea of resistance is central to many feminist films, from
This workshop aims to introduce participants to a number of Riddles of the Sphinx (1977) and A Question of Silence
approaches to the study of political film within the discipline of (1982) to Born in Flames (1983) and The Piano (1993). Femi-
film studies. It will begin by defining how film studies sees all film nist resistance was articulated not only through narrative, but
as in some sense ‘political’, but not necessarily political in the also through genre, style and form. In the age of the post-femi-
same ways. It will then discuss how different types of filmmak- nist chick flick, is there still space for feminist resistance – or is
ing, both documentary and fiction, have been used to promote cinematic pleasure now simply irresistible?
resistance in both overt or more coded forms.
14.30–15.15 15.45–16.30
a poetics of porn resistance the psychology of resistance
dr xavier mendik – cult film archive dr graeme mcgrath

Leading ‘dark star’ of European exploitation cinema Sole- Dr Graeme McGrath is a Consultant Psychiatrist and Psychoana-
dad Miranda is best remembered for the surreal creations of lytic Psychotherapist. He also spends an inordinate amount of
maverick Spanish horror director Jesús Franco. Cast as either time watching movies. The workshop will offer a psychoanalytic
an undead, dying or death/revenge driven heroine whose perspective on some films to be shown during the festival. As
past transgressions involve sex, violence and incest-bound well as reflecting on psychological factors involved in political
retribution, these taboo fuelled texts accentuate the sensual and resistance, the workshop will consider why we as individuals
sadistic elements of female sexuality in a disorientating and might be drawn to engage with these films.
disturbing manner, with Miranda and Franco’s ‘horrotic’ texts
functioning as a site of possible resistance to the presumed
pleasures inherent in heterosexual pornography/erotic cinema.
cube microplex
SUNDAY 21 oCToBER (19.00)

five minutes of mayhem!

experimental short film competition and exhibition

Are you ready to have your mind warped, your understanding eclipsed, your horizons broadened? From
digital art to manipulation of the film medium, Radical Reels: Five Minutes of Mayhem! presents some of
the best examples of contemporary video art and experimental moving image. Enter into the arena of the
cinematic avant-garde, and feast upon a smorgasbord of narrative and form-bending five-minute delights
from both close-to-home and far-and-wide.

Prizes for Best Film, Most Experimental Film and Audience Award, with an additional Young Filmmaker
prize, will be awarded by expert judges who will also offer a practical insight into the industry. Meet
some of the creators of these radical reels against the backdrop of bleepy noises and suggestive sound-
scapes, as local DJs spin experimental beats and basslines in the Cube Microplex bar.
The RiveR, BoRdeaux Quay
saturday 3 november (22.00–02.00)

the compass film festival afterparty will see Cuisine and narrative labs [uk]
sprung from the avit vJing
their guests present an audiovisual buffet using the most refreshing quality food for festival this creative
laboratory explores the
the ears and the eyes. (free ticket to be collected from watershed box office) importance of narrative
within live visual performances.
Cuisine, the Bristol/Paris based outfit has been serving their own blend of visual
delicacies and sonic treats across Europe in various formal and not so formal pikilipita [fr]
world exclusive! the french vJ
spaces. Ranging from clubs, parks & digital media festivals to exhibition halls & software developer’s first game-
abandoned buildings, Cuisine showcase their unique visuals and cutting-edge boy advance copies
will be available for sale.
techniques in increasingly diverse ways.

Aimed at presenting innovative and interactive events that place equal emphasis crustea [fr]
introduction to the mapping
on moving image and sound, they have developed a highly personal approach technique which allows
to the art of eyefeeding. Get your knife and fork, the table is set. proJections on any shape and
3d structure rather than
standard 4:3 screen.
also check out cuisine masterclasses (shedloads & eyefeeding) as part of
the compass film festival main programme of events.

damien schneider [fr] /
simplexity, an idea explored
by damien in his pursuit of the
perfect balance between high-
energy rythms, elegant
melodies, minimal sounds and
full-on tracks.

urban spoken word freestyle event

From oral traditions that predate literacy all the way through to the rap
music pioneers of the Bronx, poetry has been a force that contains the
power to inform, shape and change perceptions of the world around
us. one person and their words: resistance doesn’t come much purer.

Rhymes of Resistance is proud to present an evening of urban poetry:

a freestyle event that will provide a voice to those often unheard,
showcasing some of Bristol’s finest poets (including slam champion
Byron Vincent), and featuring an open mic session for up-and-com-
ing wordsmiths. Register your submissions prior to the event with the
festival team! Further details at

21.00: hip hop halloween afterparty @ mackies bar (stokes

croft) – fancy dress optional

Screening a mix of home-grown films, from local talent to cinema

from further shores, the rich cultural mix of the city of Bristol will be
represented on the silver screen.

The evening will include a screening of local filmmaker Lawrence

Hoo’s powerful documentary Inner City Tales set in Easton & St. Pauls
that graphically lays bare the tense issues of street-life in these areas
of the city. The evening will also showcase the winning films from the
BFM International Film Festival 2007 shorts competition.

Friday Night Flicks explores the histories of many local people, and
hints at the patchwork of stories that make up our community.

kuumba bar: enJoy the tunes and tuck into some authentic
Jamaican cuisine
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Roberts, Pavan Heire, Rosie Armistead, Eric Davis, Matt Warren,
Cleis Masterson, Tom Maxted, Alex Caine, Luke Roberts, Joe
Barker, Hannah Driscoll, Rosa Cosmelli, Nadia Aranca, Daniel Palmer.

compass film cic is a not-for-profit community interest com- compass speakers

pany, dedicated to opening up ignored areas of visual culture, and Birgit Beumers, Maria Saakyan, Peter Hames, Yvonne Brewster,
to enabling access to a wide range of moving image and critical Justine Henzell, Roland-François Lack, Ali Kazimi, Jyotsna Kapur,
debate for the general public, those that currently lack access, as Kathrina Giltre, Greg Tuck, Mike Wayne, Deirdre o’Neill, Anthony
well as dedicated film interests. We aim to provide a vital space for Dickson, Ezeikiel May, Leslie Trail, Graeme McGrath, Xavier Mendik,
skills development, growth and reflection around moving image, and Sam Smith, Joanie Lemercier, Lawrence Hoo, Byron Vincent.
to nurture a grassroots cultural organisation that will represent and
contribute to the creativity and diversity of the South-West region. special thanks to
Company HQ: 19 Albany Road, Bristol, BS6 5LQ Robert Mayers, Barney McGrath, Daniel Love, Daniel Lindvall, Per
Linnertz, Martin Degrell, Satish Sachdeva, Nick Tuckwell, Øivind
All those who work for and participate in The Compass of Resistance Hovland, Ben Newman, May Yao, Birgit Beumers, Amirah Cole &
Film Festival do so on a voluntary basis, for the love of film and belief the Kuumba team, Madeleine Probst & the Watershed team, Liam
in the cause. Many Thanks. Kirby & the Cube team, Matt Whitford, Kathrina Giltre, Mark Bould,
Greg Tuck, Paul Gough, Masoud Yazdani, Gabriel Solomons,
Samantha King festival director, Tara Sachdeva festival director, Sam Smith, Peter Watkins, Nicholas Boritch, Joanie Lemercier, Fleur
Daniel Lindvall expert advisor, Per Linnertz expert advisor, Satish Buckley, Katie Crowden, Tom Hoyle, Lorraine Leaney, Sarah-Jane
Sachdeva expert advisor, Graeme McGrath expert advisor, Meredith, Karen Alexander, Kelsie (Jongleurs), Helen Spencer,
Robert Mayers art director, Matt Whitford accountant, Maya Damon Mills, Tom Clark (Revolver), Xavier Mendik, SPAT-C, Graeme
Alexander marketing officer, Milla Kontkanen press officer, McGrath, Elizabeth Brown, Lawrence Hoo, Byron Vincent, Colin
Ben Newman illustrator, Øivind Hovland illustrator, James Brown (Poetry Can), Ed Jenks (Jam Jar), Pam Sachdeva, Tom Bell
Ling competition coordinator, Milla Kontkanen competition and Lisa Cullen (Axiom Films), Bobby Blackstock (Gutenberg), Helen
coordinator, Barney McGrath musical events coordinator, Almond (Metrodome), Subline, october, Peverelist, Barry Steppa,
Daniel Love event organiser, Tara Sachdeva editorial, Alex Turner The River, the ATTIC, Knowledgist, Leon, the Unmuzzled ox, and
photographer. our hugely supportive friends & families.

website design & maintenance how to become a patron

Nick Tuckwell, Robert Mayers, Øivind Hovland. If you are interested in supporting Compass Film at this exciting
stage in their development, please contact one of the festival
volunteers directors: Sam King ( or Tara Sachdeva
May Yao, Karen McCandless, Nicky Butcher, James Ling, Zoey (
festival tickets are available now
from watershed box office
0117 927 5100 /

single entry tickets final film. Advance tel. bookings can be made until 2030hrs seven
Watershed & Kuumba Events £6 (full) / £4 (conc.) days a week. Concessions apply to full-time students, claimants,
Cube Microplex £3 (non-member) / £2 (member) Asylum Seekers, over-60s and disabled people. Please produce proof
Workshops £2.50 per session (excluding vJ masterclasses) of eligibility where applicable when purchasing a ticket. Please note:
please check festival website for age restrictions for workshops there will be no further ticket sales for a performance from 15 minutes
Shedloads Youth VJ Masterclass (ages 14–21) £2 (please bring after the advertised start time and late entry to the cinema for ticket
proof of id, e.g. nus). a event holders is at the discretion of the House Manager.
Adult VJ Masterclass (ages 21+) £10 (full) / £8 (conc.)

All single entry tickets available to book in advance from 1 Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol, BS1 5TX
Watershed Box office. Tickets are available on the door of each E:
respective venue on the night of the event (subject to availability). W:
Box office: 0117 927 5100
The official Compass Afterparty at The River: free ticket to be
collected from Watershed Box office. kuumba
20-23 Hepburn Road, St Paul’s, Bristol, BS2 8UD
ticket bundles (five for the price of four!) E:
Bundle £24 (full) / £16 (conc.) W:
Available from Watershed Box office (subject to availability). Box office: 0117 942 1870
This offer excludes entry to workshops, VJ Masterclasses and
Cube Microplex. cube microplex
4 Princess Row, Kingsdown, Bristol, BS2 8NQ
box office E:
Watershed Box office is open Mon to Fri from 0900hrs / Sat & W:
Sun from 1000 hrs. Box office closes 15 minutes after start of the Box office: 0117 907 4190
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