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A stable filled with golden hay, brushing a chestnut mare

Holding back the tears, as she tended with care

The pride of her master, her hope in the heir
A father listens, as his princess buries her head
Into the chest of the man who would always be there
How could he leave her? The masters heir
When the heart strings had tied them
Over and over, lifetimes to share
A smiling red faced one racing through the fields with the heir of the past
Laughing and happiness in the cornflower spotted fields
Where are you old man? Or was it the woman this time
Who was always there, back at the fire brushing their hair
Watching with the knowing eye, hoping for the pair
It goes back to Ptah or maybe farther still
So many memories, slideshows to share
Some are re-lived, some are in the air
Writings and songs to their prince, to the masters heir
While the old man always there, ready to bear his chest
For his girl to cry there
Memories, constant images flash
Small little hut, children and chores to bear
Simpleton life, beautiful green grass
Went away as a soldier, night as he left
She waited and lived for years for the return of her knight
He appeared after eons or centuries or years
Caught in the story, continued in pain
They tried to overcome it, but each left in vain.
As Dak Pathar, with the lush gardens
A place on my path, along with my angel
Asoka was balancing the sects, agreed are my thoughts
Seedlings planted as the raindrops fell here.
So long ago, so much sadness

Another place pops in, as I try to drag her from despair

How could he let this happen, she was my best friend
He let her drown in the depths, in a cold dark place
In anger I fought him, this time I let him bear the cross
For his sake, but they dont remember, please wake
A teacher for me, a short time we are here
I wait for a time when my karma has cleared.
The fireworks are scary; the bright bursts are so near
I wake under my bed, a child, sweat pouring I thought
The wetness is from the hiding spot in the tall grass
Smelling the gunpowder as it permeated the air
Beautiful fireworks are all they are, I thought,
Ahhhh, finally at peace, I lay back to watch the show.
A beautiful garden, trees stand tall
Flowers of the rainbow, fragrant aromas filled with flair
A stone bench or a bench swing await me there
A calm place to go higher or speak to them a moment
To calm my poor dragon, and let my wolf know Im ok
A full grand piano to practice, to hide
The melodrome clicking from side to side
To wait for my bear, the heir, the masters prideis it meant this time?
Do I have more lessons, oh dear!

Part 2
A diner; we sat with a couple we met there
Wooden tables and chairs, milk glass drop ceilings lamps
Smiling and cheerful, enjoying the night.
Why is he so afraid to open his heart?
She brought us together for us to learn
Though the tide has turned

Hanging on, against the undertow

Feeling the sand slipping away to sea
Trying to find the solid ground
To get my footing again
I miss you with all my heart and soul
The daily thoughts, oh the ache
I try to put the pieces in place
But know I should just draw the stake
Then the fear takes over my insides
The mind questions the sanity
I look for guidance in what the universe brings
Trying patiently to create the right things
The wind blowing, the Palo Verde scraping
The ringing of the bell in a steady rhythm
Like the time keeper of natures music
The blue hue cast by the moons rays
Giving the desert a far away landscape
Like an eerie dream, where am I?
Venus by night, Mars by day
The Navajo red sands swirling
Weathered faces, upturned smiles, soulful deep brown eyes
Children laughing as they chew their candy

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