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Una graciosa historia de Bruselas


Leandro Ferrero: How is the wether there?

Daniel Medvedov: Rose wether, blue sky, white clouds, Son.
An American anthropologist was asked by an old Mayan as follows:
"Hey, how you call in your language, a Hijo? "
- 'Ah, we call it "Son" .'- said the professor.
The old man asked again: - "And what then call you the Sun? '' Eh! - We call it "sun" '- said the anthropologist.
The Mayan elder said this: "How beautiful, you call your son with the same name as used
for the sun!".
- "Nooo, no!" - He was quick to respond American. "It's not the same because one writes U - / u /, and the other with O - / o /."
- "It's the same, crazy!" - It's the same! Only that you think is different! "said the old maya.

Leandro Ferrero 21 hours ago Like 1

Leandro Ferrero: "Yeah, q is the same! It's like telling Sunson! lol -SanSn. Well, here
it is known: Mothers tell children "My Sunshine". And their husbands - "my heaven".
LIKE 21 hours ago 1
Leandro Ferrero: "Here [This is Rosario, Argentina,my note] - is 6.h20 ', and maybe the
temperature is 8 degrees outside, autumn is draging us down, and the fresh wind, is
cleaning the streets, soon the sun will rise from east, is Important to say" from east ", we
will see it in His Way up in the other side of the river, and by 12 m. it will be upon us,
giving us some pleasant 17 degrees. "LIKE 21 hours ago 1
Leandro Ferrero "and birds are
cheerping and cheering up the sun. I love
That Ingls word: "cheering up" 21 hours ago 1 LIKE
Leandro Ferrero, "but ENCOURAGING is superior!"

Vladimir Homero Arellano: Leandro, and in these parts the surprised women say:
"Heaven! - My husband !"

Daniel Medvedov
Arellano Vladimir Homer: "Homer, your middle name - Vladimir - reminds me of one
of the most amazing stories of my life occurred when I lived in Paris, studying medicine,
in a room at my teacher Doctor Jean-Claude de Tymowsky Medical Cabinet at Rur Foche

Tymowsky had its elegant "Cabinet" - Cabinet medical consultations, in Foche Avenue,
near the Arc de Triomphe - looked like a floor apartment of royalty, super smart, but he
lived with his wife in a modest apartment outside Paris. "Why the difference?" - asked I
to Tymowsky comparing their modest home with the extravagance of the office.

"Ha-Ea! - Do you think that anybody would come to the consultation, "in the banlieue,"
- Catherine Deneuve, Alain Delon or that of my patients are today? I do acupuncture with
gold needles, because when I ask them - 'Do you want me to use needles of silver or
gold?' - They answer me without thinking twice - 'Gold!'. Sure, that's much more
expensive! "

One day, very early in the morning,

Doctor Tymowsky wakes me and asks:
'You drive?'. "Yes! - I say. "So,
get dressed, I have reserved for you, for today,
A little surprise! '
I get dressed and go out with the car, out of Paris,
northward. I was driving. 'Ah!' I cried - 'I did not bring my passport!' - 'Not worry,
you need not'-. Tymowsky said.

Vladimir Homero Arellano,

I tell you that, and you, Leandro Ferrero, as the second of your name, Homer - the
"Vladimir" was the name by which Tymowsky called me, and although I insisted that my
name is "Daniel", Doctor said that causes call "Vladimir". I left it that size. "Vladimir"
has brought me the memory of the story I tell. I follow. I drove many hours and arrived at
a village, to "overnight" - Tymowsky, -'I didnt tell you, thats one of my houses. '
We reached a small wooden chalet, the door was unlocked, and walked in: in the middle
of the living-room was a large table. On the table, a clay pot filled with freshly cooked
wheat. I saw no one in the house.

Tymowsky lifted the lid of the pot and a mild fragrance filled the room, there was not
plenty of light, a faint dark. 'See?' - Said Dr. Tymowsky. "That steam is energy: no
wheat, no pot or pan lid, or fire, or water which has boiled over, or the cops who have left
their embers in the fire." _ 'Hmmmm. . . . "- It was for me to answer.
I left early the next day, again, and the doctor said: - "Go! Follow the way! - Was this
the surprise? "- I asked. - "Oh, no!." - he said .
We continue traveling a few more hours and reach the border with Belgium, the
clearance by the customs, as I was the driver, the guard asked for my passport.
At that moment, Dr. Jean-Claude de Tymowsky said - "This, - he goes with me" [I
immediately remembered so said the poet Virgil in Hell, when the dead asked him what a
hell he did Dante there, for he was a living being. 'This is going with me.' - Vade
Mecum - Virgilio said, without further inquiry, the shadows left them free passage]
The military looked at the car, waved and said: "Go ahead, Doctor!" - And he let us
through. I asked a little later, to Tymowsky, how and where the hell knew that guard the
border between France and Belgium that he was a 'doctor' and this gentleman showed me
a small sticker on the windshield. "What you are?" - I Asked. - "It is the seal of legal
medical doctors practitioners in France, which have free passage everywhere, as they are
called by the ambulance at any time of day or night, to lift accident, and assist the
wounded." - Tymowsky said.

We arrived shortly after Brussels at Manneken Piss Square - the famous "boy - fountain"
which is urinating, parked in front of an old building, up the stairs and rang the bell of a
very elegant apartment: opened a beautiful young woman with a newborn child in her
- "I present you Soleil" - He is my son, just born a few days ago "- Sara, - she is my
wife. Sara, this is Vladimir, my assistant in the Paris Cabinet "
She held out her hand smiling - she was also a sun - and said." Come !, - Feel yourself
comfortable "!
Dr. Jean - Claude deTymowsky was not an old man, had a "no-mind" or so years, but she
should not have more than twenty years.
That was the surprise, Homer. Hope you,
you enjoyed !

A year earlier, by 1980, Dr. Jean Claude de Tymowsky gave lectures in Caracas,
Venezuela, and I was then his translator. I remember on one occasion, the journalist
Rosita Caldera interviewed him in the suite of the Hilton Hotel, where my dear student
and friend Aleissis Piaspan was the Japanese Sushi Chef Bar. But the funny thing about
the interview is that in the morning, when Rosita Caldera waited in the living room of the
suite to ask the doctor some questions, Tymowsky was taking a shower and left naked in
front of us, dried with a towel and gave Chinese balls interview. Rosita Caldera, looked
surprised, but I told her in Castilian: "Go on, Rosita, this guy is like Einstein, he has no
idea he is naked, does not know who is naked, - you just ask, you do not stop at balls!"
Caldera Rosita smiled and held her interview without further investigation of
That Doctor Jean-Claude de Tymowsky is no fool: he is the author of many books among
which the most beautiful is one called "The Other Medicine. A New Health Concept ",
published in Spanish, too:
The Other Medicine. New Health Concept

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