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Conflict can only be resolved by dispelling ignorance

In conflict, many factors can affect the way it is resolved. Knowledge is the key to
solving a problem, especially when that problem pertains to high tension situations.
When people relapse into their own perception of a situation, conflict becomes hard
to resolve. Lack of knowledge itself is also a key contributor to the lack of resolution
for conflict. However, a lack of concise and clear understanding of a situation can
also lead to an end to conflict.
Ignorance is bred from close-minded thinking and thus, conflict becomes hard to
resolve. People can become their own inhibitors, rendering others views and ideas
invalid by their own decision. Culture plays a large role in preventing people from
seeing conflict from different angles. In the movie, A Separation, the countrys
Sharia Law prevents females from leaving the house without a male of their family
to accompany them. This law is seen in the movie when Nader sends Termeh
outside the car to get change from a man outside. Upon this, many cars behind
them start to honk their horns in disgust, showing that females going outside alone
is still frowned upon, being heavily affected by culture. The fact that even a short
walk elicits such cultural conflict from the general populace shows that people
cannot see a situation from another angle besides their own as the view is already
heavily ingrained within Iranian culture. This is coupled with Termeh receiving
incorrect change after the ordeal with the other people. The lack of ending to the
discrimination that she received by just walking outside by herself is proof that
culture can stop people from recognizing different viewpoints of conflict. When
people deny the world around them, they wont be able to find ways to end conflict.
Reyhanneh Jabbari, 26, was recently condemned to hanging for the murder of her
would-be rapist. The law required her to be executed for her crime, but Amnesty
International and other humanitarian groups had signed petitions to appeal her
execution. However, the government hanged her anyway, leaving the ignorance
and lies of the [government] to make people disappointed and upset, producing
more conflict. The government had denied the input of other people, rendering the
regarding of different viewpoints impossible. The narrow-minded had stopped the
conflict from being resolved.
Without full knowledge about the core of conflict, finding the way to dispel tension
becomes impossible. The method to exacting a way to end conflict relies heavily on
the fact that knowledge is required to know the full story and other views of the
situation. From the viewpoints of other people, different outlooks on a situation
arise, thus complicating conflict. In A Separation, the two families that attempt to
sue each other find that their views conflict with each other in their pursuit of
personal gain. This complication of blame makes conflict hard to understand,
leaving both families believing that they had been wronged. When Raziehs
husband exclaims that they are being wronged because [Nader and Simin] know
how to talk, it is seen that the families both think that they are right even through
the lack of understanding from either party. The difference between both views of

the families complicated conflict, thus making it impossible to dispel tension. (I cant
write much about the next small idea)
However, ignorance and obfuscation can lead to an end to conflict. When the
knowledge required to solve conflict is not present or is warped by other means, the
conflict can still be able to be solved. Lying to people is a valid way to achieving an
end to conflict. In A Separation, Razieh lies to everyone around her in the hopes that
she would not be blamed for the miscarriage of her child. She manages to lead
other characters on through her dedication to her lie. Her consistent intrapersonal
conflict between admitting the truth and letting people find out that her miscarriage
was her fault fuels her desire to lie and in turn, succeeds at ending her conflict with
herself and with her husband. Through complete ignorance and a lack of desire to
understand, an end to conflict may be brought about. At the end of World War 2,
America ended the war with the two bombs dropped on Hiroshima in 1945. This act
was committed without any research into what Japan really was like at the locations
at ground zero. The bombs had ended the conflict even if the full story was not
known to America.

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