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Teachers aspire to have all of their students learn. This aspiration of reaching all students
spans disciplines, age levels, and all varieties of institutions. Most teachers do so out of a
genuine love for their discipline and a desire to share the wonder of their chosen field with
others. Science teaching is no different than other disciplines in this respect. However, try us we
may in science, the lack of diversity apparent in the statistics of who chooses to perceive
scientific discipline professionally suggest that we still have much to learn about how to reach all
students. To provide open access to science learning and encourage a broader spectrum of
students to pursue studies in the sciences, teachers must to begin the address the diversity of
learning styles among the s can students in our classrooms for this modern approaches with and
without use of ICT can be administered in science classrooms so that a diversity of learning
styles can be develop in the students.

The use of a circle as both the organizational structure and descriptive metaphor for a meeting of
equals is likely to have been part of our history for as long as as fire has. The learning circle is a
mechanism for organizing and honoring the collective wisdom of the group and present in many
indigenous cultures. The term learning circle has been used to describe group efforts with clear
links to social change. The web can help locate the many ways both present and past groups have
used the term study circle or learning circle as a form of adult and student education. They use
learning circles, rather than more traditional forms of group meetings, to structure their annual
conference. Primary teachers use a simple form of learning circles when they gather the students
at the rug for circle time. Researchers have used learning circle as a form of professional
development to improve their practice. A similar term Quality circle.

Models of Circles
Learning Circle have been used for centuries with students and adults in many different contexts.
Mainly two types of models are described here.

Model 1:- Open Agile Learning Circle

Open agile is an agile system of project and team management. In the Open Agile system,
the learning circle is a simple and practical model of effective learning The learning circle was
adapted by Garry Bertieg from a development model in the Building Momentum document
issued by the Bagai world center around 2003.

This model describes learning as a series of 4 steps, 4 capacities for us to develop,

and the pivotal importance of Guidance.

The four steps:

The four steps in the learning circle are Reflection, Learning, Planning, and Action,

Reflection:- The reflection step is a pause in our actives where we gather data ,

Impressions, history, stories and any other observations about what we have done .we
must develop and exercise the capcity for Deachment- detachment from preconceived
Learning:- In the learning step we carefully examine the observations made in the
Reflection step and discover new insights, Skills, relationship, structures, failures or
any other conceptual changes. We must develop and exercise the capacity of search
search for the underling principal
Planning:- In the planning step we apply the conceptual understanding we have
developed. We use these newly discovered principles to systematically to create a plan of
action. We should directly reflect in our planning each insight or principal we have
learned. In order to do this step effectively for Love love for the act of learning.
Action:- In the action step, as an individual, team or organization we carry out the plan
we have created. We do our work. In order to do this effectively, we must have couragecourage to plunge into the unknown.

The Four Capacities:

Detachment Detachment means that we set aside our ego and objectively look at the
evidence including facts, events and feelings.
Search Search includes consultation, wisdom, discernment, judgment, and search for
Love and Work Love creates openness to guidance. Love engenders vision, passion,
and sense of purpose.
Courage Courage encompasses conscious choice, volition, willingness, and desire to
act even in the face of uncertainty.
Guidance - Central to the effectiveness of the learning circle is guidance

Model 2:- Distributed leadership and collaboration in online learning circles.

This model is described by a;

Set of defining dimensions

Norms that support the interaction
Phase structure that guides the process.

Among the goals of this circle learning activity are helping student to develop the trust
and respect for diversity of experience, and fostering both listening and speaking skills among
peers. The successful practice in cooperate settings in which the hierarchical boundaries between
workers and managers are flattened to encourage participatory management and team leadership.
The goal was to encourage everyone to develop a strong sense of ownership over the process and
product of the group.

Dr. Mariamma Mathew, teaching science for biological and physical science,NAS
publishers, pp;173-174.

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