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David Rose
-Jersey Investigation hit job
- clearly very hostile, lurid
- shaped discussion of case
- witchhnunt hysteria account (even features R Webster see below)
- introoduces the very effective coconut meme
- re-reported throughout press: BBC (see below) and even
Nick Davies, who was otherwise rather more balanced
- Davies notes that Lenny Harper openly
distrusted Jersey authorities
- does not really consider why t
hat might be (was Harper, perhaps, delusional?)
- accused police of insanely incompetent and hysterical investig
- threw in other smears such as abuse of expense account
- 4 October 2009: overdoes the blanket criticism
- said to be based on leaked 'interim' r
eport devised to discredit investigators
- Gives Rose authority and reaso
n to report; gives police deniability
- how was it that Rose got the s
coop on this 'leaked interim report'
- no sign so far of a final repo
- Accepted by BBC - inc coconut trope
- account rebutted by the officer in question
- Stuart Syvret - Jersey Senator published officer's reb
- his blog complained of massive corruption in J
ersey's powerful local govt
- Google locked down his blog sometime b
etween 4 and 10 Feb 2014

- between Jan 12 and 28 2014, 'ThisIsJer

sey' news website redirected to Jersey Evening Post
- both were owned in common but
effect is to make all ThisIsJersey stories inaccessible
- Syvret was voted out of office by other senato
http://channel-island-cover-up.blogspot. (copy of Sunday Time
s, May 4, 2008: Within these walls: the Jersey childcare scandal; see http://www
- serious ructions - annother senator told him t
o top himself
- arrested and home searched without warrant, 14
May 2009
- UK MPs denounced the move
- prosecuted for his blog under Jersey 'Data Pro
tection' laws
- imprisoned
- sought refuge with MP in London
- case mentioned in Commons
- not sued for libel despite accusing wealthy pe
ople of serious crimes
-Steve Messham hit job
- with Bob Woffinden (see below)
- prominently reports Messham tried - twice (and acquitt
- trial 1: describes Messham as admitting 'conce
aling' savings, but was acquitted on basis of inadvertence
- trial 2: article's 'deck' states only "Stood t
rial for 65k fraud at charity for victims of the scandal"
- acquittal raises issue of malicious pr
- evidence of malice
- McAlpine fiasco
- BBC did not name McAlpine
- guy from Bureau of Investigative Journalism (.) did le
t it out orally (at party?)
- never really explained how went so wrong
- Messham said police had told him it was Lord M
- but seems more likely they had said Mc
Alpine - i.e. Jimmy(?)
- at Waterhouse inquiry he said

he thought the abuser was dead

- 'My walk is waiting': disappearance for severa
l hours after furore broke out
- now gone to ground
- McAlpine had apparently watertight rebuttal
- Quote from his Machiavelli book re: strawman m
anoeuvre to discredit potential accusers
- died v. soon after
-anecdote peddling
-Rose's role as serial dupe or witting agent of secret services
- New Statesman confession, attempt to wipe the slate clean
- poss. limited hangout
- certainly casts very grave doubt on everything before
- ought to mean totally discredited, surely?
- repudiated in relation to the Messham case
- resorts to nutpicking, even the Lizards!
- 'I'm getting close to suing'
- Iraq War propaganda
-started at Vanity Fair in 2001, same time as started pr
opapaganda role
- went from writer to contrib. ed in 2002
- excoriated by Nick Davies in Flat Earth News
-support for war was "misplaced and naive"; "I l
ook back with shame and disbelief"
(Rose, 'Betrayed by this immoral war', E
vening Standard, 10 May, 2004)
-was part of a "calculated set-up"; was "bambooz
led"; "we must not be fooled again"
- still not enough, produced NS confessional
see newstatesman^
- Still pushing thinly veiled pro-Neocon stuff in 2007
-'neocons are adamant that...stabilizing Iraq is the onl
y option...this time, they may be right.' (!!)
- supposedly, a 1983 guardian piece blaming Brixton riots on far
left/NF alliance (unverified)
- anti-Global warming stuff

- Fox/Werrity hetero 'expose'
Home Affairs Committee hearings and report, 2002
- produced 'Home Affairs Committee Report on Conduct of Investigations i
nto Past Cases of Abuse in Children's Homes (2002)'
- post Waterhouse report
- Hague oversaw as Welsh Sec at tail end of Tory govt.
- Hague (53) has announced exit from Parl. politics at n
ext GE (innuendo outweighs minimal probative value here?)
- Waterhouse report into Bryn Estyn - reception
- Jillings report: earlier investigation into Bryn Estyn
et al.
- suppressed
- explained as at behest of insurer
- extracts seen at time mentioned earlie
r similar suppression
- NB this makes clear that monetary inte
rests cut both ways, at least
- used by c'tee members to elicit info on other topics
- e.g. Chris Mullin asking about cop who was publicly dissenting
from miscarriage findings
- Cameron
- raised PIE and organised paedo ring issues, eliciting,
as he must have expected, denial that anything found.
- we know then that this stuff was in peoples' minds at
the time.
- Rose, Webster, Woffinden asked to give evidence about police methods a
nd propensity for witchhunts
- treated as experts
- Webster (Eng. Lit, Freud scholar, amateur sleuth) - submitted
legal brief
- pushed term: 'trawling'
- conflated a number of issues
- 'similar fact evidence'
- monetary interest
- poss. use by police to elicit accusati
- did not mention that cuts both ways;
- collusion/contamination

- framed issue as witchhunt - i.e hounding of the power

less due to hysteria
- Rose
- volunteered story about how became interested in the i
ssue 2 years ago
- by being introduced to Webster's work by unnam
ed QC friend
- authority based on producing a documentary about Bryn
[- Hypothesis P: there was an effort to prime influential opinio
n by framing the overall issue in terms of witchhunts
- valid concern in some past cases
- but apt to prejudice genuine inquiries
- accompanied (as in ]
- Woffinden
- seems to have history of genuine interest in miscarria
ges of justice
- wrote piece in Mail (Mail again!) repudiating his prev
ious support for Jeremy Bamber
- long article starts as if in support
- consistently denied
- passed lie detector
- but Woffinden says his review of the case 'cau
sed me dramatically to change my mind'
- very categorical about it but had pret
ty thin story
- wrote Webster's obit
- see below under 'Webster'
- Webster
- has prior commitment to debunking child abuse on theor
etical grounds (Freud)
- predisposed to be interested in imposition of
false claims by therapists
- specifically interested in witchhunts - says became in
terested in this at University - Cohn
- started own press in set up in 1990,
- "In 1985 he and his wife, Bod, founded the Orw
ell Bookshop at Southwold and also their own imprint, the Orwell Press, which pu
blished some of his books and also postcards"
- he says was set up to publish 1st book: A Brie
f History of Blasphemy (1990)

- 'highly topical': thought would not find publ

isher quickly
- wrote in favour of extending blasphemy
laws to cover Islam
- perhaps a bit odd
- atheist (though with s
tring religious background - so poss ambig/ambiv)
- headline crit.
of Freud had been that he was continuing Judaeo-Christian mythos
- supposed liberal?
- when written?.....CHEC
- consistent with a security/dip
lomatic agenda?
- written and published within c. 1 yr o
f Rushdie fatwa
- though Telegraph says 1992, no
t 1990
- Woffinden explains RW funded Orwell Press thro
ugh his cards business
- Suffolk Cards
- Now may be Orwell Press Art Pu
-RW explains why he called it Orwell Pre
ss; because of Orwell bookshop
- explains that too; was near so
mewhere Orwell had stayed
- Freud book won him acclaim
- published by big houses, 1995
- bought back rights and repub'd
through Orwell Press
- says bought back right
s in 95 but elsewhere says was 2005 which makes more sense.
- 1998: The Great Childrens' Home Panic
- published The Secret of Bryn Estyn
- published story about Blair and responsibility for Kel
ly death!!
- described as 'interesting' by (?)
- variety of other questionable output
- Kelly suicide piece
- No interesting theorising
- superficially forensic
- usual business: rebuttal of so
me supposed smoking guns
- clinical opinion-forma
tion rather than interesting discussion
- why bother?
- has usual vindictive security-boy line
that Kelly suicide was apt response to shame of dishonour
- challenges Mail opinion poll 25-50-25

- plays down prevalence of murde

r belief
- Unusual departure from
witchhunt model
- seems to be aimed at m
inimising bandwagon effect
- typical propag
anda technique
- Characterises the large 'undec
ided' faction as 'not knowing what they think'
- typical of opinion-for
mers, who do not like suspension of judgement
- leans heavily on Tom Mangold
- Mangold major player in counte
ring public concern over Kelly death
-entered into over-famil
ar email contact w Kelly immed before death
- claimed to be friend o
f family
- turned up at f
uneral but not really welcome (check this)
- claimed priveg
ed access to Mrs Kelly's story
- journo on security topics
- fairly typical comprom
ised or retained journo
- revised version after got plug in arts
- added detail about Mangold's t
- thus able to present a
s less speculative
- promoted one doctor to 'most i
- added long section pre
senting him as slightly unhinged
- conspiratorial
- and probably a
- Attacks on Flat Earth News (see Rose, above)
- Woffinden obit
- was he actually a friend?
- not much about his work?
- has one or two odd things (most v tenuous but
just in case relevant later)
- explanation of why his interest in chi
ld abuse allegations not strange
- slightly odd thing about how he was li
ke 'badger in wind of willows'
- some cryptic reference?
- explanation of how he could afford to
self-publish + (buy back rights to older books, etc)
- mentions sale of Orwell Book Shop in S
- because he was busy with other

- mentions marriage breakdown
- then moved to Oxford
- wife only named by nickname
- mentions 'was due to publish book on C
asa Pia affair in week of death'
- Article supporting Frank Beck, assimilating case to ov
erzealous witch-hunts
- does not deal with the obvious invoolvment of
Leicester MP Greville Janner
- Casa Pia Book
- 2 mentions removed from Wikipe
- inc. one which confirm
s he was due to publish on 30 Jun
- one removed under slig
htly incongruous pretext
- other removed without
acknowledgement along with extensive other edits
- third remains - is ref
'd to Woffinden mention
- might otherwis
e have disappeared?
- was advertised on his website
- after death, Portugues
e blurb put above Eng
- later removed altogeth
- Telegraph says "Webster s last b
ook, published both in English and Portuguese in April this year, was Casa Pia:
The Making of a Modern European Witch Hunt."
- also mentions his enco
untering a witness who says it was a set-up
- all this probably got
from his website at the time
- Orwell Press website had the b
ook on front page in Mar 4 2011
- Had cover pic, pre-ord
er facilities
- long blurb
- (in 3rd person
) says he 'spent 10 years' writing Secret of Bryn Estyn after his Freud book
- publication da
te given as 'February/March 2011'
- 'pre-order the
book now'
- Next version is Nov 13
- says 'Updated
9 May 2011'
- now has Portug
uese version at top - 'For the English edition, scroll down the page. '

- 'publication c
onfirmed - 30 Jun 2011'
- 'pre-order the
book now'
- Next, Mar 4 2012 & Oct
22 2012
- 'updated' dat
e gone, book now out of print
- Next, May 2013
- gone
- books no longe
r offered from website
- but Bryn Estyn
can be got from Chapel Books...
- despite unname
d 'friends' saying they would try to publish outstanding stuff
- but Casa P bk
was apparently ready to go, but never emerged- On RW's personal website, an entr
y exists
- has what apperas to be
intro or long extract
- same is available as p
df with cover same as actual book
- relates serious proble
ms with the evidence
- earlier article about affair a
lso exists
- 'the idea of a paedoph
ile ring which supplied young boys to politicians was always a fantasy. This was
no less true in relation to Kincora than it was in relation to North Wales' (
- Hypothesis W1: Webster was influenced by secret servic
- Hypothesis W2: Webster was killed because of connectio
n to Casa Pia affair!!!!
- Hyp W2.1: Dissented from orders to debunk Casa
Pia, threatened to blow whistle
- Hyp W2.2: Found out something in course of inv
estigations - had to be silenced
- Possible freaky weirdo warning stuff (included
speculatively, for completeness)
US Orwell Press site
- 'Thoughtcrime is Death'
- 'He who controls present contr
ols past...' etc.
- David Rose fake paraplegic
- killed off in Oct 2011
-reported in Mail


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