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Long Walk To Forever

1. Write a definition for each of the following terms and use each in a sentence
that clearly demonstrates its meaning
Furlough, A.W.O.L., colonnade, consternation, stockade, offensive
Furlough: Leave of absence that is granted to an armed service member
A.W.O.L.: Absent from one's post but without intent to desert.
Colonnade: A row of columns
Consternation: Feelings of anxiety most likely if something is unexpected
Stockade: a barrier to protect from attack or to group animals
Offensive: behaving in a rude or non-polite manner
Furlough: I think it is proper for me to take a furlough from my job at the
company to go home.
A.W.O.L.: I went A.W.O.L because I couldnt stay there any more I had to see
my family
Colonnade: Around the pool is a colonnade with white columns
Consternation: A look of consternation on the boys face caused her parents
to wonder.
Stockade: Strengthen the stockade we do not need any more animals on the
Offensive: My mom found that my tone of voice was offensive and mean
2. The story is written almost entirely in dialogue. How does this affect pace of
the story?
Since there is mostly dialogue you dont get to stop time and see what the
character is thinking which quickens pace
3. Newt is braved determined and confident. He shows bravery when he decides
to go AWOL and leave the army. After that he decides to turn himself in to the
army when he was finished with what he wanted to do. Even though the
author doesnt explain the journey he took to meet Catharine it probably took
a lot of perseverance. It is highly likely he was low on food and water by
himself. That one goal kept him alive to meet Catharine. The last point is his
confidence. He repeatedly kisses women because he is confident of himself
that he is better than her husband and she will cancel her wedding for him.

The author showed many hints that Catherine was just excited to be a bride
that were mostly linked from her reactions to Newt. After Newt was kissing
her she kept on saying things like what would people say if they caught you
doing that. Which is hinting that she doesnt really care about her husband
but if she cheats on him she wont be a bride anymore

5. Newt refers to Scarlett OHara because she is very similar to Catharine

Scarlett can be insecure, and has an intelligent bright mind.

6. He keeps on saying he didnt know what she would do after her reactions. I
think the author is hinting that he is nave.
7. When Newt slept after a while the school bell rung and the chick-a-dees
started singing which is supposed to meanthe start of a new day and a twist
in the story.
8. One of the themes for the story is that with actions there are consequences.
Catherines action is to get married and then fall for another man so now she
has to deal with that problem.
Newt went to the army then decided to leave unattended to meet Catharine
so now he is on the wrong side of the law

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