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From the novel Enders Game by Orson Scott Card, I have chosen to
describe the main character, Ender. Ender was a genius born as the
youngest among three siblings. He entered a special military program in a
normal school and proved himself to exhibit a few admirable qualities. The
first one is that Ender is highly adaptable to new situations. In battle
school, he proved himself to others that he is a quick planner, decisive
and cunning. He could even train the schools most unwanted and useless
students to become good strategy fighters. His team could even beat
other powerful team by carefully planning and meticulously analyzing the
battle situation. Enders team eventually became the most successful
team in the history of battle school. The second admirable quality is that
he is able to survive on his own as he does not necessarily need to rely on
anybody else. When he was in the normal school, a bully named Stilson
was agitating Ender by mocking and abusing him. But as Ender was being
monitored by the military, he could do nothing except putting up with the
constant pressure. When the government stopped monitoring him, Ender
felt bad as he thought the military was not interested in himself anymore.
Stilson who was happy of this incident mocked Ender and physically
abused him. This lead to a fight in which Ender ends up beating Stilson so
bad that he could not even move. The reason is that Enders wants to
protect himself as he cant rely on others. By beating Stilson badly, he
could avoid any future threats from Stilson and his abusive friends.
However there is a flaw for Ender. Being a perfect genius boy, he didnt
have much freedom for being alive. He was constantly being watched by
people with their gawky looks, expecting Ender to perform well. In fact in
school, he had no real friends. Even his own brother is his enemy and he is
afraid that he himself will become like his brother; a maniac, evil genius
and a cruel selfish being. The government was also playing around with
Enders abilities by enrolling him into the battle school. The constant
manipulations result in Ender being tricked by the government to perform
a xenocide which is a genocide of an entire alien race on a distant planet.
Holistically, by being too perfect in many aspects can result in isolation by




the people around you and exposing yourself to manipulations by greedy

institutions. However it is a good practice to emulate some of Enders
qualities for future purposes.

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