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Name: Diana Cardoso Cervantes

Student I.D.: A01371291

Life as a Toddler
As long as human keep aging, we face different life stages. In my opinion
the best life stage is when we are toddlers. I consider this because it is
the stage when we are free to do whatever we want in someway.
When we are born we do not have any responsibility and it keeps that
way when we are toddlers. As we grow up that lack of responsibilities
changes, now we have school, homework, activities, etc. while as
toddlers we can play all day, even at school kindergarten when we
grow up those changes and there are other activities to do.
It is also the best life stage because for toddlers everything they see is
new and a discovery. Toddlers are free from prejudice and the only
concern they have is what to play later.
We need to encourage parents and kindergarten teachers to make
toddlers life stage unforgettable for every child because we not had
more freedom than in that stage.

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