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Nur Liyana Aznan

Debbie Lynch
Definition Essay: final review
ESL 004
22nd OCTOBER 2014
Inevitable Pain
Pain is a way of life. All people experience it at some points regardless of how they
define it. Falling from a bicycle, touching boiling water with a bare hand or spreading salt on
cuts may bring a major sensation of pain to the body. People explained different kinds of
meaning when they were being asked about what pain is. Pain is always subjective as it can gives
different meanings to people, physically and emotionally.
Emotionally in pain is actually a mental suffering from something psychological. In my
own words, it is describes as how much you hurt as a human being. Some people in inner pain
will feel like in mental misery. Nonetheless, it is not normal if people did not experience pain.
Mental suffering can be caused by a lot of things such as facing deaths, breaking a relationship
and much more. Based on Sherman Alexies book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time
Indian, we can take a lot of examples. Junior, the main character has faced a lot of deaths. First,
his kind and lovable grandmother died from a car accident, then followed by Eugene, his dads
best friend who always good to him. Lastly, his beloved sister also died in a fire. All of the deaths
that happened were greatly influenced by alcohol. He was greatly in pain to the point he felt that

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it was all his fault. He thought that all of the deaths were the punishment to him for leaving the
From my personal experience, I also experienced pain when it comes to deaths, but the
very first death gave a deeper scar than the others. Once, I had a very lovely Maine Coon breed
cat named Koyang. She was a brilliant cat. She knew how to operate the television remote to
change channels and she also could push the button on the phone which will call my mom. I was
happy to be with her until one day, she died in a car accident in front of my eyes. That time she
was dying when I approached her. Her eyes popped out from her sockets and her internal organs
splattered out from her stomach. She tried to open her mouth to tell me she was suffering. Seeing
her in pain, made me in fall into a deep pain too. She looked at me with sorrow before slowly
closed her eyes. I could never forget the last gaze she gave me. It was full of wretchedness and
pain. My heart started to break when she stopped breathing. The pain that it gave me is so deep
that it would be hard for me to forget it the rest of my life.
International Association for The Study of Pain (IASP) defines pain as an unpleasant
sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described
in terms of such damage. Physical pain is produced when the stimuli under the skin are being
tortured. I still remember the time I had the most hurtful pain when I was six. Aiming to go to the
playground, I was riding my bicycle alone without my parents knowing. It was not far at all. In
fact, I used to go there every time with my sister. Suddenly a very attractive butterfly caught my
eye. It was a stunning creature with a beautiful pair of wings that I have never seen in my life. I
was caught off guard because of that butterfly and unfortunately I fell on a deep drain near the
road. It was a deep drain that that a six-year-old girl could not get out from. I was stuck there and
my head started to feel dizzy. All of a sudden, I felt an intense piercing pain at my right leg. It

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was a shocking moment when I realized my leg got a deep vertical cut starting from my knee.
Adrenaline straightly pulsated through my veins as I saw a lot of sticky red fluid kept flowing
out from the cut. I could not breathe normally and my vision was clouding. I tried to get up, but I
failed and stumbled back. The pain from the cut was unbearable and it was torturing me to death.
I just kept crying for the next 30 minutes in that drain, hoping that someone who passed would
hear me. It was the worst memory ever. The next thing I remembered was waking up in a
hospital and my mother told me that I passed out in the drain for a long time. Even though the
scar on my leg had already gone now, that accident brought me a very bitter life experience.
I thought that childhood memory was the worst painful experience to recall back, until I
read the whole novel of Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. I found out that my painful
memory was nothing to compare to Junior. Being bullied all the time, he never had a good
childhood time as he was the target to be hit by most people. Junior is so vulnerable because of
his brain having too much cerebral spinal fluid (Alexie 1). Therefore, when Rowdy hit him at the
head during the basketball game, he then had minor concussion and have to be rushed to the
hospital (Alexie 146-147). To conclude, Junior experienced a lot of physical pain since he was
born to the world and regardless of that, he never gave up his life and keep struggling.
Pain is very subjective to people, but mostly they would define pain as an emotional
feeling of unpleasantness, disgracefulness and sorrow. However, pain is also physically described
as a nasty sensory and experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described
in terms of such damage. Although both types of pain can have long term effects on people, most
people eventually learn to cope. As for Junior, he learned that he had experienced a lot of pain
generally because of alcohol and swore that he would never drink alcohol at all (Alexie 217). In
my case, I knew that by any means, we have to face death as we know all living things are mortal

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as well. Hence, when encountering deaths, I just let it all out. It is going to hurt at first, but what I
really do is to sit down and cry as long as I want because allowing the pain out is better than
letting it build up inside.

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Alexie, Sherman. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian. Little, Brown and Company
(2009). New York. Print.
IASP Taxonomy. IASP International Association for The Study of Pain. International
Association for the Study of Pain, 2014. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.

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Definition of SKATEBOARDING by native Americans
1. Fast and free moving game with art that most adults enjoy playing at. It is a fun
activity which could be a healthy sports and worth some time to be spend. (Jamie, USA)

2. An easy way to playing while by riding a board with wheels at the bottom but need
some skills and time to learn riding it. (Alie, USA)

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