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Morals are morals because they are functional...

They do a job for humanity and not

on humanity....And the best social expression of morals is this: Mind your own
business, and not some other person's business unless it makes itself your
business...Other than that, people have the right to self defense, and no right to
provoke the need for self defense...Courts should never decide law, but it should be
presumed that every conflict between people represents a want of justice, and that
justice should be decided, or resolution should be facilitated...As you can see, this is
not much like present law... People know how to behave if they have ever lived in a
family...You cannot make a law requiring people to be good for goodness sake, but
that is exactly the reason that motivates most people, because most people are good,
and they seek the good they give...
All the aims of government are expressed in the preamble of the contitution are
worthy goals and should be supported by law...The motto to appear on the first coin
minted in America was: mind your business... I think it should be our national motto...
I'm hoping that responders will define "good" and "bad" as it applies to their answers
to this question. Good and bad can have any number of definitions, and not all have to
be relative - after all, we wouldn't have laws period if this most basic question were
simply left in the air. Examples of attempts at objective views of good and bad would
include consequentialism and Kant's categorical imperative.
I'm asking people to take a stance on good and bad and apply it to this question
Describe a law in your country.
Many students think they don't know anything about laws. However, there are some
easy examples that they could choose:
1. In many countries it is now illegal to use a mobile phone while driving. You
could start by talking about the popularity and benefits of mobile phones, and
explain that people want to be able to answer calls wherever they are. Then
you could explain the dangers of being distracted while driving; this law could
reduce the number of road accidents, and therefore save lives.
2. If you feel confident talking about the 'education' topic, you could choose the
'compulsory education' law. This is the legal requirement that children up to a
certain age must attend school. In the UK, for example, children are required
by law to continue in education until they are 16 years old. This is a good topic
because you can talk about the benefits of education.
Of course, you could choose a more obvious law (it is illegal to steal, carry a gun etc.)
but you might have more ideas and good vocabulary if you choose a typical IELTS topic
like number 2 above.

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