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This is a solitaire survival game. Your goal is to enable Jeff to pass safely through a cemetery infested with
zombies. You will need the board, 2 dice, Jeff; 2 zombie-dogs; 12 zombies). To begin, place Jeff on one of the
church steps spaces (opposite the Cemetary gatehis only way out!)
Turn Sequence:
1. Appearance of a new zombie: roll 2d6, the result is always read as lower/higher value. This is its entry
point. It immediately moves 1 space towards Jeff if it can see him; if it cannot, it does not move at all.
If the die roll is any double, a special event occurs. Roll on the Special Event Table for the results.
If the die roll is the space occupied by Jeff, or a space adjacent to it, Jeff is killed by the new zombie,
because it can grab him when it moves its 1 space. Game over, man.
If the roll is for a space already occupied by another zombie, roll again. Ignore any doubles; keep
rolling until you obtain the number corresponding to a free space.
If there are 12 zombies on the board no zombie enters, until one is eliminated. Roll the dice anyway,
for a possible special event.
2. Jeffs movement: Up to 3 spaces, never diagonally. Unused movement cannot be "saved" for later use.
Jeff cannot pass over gravestones, holes, the fence, or the wall; and cannot pass over or enter the
Jeff carries a pistol with 1 bullet, useable at any time during movement. It automatically kills 1 visible
zombie, regardless of range. Firing does not affect Jeffs movement. Once fired, it is useless.
3. Zombies movement: all zombies move up to 2 spaces, except for the one that just appeared in Phase 1,
if they can see Jeff (Line of Sight is blocked by the mausoleum or wall; not by a gravestone, fence, or
another zombie.)
Movement must be towards Jeff, but never diagonally.
Move the zombies closest to Jeff first, or you may block the movement of others!
A zombie cannot pass over gravestones, the fence, the wall, nor enter the mausoleum.
If a zombie falls in a hole (because it lies on the most direct path to Jeff) it is removed from the board.
A zombie will avoid obstacles only if Jeff is not perfectly aligned with it; if Jeff is perfectly in line
with the obstacle (see the examples below), regardless of distance, the zombie does not avoid it: it
will fall in a hole, as described above, or remain blocked behind a gravestone or a fence. The blocked
zombie in effect loses its movement each turn until Jeff is no longer in line with the obstacle.

Special Effects Table

A zombie emerges from the nearest unoccupied hole; place it as close to Jeff as possible.
A skeleton hand exits from the earth and grasps Jeff at his ankle (Jeff does not move in this turn).
Two zombies appear (roll separately for entry points).
Blocked gate: add 2 points to blockage. NOTE 1
No zombies move this turn.
Two zombies appear (roll separately for entry points).
Adrenaline charge (Jeffs movement is 4 spaces this turn and the next).
Jeff trips over something (his movement is reduced to 2 spaces this turn and the next).
Jeff drops the revolver; it is now useless. If already useless, roll again.
Zombie dog appears (roll for entry). Moves 1 space now; up to 3 normally.
Three zombies appear (roll separately for entry points).

Note 1: Event 5 (Blocked gate): When Jeff reaches the gate, he will find he cannot simply open it and escape; it is
now blocked. Jeff will have to spend 1 movement point to clear 1 point of blockage. Each time "5" is
rolled, add 2 points to the blockage, so keep track of how many points remain for Jeff to clear. The points
which have been cleared remain cleared from turn to turn.

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