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ye yillik deneyimn Veer ei euases eal S S S e & © eS 2 2 S S Metropol YOS MATEMATIK - MATHEMATICS 1 oe ee a Gee GD KONU GZETLI SORU BANKASI SUBJECT EXPLANATIONS QUESTION BANK alistirma testi exercises tests 112 uygulama test! practice tests neat 2798 practice questions with answers F mi * Copyright Kesim 2014 Metropol Turkeo Ogratim Morkex! Etim Yaymesik Li. er halla sak Bu Ktabintamami ya ca birkism igi yasanm hokimiorne re, Metropol Tarkge OGretim Merkez EG tim Yayinciik Tie. Ltd St 'rin ani lmakszn elektrerik, mokani,fotokop ya da herhangi bir kay sistorivl cogatlamaz, yaya rnamez ve depoianamaz. Tam haklan Metropol Tarkge Oiretim Merken!Egiim Yayinciik Ti. Lid SH. ne itr Copyright November 2014 by Metropol Taree OGretim Merkezi Egitim Yayineitk Lt, St ‘Al ight reserved. No pat ofthis bock may be reproduced, stored in aretioval sytem or transmited in any form or by any means, electric, mechanical, photocopying, recoding, canning, or otherwise without the prior writen permission of Metropol Tike 0 Otretim Merkex!Egjtin Yayincihk Tie. Ld §U. Repraucton and wastation of any pat of this work beyond that permite by Turkish Republic Copright A Violators wil be prosecuted to tho ful extend of the law and may be subject o national ano international legal aston. Lis unlewt ‘Kapak ve Metin Tasanmi: Uiuk Tener GENEL Cover and Text Designer: Uv Taner GENEL Yayin Eaitérd: Rauf GENEL Production Editor: Rauf GENEL. Birinci Baskt: Agustos 2013 Printing History: 2013 August: First edition. All inquiries should be adéressed to: (Gazi Mustafa Kemal Buivon No: 16 Kot 2,9, 5, 6,7 Klay /ANKARA / TURKEY Tob 490312 281 4499 Fax: 490.312 231.98 28, www. email: ww, ‘¢ mal: ‘ww, © mail; ‘Compostion & tlustration METROPOL PUBLICATIONS Dizgi ~ Grafik ve Tasanm METROPOL YAYINLARI Tel:0.312 231 44 99 + Fax: 0912 231 98 28 ISBN: 078 605 4246 465 Printed in Turkey ‘Sézkecen Matboaclik Tol: +90312.395 2110 ANKARA / TORRE Online Satis / Online Sale : nw. metropoiyeyiniaricom . Kitap isteme Adresi / To Order Book Adress: (Gazi Mustafa Kemal Buon No: 16 Kat 22,5, 6,7 Kelay-ANKARA / TURKEY Tol: 490 312 2514499 Fax +90:312 20198 28 he _d fi Pod bo OD ® Dw ONSOZ Dogenti YOS adaylan; “Tarkye'deki Unverstelerde efitim gérmek isteyen yabano: uyruklu Bfrencilerin Yabanc: Uyruktu Ojrenci Si naw{ ¥OS)'na gimoleri gorokmakted ‘YOS, temel Bfrenme becerir test ve Tike testi olmak izere iki ayn teste clugmaktadr. Ofrencierin, t- ‘mel Bgreame becerilertestinde yer alan matamalk sorulanm dogru yanilamast, bu sinaviardan yOksek puan al- malar saglayacakt. YOS'e hazirlanan égrencilere 21 yildir kurs, yayin destegi saglayan ve rehberlik hizmetieri sunan Metropol Epitim Kurumlart, 6Grencierin bu gereksinimleri’ kargilamak amaciyla materyalir Ktap, deneme sinav ve tost- lor) haziamaitade. Bu kitap; Sayer, Resyonel ve Ondalik Sayilar, Ozdeslikler ve Gerpantara Ayirma, Oran ve Orent, sti Saytlar, KOKIO Sayilar, Birine| Dereceden Denklemler, Egitsiztkler ve Mutlak Deger, Permitasyon, Kombi- nasyon ve Olasiik, Kimeler, Fonksiyontay iglem ve ModiilerAritmetik konularindan olugan 980 astra so rusu ve 1838 lest sorusu olmak Gzere, toplam 2788 soru igermektedi. Bu ktepta 2013 ~ 201 yilan arasinda, YOSte sorulan bazi soruara da yor verimist Metropol Egitim Kurumlan olarak, YOS'ye hazitlik yayintarimizi hazirlayan uzman d§retmenierimizden des- eryoruz tek almanzi, YOS kurslanmiza katlmaniz YOS'e hazirtanan tim 6Grencilere baganlar diiyor, “TORKIVE'YE HOSGELDINIzZI” dyoruz METROPOL EGITIM KURUMLARI S e @ & & e @ @ @ & PREFACE Dear YOS candidates; Foreign students, who want to study at Turkish universities, to be entered the entrance examination for foreign students (YOS) and foreign students gone parent- comps. YOS consists of two different sections including the basic learning skils test and Turkish language test. Answers the correct of students the mathematics questions in the basic learning skils test will directly determine thet you can get @ significant high score, Metropol Educational institutions, which has provided YOS students a comprehensive training support with both courses and publications since 21 years, prepare materiels{book, trial exam, and practice tests) for this requirement. OGeoaeoead Tris book comprises of a total of 2798 questions, inciuding 960 exercise questions and 1838 test questions, on Numbers; Rational and Decimal Numbers; Ratio and Proportion; Factorization; Exponentials; Radicals; 1% Order Equations; 1** Order Inequalities; Absolute Value; Permutations, Combinations and Probability; Sets, Functions; and Operation and Modular Systems. Moreover, some actual YOS questions of 2013 - 2014 are also presented. ‘We as Metropol Educational Institutions, advice that you get technical educational suppor from our expert ‘educator staff and that you participate into our preparation courses for YOS. Oo @ OG ‘We wish you became successful in YOS exam for all our students. Welcome to TURKEY. Seeee GG @ @ & SeSSeeoeeeooe ee ce oogooooueee 6 66 OO GGG GG OG @ ¢ a r ‘UNITE 2 inire 3 onire 4 UNITE 5, ilcINDEKILER Sayfa KONU OZETLERI 1-6 RASYONEL SAYILAR ‘ 55-94 KONU OZETLERI 95-98 99-142 ORAN ve ORANT! 143 - 174 KONU OZETLERI 175 - 180 KOKLU SAYILAR fas 219 - 256 KONU OZETLER| : 257 ~ 262 BIRINCI DERECEDEN DENKLEMLER BIRINCI DERECEDEN ESITSIZLIKLER AMUTLAK DEGER KONU OZETLERI 331-342 SAYMA ILKELERI (Permiitasyon, Kombinasyon) ve OLASILIK 343-354, KUMELER ‘| : ++. 355 ~380 FONKSIYON 381-418 ISLEM ve MODULER ARITMETIC 19 438 unit 1 ‘UNIT 2 unit 3, unir & UNIT 5 CONTENTS SUMMARY RATIONAL NUMBERS... 55-94 SUMMARY 95-98 IDENTITIES and FACTORING . 2.60.0... 00eeceeeeeeeeeee 99-142 RATIOS and PROPORTIONS Hae 143-174 SUMMARY... 175-180 RADICALS z 7 219-256 SUMMARY 7 7 cove 257~ 262 FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS .. ... aise + 263 - 290 FIRST ORDER INEQUALITIES 291-306 SUMMARY . . 7 331-342 ‘COUNTING PRINCIPLES (Permutations, Combinations) & PROBABILITY ...... 943 - 354 355 - 380 : + 381-418 OPERATIONS and MODULER SYSTEMS 419 ~ 438 ~™ SC9GUDECSCOECEOCECOKCHETOOTEDSE © OGG OOO OG GG GO OG GG @ G@ @ @ @ @ & YOS MATEMATIK 1 KONULARI ILE iLGILi SORULARIN UNIVERSITELERE ve YILLARA GORE DAGILIMI ano] Aerie] Ankara] Karoene | 19 Map | Vis Yer a Sees + | sanuen 2{-|«] -]e fa 2 | masvone eonomscsara stalele]s| = |» | ore oni -|-[2/f 3s [2]. 4 | cxeg use cumananareua | 2 | oa | 4 2]4 2 5 | UsLU SAYILAR ee - 2 2 1 |e | wow saraan ; 2{e2}-}| 2]2| 2 7 | srincioeseceben oewconr 2{rf-]oa]a 1 | | snnciocneccoencersiamen | - | — | 4 es See eae 9 | mmakoeden eee ae 7 ; to | ERTGYON KoMMIASTON -|-|-| - [5 - a | soveren +f -}a] -[-] - 42 | FONKSIYONLAR ; 2 a] 2 - 4 3 | 45 | isteveuoootenanmweri -|6[s 2]; -] 3 The DISTRIBUTION of YOS MATHEMATICS 1 ‘SUBJECTS by UNIVERSITIES and YEARS = ee ee 2 | poner Et feted et ie 1 isetametoataiae sae ete ie 6 fom 2 - 2 2 2 ss Fe Se » | reac =f lini / ieee PERMUTATIONS, COMBINATIONS, Et Ht 7 Ht | 10 | sndPRoBaBiUry 1 | See hens e[s[et-[s Omar Khayyam [1048 ~— 1122] ‘Smer Hayyam, anlagiimasi goy matematksel konular,glisel bir dite agiayan, dern flset bik dis ln bir eosonr ve sai. asranomik abba olstrarak, yen Dr tavein cay gkra- funda Kata buinmuglt, Aca bir Gemberin, br parabol le Kesisinindn olugen ve dgincd dlerecaden done gre problemlegbzerek ye gwemetikytemier de gostimisti ‘Omar Khayyam was a scholar who was 2 poet 2s well as a mathematician. He complod astronomical tables and contributed to calendar reform and ciseovered geometrical method of solving cubic equations by ntrsecting a parabola wih a ct, S 2 = S & S S S S S S e S e @ = = & @ eS e S = = ee : vv SAYILAR . peers 7-46 V RASYONEL SAYILAR, ONDALIK SAVILAR ar -22 SUMMARYS. / NUMBERS 7-48 7 RATIONAL NUMBERS, DECIMAL NUMBERS 47-2 BU SAYFADA KONU MATERYALI YOKTUR. NO SUBJECT MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE. SGSCGeseSesseGSeseeooo ses Oe OOO Ot SSeeooaSeeeeeogoce ce onite / unit U Kanu OzeTI / SUMMARY co ‘SAYILAR / NUMBERS Rakam: 0, 1, 2,8, 4,5, 6, 7,8 ve 9 saylanny lade etmek igh kulan an sembola. ‘Omedin; 285 sayisnda rakarmlar; 2,8 ve 5 ti, Digh: Any ofthe symbots 0, 1, 2,8, 4, 5, 6,7, 8 and @ wed to write numbers. For axample, the digits in the number 285 are 2, 8 and 5. ‘Say: Br nicolk bolitocck goto br araya gotillen rakarlar grubudur. Number: Lis group of cigs expressing 2 quantity 11,8,0,-15, v8, 3. (Sexexdmeceat / wunsen ses Nr 2(1, 2,9, 4.) Sayma sayilar ( Poztt dogal saylar) “Tho counting numbers [ The postive natura numbers | N= (0, 1.2.3, ..} DoQal sayilar ( The natural numbers | 78,2, 1,01, 2,3, ..} Temsayler [The integers | 2° ={1,2,9, ..} Posi tamesylar [The positve intagers} Zain B-2, 1} Negat amsaylar [The negative iniegers] -aib © Z ve (and) b+ 0) Rasyonelsaylr | The rational numbers (2 savitanin OzeLLIkLeni/ PROPERTIES of NUMBERS 4 abecz Landa arcades asbea beetaboeo Neazbve end) bec % azbsa'=bineo 2 acd or ascedee 2. acbdvo(and)e> 0 a-e AASYONEL SAVILARIN OZELLIKLERI/ PROPERTIES of RATIONAL NUMBERS ‘ONDALIK SAYILAR / DECIMALS ‘Tamim: Paydlas 10un poz tameay: kuvvller!geklinde olan veya bu goke getleblenras- yonel sayilara ondlalik eayilar don. Definition: The tational numbers, the denominator of which sof the from as positive integer ‘poiers of 10 oF af tha frm that gives a ral ike this when converted, ae caied decimals. ae aot Pere wor ‘Yulara sayilar bier ondaik say | The numbers given above are decimals. DEYIRL ONDALIK SAYILAR / PERIODIC DECIMALS ‘anim: Bir rasyonol say! ondalik say bigfminda yazskhginda virgen sonra gelen kisinda: \e saylar tel bir rakamdan sonra tolcarediyorsa bu sayllara devi ondalik eayt deni Definition: Won & rational number is wrlton in the deelmel form, if the numbers coring ator the common repeets infitely afterwards a certain number, than these numbers are ceed periodte decimals, abodofg bed oo oa ~ Salas oO S60 GOC OS OG GO GG 6 @ @ @ @ @ @ ¢ S O9OCCGECCOCCESTOE Ge SAYILAR NUMBERS: BoLuM CHAPTER 1 Aligtrmalar/Exercises Alistrma / Exercise 1 <== “AE PHS ner 7 z Yanit/The Answer Is 67 Yanit/ The Answer is 94 Aa iy = Ae? a Yanit/ The Answer is 43 FF Yantt/ The Answers #1 oan Yani The Answers 1 Yani The Answer is # ‘WeTneroL varcane see aude? ; Yani The Ansier is 6 10. xe N, ope le 3 Seer ° Yant/ Tho Answer is 12 & ABEN, = max(a)=? 2Bet ‘Yani The Answor is 103 ty (15, = = Se? Yani The Answer is 38 omens Me Yani / The Answer is O 2 ‘po oS Yeni) The Answer is TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS S 2 2 S S S S e e S e S S S s e S e e S S S e S S S ee 2 2 e e 2 = 2 S S 9 @& 13 5-(:444)48:249=2 Yamit/ The Answer is 6 16 348 ncag % ASB4G=? AIA Yant/ The Answer is 15 14 1 [18~18:243~(6-4) 2 =? Yani The Aneweris—10 17, abe ab-24 Yan! The Answer i 11 15. A,8,D,C,FeN (A+B) (O~c}=42 oe N 5.8210 = min (a+b se) ~ BR a10 min (asso)? a) 2 3S Bre? 3B Yani The Answers 8 ‘Yani The Answer is tt Neracrox vamane TRETRGPOL PUBLICATIONS a be=30 bce 2 mo | a msnedet Yani The Answer Is 81 mR xyes 200%x=y? > mink +y)=? ‘anit! The Answer is 120, 23. Ky ENS, 20, 1,06 NY, a4bse=68 = minjabe)=? ft ys2hOsy-2) 17-5 x=? Yanit The Answer is 68 Yani) The Answeris 8 2 ayze2, 2. a,d,08 2% A=9x+2=5y+2=9242'5 min(A) a4b4c=17 = minlabe)=? Yani The Anawor is 47 Yenit/ The Answer is 15 7 — THETROPOL PUBLENTONS ‘WETROPOL YAMANE ee e @ @ @ @ @ @ e e @ 2 e e e & S 3S s 3 s S Sayilar / Numbers, Atigtirmatar / Exercises 2 te wyze Breyer Dee 9y+5z=62 > maxie) =? Yanit/ The Answer is 14 Yami! The Answer fs 8 2 xyer, xey= 16 maxi) ~ y Y)-2 Yanit/The Answer i 4 Yani The Answers 18 a bez, ee be= 139 ote bia? Yani / The Answer ts 85 Yanit Tho Anewer ie 8 7 7. ab+ba=5(a+b) +72 10. ash, s athe? Yani / The Answer is 12 Yani / The Answer is 22 8, aab~abo= 145 1. ABs BANS (AR) => i sasbien? Yanit The Any i 10 Yantt/ The Answer 10 a. warms | ba=ka+b) Yenit/ The Answer is 4 Yanit/ The Anewor is 2 2 eTROPOL VARA ‘BevmGrO PuBLCATONS HVOSSSSSOHOSCHHHSECHEKHHDHOHHKEOCEHOOGOEHBEEHO OH OE 13, ABY9=9(BA) ~ ASB? Yantt/ The Answers 9 16. 8(A+ 8) =AB > ABH? Yanit/ The Answer is 14 Yanit/ The Anawor is 6 17, AB+BA+CO=121 = max(ABC) =? Yanit The Answor is 911 15, SN A ‘Yanit/ The Answer is 11 1 ASB+O=5 +» ABC+BCA+CAB=? Yani The Answer is 555 ‘WETROPOL PUBLEATIONS 19, ABCABC+ABC _» 22. ABEN ASB, ‘8(ABC) An 10-9 B=1242x > max(h Yan / The Ans 167 SN 7 Yani The Answer is 130 20. (a)-d= 108 ~ 2. BON xe2, (a) -0= 148 Antex : = (ab Hed) Bu 27x > mm(aAa)=? ‘Yanit/ The Answer is 364 21. AqoD)=18 Da xy ze 2%, 8x00) xytyz= 23 oS maxhey2) 27 Yanit/ The Answer is 199 Yantt/ The Answer i 196 ‘aemoroL La 1 THETROPOL PUBL OG ORCGOOCEHGS GE OG OS OO G OG G ¢ 6 S S © S S S @ = S S @ ® 6 S Sayllar / Numbors Aligturmatar / Exercises 3 WFD HS te 28? Yani The Answer Is 276 4 149654 4372? YanutThe Answer Is 381 21881184 B=? ‘Yani The Answers 315, 5. 194184474. Yani The Answer is 640 3 14124184. 84de? ‘Yanit The Answer is 1121 tee +2951 85tn=? ‘Yamst The Answer Is 30 TBeTROROL ARCA TWETROPOL PUBLRTIONS T. 8474940420 140 = 0 10. 284904024. 4A= 1458 > A=? Yani /The Ansiior is 12 Yanit/ The Answer 80 8. 244 O Hn dDeT TH Re 224 284. HMB AR? Yanit The Answer is 462 ‘Yanit / The Answer is 490 8. 124144164 12149454 04274284264. 4287 ‘Yanit/ The Answor is 812 Yani The Answer i 408 ® & a Wp hh th OO DD O 4 be hh & & | oO ao a OG FO GOGH bh oa @ Yank /The Angwer Ie 276 16. 84 114184214..44127 YYanit/ The Answer Is 108 14, 54 124194264..47507 Yanit/ The Answer ig 480 WW. 8-547-94..419-21=7 Yani! Tho Anewor is 40 15, O-5-241444,.52527 Yanrt/ Tha Answer is 102 18, 15-484 21-24 +27-904..4¢ 63-65 = Yanit/ The Answer is -27 7, TW abar2earde..ae2d sas? Yerut/ The Answer ia Yan! The Answer is 414 20. XH (KH he KH) H.. + K+ 10) Aa xe? 28, A=4+6484..¢n BaBs10hi24.n AEB e200 Ba? Vane THEIR: ‘Yani /The Answer is 160 2A. 84435 4..430=216 = we? 2A 84104 124. +08 \ 547494 ..48928 7 (3142434..487488489=7 Yani The Aner is 12 Yontt/The Answor is A+ B +16 TBemOPOL aA 6, ‘METROPOL PUBLIATONS ‘Aligtirmatar / Exercises & Yani The Answor ig 238 Yat /The Answers 14 2 5 Bl-k6t=astsk=? Yat The Arowers 3 Yani! The Answer is 38 set Ly 6 121+ 10!= 13908! + an? 7 Yani Tho Answers 12 YYanit Tha Answer is 8 ‘erroret ama 38 THETROROL PURO 7 A=96992.... 30 A=? Yanit/ The Ariswers 3-101 10. nmeNnst « 120 + mini + m=? Yanit/ The Ansner's 6 a 8. tte 10-7 Yanit/ The Answers 16a 41, B= BIN- 5) (HAN (n=y Yani The Anewor le n 2 (= 2)le (nie @-2 64 n=? Yanst/The Answer is & 4, _abtearit S 0 Ras2y 8 Yanit/ The Ancwor is 8 THETROPOL PUBLICATIONS Te 9 8 @ B@ (n+ 24 4 a 8 IS “aretmegpat “122°? e 8 e 8 @ 8 @ 6 Yani The Answer is Yanit/ The Answer is if 8 © te etn OH nee 1 Gna 8 @ 8 8 2S @ art The Answer is 122 15, neN ON 18 Atl 421431 ta 4 28 FAHAN HO! on? fn 8 “ain ar 7? 2 8 9 o S 3 & . Vent Tho Aver 2 vo Te arses 6 21 Q wean TETROPOL FLRLEATIO® a & 2 AnEN, 381= 21" A => max(n)=? 18 nan, 961+ 361210 > Dos? Yani The Answer's 5 20. aeNt, 9814991=A10° > maxin=? Yani) The Answer is 77 ABS SETANER o maxx ty +2) =? Yani The Answor is 3 ‘Yanit/The Answer $ 4 oe 6 8 gS so CISSSSSOSOCOSS Saytlar / Numbers Algtrmalar / Exercises 5 1. (1023}_= yo > x=? YYanit (Tha Answer Is 75 4. (1014); = (053), b=? Yani Tho Answor is 4 x88 Tae Mass ‘Yana The Answer 1s 39 6. (itjp=A Sate? YYanit The Answer i 36 a Kez (11g «hp < (122), Exe? YYanit/ The Anewer i 68 6 LUO He xeye2 anit The Answor is 6 TieTmoPoL FuaLEATIS 7 (Big =58 087 Yen The Answer is 3 10, (14), +(25),2 (41), = x=? Yanit/ The Answer s 8 8 (alg # tlgo= (Mio mania)?” Yeni) Tha Answer is #21 Yerst/ The Answer is 4 Yanit/ The Anewer is $10 ‘HETROPOL PUBLICATIONS YYanit/The Answer is 100000 16. (aly + (ba), = (1b), ad ‘Yani /The Answer is 18, 4244432 (A), = Az? Yorxt/The Answer is 10111 AT. (121 = A Me Yantt/ The Answor is 100 18, (4) =04), + 0=? Yan /The Answer is7 1B, (234)y" (2)p= Os Yami The Answer is 12082 3 TicTRGPOL UBLGATIONS Yant/ The Anwar is 9 22. (214)g+ (1244)3— (1.285 = Only = X= ‘anit (The Answer is 13,81 20, (12)y 23), = Oyo x=? 23. (21,08), oe : ser YYanilThe ones 210 Yanit the Answeris 42 eee 24, (12,204 (yy o> x=? = ye? xeye(22t), Yanit The Answer is 7.48 Yat The Answer is 101 % TWETROPOL PUBUCATIONS oo & e e = S KONU TESTLERI e © SUBJECT TESTS Test Ss met 5 seta2t2 [aan e x eye? e Ts eaye? @ 7 y © a7 Bt O15 OM Br 9) rocceo 10001) r00001 . 0) 100100 &) 100132 @ 6 6 © ®@ A Also 5 2 Ale a = e i 2 e : Ao a or Ds Ets 6 A+B= 190 = B=? 2 e Ai BH C12” Ota | Bye 6 e @ 3. eaadaaa [aaa : z x oo ktye? S v A) 1001 8) 1104 ©) 10001 ) 10000) 490001 4. baba fab = x 9 x-ya? A) 1000 8) 1004 ©) 1007 5) 1010 1018 ala ol ir 7 > ACs? a Asi B52 c)63 DBs EBS ken Also i 2 mays? a ano ayia ©} 120 2) 190 E) 192 TWeTmOPOL ARIARY 13, (24: (-8)-(-5}1-2)): [20-494 1]=? A-2 8-1 co or ei? a Als Ay60 BST 2D) SB A ne cs ager fre tee iaeet aua para | gg (5)6)-3.984 a aS 5 Ae B41 C}o yt 1 ens 9B =18 2B + aA. 6 87 BOD. EHO 18. =2941)-29(-1)=7 ANZ 815 C)18OV2t EAA Yanitlar 7 Anewers 12, 18-24454—-1027 Ro [ee [ee [OA [isa [ee ATH 860 C}48 24) 20 Be RE Pee ee ae ac 6c ise jie [isp ‘METROPOL VARNA THETRGPOL PUBLICATIONS @ @e2aee ® € € & © QBHROSLEAS 3 ®@ © © @ 6 & @ @ e ® Béliim / Chapter 1 Sayllar / Numbers Test 2 1 reo pe a sae 8 Ato Bit Qe DIS ENN 2 27erere |27 = A 3 AsB=? 8 A) 10108, 8) 101010 ©) to1012 1) 101017 ) ror03t a ALS BL =e 2b =a-2 5 9 Aart 8278 cyer4 O)273 art a ALB = 1 ’ ASB. Ae 862 caDSR ESB saa? A-8=28 > As? Ass B31 O)2B O25 EAD 6 AfB Asa [pat ale 2 Jaw sae 4 4 Ask B95 c)95 DOT E40 a ALB el 12 9 + Asc=? 6 8 140 8) 4s G45 Dy 4a Ey Se a ‘\e (© = min(A)=? Aye BB O}BS OB 1. xeZ, A [or le => max(A) =? ¥ 478 &)77 C)7B. YTB > max(A) =? Ass 887 Cas Dao 12 12:3- (1) ~ (2) CO] -2} =? At 92 8 D4 90 &)90 95 13, 5434-1864 (217 +8:4)=7 Ay Bad C28) 2B aa 14 8 42-4(6:3-7412)=7 ‘A298 -B)-27 0}-25D)-23 E21 18 (B:4—(6:3) 4125] +90: 6)4= ‘2 BB C)95 DATES 16, [16:4-43420]-20 At 88 7 D8 EIB Yanitlar/ Answers fre aa ve Tio pe ec ae PRBS Re Pa tea 366A 98 | 128 | mE WETROPOL YANIMART 9 Béla / Chapter 1 Sayllar / Numbers Test’ 4.488 [13 5. abeabet | abe — |e eye? A = AeB=? ¥ 8 A at O12 Ot EM A) 10011 8) 10001 ©} 10101 i 1) 10000 511100 | 2 A i ate 6. ababab | ab 0 A = AsBe? A+ Bat = B=? 8 Ao BW G2 OE a) 10104 sy initt 6) 10000 Dy 10011 e) ont eA Ip 8 Is i {2 ho ken -_Is co A 8 ° 1 ? > max(A)=? Hi -#2 SOAS e ay74 gy72° Cy69 SEB 4 tott0r2 [101 7 A= ASB? ee 8 5 > maxia)=? A) 1001 Byte ©) 10102 © cee pen 88 B)E2 —0)95 Oe} 100 a A|e ele. 8 Bm» Aven? As By147 Dy 151 ey 182 10. A428: 2A+8 A788 09 “D0 7 4 |B ABa? 1. Aton) =48 | co 2 0- 2-(8426)=7 AS B-4 C5 0-8 oy 149 B1 57 1654 :2-915) =? oo ot Be 14, [at att 27 :9)-(-]-32=7 At 8-3 C5 OTF Be 18. 16-22) 12:62) 2042827 Az #8 cams 6 16, (400; 10-85) ~ (120: 12-62) =? Ao 82 C4 «eB Yanitlar/Anawers Te [ea | 26] WD tC] TA Reo ea mA ae tao ac 6A | 8D | Ze {METROPOL VaRWART ‘HETROPOL PUALIRTONS Baliim / Chapter ‘ Sayilar / Numbers Test 1. ABSBA=77 + AsB=? 5. AB=BAs 27 = min(AB) ys 5 C7 eH ASO B41 0)S2 DBS TA 2 AB-BA=S4 > A-B=? 6 AB+BA=7(A +B) +02 + max(AB) =? a2 84 C6 OF eB A288 Tt Dee SB 7. AB+BA-BB=44 9 A=? Peer erete eee cre At @2 08 D4 BS 5 #6 C}7 BD ABBA 9 = mayia~B)=7 4. ABH DA® HO — max{AB)=? Ayo B82 C73 Dyed NSS AY B2 C)8 ABS METROPOL YAYINLARY 5 ABA + BAB=1221 = max(A) + min(A) 1 ABeN’, Az 8 O10 D9 Be AB=36 - max(A+B) + min(A+ B) Aj4s B48 C49 O)S2 NSS MW ake |e - oaezn p> ead) ART °B)133 Oto, O14 AT ee “AB, les)a-99 > a=? Ni B2 98 D4 BS tL ABeN, A+ B= 10 > max(AB) +min(a-B) =? A1O1 B10 Ces O98 ET 16. AS Be 05 DB HT Yanitiay /Anewore 12 ABE NA¥B Te [eA | 7D | WC | me | Tek As B42 > max(A-B) + min(A-B) = ? ae seep aoe A440 B)452 G)462 DY 481) dB BB GC 8B 1A te @ 6 6 G G G 6 G © OG OB G G OG @ G@ « @ S e S 2 2 2 @S Se @ @ eS @ @ @ & Ballim / Chapter 1 Sayilar / Numbers Tost 5 1. AB+BAw 44 = ASB=? a2 88 cls DS EO 2. ABC+BOA+CAB=655 = A+B4C=7 38 84 98 D6 7 8. AB-BA=27 + A-Be? AY Be 03 OAS 4. AB—BA=36 = max(AB) + min(AB) ayy40 8141 C)raz Oy 14a) 148 A? B18 G18 O20 EVAL 6 ABC- CRA 405 max(ABC) =? A) 998 5) 984 ©) 895 0) 498 5) 495 AB, BAG N, gee) Ae-0A=27 ee ABABA 2 max(AB) + min(AB) = ABBA a2 (AB) + min(AB) = 7 A) 100 5) 105 110 Dy115: ) 120 ‘METROROL VaTDNLARE 9. ABSBA-AR=33 > B=? ay B23 OAS 10. AxBeC, ‘ABC OBA=99 > max(ABC) =? A) 990 8) 988 cara 0) 987 eer 1 ABEN, ROB 4 BA0= 211 > AB=? AO BM CZ. DS EY 12 ABeNt, A+B=16 = max(AB)—min(A-B) =? A492 B)50 C51 D)S2 ESS 218 a ABE Nt, AB =87 = max{A+B) + min(A+ B)=? Aso "B60 )70, Dao EGO 15, ABeNLa>1, “(@ayieprt)-18 = aba? Ai Be 09 4S 48 (@?—4, 12-0) = (12,9) abez a+b ee) 8 om Re {ISTANBUL UNIVERSiTESI-YOS 2018) Yanitlar /Answers Te [ae [70 | Wwe] BA) 8 apy ac fee Pie fio” ac jaa sc | iz | 160 & © 6 @ @ G @ O @ « i @ @ @ & @ @ @ G S e @ S & e 3S 2 3S 2 eS 3S S 3 2 3S Béllim/ Chapter 1 Sayllar / Numbers Test 6 A SHO HTH HM? 8) 280 8) 200 ©) 300 0) 310 ) 920 2 14348 e..42957 A) 100 8 121 oy tae ) 169 5) 25 3 244484..830=02 8) 190 290 ©) 300 ) 980 540 A 142434040255 3 n=? Ato Bt Ce Ds 7 & T4144 ..4 18027 A) 1300 8) 1410 ©) 1480 0) 1470 5) 1500 T2415 1B 4 $5827 15) 490 5) 495, } 500 1) 505 E)510 1a 243-44. 429-3027 Ay-tt b)-12 o)-19 Dj 18 e)-15 las2asda+..420 nt ot or oe se ‘WeTmapoL varia a 8 AR124+29493944 041041 84124 916 + an 4 9048 Bs os p12 E16 ©) 43, bya 45 A Aa42 4244964 i 4 1428 B18 425497 tae #1428 = B=? AAW B)A+25 Cres Dy A+s0 BA 105 W as(arte(arais.+(a+12) sas? At 82 O83 D4 5 18. 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(150), = 241), = a=? aCe 16. (21g 2 Wo > n® 9% 08 a4 Yanitiar Tans e Te [aA 100 | A | Te Re Saact ne fae 3A (6B oD 28 | we, TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS SGSHFSCSPOGSGHOOODOGC GSO SSO STOHOOHSOSCHESHSEOSHRHHOHROO?’ Béllm/ Chapter 1 ‘Sayllar / Numbers Test 14 1 (1203), = (yy = x=? 5. (65)jp Oily = x=? N79 Byes CBs O86 EOD 102 8) 100 © 101 by 121 5 2t0 2 (2n5)g= (@3yy 4 =? 8 (ata), (200), > a=? At B92 O38 Ds eS At Bz 93 D4 BS 3 (102), + (200), (yp = x=? 7 )y 3x? NMS B48 047 OAD EAD a 140 B14 0) 142 by 149, 5) 144 4. 49),9= (ily > KE? A (12+ 20g + R= (Wy > x=? a) 102 8) 100 oy 101 1) 102 3) 200 ©) 201 by 21 e210 ) 202 e221 wernceot LAAT ES 8. (478), ~ (288)_.= (Aly => AZ? 1) 180 5) 181 ©) 182 ) 183 5) 184 10. (G4), (99),=(A), > A=? A) 2392 8) 2s. oyatse 0} 2099 &).9282 12 (eh)g 4 1492), =Ahg > AR? a 1“ 18 16. P41 =) = 4) 1010 3) 1000 oyimo ) 1001 eam went 24xs1= (ily 4 Az? a) 1010 8) 2010 ©) 2001 ) 2101 Eyan1 (66), = (Ag: = min(ay= ? 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B68 Ch DO 2 > xsye : a1 82 Of D8 BF ex rere Wxeyez —B)ysxez’—Ohrexey D)zsysx Eyxczcy os Oe oan 5x8 -3 Os ‘ ot (v9 avis ONIVERSITES|- vos 20:3] 2 Yanitiar TAnaware TS [ek 70 WE me Oe 2a feo Pee neo ae ae [ao (oo mo | me w Tenor Ro ANON SSSS$SSCHSHSSSTHVCOBHHRSOCOKSHORECHORHOTEHH ODD © O ®t @ Bllim / Chapter 2 Rasyonel Sayilar/ Rational Numbers Test 3 1 5 coy Carne “eaten Terma Ne 84 O18 VS? EON ie eet neo) Oe 2 6. yA yt De 9s pee Ae 7 a m1 a2 N10 BZ 6) B40. BSD * & (my (tye. 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At 80 G4 De B28 10" ‘Yanitlar FAnswers = 7D iB | mD] e | aoa ae! eo [wo | so ‘UETROPOL VAYRARE THETHOPOL PUBLICATIONS SOSOSCOCHSCSOCCSCHPOOSOHOHS RE HOHRECHHDSE HE OO OO OO @ Béilim / Chapter 2 ‘Ondalik Sayllar / Decimal Numbers Test 1G 1. 01402-0327 Aon B02 0)-04 e)-02 2 28 o2- oor A)ot B10 oz 0/20 F)02 Tenoron aman 5 Mae co at i " yt ay oe yt By ) 8 AO a)02 F)05 Dyo4 (09-03 :0,1):310,3-1) =? Aor Ot ae 0-01 9, 99 8 ws ojos ager 8) 99 p99 oj0g Bos oo B4 ©) 99,1 £) 10,08 L 9% A=6.002 B=5,92 at B10 = AP 2AB 4B? =? cor oy 12 10, A= 9,020 = (A~ BP + 4AB 2 Boor A BB C36 Yee 08 7 ast 0.2 e128 5) 10 | at on A108 16. ytd 0 pps 2 B20 Dt H2 B08 Bs o 5 oe 5S [ANKARA ONIVERSITESI - YOs 2013] 12, 208 10 k=? Yanitiar /Anewers oa ve (a8 | 78 | WE [tA] tec N+ 8-2 OS D+ Bs 2B ED ee eee 3 6A 9k | 20 | 15.8 "BETROPOL VAVRAR 2 ‘WETROPGL PUBLERTIONS @ ¢ SOCSSOHSOSHHSGFCPSSSSCHTHPOOOOHOSCSSSEHHOHBOEEE > @ @ " Balam / Chapter 2 Ondalik Sayllar / Decimal Numbers Test 1 1. 0.272? A 92 gS yA Hd 8 88 sgn Map Mar Sar Mar Pay 2 tO oe an oF oF OF 2 7 4% py 52 of m2 of Gide saceteus eateas oe 7 oF 3 2 8 x=02+002+0.002+ Y=05+005+0005+.. = 2e4y=? 4 1 1 1 ot at oot at o we a TnEROPOC VARA 2 10, pad ysoo2) * ten ¥ 9 98 os 61 Ss 1. a=03 b=05 12 L003 5 2008 a2 Bm ot Dy O3 D4 BS [19 Mavis GNivensiresi - YOs 2013) “Yanitlar 7 Answers so sao sip. HD! 7A OB | A] EB | ga ine |wse WETROPOL VAYILAR THETROPOL PUBUEATON® OHOSOOOOOCECHOHOBSE SG" 89 OC OOO FHECHEHEHDGEGCHHOOE Béliim / Chapter 2 ‘Ondahk Saytlar / Decimal Numbers Test 12 1. 1a? 5 7 ty 1 woe 08=108-10e eS ae oe A) 0001 By oon ost Dy o01 eo 1013 sor2 00 ae 2 80827 . 1 22 29 Me Be 2) 90° Ay a) ot as 18 ot o a1 100 Es oF ot oy 3 (05405) 2-7 2 BE to, 10" Ht 2 Or D)OZ Bos 29 2 ay 82 ot 1 10 a ay aasbb 7 a ROCF 11 a0+b0 q xytyx ST 4 id 4 at ett on at et or o2 e0 % 0)0 ‘METAOPOL VAYINLARE Ss 9%. 0,9+0,09-+0,008 + ayy B)09 1 ot os 10, A=06+005+.. B= 0,1 +001 +0001 +... A-8 1 1 a a) Bt 5 D4 Be andy 8 10100000 acy A 4 dg, 10 G00" T000 4 5 at as 7 8 ot ag 12 aati? b-ba 4 at 4 y ed Doo 53 ot 09 ° ot A=2,2828, B=11010. 13. 2+0,0+0,00... bb 0b+0,6+0,00b... aa ay Ba chase 4 | De at | 16. 0,5? 20,207 a a + Ay oF 5 4 Oe oa TAKDENIZ ONIVERSITES! - YOS 20141 TA [a8] 7A] 10 7A] eA] ga feo0 ean ino tea aa [ee joa |e | isa HOGORVSRSSOCHSCHHOTEHHKOOHDO O¢ PORCOSHSeO 2 @ @ Atiyah, Sir Michael Francis [1929- Topoloj, geomet, anal, cobircel dofigimlorin tansdantal too, cforansvelglomier vo kuan tum alan teorsine nem katclan olan Inglx matematicii. 1986'da Fioté Medal, 2004'de Abo! ‘cil le oduontrimisit Btsh mathematician who made important contributions in topology, gaomety, analysis, the ‘warscendantal theory of algebraic varieties, differential operators ané quantum field theory ‘Awarded the Fields Medal in 1966 and the Abel Prize in 2004, ¥ KONU OZETLERI 7 20-88 7 OZDESLIKLER vo CARPANLARA AYIRMA o7- 128 ¢ ORAN ve ORANTI 129-156 ¢ SUNMARYS 33-85 IDENTITIES and FACTORIZATION 87-128 RATIO and PROPORTION 129-158 BU SAYFADA KONU MATERYALi YOKTUR. NO SUBJECT MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE. ® ¢ SSSSSOoeeooao s e S S Ss 3 S S e e @ e é 3 Cd 3 @ Se @ 6 6 @ S contre / unit 2 Kanu azeTl / SUMMARY SOR OT ‘QARPANLARA AYIRMA// FACTORIZATION SSS aan oainaieenaenlaaiaa cerranenna eri big dei Definition: Wrtng the expressions which are given in the form of sum or dlference in the from of protuct Is called factorsing, BEEBE a HKE (OED EOE a b=) BK BX= OE so DEQ DAO ZI {HREKARE FARK! / DIFFERENCE of TWO SQUARES aP-t? > obi a (@—b)-(a+b) b)- (ab) =22 + ab~ba—b?= KL ROP TOPL AMG ve FARKI | suntana DtereneNer of Two CURES + a bP=(a—b)- (a? sab +b) +P + Dem fa +b) (2 ab +b) bir dogal say! olmak fzere: eP=bY=(@—b) (a4 am? de ahs be DY 1 tek dog say olmak Gzere : eh 40s (att) (ata bah? bt.) epider! vare, Provided thatn ie @naturat number, there are, P= Wha (a-b) (aM ea ba a8 BPs OM Provided that nis an od natural number, there are, ah ebte (arb): (amar? bs ah? ba IM (a= DP = 28-200 +b? (a+b) = 9% 352 04 Bab? + 8° y m Yo] rds oF aat+ b+? 42. (ab +a0 +e) ‘ Y (a-bi ma? 308 + 3ab? b> ‘ax! bx + c IPADELERIN GARPANLARA AYRILMASI BAEKORIZATION of ax" bx + mink eeR, cemn, ankl, Sait + Dx Hem [hex emp 4) kn sem = oxryertyen) Ontre / unr 2 KONU OzeTI / SUMMARY ‘ORAN vo ORANT/ RATIO ané PROPORTION ‘Tanum: Her kis de ayn anda ssi olmayan ayn bindon iki niceligin boltmdne oran deni Definition: The quotent of the same un both of which are not zero at the same time is caked ratio, SG 8 som St 2g 2 fom 5D ‘Tanim: iki veya dehe faze ocaninegtigne orants deni: Definition: The equality of two or mote ratios called proportion. a ‘Yukandght fe bir rant olup koran sabi 28.2... 2 bir orantidi, Bu orantin orn sabi ke 3 3 2 mw 228 er wee a arte mbetd a mainb _moind “oo tarlb ~ terd 5. Lave b doth oath ise 2 = aan bare drecty proportions, nen 2 1. ave b tore ovantis ise W.a‘and bare inversely proportional to each oor, then ab. 8, EEE GZDESLIKLER ve [ARPANLARA AYIRMA IDENTITIES and FACTORIZATION BOLUM. 1 CHAPTER ® e ® e e = “ Alistirmalar/Exercises Aligtirma / Exercise 1 @ * =? ‘ Sore | > ete? e e ® S | 8 € 8 7 esther 2 van hss 1 ST foes EE? Lewes @ 6 @ @ @ @ @ @ . Yor he arsneris 100 Yan Te answers 272 4 SET foes 8 yr eto 8 ® ® ® e ® e @ ves aaer§ VT anor @ @ ‘METACPOL YAYINLARI 88 (METROPOL PUBLICATIONS: 10. Yantt/ The aneweris 7 MW. M4StH7 HEHE? Yanit/ The angwer i 47 Yani The anewer is 23 Yam! The answer is 23 706, TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS C6003 600606006969800990300 0% S e@ 6 S 6 S € 3 6 @ @ 6 e @ @ op = st ebes aa gp BEYE? ‘Yanwt (The answer ts 8 Yanut / The answer is + eta ee Uh xyxty)= 6) . asta a Zea 1 datas ‘ ees i (METROPOL YAYINLARE a ‘WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS 19, abe atd= Yanit The answer ie: 50 Yanit/ The answer is 12 Yanit/ The answer is 6 Yani The answer is 44 2. Yanit/ The answer Is. 18 Yanit/The answer's 8 iWeTROPOL VARA 703, THETmOPOL PUBLICATIONS é @ @ é € @ € & @ @ @ é @ S @ € e 2 2 @ @ & € @ @ @ @ € & @ é é @ 6 e eS é Gzdeplikier ve Garpaniara Ayitma / identities and Factorization Algtimalar / Exercises 2 1 . a 4 bees oe 8-y = 60 a Yart The anne is 22 Yer The arse is 3 5 xtyett 2 eS = dt Barysyte? Yan ansieris 2 Yan The answer 9 3B xtyed, 8 xy=3 3 Paya? Yam The araner io 28 Yan /The answer 6 TemaROL ama 193 TeTRGROL RENTON Yanit/The answer ig “a aspa12 10, ia at +b? waa] Yantt/ The answer ie 20 Yanit/ The answers V1 MM, G42 oe ser = x27 Yan The anewor's 16 9, ab =987 ve (and) a~b=9 sarbe? Yanit/The answer is 40 Fo 12 (@+bf= dans a-bsa2? Yani! The aneworis 2 WETROPOL PUBLIENTONS Yani The answer is 29 Yanit |The answer is 3 ‘Yani The answer is 4 ano 16. 705, Yant/ The answer is. 17 Yet The answer is: 8 2 = ab: =80 BaKsye? at sbi eb -6 ab. xy=3 WETROPOLYAYRAR, 18 wyez acne 13, 14 IBOGSSTSSSSSCSPDSVSC SOS SCSOPVSSSSSPIISPESSSDPSOOSVOESE 18 boa? =x] yhoo xy? 2 a? ot =55| ef be =19) = arb-? anba4 ‘ant The aver Yon The anewor $7 0 Yon The aewor 148 Yon The aver 2. Yon Th senor 28 os era a ae ERO e66e SAHOO SS ® sl, A, LA Saee® @eeeeeuv: zdeslikler ve Garpanlara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization 4. a-beb-c=2 at -Deee hata? Yara) The answer is: 8 Aligtrmalar/ Exercises 3 3 (a-by? +4ab=? Yani The answer is 900 Yanit The answer is. 20 ‘Yani /The answer is 2 3, (e008 = ax x2? Yani! The answer ie 5 7. TeROPOL arRCAA =6004a=7 = 00 Yant/ The answer is 25 sr sa=aPbe 10. abe? y=0, 008 = 8-a8y +a9?-¥9 Yanit The answers: Yant/The answer's 6 8. (Yo002}(9986) = 7 Yant/The answer's $9 9, 52%=48-106-48* a a BON My xy Yan The answer is 28. Yanit The answeris 0,04 7 erorocwrRCA i WETROPOL PUBLICATION 42, a= 100002 492? YorityThe answer is 1010 4 16. asb=8 at 4 4b? 4 ath + ab? = 7 Yen) The answer is 256 14, gia 28 + 590 +1) =0 = Bb+3a=? a e 6 € e Yn Te aoe is 4 Yani) The answers 12 . 15. abcen* 18, x ye, Boyt 6 2-3 arb? Hg bFa0s Tira? e a? +990 6ab~26 6 Go © S s e ® Yant/The ansveris 2. @ Yat The answer fs 6 9 @ “METROPOL YAYINLARY ie “METROPOL PUBLICATIONS: ® & 22. a=W2+1— at-2a49=7 Yanit/ Tho anower ig. 23 . Yani The answer is 28 2a at -ab+7 23. x= 199800, b? <3as7 : Hs bc=0-10—c sarbeen? Yani.) The answer lo 3 Yant! The answer is 30 24, a+ be 4a 46d 4 19-0 Yani The answer's -& Yanit/The answers -8 To ‘WETROPOL YAN TaeTHOPOI PUDLIGATON® Aligtirmalar / Exercises Yanit Tho answer is. 14 sab? +a sa*b +b Yenit/The answer ls 6 2 5. ataa-t=0 5 a4ta? Yanit/ The answers -7 Yanit/ The answor is 2a+2 3 Say? VS aeye? 6 xy=o 7 = (are)? -ac=? Yani) The anwwer ie 76 Ta BETOPOL VARIA TETHOPOL PUBLICATIONS 7 biasa*b=—11 Ceo Yanit/The enowerie: Yani) The answer is 5 8 x2YS-15 2 40x84 Yanit/The answer is 4 Yantt The answer i 9 2 apez oe Yantt/The answoris 6 TWETROPOL YAVRAE Te ‘METRGPOL PUBLICATIONS e@ e e é 6 6 e @ @ Se é @ 6 6 @ e@ 6 e € eS @ 6 é & @ e @ @ @ 8 @ 6 6 Se oe 6 6 e € e ® @ arb-8 * gas-bol > a*sb?=? b=Ssae| 18. ab>0 (avy? —(a-b)* =12 chek aber r Yanit/ The answer is y% 4 8b oa 5 raid Yanit/The answer Is. 40 Yantt The answer is 1 2 ‘Yarit/The answers 9 1B, AaxP a ty? + 6x oy +16 = mia) = Yanit/The snawer ie 3 3 TETROPOL PURLIENTONS 18 2 1 (192) 90042) 49x57 Yant/ The answoris 3+ YanitThe answer's 5 2. ass | 2 | Boca abe=12 i See Sas bF rot (anere? 2) - Yanit/ The answer is 40 if Yanit/ The answor's 144 2 arbecuo Beat xP son? goeeas? ae arbi (ere? (ora? Yanit The answer is $ Yant/The answer is 8000 Ta WenoreL Aran THETRGPOL PUBLEATONS GFCOCOKSHHHHOCHHEHHOECHHOHOEEC CHEE GH 9 OG Ge Szdeslikler ve Carpanlara Aywma / Identities and Factorization ‘Algtrmala / Exercises 6 4 Pea t20 = aba 5ae? i Yanit/The angwer ie 3 Yanit/ The answer is 3 2 abec Ry, 6 ar teet oat aente ab-30 a izatt bo=4a lsat +h? +67 =? acs6b Yort/ The ansvoris Yon /The ansnoris 23 R deat aoeer @ woneoawer Yant/The answer is a+ 5 Yortt The answer is 1—x TweorOL VATA us THETROPOL OBLIGATION Yanit (The anewor is x®— xy + y? Yantt/ The anaweris -9 Yanit /The answoris Yant/The answers, x—3 Tie i i i TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS eraoror van, S é 2 ares Pa) tytn? 6 2 é e @ |e S 6 : Yan The anoworia =. Yar Theanaweris 2A e 7. € @ @ e e € € € : ‘s 2 opt é Yan /The answer's x ~1 Yamt/The answer ts 27> 6 * Ges Persea, e peer yiaxy xa é S S @ e @ 2 > 2x4 2y @ teenie racy Yant/ Tm anor ia 22 ——_ Hi SHEE @ é@ ~ Pe 22, (arb)? rab _» yyy Ky arb? Yant/ The answers -4 Yat The answer's 3. as, a) 90120. a? +2a-24 | 2avi2 Yan The answer 7x1 Yan The anoworie -2 a. 2 m4, ‘Yanit/ The answer is <%= Yanit/ The answer js 2+. = 2 78, 2 S s 6 6 ® 6 @ Ss 6 S e ® e € e ® Se 6 s S & e e @ @ Gzdosiiter ve Garpanlara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization Aligtirmalar / Exercises € (2) Yandl The answer is ( - y Oe 342) xt (P-2eer Boe!) Yanit (The answer is 3 Beem tag! 8. Oe) Yani! The answer is xt = 1 Tay yer? RE Gye Yontt/The answer is xy a (ws: Yarit The answer ig -—1 a Yani) The answeris a=2 inernoroc aan is ae 46x. xt -GxH1 21, oxot Yarvt/The answer to, Beaty ay? oF uy 4 waxy oly Yant/ The anewor le —1 ey Yant The answer is. =. Yanut The answer is 1 1 xed Yantt/The answer is Yanit/ The answer is ~# 2 ‘WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS ‘ e e e 2 & e @ 6 @ Ss e & S S S @ é @ @ e Yanit The answers -1_— oy sates 8 ty hres 16. Yanit (The answer is 1#%. 4 ot _ 18-88 aa ama? Yani) The arssweris a= 4 yr, 92230420, ae anat “2 Pa Yan! The answer is ~2a Yantt/The answer is 8=1. 2 Ta Yani / The enewer is 1 19. xy xy Yamt/The answer js: =2 Yanit/The answers a 20. ite Oe xe A=? Yanit/The answer ie x— Yanit The answer is 1 + Te Yanit/The answer's 1 TVETROPOL PUBLORTONS ® 3 8 oo 6 @ SCSGRE ee ee Po s eS S e 2 Ss @ 2 Ss @ @ eS S e KONU TESTLERI 1 SUBJECT TESTS ee 4. alas) sla 0b) = 16 asp=10 = as ble? eeeacs | crete yt m2 93 De BS ys 6 OB BI a-v=15 2 1 vaeble? ab=12 AVES Bas Ct At a2 93 DAS asi Ba a-b-6) aa-b)= satapta? me eee la—bi=? bb a)=32 ANB 8)26 38 yds wa BS) O78 NH arbat?) rt x? ry? = 13) ie a ss aP tb? =) ee eeetee Ao B95 Gye? OEMs a 190 By ise chi o 197 5139 ute = Ae Ber te xpbea = 450 881 12, xt -ans2-0 x8 etn? Alot B68 C707 «NTE = 44, BOB) gb? -sa(0-1 bex A284 C}8 D186 1. ey pee0s oo sys NB Br? Ce De B10 16 %yeR nye Zt V2 25)? = 29 + x=? As 84 C56 T aio pyre Yanitlar /Answers ro jco [7b we iO WA bee seo jap Hewat be ja ac me we | TRORSL AA TUETROPOL PUBLICATIONS : | Bélim / Chapter 1] Ozdeslikior ve Garpaniara Ayirma /Identities andl Factorization Test 2 a 7 os 7 7 2 mea) 2 fae ne ne a : 2B28 5 wrentes Ais tots ete TWETROPOL vara 5 5 4 xey yng [> eve? A407 8410 0) 425; xey xtye6 xy Ae Be as Bas Di2V8 asa E18 BS oa oe os Ang oo Bet 1. Pe eee ase at yab +b ano B12 on an 82 oe Dy 16 518 oo Bs Whoo | = stabs af se? ob 10 1 ad 10. PaAeet-0 9 P+ ays a5 a7 oo an ne 810 erie oy 516 18, aes ee] bie taa) are 17 7 ag 55 os pyr 58 n a) 180 By 156 oy 182 by 144 6) 120 felicia) baa bj=9 J > ATP ns a4 os oe @7 1% asb=10]_ Yanitlar/ Anaware ores) tae = bape baca | ees a cyto cee [ea sea | ) 820 ©) 800 6 TNEmOFOL avo ‘ecoroL PUBLICATIONS i i | | | | ¢ 2 é 2 6 @ 2 s 2 e 2 s eS 2 2 e S e @ @ @ s € e e e 2 & e s & e e @ @ e@ e e 3 Bélim/Chapter 1 Ozdeglikler ve Carpanlara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization Test 3 Et see 5, Pib-al=70] ae-bjeoo ni 8 Om DM Be Ar 98 99 Dw am ayer] a 2 ; a etuter 0 el ay As 8s OR Os Ast BS Bie ow ie orm | 1 onyer a } ote eogfatas ree fie ee ei A) 10 By 0) 12 Dy 13 Bia ANS Bs OF re a? +ab=7| Sue 8 ab +b? ~2| paettsste teegeeee ts 9% O17 oy Ar us eae be Aye Byes CBT eB & ap=t0, 2 = a+b! 10 bd Oats Ba? A BSI C)32— OSB " 1) saetys uy ty od y=1300) aces Ae B98 C72) He b)29 (e-y+8)? +0e+y-16)°=0 Yanitiar 7Anewers 22 Dyes eye = ox'y Say? y=? 9 MS 59 4 4 1 oF oF 9f TA | 10.8 | A 16 eae ae! De 1c mE ; | | | | | SFSSOSHOSHOSSSHOHVCHSSSSOHDOPDO SO SCSCBHOSOSOYCSSSHOODBOS Béliim / Chapter 4 Gzdeslikier ve Garpantara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization Test 4 «(EE sa) At Bo ot D2 53 Ayxed eyx-4 4 ye a1 5, stbobla ze» 20 ab+2a Ce £42 pasta gy ath aD a28 x a an ax xt aot oth on Dyxet em 4, 282=20") (a? +420b490%) _ 8 7 +b) (2a 98) Cla 68) 2a 4 at ard oF Djab ‘nenoReL Varma 12 cyase ; Blast oat Dja-b a 51 ayx-y Byy-x oxy p= Bt oe aa 5 i : my xy O)x+2 oot x2 aE ox ott o)-3t8 east Yanitiar /Anewere Te IGA TEC] Tee eine tae ea 20 | ise ‘nemoroLvavuLan THETROPOL PUBLICATIONS Se @ e S Béldm / Chapter } Gzdeslikler ve Carpaniara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization ‘Test. 7 1. (as) atts 5. Govind acy wary @ 9 9 o2 os oF ee s 3 S s e = o e+ (ase he be 7 a a ee 2 5-1 G0 DT Be é dyesd Ba € @ ie 3 e 6 6 s saat : ; nt 9s 08 Oe Be tke ee @ e e @ e e @ 6 Hie @ * em aes “ @ at B) min c)m=n i : : ose eRe et bd |WMETROPOL VAVINLAR ae e 13. (y= 24) + (e=y 4 10)'=0 > xy=? oe AQ B45 )76 DOB NHB Bja-b " haa y a At ee 08 Dx et at a2 ox Dyx-t Bxet Btiyey! x 5. =? oye ax-2y = ay Bt Oy S Bxy " 4 : ry 2 oa Det Bast 16. 1 B)xst ot 1 1 ot ast 12 4 yPooynax4 1920 Ss xtye? “Wanitiar 7 Answers AZ BT Paes TB | 48 | 70 | ic 38] 160 Pee ee reer e eres ap 6k ap | iB | as ‘eROFOL VARA = HDOGGOHPOHOSHSHS HOA POPPO PPS SSS SOS EDSSLODG HO DOO Balim/Chapter 1 Gzdeslikler ve Garpaniara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization Test 5 © 5 pat ae B)ab ob 023 B25 Da et 2 a-sbem = at 9bt-1 Gab =? 6 men aes yet omer Dy Bymt-2 cae py MEH py ety 7 y 3. Do neyae aes yextytryte? Avo Be os oye 8 Ba cy-t oy B-a ab? abe . abt espe ab—t » side ogy ar arb at Be 3 abet a De 55 0) 8 at 133, Tevaono: vn xtea P= Bev 2) x" Gx 8) 1 at >) a as Dye 5 Bymte2 ©) m2 gm 5-4 8 xiny? 6x09 ee ay eax ay at ne 3 o4 Ds 6 4 | og ym? sm | ane eB 18, 99006-100001 = 7 4) 100 8) 108 1054 ) 108-1 Bt on 16 abe Nt, E007 at seth + dab? —bP= 2 as 89 O27 Dy 64 5125 8 Yanitiar 7Answers feD jaa 7c 0 mA Tee 2¢° Be (aA note) ac [6A va | 160 Ballim/Chapter 1 __Gzdeslikler ve Carpaniara Ayirma / Identities and Factorization Test 7 1 aeayem ; : = OE tay + 924 2K—3y=7 5 testo ext! au is Ome em ANS B16 CIT De E19 Dyes t 8) m2 3m SCSHOSCSHCSCSOHF OH VCHSCHOHOHCSVIHDFIHOHHSCHHSH SO SE EO: iets feta tem w ated? At 2 98 DA ES am 8) Oya Dy met E)m? 2m Bei ay 8 At B82 OS Oa BS 2 BA OO DT Be 4 aebem = (abies 4-7 = 20x~Sby + 2ay—Sbx =? 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VE- : ay10° By 108 ©) 108-1 13. = Boyton by 2108 5) 4108-1 yove ay 7 Ay-4 8-202 0. 4 1 88 state ; HEE eee ; 3 ahah ah Poway ery) a Blxny Oney. a4 as 8 DT Be Deane BP 46 aes oxsoys25-0 eye? Nie 98 O14 D8 Be os yb Ba [AKDENiz Oniversiresi - ys 2013] 1 4 tines wens 7 wat 8 OO Ea Yanitiar /Answers TD 4A [7D [WA] TA) TEC apo) ae fea fe tao) ap 6e [oe [we we Ayo 84 Cay DAD SA 1a, TeTROPOL VATA TRETROPOL PUBUEATONS 3 6 6 = e Béliim / Chapter 1 Ozdesiikier ve Carpeniara Ayirma / identities and Factorization Test 10 S aH 6" 8 ee ie Ce e Ds 85 ar 3 nea et on s ot 58 e e S e S 6 ae e oma ow e eet ‘ S S 6 s S$ e e Ba Paariaateres @ Nari ore idan e oyrars 9a nae 0 90 Bm aI @ S 6 S . 27808 -t _ 6 ‘res? + 278947 “ i 6 it A) 1780 8) 2780 ©) 2788 6 Ata B)-a aE eee Bie @ S ‘aernorou variant ws I eG « 8. 168 +9 40+ 127 +2900 > tx 6y =? At 693 5 D7 B98 80 os Batt 8) 200 81210 ovate eee taae Bae yal H2 85 GT De BINS te xyez Pode 195 eye? Ht, 2402+ 60- obs 18-0 As BB C28 Os BAB aba? M2 84 00 OB ENO 18. aakx- y+ ¥V=m) =? A) yey) 8) W—M1@e—y) Oe-e-¥) Dy y=me-¥) 2 y-N@—0 i ISTANBUL OnivensirEs!~ v6s 2018) 1 + alae a OTe Yanitiay “Answers a S [kB [7a we Tue [Tee = zo |ap jac lne | we ap 6d 98 we |e BETROFOL YARRA Te TweTnOPOL PURLIORTCN® SHOVPSCHCHHGOHKHTGHSBOS Oe OB: € € S é é & @ é @ @ 8 e é S S GRAN ve GRANT RATIOS ond PROPORTIONS BOLUM CHAPTER 2 Alistirmalar/Exercises Aligtirma / Exercise 1 Yan Te avert arb:e=5:2:8 3a-0 46-66 =? 3 Yani / Tha answer's 3. 4 2 ast -2 = 2H a-2a ba z act The answoris =Z. ‘Yanit / The answer is ¢ 3 6 RLY, Betyg 3°27 ey Yann) The answer's ‘Yani / The answer is 17 TeTRaROL aA 18 TaETROPOL PUBLEATONS eek k 5 ROME, 0 oe 7 ay-ae Yann The answor is 2 Yant/The answer's 3 1 xa Aye, MW, Sa=4b=5¢ = St2B—C . 8 cyseeg: Lag SE a 2 x+y rs S wt Tho answoris 42. ‘one? The angers ant The answoris 42 ao 2 My 2 ay Y Yont The anwar is 32. Yank Te snewers 6 TemorOL VaR 1 TETROFOL PURLCATING 6 @ @ € S S € LJ S S S & e Ss 8 e e 2 é e Se @ e & @ 6 S é S S e € S € 6 @ e @ S 6 @ 1% %oto2 (8) (EM ey By Yanit/ The answer is -3 1 fami The anower is Yami 7 7 ‘Yanit/ The answer is = YYanit/The answer is 4 Yantt/The ansneris 6 Yanit/ The answor Is 9 TaeTROPOL PUBLIENTICNS Yanit/ The answers 6 = YL yen tke b=? Yanit/The answer's 3 Yami The answer is 43 wm a.b.8, | f 24. EA = minerye2)s? aubrey, atibe > aca s aia arcet dsct Yanit/The answer is 9 Yant/ The answer is 9 18 ayb.ce Ny ab beac 45 6 aicatbsece2 o asbten? Yanit/The answer is 38 Yant/ The answer is 74 TeETROrOL aaa 8 TETREPOL FOBLEATIONS e é @ e é @ e @ e e Se 6 & é @ @ @ e @ e e @ é é e é é e S$ S S e e 3 e e@ @ @ e @ 22. kixtye ts o x Yantt) The angwer ie & Yanit/The answer is 8 aibatet sa? YanitiThe answeris 12 Yant/The answeris 44 a Byes ye? u Yani! The answer is -28 Yanit/ The answer's 18 a WETROROL YATRA TWETAGPOL PUBLIOTIONS GOOF OSOOOHOHFEC HS HOOEHHEE OG: (Oran ve Oranti/ Ratios and Proportions Aligtrmatar / Exercises 4 2.88 e 4 anb- Sth 2D, gipee bod ? ci f 1. tato-e=ts |= be? I i-a-8 | | I Yanit/The answeris § Yan The answeris 2 2 eer 6. =8axy-2-7 S Yant/The mers 9 Yant Te ane 60 @ uy @s oT ea 6B kaayek @ Ye xe 2esy=d : ° reds puaye? Ss @ S ¢ e 6 S @ Yani! The answeris 2 Yom) The answer's & a 1s (METROPOL PUBLICATIONS: @ a Yantt/ The answer i 68 10. Dendy = 42 xy-2=576 mo xryeze? Yani) Tho answeris 26 & ax=by aes) a ab xeyez=12 Yonit/The answer ie 2 Yeni) The answer's 90 Yani /The answer ie 82 2. xey42-16 YarstThe answer ie 4 i THETROPOL PUBLICATIONS ‘SSOSOOSCOSC CHOC HOS CHOHRH HOTA THTHDHHOGO EG OG @ s Yan /The answar is 1 6. Yani! The answeris 48 Ray 292 os Bea? Yanit/ The answer is 4 m. 2x=3y 82, aut xy, A os tyne? Yonit/ The answers 24 18 xyzez 202s? Yanit/The anawer ie b> a>e . 8. nyzez woyste tied Sayeez syste Yenit/ The enawer eS nyrxetyz= 6x2 sarbie ‘Yanit The answer is 2 Yontrtie avers —£ 2. yrza2e5 waytagt AE no nytt eee arbecadé sas? Yank The answers 18 2, 2b Le, 2abshe sae KTP i ‘Yeout/The answeris 2 Yanit/The answeris 15. 2 ‘ETOPOL VaR = TWETROPOL PUBLIOATION® KONU TESTLERI SUBJECT TESTS Tet! sc 5. a asbees? asbeentt a eT) At Bz 8 pA oS i ‘ 2 FE ayer ne-yo 2 Y at AS B10 O18 DOD Yas 2 828,87 BOF te a arbens:6:7, a-pies38 = 62? Sete Wo, 95 0) 0% E20 nS B10 O18 DBE a xideys, youes axe? Ae 84 C6 9B EID at pt or of He ‘WETROPOL YAVHLART 758 Kot yotz 2 xeysz=27 = N7 B10 G19 1B ay at oF OF a+ 5 Ejanx 1MeTROPOL vAVRCART 760 13. 4, 18 16. (a+b)? ~4ab AB BID C2 Da BIS aso Bao O50 D6 70 aba becate abon 15 san? aio Bit oe ps ea aso abet) b-c=20} + 2222? Na>boe o)b>arc Bja>cob Dcmarb Besboa Yanitlar Answers ae [7A OB TE 0 ac keep iA tap) 38 ec jan me we TNETROPOL PUBLICATIONS e 6 6 e Bélim / Chapter 2 Oran ve Oranti / Ratios and Proportions Test 2 S ale? 5 e oa 8 or a2 of pe of . no 818 OO aa e e € e Se 2 8 « Seaeeete ete w1 92 08 OM ws 6 7 at at of or e 6 @ @ e e ® s 7. Saxdb 5c, a@lclel4 7. Gam ab = 50, @ 8 Siht at ° pt ot of of on é 7 7 7 7 2 83 G4 0S 86 e @ 6 e e @ e e- ® . mo 92 of oF of e Cowen s @ ® @ | AB BSR 2h ateb? re? 1B nye z Sem Oye 9z > ming + y42)=7 AN B17 C22 O28 Baa We nyzer x= By = 102 > maxi +y +2) =? aya 8)-20 oye )-70 5-81 1 ob mn axebynoz= AS B12 16. Sandb, tb 5c = asbiee?: ANS 4:5 8)6:8:10 oy20: 15:28 0) 16 26:96 2 ©) 20:24:15 a rey boyy fe Yanitlar / Answers: a> a CC ke! se ao ana tao be ise laa |e te iernOnoL va ‘HETHOPOL PUBUORTIONS Boltim / Chapter 2 (Oran ve Oranti/ Ratios and Proportions rest S i x2 _, 28420, Kak a nye? 5 7 a2 BS G10 OS «BAO Ho Bt CHS OS BIT HPSSCSOHPSSSTOOSHSHDESLSE OC HOPHODOHDSO OOS OSHSSRECEOBSSB™ 2 a:t2:b=9:6:5 > aba? We B18 OD Oe HA a1 9S o2 of oa 3. arbien2:9:5 2a49d-o=32 > b=? a2 B10 C8 BS 2 BO +1 RED pt of oF 8 16. TNeTROROLYATaRARE cs Tea ‘ a : : : . oes ae ea tas ome . pt : 12. ‘Sy NS 8 Oo Dd) 5 - i a ft 7c <5 TE [iC | A 160 18 'WETROPOL PUBLICATIONS {NETROPOL VAVRLART DISSHHODGSSOGCHSVGSCHHOHCHOHPSCHSCTVE HH GTO GG OG OO @ @ @ @ « Botim / Chapter & Oran ve Oran / Ratios and Proportions Test 4 6 1 ab-? Ayes B72 C76 BBE ’ At 82 98 D4 BS 2 wsy2e3:8:7 ‘ ey he AB 5 = x4y-2=? ot At B82 98 m4 BS 3. ardeb:5,a4b=18 7 3 as? bean? At Be 98 D4 AS aa 7 O68 Os #4 4 > asc-b=? 8 ae 89 Be As BS 98 «DD BIS ‘ieTmonaL ANAT 188 kayo 12 xoyad At 82 98 DA AS At 82 98 D4 BS At BZ C)8 DAS Ds 98 1 SLY x, BHT HeH Evo AS 84 6)3 V2 NL 16. 30-0 ATA 12 B47 12 oys:aiie D)s:4:7 E274 12. : a e Yanitlar / Answers, Ay 81 OF OF Hp TE |b (7A | 100 | 138] 168 20°)sp ae co} ta ae (6B joc ize | 58 16 ‘veTROPOLVavaIAR THETROPOL PUBLONTIONS PO@EGESSSOSCOEHEO Bolum / Chapter 2 Oran ve Orantt / Ratios and Proportions Test § A sas abe 8 4757S boa? Ay18 820 C2428 Ea a-2b+90=72 Ag B28 0190-88 E40 22 a aeb-en? 6 = Sbi2d-1=7 AN Bt C12 O10. BB AM BY CT OB NIB 3 . 3b 40-2 98 os Bie AD B17 O15 OB Bt a 2 alee, 273 a oat ney arbres 5 ex? za+sc-40 _, # At 92 oa o4 BS roca a1 82 O39 M4 BS ie, bod ft 8 a¥20430=48 | > be? 2de3t=12 at B2 C3 De 5 At 82 03 OA +90 a-b Ay2 BA OB. DB END 12, 2a=sd ae bea 16 8 B90) EYIB sas? x+y +2079 = xty=? Acad 24-90 +4e-83 > b=? os at bit ore os a WA EC] TEA TnEROPOLWATIMAR Bolim / Chapter 2 ‘Oran ve Orantt / Ratios and Proportions Heel et cee eet Spee Eee eee bog ts” bear? yt bl ateayer ty 2 gS pb 2e-92=10 at md of of mm HAG B10 C10 OR EH 2 &-2.2.25,4.2 ® booed aa eee 4 4 : = ming 42) 27 Nor ar er 0 as aye B19 )z ata 3 a:b=9:5 4 at ye 4 at eo -of os B18 at 2 04 2 2 a pee B abeez, atone Ta=2b=9 = maxlarb +o)? 45 B10 O18 )20 «DS 95 B)-80 O)-88 )-82 40 (WETACPOL VAVIBILARI iso 7 Be a a4 B48 047) ABE) AD m1 92 98 4 98 a MET ty Lae EEE ASEH ways: Ayt2 8)24 048. D820 " at wt or 02 Bs 25 Yanitlar /Anewers TO [so [7e |WA mC TGA pt 98 2a BAT BAC |B tac] aD (60 |o8 |e we 70 iueTROPOL VAM UETROPOLPUBOMONS 6 8 e e S @ @ 8 & ® ee » Peeoe @ @OOE® Bélim / Chapter 2 1 4.8 bb bose? ne oy 4 ta=90=46, 1 debits 91 Be asp. a-bic oF b-2 3 D4 Oran ve Orant / Ratios and Proportions Bw aya gs os 7 ax-by=ce=91 xeyezet3, 1 cz Da Ajy ncR=> W=0 ne R-} > hat (Ptanmmeade. | Os undeias xh ex a ien SPOCSCSSSHOHCSOPO OS O CHOPS SCOP OTHEHHTHOOH HH OOO 8 (athe ema x, (ary 2 (ay 8 fades biremez. /The tom eis rot known eeeonen ok say se [nisancasrurcer) Bahan. Jansb, eas oo {have mao 2 PAO. eh oo 1D, aM ee xMa CMa xT (ae dc} Me Case (ne N) aye enaene! TH ©) Wernoron avan @ NITE / UNIT KONL OZETI/ SUMMARY eee SEES KOKLU SAVILAR/ RADICALS. isabel eestor aos ‘Tanum / Definition: eR, ne Z* olmak Oxo, / Provided tat ac R, me 2", 2, tok say! nis an odé number, {a =a) n git say is an oven number, a Yank 0 aneverie Vente snwais 2 166. ‘wETROPOL VATA ‘WETHOPOL PUBLEMTONS PORSSHOOSOSSHOSHOSSEHGSHOHDHOHO OHH OOS COKODOCOG: 18, 91 ohn DEM? S xe? Yanit/ The answer is —4 Yanit The anoweris 2 15, GPa Yanit/ The answer's 3 = (= 22mp1 (4 4 2004 1)? Yenit The angwer ie 2044 et Yanit/The answer is 0 6 fait! The anor ia Yen! The 7 THETROPOL PUBLCRTION 3 Segal? 22. 20H 4S Yani The answer ls 18 Yani! The eneweis 2 Yanit! The aneweris 5 19. O14 Oa DOWHI 4 K-ya? Yanit/ The answer is Yontt/The answer ie 3 ‘WeTROPOL WANN ‘Ost Saylor / Exponentials ‘Aligtirmalar / Exercises 3 2 s 2 3 Bo weseease 49625 e i 225 | sneter e (4-42 ae? e I S E e e @ @ I | I s ‘Yant / The 24 Yanut / The 225 E fant Te anéners fant The snaweris e | S 2 fete tog. a ana a eT Teer et @ ® @ é eS e S S Yenit /The answer is 4 YYamit/Tha answer is 14 @ 6 Sh eee 8 (000574001 =A10" = Aexe? Yan / The anoweris © vant The ansners 10 ‘METROPOL YAVINLART Le “METROPOL PUBLICATIONS: 7. 10, (0.9002.)"* ‘0002 Yant/The answer's 8 Yonit/The answers ~# 8 te a 5 xs? n => 108" wa 1ex aro] Yan (he answer is 2 Yarst/The answer's ab 8 12 58. (250). 625-25 asbe? =®, ini) + x4y=? Yanit/Tho anaworie @ Yanit/ The answers 88 8 ‘erronoL va METROPOL PUBLICATIONS SHSSCSOOHSOSHHOHOOCHSSSTOOHOHROHTRESSOREH OEHHA EO * 48, (-24)9- (-169) - (-84)% = a-20 sb-a=? Yanit/ The answer is 60 Yanit/The answeris 12 Yani "The answer's ~4 W7. Be 2a3 sae aee? Yantt/ The answeris 7 sta? 272 18 a ee 6 sey? at 9! 24 axtysze? Yan The answer's 8 Yort The answaris 2 ‘ernceoc aacan wt THETROPOL PUBLEATONS 1a 2-5 Fat HB yee aae7 a F | ue Yant/The answers &. oa s : ‘Yant/The answer's 2 2tao ah ne a wy 8 yay ae joner : wet “ oth ot Yan The answoris 5 ate rit /The answer is 2 Yani The 2 Yantt Tho anewerie 4 SSG98 CSG SS COSCO OSCSEES GEOG: SSORRSGOROOCHARED ‘std Sayer /Exponentials eines a S187 HB ayo get 4 Oe ey rates Giuteiay Yant The aneworis 4 Yant The onowero. 2 Baste 1 yey 5 se ox8 eee 25588 at bt 27 Yant/The answer's Yant/ The answoris 4 a t25 2 oo miy-? a S aaabet 2-128 ° Yant/The anaworis 3 ‘ant /The answer 18 (METROPOL YAYINLARE iss “METROPOL PUBLICATIONS 2 20125 2 | oer 40,125)" =2| Yantt/The answer's 8 8 xe2eat? yaa Yet Theanswar 2 a Eg yee 142" i Yant/The answer's 2 Yanit/The answers 190 ie {TROPOLPUBDEATONS [METROPOL YAYIILARI a | | I PIF CSHSHHDSOSOTCSOTCSOHOGGHOFOOHGOOHHOOHHRGHOHRGS HHS BOO: 18, 43824 18201 = at ve (and) Ragaa san? Yant/Tho answer's 38 eo" ax? yaaa Yani The answer's 138 ‘Yanit /The answor is z YanttThe answer is 2 Peal, breed 32249627 Yart/ The answers 18 ‘Yanit/The answor is § Yanit/The answer's 9 Yanit /The answer is + THETROPOL PUBUERTONS ¢ KONU TESTLERI 4 SUBJECT TESTS : 1 coe +¢2p—1e+ (2) . 49.9273" aM axa? 3 A-2 8-1 90 OF BB Ay-t0 8-8 a4 D2 58 6 2 BP = (ap +6) - ate Ay=24 B)412 0-10 = anbe? o)-6 2 Aye 818 one D2 B24 1 B Ksy—4)eQe-ys 108-0 = eye? mans eee ee A)-80 B74 )-70 0-8 54 yas oe & & © 4. abs odor =04 = x=? Guttseetiitetiee € Al 82 O8 04 85 Bo He 25 @ 1 82 98 o4 Bs € S wm Q sem ® 8 oes 7 : : : as Bye o-t wt 8s cys* ys? gs i Ee 18. 9M? Sarge? Ase 8-16 o-8 D8 B16 ot Bab? ee : Bea aye iG Me Bt of pe Bp 1 4 1 at at ie ms Bre cya 2, 870% 0080 Yanitiar Anawere 7 jf 88 [re me iA 16D Aloo B04 ot pacise }em me ae 0) 10 B15 sp eo [oe we jie 38, ETROPOL I-AA TRETRGrOL PUBLRTONS Bdllim/ Chapter Osi Sayutar / Exponentials Test 2 ae etiae 1 er eee pragr! De Bae Any Bi Oy Dit Bay ‘ 2 we ke gy . . ‘ 7 = 5) a a a Bi os? ei ois Ba SB ROP a(K-9)6 + Dee? t Aa 2-7 7 88 9 OO EH 16 N24 96 08 B10 @ A Pe 12) = (Gx- 2" > Daa? Ar @2 93 D4 as at ot of me 6 @ ee eer 98 @ @ e 2 89 OS DB £10 ae Bjab’ oyabe >) 2 Baty ot tt, stato bs amar 10-16 NS 87 C8 D2 BIB ws (4) enten ne) ae 9-3 ost oe es 4, tens) t08m)" (1925) + (1928) 1 1 1 1 at et ot ot on 1B (xen > Dexa? y2 98 O84 0s 88 a4 a2 oo D1 58 Vanitlar /Anewere, a ze sa ae me [tse > 6c 9D we |158 TWEIROFOL Vana Bollim / Chapter 1 sid Sayilar / Exponentials Test 1 POR 14 5 Alsat eateat | Ne BS OF OS f-8 ieee At B48 Oyes B28 0 GG @ @ & G @ @ O © SG @ @ © ® F @ & @ @ @ @ 2 PCH cay =? 8 Marea aat28 > )2 BA 06 DD EDD Aa 84 8 BB? e S 7 1 3x2? ee re ee eT) ® N+ BB OB 8 E-40 S 3 8 S 8 42422 get 4. GAP oye oP 0m xye? pegs ees eg A2 B58 90 De Be ae ws \ S®POCSCGCECESCES perecrer 13. =m N-2 9-1 GO DN BD ston { 7 2A? 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At B28 eS At 82 SA 12, Gx ~4)9 = (2x4 29 > Dxe? as 86 Os D2 HS ‘WerRorox vacant 13, Qx4s)*=(o~ 25) > Ds 26 -8)90 34) SB 40 1 gmat Dee? a2 Bt 0B 1B Oat Ine? -N2 B44 Or De BF t6 ez (Py ae Yanitiar 7 Answers nA OC ae Use fee to | tae 3D 6A 9A |e | ee 15. TETROPOL PUBLORTONE POCHSCHOHSHOGSHFRO HEH HGHOHOOEHOG EOS SSB OO GO @ ® Bailim / Chapter ‘s10 Sayilar / Exponentials Test a2 at n-8 od 3 o-2 oo a2 o2 9-2 9-2 Ay Ba) Dy PBA 6 -aP- Gye bare? Ale 92 O-2 D4 ee a ar Bt Ot De Bo 4 4 4 4 7 3 atoat at ob 8 > 4 (200)? 3 x27 1 As #1 GO Oy? BD PACE eater eeeee erect etree 8. = ade 7 18. x20) 9396 B}408 C)416 ase) aso 7 y=" | os rere? z=(2)" Axeyez Byx x2? Yanitlar / Answers tee Ewe |e) ee | ze [ep ee ae iA) sc [ep sp 15 | TeTROPOL VaR 2 TWSTROPOL PUBLERTIONS PEOCOHHO VDC LHH OCHS HSS OO GO OSE © OG BO OOF @ @ ¢ Béliim / Chapter 1 Osldi Sayutar / Exponentiats : BoM ah Oe? j 4) . Cat, ak yk oA yay Cy 36 12 wt gt or oe ons oyv2a 2964 ‘ 2 (asta Aor p20 27 ise e368, 5 s 0 ane as oF oF oF ieee 3 ta? = aga? 7 = N% 6)195 O25 Des Faso wt ar o% pe oS 2 8 4 ar 92 o2 o£ o 8 oe sae - WETROPOL YAYINLARE Ee & eR, OF eaytet o Dee? 43, 99:10 005.10" 16-10 ee at ae Diy pa aye? Bet Ce Dye e2 wu r-ry(ay'-r 2 4 8 16 Ne at 92 oe 10. a. 99 Me 3 nt ot car oi 92 45 MIE _, 1-3) 1 a) yt 92 Ne Re Oe z We 1% @? Ca)* Gy Aa Bla Chae? De ja 16 a0 5 Oe? Aa Ba )2a 2a) Ba? 2 13) (08) rare Yanitlat “Answers Te wee at pt oe DS Be 28 A WA aD ene ae leo [ee ie me} os ‘eemoeou vama SSOHOHCESHHORHS SOHC OHHVEHOHH ET CORCHO GEO GOGO @ Boliim / Chapter 1 ‘Usid Saytlar / Exponentials. Test 7 A says yestte? a AS 8) 10 C15 7 o Dyes 50 : , Aymen B) min? Cy min? 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AMAA ByAt-2 oOa-8 Dynes E)a-6 | teed nen, 25 aH aI = neKe? aa 43 048 pyar B49 - Yanitiar Answers eae fees a CC at Be aee ze} eA AB | 1 De 85 as jeo jes | ra liso ‘weTFoPoL Wav Be NETROPOL PLBLCATO ® @ « (es @ Béldim / Chapter 1 Uslii Sayilar / Exponentials Test 8 @ a8) cay ate eiacis at > 8 see,9202 Ye : " Zz & 44 43 iS Al Bat O)-e Da? at az 5 OS OE @ 6 @ 6 ie S eS Ayt448)180 C)240B)480._-£) 576 : 3 2 Fon on For x x oe oe e & @ e e a ae SP 280 = 254 e ho xed é aie By payer M4 (3) (3) > ming) =? oA 0) 28 E25 e 4 At 8-12 O)-18 YH 45 e e S @ & eS eS «4 2 @ ae 6 5) 28 9-3 GR(SS) =.) 9 DB e oa o® A+ G2 CO o2 BA @ S S METROPOL YAVINLARE 2 i a8 1 1 at at ot oy ot 10, Ke ae ota? 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(149? 1407 =7 Yani) The answor is. 61 Yani The anewer io 8 1a Aah eS = 5A=7 az, [38* saa sig" -2 Yani (The answer is 143 1s. Vatsat ya? ite? =? Yanit/The answer is. 4 Yanit/The answer's 8y0 22. (2002199679 =2 Yanit/ The answor is 43. 30 Yani /The answer is 1998 0 {t9957= - (995 1984-1886 7 oe Yanit/The answer is 1 Yanit The answer Is 4 vt Th 7 a. 24, [999-1001 1008-996" ~ Yanit/The answer is $2. Ye = fami! The answers IB TUETROPOL PUBLCATNS SHOQGHAHRDAHA D6 HOSP OGOOHHRSCARHOHHHRAHAHRO HOHE 2 ®@ @ ¢ K@kld Sayilar / Radicals Aligtirmalar / Exercises 2 1 <3 a4? 4 WEN 6 gar Yantt/ The answer is 9 Yantt) The ensweris 1 ; 8. Vart+/2y-3 =0 = ay-te? Yanit/The answer is 0,2 Yanit/ The answor is 2 (B1VB wy a. 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Yanit / The answer is v5 VaNO-\ oy wes 2 sath Pee wae Vs alae Yanit The answer is. 8 Yonit/The answer ie 15 Yori The answer is 36 Yanit/ The answer is 6 TWETROPOL VARA TieTHoPOL PUBLICATIONS Yantt/The answer is 3 APD A? Yanit/ The answer's 6 2 a Veet =2 8 arc=25 bicets Yanit The answar ts 11 Yamt/The answer is 276 3 ash Yanit/ he answer is. 5 12 ava oal2va™+e™ Yani! The answer ie 18 2B THETROPOL PUBUCATIONS SSOCHCHSESCS$SSCOCHTFHTDHHGHHHHKOHHHHHE HOH OOOO OO OO @ « 13 arqarvy=g 7 = eb? pene 9 Yani) The answer is 1 16. aso, VRiva sVa <8 Yenit/The answer is 4 th LE a oy ax 10-20 7 Yont/The answeris 2v8 an. ana, af dao = Yani The answers 1 cease 18 oem, ‘tas /o-t0 fi a of =a =) 2a+3b=? a-peat Yan The serie 7 Yant The ancwore 62 ‘WETROPOL YAYINLARE 2 “METROPOL PUBLICATIONS a 2ba4 Aon 8 po Vat eot at 2 ‘Yanit/ The snoner is a ANTHS] ap + A Bue B=v6-V5 ae Yantt The answer is 22 2a fa-ala + 7-473 =? YanitThe answer ie 2/3 a. WER) Ys-276, anit The answer is 1 anit The answeris 3 TWETROPOL vALART TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS KOkIG Sayilar / Radicals Aligtrmaler/ Exercises 4 AsVa-¥2 Bava +V2 4B aa” Yan The answer is 10 fin, Veviesiou Yanit/ The answor is wen 4 2 fata 7a = 7. Yenut/ The answeris 3/2 Yant/ The answer is Ret ores nee eeeiiaiae cee * Yeu Ye-2 ave Yanit/ Tho anewer i 10 Yant The answer is 4 A aaVa 10. V2ve ttaf2evx 3 x=? Yanut (The answer is 8. Yanit/ The answer ie 20 a Yanit/ The answer is 8—YB Yant/The answer is -BY/E SSIFSHPSSSSCHGOHGHHSSLHFGHHHHHHHSHESHOEDHOHHS OOO O* 13, fanal8 +/ar2ia -Y3=2 Yanit ‘The answer is: J 16, (YB-+-V2)9- (VB - 4/6)? = 7 Yanit/The answer's 81/3 17, +1200 +vOha? a See yo, yea vx ; ’ ‘anit ‘The aneworis 9a 18 xYER, \ - 16, {20e4 204920 =x x=? WE aS TE yer 7 AB ay(S = oy Yart/The anoweris Yant/ The anseris 8 Es ‘enoro: Yanna THETROPOL PUBLICATIONS 26 = x=? Yant/The answer is 42 zw, {nmin +Yafan 5 ane? Yantt/The answeris 4 a afelanan ac? Yani The answer fs 356 28, {eonlooatam on Sen? Yanit/The answer ig 1 Yenit/The answers 2 TRETIOPOL VATA 2 "METROPOL PUBLICATIONS: e 2 2 @ KONUTESTLER! ey @ SUBJECTTESTS _ Test 1 @ e 1 Vea +08 Vi =7 8. (S80 + WS -V500) a0 =? e a4 Be oo Ay-20 2-25 0-20 ie be a 15 5-10 e ie = 2 es ° 3 2 xeZ Aer 8 \\OereVane + (oer): fone -7 Verb Vie =n Pxe? ie AN ae ove 3 Ato Bt C12) De BABY =o e)3 le @ : ie é s : s : s oe S at et oF D2 BF i: 7 2 ne ae oF of e & 2 S 3S Ok. (ire) eaF fe Pere teeter ne 2 Cm 2 ERI ° Ne BD CR I ERB Ss S e ‘METROPOL VAVINLARI 2S ® VEN a +4 128 * Jenesve 7"? ay 2 Ove Oe yo, WE-0W e+ VO 5 4 ° os 58 1“ ay 85 ays 16, |(Va-vioe }-{ feta ayo a Os 52/70 z Tapswers ice joo [mo | 1A Pe ke ae ae ny we |e | inaROROL YAMA TWETRGPOL PUBLICATIONS GFSGHSCGCHHCOCOCHOOKF HH HOSHESSOSSHBDEORE* SOSOHSCSHOHOHOOS Bolum / Chapter 2 kit Sayilar/ Radicale Tost 2 5. AsV?-VB 41 u fadifed let - B= V7+8-1 3 Ma eta anes? wte=2 ties tle 4 B12 O16 Dasa oss gy NE 2 eae Veve:.taa at ey ot ngs ote ok 2 (EB a} e-a9)- 2 Teo" 10" 9 22 Ai pe 09 14 BS Ave oy oS owe. Bs 4 jatar -2 Ave Bae cave by ave &)5v@ ‘WeTROPOL ATLA 3 8. Bee + VBS ~0 + xy-? 2 86 B= owe F5 xe 14, y= VO bata? V0 | Alx>yee B)x>z>y 10 Gry-1a)° + YaIy=2 =0 = wy=? Oysnaz : Dyy>z>x | AS B15 0)20 00) Per Byarcod 1" D)b>e>e 6 Aa>b>o Bya>e>b o)b>a>e D)b>c>e Eje>ab | I YEAT ol BRO mo xo? - | ‘Yanitiar Answers ! as BB 7) eS cA 88 7k WE 0 ee Ee RiaD RET REo| ac 68 92 |e me ee TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS SPSCSPOSOHCHSHE OES OHO HOH OTOH HOHSEOFEOHHB HOS SO OOOO é Bélim/ Chapter 2 1 xeZAcR, UAE NT =A 3 Uxe? A BA GIS ISEB s AR, x2 +N Box YE -ox-A 3 An? A-10 BB O68 D4 HE 3. fen? ea fin)? Ayan Byte O- De eyns3 4 fer Yer x7 AAT BS C13 DIS IT 5. 6 8. K@KlG Sayilar / Radicals Test 3 Yoo fie = x=7 ayaa ay42 casa? ESS ava pe (Jae eV 75 192) 23-7 Ae BA CO DBS E16 (Vie ee Faw Va =e at a2 ve B2 Ys ote ove 4} (evB]-2 N28 Ba Cys Da” BY oy y8- v2 oot od or nig eee eer B2e1 2-1 ayva-4 B)ye- 9 va 2 Dyve-1 Eve 2 SEO ey Yanitiar 7 Answers : 104 ‘ oe chia HO wo we 2a Peo Biers eee aro an oy 1970 ao te me ma by rv 5) 23/10 TWETROPOL VATA WETnOrO: PUBLICATIONS SPSSGSSCHSCOGHO SSCS SOHTSCOP GSS SGHHSREHSECHHHSEHOHHSSOSSE* Béliim / Chapter 2 4 Year Vea = as as 2 Ye+ier-V-27- ae 87 Yeap? —v 3 Lean i i396 -J a aS ot TNETROPOL varRCa 2 ° ? peo K@kil0 Saytlar / Radicals Test oa eae) [veel gr aS se ott py At Be 98 DA BS 8. 724/50 /ae a7 Ayey2 B)7v2 C82) Sv) IVE 9. 3/8 2/18 3/32 =7 ABZ BO CB SVE BYTE 10 0-2 : AVS B)BVS O)EVS DVS «EY NS Ve=y Alay? B)x8y8 O)2y> _D)5#y? ED ty 12 3/5/10 V2 =? 90 B27 C25 OATES 13, (/a+V5)'-Veo=7 NS 85 97 08 B10 14 (6S 2) sa =? Aa BS G6 D7 HB ve -vay=2 © c)1e DIT Ba 46. VOx-0 + /xry-8 =0 4 ya? At B2 9 DS He = Yanitlar (Answers (te 40] 7e [ee wD aco Pea ea ae) sae ac |68 joe | 2A | ie imETOPoL VATA TWETROPO PURLIORTENS Balm / Chapter 2 KOkI0 Sayilar/ Radicals Test 3 ‘ 5 ee a Ds 7 H2 94 OF D8 B10 2 Xer+vat , yor 8 {ON OTF We? 8 BIZ )28O)3B.” BAe at pia Gea dys 47. 5 ASA yay a2 2 BSS one 8 (oat - var) vie AS BT 8 D3 HV ‘ueTROPoL vara ee we Vee aft a. xf a : i; 3767? Ne ae Oe Ayxeyee Byrexey Gyezex D)x x=? Ay25 - B)26° C)27 2B E29 4 xe 8 oe ax Ns Be 5 ST [METROPOL YAYINLARE 2a papeee eee rate fan - Wea wie 43, V7eave j2-V3 =? AYE Bye ct D2 a4 2 4 2 a at of 3 4 oe at 14. -Yxs0072 +-Vx= 20H = 2010 e012 - fx 2008 -8 = 8-2 to. fud7-B¥e =A ata? Eee erect ne cece Eee AVE BE c12 096 48 a De 99 ne Veeis Wade ear 5 a a-t a-§ 95% 2 i. ae =s tecVos elevs > x-2 17 8 a a 2 o® 23 25 Me ae v2 Valea naa ‘Yanitlar / At ; Tvaniiar 7 Atewere Ne eve ote ORRIN A 1 eps. 78.008 a ae MF ae ap 6c 88 | 28 | ma 38 ‘RETROPGL PURLCATINS TaeIROROL AMR Boliim / Chapter 2 K6ki0i Sayilar / Radicals Test 8 a dette Yeya 1 3 at at oz oe ott 2 Yotoyar 16 = xn? ne a6 ose 04 5) 120 a aur Se at 52 o8 os es « (ee) (s) Ay B)-3 0 ot 59 Yaz | Waele avs B28 cays Dyavs 5) 58 os Be oo ‘NeTRarOL ara 28 fea ah ea sat aa® 3 a es 5 a ta {fae Yee a» 82 oa " ae 55 D3 D8 oe Cr 8 Bs ¢ on Be Or 516 1a, [or]or{orve.. leaner a xyes? As p12 568 os a O38 aS AS Bava 0) 3V3 D)4v5 Eva ve at 2D 5B Be aE | De ‘METROPOL PUBDEATIONS eee @ ‘ 2 e e Béliim / Chapter 2 Kokld Saytlar / Radicals Test ¢ 1 xeZAeR, 5. VOIR BOTT =? s AnVOR-a@ + Dx-? A202 8) 2013 oyaog S ar wu oe or B28 ae poe @ e e e Se Se 1S on Bea aen Bec > far? . 6 A) abe 8) aoe cyabtc 7 S Dj abe £) abe Oe 7 ie a s : Ss S Se e s le = ee @ 0 Ww fear. : we ce e Aleve Bi-we ove : . oe a ME wea i- | py Let : oe eS e eS S s @ 8 ANTRT o arder 8 e a2 ol a AY B)-1O)-2V2 ZEAE e oes 52- @ S ° 1 a2 0. 1", 2 13, V2re-27 Vx =8 3 x=7 Ae B98 a Der es2 Ova e va-vb eet we ey SE Bas Viale Weve 1 z ad ene ° sfZ at Yauuilar 7Anawers ‘etRoroL vara 2 TWETROPOLPUALORTONS Bélm / Chapter 2 ay a2 os De. 58 2 aS 42/8 = afv8— y=? ays 2 os oa 5 a fiasay th G/T —--2 aa 86 oe D9 5) 10 A ates 3 Be? A38 8) 58 eave 0) 12/8 5) 158 ‘weTROPOL vavouLARE K@klii Saytlar / Radicals Test 19 s {= Ve 10 " 12 Me a0 OT 19 4 Oe 85 6 ot 70 1 See Yieor eur fis -127 ae a4 os Ds 57 8 VEEN E Hoa H/BT=A BHT He B=? wy AZ Baye ok aie ae A oAg a 8. 1a, fs 875 yar [02s +038 ear ns a4 os oe e1 MW xcocy > (oy He iy? 10. Aly-x Byx-y oxey by2y—x) E240) at a3 95 : D7 58 ot a2 n ites V5-2/6 /6+2/6 ave Bae Dy 5v2 62 18. W2-V5P =? . ASE 105 8) 17/2 115 7 <0) 7YB-BV8 0) 12V8+ 78 BV 8- 18 LyT0-YOs 2018] oe Yanitlar /Anewer E ne ne TO 46] 7A [HGR WE) 188 zaofap aac iie ee se [ese 80 |e ise, TeeTaOrOL ART ‘WETAOPOL PUBLONTIONS Béliim / Chapter 2 K@KIO Saytlar / Radicals Test 1 . faa ea ea ae siiaeciat aul Aye-1 avs ove Dav Be ot 2 2 2ex<3, 6 a roreee i =e? oF 5 5 1 Ne at os gt z 2 od es ae yeva {esa a Vale =daf(t) = mer Aas 8-23 eae EE by 4B ©) 23-22 ANS BB O-2 D2 B38 @ ei. a {aris -fa-V5 =? e we awe oa Se D) av Eve-1 e (WETROPOL VAYINLART 285 @09e@8 ante deers. 45+{20-Y20-20., > ABA? Ays2 B95 C)A2_— ASCE BA 6 BB OSD IB 46 V8 Ve -J10 ave Lao a sya? ; y Ne B12 O18 DIB EH 14a, fasta ade -V2 = x=? Ao 4 8S De | NB A)-2V3 B)-2v2 Dave Ey avs. * 16, VK=2 + VO16 =16 x? me 8H [iSTANBUL ONivERSITESi - YOs 2014} x3 in eet a)ar Yanilar 7Anawera K ons : pao oe a 16 | 40 | 7D [WA |1SE | 160 oa 7 asa St dtahibadthal ated aa joc ae [me mo) i arora wa TEORS FIRE = Johann Heinrich Lambert [1728-1777] Joann Lambert, fic defa x nin birirasyone! say olduunu kesin olarak ispallayen nla Frenstz mlematkcisiic Johann Lambert was th frt to provide rigorous proof thet is irational Sw Sw Oo a ow ew wo ew ee & @ & & @& Y KONU OZETLERI 231-236 / BiRINCI DERECEDEN DENKLEMLER, 27 ~ 260 7 BIRINC DERECEDEN ESITSIZLIKLER coc eeeeeees-2841=272 Y MUTLAK DEGER B78 292 ¥ SUMMARY cvs 291= 298 FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS. 27-280 FIRST ORDER INEQUALTES 281-272 © + apsoruTe vaLue 273-292 é @ BU SAYFADA KONU MATERYALi YOKTUR. NO SUBJECT MATERIAL ON THIS PAGE. POCSCSHCHHSCHHHSHOHHHTEHHHHHHHF HOE H OO SOO O&O @ « ONITE / UNIT KONU OZETI/ SUMMARY (LEMLER / FIRST ORDER EQUATIONS. EN DENK bininci DERECED ‘Tanum : a = 0 olmak zero ax +b = 0 Madesine brine! derecedn bir Blinmeyenildenklern dent Definition: Providing thal a 0, tho oxprossion ax + b=0's called aft order equation with ‘one unkcown, 12¢ += 0 Denkieminin Gbzim KOmest DP The souton Serotars'b=0 1 durum / Situation 1: » 2. durum / Situation 2: ve (and) b #0 GK(SS) = 3, durum / Situation 3: a =0 ve (and) b= 0» QK(SS) =F. = GKIS8)= irinet Dereceden iki Biinmeyenti Denklemir {Drm Gree gustan ne neon Tan :0,b.ce R.a20,b20 olmak izere ax + by +6 =0 seklindek’esitkiee birinci dereceden iki bilinmeyenli denklom dani axtby+e=0 ex tey +t a0 ‘sekinde il blinmeyentbrden fazla derklemdon olugan stems Ik ilinmeyenlt denklem sistem seni Detinition: Provided that a,b, ¢¢ Fi, a*0.,b #0, the equals inthe form af ax +by +c 0 are called first order equations two unknowns. erty ton0 obeys =0 ‘System in a form as shown above whic is composed af move than one equaltles with two Unknowns is called @ system of equation with two unknowns, 8 | (WETROPOL VATHLART ONITE J UNIT KONU OzeTI/ SUMMARY a Binmeyenii Derkiom Sistominin Solution Set ofa System of Equation with two Unknowns 1. durum / Situation loo gSzim kimod bir toma then the soliton sot has one element 2. durum / Situation -& tse gazim kimes!sonsuz elomanii, 1 tnen the sluton set has infaite number of ements © 3. durum / Situation 3: bg. 186 gozim kimosi bos kimodi: 7 then he sotto sets an empty se s ie ee 2 axbverdordsalech e 3, acb velend)ecoma-esb-c 4. ais velend\c> 0 5 at Locact 2 0ceteact ht ca as? Yanit/ The answer is -3 Yanit/ The answer is -8 3 rer x= ( Bx) x= Be x2) 2=(eK= x- 3] +4) =25=1) 4 x ae? axe? Yanit/The answeris -2 Yarut/ The answer ie -5 TETRGPOL UBUCATOW 7 men am + nix~3) sxe? Yanit/The answer's 1 & met, ms 45) exes: sxe? Yant/The answor is Yanit/The answeris 2 Yantt/The answer is TWETRGPOL PUBLICATIONS 6 2x25 xe? Yani! The answers & Yant/ The answor qq, BS Sat Yanit/ The answer is —# Yanit/ The answer is 20 ‘Yani The answer Is 2 25. eon eroroLarNAR eee HSSCOHOSSHSSCHOSC HPP HBHGHOSHHOSNDHRGHOOHOSOHOFOSHHOO ES: Yenit/ The answer is 4 Yani The answer's 4 ‘WETROPOL VaVIARI Yanit/ The answer is 04 TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS OFSCCHHSHHHHHSTHOOPTHHEHHKHOHSDSHBSOHSSOBOSE: Birinci Derecedien Denkiemier / First Order Equations Aligtirmalar / Exercises 2 Yant/ The answer is ~7 a Sx- Gx A) ad = xa? " Yanit/The answer. — e 5 toy RSE GK(S8) =(6) = a=? nt /The answer ie Yant/The answer is 6 341) 2K~ 123-3 + x? 8 2208) eed wane? werd Yanit/The answer ie 2 Yani The answer is. 4 TR) 4 2K Ba n)a 28 a xe? 10. Yani The answer is ~12 8 Yana The answer § =1 8 4 Yan The answers He ueere ey [METROPOL YAYINLARI 268 2X 2 13, 2-2 = Ke? 4.2 x Fee 16 TaeTROPOL VARNA Yantt/ The answer is ~12 Yanit/Tho aneweris 2 16 xs A Yani The answer is {1,1} seye? Yant /The answer's 2 Yanit/The answer's =1 ‘WeTROrOL PUBLICATIONS Yamit The answer is (a) Yanit/The answer is —1 2 fate-y=1]_ ax-2y=a] Yantt/ The answer ie 1 Yant/ The answer is 12 INETROPOL VAIN TBETROPOL PUBLICATIONS SOCOKDGHOH SCH HEOHH HHH GOGO HHH OOOOH OO B® @ @« > 1G @ Bliinci Dereveden Denklemler / First Order Equations Alrgurmatar / Exercises 3 = mxsny=3 1 Sayes ¥ (y)=(2—1) aye? may = Zesy=10 smne? Yant The answer's 2 Yant/The anower 2 KY ae ary? Xie aa Yant (The answer's -2 Yant The answoris § a Yanit/ The answer 4 TweTROPOL YANN mm whe ole Xo Ay=10 = ya? ‘Yanit / The answer is + WETROPOL PURLONTONS 1 Yanvt/The answer 3 Yanst/The answer is = 6 2te ab - bx-ay=0 > x2? Yan! The answerls 3 Yan The answer is 8 METROPOL YATRARE CRBESSCHHSHSSCSCGSCHOPAOHHHOHOHHOHSHOCHRSHOOSHKKEH HOSE Yant Tha answer ie 2472. 16. bce Rt be2a-] catbitl = bea=? beouts| Yanit/The answers 8 4, } Yantt/ The answers 4 18. \ Yanit The answeris 2 2 Yanit/ The answers 21 8 : ‘ucTROnOL vam TWETROPOL PUBL 19, Zarb=o 2. ab=8 atc=9 | 6-7 ac12 |-+a=? aepee=i2. b-4o=20) Yant/Tresnewers 2 | Yantt/ The answeris 12 Yani Tho anewor is 6 THETROPOL ATR zs TieTROPOL PURLINTONS SPHGSGCSCSCHOSOSSSHSHCHHSSHOSHOHOSHOHHHHRSCORSORSSEEHSO* Be ‘KONUTESTLERL SUBJECTTESTS A. Bfe~1)4x46=25 = OK(SS)=7 A 86 16 OM Fe east a x27 A209 B21 )-22)-29 28 act, xt “21-99 490-2) = (24 1)=9 = x=? fee carretera een a at B28 DA BS Ae 36 OM De HO : 3 : 2 Ae, BO ow at et or oe as De Be 2 = xe 4 8p Boo wer 2, (2 A)x9) = 0-2) we xe? A190 = 2 Dt) -14 atta ae ceraya ee oneeeeeate TETrOpOL A 6) ste 9 ate Stae ae? ot too ot ot 0. Bos onsen ACT BLS, 4} Cy-8y DR ea) 4 43 cuss) AM BG Ch) OD) EV) 12, ox 49(1 x) <3 GKISS)=7 4){0) 8) 1.0), oo DAR Be 18 = OK(S8)=? BA) oe 50 1A ale =2) +2 +b)=0, KISS) = Ri a+ be? a4 8-2 oo D2 SB 22 os 6 Ga 7 eK(88)=7 AO} Bet) C) 1,0) De eR ‘Yanitiar /Answers 7/011 BeOS TA! 9B 2D 1D <0 ae 6D TaETROPOU VATRLART oD THETROPOL PUBLICATIONS GDPHIOSCOHOOHOHRBOE DOO OO @ © © @ @ @ @ © @ E @ @ @ @ © @ @ © @ @ & Baiiim / Chapter 1 Birinc! Dereceden Denklemler/ First Order Equations Test 2 1 28, 5M gee 8M eget weye7 at 8 og Ane. B)q.20 4,3) s oes) BM, 6) oe 5s 2 2 aut : 8 x88)? eee Hee eee eee Aye4, 9). B95) oe. DEM — E40) set ap a sees sxer ar} = oxssi-7 3 bn19)=6 Ao wa Cys Dyan A209 B02) ea POMS EAA 4 Breet = onissye? i omy a0 et arn LA 9% “Be-ayn8 42. (a+ 2x-By=9, = GKISS)=7 la~ thx + 6y= stooge 759 coset GK(S8) = = a.) 24.2) oy-2, 2 N2 Bt OO oO ED De ER 10. ts oy=4, (at xt (0 ty=8 OK(SS) =A > at b=? At B2 C)9 DAS ex+5y=8 1", = GKISS)=7 s0x+15y=26| AN -2,2) 8) (2.2) ©4029 ne BA 12, axctby— ax + by GKISS)=9 = ba? at op of me Hs TWETROPOL VAVRLART 4 18, 18. pr 2 fees} © ofa th af Ar 82 G3 De BS re [sa [78 WS 8 | 16D be seo fae to tae pe 6A e ne ie Balim/ Chapter 11 Lo -K412=6 3 xe 2 8-1 Go OF GOO OOS OOH OHH HH HOOHOHG EGO OGé 2 eteKe6 + xa? AT 82 OS 4 3 aka a2e44 = xe? a 97 92 os 4 2a sks so a? Ay BO Oe g2 es i a8 Birinci Dereceden Denklemler/ First Order Equations Tost 3 5. 2e43)-2=5K+1 = GKISS)=? AM BG} CM OV) EIT 8 4-2) +2x= 2 +6)—18. = GKISS)= nti te) oF} No 8) Te Be e+ 2) Glx—A) Be me xe? 2 H-t O-ts O15 EAT +1 (2x-4)=8 = x= 8 ber Lex-4) a8 = x0? AL 82 O98 De BS jo, 28x12, gy 328 AAG Bs OH Dye D)-9 25 a we AM) BC) #b, arkapek o xo? Aba aad O pip Bet = gxtss)=? DO Hey Oa) / DICH EIB) 2 Bab ‘METHOPOL PUSUCATONS o i | | | | | | = 6 © Se = s s 2 e s e © s 6 e @ 6 e 6 e @ 6 s @ € 6 e e @ @ e e 6 s 6 € e @ e Béliim / Chapter ‘| 1 S21) ale +3) = 19 = OK(SS)=? am BYEZ) C}IS) DATA) IE) =5 = OK(SS)=? 2) 42 2) 08) oj ¢-20) 0) 28) 588) 3 AO=7) aS 4) =26 = KISS) =? No BR OO O7 BM 4, H0e48) +x=9(8K-2) +8 o> KISS) =? 1 BD CO OR 2a Birinci Derececen Denklomier / First Order Equations |4 O1 06 Bet Hes 8 7 *T? 8 86 OT DB Ta xe? B10 95 d/10 be F)19 Ris Test 4 13. men, =0 5 x=? Nee 842 ©) 40) an Bm om-n Dyn=m mn 2g xn? At 82 93 dS oe do ete A. (c= 2)12x-9) = (e-2)x > OKISS) =? AV) Be 0). 9} Dee is / Yanitiar TAnswors a | SAU SACP ees saw eA 38 (ee |sa lia | ise 1% me—1) + Sfx 4.2m) + 15 =0 KISS) = aS 8-4 0 od 6 = menz? 28 ‘ETROPOL aR ‘HETROPOL PUBLOMTONS BRRBABA € @ ©606882890980 @ & @ SR@OeR eg @ 1 @ Boélim/ Chapter 1 Birinci Dereceden Denklemier / First Order Equations 50 Baer, ne Tost 8 <6 x=? a2 8-1 GO OZ oar O51, yp x 03 7 * aoa 8)-02 o- bos e)10 Bet BETO 9 4 cxiss)-2 are age 9 SEES) af} af{-4} of of{2} 916) A Sa LB~ (1 = Wi] =x [2x (Bx +3] > GKISS)= 7 B-8 oe NO BY CHG} OM YD Ea 83. ‘WETROPOL YAMMRLARE 0. MW xsy=10 yeze24 K42=16 xe? At B27 Wo xey-z007 x-yezes = axeayodze? ats 838 C72 oye by 82 Be B02 18. &-9)8+ Gy+ 152 =0 > x-y=? At Be 04 DB NB no 8)49) O40) “SoA E)R-1@, 9} 16. (eae TR eee Ae eB PA AE, Pe e @ e © Bolim/ Chapter 41 Birinci Derecedon Denklemler / First Order Equations Test 8 6, 27 ye 5. 6 6 e N18 8-4 O-8 D7 O38 2 at 82 3S 8 © © 2 -+ G68) =? 6. 42h eee AN-3) 8) {3} C) 83} fa a 5 D2 BR Ae B22. D2 ZB & x a eS 6 € 8 © & e ANC, 0} 6) (0, 4)» OK, p78. B 8 2) (,3) Bw @ & Oris <3 x=? 6 rae 6 xe 7 4 2 4 6 ay Blast oF cea é oe 54 menyer [2 oKeDa? ® AN, 3)) B42, 9) Oe, e D4. 0 5 (3,-0) = s ae & 8 aye Sessyerz | 779? N2 B+ GO 2 HA 10 sx-2y=4 mex sayere | > SSSI? A)(0, 0} BAC, 2 Oy De BR Th axa eyed axsayas [7 ORES) ao BR O}40.0, D)KH1, “1 Ei 12 (m= + Ay =2, &- (n+ GK(SS) =A + m+n 2 Bt COO 52 ce (me te—9y=4, = 2px + 5y KISS) =@ = as 12, He O7 Dpto ea ae BS Ge D7 HB oF 2 ‘a4 at A~ Be O2 D4 H6 Yauitiar FAnswore 7 (te te 7K [wo we [Wee 2a ps0 Re Se aD ac lac jac |e ise WEROROLVAPRLART Béliim/ Chapter 1 Birinci Dereceden Denklemter / First Order Equations Test? 1-2 +(e ayes, 9042-028, ox 4 9y=3, a-5)-22= 10, QK(S8) =F > a=? fas tid4te=8 at a2 o4 s atbsce? De ar a4 83 2 D2 5-3 2 Teroyesee dd, 8 xs ay-2=-22, S xsyere? ANB at oa a0 yn ow : ot at ot 3B. xyze Zh xayer, xeytzett xey-za3 4 Exe? 3 a“ 210 oy a ee oF 2 1 pet 523 oe et 8 (n= tKeinsays6eo, say-9=0 4 oKsysarei7 GKSS) =A > Mae xeys wo sysre? me ayo ot ne ai o6 : pe gs o-t 5-3 a oe2y=16, 13. ays -s2y42= oe x-ayeze? ns 24 o-3 aya a5 6 D4 E-8 ns 10 1h abcez, asb=6, 1a yes, Sayeeen cae +053 = 2a 8-o=? yes ns a7 ois 3 meynaee? Ly ois a7 ae as gs ow 5 on tonya 2 ot vad ny zed a xze? vi ae ore ae 16 xoyszee . acyize2 way-200 aye? na m2 oe D1 a4 iattae pose ARDENIZ ONIVEASITES 2181 a-2-e=-8 as20+00 jae ‘Vanitlar 7Anewars cree Te [ee 70 oe we TE ne a5 on Pe eee os 9-8 aA [80/88 Awe eran vw ETOP FREON SSOSSSSCVVIIS TD @ GS & Béliim / Chapter 4 Birinci Dereceden Denklemler / First Order Equtions Tost 1 BAL Gy sxe? - 2 6? = KISS) =? At Be Os Da 5 } mfe-S} onan (2.3)} =| 2 -H} 2 =1 = exiss)=? & marge BS KISS) = Om a=? BCH CHO} oo D2 4 eR a xeys8 = 2x4 4(2y —») — sty (2-39 Aye Ba CGD) aD 4 mess ax-mamx-8ex > A2 4 go oF 4a ee Nae Bye 7 ox-3y46=0 acty ened OK(SS)=R = m+na? Aa B14 O)-12 DB 8 a Bot, 203 3-8 ye x42 KET xT Z B41 go Of 2 ‘mx — 6m = 4—9x Kiss) >=? A-8 y-2 92 2 os D9 E22 8. 4, x=2herey Sety4z=0 3 x=? 4 86 8 DIDI os ri | meaoemer ANI2 B)I4 O16) 16. Qin 1)-3=4-312-a) = ee 3 net oz o-8 : oe a [ISTANBUL ONiveasitEsi- Os 2014 12. x adSy- 16 Yanitlar Answers A-10 B-8 O-6 D6 E10 Li oa | 124 | 15 [WETROPOL YAYINLART 20 ‘METHOPOL PUBLERTIONS © OOO HOO HG © OOO OOS OH8HSOOOHEE ODDO > @ @9e@ & 8G BIRINC] DERECEDEN ESITSIZLIKLER FIRST ORDER INEQUALITIES BOLUM CHAPTER Aligtirmalar/Exercises xe, nbc 18<5 = mints) =? Yanit/ The answer is 7 2 xyreR xty<0, ¥2z<0, x20 S KyrH22? Aligtirma / Exercise 1 4oxeZ x4 4s8x-2<13 > Tes? Yanit The answer is 7 58 xyez axed Fw Yanit/The answer is 14 Yanit The answer is [8, =) NeTaoroc vacant 2 6 Kye RGy-2) eZ, Bexcd 2eycd > min(Sy = 25) =? Yani The answer is 13 TWETROAOL PUBLICRTINS 7% xyez Qexed faepee = ming? ~2y) = 7 Yanit The answer is [-3, 4) & OFHeZ 2 x+4 = QKISS) =? Boxes, < ¢ seye2 = maxi? + y9) 5? Yanit/ The answer is ~# TeROroL Naa TWETROPOL PUBLICATIONS C8GOHEOT HOSS OG OOOO OO HO ® © © OO GO © © © & © © O OO @ @ & 13, 422216 + GKSS)=7 Yanit/ The answer is [-4,-2] UB 4) 14, 250 = CKISs)=? Yank /The answers (=, 1) {0} 18 xeZ ~15-<2{R~ 1) <6 9 maxx) ming) = ? TeTROPOL VATA Yant/ The answer is -8 16. X= 1-42ex4+6 = GKISS)=? Yerut/The answeris:( wiext28 " | = exs9-7 Ocx=2<6| Yani The answer is (0, $1 1B x>0)x=9y, Baty 2<267 Yantt The answer's yex ee Yanit/Te answers (1,81 Yan The answeris 15 20. K+y-5=0, : 2excd = 2eye? Yenit/The answers 1 Dee? Aso BST C)S2 DSSS 2 xeZ nyez, 15 + inte) =? dexzie eye Aya BOIS OBB) = maxtax ry) =? RA BB 025 O24 BA B xen, wee 3x2 . ~ Bsa Dx? x B-2y26 ye? A289 (4 0s BB anid weet ae oe eit 4 myez AxBEX HA = CRISS) =? ileal A=) 8) m4] Ot) => max(x=2y) +mingeey) =? eye] > MATA emntery DV.) an) NA Be 0 eA ‘ueronoL a 285 % xeZ, 1B xyeR, er 3ex<8 4c Meh co Dan? | -masee-n-7 ey eta A35 -B)90 COTS) SD 2 B19 OB DT «AIG a Kye R. 82x10 Bayer? = min(ay—») =? A8 8) 19. ©)-20 10. xe, : fy 21 Pe 9p 7 Dee? Ae Byer cyar-~ D)2s D7 9B " 18. x62, -t eevee |" @ atebe2 e Ay-deabde 2) -4 Zaz? e “syd A)25 B28) C}80, 33) 3 ay63 ayes 65 . yer ees @_ = wETROPOL vANNLAR Eu @ & & xez > max(x) =? AS Bt O-3 D2 39 Exe? AN Be C15 Dye He Kez, xed ex -Be +8 3 Exe? At B22 Ges D) 44 % abeeR, 4a+b~2004 3+9b-Se>4 atcuA= max(A)=? 2 B-t GO ot B41 Bs 52 a 14 18. xty= wticXece a 2eye? 7 y: ae a, 0») D) bw, 12) 56) axb oxissy=? 2 eR aR 82) oyrem 6 Ax 2) + 6-<94 GKISS) =? Oe) Bm. -2] S A) =, 9) 8) (9, ‘C) (0,9) Ss D){0, 9) =) (0, 9) & @ é e 2 3 s 2 8 : 8 Boa vz Ss 4-9) +5 minx) =? S 7 ae O19 oo Bat ae meting aprelttiee s s s @ @ @ ie 3 & xz a 21282 4 guiseye , ® Sor eetee ered Ox-S Syn? = max(x) + ming) =? Ns 1 CM D2 Ba Nie 218 Ce ON B10 1h x29 b95, to, X38, x12 Bs WaatrT pared tea anitiar ANaWere ‘ “07 50K] we avon nepal ae ew At 82 OS D4 85 tee jon | me | 0 WETROPSL arn ETROPOL PURLOMOS CHPCHPOOSSVSSHOSOHHSOR HOOD’ ee | | | | | e eS @ s s 2 2 S S e b ® @ Billi / Chapter 2 1 xe2 Birinci Dereceden Esitsiziikier/ First Order Inequalities Test 5, 2a 18,00 264, 2 117 acer = ete? aerate ayxcyez Byx Exe? Paxo-ys6 > Ly? jo 1 2 BS N10 8-9 O-7 D6 8-5 i Perey Sk=5>x417 = GKISS)=? 1 Amt) Bem 1] V(t.) ai csc om, Ba.) nos 30.15) 765) Dy.8,15) 519 of A cxiss)= wot oKiss)=? NwscreT wy aexe-e 10, 3s 225.<7 4 gxiss)=7 O-21exe7 D)-2tene-s. ne 0.19) B19)" Oy E8, 19) e Des 60,5) : ~9e-2eb<7 > Inn? / M2 B25 C)aT Dyan 29 MW xez, 50, BSE o2 = oKiss)=? 4) (0,8) 36) 0)f5. =) pyre e051 4 nyzeR, wy>0 yz<0 a= 9 3 2<2 mma? ao Bt O2% 13 BHM | 1 Kev ieoyez e Ate By oe es 4 Be 0 DY 2 7 Vanitlar /Anewers ye [ke TE [we Be we ee ee fe lee ea m0 a £FOS SS OGOOSF6HEHTHHHHTEHEHHHOHOHOHHEEEEEEHEHO: Bbldim / Chapter 2 Birinci Derecedien Egitsizlikler / First Order Inequalities, Test’ 1 xen BeeTediot = ghss)=7 A=, 0) 8B) (0, =) Chl, =) D) (=, -8) Eo 2 Kgcttl = oxssy=2 AO By} Ca DR E) RAO) & Pex, anx : bext | = 2257 4 ot Ajasboc Barceb Gjc>b>e D)b>e>a Fpo>asn A PaaxebeZ, Rexed + maxed 4x45) =? ADA 82502827 EB ‘WETROPOL Va 5 @nyez, 8x<0,0sy<3 > LOx-ya? n-35 8)-38 o-s7 b-28 5-09 6. (abe Z, acact =H (a”-b*)=? 20 atb KISS) = 70) Xj tga 2h an? Yanit The answer is 6 a. y CKISS)=? 2, UR aed +1 Yanit/The answer is 8 2 wet aix—11=0 amit The answers —18 ‘Yarst/The anaworis 12 Yantt/ The answer is {-6, 9) se "METROPOL PUBLICATIONS Koklii Saytiar / Radicals oxen x 121=-a4492 2x2? YYanit/ The anewer ie 10 |= x-2 = CK(SS)=? vent te avi {2} ‘Aligurmalar/ Exercises 2 4 edad sxe? Yanu!/The answer is —& z 5. x-SlaleEt > GKISS)=7 vate anvrs (24 3x42 ted Exe? ‘Yani The answer is 0 8 k-31Fk-21=9 alee? Yanit (The answers § TWEROPOL PURLERTIONS 1 id b- tae + Exe? 10, x2 dbl 12=0 > OWSS)= 7 ‘Yanit (The answer is (8,6) Bo axn beth 3 Ex=? Yantt/The answer is -3 9 xhe-11512 > GKISs)=? ‘weTROPOL VARNA Yanit/The answeris. 4 32 Yanit/ The answers 18 THETHOPOL PUBLEATONS eR ee a SGSCOSSSODOHGCFEHFSHHHOCHHHHHHGCOKEHKERORHES ADO: 18, S212 > la-al+18- ale? Yerut/ The answer is 22-5 16 a Lee? anit The answer i ~8 2. A= Ox -3y! mina) =» BOY NA) =» a TaeTROPOL va Yanit/The answers 2 34 Yanit/The answoris 3 BOagaa ees S ® © e @ @ @ @ S OBSOSSOSOSSHHO OBR GHGAHHE KONU TESTLERI — . 1 “SUBJECTTESTS Test res 5. 205 bea siexe? = k-T-18=21=? Aye 3-8 0) aa 8) 2-8 ois D+S es D) x-15 Eyaet 6 2 taxed 3 texte? Aer as os 90 Oo Em OS E) 2x-5. = 2 acoenee atat0 = Ib els to—al—la-cl =? z 4 fa bevelyetiebeeyle? Aym=20 8) 2a ojo 2) 20-28 ©) 2a+2b Axty Byxsayed Cyacey+t D1 Eyxny-t 4 aed 3 kateb? aa 8)-2 on Dyax-1 Bat eee a (WETROPOL YAYINLARE BS 8 ik+y—B8l+be-y2 = y=? NS 87 cs Dye EAS 10, PRT H-y-2sf2+5) 20 xryer=? AS 8-3 o4+ ot 83 18. x<0, yoo 2 fx? -aayty? Axe fly? A) 2x~2y Dy 2e+2y B)2y~ 2 oo E)-2x-2y W abeez tok a A202 O)2a42b~6 A ta-bl-to-el+ta-et © 8) 2-20 0) 20-20 £) 20+ 20-26 16. W851 1778-614 Vi —a1 noa-2 8-294 oa-2 Dy2-2y8 Mh. ocxeyee : nae-4 tena Bay Hy male? Aen B)-me-ty Oe Be Dj 22m Byay—2x 18 x<0= Vote Ve 0s as a4 o-m-4 O)-e-6 FIRS acd lararcatiatianarit Vanitlar /Anawere TE ae ne wie | 108 A)-a-3 B)-at Cha-1t ao} e a ee fo pea 1 s-a ac ee oe |ma ie 5 venOrOL Va TaePOLPURIENTONE Baliim / Chapter 3 otal Aye A, ini) ign fon) => xe y=? 2 84 O68 D8 B10 ia 48. Demet “4 mana? A) 888 jad D2, E18 3. tk-6l-4i=-7 = Sh NS BT 1012S 4 eR, bee Ms be2+ + SLSA = mingay= ? ao Bt C)2 SNA TETROFOLIATICAR Ht ‘Mutiak Deger / Absolute Value 5. ax 191= 3x8 = GKISS) Test 2 we} ote} oft (0) Eie5) ax ~21415x—5I-lex-6l= 5 > Dee? Ar 82 C3 D4 8S Wax 1-4 4l=0 = Dxa? 1 82 98 DA BS 9 K+ tleBxeding = Lea? AA B82 O-9 D4 HS 10. at+tal-ea0 + []x2? 8 Bd ODA” 8 M1, ie 2xe41+8=0 = GKISS)=? ae 52) ©)0 0} Be 12, Pa ox+t=0 > Tea? N-6 8-4 OR D1 He 58 18. b?—Gx+91-2h?-91=0 > Dea? a0 8)-9 8 DT 6 14. (7-18 be~ tl = Dae? At 82 C8 DAES 36. ik 21-4112 > Saxe? mimeo Oe os 18 xeZ lex-te-21=8 > Dxx? A2 8-4 O-6 DA He Yanitlar / Answers ae fea jen oe (ap te WETHOPO™ PUBLICATIONS Béliim/ Chapter 3 Mutiak Dogjer / Absolute Value Test 3 1 VT -a14 4 V151=? 5 acb<0 = Ib-al+lasblela—bla? ae Baye avi 4 A)b=98 B)b- 2a Ob-a Dayis-8 58-2 Dya-b Ba-a 2 2ex<5 = k~Slohe- a=? 8 x<0 = be bel baxd =? ay a2 oO A) 2 Bx oo pa 5s Ox Dx GGSSSCOGSTORSPERESSHRHBOE: @ : a eee QE hedeos Wealemmetve=bine on xeveys SP afocu i =? e Ay2b 8) 20-28 Oa-e A) 2x a-« Ox a ipso 5) 20—e Dy Bay e i@ 8 6 A xeDey > beoylely axle bey? A)on-y 8 pexce > fe aaeee ele eaere =2 8) 2x ay + xy at 82 os ©) 2y-2n—ny oa 5s D) xy ~ 2 ®w-y-x 8 8. A=Lx- ttl = min(a)=? aot a4 oo Dt 51 10, A=M-31415—x! = mint) a2 80 oi D2 Bs " > maxay=? a4 a6 8 Dy 36 514 oF 26 48. xeblay, 4, ety B14 k= By 4 21a Om xtye? Aye 80 on D2 ea De 55 ixea Ayn ax

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