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*** Please PRINT THIS OUT and USE IT when you RE-WATCH VIDEO #2
REVIEW from Video #1: About the Gift Markings in Your Hands

Up to 18 possible gift markings in the hands

Every gift carries with it a special ability
Every gift has a penalty if you dont use it
Hands with few lines and few gift markings tend to hit their goals MORE easily as they dont get
as scattered by obstacles.
5. People with many gifts are often stuck and confused yet can accomplish transformation if they
get out of the penalty boxes and start using their gifts to support their Life Purpose.
6. The more gifted the person, the more in resistance they usually are to their purpose. You may
feel misunderstood, unseen, not validated. Highly gifted people need to be seen by OTHER
highly gifted people!
Video #2: Discover Your Gifts For More Joy, Peace, and Pleasure!
PLUS Discover HOW To $$$$ MONETIZE $$$$ Your Gifts!
5 Examples of Popular Gifts:
1. Medical Stigmata (Gifted Healer) = located in vertical lines beneath the little finger on your
palm. Do you get paid for your healing work?
2. Moon Star = six-pointed star in moon area of the palm. Do you listen to your intuition?
3. Star of Jupiter = six-pointed star under index finger on the palm. Have you found your throne?
Your territory to manage and control?
4. Lines of Genius = 3 or more vertical lines on the tip of the little finger. Are you writing and
5. Star of Venus = six-pointed star on the mount at the base of the thumb on the palm. Do you feel
joy regularly? Have you claimed the right to PLAY? / 2012, (888) 518-4263 (HAND)

Think about your GOALS for your Gifts:

Do you have a VISION for each Gift?

Do you have a PLAN for each Gift?




Do you have step-by-step SMART Goals for each Gift?
a. Specific
b. Measurable
c. Attainable/Achievable
d. Realistic/Relevant
e. Time-Bound

Are you getting SMART-ER with your Gift Goals?
a. Evaluate your outcomes: Are you getting what you want? Or not?
b. Re-evaluate your outcomes: What do you need to shift, adjust or change to achieve
your goals?

Be sure to put your comments on our video page so we can enter your name into the iPad drawing which
I will load with 12 of my all-time-favorite spiritual books.
Remember, You ARE GIFTED! And its your purpose, in YOUR hands! / 2012, (888) 518-4263 (HAND)

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