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Anthony Hood Barker

October 28th, 2015


Term Paper

Cultural and personal experiences influence our opinion of the need for change because we dont want our children growing up in a bad world filled

with hate or greed or terrorism, we dont want to be controlled or abused, and we go through things that we dont want anyone else to go through. That is

why the people of the world strive to make change. Because they hate how they are living, how they are treated, they hate the unfairness, and they dont

want their children to grow up in a world like that. Our cultural and personal experiences are what influence our desire to change ourselves and society.

Malala, Hester and Bill Gates were all strong male and female characters who initiated or started change in their society. Both Malala and

Hester had their communities on their side rather than on the opposing side. The Taliban have never come for a small girl. The People were convinced

that this would not happen because the Taliban did not want to be know for killing girls. The Taliban also knew that the people would riot. In the

documentary it showed how the people had killed taliban members and left them in the street dead.Iit showed Malala wanted the people and especially the

girl of Swat to be able to learn. For Malala this meant that she had the community believing in education for girls. For Hester this meant that she had

convinced the people that not only was she a good person but also that she had bettered herself as a person over time.It is our Hester,the towns own

Hester,who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted! The people seemed to have loved Hester rather than look down

on her or despise her. Malala is somewhat similar to Bill Gates because they both are pushing towards a great cause. Malala wants to have the right to

learn and Bill wants to help third world countries like haiti and revolutionize the world with new technology. "The Gates Foundation (he and his wife) also

donate MILLIONS/ BILLIONS to education in the US and around the world." He donates money to the Bill and Mandela Gates foundation. This

foundation helps fundraise money for people in 3rd world countries such as Haiti and Africa. He also created the first computer and multiple softwares and

phones for todays society to use. This means that Gates have shaped society today beyond what most politicians and other important people of the world


Both Dee and Hester worked hard to make themselves successful. It is our Hester,the towns own Hester,who is so kind to the poor, so helpful

to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted! She helped the community and then then she had felt as if she wasnt that bad of a person. Dee Had gone to

school and gotten an education. Mama had talked to Dee and told her that she would get the drapes once she had gotten married and a decent job. She had

gotten the drapes eventually. Both of the females had fallen in love with something and wanted to keep it. Therefore they both fought to keep that certain

person or idea. They both worked towards education. Both had an influence on their society and community that made people act differently. The

community and people around them had worked better and harder together as a community. Both had an influence on their society and community that

made people act differently. Both Hester and Malala had a book written about them. These books both changed peoples views and ways of living

drastically. Hester convinced people and got them on her side, so did malala; the people of swat decided to protect themselves in the end. Malala was shot

in the head, and Hester had committed adultery, so they both were going through some sort of pain.

In both 1984 and Scarlet letter two men were being tortured physically and mentally to be forced to tell the truth about something. Winston

was being stretched out and tortured physically near the end so that he would be forced to tell the man who the girl was that he had had sex or an affair

with. "How many fingers now Winston?' The man asked him this as he tortured him. Chillingworth had been tormenting Arthur and telling him things that

he would punish himself for what he had done to Hester. This brought him Heart problems. Winston and Arthur both had to leave in the end. Winston

was killed and Arthur left for Europe on a ship with Hester. "We can escape", there are boats leaving for Europe next week. Hester was trying to convince

Arthur of leaving with her. Both had hostages that were keeping secrets. Winston and Arthur were both getting in trouble to to sexual acts or desires.

Winston had sex, which was illegal in his society and Arthur had impregnated and had a baby with Hester Prynne, the people of the town had pointed out

that if his name were ever to be revealed that he would be killed, and if the girl Winston had an affair with were to be revealed then she would be killed.

This was the information that they were trying to get out of both of the men. Winston had caved in in the end due to all of the pain and so had Arthur.

Hester had also caved in and decided to give away his identity as the father because she herself was going through so much emotional pain that she

couldnt stand to see him like that again. This shows that both of them had a weak mental mind.

In both the Arab Uprising documentary and the Malala film documentary and text, both communities were fighting and protesting terrorist

groups and foundations. Both people and or groups rebelled against the organization. Both people and or groups rebelled against the organization. "We

have been waiting for hours and in just 30 minutes Mubarak will step down." The lady in the documentary seemed happy about this. Malala helped get

together speeches and rallies against the Taliban and so did her father, Ziauddin Yousafzai. They did this to protect Swat, Pakistan and all of its people

because the Taliban had ruled over them long enough with their harsh restrictions and rules and the people were finally done with living like that. In the

Arab Uprising the country had became military run after the ruler had stepped down. After the taliban leaders left Pakistan, the Pakistanis elected a

president, (Mamnoon Hussain) took over and started to rule Pakistan. Both ruling groups were terrorists and discriminated against their people. Both

groups that were ruling both countries were part of the same terrorist groups. The Taliban is in association with the islamic brotherhood. Both of these

organizations are still today in power of countries today, they just call themselves something different.

We go through things in this world that nobody should have to go through. That is why people of the world strive to make change, because

they hate the way they are treated, how they are living, they hate how unfair it is, and they do not want their children to grow up in a world like that. Our

cultural and personal experiences are what influence our desire to change ourselves and society.

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