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Claire Langenhorst

Dr. Erin McLaughlin

Multimedia Writing & Rhetoric
2 November 2015
Personally, this has been my favorite project so far in this class because it was a nice
change from the standard written assignment. I really liked my group, so I think that also made it
more enjoyable. With the time crunch, I suggested to my group that we all put in our
contributions to the story board, shared via a Google Doc, over fall break. I began the story board
by writing up until the bike crash scene and left suggestions as to where the story should go
from there. Tebor added the next two scenes onto the story board, but not much else was added
over break. Chris, Trebor, Brendan, and I met up the Monday night after break and talked over
how the story should go. As we brainstormed, I wrote the rest of the story board. After we
finished for the night, I went back to my dorm and perfected the story board (added a few scenes
and better dialogue) for class the next day.
I did the vast majority of filming and directing for our PSA (thats why Im not in too
many scenes). I captured all of the scenes of students around campus on their phones as I saw
them. I helped Chris the narrator with his lines in the one button studio and went back with him
to re-film last minute when some of our footage with the green screen did not work out. Chris
was the one doing all the editing on his computer, but I was with him for all eight hours of
editing. Together, we figured out the best placement for the scenes, voice-overs, slow motion,
etc. I helped find most of the music, which was much more difficult than I expected. Lastly, I
wrote the part of the companion paper that included the motivation behind our project and our

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intended audience. I also made suggestions on which articles and also specific parts of those
articles that we could use for source integration. I also went back over the paper after my other
group members finished writing it. I did not like it because it had very little mention of how our
PSA was rhetorical or satirical, so I made some significant alterations before submitting the final
draft. While it was a lot of work in a short period of time, I still had a lot of fun with my group
and truthfully enjoyed this project.

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