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PMD Editor (English) Ver.
Translation Ver. 0.1
[Partially Incomplete Version]
A Roughly Translated & Limited English version of the PMD Editor (Please read th
e limitations section below for more information).
If you find any mistranslated messages or areas that I missed, please send me ei
ther the line of text or a screenshot to me via one of the methods listed below
in the Contact section.
*Note: This version is currently incomplete. Many features are translated, but t
here are also several menu dialogs that have not yet been translated.
1. Translations
Certain text dialogs or message boxes may be translated incorrectly. If you woul
d like to send in a correction, feel free to contact me with any of the listed c
ontact information below in the Contact Information section.
2. Limited Text Space
Due to not having the official source code, I am limited to the same text length
letters/characters that were originally written. If I were to try & force addit
ional letters, the application would become unstable or not launch at all.
The word "General" can be written with only 2 letters in Japanese. In English, i
t takes 7 letters to write, thus I am limited to only 2 letters to write "Genera
l", which is why the main tabs are only a few letters long.
I will try to find a solution to this issue without causing instability to the P
MD Editor, but for now you may see certain words cut off or similar but shorter
phrases used for buttons/etc.
Abbreviation/Short Words Translation
*May be incomplete
As explained in the limitations section, my choice of words & abbreviations are
limited. This section will list some of the words users might not understand:
PMD Window:
Under File:
Save Mat. - Save Material as Text (Save Material Name)
Under Edit:
Under Delete All:
Facial/GRP - Facial/Group
Under Bulk Rename:
Ta - Target

Su - Sub
JP - Japanese
EN - English
FX - Fix
NoWordLstDup - No Word List Duplicates
Under Mesh:
Hide - Hide Tab
Del Part - Delete Part
Under Bone:
Del Same IK - Delete Same IK
Under Facial:
MergeSameFac - Merge Same Facials
Under Toon:
Init. - Initialize
Under Plugins:
Under System:
PhyTog - Physics Toggle (ON/OFF)
Under CodeScript:
Code(C#)Scpt - Code (C#) Script
Main Tabs:
GE - General
VR - Verticies
MES - Mesh
MA - Material
BON - Bones
FA - Facial Expressions
GRP - Grouped Bones
ENGL - English
PH - Physics
Inside the VR Tab:
VList - Verticies List
CO - Coordinates
UV Text. - UV Texture
Line - Outline
Inside the MES Tab:
MeshVert. - Mesh Verticies
Index Vert. - Index Verticies
Inside the MA Tab:
MList - Material List
Auto - Automatically Refresh
Toon Text. - Toon Texture
#? - Unknown Texture
Right Click:
Split Mat - Split Material
Split up to multiples of 3
Bind Mat - Bind Material
Inside the BON Tab:
JPName - Japanese Name
Coord - Coordinates
Right Click:
Add - Add Bone
Current Loc - Current Location
DuplicateDown - Duplicate to Bottom of List

0 :
1 :
2 :
3 :
4 :
5 :
6 :
7 :
8 :
9 :

Ro - Rotate
RoMov - Rotate/Move
? - Unknown/Blank
IKInflRot - IK Influenced Rotation
InfRo - Influenced Rotation
IKCon - IK Connect
Hid - Hidden
Tw - Twist
Revo - Revolution

Inside the IK Tab:

IKLst - IK List
IK1 (Int) - IK1 Integer
IK2 (Real) - IK2 (Real Number)
DL - Delete
Inside the FA Tab:
FList - Facial Expression List
JName - Japanese Name
ApexLst - Verticies List
VRIndex - Verticies Index
LOC - Location
Facial Group:
BR - Brow
E - Eyes
Lip - Mouth
OTH - Other
Right Click:
Clone - Duplicate
Inside the GRP Tab:
Fac - Facial Expressions
JP - Japanese Name
IKCon - Show IK Connections
Rot - Show Rotate Bones
Hid - Show Hidden Bones
#0 - Display #0 Bone
Inside the PH Tab:
PList - Physics List
FBone - Following Bone
Phys - Physics
AlignBon - Bone Alignment
Sh - Shape
S - Sphere
B - Box
Oval - Capsule
Collide - Collision
Si/Pos - Size/Position
Ra - Radius
Loc - Location
Rot - Rotation
Mas - Mass
Atten - Attenuation
Resi - Resilience

RotDe - Rotation Decay

Fric - Friction
Auto - Automatically Refresh
Inside the Joint Tab:
JointLst - Joint List
Place - Position/Rotation
Loc - Location
Rot - Rotation
Li - Limit
Move - Movement/Go
Rot - Rotation
Sp - Spring
Move - Movement/Go
Rot - Rotation
PMDView Window:
Under Edit:
Last Select - Last Selection
Deselect Vert. - Deselect Verticies
Del Bone/Physic/Joint - Delete Bones/Physics/Joints
Align to First Obj - Align to First Object Guide
UV Scope Mapping:
Init. - initialize
Can drop pic - Can drag & drop image
Delete Selected Mesh:
Related facial will del - Related facials & materials will be deleted
Contact Information
Did I miss anything? Is something unclear or should be included in this readme?
You can contact me through the following methods:
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q. Why are some buttons or labels abbreviated or only one or two letters?
A. Please check #2 in the Limitations section.
Q. Why are some bones still labeled in Japanese?
A. The labels are stored within the .PMD file. PMD Editor simply reads the Japan
ese labels by default from the file & displays them. You would need to edit thos
e labels to have them display as English (which is STRONGLY not advised as it wi

ll cause motion data & pose data to not load correctly when it tries to find the
Japanese labels).
Q. Can't you change it so PMD Editor reads & displays the English labels by defa
ult instead of the Japanese ones?
A. I'll see what I can do. Because I'm not reading from or editing the official
source code, finding & reassigning values & operations is much more difficult to
pull off. Even so, there will still be models from certain distributors who eit
her label both in Japanese or leave the English label blank.
PMD Editor Created & Designed by kP (ArcticP)
Edited & Translated by Showmo

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