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In everyone's eyes, I'm an ugly goblin. But in this special someone's mind, I'm a
beautiful, smart, "sexy", cute girl with a positive attitude. Seems weird huh? Well, if it
wasn't for this someone I'd probably already gave up my life.
Everytime I step inside the school building. I regret it. Why? It's not that I complain
about the work or the teachers. But the students. Each day there would be an awaited
crowd of students waiting for me. Not to give presents or kisses or anything like those
stuff. But instead, they laugh at me. They mock my appearal, my clumsiness, my
fashion sense, EVERYTHING. Keun, a.k.a. the hottest guy on earth.... is a real jerk. Yes,
no matter how good looking someone can be don't fall for them. I learned that the hard
way. My life was getting worse and worse. Well, it wasn't until I made a wish. THE

"Wishing upon the star. I want someone to love me.."

"I LOVE YOU ______!"


"I'm Luhan! Your angel boyfriend. <3"

"My oh my. What do we have here?"
My head was hung down low. Whimpering and wishing they would not bother me.
"Why are you so scared?", Yuni pulled my hair to move closer to her.
"Please, I'm just trying to get my books.", I said in a low voice.
"And I'm just trying to have some fun..", Yuni faked a pout and one of her little minions handed her a cup of
coffee. "You know, I'm really getting tired of seeing these nerds walking down the aisle of my school. They are
in the way my precious eyes."
She slowly poured the cup of liquid on my head.
"And I'm really getting tired of this bullshit!", I whispered to myself as I got a grip of her arm.
"Ugh, bitch. Let go!", she tried to break free and the cup of coffee landed on her. Yuni screamed at her
drenched uniform, "Song _______! You will see the last of yourself the next time we meet!!"

Yuni stomped her feet in anger. She turned around and bumped on someone's chest, "OPPA! I'm so glad to see
you! That _______ tried to hurt me!"
*Keun..* I stared at him in daze. He looked badass as always.
Yah! Song _______! How dare you look at my Keun that way!, Yuni was in the mid-way of slapping me
until Keun held her back.
Some people dont deserve attention. Just leave her alone., Keun said.
All the girls were about to faint at his deep sexy voice. Yuni pouted, But oppa!
He walked away and she ran trying to catch up with him.

I was at a convenience store buying a cup of ramen for dinner. As I looked around to choose which to buy,
Someone on the other side caught my eye. *Is that Keun oppa?!* My cheeks flushed red when I saw him
walking towards my side. I gulped. He spotted me staring at him and I was about to melt down in
embarressment. I quickly looked away. *OMG! What should I do?? Should I wave? Should I smile?* As I
turned back around, he was gone.
"How did he leave so quickly...?", I mumbled to myself.
I randomly picked out a packet of noodles and walked home to my apartment. It was pretty much a small room
with a bed and a desk. Yep, I'm poor as hell. But I don't complain. As long as I'm alive, I'm fine. My parents
didn't leave me much. Well honestly, I have no idea what happened to them. They left me when I was little and
the only thing left behind was an envelop with money. Each day, I'd search for them. Shouting and calling for
any sight. All my friends left me, because I rejected their invitations to hang out due to my depression. My
cousins took me to their place to stay, but as I grew older and entered high school, I felt bad for being such a
burden and told them I can make a living for myself. I have no one who truely loves me anymore.
I climbed up onto my bed and looked out the window filled with sparkly stars. Suddenly, a shooting star came
by. I remembered when my mom used to read me bedtime stories and whenever there was a shooting star,
you'd make a wish and that wish will come true.
"Wishing upon a star. I want someone to love me.."
Wishing upon a star. I want someone to love me...
The next morning, something unusual was going on. I felt a breath of warm air hit my face. I opened my
sleepy eyes and found a handsome boy in front of me.
I LOVE YOU _______!, he hollered.
WHAT THE- WHO ARE YOU?!, I yelled.
Im Luhan! Your angel boyfriend!, he answered.
Im not dreaming am I?! I pinched my cheeks real hard and it hurt. Nope Im not. ._.

YAH! Get out you pervert!!!, I started whacking him with my pillow. To my surprise, he didnt even move.
He just stayed in the same position staring at me with a cute smile.
After a while, I started to get tired of hitting him. He seems quite harmless actually... not even defending
himself. *Am I not hitting him hard enough?*
I pointed at his face, What do you mean by angel boyfriend??
He blinked his eyes, You wished for me!
Wish?, I thought. *The shooting star wish?*
So youre telling me that when I wished for someone to love me.. they sent you?, I asked in disbelief.
He eagerly nodded.
BWAHAHA! OMG. That is the stupidest prank ever!, I laughed out loud, Yuni sent you here to ruin my
day didnt she?
He looked at me confused and then a smile appeared on his face again. *Doesnt he get tired of smiling for that

I pushed Luhan outside and got dressed for school. When I opened the door, he was still standing there.
Okay. Honestly, what do you want from me?, I crossed my arms.
Whatever you want me to do., he pinched my cheek.
I removed his hand from my face, Well then, can you get out of my sight?
He pouted, But as an angel boyfriend, Im not supposed to leave your side. Im supposed to stay by your side
forever and ever!
I raised my eyebrow and ignored him. Finally, I started to walk. As I was mid-way through the school building,
Luhan still had that innocent smile on him.
I exhaled a deep breath, Ugh. This is really getting lame. Just tell Yuni that I give up okay! Ill do whatever
she wants.
Luhan looked at me with his confused face, Whose Yuni?
I rolled my eyes.
When I entered the school building he entered as well. When I entered the schools library, he entered as well.
When I entered the girls restroom, heYAH! Where do you think youre heading!!, I quickly shooed him out.

Going wherever youre going., he blinked.

I raised my eyebrow, Okay, take my advice. When you see this sign. I pointed to the picture of the cut out
girl, never enter!
Why?, he cutely pouted.
Because this room is for girls only!, I assured him.
He started to get upset for a bit and I panicked. *What is wrong with this guy?? Shouldnt he at least man up?!
Uhhuh.., I bit my lip, Okay, okay. Whatever. I wont go inside.
Really??, he brightened up.
I sighed, Really.

The teacher had walked in with a particular smile on her face this morning.
Class, lets welcome our new student. Xi Luhan!, she greeted.
*Xi Luhan? It better not be the Luhan that I know-*
Luhan stepped inside and my mouth dropped. *It is him*
The classroom was filled with giggles and whispers. Mainly made by girls. They were all drooling over the
handsome boy.
Our teacher was about to seat Luhan next to one of the popular kids until he refused.
Can I sit next to Song ______., Luhan spoke.
Not only did she grew baffled but so did the rest of the class. There were commotions around the room. Who
would want to sit next to her? Is there something wrong with his eyes? Are you kidding me?
Luhan began to do ageyo and pledged to the teacher. It didnt take long for her to say sure. I was about to
shrink down in embarrassment. *Why is this happening to me?!?*

After school, students started eyeing me. Wondering what's so special about me, that such a handsome boy like
Luhan would choose to hang out with me?
Yuni spotted Luhan and me together. She hesitantly walked towards us along with her minions.
Hey cutie., she spoke.

I rose my eyebrow, Me??

Yuni scoffed, EWW. Of course not you. She pointed to Luhan, Him.
Luhan had an expressionless face.
So how about you start hanging out with me and my friends. I suggest that itll be more fun., she twirled her
*I am so lost here. Isnt Luhan already working for Yuni??*
Luhan shook his head, I want to hang out with my girlfriend instead. He caressed my hair and beamed.
I couldnt believe what he just said. Did he just choose me over THE queenka? I looked up at Luhan and it
didnt seem like he was faking or anything like that.
Everyones jaws nearly broke and fell off.
Erhem., Yuni cleared her throat, Fine. Maybe next time. I have a lot of things to do myself. She tried to
escape the embarrassing situation.
My cheeks grew red at that moment. *What is wrong with me. Why am I feeling this way?*
_______, Keun called me.
My heart started beating like crazy and my face was flushed red. *Song _______! You better calm down.*
Why is your face so red- I muffled Luhans lips from interrupting.
Yes Keun-ssi?, I slowly turned to him.
He seemed to ignore my blushing face and began speaking. A small smile appeared on his face.
Song _______... I like you-
_______!!, someone yelled.
HUH?!, I jumped.
What were you thinking of so deeply?, Luhan asked.
I looked around the convenience store, but there was no sign of Keun.
Where did he go?, I mumbled.
What do you mean by he?, Luhan frowned.

Ahhnothing., I said. *So everything that I thought had happened was just me and my imagination*
Luhan looked at me with a serious face, You know as an angel boyfriend, I have the powers to detect if youre
lying or not!
I ignored him and randomly selected snack. The cashier looked at me with a weird face.
Is this your girlfriend?, he spoke.
Luhan happily replied, Yep! We are going to be together forever~
He started to chuckle. Of course then again, how could such a handsome fellow like Luhan be dating meWhats so funny?, Luhan asked the man.
The man scoffed, I could never tell why you would date someone like her. Shes a total mess from head to
Luhan started to get mad. Really mad, Excuse me if I cant date someone like _______. But my girlfriend is
the most beautiful person there is. No one can be compared to her. Her beauty on the outside to the beauty on
the inside is perfect!
Luhan grabbed my hand and rushed outside. I was astonished. No one has ever done something so heroic for
The man was left unspoken. Embarrassed as he is already, he looked away and continued his work.
Thank you., I said sincerely.
Luhan smiled, Dont worry about those people. I will always be there to protect you.

When I arrived back at my house, I opened the door and Luhan followed in.
Wait a second., I paused him., Shouldnt you be going to your own place?
Luhan cocked his head, But Im supposed to live with you.
Ugh, dont start this non-sense again!, I groaned.
He looked at me with those puppy eyes of his and I rethought. *Curse your adorable face.. Well, lets just take
it as a thanks for what he had done in the convenience store.*
Fineonly for today!, I reassured.
Yes!!!, he fist punched the air.
I giggled at his actions.

While I was busy with my homework, I had heard my stomach growl. *I should of at least brought something
before charging out*
Luhan looked at me in surprised. He went through his bag and pulled out a bag, Here, eat this. He chuckled.
I opened the bag and found a bento box inside with mouthwatering food, H-how did you get this??
Some girls in school gave them to me. They said it was a gift!
I took a bite and looked at Luhan who was staring at me.
Arent you hungry?, I handed him a spoonful.
Watching you can make me full already., he cooed.
Why are you being so cheesy!?, I got red.
He ruffled me hair, Am I really or is it L.O.V.E?
I blushed at that statement and continued eating. Luhan laughed at my shyness.

The next day, an unexpected surprise awaited me in front of my face. Not only did I wake up finding Luhan
peacefully sleeping and hugging me, but once I turned around someone broke in.
UNNI!!, she yelled.


The next day, an unexpected surprise awaited me in front of my face. Not only did I wake up finding Luhan
peacefully sleeping and hugging me, but once I turned around someone broke in.
UNNI!!, she yelled.
I jumped and rose up from my bed, H-Hana!
Hana is my cousin who is two years younger than me. Full name: Song Hana. She was the cousin who let me
live at her place for the time being until I moved out. Honestly, she is a real sweetheart, but if she finds out
about something she shouldnt things will get big.. :|
Hana saw the sleeping prince next to me. OMO! Is thatYOUR BOYFRIEND?! Since when??, she started
poking Luhan.
My mind was about to explode. *Oh no! Please dont wake up! Please dont wake up!! Youre just going to
make things worst!*
STOP IT!, Luhan hollered at Hana annoyed.

Hana froze, Unni.. your guy has some issues.

She looked at me and then back to Luhan. Then back to me, Angel boyfriend?? Does that even make any
I shrugged.
Why are you here anyways?, I asked.
My dad told me to check if everything is going fine., Hana stared at Luhan, Looks like its not.
Luhan glared at her, Yah!
I held him back from raging.
Hmm Unni, you know that its fine if you want to move back to our place. I mean, how did you even
survive in this little apartment., Hana reassured, Its not like youre a burden. In fact, I liked it when you
were with me. Ill have more company.

APPA! UMMA! _______ is here!!, Hana cried once she walked inside.
I peeked in their house. Everything was rebuilt and remodeled.
Annyeonghasayo., I greeted.
Oh my, _______ youve gotten so much skinner. Lets get you something to eat-, Mr. Song paused, Who is
this young fellow? He spoke as he eyed Luhan.
Uhh, I panicked on what to reply.
Thats her boyfriend., said Hana.
I glared at her and mouthed, Why. Did. You. Say. That.
She simply shrugged her shoulders.
Boyfriend?, he rose his eyebrow.
Luhan blinked. Why is this man looking at me so suspiciously??, he whispered.
Ahahaha!, Mr. Song laughed, I see, Song _______, youve completely grown up.
I blushed, Yeah..

WHAT?!, I shrieked, What do you mean you have to stay in the same room as me??
I was completely angry at that moment. Not only would it be embarrassing to tell them, but also it made no
sense Luhan is a guy and Im a girl. Only married couples sleep together.
But as an-
Okay. Yeah, yeah. As an angel boyfriend you have to stay with me forever and ever., I imitated, Why cant
you live in your own place?
I dont have one, Luhan answered.
I rolled my eyes, Dont play dumb with me.
Pleaseeee~, he started whining and begging me with his charming eyes.
I was defeated once again. *Why must you be here to ruin the my perfect moments!*

That night, I had the most awkward conversation.

So likeits not like we are doing anything wrong- I mean! We wont! and were not! Luhan and I are just
dating! Nothing special! But you see here.. he needs a place to stay and since Im his girlfriend-
I understand _______, Miss. Song started to giggle and then bursted into a laugh. Probably because of my
stuttering. . -_I was completely lost. Did she just agree to let Luhan stay??
Its fine. Luhan can stay., Miss. Song finally got back to her personal self.
I exhaled from relief. *That was unexpectingly easy.* I was still lost though. *Why?*
She held my hand, I trust you _______. Thats why.
I got startled for a second. *Wait a minute.. how did she read my mind??*
These days were getting tough. I had to deal with bullying again. Not only did things get more and more
intense considering that everyone was jealous of Luhan being my boyfriend, but I cant have my own privacy.
I entered the restroom during the middle of class and a couple of girls followed me. I hadnt notice their
existence till I heard footsteps. I did my business, but when I was about to get out of the stall, they pushed me
back inside.
W-why are you being like this?, I grew scared.
Please! Dont act so innocent. You know who we want. That Luhan who always sticks with you like a piece
of gum., one of the girls spoke.

I panicked and ran out. Because they were wearing heels, it gave me a chance to escape. I was just about to
leave all the drama behind me until someone was in my way. Accidently, I bumped into him and flipped. He
led out his hand and I reached for it. As I got up it turned out to be Keun.
*OMO! Behave yourself and dont mess around!!*
Thanks, I said not even having the courage to look at him.
There were murmurs going around. *NUUU! This is so embarrassing!!! Stupid cheeks! Stop blushing!!*
_______!, I heard a familiar voice call.
I knew who it was right away. *Ugh, not you. This is exactly the wrong time to come!*
Are you alright??, Luhan asked worried.
Yeah, Im fine., I replied.
Keun was just about to leave the scene until Luhan stopped him.
What did you do to my girlfriend?, Luhan demanded an answer.
*Oh my gosh.. just as I expected.*
Keun didnt do anything but smirked, Girlfriend? He looked down on me.
Yah! I was talking to you-
Stop it Luhan., I tugged the lower end of his shirt.
Keun walked away from the scene and all the students were judging.
Luhan was furious, Why did you let him go??
He didnt do anything to me., I said, In fact, he well helped me. I beamed remembering that moment.
He stared at me with a confused look.

Whats with the sad face?, Hana asked Luhan.

He didnt do anything but just sat there and thought carefully about the moment when you were with Keun.
LUHANNNNN!!!!, Hana called his name.
Slowly he turned to her, What?

Ugh, nevermind. You never listen to me do you?, Hana sighed. She was about to head to the kitchen until
Luhan finally responded.
Do you know this feeling when there seems to be this moment where your face starts to burn up and start to
hate someone., he asked.
Hmm, I seem to get the idea of what you mean, but in what case?
For instance, when someone you like seems to be thinking of someone else. And you would dislike this
someone else., Luhan explain.
Hana smiled, You mean jealousy?
Jealousy., Luhan repeated.
Let me guess, _______ is that someone you like and Keun is that someone else whom you hate?
Luhans eyes widen, H-how did you know??
Hana laughed at his expression, Lets just say that I have the powers to detect what people are thinking.
He looked at her if she was some sort of god.
If you didnt know this already, _______ actually has a huge crush on Keun.
WHAT?!, Luhan hollered, Why didnt you tell me this earlier?!
Well, _______ is someone who could be easily seen through., she backed up from his sudden action.

_______!Luhan stormed into my room.

What is it?, I asked busy solving a math problem.
Since when did you start liking Keun and why didnt you tell me??, he puffed his cheeks in anger.
I was shocked at what he said.
I cant believe my own girlfriend is betraying me., Luhan pouted and plopped down on my bed.
Well I mean its not like I have any chance to be with him anyways., I tried to calm him down.
What do you mean? Who wouldnt fall for you? You have the characteristics any male would want. I do not
want to lose you to some random guy.
My heart thumped faster at that moment. I felt so touched at his words.
Whats so good about him anyways?? Its not like hes smart or funny. He barely talks and sleeps through
every class.

I bit my lower lip, Luhan-

Hahahahaha, Hana faked a laugh, You actually believed my words Luhan? I was just kidding!
I rose my eyebrow. What are you doing?, I mouthed.
Trying to help you get out of this situation., Hana mouthed back.
You mean this was all a joke?, he looked back at her.
She nodded and eyed me to go along with the plan. I faked a laugh, Pft, me and Keun?
Luhan broke into a smile, Of course, I knew my girlfriend would never do anything like that! He hugged me.
Thank me later., Hana whispered.
The day before holiday break was exciting. Not only did I finally have time to myself, but I can stay out of all
those trouble.
_______! Good Morning~, Luhan popped out of nowhere.
What time is it?, I slowly sat up and removed the covers half awake.
WHAT! Why did you wake me up so early?!, I screamed and quickly hide under my covers going back to
But Im bored., Luhan shook me, Pleaseee~
Go play with Hana., I waved my hand.
There was a silence for a moment and then I heard small whimpers. I peeked and saw Luhan crying.
Ugh, FINE., I jumped up from my bed.
Luhan changed to a wide smile on his face. I grumpily waked to the sink and did my morning routine.

Once I came out of the bathroom, Luhan was fully ready to head out.
Where are we going to? There probably arent even any stores that are open.
Its a surprise., Luhan tucked my hair behind my ear.
He held my hand and we began walking. We had reached to this high staircase.
Lets play!, Luhan took out his hand and began making the rock, paper, scissors signs.

I laughed at what he was trying to do.

Pabo, youre supposed to go like this., I taught him how to play, Where did you even get this idea?
Hana told me to do this., Luhan replied.
I laughed at him, You are too innocent.
He strengthens his chest, Ani! Im supposed to be manly!
I started out losing to Luhan by A LOT in rock, paper, scissors. But somehow we both ended up being at the
top of the staircase. Luhan suddenly leaned in towards my face, I squirmed at that moment. Then he"AGH!", I rubbed my sore forehead, "Why did you flick me?!"
Luhan's playful smile turned into a frown, "A-are you okayy?? I didn't know that it was supposed to hurt. Hana
told me to do it!"
I glared at him and looked at the time, Aish! Were late for school!
I began to run, but Luhan held my hand to keep me from fleeing.
Arent you worried that we are going to be late??, I said.
Our school building is right across the street., Luhan remarked.
I felt dumbfounded at that point, Oh yeah we arent at home..
He ruffled my hair and I blushed.

Once school was over I nearly ended up crying (not really.). *FINALLY. I. CAN. RELAX.* I quickly dashed
home and accidentally went to my old apartment building. Before I had turned around to head back to Hanas
place, I looked to see that it was being under construction at this moment and someone walked passed me. To
my surprise, that person was Keun. He went inside my old house and my eyes nearly popped out. *What is he
doing there?!* I decided to follow him and made my way in. Keun was talking to the owner of the apartment.
It felt wrong that I was sneaking into his private life, but my curiosity was getting over me. Suddenly, the
owner slapped Keun. HE. SLAPPED. KEUN. OH. MY. GOD. The one and only kingka who acts tough gets
beaten up?! Well, not necessarily beaten up, but it made my heart sank. *How could he do this to him??* At
that point, I somehow wanted to yell. I accidentally gasped and that made Keun turn around and spot me.
Suddenly, the owner slapped Keun. HE. SLAPPED. KEUN. OH. MY. GOD. The one and only kingka who
acts tough gets beaten up?! Well, not necessarily beaten up, but it made my heart sank. *How could he do this
to him??* At that point, I somehow wanted to yell. I accidentally gasped and that made Keun turn around and
spot me.
*Please. Kill. Me. Now.*

Keun poked his inner cheek with his tongue and walked pass me. I quickly followed behind him knowing that
the owner might recognize me.
You., Keun put his hand on my shoulder, ..dont tell anyone what just happened.
I hesitantly nodded. *I dont even know what happened anyway -_-. But nevermind that, HE TOUCHED ME.
THE Keun placed his hand on me?? o u o*
I watched his back view as he walked off. *How can anyone look that handsome while being embarrassed?*

_______!!, Luhan tightly hugged me when I came through the door, Where were you his whole time? he
M-m-me?! Uh..uh.., I stuttered, I-I was out for a walk!
Luhan blinked several times, But I couldnt find you anywhere.
Oh, you know me. Im always in a rush. You probably was in the same place as me, but I just skimmed away
you know..hehe.., I faked a chuckle, AnywayI have TONS of homework to complete and a test to study
for! Ill be heading to my room now.

- Keuns POV
Ugh, why are you so careless of your surroundings?!, I mumbled to myself.
I was in dept of finding a place to stay after my dads company went bankrupted. My uncle who was the owner
of an apartment building, was furious. I kindly asked him if we could stay at one of the unreserved rooms for
the meantime. Instead, he slapped me. It was something expected nonetheless since he was the one who had
lend my dad the money for the company.
Still, what Im more worried about is if the news would spread. I especially have to look out for Song
_______. Maybe.. if I were to be kind to her, she would help keep it a secret. But then again who wouldnt help
out a handsome fellow like me.
-Your POVWhen I arrived back at school today, I took out the books from my locker and looked at my reflection on the
mini mirror I had in my locker. No need to comment on whats on the bottom, just look at my face. I am so not
up to date. All the other girl at my school has make-up on and spends hours within hours fixing their hair. Even
I, myself, feel bad for me.
Hey loser, havent seen you in a while., said Yuni.
I rolled my eyes pleading to not lead to trouble. *Not this just when I came back from break.*

Look, my friends and I were a little busy so I was wondering if you could help us finish our homework., she
threw a bunch of books on me.
I yelped in pain when one of the textbooks dropped on my feet.
YAH! Would you stop that!!, I heard a voice.
I turned to see Keun standing up for me. *Am I dreaming??*
O-oppa!, Yuni swallowed.
Stop bullying _______. She hasnt even done anything to you!, Keun scolded.
Baby, a-are you being for real??, Yuni touched his forehead, Youre not sick right??
Keun knocked her hand off him, Aish and dont give me such nicknames! We are not even dating! We
never were!
The whole school gasped. Yuni was going crazy at that moment. She couldnt even walk right. Her minions
had to help her and they quickly left the scene.
I for one was astonished. *Since when did he become so nice?? I would have never thought the kingka would
do such a thing. Its so so.. heroic?*
I tugged Keuns lower shirt, Why did you do that?
He looked back at me with a shy smile, Uhh just because.
I rose my eyebrow waiting for his response.
He had a force chuckle, Uhh.. you know that Yuni. Hehe.. She has to stop this bullying habit at some point.
Also, she was getting in my nerves.
I smiled, Thank you.
He looked at me as if I had said something shocking, Y-youre welcome
When I arrived home, Luhan quickly hopped to me.
I am so sorry _______!!!, I am the worst boyfriend ever!! I heard what happened at school today. Are you
alright??, He asked worriedly.
I giggled, Of course. I said in an awfully cheerful expression.
Really??, Luhan asked to make sure.
Really., I responded.
Ugh, I should of went to school today, but Hana wouldnt let me! She begged me to stay and help her on her
stupid project., Luhan pouted.

Dont worry., I pinched his cheek.

After dinner, I went to the living room and turned on the television. Luhan sat next to me on the couch.
Do you want some?, I handed him the bowl of chips.
Aegi-ah~, Luhan sudden spoke.
W-what?? Where did you get that from?, I was surprised at what he just called me.
Luhan wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer and bit his lip.
Y-yah!!, I struggled to get out of his touch.
I heard snickering in the background.
HANA! WHAT DID YOU TEACH HIM THIS TIME?!?, I yelled. *Aish that brat.*
I looked at my calendar and thought to myself. *I better prepare the gifts.* When I went outside to the living
room, the whole house was already decorated with chandeliers, cut-out snowflakes, Christmas tree, and who
knows how much they spent for all these. It was the first holiday Ive celebrated for almost 5 years.
Would you like a cup of hot chocolate?, Mrs. Song offered.
Sure, thank you., I accepted.
I looked around the place, but couldnt find Luhan or Hana anywhere.
Where did they go?, I thought to myself.
Mrs. Song handed me the hot chocolate, They went Christmas shopping.
I was surprised at how she had heard me. *Does she have some magical mind-reading ability??*
That early?? Its only 8 o clock and there is no school., I commented.
Mrs. Song shrugged, I guess they are just excited.
I slurped the whole beverage down my throat and quickly got dressed hoping I might be able to catch up with
_______!!, Mrs. Song called me before I went out.
Yes?, I asked.

Here. This will probably come in handy., she gave me money.

Oh., I politely accepted the cash, Thank you!!
Mrs. Song chuckled, No problem.
I stepped outside to the freezing weather. Shivering from the cold and quickly arrived at the nearest gift shop. I
thought of buying gifts for Hana and Luhan at that moment. *What kind of presents would they like?*
I walked up and down aisle upon aisles. Soon I reached to something that caught my eye.
A dangling reindeer keychain. It sort of reminded me of Luhan. Especially the big, round eyes. I then passed
by a row of stuffed animals. Thinking of Hana and how much of a prankster she really is, I picked up an
orange stuffed doll. As I arrived to the counter, I paid with the money Mrs. Song had gave me. *Shes such a
thoughtful women. But then againhow the heck did she know I was going to be shopping. O_o*
-Hanas POV
I dragged Luhan to the shopping mall.
Why are we here?? I want to be with ______ right now!! he whined.
Stop being such a nuisance and just do as I say!, yelled at him, Its Christmas and we have to prepare a
Whats Christmas?, Luhan asked.
*Here we go again. Having to explain every single thing to him.*
Christmas is a holiday where family spends quality time together. Its a special day where people buy gifts for
one another and celebrate., I said, And today, the reason why I brought you out is because we need to find
the perfect gift for ______.
Ahhh, Luhan understood, Okay then!
We went from store to store looking for the perfect gift.
Aish, what does that _______ like anyways?? She always studying and stuff. There is practically any fun in
her!, I said hopelessly.
What are you saying! There is so many good qualities in _______!!, Luhan exclaimed.
Well, then tell me. What are her interests on??, I asked.
_______ likes stars., he replied.

Stars??, I mimicked.
Yeah. Like how she wished upon a star for me to appear., said Luhan.
*Hmm I might have an idea of what to get now.*
-Your POV
I looked at the amount of money Mrs. Song gave me. There was still plenty left for me to spend. I was strolling
up and down the streets and saw two familiar figures.
HANA! LUHAN!, I shouted.
Oh, its _______, they noticed.
Luhan practically knocked me down with his hug, _______-ah! Its so great to see you here!! What were you
I was going Christmas shopping., I replied.
So were we., Hana spoke, As a matter of fact we got you something!!
What is it?!, I glowed.
Its a secret!, Luhan and Hana said in unison.
Im always amazed at how they could keep such secrets to me and hang out with each other all the time.
Well, since we are all here together, why dont we go get something to eat?, I asked.
The three of us walked to a caf and ordered some chocolate chip cookies, milk, and other sweets.
I want to bring you guys somewhere., Hana spoke.
Where?, I asked.
Oh youll see., she smirked.
We followed to the place Hana had told us to go. The ice rink. All the past memories flooded back to my head.
*She is surely one evil girl. ==* Back when we were younger, our parents had brought us here and practiced
ice skating. It was a real torture. I used to consciously fall over and over again while Hana would swiftly glide
by me with a grin. It was humiliating thinking about the past.

We wore our skates and I slowly stepped onto the ice. My hands were getting sweaty and almost lost balanced
until Luhan caught me. He helped me straighten up and held my hand.
Dont worry, Im here by your side., he remarked.
I pinked and carefully took each step until I got the hang of it. Hana on the other hand was wowing the people
who were at the rink with her spins and leaps. I finally let go of Luhan and tried my best to glide by myself.
Eventually I fell. -_I GIVE UP!, I yelled.
Awwww, but I want you to skate with me., Luhan pouted.
I looked him, Why dont you just go with Hana and Ill just stay and watch. I feel bad for making you miss all
the fun while Im just here being a burden.
Dont say that! Youre the main reason why Im here!, Luhan stated, Its always better when youre with
I blushed and got up, Fine, but only for one round.
When we came home from ice skating, it had already turned dark. I hid my gift for Luhan and Hana
somewhere inside the closet and went to my bed. Luhan who was sleeping aside from me was already asleep. I
stroked his bangs to the side memorized by his beautiful face. I felt his warm breath on my skin and couldnt
help it but smile. *How are you so human-like?*
Mrs. Song and Mr. Song woke me up at 7 am this morning. Of course I didnt mind it, because today is
Christmas!! We all arrived at the Christmas tree to unwrap our presents we got for one another. I slowly slid
my closet door open and brought out the reindeer keychain I got for Luhan and the sneaky fox doll for Hana. I
placed them below the tree waiting for Luhan and Hana to come.
Oh my! Is this for me _______?, Hana asked.
I chuckled, Yep.
She pulled the end of the ribbon and then ripped the whole wrappings digging for what was hidden inside of
the box.
Omo! Gomawo unni!!, Hana hugged me.
Luhan carefully lifted the reindeer from the box and smiled, I really like it _______! But what is this??
My mouth dropped, Umm, its a reindeer. I got it for you, because I thought it really resembles the way your
eyes are so big and round.
Ahhh.. does it really look like me?, he placed it next to his face mimicking the facial expression the deer

We all broke into a laugh and agreed. Hana handed me my gift.

It was so hard choosing what would fit best for you!, Hana commented, Especially when you seem to get
along with everything and is always going with the flow and-
Just open the gift., Luhan cut Hanas speech.
I ripped the wrappings and blinked, Star Wars on blue-ray DVD?
Yep! Do you like it??, Hana grinned.
Umm.. I guess., I let out a fake laugh.
We figured that since you like stars we got you something with stars in it. You know Star Wars! Get it?
Oh. Ummyep..!, I awkwardly agreed.

Mrs. Song told us to come home before 6 o clock which was dinner time. Luhan had told me to go somewhere
special with him. He held my hand and we interlocked fingers.
Is it going to be far away?, I asked.
Nope., he smiled, I would never let my princess get stressed.
I blushed. *Princess. Pfft.*
When we finally arrived to where Luhan had wanted to me to come, I was amazed.
W-where did you find this place??, I asked.
I did some research., he responded.
The place was amazing. We were in a dome that was pitch black and then little tiny stars started to appear. My
eyes twinkled under the bright lights.
Do you like it?, Luhan asked.
I love it!, I hugged him, This is the best gift ever! Thank you.
But I have something to ask you., Luhan stated.
What is it?, I asked.
Lets have nicknames for each other!
Nicknames? Comeon dont be silly., I scoffed.

Awww..., he pouted, But I really want to~

Alright. Whats on your mind?
Darling., he spoke.
Mmm, another one. That is too original., I commented.
Ugh, too inappropriate.
That is okaybut I dont like it.
Oh, I know!, Luhan figured, Angel.
Angel?, I thought to myself, Its..its.. hmmm.. fine. Well use this.
Hehe.. I knew you would like it., he grinned, Now make one for me!
I thought carefully. I didnt want it to be too sweet though. Something unoriginal from the others.
Ill think of it later., I gave up.
Aww, come on!, Luhan whined.
I cringed my nose, No.
He crossed his arms, Hmm, then I wont reveal what I got for you.
You got something for me??, I twinkled.
Yep, but since you arent going with the flow, I wont be able to show you what it is., Luhan playful tricked
Tch, you dont even have anything on you. What could you possibly be hiding., I commented.
You dont believe me? Fine, I guess Ill just throw it away-
Ani! Ani! Ill think!! , I got captured into his little game, Okay umm sweety, handsome, bambi, love??-
He planted a kiss on my forehead.
*That was my gift???...*
I felt my whole body heating up and stood stiff.

Merry Christmas my angel., said Luhan.

I was sent to buy groceries by Mrs. Song, but on my way to the grocery store, I met someone who looked
awfully familiar. He wore jeans, a hoodie and placed on a mask and sunglasses to cover up his entire face. I
started to ignore the persons persistence and continued with my shopping. When I came outside, I started to
grow worried. *Why is he following me??* Finally, I tested myself. I stopped mid-way on the street, but then
the guy caught up to me. I froze.
_______-ah., he whispered my name from behind.
H-how do y-you know my n-name??, I couldnt even imagine what he could do to me at that moment.
There was nobody around at that time especially since its still early in the morning, there wasnt that many
kids or adults out at this time.
Its me, Keun., he removed his hood.
I blinked, Keun?? Why were you following me? I turned around and found out that it really was him. I took
a deep breath in relief.
I have been meaning to ask you something.., he admitted.
Which is?
D-do you, he bit his lower lip, Do you want to hang out some time?
My eyes grew big.
What I mean is do you want to go out on a date with me?, he seemed to have trouble with his words.
My face was uncontrollably burning. I didnt want to look like a fool in front of him, but I just couldnt help
but get red. *No! I cant but I want to.. What about Luhan??*
Please!, he begged, taking my hand.
YES!, I blurted. *Oh my god... What is wrong with me?! cries- How will I be able explain this to Luhan
Really??, he grinned.
I mean no!, I denied. *But think about it Song _______!! This is a once in a lifetime chance. Just go for it!*
No?, Keun questioned.
Yes!, I shouted. I placed my hand on my mouth from keeping myself from saying anything else.

He cringed his eyebrows together, So which one is it?

I frowned, Umm let me think about it.
He nodded and patiently waited.
*But wait a minute, why would he ask me out all of a sudden?? Its not like there is anything special about
me* I took a peep at him pondering on what hes planning. *Does he really like me?* I smiled to myself just
thinking about it. *Impossible! Why would the kingka choose me over all the other girls..*
Uhh.., I finally spoke.
He brightened up, So what is your final answer?
Im sorry. Im just not ready yet.., I told him.
He hung his head down, Ahh.. well, its alright. Ill be heading now..
I felt guilt from head to toe. This is the first time any boy has ever asked me out and I rejected T^T *Its
okay Song _______, you did the right thing! Lets just wait a bit longer to see if he really likes you!* I took a
deep breath and walked home.
I got out to get a cup of water in the middle of the night. As I was walking across the living room, I bumped
into something. Because the room was dark, I couldnt see too clearly. *Thats weird there isnt supposed to
be anything here.* I started to pat the mysterious object and moved my hand up. All of a sudden, it got ahold
of me.
Whats going on?, Hana spoke half awake. She flicked the lights on and I saw what who the object was.
A tall man wearing an army uniform stood in front of me. Nothing came out of my mouth.
Afterwards, Mr. and Mrs. Song came out from their bedrooms.
Omo! Adeul, I forgot about your depart from the military., Ms. Song gave the man a big hug.
Adeul?, I repeated. I started remembering that Hana actually did have an older brother. But that was such a
long time, Ive forgotten all about him.
Oppa!, Hana finally snapped back into reality. She gave him a warm bear hug.
Hi, my name is Kris., he greeted.
H-hi.., I said awkwardly.
Dont you remember _______?, Hana asked him.

_______?? Thats you?, he grinned pointing at me, Wow, you really changed.
I could tell from his expression. Im definitely not a pleasure to the eye. -_- I had a forced smile on my face
and did a slight nod.
WHATS GOING ON?!, Luhan dashed out making the scene even more stiff. He noticed the guy in the
army clothing and quickly straightened up.
Oh, and thats her boyfriend., Hana informed.
Im Luhan. _______s boyfriend., he emphasized the word boyfriend.
Kris did a light chuckle, By the way, Im Kris and dont worry, I dont marry cousins.
Luhan gave a cheeky smiled, Good.
Well son, I would be putting your bag in your room but its occupied., Mr. Song spoke.
I nibbled on my nail realizing that Luhan and I are using his room.
Hehe sorry Kris., I apologized.
Oh its okay, you can just sleep on the floor., he responded.
I straightened up even more from my usual position.
Just kidding!, he joked.
Ahaha, I faked a laugh. *What the*

When it was morning, I came out of my room seeing Kris half-naked. Within a flash, I turned around
pretending like nothing happened.
Amazed at your cousins abs?, Kris commented.
I turned back around with a poker face seeing he had put on his shirt, Ani.
Ah, that's right. You had a crush on me before., he rubbed his chin, I suppose you still do?
NO I DONT!, I denied remembering the time I had even shouted in public that I loved him
Haha., he messed my hair and poured a cup of coffee for me.
Ugh, I dont drink coffee., I rejected.
Try it. Itll keep you awake throughout the day., Kris took out my hand and placed the cup.

I took a little sip and cringe my eyebrows in disgust, Im not going to finish this.
Luhan! Its time to go to school!!, I shouted from the living room.
Luhan got out still in his sleeping zone. He walked towards me, gave me a hug and then walked to the
Kris gave out a little scoff, So how long have you been dating him?
Not too long., I responded.
I think I know just the place for you guys to go to., said Kris.
Where?, I asked pouring the coffee I had sip down the drain.
The sauna., he replied.
My eyes widen, Uhh Im not sure if-
Whats a sauna?, Luhan asked coming out the bathroom with his uniform worn.
Oh, you dont know?, Kris commented, Well then, _______ will show you.
Luhan turned to me with an eager face.
Sure, I agreed.
Right after school, I passed through the gates finding Kris leaning against his car door. He spotted me and I
walked towards him along with Luhan. But before I could even arrive, someone walked pass me, bumping my
shoulder without care.
Annyeong oppa~, she spoke to Kris.
Kris had a smirk on his face, Why hello to you too.
*Are you serious? Why is you flirting to someone at this moment?*
What she trying to do?, Luhan commented.
Shes always like that. You just need to get used to that attitude., I replied to Luhan.
Yuni was about to make the next move until Kris had finally spotted the two of us waiting for him to finish
talking to her.
Oh there you are., Kris waved forgetting Yunis presence.
Bwoh?!, she shouted surprised at the fact that Kris had walked up to me. It would make more sense if he
walked to Luhan, but me thatll be a no.
So hows my cousin doing?

Wait a minute!, Yuni stormed into our little group, You know her?? Since when did you become so popular
with boys Song _______?
Um excuse you?, Kris faced her, But whats wrong with my cousin?
I could tell that Yuni was going to comment on how someone like me wouldnt fit in with the popular kids. But
then again, if she had said it out loud, not only Kris but Luhan would holler at her face. She took one last
glance at me and dashed away.
Tch, and I thought she was innocent for a moment there., Kris commented.
I raised my right eyebrow, Innocent? She way off what youre thinking.
The only innocent person I know off is my angel., Luhan put his arm around my shoulder.
Kris shook his head and smiled, Come on, lets go.

We entered the sauna room where many people hung around. Once we had paid the women for our ticket to get
in, I told Luhan that the rooms were gender separated. Kris had taken Luhan to the mens room while I scooted
over to the ladies.
I knelt down and relaxed forgetting how comfortable it was like to be at asauna.
I wonder if Kris is treating Luhan right, I spoke to myself, Kris is pretty aggressive if someones not
My mind somehow skipped to Keun after a while.
-FlashbackLuhan, what are the different types of asexual reproduction?, the teacher asked.
Fission, budding, and regeneration., he answered swiftly.
Correct., the teacher stated.
Luhan had looked back at me with a proud grin. I shot thumbs up but then felt a weird persistence behind me. I
took a quick glance behind the room and spotted Keun staring at me. Just plain staring. Somehow I didnt
know if I should feel happy/bubbly at that moment or maybe crept out. Either way, once I spotted him, he
quickly looked away. Luhan had a confused expression when he saw me not paying attention to the teacher. He
felt that something must be up.
Is something bothering you?, Luhan questioned.
A-ani!, I responded then faced my book.
However, that eyeing feeling was still going on. I shook the thought off and continued my work.

-End of FlashbackI heard my name being called just in time.

_______!, Luhan yelled searching for me.
I quickly shot up and rushed to the door pushing Luhan out of the room. The crowd of women inside the room
were complaining and surprised.
Yah! I told you that no males are allowed here!, I scolded him.
But Kris left. He said that something came up and he has to go., Luhan pouted.
Okay fine, then we can just stay out here., I said, taking a seat on the floor.
There were a bunch of kids running around and one of them fell down on Luhans lap.
Annyeong!, Luhan spoke to the little boy.
He smiled back to Luhan.
Whats your name?, Luhan asked.
Leo., he answered then dugging inside his pocket, This is my friend.
Luhan and I looked at each other and then back at him. Leo took out a green frog and accidently let it free.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, I squealed at the sight of the small creature.
It hopped all over the place making it impossible for us to catch. Soon afterwards, Leos mom arrived and
apologized to us. We denied the fact that he had caused trouble, but she scolded Leo anyways making him
burst into tears.
Dont cry~, Luhan comforted him.
I saw something moving inside Luhans hood at that moment. *Doesnt he feel anything?* I peeked inside and
spotted it.
LEO! Look what I found~, I spoke.
Froggie!, he exclaimed.

Luhan and I were on our way home from the sauna.

So was the sauna fun?, I asked him.
Yeah, I never knew there could be such small humans., he answered.

Small humans??, I thought to myself.

Mhmm, like Leo.
Umm Leos a kid., I said, Which means hes in his stage of developing into an adult.
Oh., Luhan nodded understanding.
I mentally facepalmed myself and continued walking home.
Is it ready?, I whispered.
Yep., Luhan replied with a wink.
Hey, can you not be any more obvious?, Kris spoke out loud.
SSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!, the both of us hushed him.
You wouldnt want to ruin the surprise now! Just when everythings set!, I exclaimed.
We were in the middle of preparing for Hanas birthday party. But some arrogant guy in the name of Kris
wouldnt budge to go along with the plan.
Now, bring the cake out of the freezer. And be careful with it! We wouldnt want to waste our effort for
nothing., I ordered him.
He walked to the refrigerator with an annoyed face.
Omo! What is this??, I heard a familiar voice enter the room.
I dashed to Kris and slammed on him since he was about to opened the refrigerator door.
NOTHING!, Luhan covered.
Ohohohoho., Hana chuckled, Mhmm nothing~, she said with a sly face and walked away backwards
into her room.
Well its not so much of a secret anymore is it?, said Kris.
I wanted to slam the cake at his face right now just because he was so careless during this activity.
Its too late to give up now., Luhan spoke.
I sighed and shot Kris a glare, This is all your fault!
He quickly shot both of his hands up for surrender.

Soo Hana~, I started a conversation.

Soo~, Hana giggled.
She didnt seem to manage to forget the secret surprise birthday party out of her mind. Thats why, I am going
to spend the day out with her to try to make her forget it.
What do you want to do?, I asked her.
Um I dont know. Anything~, she hummed.
Okay then, lets visit the library!, I suggested.
She tugged my hand, Lets think of something else
Oh.. okay.
How about we grab some ice cream?, Hana suggested.
We went to the nearest ice cream shop and ordered two vanilla cones.
So hows it like being a year older? Feeling more confident?, I asked.
Hm, its about the same., she licked the dripping ice cream off the cone.
Oh. I see I was disappointed at the short conversation we were having. It seemed like she only cared about
the birthday we planned.
I looked down at my watch 4pm.
Hey, how about we head back home right now?, I told Hana.
Okayy~, she chimed. *Might as well get it over with since the plan isnt working. -_-*

OH MY GOSH! I did not expect this to be coming! Thank you!, Hana cried.
*Yeahh keep talking.*
The boys invited all of Hanas friends over to the party as well.
Well, Hana, make a wish., I nudged her.
Hanas POV

I folded my two hands and placed them close to my chin. However, I then took a peek at Luhan smiling at
_______. *It hurts to see someone you like be with someone else*
Keuns POV
*Luhan. Luhan. Luhan. Whats so special about him? Why does everyone keep swooning whenever he passes
by? And why does he like _______ out of all the girls?*
Oppa!, Yuni tugged my arm, I missed you so much!
*Ugh, why does she always do this? Especially when Im in the middle of my thoughts.*
Im busy., I tried to sound as nice as possible while removed her hand off of me.
*Song _______. There is definitely something that I dont know about her.*
I headed off to the boys restroom finding Luhan coming out of the stall. I watched him as he washed his hands
and he saw me looking at him. I casually joined in to wash my hands and then followed. Right when we came
out of the restroom, a bunch of fangirls were squealing at the sight of me.
Suddenly, I heard people cheering and calling for Luhan. *Wait not me??* I took a deep breath. *There must
be a problem with my ears. Am I having a nightmare?* I carelessly slapped myself and everyone stared at me
with a poker face. Luhan, aside from me, snorted. *Aish*
As expected, Luhan went to _______. She looked me with an awkward smile.
Your POV
Luhan, did you do well on your test?, I randomly asked him to avoid awkwardness even though he aces
every work given.
Yep., he replied waiting for me to finish putting my books in the locker.
I hung my head while passing Keun. He seemed more suspicious than usual.

When I arrived home, Kris was asleep on the couch. After his departure from the army, he seems lazier than
usual. All he does he sleep and eat. *Maybe I can do something for him.*
Yah! Oppa! Wake up!!, I shook him.
He groaned and turned around, ignoring me.
Come on. Its time for you to do something with your life., this time I kicked him and he fell on the floor.
He sighed and slowly got himself up, What do you want?
Go get dressed., I patted him, Im here to help you.

I dont see whats the point in this. I mean my working days are over! Ive finished my duty in the military!,
he whined.
I glared at him, You are a grown man, Kris! Get a hold of yourself. Think about your future for once!!
He kept quiet for the first time and followed me into a building.
The man in the office looked at his resume and nodded, So YiFan, what makes you think you have the
capability of become an artist?
I dont have any plans in becoming an artist., he replied.
I stomped on his foot, Dont ruin this chance. I whispered.
Ahahaha, I laughed, He was just joking.
The man cleared his throat, Will you show us some of your art skills?
Kris took out a pencil and began doodling. When he finished, I wanted to knock the sense out of him with a
shovel. That was the ugliest drawing Ive ever seen in my entire life.
Ah, I spoke embarrassedly.
The man looked at the drawing and then back at us. *Oh my gosh. This is so embarrassing. How hard is it to
draw a decent photo?!*
I LOVE IT!, the man exclaimed.
My jaw dropped, W-what?
Its exactly what we were looking for., he began commenting on the artwork.
Really?, Kris rose his eyebrow then glancing at his piece of work, Hm. I guess its not that bad.
*Well at least he got himself a job*
The next day at school, the principal made an announcement through the speakers, Good morning ladies and
gentlemen! Today we will be announcing our annual senior prom. Itll take place in the school gym this Friday
at 6 p.m. Please do not hesitate to join!
The whole class started to whisper and giggle about choosing who to go with.
Whats a prom?, Luhan asked.
Its like a school dance., I said.
He overheard other students already asking out. He kneeled down on one knee and offered a hand, Will you
go to the prom with me? Luhan sparkled.

The whole class gasped. I blinked, I dont think this is the right time Luhan
Suddenly Keun had done the same thing. He knelt down on his knee and offered his hand out to me, Will you
go to the prom with me instead?
This caused even more ruckus. I chewed on my bottom lip, U-uhh

You did what??, Hana exclaimed and then burst into laughter.
Aish its not something to be proud of., I pinked just thinking about it.
-FlashbackSuddenly Keun had done the same thing. He knelt down on his knee and offered his hand out to me, Will you
go to the prom with me instead?
This caused even more ruckus. I chewed on my bottom lip, U-uhh
I-I have a stomachache., I put my hand on my belly and then ran away.
Oh! Are you okay??, Luhan followed behind.
-End of FlashbackBut unni, Hana stopped chuckling, Who will you pick?
I dont know., I responded, I dont even want to go.
Why not?! Its your once in a life time chance to be with your old classmates before you enter college., Hana
Pft, its not like I enjoyed those years.
Well how about this. Ill help you get a makeover!
Makeover..?, I spoke.
Mhmm. Trust me on this! Itll be awesome!, Hana plead.

After school, me and Hana went shopping.

Do you really think itll change anything?, I asked.
Dont worry~ Leave it all to me., Hana reassured.

When I returned to school, the atmosphere became awkward. They all acknowledge about the incident that had
happened last time.
I was waiting for Luhan to finish using the restroom, but then spotted him talking to Yuni near the fountain.
Yunis POV
Luhan, would you like to go to the prom with me?, I asked.
Sorry, but Im going with _______., he replied about to leave.
I grabbed him by his shoulder, But shes already going with Keun. Dont you know?
What?! I didnt
Yeah. I saw her overheard her conversation with Keun after school., I lied.
Really? What proof do you have?
I took out my phone and showed him a picture of them when Keun was confessing his feelings towards
I-impossible, Luhan cringed his eyebrows.
So will you go with me?, I asked him again.
Yeah sure., he looked dazed.
I hugged him, Thanks! I knew someone like you wouldnt go for a loser like _______.
Youre POV
I saw Yuni give him a hug and then happily jumped off. Luhan started to walk to class so I quickly ran to him.
What happened?, I asked.
Im going to prom with Yuni., He replied monotony.
What?! I mean I thought you didnt like her-
Well, I do now., Luhan cut me off.
I was astonished by the way he acted.
Have fun with Keun., he finished.
Can you stop by the post office on your way to school?, Mrs. Song handed me a box that was heavier than it

Sure., I got dressed and headed out.

On my way, I thought back about how Luhan changed once he talked to Yuni. *What were they discussing
about? Why does it seem like Luhan hates me now? And he even refused to talk to me at home.*
Once I reached the post office, I bumped into Keun and he smiled.
Hey., he greeted.
Hello, I replied.
He was about to head out the door, but I stopped him.
Um if you still dont have a date yet. Im willing to go with you., I told him since Luhans taken already.
Really?, he grinned, Assa! he spoke to himself, Do you want to walk to school together?
My face redden, Wait one moment! I gave the box to the office women and speed back to him.

Keuns POV
We chatted our way to the schoolyard. Honestly, _______ wasnt fully bad. Aside from her looks, shes
pretty decent.
Well I should head to class now. See you later!, _______ waved.
I was about to head the other side to my classroom but someone stopped me.
Oppa. Is this really what you want? Why cant you just go to prom with me?, Yuni whined tugging my hand.
Aish. Be quiet. Just go along with the plan., I shushed her.
-FlashbackThe principal had just made an announcement about the senior prom. Like always, Yuni plead me to go with
I cant., I declined.
Why oppa??, she cried, Are you still trying to keep _______ quiet from spilling the secret?
Yeah., I responded, So what?
Well what if I helped you? Will you date me then?, Yuni smiled.
Help? You only cause trouble., I denied.

Just hear me out this one time! Itll work for sure., she begged.
I was getting annoyed from her pleading, Fine.
Okay so here it is. Ill ask Luhan to go to the prom with me so itll lead _______ without a partner. Once,
Luhan refuses to go with _______. Shes bond to go out with you., Yuni grinned.
Tch, and how are you going to get Luhan to go out with you?, I scoffed.
She took out her phone and showed me a picture of when I confessed to _______.
Y-yah! Where you stalking me?!, I exclaimed.
I have my ways., she flipped her hair.
Just at that time, I spotted Luhan kneeling to _______ so I quickly jumped in. *This better work.*
-End of FlashbackLuhans POV
Luhan., _______ called.
I ignored her.
Luhan~, she spoke in a more innocent way.
I ignored her again.
Why are you being like this?, she patted me.
I pushed her hand away, I dont want to talk to you anymore.
She frowned and it made me feel guilty inside. *Its not like I want to be like this.*
Youre POV
The way Luhan was acting was killing me inside. Ive never seen him acting this way before. Why cant he
just talk about it instead of hiding everything?
_______!, Kris called me, What do you think of my latest painting?
Awful as always., I responded leaving the room.
Tch. Well you dont have to be so mean about it., I heard him speak under his breath.
Kriss POV

I watched as Luhan starred at the TV screen. He didnt seem to enjoy it like he always did. In fact, it looked as
if he was always scowling nowadays.
Is something going on?, I asked him.
None of your business!, he replied.
*Rude. =3=*
You know its always better to talk things out., I tried.
He peeked at me with the corner of his eyes, Really?
Yeah. Im sure theres an explanation to what youre mad at.
Well to tell you the truth. Im not fond of this being mad thing. Its just that, _______ chose someone else
over me.
_______? She would never do something like that. Especially since you guys are so close to each other. That
doesnt make any sense., I commented.
I know right, but I saw proof. Yuni showed me a photo of _______ and Keun going out behind by back.
I pondered, Maybe its a misunderstanding. Why dont you talk it over with Yuni? It could be an accident.
Luhan stood up, I dont want to talk to _______ anymore.
Yah! Are you really going to be like this for the rest of your life?!, I shouted as he left.
Kids these days. They never listen., I sighed.

Youre POV
It was Friday, the day of the prom. Hana had me dressed up in the dress she had brought and helped me
Wow! Unni, you look totally fabulous. I cant even recognize you., Hana commented.
You really think so?, I let out a small smile.
Of course! Youre like a completely different person.
I looked at the mirror. *I guess this makeover thing wasnt such a bad idea after all.*
We entered the living room as the rest of the family was waiting.
Wow, you look amazing!, Mr. and Mrs. Song commented.

I blushed.
Only if you werent my cousin, I would totally date you., Kris smirked.
I jokingly punched his arm, Stop it. You sound like a pedophile.
P-pedophile?! Yah! There isnt even much of an age gap!, Kris exclaimed.
All of us broke into laughter. It was time for Luhan to show up in his suit this time. He looked handsome,
clean, and tall (like always).
You kids look so pretty and handsome. How about we take a photo., Mrs. Song suggested.
I looked at Luhan, I dont think thats necessary though
Oh come on, Mrs. Song persisted. She had her camera out and pushed me and Luhan together.
SMILE WOULD YOU!, Hana yelled at us.
We straightened up and made the most realistic smile we could; considering Luhan wouldnt budge to get
Onetwo three! snap-
Well the picture could have been better., Kris said judging the photo.
Have a great time at the prom guys., said Mr. Song.
Thanks! Well be home before 11p.m., I said leaving.

I looked for Keun through the crowded room. He was near the fruit punch table. I ran towards him but he held
out both his hands.
Sorry miss, but I already have a date., he spoke.
Yah, Keun. Its me _______, I smiled.
_______?!, his mouth hung open, T-this is a joke right?
No, for a split second I felt offended.
I mean, of course its you! Its just that you look gorgeous., he complimented.
Thank you., I wrapped my hair around my ear, So its a pretty successful prom huh?

Yeah It was an awkward conversation at first until the music started to change.
Oh! This is my favorite song. Would you like to dance with me?, Keun bowed and lend his hand out.
I giggled, Yes.
Luhans POV
I looked around for Yuni and spotted her with a group of friends.
Hey-, I stopped when I overheard their conversation.
So did you really give up on Keun and go for Luhan?, one of her friends asked.
Pft, what do you take me as? Of course not! This was all a plan to avoid _______ and Luhan to be together.
That way, _______ wouldnt spill Keuns secret., Yuni replied as she flipped her hair.
WHAT?!, I shouted.
Omo!, Yuni dropped her drink and her group of friends gasped.
Are you kidding me?, my whole body was boiling, So this was all planned?! Just to stop me and _______?!
I knew I shouldnt have trusted someone like you!
Oppa! It was a mistake!! What I meant was-
I turned around to see _______ and Keun happily dancing. She was smiling so brightly I didnt want to
interfere that moment. Instead, I gave Yuni one last glare before I stormed off.
*_______... Im sorry for everything. You dont deserve to be with someone like me.*
Youre POV
Keun walked me home and stopped at the front door.
Well guess this is goodbye., I grinned.
Yeah, see you in school!, Keun smiled.
When I opened the door, there was a flash.
Caught you!, Hana chimed as she took out the snapped photo.
Yah! That startled me!, I scolded.
I better get going., Keun chuckled.
Okay, have a safe trip back., I waved.

I removed my make up, took off the dress and switched into comfortable pajamas.
Wheres Luhan?, Kris mentioned.
Oh! I forgot all about him.
Wow what to do. You know, Luhans really mad at you., Kris scratched the back of his head.
Me? What did I do?, I asked.
Well., Kris started.

Luhans POV
I laid on the grass thinking about _______ and the times we spent together. *Does she really like Keun
though?* Suddenly someone sat down beside me.
Mrs. Song? What are you doing here?, I spoke.
She gave me a warm smile, The real question is what are you doing here?
I took a sigh and she held my hand, I heard about what happened. You know, _______ cares a lot about you.
But she likes someone else., I said.
Thats not true honey. Youre the one that made her feel normal., said Mrs. Song.
What do you mean?
You probably dont know this but when _______ lost her parents, there was no one who could comfort her.
Until you came. You made her happy again.
My head hung down low, Is that really true?
Yes., Mrs. Song chuckled, Why would I lie to you?
I smiled back to her, Thank you.

Youre POV
The door clicked and Mrs. Song and Luhan showed up.
Luhan!!, I ran to him and gave him a hug, How could you even think of that?! Its all a misunderstanding!
Hear me out-

I know. But there something I have to tell you too., Luhan cut me off, You see Keun was part of the plan
K-keun??, I repeated.
He started explaining what happened during the party and the conversation he had overheard.
*That bastard. No wonder he was so nice to me all of a sudden.*
Good morning., I skipped to Keun.
Oh hey, good morning to you to., Keun greeted, Did you have a good night sleep?
Yeah thanks for asking, but I have something to say. Will you meet me after school at the caf?, I asked.
Sure, my pleasure., he smiled.
The bell rang just in time for class to start.
Well see you there~, we parted.

I was sitting near the glass window at the caf.

So what did you want to talk about?, Keun took a seat.
Well, I just wanted to ask about Yuni., I started.
Umm what do you want to know about her?, Keun swallowed.
So I heard that shes going out with Luhan., I continued.
Oh really? Thats surprising.
I know right, but whats even weirder is she said the only reason shes dating Luhan is so I wouldnt be with
Did she?, Keun started fixing his tie.
Yeah., I gripped onto my glass of water, She also said the reason why is so I wouldnt spill your secret.
At that moment I stood up and splattered the water into his face. Everyone in the caf gasped. *Wow. That felt
so good.*
But dont worry. I wont spill your little secret., I finished.

Keuns POV
I stormed out of the caf and walked towards Yuni and her minions.
Oppa! What happened?? Why are you all drenched?, Yuni placed her hand to her mouth.
Why?! Its all your fault!! Why did you spill the plan?!, I shouted.
I-I didnt mean to-
Forget it! I knew I shouldnt have trusted you!!, I yelled.
Oppa! Im so sorry!! Please forgive me!, she cried.
I scoffed and look down at her, Dont ever come near me.
Youre POV
I woke up with arms wrapped around me and knew just who that person was.
Good morning my angel., Luhan chimed.
I giggled and sat up, I want to go somewhere special today.
Youll see when we get there., I winked.

We arrived at the big sign that prints Amusement Park.

Today, were going to celebrate the day we got back together., I said.
I see, but what is there to do?, Luhan asked.
Look around! Dont you see the rides?!, I hollered.
I sighed, Ill show you.
The first thing we got on was the classic roller coaster.
All you have to do is hang on tight and have fun!!, I grinned.
Okay Ill trust you on this., said Luhan determined.

When the ride began I screamed so much, my throat was a bit unclear when the ride ended. I looked over to
see Luhan stunned. He didnt blink one bit.
Luhan, are you okay?, I waved my hands in his face, The ride is over.
He got up and left the cart.
Are you okay??, I asked worriedly.
That was amazing, he finally spoke, Lets go again!!
I smiled, Should we?
He ran to line up excitedly. *Im glad to see you like this again.*

The day was ending already and the sky grew dark. We took a seat at a bench and I placed my head on Luhans
shoulder. Suddenly, a shooting star passed by.
Oh! Its a shooting star., I exclaimed.
Luhan gasped, It is!
Quickly! Make a wish!!, I hurried.
I wish you will live your life happily., Luhan wished.
I smiled, I wish to live my life happily with you.
Luhan looked into my eyes and then gently grabbed my face, leaning in and plotted a kiss on my lips. I swear
my cheeks couldnt get any redder at that moment.
Youre so cute when youre embarrassed., Luhan chuckled.

The next day, I came out of my room seeing an unexpected visitor. He was tall, lean, and had a small sweet
smile on his face.
Who are you?, I asked.
Hana came running in and locked arms with him.
Meet my angel boyfriend, Sehun., she smiled.
A-angel boyfriend???, I gasped. *Oh my god.*

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