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In a clear night, the sky appears as a vast hollow hemisphere with its interior studded
with innumerable stars. On observing the sky for some duration it appears that the
celestial bodies are revolving around the earth with its centre at the position of the
observer. The stars move in a regular manner and maintain same position relative to
each other. Consequently, terrestrial position or direction defined with reference to
celestial body remains absolute for all practical purposes in plane surveying. Thus, the
absolute direction of a line can be determined from the position / direction of a celestial
Astronomical Terms and Definitions
To observe the positions / direction and movement of the celestial bodies, an imaginary
sphere of infinite radius is conceptualized having its centre at the centre of the earth.
The stars are studded over the inner surface of the sphere and the earth is represented
as a point at the centre. Figure 25.1 shows a celestial sphere and some principal
parameters necessary to understand astronomical observation and calculations for
determination of absolute direction of a line. The important terms and definitions
related to field astronomy are as follows:

Celestial sphere : An imaginary sphere of infinite radius with the earth at its centre and
other celestial bodies studded on its inside surface is known as celestial sphere.
Great Circle (G.C) : The imaginary line of intersection of an infinite plane, passing
through the centre of the earth and the circumference of the celestial sphere is known
as great circle.
Zenith (Z) : If a plumb line through an observer is extended upward, the imaginary point
at which it appears to intersect the celestial sphere is known as Zenith. The imaginary
point at which it appears to intersect downward in the celestial sphere is known as Nadir
Vertical circle : Great circle passing through zenith and nadir is known as vertical
Horizon: Great circle perpendicular to the line joining the Zenith and Nadir is known as
Poles : If the axis of rotation of the earth is imagined to be extended infinitely in both
directions, the points at which it meets the celestial sphere are known as poles. The
point of intersection in the northern hemisphere is known as north celestial pole and that
in the southern hemisphere as south celestial pole.
Equator : The line of intersection of an infinite plane passing through the centre of the
earth and perpendicular to the line joining celestial poles with the celestial sphere.
Hour circle : Great circle passing through celestial poles is known as hour circle, also
known as declination circle.
Meridian : The hour circle passing through observer's zenith and nadir is known as
(observer's) meridian. It represents the North-South direction at observer station.
Altitude (h) : The altitude of a celestial body is the angular distance measured along a
vertical circle passing through the body. It is considered positive if the angle measured
is above horizon and below horizon, it is considered as negative.
Azimuth (A) : The azimuth of a celestial body is the angular distance measured along
the horizon from the observer's meridian to the foot of the vertical circle passing through
the celestial body (Figure 25.2).

Declination () : The declination of a celestial body is the angular distance measured

from the equator to the celestial body along the arc of an hour circle. It is considered
positive in North direction and negative in South.
Ecliptic : The great circle along which the sun appears to move round the earth in a
year is called the ecliptic.
Equinoctial points : The points of intersection of the ecliptic circle with the equatorial
circle are known as equinoctial points. The point at which the sun transits from Southern
to Northern hemisphere is known as First point of Aeries () and from Northern to
Southern hemisphere as First point of Libra ().
Right ascension : The right ascension of a celestial body is the angular distance along
the arc of celestial equator measured from the First point of Aeries () to the foot of the
hour circle. It is measured from East to West direction i.e., anti-clockwise in Northern
Prime meridian : Reference meridian that passes through the Royal Naval Observatory
in Greenwich, England is known as prime meridian; it is also known as Greenwich
Longitude () : The longitude of an observer's station is the angular distance measured
along the equator from the prime meridian to the observer's meridian. It varies from zero
degrees to 180 E and 0 to 180 W.
Latitude (): The latitude of an observer's station is the angular distance measured
along the observer's meridian from the equator to the zenith point. It varies from zero
degree to 90 N and 0 to 90 S

Hour angle (HA) : The hour angle of a celestial body is the angle at the equatorial
plane measured westward from meridian to the hour circle passing through the celestial
body (Figure 25.3).
Local hour angle (LHA): The angular distance of a celestial body measured westward
from the point of intersection of the equator and the meridian of the observer to the foot
of the hour circle passing through the celestial body.
Greenwich hour angle (GHA) : Angle at the equatorial plane measured westward from
the prime (Greenwich) meridian to the hour circle through the celestial body.
Spherical triangle: Triangle formed by the intersection of three arcs of great circles (on
the surface of the celestial sphere) is known as spherical triangle.

Note :
The dimension of the celestial sphere is so large that the position of the observer and
the centre of the earth appears to be the same point
Astronomical Triangle
The spherical triangle formed by arcs of observer's meridian, vertical circle as well as
hour circle through the same celestial body is known as an astronomical triangle. The
vertices of an astronomical triangle are Zenith point (Z), celestial pole (P) and the
celestial body (S) and thus termed as ZPS triangle (Figure 25.4a). In each astronomical
triangle, there are six important elements. Three of them are the three sides and other
three are the three angles of the triangle. It is important to know these elements as
some of these will be required to be observed in the field and others are to be computed
to find the position / direction of celestial body.

Polar distance (PS or p) : The angular distance from the celestial pole (P) to the
celestial body (S) along the hour circle is known as polar distance. It is also known as
co-declination and is designated by p (= 90- ), where is the declination of the
celestial body, S.
Zenith distance (ZS or z) : The angular distance from observer's zenith (Z) to the
celestial body (S) along the vertical circle is known as zenith distance. It is also known

as co-altitude and is designated by z (= 90- h), where h is the altitude of the celestial
body, S.
Co-latitude, ZP : The angular distance from observer's zenith (Z) to the celestial pole
(P) along the observer's meridian is known as co-latitude and is given by (90- ),
where is the latitude of the observer
Angle Z : The angle at the zenith (A) is measured from the observer's meridian to the
vertical circle passing through the celestial body in a plane parallel to the observer's
horizon. It is nothing but the azimuth of the celestial body (Figure 25.2). It is measured
clockwise from the observer's meridian and its value ranges from zero to 360.
Angle P : The angle at the pole (P) is measured from the observer's meridian to the
hour circle passing through the celestial body in a plane parallel to the equatorial plane.
It is nothing but (360 H, hour angle of the celestial body) (Figure 25.4b). Hour angle is
measured clockwise from the upper branch of the observer's meridian.
Angle S : angle at a celestial body between the hour circle and the vertical circle
passing through the celestial body. It is known as the parallactic angle.

If any of the three elements are known, the remaining three can be computed from
formulae of spherical trigonometry (Appendix- 25A)
Ex25-1 Find the shortest distance between a station (29 52' N, 77 54' E) at Roorkee
and to a station (28 34' N, 77 06' E) at Delhi. Determine the azimuth of the line along
which the direction of the shortest distance to be set out starting from Roorkee.

Solution :
The shortest distance between two stations on the surface of the earth lies along the
circumfrence of the great circle passing through the stations.
Refering Figure Example 25-1, let us consider a great arc RD passing through the
Roorkee and Delhi respectively. Thus, arc RD is the shortest distance between the
stations. Let P be the pole of the earth. and PD and PR are arcs of meredians passing
through Delhi and Roorkee stations respectively.
Then, PDR is a astronomical triangle, where
P = 77 54' - 77 06' = 48'
Distance PD, r = 90 - 28 34' = 61 26
Distance PR, d = 90 - 29 52' = 60 08'

Using equation (25A.3a),

Or, cos p = cos d . cos r + cos P . sin d . sin r
= cos 60 08' . cos 61 26' + cos 48' . sin 60 08' . sin 61 26'

= 0.23826 + 0.76154 = 0.99966837

Thereforep128' 33".48
Assuming, rdius of the earth, R = 6370 km.

Arc distance, RD =
For the determination of the direction from R to D, the angle R of the spherical triangle
is required to be determined.
Using equation 25A.11a,

Therefore R + D = 179 36' 34".12 ------------------------Equation 1

Again, using equation 25A.11b

= 3 43' 24".07
Or, R - D = 123 31' 05".20 ------------------------Equation 2
Solving Equation 1 & 2,
R = 151 33' 49".66

Thus, the azimuth of the line to be set out at station R to proceed along shortest path to
the station at Delhi is = 360 - R = 208 26' 10".34

Azimuth of a Line
Azimuth of a line is its horizontal angle measured clockwise from geographic or true
For field observation, the most stable and retraceable reference is geographic north.
Geographic north is based on the direction of gravity (vertical) and axis of rotation of the
earth. A direction determined from celestial observations results in astronomic
(Geographic) north reference meridian and is known as geographic or true meridian.
The azimuth of a line is determined from the azimuth of a celestial body. For this, the
horizontal angle between the line and the line of sight to the celestial body is required to
be observed during astronomic observation along with other celestial observation.

Let AB be the line whose azimuth (AAB) is required to be determined (Figure 26.1). Let
O be the station for celestial observations. Let S be the celestial body whose azimuth
(As) is determined from the astronomical observation taken at O. The horizontal angle
from the line AB to the line of sight to celestial body (at the station O) is observed to
be clockwise. The azimuth of the line, AB can be computed from
AAB = AS - (clockwise).
If AAB computes to be negative, 360 is added to normalize the azimuth

In order to compute the azimuth of a line with proper sign, it is better to draw the known
parameters. The diagram itself provides the azimuth of the line with proper sign. For example,
in Figure 26.2, first a line of sight to celestial body, OS is drawn. Then, the azimuth of the
celestial body, AS is considered in counter-clockwise from the line OS and obtained the true
north direction i.e, the line ON. Similarly, the horizontal angle is represented in counter
clockwise (since the angle from the line to the celestial body is measured clockwise) direction
from OS to obtain the relative position of the line. The angle NOB represents the azimuth of the
line AB.

Determination of Azimuth of Celestial body

In field astronomy, a celestial body provides the reference direction. So, from the
geographic location (latitude and longitude) of the station, ephemeris data of celestial
body and either time or altitude of the same celestial body, the azimuth of the celestial
body is computed by solving astronomical triangle. If time is used, the procedure is
known as the hour-angle method. Likewise, if altitude is measured, the procedure is
termed as the altitude method. The basic difference between these two methods is that

the altitude method requires observation of approximate time and an accurate vertical
angle of the celestial body, whereas the hour angle method requires observation of
accurate time.
Recent developments of time receivers and accurate timepieces, particularly digital
watches with split-time features, and time modules for calculators, the hour-angle
method is more accurate, faster. It requires shorter training for proficiency. It has fewer
restrictions on time of day and geographic location and thus is more versatile. The
method is applicable to the sun, Polaris, and other stars. Consequently, the hour-angle
method is emphasized, and its use by surveyors is encouraged.
Hour Angle Method
In this method, precise time is being noted when the considered celestial body is being
bisected. The observed time is used to derive the hour angle and declination of the
celestial body at the instant of observation.
The geographic position (latitude and longitude) of the observation station is required
to be known a priori for the hour angle method. Usually, these values are readily
obtained from available maps. However, to achieve better accuracy, latitude and
longitude must be more accurately determined specially during observations for
celestial bodies close to the equator--e.g., the sun-than for bodies near the pole--e.g.,

The declination of the celestial bodies at the instant of observation is required to be

known for computation of azimuth of the celestial body. It is available in star almanac at
the 0, 6, 12 and 18 hours of UTI of each day ( Greenwich date). Thus, the declination at
the instant of observation (of celestial body) is determined by linear interpolation for
corresponding the UT1 time of observation. However, since the declination of the sun

varies rapidly, its interpolation is done using the relation:

Declination, d = Decl 0h + (Decl 24h - Decl 0h) (

UT1) -------------(Equation 26.2)

) + (0.0000395) (Decl 0h) sin (7.5

The hour-angle of the celestial body is being derived using the GHA (available in star
almanac with reference to Greenwich date) and the longitude of the observation station.
For observations in the Western Hemisphere, if UTI is greater than local time, the
Greenwich date is the same as local date and if UTI is less than local time, Greenwich
date is the local date plus one day. For the Eastern Hemisphere, if UTI is less than local
time (24-hr basis), Greenwich date is the same as local date and if UTI is greater than
local time, Greenwich date is local date minus one day. The hour angle of the celestial
body at the observation station is the LHA. Thus, it is the LHA at UTI time of observation
which is necessary to compute the azimuth of a celestial body. Hence, as can be seen
from Figure 26.3, the equation for the LHA is
LHA = GHA - W (west longitude) ----------------- (Equation 26.3)
Or LHA = GHA + E (east longitude) -------------------(Equation 26.4)
LHA should be normalized to between 0 and 360 by adding or subtracting 360, if
The Greenwich hour angle (GHA) of celestial bodies-the sun, Polaris, and selected
stars-is tabulated in star almanac from 0 hr to 24 hr at an interval of 6 hours of UTI time
of each day (Greenwich date). Thus, to find GHA at the time of observation linear
interpolation is required to be performed.
The GHA can also be derived by making use of the equation of time E (apparent time
minus mean time) by using the relation:
GHA = 180 + 15 E ---------------------------Equation (26.5)
where E is in decimal hours. In those cases where E is listed as mean time minus
apparent time, the algebraic sign of E should be reversed.
Once the parameters (declination and Hour angle of the celestial body, latitude of the
observation station) required to compute the azimuth of the celestial body are available,
the computation of azimuth of the celestial body is carried out using the relations of
astronomical triangle (Appendix- 25A)

Appendix 25A

Figure 25A shows a spherical triangle ZSP. In all there are six quantities in a spherical
triangle, namely, three angles Z, S and P and three sides z, s and p. If any three
quantities are known, the remaining three can be computed from different formulae of
the spherical trignometry given below.

Equation 25A.5 to 25A.7 should be used when there is some confusion about the signs of the
angles. Because the value of the angle A / 2 is always less than 90, there is no ambiguity. As
far as possible, Eq. 25A.5 should be used when A < 90. Eq. 25A.7 can be used for any value of
the angle.

Ex26-1 A celestial body is observed at a station (latitude 36 04' 00" N and longitude
94 10' 08" N). The UTI at the instant of observation was (15h 16m 41s.57).The GHA at
0hr (UT1) was found to be 177 04 ' 44".1 on the day of observation and 177 08' 06".3

on the next day. The declination of the selected body at 0hr (UT1) was + 6 15' 05".9 S
and + 5 5' 54".7 S on the day of observation and next day respectively. Determine the
azimuth of the celestial body.

Soluton : Given, GHA at 0hr = 177 04 ' 44".1

GHA at 24hr = 177 08' 06".3
Instant of observation of the celestial body = 15h 16m 41s.57
Using linear interpolation method,

the GHA at the instant of observaton =

= 177 04' 44".1 + (177 08' 06".3 - 177 04' 44".1 + 360) x
= 406.28788 - 360 = 46.28788
Local Hour angle at the instant of observation, LHA = GHA - W (The station is at west
to Greenwich)
= (46.28788 - 94 10' 08") = - 47.88101 = -47.88101 + 360
= 312.11899

Declination ()of the celestial body at the instant of observation (Implementing linear

= - 6 15' 05".9 + ( - 5 51' 54".7 + 6 15' 05".9) x

= - 6.00563

Now, using the relation (Equation 26.3), azimuth of the celestial body


= - 57.10487745
Since, LHA is between 180 and 360 and A is negative (Figure Ex 26.1), thus
Azimuth of the body, A = Z + 180 = - 57.10487745 + 180
= 122.8951226 = 122 53' 42 ".44
Ex25-2 Determine the azimuth of the sun having declination 8 24' S during sunset at Roorkee
(latitude 29 52' N).

Solution :

Given, latitude of observer, = 29 52'

declinationof the sun, = 8 24' S
The Sun at sunset, thus altitude = 0
Therefore = 90
z = 90 += 98 24'
s = 90 - = 60 08'

Figure Example 25-2 (b)

The triangle ZPS is a right angled astronomical triangle, where RZ (in ZPS) is in western
Now, using equation 25A.3a, we get

= - 0.168
Z = 99 41' 53".07 (W)
Thus, azimuth of the sun, A = 360 - Z = 261 59' 32".26

Sun Observations (Hour- Angle Method)

Among all the celestial bodies, the sun is the most prominent body that can be observed
easily and accurately. Thus, the sun observation provides surveyors a convenient
method for determination of astronomic azimuth. In the hour-angle method, a horizontal
angle from a line to the sun is measured. Knowing accurate time of the observation and
geographic position of the observation station, the sun's azimuth is computed using the
relations of astronomical triangle. This azimuth and horizontal angle are combined to
yield the line's azimuth as explained in Lesson 26.
The sun is observed through the telescope fitted with either an eyepiece sun glass or an
objective lens filter. For total stations, an objective lens filter is mandatory (to protect
EDMI components). It is to be noted that the sun's image is large in diameterapproximately 32 min of arc-making accurate pointing on the center impractical. Thus,
in lieu of pointing the centre, observation to the sun are usually taken with the edges
tangential to both the horizontal and vertical cross hairs. It is usually achieved by
allowing sun's trailing edge to move onto the vertical cross hair or the leading edge is
pointed by moving the vertical cross hair forward, until it becomes tangent to the sun's

The field work involved in the determination of azimuth of a line from sun observation
consists of following steps:
1. Carry out temporary adjustment of a theodolite at the observation station with face
left condition.
2. Open the lower plate main screw and swing the telescope to bisect the reference
object. Fix the lower plate main screw and bisect accurately using the lower plate
tangent screw. Note down the horizontal circle reading.
3. Swing the telescope by opening the upper plate main screw. Bring the image of the
sun into the upper left quadrant of the diaphragm (Figure 27.1a). Close the upper plate
main screw and then bring the vertical hair tangent to right limb of the sun using the
upper plate tangent screw. As soon as the lower limb of the sun makes contact with the
horizontal hair, the chronometer time is recorded. Note down the horizontal (as well as
vertical, if altitude of the sun is required to be observed) circle readings.
4. Next, bring the image of the sun into lower right quadrant using the upper and vertical
plate tangent screws. The vertical hair is kept in tangent to left limb of the sun using by
the upper plate tangent screw. As soon as the upper limb of the sun makes contact with
the horizontal hair, the chronometer time is recorded (Figure 27.1b). Note down the
horizontal (as well as vertical, if altitude of the sun is required to be observed) circle
5. Open the upper plate main screw and swing back the telescope to the reference
object. Close the upper plate main screw and bisect the reference object. Note down
the horizontal circle reading.
6. Change the face left of the instrument into the face right condition and repeat step 2
with the instrument in face right condition.
7. Swing the telescope by opening the upper plate main screw. Bring the image of the
sun into the upper right quadrant of the diaphragm (Figure 27.1c). Close the upper plate
main screw and then bring the vertical hair tangent to left limb of the sun using the
upper plate tangent screw. As soon as the lower limb of the sun makes contact with the
horizontal hair, the chronometer time is recorded. Note down the horizontal (as well as
vertical, if altitude of the sun is required to be observed) circle readings.
8. Next, bring the image of the sun into lower left quadrant using the upper and vertical
plate tangent screws. The vertical hair is kept in tangent to right limb of the sun using
the upper plate tangent screw. As soon as the upper limb of the sun makes contact with
the horizontal hair, the chronometer time is recorded (Figure 27.1d). Note down the
horizontal (as well as vertical, if altitude of the sun is required to be observed) circle
9. Repeat step 5.

Thus, a set of observation is to be taken. It consists of four instants of time and four
horizontal circle readings (and four vertical circle readings). An azimuth of the line AZL
should be computed for each pointing on the sun.
For any field observation, it may consist of one or more sets, but a minimum of three
sets is recommended.
Errors and Correction
The errors involved in determining a line's azimuth can be divided into two categories:
(I) measuring horizontal angles from a line to the sun and (2) errors in determining the
sun's azimuth. Except when pointing on the sun, errors in horizontal angles are similar
to any other field angle.
Since, the observations are taken at the edges of the sun, a correction for semidiameter is required. The correction (C) to be applied to the measured horizontal angles

where is the (correct) altitude of the sun and

be obtained from star almanac).

is the semi-diameter of the sun (can

The width of a theodolite cross hair is approximately 2 or 3 arc-sec. With practice, the
sun's edge, particularly the trailing one, can be pointed to within this width. In many
instances, pointing the sun may introduce a smaller error than pointing the backsight
Total error in the sun's azimuth is a function of errors in obtaining UTI time, and scaling
latitude and longitude. The magnitude these errors contribute to total error which is a
function of the observer's latitude, declination of the sun, and time from local noon .
Since errors in scaling latitude and longitude are constant for all data sets of an
observation, each computed azimuth of the sun contains a constant error. Errors in time
affect azimuth in a similar manner. Consequently, increasing the number of data sets
does not appreciably reduce the sun's azimuth error. The increase can, however,
improve horizontal angle accuracy and therefore have a desirable effect.
After azimuths of the line have been computed, they are compared and, if found within
acceptable limits, averaged. Azimuths computed with telescope direct and telescope
reversed should be compared independently. Systematic instrument errors and use of
an objective lens filter can cause a significant difference between the two. An equal

number of direct and reverse azimuths should be averaged.

An alternate calculation procedure averages times and angles, or points on opposite
edges of the sun and averages to eliminate semi-diameter corrections. Due to the sun
traveling on an apparent curved path and its changing semi-diameter correction with
altitude, this procedure usually introduces a significant error in azimuth. Also, it does not
provide a good check on the final azimuth.
Determination of the altitude of the sun
The altitude of the sun can be computed from astronomical triangle (Figure 26.3) using
the relation
h = sin-1 (sin sin + cos cos cos LHA) --------------------- Equation (27.1)
The altitude of the sun can also be obtained from the observation of the sun by taking
the vertical angle measurement along with horizontal angle. In this case, the
observations need to be updated with the following corrections:
(a) Correction for refraction: Mean value of refraction (r0) based on observed altitude is
available from star almanac. A table for modification factor (f), depending on the
temperature and pressure during observation, is also available in star almanac. Thus,
Correction for refraction from star almanac is Cr = ro . Other wise, can be computed
using Cr = -58" cos . It is always subtractive from the observed altitude.
(b) Correction for parallax: A correction strictly needs to be applied for the Sun's
parallax, which will suffice to be considered as 0.1 for all altitudes less than 70.
Otherwise, it may be computed using
Cp = +8.82 cos
The correction for parallax is to be added always to the observed altitude.
(c) Correction for semi-diameter

Ex27-1 On September 29, 2003 the sun was observed on the rooftop of Geomatics
Engineering section of I.I.T. Roorkee having geographical location (Latitude 29 50'

44'.83 and Longitude 77 54' 00.39). The observation was recorded as follows: Temp
14 C and pressure = 969 millibars.



Horizontal Angle





Vernier A

99 17

Vernier B

Vernier C and D















22 37 00 37 20









22 33 20 33 20









22 30 20 30 40









22 25 20 25 40






Find out the azimuth of the line joining the station and reference object.

Solution : Refer figure 26.3

The latitude () of the station = 29 51' 44. 83
The longitude () of the station =77 54' 00. 39
The date of observation September 29, 2003.

To determine the azimuth of the line joining the observation station and the reference
object, say AZ.
Let as consider observation with face left condition of the instrument.
The time of observation, UTI = 10h 04m 36s
Then, GHA = UTI+ R (Exess)
From star almanac, R on September 29 (2003) at 10h 04m 36s
= 0h 30m 21.7s + 41.3s = 0h 31m 3.01s
GHA = 0h 31m 3.01s + 10h 04m 3.01s
=10h 35m 39.01s
Thus, LHA = GHA +
= 10h 35m 39.01s +77 54' 00.39 = 236 48' 45".54
From star almanac, apparent declination of the sum, (at the instant of observation) =
S 2 15' 30" + 3' 54" = S 2 19' 24"
Now, from equation 26.3

Since the sun was observed in the afternoon, it was observed in western hemisphere.
Thus, azimuth of the sun = 360 - 74 09' 54.34
= 285 50' 05.65
From, the observation of vertical angle, the apparent altitude (' )of the sun = 22 37'

Parallax corection = + 8.8" cos '

= + 8.8" cos 22 37' 10" = + 8".123

Semi diameter = +

= + 16'.0 (from star almanac)

The mean refraction error (ro) = 139"

As temperature and pressure during observation are 14 C and 969 millibar, the factor
for refraction correction, f = 0.95 (From star almanac).
Thus refraction correction = - 139" x 0.95
= - 132".05 = -2' 12"
Therefore, The altitude of the sun
= 22 37' 10" + 0 16'.0 + 0 0' 8".123 - 0 2' 12"
= 22 51' 06".123
Thus, horizontal angle of the sun = observed horizontal angle of the sun - Semi
diameter correction

= 59 05' 40" -


= 59 05' 40" - 17' 21".4589 = 58 48' 18".54

Therefore, The horizontal angle between the sun and the R.O.
HA = 99 17' 40" - 58 48' 10".54 = 40 29' 29".46 (Left)
The azimuth of the line joining the station and the reference object = Azimuth of the sun
+ HA
= 285 50' 05".65 + 40 29' 29".46 = 326 19' 35".11

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