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Physician Testimonials

“I believe that T.S Wiley has made one of the most important discoveries in this century-
a simple molecular mechanism that up until now, everyone else has missed.”
–Christian Renna, DO, Santa Monica, California

“T.S. Wiley’s “Two Days Back on Earth” seminar focused on solid science and common sense integrated
with how we fit into the rhythm of the universe and brought a fascinating realization how to best optimize
our health. Throughout my medical training many of the questions that our esteemed medical institutions
were not able to answer due to the bias created by the pharmaceutical industry were intelligently and
logically explained by Susie. Her insight and education in the topic of hormone replacement is exceptional
and her ideas will revolutionize the way we address hormone balance. This was indeed the most
interesting and exciting seminar I have ever attended.”–Selma Arain, M.D., Aesthetic Medical Center,
Naperville, Illinois

“T. S. Wiley's point was to make us feel the connections we have to nature, to the planets, sun, moon,
and she succeeded in making me see the bigger picture. In the tradition of her books (Sex, Lies, and
Menopause; Lights Out), her information focused on basic physiology and its interplay with environmental
endocrinology/biology, and seeing the "whole" patient. This is in direct contrast to the typical conferences
which advocates a pill and/or a supplement/hormone for every symptom. Rather than providing a general
symptom-based algorithm in the tradition of Big Pharma, Ms. Wiley's focus on really learning the
physiology is commendable, and a welcomed change. I highly recommend this seminar not only for those
who want to learn how to prescribe the Wiley protocol, but also for those who want to learn the big picture
of how the body works (in stark contrast to the conventional model of fragmenting the body's parts and
systems). I certainly plan on attending the seminar again in the near future.” –Yun-Ching Chen, M.D.
Internal Medicine, Santa Cruz, California

“Coming to the Wiley Protocol Training and Certification Program was a very valuable experience for me.
T.S. Wiley's teachings made a lot of sense and were consistent with what I already knew about human
physiology and endocrinology. Additionally, I also learned a lot from other physicians who taught and
shared their experiences with their patients who are on the Wiley Protocol. After the seminar, I was also
impressed with the ongoing support I received by telephone and by e-mail. I highly recommend this
training program to anyone who wants to take bioidentical hormone therapy to the next level.”
– Fred Bloem, M.D., Olney, Maryland

“Since my involvement with the Wiley Protocol, I have become more keenly aware of the nuances of
hormonal interaction. The certification course really helps you understand the molecular aspects of
hormonal relationships. The knowledge acquired significantly assists me in management of patients. I am
constantly amazed at the level of interaction achieved on the protocol. It is exhilarating to be able to
manipulate and manage at this level that I feel is infinitely more accurate than other methods of hormonal
management. It answers the questions being posed regarding cancer and other dysfunction afflicting not
only menopausal women but those women with significant alteration of cycle created by interaction with
our estrogen toxic environment. This course is essential to being able to manage at this level.”
–Courtney Paige Ridley, FACOG, Physician LifeSpan Medicine, Dallas, Texas

“The weekend spent learning about the Wiley Protocol was a huge eye opener for me. The ideas put forth
about replacing postmenopausal hormones for women using creams which match the cyclical production
of hormones in the younger female makes sense. Wiley also discusses the idea that our lifestyles are
connected to changes in our hormonal makeup and this is evident to me in my patient’s every day as we
battle diabetes, PCOS, endometriosis and PMS on an ongoing basis. We as physicians need to
acknowledge that what we have been taught about hormones in our university education is not the
complete picture, but a dynamic body of knowledge. We should consider that hormones may not be
looming scary molecules that are a danger to us, but rather fundamental substances which are incredibly
entrenched in the functions of the entire body. Research and studies into new ways of dosing hormones
could provide valuable information about the immune system, mood and depression, heart disease and
inflammation.” – Bridgett Simon, ND, LAC, Integrated Health Center, Redmond Washington

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