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1435368124324 1435368063410 Test 1 1
1435368136812 1435368063410 Test 2 2
1435368140304 1435368063410 Test 3 3<br />
1435368146959 1435368063410 Test 4 4<div><br /></div>
1435514582427 1435368063410 Pheromones<br />
1435514930840 1435368063410 Process of Encoding Information
1435514944663 1435368063410 Process that Aid in Encoding Memories
1435514951921 1435368063410 Types of Memory Storage Sensory<div>Working</div
1435513933845 1435368063410 Spreading Activation
When a node is stimulate
d, all neighboring nodes are also stimulated
1435515017748 1435368063410 Memory Dysfunctions
Alzheimer's Disease<div>
Korsakoff's Syndrome</div>
1435515035729 1435368063410 Interference (Memory)
1435515048983 1435368063410 Source Monitoring
1435515062236 1435368063410 Long-Term Potentiation
1435515438818 1435368063410 Behavioral Genetics
1435515528719 1435368063410 Motor Development
1435516047546 1435368063410 Classical Conditioning
1435516099630 1435368063410 Neutral Stimulus
1435516105543 1435368063410 Conditioned Stimulus
1435516110207 1435368063410 Unconditioned Stimulus
1435516123299 1435368063410 Acquisition
1435516126165 1435368063410 Extinction
1435516137615 1435368063410 Operant Conditioning
1435516146625 1435368063410 Extinction (Operant)
1435516152568 1435368063410 Positive Reinforcement
1435516157670 1435368063410 Negative Reinforcement
1435516197244 1435368063410 Punishment
1435516199140 1435368063410 Escape
1435516201231 1435368063410 Avoidance
1435516247692 1435368063410 Biological Processes that Affect Observational L
earning Mirror Neurons<div>Vicarious Emotions</div>
1435516300594 1435368063410 Elaboration Likelihood Model
1435516313791 1435368063410 Social Cognitive Theory
1435516318054 1435368063410 Factors that Affect Attitude Change
1435877726425 1435368063410 Bipolar Disorder
Cyclic mood episodes at
both extremes or poles: depression and mania (Two types)
1435877614044 1435368063410 Major Depressive Disorder
1435514789058 1435368063410 Types of Problem Solving
1435514807726 1435368063410 Approaches to Problem Solving
1435514794218 1435368063410 Barriers to Effective Problem Solving
1435514816173 1435368063410 Heuristics
1435514824777 1435368063410 Biases (Problem Solving)
1435514831345 1435368063410 Theories of Intelligence
1435514889162 1435368063410 Sleep-Wake Disorders
1435515088277 1435368063410 Brain Areas that Control Language and Speech
1435515199071 1435368063410 Brain Regions Involved in the Generation and Exp
erience of Emotions
1435515199071 1435368063410 Brain Regions Involved in the Generation and Exp
erience of Emotions
1435515220700 1435368063410 Emotion and the Autonomic Nervous System
1435515328363 1435368063410 Structure and Function of the CNS
1435515321783 1435368063410 Structures of the PNS Cranial Nerves<div>Spina
l Nerves</div><div>Vagus nerve</div>
1436303364021 1435368063410 Mechanoreceptors
Sensory receptors that r
espond to mechanical disturbances<div>(Ex. Auditory hair cells, Pacinian corpusc
1436304162794 1435368063410 Chemoreceptors Sensory receptors that respond t

o particular chemicals (Ex. olfactory and gustatory receptors)

1436304180748 1435368063410 Nociceptors
Sensory receptors that respond t
o pain
1435514512666 1435368063410 Function of the Eye
1435516344816 1435368063410 Locus of Control in Self-Concept and Self-Identi
1435516406658 1435368063410 Influence of Individuals
>Imitation<div>Looking-Glass Self</div><div>Role-Taking</div>
1435516454790 1435368063410 Attributional Processes <div>@@@@@@@@@@</div>Fun
damental Attribution Error<div>Role of Culture in Attributions</div>
1435516675301 1435368063410 Expressing Emotion
1435516796588 1435368063410 Prejudice and Discrimination
1435516425418 1435368063410 Influence of Groups
nce Group
1435516509739 1435368063410 Processes that Contribute to Prejudice <div>@@@
@@@@@@@</div>Power, Prestige, and Class<div>Role of Emotion in Prejudice</div><d
iv>Role of Cognition in Prejudice</div>
1435516390647 1435368063410 Influence of Social Factors on Identity Formatio
1435516374145 1435368063410 Theories of Identity Development
1435516877082 1435368063410 Violence in the Family Child Abuse<div>Elder Ab
use</div><div>Spousal Abuse</div>
1435516897089 1435368063410 Types of Religious Organizations
1435516924545 1435368063410 Religion and Social Change
1435771231237 1435368063410 Evolution and Human Culture
1435771235740 1435368063410 Transmission (Culture)
1435771242421 1435368063410 Diffusion (Culture)
1435772316020 1435368063410
1435772340980 1435368063410 Patterns in Fertility and Mortality
1435772354329 1435368063410 Push and Pull Factors in Migration
1435772290848 1435368063410 Theories of Demographic Change <div>@@@@@@</div
>Malthusian Theory<div>Demographic Transition</div>
1435516931077 1435368063410 Government Power and Authority
1435771140185 1435368063410 Comparative Economic and Political Systems
1435771176494 1435368063410 Elements of Culture
1435772278708 1435368063410 Patterns of Immigration Different historical eve
nts lead to changes in immigration
1435772385994 1435368063410 Factors Contributing to Globalization <div>@@@
@@@</div>Communication Technology<div>Economic Interdependence</div>
1435772422078 1435368063410 Social Changes in Globalization <div>@@@@@@</div
>Civil Unrest<div>Terrorism</div>
1435772537520 1435368063410 Power, Privelege, and Prestige<br />
1435772573611 1435368063410 Intergenerational and Intragenerational Mobility
1435515506606 1435368063410 Regulatory Genes and Behavior
1435771219991 1435368063410 Counterculture A&nbsp;
1435771222710 1435368063410 Mass Media
1435516219171 1435368063410 Biological Processes that Affect Associative Lea
1435515522677 1435368063410 Prenatal Development
1435772258147 1435368063410 The Social Construction of Gender
1435772282329 1435368063410 Intersections with Race and Ethnicity
1435516828314 1435368063410
1435772375794 1435368063410 Movement Strategies and Tactics
1435772467505 1435368063410 Residential Segregation
1435772477429 1435368063410 Neighborhood Safety and Violence

1435772584181 1435368063410 Vertical and Horizontal Mobility

1435772606363 1435368063410 Social Exclusion
1435772610740 1435368063410 Segregation
1435772612923 1435368063410 Isolation
1435772624266 1435368063410 Healthcare Disparities <div>@@@@@</div>Class<di
1435515007714 1435368063410 Processes that Aid Retrieval
1435515066762 1435368063410 Theories of Language Development
1435515578990 1435368063410 Situational Approach to Explaining Behavior
1435515671806 1435368063410 Trauma- Related Disorders
1435515680666 1435368063410 Stressor-Related Disorders
1435515823293 1435368063410 Cognitive Theory
1435516010129 1435368063410 Perspectives on Deviance
iv>Differential association<div>Labeling Theory</div><div>Strain Theory</div>
1435516203646 1435368063410 Cognitive Process Role in Associative Learning
1435516496571 1435368063410 How Perceptions of the Environment Shape Our Per
ceptions of Others
1435516632458 1435368063410 Group Size
1435516670636 1435368063410 McDonaldization
1435516651927 1435368063410 Bureaucracy
@@@@@@@<br />Characteristics<div
1435516665498 1435368063410 Iron Law of Oligarchy
1435516790364 1435368063410 Individual vs. Institutional Discrimination
1435514487701 1435368063410 Sensory pathways
1435514515859 1435368063410 Visual Pathways in the Brain
1435514629278 1435368063410 Depth
1435514629278 1435368063410 Depth How far away something is&nbsp;
1435514631008 1435368063410 Form
Size and shape
1435514632183 1435368063410 Motion
1435514633394 1435368063410 Constancy
1435515391636 1435368063410 Spinal Cord
1435515417801 1435368063410 Endocrine System
1435515410664 1435368063410 Influence of Neurotransmitters on Behavior
- Glutamate (Excitatory)<div>- GABA and Glycine (Inhibitory)</div>
1435515400249 1435368063410 Neuronal Communication and its Influence on Beha
1435515430937 1435368063410 Effects of the Endocrine System on Behavior

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