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Final Examination of Traditional Chinese Medicine (A)

Class ______________ NO.______________ Name ______________

Attention: All the following questions should be answered on the answer sheet.(60)
1. The holistic concept and ______ are the basic characteristics of TCM.
A. treatment based on disease differentiation
B. treatment based on symptom differentiation
C. treatment based on syndrome differentiation
D. treating the same disease with different therapies
2. ____ is the earliest medical classic extant in China.
A. Huangdis Internal Classics
B. Classic on Difficult issues
C. Shennongs Herbal
D. General Treatise on the Etiology and Symptomology
3. _____ is the classic to lay the theoretic foundation of treatment based on syndrome
A. Huangdis Internal Classics
B. Classic on Difficult issues
C. Shennongs Herbal
D. Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases
4. ____ is the material basis of the functional activities of the human body to maintain its life
activities in TCM.
A. Yin B. Yang C. Qi D. Essence
5. According to yin-yang theory, among a day, the early half night belongs to______
A. yang within yin B. yin within yin C. yin within yang D. yang within yang
6. According to yin-yang theory, the liver belong to the category of ______.
A. yin within yin B. yin within yang C. yang within yang D. yang within yin
7.____ has the characteristics of flaming upward, brightness, warmness.
A. Earth B. Fire C. Water D. Wood
8. According to the five phases(elements) theory, the spring season belongs to ____.
A. earth B. metal C. water D. wood
9. According to the five phases(elements) theory, the heart corresponds to ____.
A. earth B. metal C. fire D. wood
10 . ______ corresponds to wood.
A. East B. West C. North D. South
11. According to the five phases (elements) theory, ____ is not correct.
A. metal generates fire. B. fire restrains metal.
C. earth generates metal. D. wood restrains earth.
12. According to the five phases (elements) theory, ____ is not correct.
A. wood restrains earth B. earth restrain water
C. water restrains metal D. metal restrains wood
13. The five zang-viscera include_____.
A. the heart, the liver, the spleen, the kidney and the lungs
B. the heart, the liver, the gallbladder, the stomach and the brain

C. the heart, the brain, the lungs, the liver and the kidney
D. the heart, the lungs, the liver, the stomach ant the kidney
14. Which One belongs to the category of mother disease affecting the son organ?
A. spleen disease affecting lung
B. liver disease affecting kidney
C. heart disease affecting kidney
D. heart disease affecting lung
15. ______ dominates the qi activity in TCM.
A. Spleen B. Lungs C. Heart D. Kidney
16. ____ is the material basis of heart to dominate mind.
A. Body fluid B. Essence C. Blood D. Sweat
17. ______ circulates within bloods vessels and travels throughout the body and has a nourishing
and hemoproducing function.
A. Congenital qi B. Acquired qi C. Nourishing qi D. Defending qi
18.____ is not the function of lungs.
A. Clearing the airway B. Producing pectoral qi C. Smelling D. Moisturizing skin
19.____ is not the function of the heart.
A. Blood transportation B. Regulating blood volume
C. Stopping bleeding D. Blood transformation
20. ____ is the physiological characteristic of spleen.
A. Aversion to dryness B. Desire for dryness
C. Desire for wetness D. Aversion to coldness
21. ____ is not the pathogenic manifestation of the liver.
A. Blurred vision
B. Declined hearing
C. Tending to feel angry D. Stasis blood
22. Heart opens into____.
A. tongue B. ear C. eye D. nose
23. The kidney corresponds to ___.
A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter
24. _____ corresponds into joy in TCM.
A. Spleen B. Lungs C. Heart D. Kidney
25. _____ corresponds into tears in TCM.
A. Spleen B. Lungs C. Liver D. Kidney
26. The spleen opens into the _____, and manifests on the ______.
A. nose, face B. eyes, lips C. ears, tongue D. mouth, lips
27._____ pathogen tends to float, move and change.
A. Cold B. Wind C. Summer heat D. Dampness
28. _____ pathogen tends to impair yang, coagulate and contract.
A. Cold B. Wind C. Summer heat D. Dampness
29. _____ is the first and foremost cause of diseases.
A. Cold B. Wind C. Summer heat D. Dampness
30._____ is a pathogenic factor characterized by its impediment to qi movement, turbidity,
heaviness, stickiness and flowing downward.
A. Cold B. Wind C. Summer heat D. Dampness

31._____ is a pathogenic factor apt to injure the lung and consume fluid.
A. Cold B. Dryness C. Summer heat D. Dampness
32. _____ is a collective term for various highly infectious epidemic diseases among six
A. Cold pathogen
B. Wind pathogen
C. Pestilential pathogens D. Fire pathogen
33.______ is an abnormal concretion occurring mostly in the urinary and biliary tracts, usually
composed of mineral salts.
A. Static blood B. Stones C. Cold D. Fire
34. ____ causes the most pain among six pathogens.
A. Cold B. Dryness C. Summer heat D. Dampness
35. According to TCM, if there is a prolonged conflict between healthy qi and pathogenic qi, then
the diseases is ____.
A. recovered B. aggravated C. continued D. changed
36. _____ is the general term for all kinds of pathological changes due to imbalance and
incoordination of yin and yang.
A. Yin-yang transformation B. Yin-yang interaction
C. Yin-yang disharmony
D. Yin-yang restriction
37. If yin or yang collapses, then the diseases ___.
A. recover B. cause death C. aggravate D. dont have any change
38._____ is a pathological change characterized by impeded circulation of qi that leads to qi
stagnation, usually manifested as distension or pain in the affected area.
A. Qi counter flow B. Qi stagnation
C. Qi collapse
D. Qi sinking(fall)
39. The key point to distinguish six qi and six pathogens is _____.
A. whether climate change is sudden
B. whether it is cold or warm
C. whether it causes disease
D. whether it causes death
40. There is no separate yin or yang. indicates _____.
A. yin-yang disharmony
B. yin-yang transformation
C. yin-yang interdependence
D. yin-yang restrain
41. Four properties of Chinese traditional medicine refer to _________ nature of a herbs.
A. cold, hot, warm and cool
B. pungent, sweet, sour, bitter
C. lifting, lowering, floating, sinking
D. wood, fire, earth, water
42. Herbs of _____ have the effects of astringent therapeutic action.
A. sweet B. sour C. bitter D pungent
43. Herbs of _____ taste have the effects of purgative action, and softening and resolving hard
A. salty B. sour C. sweet D. bitter
44. _________ refers to a medicinal herbs selective therapeutic effects on some portion of the

A. Meridian tropism B. Toxicity C. Five tastes D. Four propertis

45. ______ means that one herb can relieve or lessen the toxicity and side effects of the other.
A. mutual reinforcement B. mutual detoxication C. inhibition D. incompatibility
46. The _____ drug can lead the other dugs in the prescription to the effected parts or meridians
and regulate the effects of other drugs in the prescription.
A. monarch B. minister C. assistant D. guide
47. Which of the following statements about inspection of spirit is not true?
A. Inspection of spirit can enable one to understand whether the essence is exuberant or
B. In broad sense, spirit means the total external manifestations of the life activities of human
C. In narrow sense, spirit means the mental activities including consciousness and thinking of
D. The facial complexion is the key points in inspection of the spirit.
48. Yellow complexion indicates _______ syndrome and ______ syndrome.
A. excess, heat B excess, damp C. deficiency, damp D. deficiency, cold
49. Black complexion indicates syndrome of _______ deficiency, cold syndrome, blood stasis and
water retention syndrome.
A. spleen
B. heart C. lung D. kidney
50. White tongue coating is usually seen in _______ syndrome and cold syndrome.
A. exterior B. interior C. damp D. wind
51. Yellow tongue coating is usually seen in ________ and ______ syndrome.
A. exterior, heat B. exterior, cold C. interior, heat D. interior, cold
52. Red and deep-red tongue indicate _______ syndrome.
A. cold B. heat C. interior D. exterior
53. The thickness of the tongue may reflect the _______ of the disease and the prosperity or
decline of the pathogens.
A. nature B. degree C. location D. etiology
54. The moistening and dryness of the tongue coating reflects the changes of the ______ in the
A. vitality B. healthy qi C. blood D. body fluid
55. The ______ tongue coating is composed of smooth and fine evenly distributed grains difficult
to scrap off.
A. putrid B. greasy C. moist D. thick
56. _________ refers to the facial complexion of a sick person.
A. Normal complexion B. Dominant complexion
C. Visiting complexion D. Morbid complexion
57. Floating pulse indicates_____ syndrome.
A. heat B. cold C. interior D exterior
58. _____ is coming and going smoothly like the movement of beads on a abacus.
A. Slippery pulse B. Astringent pulse C. Powerful pulse D. Full pulse
59. Taut pulse indicates disorders of _____ and _____, pain syndrome, phlegm retention and
A. spleen, stomach B. heart, small intestine C. liver and gallbladder D.kidney and bladder

60. ______ indicates interior syndrome.

A. Floating pulse B. Deep pulse C. Weak pulse D. Thready pulse
II. Fill in the blanks. (40)
1. The concept of entirety has 2 layers of meaning, which are ____________________ and
2. ____________ circulates within the blood vessels and travels throughout the body and has a
nourishing and hemoproducing function; _________ moves outside the conduits and travels
between the skin and flesh and has guarding and warming functions.(qi category)
3. In viscera manifestation theory, according to the morphological structures, _______ are
substantive organs; _______ and _______are hollow organs with cavity;
4. In the meridian and collateral theory, _________ is also categorized into viscera, thus, six
viscera is called.
5. The main physiological functions of heart are __________________ and
6. ______ is the upper source of water. (5 viscera)
7. The six bowels (fu-organs) in TCM are _______, _______, _______, ________, _________
and ___________.
8. The dry and withered hair is mostly caused by ______ disease (5 viscera).
9. Anger in excess makes the ______ qi ascending(5 viscera).
10. Bile, transformed from the residue of _____ qi ,is stored in _______, enters _______ by free
coursing of _____ qi to promote digestion and absorption of water and food.
11. ______ functions to digest and decompose food into chime primarily.
12. ________, a collective term for the three portions of the body cavity in the belly, through
which the viscera qi is transformed. Lung is located in _________.
13. Characteristic of excess in mechanism is the exuberance of _______ and deficiency of
___________. (qi category)
14. The 3 factors for treatment in TCM should be considered are _________, ________ and
15. The four diagnostic methods include __________, auscultation and olfaction, _________ as
well as pulse feeling and palpation.
16. Inspection of the whole body is to examine the _______, _________, shape and posture of
the whole body to get a general diagnosis of the disease.
17. ___________is a pathological generalization of the disease in its certain stage, it reflects the
essence and inference are made according to the clinical materials acquired by different diagnostic
method to decide the type and nature of a disease.
18. _______ spirit indicates sufficient qi, normal visceral functions, mild pathological state and
favorable prognosis for diseases.
19. __________ is the ideal time for taking pulse because the conditions of the pulse are not
affected by food and other activities.
20. The pulse should be taken at least for _________ each time in order to correctly examine the
conditions of the pulse.
21. When taking the pulse, the ______ finger presses on the guan

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